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tv   News  RT  July 30, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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version going underground can the, i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body open as well, a headquarters in color. also, this is very typical for the cold, the color revolutions, the green goes designed. nicholas, my dear, oh, slow us 1st sparking i quote, the color of revolution in venezuela. coming in, it proved testers flashing with police and burning posters of the president's image . also a head, the cale south is really rioters storm. and the idea of facility under the tension all the soldiers suspected of abusing a palestinian prison. also
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a head on the program is revealed. a police culture sniper notified secret service colleagues of our roof. tough thread, a full 19 minutes before the attempted assassination of donald trump. warnings, which were a party left on the from us go to the world. this is your are to international. great to have your company. let's get into our top story. more than 20 military officers across the nation have been injured and posted election on risk in venice. wheeler, dozens of protesters. how being arrested following disturbances police took to the street splashing at with people, took the space flashing with police and burning posters with the president's image . to protest the victory, all the incumbent nicholas madura, which according to opposition claims, was ranked. i think i'm doing my hand. i'm getting an image here of the building of
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the united socialist body of and as well a headquarters in color bozo. here it is in killable is a, a group of criminals. we are coming for all of you, rest assured when i say something i do it, we do it. they have also proceeded to burn down holes. that's our headquarters of public power. this is very typical of what they call the color revolutions. the green goes design. this is not the 1st time with placing both with placing design. they are trying to impose even as well as a fascist and come to the revolution that included. so again, the same countries and faster as far right groups run by us imperialism that supported the self proclaimed president, one quite built in 2019 a question in the electoral process, even as well as well. let's get more from our correspondence. steve sweeney, who joins us live, a big development,
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steve. it's all happening in venice. we let no nicholas materials spoke of a us by color revolution playbook playing out in venice. way like, can you just brief darling those comments? what's the background to that? well now we're seeing this huge on rest in venezuela. following the announcement, the nicholas, my daughter, had won the vendors, white in presidential election around 20 offices, minute 2 offices have been injured and thousands of protesters have been detained. now, he referred to a us by called a revolution being played out in venezuela. of course, he's referring back to a 2019 the last election in the country or the last presidential election in the country which sold exactly the site and savings being played out. there were months of violent unrest. he described as a, a fascist who attends for he won't be like all the one the election. so we're saying exactly this. i'm a product and ready the election of
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a do low cost in to down to which it was back in $20.00. 19, of course countries refused to recognize him as the legitimate president us the u. k. the european union. uh, you know, washington allies in athens, and instead they recognized uh, the usa as he was told one why those who never even stood in the presidential elections. but these things now that we're seeing, again, we're seeing that repeated pots, and we can see some of these bottoms things on the screen of the, the so incredibly troubling savings the on the street. so if the event is waiting
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capital a cut off, because now i spoke to, one of the election, observe is just this morning. and he explained to me that while he was leaving the country, he was heading to the apple along with the a team of observe, isn't that coach was set upon by what he described as us, but right, when is now a t, i'm the observer team that would they being returned to the hotel? he's got to stay that for at least 2 days for his own safety, but what he described and what you saw on the street floor. he said this looks very much like an attempted co. now, it is worth noticing that the us bought opposition groups on the same across the world. they have claimed that every single election that they have lost has been reg. they've never really presented any compelling evidence. and uh, now with the opposition in brothers why that is again claiming victory we
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want to tell open his way then to the entire world advantage where that has a new president elect and it is and moved to gonzalez. so as we can see, this is exactly the same as back in 2019. when one gladto, he proclaims victory on a game. washington has hinted new sanctions on venezuela. oh, of course it's already under heavy functions from uh, the united states, but its promise a new round of functions following this votes. i'm, this is not to say that the venezuelans themselves may be your own happy with their leader or the some of them want to change over 40 percent voted against the quite a healthy number. there are 2, but when it comes to it, when you look down at the election was dismissed as falsified before those results . those poll results even came out of what exactly, that's right. i mean, the united states, of course, it was very quick out of the trap to denounce the election with the outcome of the
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election before the final vote was even counted. we saw the effective state and they blinked and saying that he was concerned that it didn't reflect the will of the venezuelan people. now we've also had reaction from these countries as may be associated with the lima group, which was set up in 2017. it sided signed a declaration in the peruvian capital, but these are so called comfortable countries made the countries the box, the united states and the labor group come countries. well they again, back in 2019 they code for exactly the same thing. they called for the rerun of the election and they want to that transition of power from nicholas mal. do i then to one why do a now it will be to that gonzalez. so these seems that we're seeing on the streets a straight out of the us copy book. we have to say we see this similar in, in nicaragua, we saw a similar in cuba which are old uh, so pump. so yeah,
