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tv   News  RT  July 30, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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so it's called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of it as well. a headquarters in color bows out. this is very typical of board, the cold, the color revolutions, the green goes design. nicholas road takes a lot, but you was organizing crew incentives way, not a task protest as class with police. and the president's portrayed spot on the streets of corrupt effect had the payoff and as well as rides a storm and all idea to say, let's say i'm good out to detention old soldiers back to the ultimate using a palestinian prisoner that says connection. and i'm the debate whether the actions,
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bolt, the accused of justified to insert is thinking a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's and nothing about adverbs, van is a gentleman. everything this revealed the police that counts as tonight passed notified, secret service, pony excel. but rooftop drank a full 9 c met before donald trump plus cell tabs. but those warnings apparently went on the very well mackintosh international we had in most their life from our a to. it's great to have your company this well, let's begin. uh, in venezuela was a 20 minute treat offices across the country have been injured in post selection classes with dozens of protest is arrested. people took to the streets on monday,
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faced them off with police and body posters. with the president's image were elected for a 3rd time in office. nicholas madera has slammed the west for once again, trying to undermine stability in the country. i think i'm doing my hand. i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of and as well a headquarters in color bozo. here it is in color was a, a group of criminals. we are coming for all of you, rest assured when i say something i do it, we do it. they have also proceeded to burn down holes. that's our headquarters of public power. this is very typical of what they call the color revolutions. the green goes design. this is not the 1st time with placing work with placing today. they are trying to impose inventories while a fascist and comforter revolution that included. so again,
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the same countries and faster as far right groups run by us imperialism that supported the self proclaimed president, one quite built in 2019 a question in the electoral process even as well as well. that's got more on one of the small correspondent, steve sweeney. i mean, steve, i know that you've been keeping an eye on this since yesterday when we started getting and things like that perhaps on rest was on its way. so missouri that talks about a us fox color resolution. i mean, it just took us through that accusation. but of course this is what we're seeing in venezuela is exactly the same kind of thing that we've seen rolled out protecting countries in boston. american we've seen in nicaragua, we've seen it in cube of the so called foil of tyranny, as it's labeled by now the us of course, the 1st thing that they do is they condemn the electrons. they say the fail rate on the us is very quick on the side us at the state. ok. rubio
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a and he was a sort of us that you start to print and he was very quick to condemn the elections before. the final votes were even counted. he said that he didn't express the will of the people on when, when is a cool, what of course the regime change. take more of these. never far away dictator nicholas madura has once again stolen the presidential election. however, wasn't the narc regime will never steal, is the vanesso as people desire to return to democracy and live in freedom. after decades of tyranny, we must prioritize uniting the free world in rejecting this shim election results. now of course, we've seen the condemnation of the results we seeing the lima group of countries also condemning the result save code for a recount of for the electrons to be placed on the close scrutiny of prostate groups. that's helping 2017. specifically. i am in the transfer of power from
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nicholas my daughter to the on the elected, all physician. and of course that has been another reaction to this. we've seen again the vonem protest erupt, seen on the streets, might be of cut off because a capital we can have a look at some of those things now to the now, of course, this is a game straight out. so the united states playbook, a organizing a vide of protest coating the opposition to take to the streets, to defend democracy, claiming that these protests of them peaceful isn't usually rolled out across a comply, and the united states friend the press across the well well, i mean,
