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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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says which includes loops like you, i'm awesome. i love it all says the law as well as the game ends. lucy's just this one day because it's gone down with some of the secretaries or the deputy surface original off his full off, chiefly impossible. he, we're going to support tank resistance forces saying that this is not your last priority, but it's a religious duty for these. all right, well that's a look at the news for now. be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and uptake. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows very few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the power body rick sanchez? this is direct impact, and this is what we're going to be talking about. i in nicholas, my daughter, re elected president of the boulevard in republic of business with there. yeah. habit madura declares victory, but the us state department says, damn him, that's not what we wanted. we spend all that money to get them out and he still won what's going on here. this is direct impact. i'm rick sanchez. let's do this. the
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. so let's start with this, it's been roughly a week now more or less, right. about a week since couple of years. auto officially took the reins of the democratic party as their candidate, instead of president joe. but obviously he said he's not going to run after mr. obama told them he had to get the hell out. that means that pamela harris will now be facing off with the ex president donald trump. and now we can finally see how this race is shaping up. remember, i told you we had to wait at least a week for some of the polls to come in? well, some of the polls are coming in here. the polls that we are going to be looking at for the next several months. they're all aggregate polls by the way, they mean that means they combine a bunch of different pulse, real clear politics, that's a good one. that's one you should look at from time to time. it shows trump with a $1.00 percentage lead. 47.9 to 46.2,
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as you can see. now let's look at the, let's look at the new york times your times another very good on your report. and i think the do a really good job and they're pulling. they don't use one poll, they use a combination about 5 or 6 poles also has trump ahead by 2 percentage points. that's a 48th of 46. but let, let's look at one more. what do you say? all right, victor, but that one up to there it is. finally, there's the hill. the hill does a good job with their aggregation of polls shows trump 48 percent harris at $45.00 . so in this one he's winning by more than 2 percentage points. so, so here's why this is important and here's where we are basically after watching truck go way ahead after his assassination attempt. and then watching harris catch up to him after biting step down. now it's all kind of shaking up, you know, you know, the expression we use in mathematics regressing, to the mean, regressing to the mean means it goes back to where essentially it's kind of supposed to be. that's kind of the way life is due in many ways. so essentially
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we're back where we were before with trump still winning to be fair. harris is doing a little better than joe biden, but not that much. she's not doing a lot better than joe. by what she's doing, obviously better than joe might move, you know, god bless you, god bless them as you know himself. not doing all that well so. so that's kind of where we are. right now. manila, you got anything on this? you wanna, you wanna try man on this? absolutely. rec. so 1st we gotta say like you said it's only been one week, right? it's fair to say that we are still in the honeymoon phase of the new cala harris campaign for po to so people are energized at the moment until we start getting into the nitty gritty about her history, her time as vp her accomplishments. what have they been? was she the borders are, wasn't she the borders are? what were her new years? her wins. and once people start digging into that,
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i think the emotions are going to kind of well, because according to 538, which we know is a great prognosticator about different horse races across the united states, right? even internationally as well. but specifically here in the us. yeah. and i, i barely got a job and they're looking at the battle ground. by the way, i was, i was, i was sharing the, generally a, the pay of all americans and with $538.00 when they do a breakdown states. so that's in the end we'll end up. yeah. yeah. port. right. yeah. and what they have to say it, what they have to say is that her disapproval ratings as of this weekend are hovering at about 53 percent disapproval. so even though some of the polls are showing that she's closing that gap, narrowing the gap between the democrats versus republicans. uh, overall it seems like americans are, are the majority of americans are still not pleased with cala harris in general. so i'm going to say, let's give it a little bit more time. absolutely,
