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tv   News  RT  July 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the, the fucking up, i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of it is well, a headquarters in color bozo. this is very typical of the cold, the color revolutions the green goes designed. nicholas platero takes a mess. the us organizing the crew in venezuela top has protested as clash with police and the president portrayed bon on the streets of crocker, also, the company. the tales in israel has rises, storm and the idea. so it's going to see, i'm good at the detention of soul just suspected of, of using a palestinian printed up. in the meantime,
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connect that members to base what the rate can be justified to insert a stick and a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's not ever been as a gentleman, everything you know, the tax seems you said your position is that upfront is a can over to was on all the senior correspondent witnesses a real time time fast so home the don't box front lines say care and that's coming like this on the desktop. 3 pm here in moscow for myself, the whole team at all tease h to welcome. i'm next to choosing us this tuesday. well, let's begin in venezuela. what we've a 20 minute tree also says across the country have been injured and post election
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lashes with thousands of protesters arrested. now people took to the streets on mondays, facing off with a lease and funding posters with the president's image, were elected to a subs tom and office. and it took me to ro, has slammed to the west for once. again, trying to undermine the policy in the country. but i'm building my hand. i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of and as well a headquarters in color bozo. here it is in killable is a group of criminals. we are coming for all of you arrest the show, and when i say something i do is we do it. they have also proceeded to burn down holes. that's our headquarters of public power. this is very typical of what they call the color revolutions. the green goes designed, this is not the 1st done with placing work with placing today they are trying to impose, invent as well as a fascist and come to the revolution that included. so again,
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the same countries and fashion as far right groups run by us imperialism that supported the self proclaimed president, one quite built in 2019 a question in the electoral process given as well. a 20 now correspondence steve sweeney. i mean, steve, we thought in these very says yes today. so you really help in keeping an eye on this for the last 24 hours a so that the official results have just been announced. we didn't probably envisage that this night would happen. maybe we should of because maybe missouri is like this is just straight out of the us paper. well, yes, we just heard the ben is right in president. it will have a daughter and he certainly didn't minutes. his was, as he said, this is straight out of the us playbook, of course, we've seen a similar play doubting nicaragua in cube of the sun cold choice of totally, according to washington. now one of the 1st things that happens in a such a scenario is, what does it move to condemned the election to claim it was rig dental cause
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washington, with 1st all the prompts with the us at the state. and he blinked and saying that the costing downs over the at votes. and he said the, it doesn't really reflect the will of the venezuelan people. he was soon followed by a number of countries from the so called lima group. this was set up in put root in 2017 is i'm was the transfer of power from. but due to the opposition, these are full of course us allies, the so called comfortable countries. and when there's a qu, or a potential to what, of course, the regime change king mall, co, ruby a. well, he's never, far away. dictator nicholas madura has once again stolen a presidential election. however, wasn't the narc regime will never steal. is the vanessa warrants, people's desire to return to democracy and live in freedom. after decades of tyranny, we must prioritize uniting the free world in rejecting this shim election results.
