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tv   News  RT  July 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the jury condemns premises decision to recognize morocco sovereignty over the contested western sahara and recalls its envoy from paris. we speak with the western so far as in baset or to south africa who stresses the legitimacy of the move. france has the blue, colonial thinking and clearly on the politics that comes through the veins. and that is the event d n a. and the that i'm getting an image here of the burning of the united socialist body of an as well a headquarters in color. both of these is very typical of what they call the color revolutions. the green goes designed to nicholas montero points the finger at the u
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. s. for organizing and attempted to. and venezuela that says wiki leaks exposes the fraud. accusations against the president are based on a, c, i a, and link. pull the chaos in israel as rioters storm. an idea of facility, anger, the detention of soldiers to stand suspected of sexually abusing a product and in prison or in the meantime to mess up members debate whether rape can be justified to insert as thinking a person's rector. is that legitimate? yes, if he's and not about everything, and there's a gentleman ever with the the are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. were covering this up new stories from around the world. france is at odds with its former colony, algeria,
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the north african nation has re called. it's a mass that are from france following purposes. recognition of morocco sovereignty over the western sahara, the pro independence organization. paula, sorry upfront, has been sticking autonomy for the territory. since the late 19 seventy's, the foreign ministry and algiers has called the french decision counterproductive, warning that it will only lead to an impass. the old julian government has taken note with great regret and deep disapproval of the unexpected, ill timed, and counter productive decision, or the french government providing unequivocal and unqualified support to morocco's autonomy planned for western sahara. francis decision clearly stems from questionable political motives, morally dubious, assumptions and legal interpretations that lack any foundation or justification. this french decision does not contribute to a peaceful resolution of the western sahara issue. instead, in both thursday,
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impasse, one precisely created by the so called morocco and autonomy plan, which has lasted for more than 17 years. all right, let's get more on this now from our 2 correspond to another for you can google what sled algeria, and make such a strong condemnation of friends. will. rachel? the fights over we samsara state is, has reached a boiling point. so we some, so far as we know, which is a dispute activity claimed by both of the kingdom of morocco. and does he, you pull the sato front to which has an independence movement based into fiber to the annexation of wisdom. so higher by morocco took place in different stages in the 1970s. as you listed, as is considered a, i'm the now let's touch it single home. at the 6 present a manual mccrendon declared french to support to full morocco is the autonomy plan as the sole solution to do so hire a dispute. it was at that particular moment that i'll do. and foreign ministry
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issued a statement criticizing the french to government support a full moral cause plan for western sahara. the statement accused from self inducing what a cause and impose colonial reality and wisdom. so hara a step if claims of no previous phase government has even taken a junior contents that to the support violence international law as we were listening there, as well as contradicting the ongoing you in if it's to resolve the conflict. but this is francis reason fronts autonomy on the mobile console ring t is the framework within which they see she must be resolved all support for the economy plan proposed by morocco in 2007 is clear and on by varying for problems. this plan now represents the only basis for reaching a just last state and negotiated political solution in line with united nations security council resolutions. i know phones is always argue that it's clear and
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consistent support from iraq is autonomy plan is a serious and credible basis to in the dispute over wisdom, sahara. and we also know that the future of relations between those 2 countries, fonts and morocco entirely depended on front and support from morocco. sovereignty on the west is the hard rock, but it is a major victory from morocco, even the americans royal palisade in an announcement that this was a significant development and so forth to off morocco, subject to over the sahara. and do you remember morocco submitted a plan to the united nations in 2007, the pad. we'll see some administrative add that additional pile was the transfer to visitors. visa, how um tottenham is region would have its own, the guidelines and parliament made of both representatives of local tribes and directly enlisted members. it would also have its own quotes,
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which would issue of movies in the name of the king of morocco. the government would also have local taxes, ad control is owned by just the but the temperature would retain the moroccan flag and the car is the what is foreign release of the secuity of defense would also be under the purview of morocco and the wisdom so high rise important faulty area because of its support for the uh, the, the, the police are you front to which is the group fighting for the independence of western sahara and fonts, carbon to join the united states joins as well. spain and a number of african countries that have back to be in a box position. also very important to consider the situation has already strained relations between all to red morocco and so to receive more office control over wisdom, sahara as a form of colonialism. so this decision, by far from only making the tensions was especially considering how the local
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population is oh, also been vocal about his intention to so i feel free to have a listen to this. what type of whole chips, morocco tries to impose on us with the support of phones. the so raleigh people will continue to stop and they defend that rights until they obtain a definitive departure of the moroccan, aggressive from the territory. and general recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle for self determination and independence. even locals as the hud and people the solve your front have previously rejected morocco supplied continuing to dom on a referendum on full self determination. so it will be very interesting to watch how the school pens out in house, the movement 5 to for the independence of wisdom. so hara continues to respond to this. all right? are to correspond at another who you can gave who, who thank you. well we spoke with the so how. 5 we were public ambassador to