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the same thing, you're talking about this narrative of peaceful protests, but i mean, we are getting a tiny percentage of the imagery and they will take that pretty much tendon if not far more with violence. well, that's right. we know at least 20 minutes. the officers have been wounded in the protest so far, number of protest, i was happy interested. i spoke to an election observer this morning. now he was on a coach, leaving the comp to cut off his heading for the apple. when he described that coach being set upon by what he described as the united states backed sugs and they caused some damage to the coach, it was full to return to the hotel. now he and the team of observers would, they've been advised to stay in the hotel for another 2 days for that. and besides the, he described the streets what, see what you saw on this phase of undoubtedly a us spot. in the middle of all this, we see the opposition claiming victory. we want to tell open his way
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then to the entire will that finish where that has a new president elect and it is in boonville. gonzales and now again this is exactly what we sold back in 2019 the last time. of course we do it. i won the presidential election. we saw a guy in these violent scenes on the streets in the months off to that. and that we saw one guy who came from nowhere. he didn't even stand in the presidential election yet. he claimed to be the legitimate president of the country, was he disappeared as quick as he came. no one remembers quite there. now not even not to play say, but some what i have to ask is obviously, everyone would like to declare themselves the lead to or of a nation, but you actually need evidence to support all the claims. so what evidence, how's the opposition provided? what again the talking about the election itself being rig, but they are very uh, this will compelling evidence to suggest that so it's very difficult to read the
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elections it, but is way that because of the electronic voting system thing to be one of the site is loading systems in the world, but that hanging on this claim in a post to edison research, which ahead of the election. it's a guy in the o position time today i bought a, it's on the guns out as sorry, a 65 percent. a lead in the po box as we keep a pointed out. well, no old is exactly as it seems right table then as well as right wing opposition and us media outlets claim there was fraud in the july 28th. the election based on an exit poll, done by us government linked firm edison research, which works with c, i a link us state propaganda oregon's, and was active in ukraine, georgia and iraq. us now cool is this is a judy replicated across a compliant weston price who have holding the potential for the end of socialism. what they ignored was the hidden devices, paul, which estimated that monroe,
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but just as a 54 percent of the poll compared to 42 percent full gonzalez. now this is practically the result that both candidates receive. now, obviously what was interesting is that the americans are playing the same scenario over and over again. we've counted overdue to come to a, at least a dozen to attempt to cruise over the last 20 years. most of them, the oldest i said from abroad, but here we can hear from one of the perpetrators themselves. we just have to be clear that our venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been an unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one and it didn't work and it's just been an embarrassing mistake after mistake. since 1st we thought that getting, why go to declare and so present would be enough to topple of using then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the
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generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the infesting me. he's back again. this is the same man who admitted and attempted code back in 2020. about 4 years later, he signed almost exactly the same thing. the selection was mod by refreshing. well, before venezuelan started costing violets with exit polls, precinct level reporting and the wave of enthusiasm for the opposition coalition make it nearly impossible to believe president, mature, always claims a victory, a credible. so hey, we say this vicious circle election rejection violence repeats. i'm washington has now hinted new sanctions, of course, venezuela or the heavy sanctioned officers of the united states remains very sole, but when it sole it's dangerous. well, one doesn't like to be suspicious, but it is a sub some point, a string of coincidences to stop looking like a conspiracy that was all correspondent, steve spring,
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bringing us to the very latest on that ongoing situation in venezuela. thank you, steve. while, while some countries off following washington need encouraging, the violence owns on his way the streets voices office support for the re elected president also being housed from across the world nation such as russia, iran, south africa, the serial career expressing confidence in the during the chinese foreign ministry has also come out a change, it's donald pals to next, correct, handle its own internal effect. so far, you may, policy should respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of handling the domestic affairs of the country. they know and freelance john estimates for the scars is such a car and in correct us and i look toral and solve it himself. he says that the process was peaceful and transparent, but the washington will seize any opportunity to dismiss the results as it just.
