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tv   Documentary  RT  July 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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or a bass the at least 9 soldier and suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner were being interrogated on the side at the time. earlier they had been taken for questioning from the city attainments detention facility, which had also been beset by protesters. meanwhile, the can a saw, he did exchange between lawmakers, a member of the right wing food party called for a voting and striking parliament in solidarity was the arrested soldiers which sparts attempts to fade on whether or not abuses ever justified uh to the insanity that outcome g, seen around this story, it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give a personal example here. i see now and i called other coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not going to vote on anything any more
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until this story and this insanity that someone in the prosecutor's office thinks it's possible to come and address soldiers for things they're doing to the not but saturday is not over. and i am really asking, and i think my colleagues and friends will do well if they do the same is ideas we can all continue as usual to ensure to sticking a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he is enough, but everything is legitimate. everything the situation is seemingly deepening, already and divisions within the netanyahu. governments, as for the pm's position, you are the pete has condemned the violence also demanding that the right wing connected members to join to the demonstration be sucked. we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in the abyss. all red lines were crossed today. in the who does not fly the ministers who participated in these violent rates today. he is not fit to represent the state of his ro, all those protesting, including as we heard,
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is really lawmakers administers, had gathered to defend the soldiers timing. they were just doing their job, other protesters and called the soldiers detentions shameful as human rights activists. welcome the investigation being, while local media suggests netanyahu's cabinet is worried, it's long time supported. the united kingdom will soon stop arms exports to israel, the undisclosed sources, allegedly within the diplomatic course. a fears are on the rise that other nations may follow suit. well since early july's election in the u. k brought a change in leadership, london has reversed some of the previous government's policies. funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees has been restored, while the objection to the icy seemed warrant on top is rarely officials has been withdrawn. however, rumors about an expected cut to arms sales so far are sounding on likely he's real is a country surrounded by people who would love to see it's on my elation he's being
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attacked by the horses. me selves are being fired from hezbollah. notwithstanding the desire for how much to wipe is real off the map. for those reasons, it would not be right to have a blanket ban between our country and these rail. all right, let's get more now from head ash party. can i sit member or for a test, if mr. casts of good to have you on the program with you? i want to start with this breaking news of this idea of strict on a route or israel says it's targeted hezbollah commander based in the suburbs. i'm wondering if you have any insight into this at all about why the idea of what occurred at the striking a residential area and do you have any information on the extent of damage and number of casualties? where's the thank you for having me? good evening. good, no, i don't have any information because it just stopped in the last few minutes ago. but i will, and then my goal is we boil and yesterday and the ever seems that amber, my security and most there's jobs like goal i we will be against
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any revenge. so to speak, because you know, way i repeatedly say so because i think it's right, that's how my guntee used to say that the i told the night did we stand everybody blind all i'm on the bus. so we have again, any kind of we don't see it eventually unfortunately was being the job on in the last will eventually the thought of the is there any government and c h, e z? i'm stuck in spite a i visited yesterday with the with friends of point form some dash it must have jobs a to joy. did it lloyd? well, they deeper both much. there's times a b and we have to also emphasize that this is not really part of the state of use . and because this isn't occupied, celia daily to eat, the deeper of much steve jobs, a of which 12 evils, and keeps where a mailed is. a 5 by 8, by seats,
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by lock it on saturday. a they on, they will to base the base even samsung stadium see to them. they've been saying that we went over yesterday to participate in the morning. and of course do a, a, a, convey our condolences. and so the people in one thing, one guy that we, that was saying made by the people as much, there's some, some just close to where people's been gibbs a dead ex stalled voice was we do not want revenge. we do not want you to a dock now live and running out of the day. we want peace. we want to stop the war anywhere. everybody knows that the key to stopping the black ship date of uh, date of, of genocide being gaza. the terrible a keening, we think is the end of the gland. the guys built by go on nights up in the much
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been shots, the ethnic cleansing of the west bank. everybody knows this of the visa, any pool neglect. they all buy. it's a whole government doesn't. it doesn't. yeah. it was the only way to release that to stop it. blodgett used by st. busy being to get back on god's all a month, but taxes but night saved, saved or so about at the end of what the most value i'm talking about. my everybody says i would be the ones. this is what is the most 2nd garza and read to host it stoops the 10 business days to a going to stop. it will mean good indeed. ok. by golan heights. those up it. but unfortunately the government doesn't it? but yeah, i was in use because i'm more interested in bloodshed in a few fans and even staying where did they are interested in saving lives,