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what in this state, when they talk about uniting the free, well, whatever that means. but again, another essential part of the playbook is to organize at protests quoting on people to take to the streets, to support the opposition to defend democracy. they then claim that these protests all peaceful which as we've seen the anything but p, p. so on then this is judy reported as peaceful protests against a to bind would do 0 in the western press the the . so what we're seeing on our screens and what we've just seen is exactly what we
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saw back in 2019 when again, but due to o one, the presidential election that we saw months of vine and protested, upbeat to destabilize the country. i mean, we've all seen those images that anything but case for and yet the scenario to is being pushed that the people are really just coming out. i'm calling lee austin the door to step down. well, as we think this is anything but the case, we know the at least 20 minute to offices where they've been wounded in these classes. as my daughter, i pointed out his policy offices in one of the best way to states where they've been. but, but dial now. i spoke to an observer this morning now he said that he was set to leave the country. his coach was leaving from the capital cut off as to the airport when he said it was set upon by a group of what he described as us by right wing sucks. now they have to return back to cut off cuz now that he said he's having to stay in
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a hotel for his own safety for at least 2 days. and he described the scenes on the street, correct us as an orchestrated co. now, in the midst of all this, and again, this is that strikes out of the us playbook. the opposition was quite victory. we want to tell open his way then to the entire world that spanish where that has your view president elect and it is and moved to gonzalez of what is a game exactly what we saw in 2019 a bit divine and probably test that out of nowhere a paid one guy though, who claimed, despite never having to even run the in the election to be the legitimate president of venezuela. well, i'm going to claim to have won the opposition this time has claimed to have one. what's the evidence to back up as well? there's very little evidence and very little compelling evidence has been put forward. so following the international observers, they have
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a more than 600 of them from countries across the world. well, they said that there was no evidence of any rigging that the vote was free. fair and transparent. what the opposition and a compliant media, a claim you're going to is this a poll from edison research, which gave the opposition kinds of edmondo gonzalez. he's like, put him a heads up on 65 percent of the vice ahead of the election fox is known as it seems as we see leaks, points out then, as well as right wing opposition and us media outlets claim there was fraud in the july 28th, the election based on an exit poll, done by us government linked firm edison research, which works with c. i a link us state propaganda oregon's, and was active in ukraine, georgia and iraq. and now what they're citing to do is to listen to the, the more respectful organizations,
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including him to life is now ahead of the vote. they estimated the do i would pull with just over 54 percent of the vote. $54.00 compared to 42.8 percent for gonzalez, which is practically what the result showed. now what's interesting is that we're seeing americans playing the same scenario over and over again in venezuela. have been at least 12 attempt to twos in the last 20 years. must most of them accused of being old to cited from abroad. hey, we can hear from one of the alleged orchestra items in the united states. we just have to be clear that our venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been an unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one and it didn't work and it's just been an embarrassing mistake after mistake. since 1st we thought that getting why go to declare and sell present would be enough to topple of using. then we thought putting aid on the border would be
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enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end. well, 4 years later on murphy's back again, and he's saying almost exactly the same thing that you said in 2020 not. let's take a listen of this election was followed by repression. well, the soul, venezuelan started costing violets with the exit polls. precinct level reporting and the wave of enthusiasm for the opposition coalition make it nearly impossible to believe president, mature, always claims the victoria credible. so this seems to be paul of a vicious circle, elections, rejections vitamins and repeat. now, washington has also hinted, but it's going to impose a new regime of functions on, but that's why the event is why that, of course, already under heavy assumptions from washington. but for now the united states is very useful. but when it's so it's dangerous. was it says that ain't broke,
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don't fix it. but it seems that it's a little bit uh broke. that was all to you that steve sweeney bring us to the very latest one is to most who has times and found his way to. thank you, steve. well, while some countries are following washington's reading coverage ng, this fine and so on, venezuela streets were also hearing voices of support for the re elected president, across the walled with nations like russia. iran, south africa, syria and north korea expressing confidence in the tourist facing and moscow who's so come out doing external powers to let correct goods handle its own internal the fuzz mortgage. and we can see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat. although we believe that the opposition should do so, it should congratulate the winters of the selection. of course, it's very important that attempts to sway the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by 3rd countries, 3rd parties, and that then as well as free from outside interference. fall in full policy should