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but we should note, rick, she's hauled in a whole boatload of money in the past week, almost a quarter $1000000000.00, which is now going to turn this 2024 race into the most expensive potentially most expensive political campaign in us history. and it's, it's just amazing to think that we talk about these things. i know you and i had talked this morning when we were talking about what we were going to have in the show. and i mentioned this, and i think sometimes that we forget, these are multi millionaires and billionaires who are essentially buying politicians because in america, buying a post, a politician is legal. corruption is legal in the united states political system. you have a right to give millions of dollars to somebody because you want them to do something for you. and this is what we're seeing happening. not just with probable harris to be fair, but with trump as well and. and if it was not coming to harris and trump, it would be to other people and they too would be essentially bought by
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billionaires and millionaires. that's terrible. speaking of elections that's moved to venezuela and as well as election is over. and it appears that the incumbent president in the class madura has one, he is asserting his victory, and his opponents are saying he cheated here. we got the recall for the elections and they were made in an exemplary manner. and i can say to venezuela, into the world, i am nicholas my daughter, re elected president of the boulevard in republic. venezuela. thanks for defending our democracy laws. and people didn't want to let all of it. and so now we want to tell all venezuelans in the whole world, they've been, as willa has a new elected president, and it is and moved to gonzalez that we want. everybody knows it. everybody knows. i want you to know that this has been
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something so overwhelming, so big that we have one in all sectors of the country. that's weird. i'm looking at the duro and he's dressed like a high school cheerleader. meanwhile, the guy who was supposedly beat him looks like joe biden, like he's half a sleep. it's bizarre, sitting from the outside, looking at the selection. but the fact of the matter is, it is surprising that madura could pull out a victory given the sad state of his country's economy. here's renowned economies jeffrey sachs, a guy by the way, that i very much respect because he's willing to tell the truth in the united states of america, a country where the truth is not something you usually get away with saying. he explains why then, as well as economy is in ruins. the us government has been trying to strangle the venezuelan economy. it started with sanctions in 2017. that prevented essentially the country from accessing international capital markets and the oil
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company from restructuring its loans. that put venezuela into a hyper installation. that was the other collapse of venezuela's in complete, utter catastrophe. a lot of it brought on by the united states, deliberately creating massive, massive suffering. we know there's hunger, we know there is a incredible shortage of the medical supplies. we can only imagine the cause we won't know really until the dust settles and careful. studies are done. how much excess mortality there is. but surely in, in a context like this, this is a catastrophe, largely created by the us, a catastrophe created by the us where we, where we were, we seen that before. manila, uh, i did my own research this morning. i checked out the said wound up gonzalez, guy and what i found was that he is deeply, deeply tied to washington. he even went to school, the school of the americas,
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where the c, i a basically trains latin american leaders to then eventually take over countries . um, i don't know your thoughts on madura beating gonzalez in the reaction so far from the opposition, including maria corrina machado. it will work, i think what we have witnessed over the years is that the united states and the powers that be here, especially over at the d o d in the state department, have greatly under estimated the will of the ben as well. and people as well as that of nicholas and the girl who, himself, by the way, survived, and assassination attempt when he was speaking on stage a couple of years ago, a small drone allegedly was attacking him when he was giving a speech. so he's not only survived an assassination attempt, he's also survived a, a cool attempt. if you recall, during the trump administration, they appointed the, the us that is appointed and anointed, one guy know to where, you know,
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a handful of countries, couple dozen countries decided to recognize him as the temporary president or whatever it was. but that guy is nowhere to be found as well. so to see a new class memorial victory, yet again, i think underscore is the resistance and the resilience of the event as well. and people. and then when you, when you compare that to the maria machado woman, she sounds like hillary clinton circle, 2016, a sore loser, defending her guy, but a sore loser, and using the same playbook and saying, no, we won the election was stolen, even though the math doesn't pan out in her favor, you know what? i think that what i was talking to some of our friends here, many of whom in south florida are then as well. and, and i, and i think even they would probably admit that somehow the vin as well. and because my daughter has no se, okay, but the vet as well, and opposition needs to come up with something other than a washington c. i a slide state department to hand pick opposition person. cuz i