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the so called troy of tyranny as they've been done by the united states. now, of course, washington has a history longer than my almost into favorites of intervention, an even invasion. we can save the us reaction or we can hear the rest of the auction in 2020. i compare it to what is being said. now we just have to be clear that our venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one and it didn't work and it's just been. is an embarrassing mistake after mistake. since 1st we thought that getting why go to declare himself present would be enough to topple using. then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the
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end, we applaud the venezuelan people for their participation in the presidential election and we commend their craters and commitment, democracy, democracy in the face of oppression. then adversity. we've seen the announcement from overnight by the venezuelan elect oral representatives, and we have serious concerns that this result does not reflect the willing, the votes of the venezuelan people. of course we can see those reactions that almost identical and they being reported that way in a comply media as well. and it does appear to be quite a bit of sour grapes here because i completely understand that and opposition would what not want to lose an election. but you have to give evidence. you have to say point side where the problem lies. what was done wrong was not offered? well, the housing be not much in the way of compelling evidence as we stay in the the is the result was doubted even before the final vote came in. but one thing that the
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opposition and the united states and his allies are pointing to that uh, pointing to pointing before the election, which showed the opposition kind of a um, edward no gonzales, that he was predicted to win some of the ones that can change it. as we know, sold exactly, i said that he was predicted when in a landslide, this was a game repeated across the west in the us back media. these have holding the end of socialism and venezuela. uh, the uh, the poll that they've used as well as which he like shows that they've very close to the c i may call really be described as to the independent then as well as right wing opposition and u. s. media outlets claim there was fraud in the july 28th election based on an exit poll, done by us government linked firm edison research, which works with c, i a link us state propaganda oregon's, and was active in ukraine, georgia and
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a rack. so later today, as i understand that there's a big job east, a demonstration planned in cut off costs of the situation could intensify. washington for now, when it remains so that it's my last a game. but when it's sole, it's dangerous. steve ice pretty much spring a street on r t. c. sweeney. as well. just stand on the same criticism that has been leveled out spanish. really. it's not all one way because there are voices of support for the re elected president being hard to for latin american country so far cubic argue a 100. busy olivia, they've recognized the result with russia, china run serial. north korea sized africa on the global list. what are 2 spoke earlier with a senior n c official from the latter nation who is observing the venezuela elections. he sees the accusations coming from some western states suggest imperialistic. notice
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that people run into our lives. ok. they would decide that we don't want to to vote in to power an intro government elections the way i choose for live transparently very democratically. people are lectures, no, i need to do them as we saw in we went through their participation as outside of us . so i would, i agree with the reservation messages from to about their, their, their, their, their, their pro west of interest. at least i can. but it hasn't been to should that individual was august the month trying to do is just to wow is opposed to the elections. what i think is the next binds, you know, the agenda and those nations, those. why in the us, you, all those nations are, those are the 2 items that i mean, those who are parole in kid that lives in big, much disappointed that been as well,
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that could not be kept in this evictions. and the problem is when i say no, we want to continue my food. i want to go on this part of the doctors i'm to get our reiser is in israel have store and then i the facility and also a detention center for palestinian prisoners. what protesters plus with military police doesn't smell is to break into the beef lid military base. on the spot, at least 9 soldiers suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner were being interrogated on the face of the time. they were earlier taking for questioning from the city to non detention facility, which was the other side of touch by true testers. meanwhile, the connecticut, so a heated exchange between lawmakers, a member of the right when the crude party called for
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a voting strike and part of it to stand in solidarity with the rest is sold to the insanity that outcomes the scene around this story. it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give a personal example here. i see now and i called other coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not going to vote on anything any more until this story and this insanity that someone in the prosecutor's office thinks it's possible to come in at the soldiers for things they're doing to the knock. but saturday is not over and i am really asking, and i think my colleagues and friends will do well if they do the same is i this week, and i'll continue as usual to insert a stick in a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's enough, but everything is legitimate. everything. well, the situation has, he had again demonstrated the existing split within the nothing yahoo government in condemning the violence is really opposition leader. yeah,
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your life. it also demanded the right wing members. all the connected who joined the demonstration, be sucked. we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in the this old red lines were crossed as a if the then the who does not fly the ministers who participated in this fight and rates today. he is not fit to represent the state of his role as well as those protesting including those heard is really lawmakers on ministers had gathered to defend the soldiers spitting their recruits just doing their job. members of the crowd also labeled that attention to shameful human rights act investment for a different vision of events. so and welcome the investigation well, fall too late. these really military finally recognize the contract. no crimes committed by soldiers against palestinians and that custody. this incident is one of many recent reports we centers riley will start to use regarding sylvia violence including sexual abuse. there have been many accusations coming out over the past
