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tv   Documentary  RT  July 31, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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and planned as the sole solution to do so, hire a dispute. it was at that particular moment that i'll do in foreign ministry. he shoot a statement criticizing the french to government support a full moral cause plan for wisdom. so hara, the statement accused from soften door seeing what a pause and imposed colonial reality and wishes to hara a step it claims no previous phrase. government has even taken a junior contents that to the support violates international law. as we were listening there, as well as contradicting the ongoing you in, if it's to resolve the conflict. but this is francis reason. fronts autonomy on the mobile console ring t is the framework within which they see she must be resolved all support for the economy plan proposed by morocco in 2007 is clear and laboring for problems. this plan now represents the only basis for reaching a just last state and the goal shaded political solution in line with united
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nations security council resolutions. no problems is always argue that it's clear and consistent support from the rockers. autonomy plan is a serious and credible basis to in the dispute over wisdom, sahara. and we also know that to the future of relations between those 2 countries, fonts and morocco entirely depended on france and support for morocco sovereignty on the western sahara. but it is a major victory from morocco, even the american royal palisade in an announcement that this was a significant development in support of morocco sovereignty over the sahara. and you to remember morocco submitted a plan to the united nations in 2007. the plan will see some administrative add additional powers, the transfer to residence, the sahara. a ton of this region would have its own government and our parliament made of both representatives of local tribes at and directly to elicit members. it
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would also have its own code. so which would issue a movies in the name of the team of morocco. the government would also have local taxes. ad control is owned by just the but the temperature would retain the american flag and the car is the what it's um, foreign release of the security and defense would also be under the purview of morocco and the wisdom so high rise, important volunteer because of his support for the uh, the, the, the put assario front, which is the group fighting for the independence of wisdom, sahara and fonts, carbon seats, toys that the united states joins is well, spain and a number of african countries that have back to the bought to position. also be important to consider the situation has already strained relations between i'll to read morocco as well to receive more office control over wisdom, sahara as a form of colonialism. so this decision, by far from only making the tensions was especially considering how the local
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population is old. also been vocal about his intention to apply for freedom. have listen to this. what type of hardships morocco tries to impose on us with the support of phones. the so raleigh people will continue to stop and defend that rights until they obtain the definitive departure of the american aggressive from that territory. and general recognition of the legitimacy of that struggle for self determination and independence, even locals as the hud and the police are your front have previously rejected morocco's glad. continuing to the demonic a referendum on full self determination. so it will be very interesting to watch how the school pens out and how the move mid 5 to for the independence of wisdom. so hara continues to respond to this. we was speaking with the so hot out a republic ambassador to south africa is excellence. he mohammed based on now he says from says deep rooted, colonial thinking is dictating his political agenda and that part of the world,
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the size has the blue color in the beginning and clearly on the politics that comes through the vein is and that is the event of d n a and then that genes, fries see when we might go well, thanks we. so these are nearly the reason these did think the same way that as this was with thinking late and i do said duty when the boss is made in bed, mean a default. what that, what a 3 d, we've got on the, on the trees and colonial peoples fries think that it has a divide ability and the responsibility to distribute the 3 as it was just the, what sounds out a bit longer. so then, so they can give it to that, the call these, the poppy that can go from the western side of the microphone and does not belong
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to france, western side of below. because these people, i'm the only, it's the both of you to morrow who also 5 or to do them said this, these position is legally immortal. and they go, i've been there since the but if it goes, oh, but if the come, the, during the gone, it's a no problem. several dies fully united nations to solve the problem is for me, it's a sub with us. i guess i missed the beam is daughter who is buying too many days, but the bottle itself? i was a guess of the work. oh, you know, so which is a mission of united nation deployed on the do not quite a solution, but my vision is shut up from our president. obama was very close tomorrow because of the instead of the outcome of the
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single model because of visit laser with his father, but he never was added to this position. oh, nobody's back to finish. but his dish. um oh the something oh for as long as i put them in a number of the goals, but some of them a girl doesn't get, doesn't get about any they want us to play in another group of nation like so. i said, i'm like, how do i like, do you need to solve on some property of background is but the funds we go to just do the same position before us, which is how i gave you solve and solve for me and the price you are getting about to our top story, that's how i hear on uh to you roughly 10 past 9 in the morning and have ron. and it's breaking news from a raw this out as how my southern alex is political bureau chief is smiles, kind of a has been assassinated by israel. let's a demo right now or go straight to our correspondent use of july. the for will details on this or use of the money to you get, can you bring us up to speed?