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think you lose your credibility that they should have somebody take on the door. oh, they should have somebody try and fix the economy. but if you come in and everything and your background says, see a state department trained in washington, diplomat, it's like, how can i believe you? i mean, you may be the greatest guy in the world, but everybody else has come with those same credentials. is usually a liar and are you syrup or so i, i think they need to find that person. i'm, i'm not sure really is, was that person or some of the others that we've covered in the past or that person, but the saying, in my opinion, i made any sense on it ain't good zoning gonzales, by the way, he looks like all as he looks like but i'm sorry, she was talking and he was sleeping behind her. the world is still reacting to the opening ceremony of the olympics. so. so let me change it this way for you. the way maybe the way they did the opening ceremony gives the whole country the chance to kind of show off. it's where it's right. it is sort of speak. those of you watched
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it in the past. it's usually a beautiful rendition act it's, it's a chance to put your stamp as the whole country and show the world a little bit of your culture. for example, let me take you back to china. look at that, that. so to chinese, that was the opening ceremony in 2008 in the summer olympics, and by gen 4000 drummers, playing full logic music of china. it was meant to illustrate china's devotion to its past an ancient culture that is as complex as it is disciplined. now let me show you an image of the opening ceremony and so she, this was one russia hosted the winter olympics in 2014. they chose to illustrate the country's culture to music and to ballet, which they are famous for, as well as emphasizing the country's history and literature with references to its great writers like poll story and, and check off. okay. okay. that brings us to this. this is the image that's being shared around the world, which i guess represents the culture of france and the west. i mean,
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compare that to what we just saw from the chinese and from the russians. i mean, by the way, and i did this for you, a bomb, you see the famous davinci painting of, you know, jesus as last supper. and below it is the image broadcast to the world from the opening ceremony in paris. last friday, manila, as we're looking at this, can you explain to me what the hell that is that we're looking at the overweight woman with that thing on her head and all those people? what is this, what, what do you, what i didn't see it by the way, i wasn't a baseball game. what is this? oh, i did see it, rick. i, i was a little bit appalled myself, but you know, that's, that's me editorializing. so once i remove my, my editorializing and just trying to be fair and objective about this one, we have to know that the people that organized this opening ceremony have
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now come forward. whether it's genuine or not, they have come forward to apologize that it's depiction of, of the last supper has offended so many millions of people watching the ceremony around the world, especially those of religious devotion. they were very offended by it and, and france got a lot of blow back for it immediately on social media and as well as through official channels. now, i would say, you know, having been to france multiple times, i'm family in france and i would say modern 20th and 21st century. we think of france and we think of fashion and food, haute couture. and i think i, if i want to, i don't know if i'm playing devil's advocate here, but at least giving the benefit of the doubt to the organizers is that maybe perhaps they thought they were being bold and on guard. but we gotta remember, if we put this show on the other foot, or we put it the other way and say they did
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a rendition of, i don't know, a, a, a, a show of mohammed and did something with, with the muslim, seemed they wouldn't be deemed as long a full back, right. and the this would be raise this. so you know, a better just reply but the, but that's, i mean i've already lost our recall. i don't think jesus was trans and i don't think the most of the people around them were were all gay. and i don't remember any of the prophets wearing, you know, having a beard and wearing a bikini. uh, i, i don't understand any of that. and i don't understand what they were trying to say and i, and i think what it saying is that the western culture, unlike many cultures in the world, is just kind of gotten out of control. and they don't have any rules or any sense of ethics or morality. i mean, and that's the obvious thing that they seem to be dr. is that kind of that's being r c that i would prefer not to be artsy, so, or home to or whatever that word is that you just pronounced a little while ago. how cut tour? yeah. what took whatever action world. sorry. come for hold. could tour. tell him
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uh, tell him i said hi old. how do you uh, this is x manila. so you don't have, we're always by the way, hearing about the tunnels in gaza. and it seems that every time the is really military bombs and destroys a building apartments. schools hills thousands of innocent people including children. it always says, well, we had to do this because there was a hamas tow underneath there. for example, there's not a single operational hospital left in guys, not a single house, but. ready in gaza, that's crazy. what's this? these are the sounds of the final goss from god's is collapsing health care system, a medical sauce and gaza city working on the nit relentless as really bombardment for over a month. now the scores of fronting voices, seeing him working on the torchlight, tells its own gut wrenching story. the codes hospital, the 2nd largest in gaza,