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keeping the landing sort of the most, which is this is a black s e government that full just mr. oh wait, i use the is the anyway? i think, i, i guess, as i said, the bottom line is i thought that he condemned the bombing go for a b o eh, because it's not going to stop that black judge. it's going to make it was any to make it a lot. the orientation mr. tests of the is really defense minister has written that has blood crossed or red line. do you think he was referring specifically to the goal on heights attack on saturday, which i just want to remind our viewers? hezbollah has denied any responsibility for the delay because, but i, i'm pretty sure the piece but i response ability is guilty in the semester. k and the going on. ok, probably good on. i'd like to do that, but that doesn't change the equation. the equation eventually is to stop the master
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giving god. that's a, that's always it just by of i i said that's the key to stop the blood sugar. so the government deals with them. yeah. i was in the be good is on the and that includes if she can use it live in sales, the dream you know, government and quietly shit. they are not interested in beats. they're interested in the page. they are interested in. i mean, it bothers me a deeper as they owed you. oh, they have to fight to a deal to patient in the that's the really interesting down interested also in turning the state of the, of the corporate him to a full fledged bus use dictatorship. that's why they're interested in that. they don't care about the likes of what it's doing in school school is don't kids feed
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them? well, the lives of these are the soldier the most, which is they is government especially mean it them? yeah. this is the sexiest sizing. if all the j is the, is a of the chairs, one dining them. absolutely. they being the sacrificing do most the, just on the as though of the government's own so vices. everybody must know that they out the main and the mule visa, any people not, you know, fees, but i know it from us. it made out any of these ladies so, so i get the people these, these are the government and we must have this then they pulled us up, police only from do own. so by been a crazy nice man, mr cas. if. c what kind of response are you expecting from level non because hezbollah has declared to be rude, a red line. what exactly does it mean? how do you think we're, we're, we're going to see a response here. well, the question that they've made that they made before the gun the goes to both sides
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and against any kind of revenge of violence. i'm against what these are, the government is just being deleted. i'm against a, what she's but not between that should be stopped. and as i said in a in, you know, it's shots where we are full time. so that's about the keys in the hands of the government to forgive because was a to the, obviously the muster created the source on garza and read the whole phone. do you think hostages a me a, we'd be back home to the a god's us to be for the people scouts that can be gained inundation and that's on the use of a letter in the ok, by going on i, it's a will be stopped. it is, but i see it so it gives any kind of leverage. there is a suitcase, you know, a lot of the cycles that should be stopped. people should not pay the price of the
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craziness. so bleed is not good. you know, they're a ron and turkey a are among states that have warns israel against escalating tensions. do you think that we will see it boots on the ground from either of these countries after those like the strike, how do you expect them to respond? awfully. not i think that they, it does and not the intended w o agent, this kaneesha intervention in the goes back to what they said. but the key is in the ends of the government of ease. i obviously have against any kind of invasion to ease. i just like i am against the invasion of these, i have to other countries and delay in the lands of other people's backed up to speed and that spots of my obligation to keep on going is lead. you'll calibration of the bodies being at the so that's obviously i'm against any kind of invasion to my country is what it by took you and you want this
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a and that's it. now they're a part of the ongoing escalation that should be stopped unfortunately, is on community doesn't do enough. he's ever been up to stop. it's. we saw the was a o d, a decisions by beach international medical until for justice it seems that nobody actually is being an adult that needs and supported and complete the rest of the community active as it showed up on the be a decisions made by the ice e j a i believe that would this be a great to a or people seem to the agent, but it stands that it, but he is at least it is in the city of the template. that would be a great step forward to it for the benefit of the session. i think that they told
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doing one of our interviews in the past that the situation in my view in the eastern, generally by any means that as far as they live and only but the port out is not a 0 sum game in wage. if one side means they are the one who loses it by its fails, it is a win win, or lose lose situation idea if we but we that means everything, obviously a sort of guys that ending don't keep pace. and h e, a independent eh, independent school about a senior people and the behavior of the senior people alongside the state to be play. and then every buttons and all of this because piece we paid for the benefit of for the only identity with the move new situation with or people's are going to pay at the price these the statements. and if a new facility that they have to work in the end we, we needs the pressure of the international community deep for the benefits and for