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what do we know? sofa, a robbery shot in development. as far as honey. yeah, the senior homeless leader has been assassinated in to ron course. the incident was 1st made public by the islamic revolution, gar score and a statement of reading that a smart honey at the head of how mazda political bureau has been assassinated at his residence, into rhonda in the early hours of wednesday. and just hours after he attended the evaluation ceremony of the newly elected iranian president muscle position the on of course reports also say that one member of honey as a body guard team has also been killed so far as we speak, no details about how the incident has been carried out or who was behind the incident has been surface so far as we speak. but of course i, there are there was there been some conflicting reports about how the incident has been carried out. some suggest that it was
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a guided missile striking his residence into ron, and others indicate that of some assailants, tore him into his residence into juan, and took him down. and of course, nobody has so far claimed responsibility for the assassination of a smart and how do you get into wrong, but of suspicion as quickly turn to as well? because as my attorney has long been on top of israel's headless sense of the october 7th attack on his rail as well, has vowed to take him down along with other senior hum us members of course of how do you have them has been a, an instrumental figure within the how mosque rule pan has been living in guitar of over the past couple of years. but he was into ron. he arrived at the one yesterday to participate in the, in on the ration ceremony of a mess with position key on your, on his new president on that incident took place. he also met with us with business key on yesterday. he health talks with him and brief mess with us as the on about
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the latest developments in gauze. so we're also possess, gone vowed and we have from the raw support for how modest and for there was a sense access. so now, so for now, we see that thomas has also released a statement, leaving the incident on israel and vowing a serious revenge. so a reactions have been pouring in. things are quickly taking a new turn. and the already volatile situation in the middle east is also a quickly turning it to a pallet. okay. yeah, agreed yusef, i just happen is ready guest of the program just a few minutes ago. and he was saying these really media is basically saying nothing about this, although my guest said he thinks that massage was behind this and they used an antique tank miss out against the residents. all very smiles kind of guy. but i guess, you know, the investigation is on the way use if we will learn more, as today goes on all to use use of john. like let's get more on this right now across law to shut the of the document. a journalist originally from jobs are
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joining us here. we're not to international. meet up breaking news. i'll get to see you may, thanks for coming on a program here on, on the international. it does look like when a hell of an escalation, frankly, a top official of overall mazda assassinated in here, ron, at a time when the whole country is celebrating the new president and the integration as well, from the of the top of your head. shoddy, your media, so thank you. morning, get you into all your uh interviews. uh, i believe that this is a big test for the new president to get on. because uh uh it is his 1st week in the palace. and yesterday he met with this might, i mean, yeah, and this is going to show what would be the new policy of this new president. and is this kind of a patient uh we can see the fingerprint. so full song, uh,
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do you have them already such kind of an estimation of operations before and it is march, uh, like heading to anyone that it is the one who is having the most benefit to estimate the such kind of uh, beginning to like it's my money, let's not forget about what happened last night in, but you know, in destination of, uh, number 2 leader as well. so we see that all the thing goes on to just pointing to massage and this is going to be a big, big test fail. uh oh, shoot. yeah. and i believe that's it, it honest taking this method really seriously because it is it just thing, there are a silver energy and the big. yeah, i mean saw that you make a great point. i mean, testing this over. and so, you mean, you know, the presidential integration,