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south africa, his excellent c mohammad. they saw it. he says, frances, deeper the colonial thinking dictates it's politics for, as has the blue, colonial thinking. and the politics that comes through the vein is, and that is deep. it'd be in a do that jeans for us, steve. and we might call for things we thought would be the reason they still think the same way that as this was with thinking late. and i do said duty when the boss was made in bed, mean a default. what the, what the deep we've got on the, on the trees and colonial peoples class think that it has a divide, or a billing address for somebody to distribute the 3 as it was just the, what's the inside of the longest to them. so they can give it to the uh,
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to the call these, the buffet that can go from a roku, where's the side of the microphone does not belong to from western side of below. because these people and the only people come to morrow who also try to do themselves, these position is legally immortal, and they go out of the depth of the bullets. it goes, oh, but it become the underground. it's a no problem. sometimes fully united nations able to solve the problem is for me it's a sub with us. i guess i missed the beam. is daughter who is buying too many days, but the bottle itself, i was a guess of the work. oh, you know, so which is a mission of united nation deployed on the do not quite a solution, but my vision is yeah, former president of browse was very close tomorrow because of the instead of
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the outcome of the up to a single model because of the nation with his father, but he never there is to do this position out over the spec to 1st but his stage. um oh the something oh for as long as the member of the goes back to mr. mccall doesn't get doesn't get about anything and wants to browse to play in another group of nation like so. i said, i'm like, how do i like you need to solve on some property of background is, but the problem with the account is doing the same position before us, which is but how do i i'm getting to be solved and solve for me and the but i see now to venezuela, where over 20 military office sir is across the nation, have been injured in a post election. clashes with dozens of protesters arrested. people took the streets on monday, facing off of the police and burning posters with the presidents image,
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re elected to a 3rd term and office. nicholas monroe has slammed the west for once again, trying to undermine stability in the country. but i'm building my hand. i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of it is well, a headquarters in color bozo theater. it is in killable is a, a group of criminals. we are coming for all of you when the rest the show. and when i say something, i do it when we do it, they have also proceeded to burn down holes the headquarters of public power. this is very typical of what they call the color revolution. the green goes designs are going to be, well, we've just heard that from the man is waiting. president nicholas my daughter, and he certainly didn't minutes his words. he's speaking about an old because i said, fascist coo. and he said, this is straight out of the us play book of color revolutions. it's a kind of thing that we seen in nicaragua in cuba, part of the so called fully co 2 and
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a as labeled by washington. now that one of the 1st things that happens according to the us playbook is condemnation of the election result, the cost down with a risk switch. it to me is a, we've heard a statement now from a group of us little by because dictator nicholas madura has once again stolen the presidential election. however, wasn't the narc regime will never steal, is the vanesso as people desire to return to democracy and live in freedom. after decades of tyranny, we must prioritize uniting the free world in rejecting this shim election results. the 2nd part of the playbook as a quarter, as well organizing protests coding on the opposition to take to the streets, to defend democracy. they paid them as peaceful pro, just as we've seen that anything fall a. but this is a narrative that is then played out by a us friend, the global media. we can take a look at the streets of venezuela. now
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the, what we've just seen is exactly what we saw back in 2019. when again, window one, the presidential election that we saw months of vine in protest and update to the stabilize the country. i mean, we've all seen those images, but anything but case for and yet the scenario to is being push that the people are really just coming out. i'm calling lee austin the door to step down. well, as we think this is anything, but the case we know is at least 20 minute to offices what they've been wounded in these classes as but dude, i pointed out his policy offices in one of the fund his way to the states while they've been 1st at foot dial,
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now i spoke to an observer this morning now he said that he was set to leave the country. his coach was leaving from the capital, cut off costs to the airport when he said it was set upon by a group of what he described as us by right wing sucks. now they have to return back to cut off because now that he said he's having to stay in a hotel for his own safety for at least 2 days. and he described the scenes on the street of caracas as an orchestrated co. now in the midst of all this, and again, this is straight out of the us playbook, the opposition has quite victory over there. so now we want to tell open as well and then tie will that finish where that has a new president elect and it is going to gonzalez for this is a game exactly what we saw in 2019 a bit divided protests. the out of nowhere, a paid one guy though, who claimed, despite never having to even run the in the election to be the legitimate president
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of venezuela. well, i'm going to claimed to have won the opposition this time has claimed to have one. what's the evidence to back up is to it's, well, there's very little evidence and very little compelling evidence has been put forward so far. and in fact, the international observers, they have a more than 600 of them from countries across the world. well, they said that there was no evidence of any rigging that the vote was free. fair and transparent. well, the opposition and a combined media, a claim you're going to is this poll from edison research, which gave the opposition kinds of edmondo gonzalez. but he put in my head on 65 percent of the vote ahead of the election, but it's not a, as it seems, as we see leaks points outs then as well as right wing opposition and u. s. media outlets claim there was fraud in the july 28th election based on an exit poll done by us government linked firm edison research,