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respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of handling the domestic affairs of the country. they should on the way on freelance john smith. trula scars is carney in correct? us an editorial sub himself, he says that the process was peaceful and transparent, but the washington will seize any opportunity to dismiss the results as images. what i have seen here is a very impressive electoral system. i concur with the judgement, for example, of the national lawyers guild, which is not a pro mature organization that it was a free fair and transparent election. and every single election observer here that i've spoken to concur isn't that as well. i walked for 90 minutes in central caracas late monday afternoon after the violence it began and i was alone and no one was guiding me. i just room the streets sort of arbitrarily. i did not see any
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protest. i did not see any violence. the situation was calm, there weren't too many people in the streets. uh, but my overall sense of it is that there are pockets of agitation. but for the most part, the capital was orderly income. and the concern that i think many of us have is that there will be an escalation, but at this stage of things seem to be quite under control. and the other thing we should mention is that there are also hits and celebrations, and particularly in working class neighborhoods, the many supporters of the united socialist party have been expressing peacefully their happiness with the outcome. so it's not just, you know, agitation and protest. there's also celebration the reality, i think here is that the united states and it's western allies, i think more accurately described as fast as my from canada. and i routinely talked about the fact that my government is subservient to the dictates of washington. they simply don't look like the results. that's what this is about. and they are
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going to fabricate any kind of a pretext for refusing to recognize the result and agitating for regime change in the country. and that will potentially have disastrous cards. consequences which will go beyond the border borders and then as well we've seen this repeatedly with us, richard rushing change efforts and i'm hopeful that the situation will come down quickly . washington has a lot of display right now upside of venezuela, and perhaps they aren't going to invest the time and energy necessary to, to create for the problems in the country will just have to see the, arises in israel have stormed an idea facility slash detention center for palestinian prisoners, mid clashes with military police adults and is actually managed to break in team to pay to lead military base. the the
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at least 9 soldiers suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner, well being interrogated on site at the time. and yeah, they've been taking the questionnaire for me, set them on detention facility, which it also been rounded on by protest. meanwhile, the knesset to a seated exchange between roommate was a member of the right wing. the old policy saved for a voting fly compartment in full authority with the arrest and soldiers. uh, to the incentives he did our country scene around this story. it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give a personal example here. i see now and i called other coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not going to vote on anything any more until this story. and this insanity that someone in the prosecutor's office thinks it's possible to come in at the soldiers for things they're doing to the knock. but saturday is not over. and i am really asking,
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and i think my colleagues and friends will do well if they do the same is ideas we can all continue as usual to insert a sticking a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's enough, but everything is legitimate. everything on the situation is seemingly deepening, already existing risk within the next new off government. as of the pm's opposition? well, yeah enough. it has condemned the finance. well sir demonte not the right wing connected members who joined the demonstration. the fact, we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in the abyss. all red lines were crossed as a if need on the who does not fly or the ministers who participated in this fight and rates today. he is not fit to represent the state of his ro and others protesting, encouraging as we how it is right, new makers on ministers, half down to, to defend the soul. just say to me, real quick, just doing that show members of the problem. so naples, the detention shameful human rights activists have
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a different perspective. so welcoming the investigation a while far too late. these really military finally recognized the con, signal crime is committed by soldiers against palestinians in the custody. this incident is one of many recent reports we centers, riley, will socrates regarding severe violence including sexual abuse. there have been many optimizations coming out over the past few months from where's the low is, is really soldiers that them serve their planning. that is really soldiers habit of using palestinians. when i say accost city is, of course, i mean god and people who came out from the home off the attack in october 7th, and other dozens that were caught up in operation sweeps, that is really army. did. some of the accusations claim that the prisoners had their hands tied together so tightly, they lost blood flow and our hands had to be advocated after being in that position for many, many days. none of these accusations have been proven, but many files and investigation have an open. what happened recently was that one of the prisoners was abused sexually. he was brought to the hospital in uh, in uh,