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what i have seen here is a very impressive electrical system. i concur with the judgement, for example, of the national lawyers guild, which is not a pro mature organization that it was a free fair and transparent election. and every single election observer here that i've spoken to concur isn't that as well. i walked for 90 minutes in central caracas late monday afternoon after the violence at the gun and i was alone and no one was guiding me. i just room the street sort of arbitrarily. i did not see any protest. i did not see any violence. the situation was calm, there weren't too many people in the streets. uh, but my overall sense of it is that there were pockets of agitation. but for the most part, the capital was orderly income. and the concern that i think many of us have is that there will be an escalation, but at this stage of things seem to be quite under control. and the other thing we
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should mention is that there are also hits and celebrations, and particularly in working class neighborhoods, the many supporters of the ignited socialist party have been expressing peacefully their happiness with the outcome. so it's not just, you know, agitation and protest. there's also celebration the reality, i think here is that the united states and it's western allies, i think more accurately described as fast as my from canada. and i routinely talked about the fact that my government is subservient to the dictates of washington. they simply don't like the results, that's what this is about. and they are going to fabricate any kind of a few techs for refusing to recognize the result and agitating for regime change in the country. and that will potentially have disastrous cards. consequences which will go beyond the border borders and then as well, we've seen this repeatedly with us, richard rushing change efforts and i'm hopeful that the situation will come down quickly. washington has a loan and his plate right now outside of venezuela,
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and perhaps they aren't going to invest the time and energy necessary the to create for the problems in the country will just have to see qual, domestic things, and then other parts of the well riotous in israel have assumed an idea, facilities slash detention center for palestinian prisoners and his classes with ministry please. dozens that you want us to break into the bait flipped minute to base the so at least knowing fontes suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner why being interrogated at that site at the time. i know they've been take them for questioning from the set him on detention facilities. so attacks point pro testers. meanwhile, the message for the people that exchanged between roommate, because a member of the right wing, nick food party pulled for if both things so i can call them and
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a sign up for his hour to be arrested. sold to the insanity that outcomes the scene around this story. it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give a personal example here. i see now and i called all the coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not going to vote on anything any more until this story and this insanity that someone in the prosecutor's office thinks it's possible to come in at the soldiers for things they're doing to the nog. but saturday is not over and i am really asking, and i think my colleagues and friends will do well if they do the same is ideas we can all continue as usual to ensure to sticking a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's induct, but everything is legitimate. everything. well, that's the situation you have to get an does seem to demonstrate the existing split within the nothing yahoo government. well condemning the violence is radio position leads a lot to it,
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to mom to the right. when can i ask that members who joined the demonstration? is fact. we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in the this. all red lines were crossed as a if lead on the who does not fly the ministers who participated in this fight and rates today. he is not fit to represent the state of the 0. there is protesting and changing has to be just how does way, you know, may cause administer has had gathered to defend the souls of states and may, will quite just doing that. you all members of the crowd will serve naples, it's pension, shameful. human rights activists have a different perspective though as well. comes the investigation a while far too late. these really military finally recognized the con, signal crime is committed by soldiers against palestinians in the custody. this incident is one of many recent reports we centers, riley, will socrates regarding severe violence including sexual abuse. there have been many optimizations coming out over the past few months from where's the low is
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really soldiers that them serve their planning? that is really soldiers habit of using palestinians. when i say policies, of course i mean causing people who came out from the home office back in october 7th, and other gardens that were caught off in operation sweeps. that is really our, me did some of the accusation playing that the prisoners had their hands tied together so tightly. they lost blood flow and her hands had to be educated after being in that position for many, many days. none of these accusations have been proven, but many files and investigation have an open. what happened recently was that one of the prisoners was abused sexually. he was brought to the hospital in uh, in uh, um, in the south. and oh, they went in, the military police went in to not arrest, but the chain for questioning 8 is really soldiers. nothing. soldiers are not ordinary soldiers and age of 18 to 21. they are military reserves. people who are traditionally older, more mature, more responsible. so it was quite surprising that they were reserved soldiers and when they went into the chain,