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few months from west lo israeli soldiers that have served their claiming that is really soldiers habit of using palestinians. when i say cause cities, of course i mean gardens, people who came out from the hamas with back in october 7th, and other gardens that were caught up in operation sweeps. that is really army did . some of the accusations claim that the prisoners had their hands tied together so tightly, they lost blood flow in our hands had to be educated after being in that position for many, many days. none of these accusations have been proven, but many files and investigation have an open. what happened recently was that one of the prisoners was of use sexually. he was born to the hospital in uh, in uh, um, in the south and uh they went in the military police went in to not arrest. but the chain for questioning 8 is really sold. there's nothing soldiers are not ordinary soldiers and ages $18.00 to $21.00. they are military reserves. people who are traditionally older, more mature, more responsible. so was quite surprising that they were reserved soldiers and
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women went into the chain ma'am. quite make out. and they resisted being detained, the arrival of rioters, and attempts to break into bases or serious unlawful behaviors bordering on energy, harming the i. d, f, the security of the state and the war effort. and i do know that the prime minister of israel and the president of israel and gone himself, has condemned what they did to the military police and military police have to do their job and investigate any claims of abuse. well, let's keep a focus on the region because 3 people are injured in the southern lebanese village of good for women on monday and mid escalating violence between 11 on the news. real id f. drones are believed to have been employed in the attack, but left civilians hurt on the cars of legs. separates, strikes are reported to taking place in the tons of coolant ship, pensions escalated, folding, his bowlers allegedly attacking the golan heights of the weekend. that claimed the lives of 12 units a little, the militant group denies responsibility. these really prime minister promise
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a tough response. the not the same. the state of these real will not and cannot let this pass. our response will come and it will be harsh. for the news editor of west asian focus the cradle side as the bottom country, it will say if israel goes head to head with his bullet, it will and least region why conflict bringing in allies of 11 on the policy. and it's at this point is because i saw red day, they saw you know, constant either or keeps saying we're going to attack by day by mid february. then they said, we're gonna start by mid april, then they west of june. anyways, july were coming in on august and now they're saying they're going to attack in a few days that they want to war the last few days. they live on these people, they continue on with their lives because there's really no other ways to go about the driveway. they are not, this is not a line of said. there's a have more than one passport and kind. you're not the trouble. the have dropped
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off names and go leave somewhere else. this is their land. this is where they are. find me. these are from these are all simply after 9 months has been unable to defeat the risk. the policy never ceased as even gossip, which is the smallest member of the resistance x's. right. his ball law is magnet. those of size larger and stronger. it has better armament, and they are capable of heating east broadway to guide it and on guided me cells across the entirety of the occupied territories. the moment is ralph decides to spend the, they have to expand the war on the, on, on is the moment. these are all gets bogged down enough and even bigger conflict that they have no way out of it. why do they have no way out of because there is no interest from the political sphere to reach a cease fire in? gosh, because because ball i chose like the human needs and the right you receive this, how said stopped the current mission, gusta and we will stop the fighting as well for multiple states or warning over the risk of a full scale, middle east war with some calling on their citizens,
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to avoid or indeed leave 11 on immediately because of the high possibility of new strikes, a number of airlines canceled flights to be routing, treating our friends and live terms of footage from a roof that cover every international airport shows large numbers of people seeking to get out of the country and mid flight delays, we heard from one of them, the falling off of the my flight was cancelled. they told us it will be tomorrow. it's 8 to 12 o 9 o'clock in the morning. we are good because many people said they are going to close the airport. this will home us. we a citizens where the wheel arabs are foreigners. we need to find out what is happening. we need to be safe. are we going to stay here, or are we going to leave? we need to know the current situation. and other regional developments that turkish presidents made headlines with a strongly forceful suggestion as to how to establish peace in the meetings. read all about it at r t dot com, the, in the,
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after most of the assassination attempt to double trump. a mess of questions has emerged over security feelings with the latest revelations, disposing the police sniper responsible for protecting the nearby roof, where the government fired from warned his secret service colleagues of the visible threat before signing off shift a warning was apparently ignored. and someone follow the lead in smoking and talked, bel cause just so you know, i'm just letting you know because you seem to go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up the she sits into the direct rights in the picnic table, both 50 yards from the exit, many americans are not happy with how it appears that the secret service failed on that day newly released the text messages reveal that a 100 minutes before donald trump spoke, a counter sniper signed off a full 90 minutes before the shooting, the would be assassin was reported as suspicious and being watched. photographs