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which works with c. i a link us state propaganda oregon's, and was active in ukraine, georgia and a rack. now what they're fighting to do is to listen to the, the more respectful organizations, including him to life is now ahead of the vote. they estimate to them or do i would pull with just over 54 percent of the vote. $54.00 compared to 42.8 percent for gonzalez, which is practically what the result showed. now what's interesting is that we're seeing americans playing the same scenario over and over again in venezuela. have been at least 12 attempt to twos in the last 20 years. must most of them accused of being old to cited from abroad. hey, we can hear from one of the alleged oldest items in the united states. we just have to be clear that our venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one
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and it didn't work and it's just been. is an embarrassing mistake after mistake. since 1st we thought that getting why, though to declare himself present would be enough to topple using. then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of 2 in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end or 4 years later on murphy's bach again. and he's saying almost exactly the same thing that you said in 2020 not. let's take a listen. this election was marked by repression. well, the full venezuelan started costing violets with the exit polls precinct level reporting and the wave of infuse he has them for the opposition coalition. make it nearly impossible to believe president, mature rose claims of victoria credible. so this seems to be part of a vicious circle, elections, rejections, violence, and repeat. now,
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washington has also ensued, but it's going to impose, i knew by team of functions on bundles. wireless different is why that, of course, already under heavy assumptions from washington. but for now, the united states is very useful, but when it's so it's dangerous. the us government has been trying to strangle the venezuelan economy. it started with sanctions in 2017. that prevented essentially the country from accessing international capital markets and the oil company from restructuring its loans that put venezuela into a hyper inflation. that's when the social humanitarian crisis. so you went spiraling out of control. another round of even tighter sanctions, essentially a confiscating the earnings and the assets of the venezuelan government took place . now then as well as in complete utter catastrophe. a lot of it brought on by the
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united states deliberately creating massive, massive software. slow. sometimes rays are following washington's lead, encouraging the violence on venezuela streets were also hearing voices of support for the re elected president. across the world with nations like prussia, a, ron, south, africa, syria and north korea expressing confidence in missouri, badging, and mosque of also come out urging external powers, select caracas, handle its own internal affairs mortgage. we can see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat, although we believe that the opposition should do so. it should congratulate the winters of this election. of course, it's very important that attempts to sway the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by 3rd countries. 3rd parties and venezuela is free from outside interference to fall in full policy should respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of
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handling the domestic affairs of the country. the hell, let's discuss these developments with daniel shaw, former latin american end caribbean studies professor as to the university of new york. daniel, good to have you on the program with us present material has like into the protests in venezuela to so called color revolutions organized by the us and different countries. so what are your thoughts on the matter? do you see similarities? that's correct, rachel. this follows the same blueprint of color revolutions past. the point is that the united states in the past quarter of a century is never forgiven. the child abuse the forces for assuring in a new day in ben as well as future nationalizing the massive oil reserves. the biggest oil deposits in the world. so these crippling sanctions have laid the foundation where we have a populace that quite frankly, is hungry,
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is searching for how to survive. and, and in this with the united states is tapping into is we know a hungry people is an angry people, or they can very easily be manipulated. what is the economic war? it's the economic sabotage that laid the material base of what's happening right now does far, well, we know this is not a real who in motion, but it is a media cool. so we encourage everybody to be very careful with what circulating out there in the us present on twitter. because there's a ton of this information with the opposition is circulating videos that are from 2017. and before to try to stoke a maximum of confusion. daniel, how much popular support is there for these protests? do you think this is simply a minor opposition effort, or is there are really a larger movement here to oh, there's no question that there are huge property side global forces. international forces behind the right wing. they failed using one guy though. they tried to use
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the lackey my, the got in my child, somebody very connected to international finance institutions like the i a math and of course the national endowment for democracy. so the united states does similar to what they did in 2021 with this quote unquote uprising in havana. cuba. they funded these forces to the tunes of millions and millions of dollars in a country where most people are suffering for the worse types of hyper inflation. lack of access to foods. all of these different goods that people depend on to survive. these are sanctioned and blockaded by the us military. most people in the us have no clue what's going on. they just believe the headlines from fox from cnn . how towing, how united, the democrats and republicans are when it comes to redeem change. when it comes to color revolutions, whether it's significant, our bolivia then as well as and by we, china, russia. vietnam is always the same blueprint for the use attempt to color revolutions