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um, in the south. and uh, they went in, the military police went in to not arrest, but the chain for questioning 8 is really soldiers. nothing. soldiers are not ordinary soldiers and age of 18 to 21. they are military reserves. people who are traditionally older, more mature, more responsible. so it was quite surprising that they were reserved soldiers and when they went into the chain, them out and they resisted being detained. the arrival of rioters, and attempts to break into bases or serious unlawful behaviors bordering on energy, harming the i. d, f. the security of the state and the war effort. and i do know that the prime minister of israel and the present in israel and god himself, has condemned what they did to the military police. the military police have to do their job and investigate any claims of abuse. 3 people were injured and the southern lebanese village of fall run on on monday and mid escalating violence between as low as an open neva. all you have drones i'll believe to been used and
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the tax that left civilians. hot calls set a blaze separate strikes of a pool to top, taking place in the towns of putting on the shut off tensions. ratcheted up, following has. but as electric strike on the golden heights over the weekend that claimed the lives of 12 youths. although the medicine group denies responsibility is rarely prime minister, has promised a tough results. the not to assume the state of these will will not and cannot let this pass. our response will come and it will be harsh. we spoke to us about and cutting your news at the south, west station focused outlet, the cradle. he predicts that if it's ro does choose to go head to head with has blah, it was a nice region wide conflict. dragging in a number of players at this point is because i saw read that. so you know the cost on either i'll keep saying we're going to attack by day by mid february. then
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they said we're gonna have talk by mid april. then they wasn't due and then it was realized were coming in on august and now they're saying they're going to attack in a few days that they want to war the last few days delivered these people. they continue on with their lives because there's really no. busy other ways to go about it, right? we, they are now, this is not a line of said there is a, have more than one passport and kind, you're not the trouble, perhaps grab a plane and go live somewhere else. this is their land. this is where they are, find me. these are from, these were all simply after 9 months has been unable to defeat the risk. the policy never ceased as even gossip, which is the smallest member of the receipts those axes, right? because ball lot is magnet. those of size larger and stronger, it has better armament, and they are capable of heating, east grove, with the guide and on guided me selves across the entirety of the occupied territories. the moment eas, ralph decides to spend the debt to expand the war of name on on is the moment. israel gets bogged down in the median beaker conflict that they have no way out of
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it. why do they have no way out of because there is no interest from the political sphere to reach a cease fire in gosh, because because ball i just like the movies and the right to receive the best, i've said stopped the current as you can gusta and we will stop the fighting as well. the pens, good house, and i will see on occasion of 2 new weapons packages. see ukraine totally move in $1500000000.00. in the meantime, heavy losses a monkey its troops draft dodging on mass immigration. have caused a significant sho full of manpower in the fall, me or to senior correspondent broadcast if he's been tracking developments on the frontline since the very beginning. witnessed in on the default on a ukrainian position on the soft months. a column of russian tags keeping distance streams past. these is a major result. they are to tear apart a kilometer of ukrainian defenses. i'm not sure that i shall take it for our job is
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to neutralize these 3 lines to force the enemy out there. my alpha unit is doing it according to our intelligence. there's an anti tank weapon there. and here comes the main thrust with tanks as expected. brave a go and just of you crazy, an artillery and drones ukrainians. know if it's, if they guess it's a firing range, the damage will be devastated over size, but, but yeah, so the is the spice. a tar and lots and we find the russian tags reach the destination and losing more than a 100 shelves that you create in defenses upfront. and from the re, uh there are, you know, the tags charge, the sales you said the positions that upfront, but it's a little bit too much these tags. and that is like why we need the
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support of those tags. cards are sold to the by raj, these most of us. what you paid in troops survive. this will be in new shape to fight back once the a. so troops attack the, the lease is it because the bachelor for ukraine, the knobs is here. a german made leopards tank stands abundant, but also costly. the med gibbs acute e c. u is increasingly its troops the 2 years ago they would likely have foot to the last. now they run more often than not be smooth. morales, lack of training and mounting losses, compound ukraine's troubles. so it's little short to transfer. we're fighting,
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drafted troops. they don't know where to go, what to do most surrender once we get to them. and the firefight begins the last month at most half an hour drafted troops have little motivation to flights, while the veteran troops, those who are left simply exhausted. why did you surrender? we held our position for 40 days without water. we drank from the swamp. there was no way to retreat your commanders a band and you, they did, they told us they would get us cells and they didn't increasingly, this new one to replace them with terrific losses as well as draft dodging and emigration of stops ukraine's army of mine power made this believe that t if will suit results to drafting the you've those aged $18.00 to $25.00.