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has now collapsed hospital collapses. that's crazy if that happen, anywhere else in the world can you imagine. and yet another day and gaza when we come back, i'm going to be talking to a guest who gives us a different perspective on what those tunnels really represents for the people of gauze. a fascinating conversation i'm going to have with got a francis. she's wonderful. she's an award winning international correspondent. she's been on the ground there in the war and gaza and it is in and of itself an active courage just to be there. obviously if anybody looks at the pictures that are coming in, she is going to join us in just a minute, stay right there cuz we're going to be right back the the
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w. so please, where there is high autumn that cannot be any cancellation, but typically those are having any answer or something that you don't want to insult anybody. but what they've done is stupid. there's simply more on the counseling russian using women's cancelling a great pause when we change the human. so in general, the so welcome back everybody. i'm rick sanchez and this is direct impact. i'm so glad that you are there. so joining us now is got a francis, she's a host of the west. asia post on world is one do's and she is good enough to join us right now. you know, i'm thinking about starting the conversation with something that for me personally as a citizen of the united states, made me very angry. i just watched last week as the president of the united states and the vice president, united states,
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literally turn the government over to this man who came here from israel and was everything if not domineering and explosive. and he told our politicians what the foreign policy of the united states should be. mind you, let me, let me repeat this while the president was sitting at home somewhere and the vice president was being hidden and not even a member of that. it, it just that that's a thing so wrong from an american perspective. 50 to 60 percent of americans don't even like this guy and he's the guy running our government. what do you think of that? well, uh i came across and mean today i think got an uninstall, graham, and because you know the spaces in all the silver means making fun of how the congress or it was standing. i hate it. it's and class thing for the massacre and for the work criminal that has a move in by the i c j. but they still were clapping for him. so everybody's making
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fun. the day there was a mean a saying that they're just clapping to keep their seats, and it's really very accurate. because if you look at the, how much the back end, the, the lobbies and design is in the rules and governors in terms of money and the deep states in the united states of america. it's not really uncommon at to see that happen in the american congress. i mean the situations for the united states of america, i don't think benjamin netanyahu would have weapons to keep on slots and kids and to keep on bumping hospitals. the air strikes are coming, they are amazing the united states of america. and if they are not the impunity and the vetoes and the protection a. so actually, to me, i don't see it as a war between us, the indigenous people and the is readings. we don't recognize israel as a state, it's an occupation. this has always been health and, and, and, and,
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and funded and governed and invited strong by the amount of americans under age. and so it's not true the uncommon, it's just very, very rude and the, oh gosh, that the, the bias. i mean, there's some, there's some crying over what's happening in ukraine. although they are the reason for it. they don't even find themselves to respect the blog of more of tens of thousands of the people of civilians. it's a, it's very, a rude, you know. yeah, it seem that way. and, and it is that way i think to many americans. but unfortunately, it seems like right now, even though we call ourselves a democracy, i'm not sure that our representatives or elected officials represent the will of the american people. so they do whatever the hell they're going to do, which does make it somewhat hypocritical when we go around the world telling everybody else how they need to be more of a democracy like us, but that doesn't represent democracy. let me ask you. i've seen a lot of you reporting. you're fantastic. you're, you're just
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a spitfire. when i watch you reporting and the things that you do and how you get in there and, and you roll up your sleeves and you tell the stories of what's really going on involving real people. i saw some of your reporting on the tunnels in gaza. and we're always told here in the west side, wherever you see a got a tunnel, it represents how i'm us. there are some how my soldiers are terrors down their planning or something. but you explain, and some of you are reporting, but many of those tunnels are simply the infrastructure that's been used by many palestinians for many years because they're kind of uh, possessed, oppressed people. and that's the only way they can do certain things. kinda like the way the underground railroad work for ask in american slaves, african americans, blacks during the civil war prayer prior to the civil war and the united states. can you take us through that explanation a little bit? i think now it's a, it's very obvious to the world how the is really look at the deeper them of us. i mean they are denying a the and they they are actually causing a survey,