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them out and they resisted being detained. the arrival of rioters, and attempts to break into bases or serious unlawful behaviors bordering on energy, harming the i. d, f. the security of the state and the war effort. and i do know that the prime minister of israel and the present in israel and god himself, has condemned what they did to the military police. the military police have to do their job and investigate any claims of abuse. the 3 people were injured and the southern lebanese village of across the men on monday, mid escalating violence between as well. and it smelled in a box. i. d. f. drones, albany, tubby, unemployed in the attacks that left us civilians hot and cause such a place. separate strikes are reported top taking place in the towns of women on ship. pensions of the following has polezza legend striking the golden heights over the weekend. not claims the lives of 12 youths. well, the minutes i'm going to noise. the sponsibility is right. the prime minister has
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promised a tough this phone. which the assume the state of these will will not and cannot let this pass. a response will come and it will be harsh. news that is of west asian focused the cradle fight, tested on career, says that if israel does go head to head with has the law, it will a nice, a region wide conflict. drunk driving in a number of pass at this point is become saw, read 8. so you know the cost then either i'll keep saying we're going to attack by day by mid february. then they said we're gonna start by mid april, then they wasn't doing. then it was realized, were coming in on august and now they're saying they're going to attack enough 2 days that they want to war the last few days delivered these people. they continue on with their lives because there's really no other ways to well about it, right? we, they are now, this is not a line of said, there is a have more than one passport they've gotten, you know, the trouble perhaps grab
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a plane and go live somewhere else. this is their land. this is where they are. find me. these are from israel simply after 9 months has been unable to defeat the risk. the policy never ceased as even gossip, which is the smallest member of the resistance axis. right? because bola is magnet, those of size larger and stronger, it has better armament, and they are capable of heating, east grove, with the guide and on guided me cells across the entirety of. busy by territories, the moment eas, ralph decides to spend the debt to expand the war of name on on is the moment. israel gets bogged down in the median beaker conflict that they have no way out of it. why do they have no way out of? because there is no interest from the political sphere to reach a cease fire in gosh, because because ball i just like the movies and the right to receive the best, i've said stopped the current as you can gusta, and we will stop the fighting as well. multiple sites all morning night for the rest of all the full scale them at least with some putting on us citizens to avoid
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leave nothing and immediately because of the high possibility of fresh strikes, a number of bad lines have council flights to pay route and creating a fronts and have tons of footage from the russet koreans national app, which says large numbers of people seeking to get out of the country. mid to days we had from one of the top of this, of my flight was cancelled. they told us it will be tomorrow, it's 8 to 12 o 9 o'clock in the morning. we are good because many people said they are going to close the airport. this will harm us. we have citizens where the wheel arabs are foreigners. we need to find out what is happening. we need to be safe. are we going to stay here? or are we going to leave? we need to know the current situation. one and all the developmental said talk is presidents made headlines. this is our full full suggestion as to how to establish peace, send them at least for the is right inside shooting box, cooling for the nation to be it's stove from nato. great. what about spot out all
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seats itself upon the fallout from the assassination attempt on donald trump continues latest revelations disclose that a police snipe responsible for protecting the nit by roof. why? the gunman fired from actually wound his secret service colleagues of the visible threat and then signed off his shift. his warning was apparently it cannot that someone follow the lead in smoking and talked by all calls just so you know, i'm just letting you know because you seem to go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up the she sits into the direct right and the picnic table, both 50 yards from the exit. many americans are not happy with how it appears that the secret service failed on that day. newly released text messages reveal that a 100 minutes before donald trump spoke, a counter sniper signed off a full 90 minutes before the shooting. the would be assassin was reported as
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suspicious and being watched photographs were being sent. he was clearly on their radar to loading the round building. we are in a g, i believe it is a did see him with the re find a looking to would stage for information. if you want to notify secret service snipers to the couch. i lost sight of him also it back with backpacks it and next to it and rather of building that was not so you know, they call it in to come ons and have a uniform. check it out. the kid was dead by 611 p. m. local time, but before he lost his life, he almost killed president donald trump. now members of congress, grilled the secret service about exactly what happened. john raso was told that they had spotted him an hour beforehand but lost track of them. he was identified as a candidate of suspicion because he had a range find as well as a backpack, and this was open and now before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't the side of the individual. now the person who could have answered