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the good of or including my own people use way. unfortunately, it seems that a to many power is especially when you like the states don't do enough ever to achieve that. i want to turn now to the original reason why we, we both to, for you, for this program in the alleged abuse at the city time in the tension that camp. what can you tell us about the division within there is really government regarding this investigation with 1st, i must say with your permission of the 2 months ago while you are standing in p, a kinetic glendon exposed those abuses and the a will probably stay by a different the, you know, me just sit in these little and outside of you say, and i was speaking in the plan with me against those abusing which included mail is it called share of a people lose their lives because they've been stipend out. say to
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store the data and i really look. busy into exempt is because because they are to go unfortunately. so everybody knew about it, but the value was didn't effect a bi limits of the funds. i mean included from the so called democratic lead, the position and i was use in the face. it is an sort you know, whether or not the most like was the nights i told the tools when whereas daily learning home one only grade was a being exposed to the tools. so none of the copies out of the back but not on the meanest. in members of the can is including the 5, it's actually bostic. you have to meet the 5 less co lakes, but the just the price is going be generated on. if you put the gold at the
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specific case will be c 8. because we have doing the same thing with the geisha that gets those 9 the be speak any those naturally is not a just you know, 6 what sorts. it's like the damage close to the victim. any doesn't meant to ease. it may be months though, i don't know because it was no charge to get people to apply. but even if he's he is nice like anyone. it's even that i would scream, you know, the not the ice mine was driving us 60 years ago. he was blood dick did literally this evening let alone you in the mail and the most is dusty and denser vis theme in
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a moment. is there any properties do very well. i set them in easily let you do it . so you need another mediation to those allegedly, even though it may be able to be in use those members of the eclipse they do not always just skip side. it's me, it's some of them explicitly in dolton and made a bill of the news. but they also, some of went yesterday if you very the bible together with i own a, a deeper into a military bases. and that basically searches so the, they speak and the name of the searches. but the very same thing got back to. so just in the thing with which they are talking, this is a very dangerous, we're on the village of the,
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it's fascist on this was an attempt to create a of each and we must stand still against it. because if we do not stop it, i will note that this, that nobody was, it is to be assumed it by the way around the police was up there on a month. the account that even the defense mean is still fees, which i have nothing good to say about. the money is spent the letter to day to the 5 maybe step in and dement. it's doing investigative dominion still police. the soul plugged in, it's still remote of it's not too much security deed, not all the parties doing flayson as being the soldiers. the little effect is to be okay. this is a very dangerous situation. all right, we're gonna leave it there. thank you so much for your time. of our test, if member of the can. that's it from the head gosh, party thing to thank you very much, bye bye. or from security forces have arrested nearly 50 people from extinction,
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rebellion the radical left environmental movements. they've been accused of looking to disrupt the ongoing olympic games in paris. that's according to the countries interior minister to keep the parisian this morning mentioned, the arrest of 45 people from the group extinction rebellion. can you tell us what happened on saturday morning? first of all, do you confirmed this information? were you booked? yes for the time being, the intelligence services have been very efficient. they were indeed close to 50 interrogations, of individuals. and along with all those about $150.00 in total, they were evaluated as wanting to carry out the actions of sabotage or radical protesting power. steering the initial olympic trials. we managed to intercept and question them. the french movement to extinction, rebellion has expressed concern over the environmental impact of the global sporting events. french police were filmed, heading down its members when they gathered in paris. the activists are infamous for blocking roads and disrupting public transport in an effort just for government
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action on climate issues. the but some anti government actions are more dangerous than others. traces of the plague have been found in a suspicious letter addressed to the french interior minister. the medieval disease filled message contained black powder and was littered with racial slurs archie, contributor rachel marsden, has more. they anyone have the return of the plague on their bengal card for 2024, a disease with no cases in france since the 1940s between all of this olympic drama,
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sabotage. and now the plague. it's like life in france has just become one big netflix reality show or something. so what is playing drama all about? well, friends, with all these apparently saw fit to inform the french press that the countries postal service near diesel, which is in the southeast, intercepted a package addressed to the french interior minister domino. and said that upon further inspection, it contain racist insults. and also some kind of black powder, so authorities ran it through substance testing of their own and came up with nothing less than a positive test for the plague. but it's been sent for more testing. and we're still waiting for those results and friends, prosecutors have said in the meantime that it could just be a false positive, which really wouldn't surprise me personally because every time i go through the pair of airport security and they swap my carry on bags,