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sion on the other speak. now there's a pull you, academic enhances us, so these really do not to give rights to anyone and they don't, they do not regard them as humans at the time that i enter. and because rick, it was just that there wasn't more as well, but it was just being an open air prison. this is what's on the scene through national in the united nations called. and that's that before that tor before october, 7 years and years ago because they have been besieged. and the only way that i as a journalist could get there was through a tunnel. and the only way that anybody could get there was through a thought on because it just shows that blows that of borders. it's not, it's not possible to get inside or outside. so they were about thousands more than $1500.00 tons. as per the reports and the investigative reporting that i did at the time, and these were only lifelines for medicine, for food, for humans, for anybody that needed to,
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to move around. now i don't think there's any human that's a bit scared to live like that. so and it's, it's really very unfair and in just when you speak about the tunnels a set, it isn't or have us without speaking that these humans even before how much was born. they were being persecuted and oppressed and occupied and killed and slaughtered and draped in jails and prisons, and actually how dos or any kind of assistance today is the reaction. the action is the occupation of the colonize ation of the people, the slot that of the case. and this has been happening here, this 1948, and before so the time is just some one more thing and that, that is a bit. so the action to the oppression enter the imprisonment of civilians and of millions of people in an open air prison. or do you think that the method, yahoo, will continue to expand this more and go beyond guys these think
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with what we've seen in yemen and obviously in 11 on that this thing will actually metastasize. actually i don't think that isn't, you know, really knows what he's doing, but really has the options right now as we speak, they are really there's a have potential being thrown left, right and centre inside the is really governance of their occupation. and their con, calling me here, i mean, today they were kicked out from most incense administers, but right ministers today, the police, these really police and these really soldiers clashed and cd to non, when they were trying to address them. but i, so a, and every day there are protests and there's an instability and there's the hostages families. so in general, let them, yeah. who is looking for a way out. and he has in mind his policy, his own. but it's a good cause because there's no way out of here. there's no way for him to get out of it. and on the other hand, there's something great these really,
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they've always been saying, ever since the dawn of my, many of them, they've been saying they want to eradicate us. they want to and i need to us, they want to an x or non 11 on dollar sign and syria. so they never want speech the only time when they're not actually bumbling. this is when they can not because the pilot of the of the resistors now is there any deterring me and the only reason why that sonya would not be spun is his inability to do so. there were some jewish americans last week who were protesting. nathan, yeah, who's visit and one young man and we played his uh, his sound bite here on our show said i was a little boy growing up as a june and i was always told the whole of cost. never again. we can never let it happen. and then he went on to say, now i'm seeing it happen again. and it's my people who are acting and doing it. and i thought, wow, never quite heard it put that way. but i thought that was
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a very powerful and pronounced message. you are a powerful and pronounced messenger daddy, and it's such a pleasure to have you on with us. i can't wait to get you back because i'd like for the conversation to go on further. i have a feeling you have a lot of things that you want to share. thanks again. i think that's our shelf. remember to always look outside your own box truths. don't live in boxes like sanchez and i'll be looking for you next to the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the little girl. sure. and you hear noise on the line, you more interested in the split change of changing the like the last but similar to the able to, to look for the end of the was a sham, but i see it was a shame, but i see up with all my games with a see. yeah. that you should be able to move forward with your member said that was missing here on this quarter presenting. so i need the list of documents to put a really good thing is that it does require at least 2. yep. us to increase the stuff i wish to show my product with the more comfortable dish. francesco chills, 5th of
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a lot of stuff that's in the and it's really frank on a supper about the lebanese capital pills, at least one person and was another 17. the idea of claims to have taken out its intended target. hezbollah commander. algeria recalls his envoy from paris condemning the decision to recognize morocco's sovereignty over the contested western sahara. we speak with the letters to her as ambassador to south africa who stresses the illegitimacy of the move. france has its deep


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