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all the questions currently being res, with kimberly sheets on the head of the secret service, but she has stepped down and that only came after giving non answer after non answer about what really happened on july 13 with the head of the secret service, not giving answers publicly. many lawmakers had hopes for the upcoming congressional hearings, but even their see dogs questions and even tried to change the subjects. okay. you say you're fully cooperating with this committee on july 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. has the secret service, provided this committee, a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? yes. or no. have to get back to you on that. that is a no. have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15th yes or no. i would have to get back to you as
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a know, you're full of shit today. you're just being completely dishonest. you provided on the miranda's within the secret service. i would have to get back to you that is a no. you are being just honest or lying like i just, you're being just honest here with this committee. these are important questions that the american people want answers to. and you're just, you're just dodging and talking around it in generalities. the api i now tells us that the 20 year old with the assassin made an ominous post in a web forum about video games on the internet. before the fateful day, the fox has learned to the senators, we're told you the old member briefing. the total of crooks wrote on a gaming platform called steam, july 13 will be my premier watch as it unfolds. so what does this negligence with the secret service of sleep at the wheel? the garage of revelation has many americans wondering if the fact that a 20 year old assassin was able to give so close to a former president in front running canada and take shots while the standard
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protections failed was really merely a coincidence. salem often archie, new york, and finding a built by the soviet union in 1988 mid top pub hospital and loss is set to one go a much needed full upgrade, nothing to us on with the russian financing, how the project will improve facilities and equipment, 12 schools are expanding medical paper policies for both personnel and patients all to correspond and rebecca now appear now gives us an insight into wines. this clinic is so crucial law. so face a significant challenges in addressing how equity issues and a central health services, the russian government's investment in the mid stop hop hospital is set to operate facilities and enhance medical compatibility. the program demonstrates a commitment to provide better care for patients across the region while tackling
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health care difficulties. one step at a time, spending at the center of the capital sloth is to meet the pop hospital. the name means friendship. in loud describing the relationship between russia and loss. in december 2021, the russian government announced the resumption of their immunization project on mid pop hospital by 2020 to the russian government allocated 12000000 u. s. dollar through d u n. ops to find the project. with this plan, it's 36 year old hospital aims to undergo a major phase lift. the plan is to create a more modern appearance and also improve facilities, including those with russian meet equipment. in terms of treatment, the can enhance their skew up, our maybe cause staff to training by
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a russian expect additional the new mode in facility and it kicked me in the config didn't. that's our service. you'll be off site quarter, t for prevention and area may be currently like a very short this investment is a game changer for the country. lost a developing country with 7500000 people is the only land lock nation in south east asia. its tropical climate, also warm temperatures and high humidity rings, health challenges to last, like disney, beaver, and long disease. the growing number of trauma patients as well as limited human capital and equipment, has become major concerns for loss. this is
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a reason rational wants to participate in improving long term health facilities and assisting hospital workers. some laxom deal with some of the main emphasis was placed on the social and health sectors. and we will continue to work in these directions, which would help speed the withdrawal of levels from the u. s. least developed countries category and successfully achieved the goals said by the leaders of the country, the level of development. in fact, the friendship between last and russia goes way back. in the past, many low doctors and nurses decided to start the entry and the soviet union, including some who are still working at the pop hospital to this day. one of them is finally em, whatever he used to be the hospital director and work for the last health ministry . it all started when he went to the soviet union in 1966 for the 1st time i got from the 50 by those no health care on the license for peacekeepers of being tardy
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. union the entire republic at that time. and on that point, i am very grateful for the government and the russian people to help him get an education higher education to become a surgeon and to become a director of a hospital advice rector of the university. the hospital had shares the same spirit, and their experiences has contributed to the quality of the pop hospital, the country lucian, half significantly. mean if it, the boss, the country and the people, these people with the expert ties and skew, therefore why excellent. okay. the hospital is excited to welcome its new fees, but it will not only serve as a healthcare center, just like it's main main thought pop hospital is standing strong, to showcase how unity and friendship between 2 countries brings growth. all from one of outside and most good thanks for choosing all t uh but goodbye until the next hour. nice. uh no say the we have.


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