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i get accused of carrying nitroglycerin, which is used to make farms and end up getting pulled into secondary search, even though it's always just the glycerin in my face cream that sets it off. so again, false positive. and this only ever happens here in france, frankly, i don't have problems with face cream being mistaken for potential bombs in any other airport. so all this could very well just seen nothing. french officials say that that may be the case, but hey, nasal, tell the front press about it anyway. so they spread the good word. it's not like, imaginations are already completely running wilds here already on other mysterious acts the same ministers. and i definitely now targeted with the suspicious packages, fresh off from dealing with the sabotage of the front its rail system last friday that snarled olympic and weekend holiday traffic, setting fires and cutting cables in places that look carefully selected to maximize
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chaos is what the perpetrators were blame with on monday, john i'll specifically gave some major side i to leftist activist groups. we have identified the profiles of several people. the attacks were deliberate, very precise, extremely well targeted. this is the traditional type of action of the ultra left. so the comments from the interior minister came as press reports and merge that a suspect was arrested at one of the rail networks sites on sunday in the town about 18 kilometers south of wall in northern france. police forces describe the individual as an altar and left wing activist who was in possession of the keys to the trains of the trained companies, technical, vend news, and also some unspecified tools and conveniently ultra left this literature. but initially, the very same minister did not hesitate to use the incident to conjure up the foreign interference boogie man saying on saturday that he could not reload for an
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involvement in this fiasco. and that is all it took for the chattering classes here in france, including so called experts professionals to start wildly found the sizing about russia. yeah, because you have to put the police may be active as to want to harm the olympics. but i think the most serious clue points to actions influenced by russians decisions. this is a method that the russians have been using extensively in recent months. we know that russia wants to disrupt the olympic games. so when asked, hey, did russia make the trains socks in france on friday, which frankly, was actually hard to decipher and differentiate from all the other days here in france, one of the trends also, stock for reasons is dumber someone forgetting their bag or kits toy. the hot and on the train and the bomb squad has to come and blow it up, holding several trains out for hours. so the kremlin was asked about these
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accusations. just the latest fates and more unsubstantiated accusations was the reply, hey, did russia also make the sand river so full of people, bacteria that the men's trouble and raise had to be postponed today? or forget to order enough protein like eggs and chicken for the assets village, or also forget to install any air conditioning. because um, back in april french president, a menu and nicole said that he was absolutely sure that russia was trying to hurt the olympics. but judging by how things have been going so far with these games, it really does seem like the friends don't need too much help from russia or from anyone else with that. all right, do stay with our 2 international. we're going to take a short break and i'll be back in just a few minutes with much more. the
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in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. so what on on the to the most on you. i mean, he's done issues around the cars and just shown the list to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting somebody i know the question, richard dental. hey, i'm philosophy followed there. do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed to apartment for us to be the move to the young investigator in search of his own identity
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and box on that you need to africa. the traces general with eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully. and the history of in, in the region, the a. what else seemed wrong? just don't to shape out the application and engagement includes the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the
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the, by the early 1950. can you, it became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism if africa, the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population. great britain pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers, dooming canyon stepfather, d, and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement. which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels
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felt themselves kenya, land, and freedom army disappeared as a leader of the movement would be anti colonial. active as jo, mo, kenyatta, the freedom fighters used guerrilla tactics and attacked the individual units of the british troops. the latter responded with massive air rays and artillery effects. when suppressing the uprise of london relied on the maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps, where tortures in no way inferior in girl z to the nazis was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain. yeah. however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the breaking news on our tvs of latest images from bravery which for the idea of has struck a suburb of the 11 east capitol timing its target was, it has the commander whose faith is still unknown. algeria condemned frances decision to recognize morocco sovereignty over that contested western sahara and recalls his envoy from paris. we speak with the western sahara as in passages to south africa, whose presses the legitimacy of the move as the lieutenant colonial big game, and square on the, on the politics. that's what i'm through the veins. and that is the event d,


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