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. so far at 2 pm today, hundreds of thousands of boulevard ends who stand and supported the p. s. u. v. a nicholas model are going to come in to industry to say that no, we will not allow another cool, like 2002 when google chavez was kidnapped for 48 hours in like 2017, when it was almost a coo and then as well, yeah, as you mentioned, it's not the 1st time we've seen a u. s. driven coup attempt in venezuela one. why do of course with the us supported and, and, and tried to install, why do you think these efforts keep failing though? i think he's failing because uh though they have for 7800000 venezuelans to flee. i wouldn't call these refugees, i'd call them survive is all refugees of imperialism, survivors of economic sabotage, survivors of us sanctions. one 3rd of the world wakes up of the world's population wakes up under us sanctions every day. they have failed because event as well and
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people are i chatted these to people that are conscious people. they know that they have one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources. and they know that's why there's been a high reward in an economic war in this information or media war diplomatic more. uh, this is why is the hybrid war because it's multi faceted, the brand as well and people are not stupid. they know that their future is not through miami in washington dc. the future is through moscow into a run, and when on site is and but as the in, in, in, in the rest of the sovereign countries of the world. so is it telling moment to, for multi polarity, because serve you in, in russia and the boulevard and countries have come out in support of the democratically elected president. nicholas my little look at where the us in england and the highway robbers of city of always look with a scan. do you expect the west and its allies in south america to take further
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steps toward venezuela? once the situation in the country stabilizes or art, or do you think they'll just give up us panama, on argentine or another, right? when governments have already cut off our relations with the venezuelans, they're doing everything to isolate the p s u, v. it's too early to tell the trying the the right wing is trying to stoke the maximum amount of confusion right now to see if they can justify a us military intervention. this has been their plan now for a quarter of a century. we saw a lot of richardson from the us come on, the sort of the southern command meeting recently with the president of neighboring diana, president lee who's done the bidding of us militarism. and in their interest, they set up some 10 new bases on the border event as well. so ben, as well as getting attacks from all sides, but i do not think right now with this rise of
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a multi pull the world though. what has multiple already means of the palestinians is the genocide continues and these rallies now are bombing uh, the route for, for the vin as well as i think that multi polarity is now a fact. i don't think that washington right now can get away with a 1973 style over throw what they did to president i in day. and she like, it appears the boulevard and forces, and the forces of multiple are already a strong enough to resist is across the world and across the americas. all right, well, leave it there. daniel shaw, former professor of latin american and caribbean studies the city university of new york. daniel, thank you. thank you. our correspondent, another player with whom do i set down with the venezuelan ambassador to south africa. carlos failed to discuss current events in the latin american country. he says the us has been meddling and venezuela selections for 25 years, but it's not a new situation. we have lived this almost in every press events on the lakes of
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scenes go minder or good service or i said, precedence 25 years ago has been the same as script of the opposition's use back by us. government don't recognize the results on the opposition. close to their supporters to go at the streets to protest. fair and trans buddies. the elections that has, we have to be made for 25 years a. but also we have in the international arena, importance allies that recognize what really happened quickly nice. the results. ask us, does cuba meet our believe the china, the rest of the input in, in gross sales? so recognize the, the very fast, the, these results i noticed, so we have a very important, a number of international of the service, of many countries,
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almost almost 100. congress has been there for upsetting the elections. and the only most of all of them have recognized already the transparency of fair elections is that we have we have a string electro system and venezuela that he's going to see that. and one of the best of the war, even by institution of the gun, got that center has to recognize this electrical system, us one of the best in all the world. so a what we, what we want east or do, let's develop this democrats, the us, us, we used to, to, to one to be in, in venezuela. all right, breaking news now on our see the idea of confirms hitting a suburb of the lebanese capital, be rude where a headquarters of has to lie is located witnesses plain to have heard
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a loud flash proceeding. the strength which targeted a senior has the commander whose fate remains unknown as well claims he is responsible for the death of its civilians. a cloud of smoke can be seen rising up from the strike zone. this comes amid an escalation intentions between israel and love, and on over the attack on the goal on heights allegedly carried out by hezbollah on saturday, though hezbollah denies it was responsible, we will keep you updated as we get more details on this developing the story. yeah, hey i'm, i'm visiting, visiting meanwhile, a human rights scandal and also an idea of the tension facility for palestinian prisoners. israel's high court of justice says it will hold a 2nd hearing of a groups petition demanding the center's closure. that's expected. next month. all of us comes after rioters storm the facility on monday and mid classes with military police. dozens actually managed to break into the bait lead to military
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base the the at least the 9 soldier and suspected of abusing a policy and in prison or were being interrogated on the side at the time. earlier they had been taken for questioning from this the detainment detention facility, which had also been beset by protesters. meanwhile, the kennesaw he did exchange between lawmakers, a member of the right wing food party called for a voting and striking parliament in solidarity with c. a rested soldiers which sparts attempts to fade on whether or not abuses ever justified to lead insanity that outcome g c and around this story, it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give a personal example here. i see now and i called all the coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not.


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