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were being sent. he was clearly on their radar to loading the round building. we are in a g, i believe it is. i did see him with the re find a looking toward stage for information if you want to notify secret service snipers to the couch. i lost sight of him also a banquet backpacks it and next to it and ralph building that was not so you know, they call it in to come ons and have a uniform check it out. the kid was dead by 611 p. m local time. but before he lost his life, he almost killed president donald trump. now members of congress, grilled the secret service about exactly what happened. john raso was told that they had spotted him an hour beforehand but lost track of them. he was identified as a candidate of suspicion because he had a range find as well as a backpack, and this was open to now before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't the side of the individual. now the person who could have answered all the questions currently being raised with kimberly sheets on the head of the
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secret service, but she has stepped down and that only came after getting non answer after non answer about what really happened on july 13 the with the head of the secret service, not giving answers publicly. many lawmakers had hopes for the upcoming congressional hearings, but even their see dogs questions and even tried to change the subjects. okay, you say you're fully cooperating with this committee on july 15th this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. has the secret service, provided this committee, a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? yes or no. have to get back to you on that. that is a no. have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15th yes or no. i would have to get back to you as a know, you're full of shit today. you're just being completely dishonest. you provided on
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the miranda's within the secret service. i would have to get back to you that is a no. you are being just honest or lying like i just, you're being just honest here with this committee. these are important questions that the american people want answers to. and you're just, you're just dodging and talking around it in generalities. the f b i now tells us that the 20 year old would be assassin made an ominous post in a web for round about video games on the internet. before the fateful day, the fox has learned to the senators, we're told you the old member briefing. the total of groups wrote on a gaming platform called steam, july 13 will be my premier watch as it unfolds. so was this negligence was the secret service to sleep at the wheel. the mirage of revelation, as many americans wondering if the fact that a 20 year old assassin was able to get so close to a former president in front running candidates and take shots,
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while the standard protections failed, was really merely a coincidence. salem often archie, new york, the, the pentagon has that nice the allocation of it to military, a packages for ukraine, totaling more than $1500000000.00. significant losses among ukranian soldiers draft dodging an mazda immigration of cause the significance shortfall of manpower in its army. ortiz, senior correspondent, broadcast the of whose being tracking developments on the front line with this an arm and a sold on the ukranian position, and its aftermath. a column of russian tags keeping distance streams past. this is a major result. they ought to tear apart a kilometer of ukrainian defenses. i'm not sure that i shall take it, but our job is to neutralize these 3 lines to force the enemy out there. my alpha unit is doing it according to our intelligence. there's an empty tank weapon there
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. and here comes the main thrust with tights as expected. brave a go and just of you create the an artillery and drones ukrainians. know if it's, if they guess it's a firing range, damage would be devastated. i was surprised by that. yeah. yeah. so the, the, the spice, a tar and lots and we, for the russian tags reach the destination and losing more than a 100 shelves, that ukrainian defenses upfront. and from the re, uh there are, you know, the tags. so you said you positions that upfront, that is a little bit too much, these tags and then the others, like why we need the support of those tags. cards sold to the bat, raj, these muscle is what you paid in troops survive. this will be in new shape to fight
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back once the a. so troops attack the, it least is it costs the bachelor for ukraine. you know, i'm here a german made leopards tank stands abandoned, but it was too costly. a med, tbs, a key field is increasingly its troops. 2 years ago, they would likely have food to the last. now they run more often than not, be smooth. morales, lack of training and mounting losses, compound ukraine's troubles for fund 4 shots to transfer. we're fighting, drafted troops. they don't know where to go, what to do most surrender once we get to them and the firefight begins the last month at most half an hour,
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drafted troops have literally moved evasion to flights while the veteran tubes. those who are left simply exhausted. why did you surrender? we held our position for 40 days without will to withdrawing from the swamp. there was no way to retreat your commanders a band and you, they did. they told us they would get ourselves and they didn't. increasingly, this new one to replace them with terrific losses, as well as draft dodging and emigration of starved ukraine's army of mine power made this believe the t, as we'll see results to drafting the you've those aged 18 to 25. and that's the, we've covered 2 offices who likely deprive the country of an economic and demographic future more, i guess the of the, they ask region no diabetes. so effects around half
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a 1000000000 people are on the low quite extraordinary. and it is also one of the most expensive diseases to treat. but why does it cost so much? next, or documentary team? here's the views of a group of us fumbling some doctors who believe corporate cover up these behind it . it's only dodge right ahead. stay with the
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i was told time after time after time, there is no such thing as a diabetic diet, just whatever the standard diet is that you've been getting here. just keep giving are that the most important thing is learning how to control with insulin. so when we were in the hospital, i remember them saying eat whatever you want and goes for it. and actually his 1st meal in the hospital was a breakfast burrito, cuz i like best a size no cards. so we'll have to go see for that. but then he wanted to cookies and after every meal, yeah, i think he's and we left the hospital with him being over 300 still my entire nursing career. this is how we've done it. i knew that my patients at my job a whatever they want it and we just gave them this one scale. i knew that there.


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