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and that's the we've covered 2 losses who likely deprive the country of an economic demographic future more i guess the of all see that screeching. well, you probably heard that more of that was talked about mass full step mobilization. i thought rump thought such as are increasingly resisting the measures all across the country. now, one form of protest has seen cause driven by minute to personnel who are out that enforcing the job being tourist. some of those incidents have been shed on social media. meanwhile, a small de of a ukrainian and to tank battalion has issued an explicit threat saying that those who set fire to search vehicles will be shot on the spot to get a welcome and you know, but the but tell them come out of the, with agreement from the top leadership, relying on war time, those and called but some unity and a verbal order. i give the go ahead to my flight is the event of detection of these
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villains. these creatures capital punishment should be applied on the spot. and such a thing should set an example. amid yet more military aid packages to ukraine from a bro throughout his prime minister says that his country will not change its foreign policy. despite pressure from craig, for all the feats also one. but if cube doesn't restore the suspended transit of russian oil practice level will hold diesel fuel supplies to a snape park. so can i ask you to escape to pieces? who could i, you know, if the transit of russian oil 3 crane will not be restored to slow enough to will no longer continue its supply of oil to ukraine, which covers one pence of ukrainian consumption. i will say very openly, the one the problem with the korean transit of russian oil cannot change your stance on war and ukraine. the subject to an hungry house being hit, paused by cubes, decision to sanction russia's new oil pipeline,
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a move which has caught off energy supplies to is to new members, and gary and official called the move like now, the claimant aid to plot them is lensky has projected the coolest. impose sanctions on russian oil back in 2022. but it did allow exceptions, but the fact you hungry on the check for public economists down through the past metropolitan university professor that's richard vaughnam says that on to russia, rhetoric has really backfired on your pins. who are suffering economic t from functions dictated. i'm overseas that the overall teacher has, of course being one of those economic dissolves that you have. and these being rapidly the industrialized economies being down to was performed in an old you know, your pain countries. and one of the worst among the just realized countries where is russia is thriving, is being really backfiring and all the europeans are made to,
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to suffer under these us impose sanctions but they're being exemptions, as you mentioned, the probably measures and full hungry and slovakia. they've continued so far as you recently had to receive the alls of life from new call from russia, but that's now being stopped unilaterally by you train. and that's been quite a surprise to these countries because that creates a problems in the gary and so the walk in economy wanted to finish up in uh, nigeria was petrol. chairs grabbing and panic is on the rise as locals phase critical fuel shortages. so as the country braces from nationwide protests over the cost of living crisis. so nigeria state owned royal farmers claim to show full on an issue and it's transport chain. since the capital city of a beer shop and the country's largest commercial how black goals, i've taken a significant hit. now these thoughts just com is active as the gearing up for 10
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days of protest set to kick off on size day. while we spoke to, oh, my last 4 at publish. oh har report. is that a pro democracy activist? he's concerned that the government simply is not listening to the people. is this a legitimate where's the less pressing? good against what the necessary because this time or i'm not doing this, i'm looking for ways to and decays of pressure on of corruption here. and people since the middle us here when the new government to us and not going to, we're trying to very soon as a shock, the location. but i did move out for the gas subsidy and measure and the following that there was a switch in the during chorus and i are. and so, since then i'm doing so i've been suffering and initially the fact that even electronic successfully a confident uh, not legitimate,
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i participated in election. yeah. so it was the lessons that were conducted in the conference. so those general does the official to the government. but what is driving these us as to when suitcases that the people have now gotten to level homelessness? the hungry? yeah, for why just straight can the young people will from the because portion of apple pollution like be unemployed and go back to the to more energy and others seem to care about them. so therefore we get all across the country and globally started from others for us to, to shut down the country. nigeria, that's bad. protest organize is all quoting on the government to reinstate fuel subsidies that president bartlet to new propulsion lifted upon taking office in may of last year. well, since that in the countries, inflation hit record high of 34 percent in order to draw a larger crowd demonstrate has are using the hashed.


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