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hundreds of thousands on the streets and the ronnie and capital and yet still most side electricity is able to make this strike against the residency of is mile. honey i, i think you make a very, very good point. you call this a new test for a new president with that being said shoddy. and if that's how you feel that what kind of reaction should we expect out of a new presidency? a is a didn't a minutes i'm to know and this is oh, how they used to do it before the just keep silent and the dog, even a short statement. we say that we are happy about. this is what this lady said that they are happy of all destination, but we do either. they don't admit that they did it or they don't say anything with it, which means that any action you're on is going to take later on is going to be wrong. uh, you know, i'm side this say that now the one who is the believe it is when did it,
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but there is no evidence is that we keep on denying that in the same time is a, the most part of who is having the benefits. let's not forget the american role in this because most probably the width of which was using this explanation would be the us main. uh, the intelligence would be provided by united states also, and i am sure that is why and we're not uh, do such kind of assistant nation without the green light of the american administration. well, i mean you, can you go back to the assassination of said i'm on the, on the, on the trump's administration. i mean that, that was your, it's an after i give me a rock, wasn't it? so, so as you say, i mean, they're almost always in cahoots. shoddy, but i appreciate you putting it so they put not a place. let me ask you this. if i made 3 friends, make good 3 fronts. israel striking gaza israel, striking lebron on. now israel vine, i think the suffering, so you'll be
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a ronnie and capital and assassinating a scene. yeah. how much leader i had is ready. guest on the show, just a short time ago. he said this is just the beginning phase forecasting the next world war erupt. thing in that region, i hope he's wrong shopping. what do you think? i believe the queue or the all this is just been giving you and let them you know, he is the person who is in charge of the most logical government which ever had a role as a member and been giving it to me all is facing corruption cases and lawsuit against him and as i am. and he is trying as much as he can to continue in his position as a prime minister. on the other hand, we have a, the last week american president who is being guided by functional
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fools. and they are just following what they want now is playing with them. nothing, you know is very intelligent and he is just making his role to achieve his uh, benefits for himself. i'm talking about the best, the benefit support benjamin to, to now and use the government bank of the walk ridge of all this kind of ministers who are and part of his government. so if we look at the big picture, benjamin was in the out, doesn't care about the world war stops. he only cares about that. he, his name should be written as the heat or pencil and he is sole psychopathic person . if you look a box, look at java, look up, live and solve the how many war crimes the committee. he's awfully abused by the eyes to see that eh, he is a war criminal. and still they are supporting him from the open country
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is united states and this is showing. 5 actual double standards, if, if some in some other country just did like one policy to what is ended, would have been abolished and a lot of sanctions, would there be no applied them to my board as well if you're below. yeah, somebody's amazing. and you, you talk about the, the political ambitions of nathan yahoo basically trying to maintain his political shelf life. you called it, you go to try and imagine what kind of mine is that shoddy? what kind of mine who wants to cling on to his political career and yet he's okay with a genocide being conducted under his leadership. i mean, what kind of mine, what kind of shoes would, can actually engage in something like that is i, i can't get my head around that friday before i let you go. i want to ask you quickly, you know that with these and yeah, and they've been showing that solar diety with the power steering is they've been essentially attacking is ready length or western link, the ships and the red sea,
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but an american aircraft carrier, basically got scared and had to leave because the who, the miss all that dangerous to visa, american warships. and now apparently this american aircraft carrier is backing off from the who the coast of government coast and is moving to israel. some people are saying this american aircraft carrier is going to help israel to strike 11 on. you've got 30 seconds shoddy. what are your thoughts? this is since they are all of those segments booked over by just sent and their draft the guy. yeah, because this is that ford lied for munition, for support to show that, hey, we all day are we are the americans and we are in supporting israel in what the, what the i'm doing and how to show that just send an aircraft carrier. we have eisenhower or uh, whatever is the aircraft which is available there, just send it. and no one is suppose to interfere. we are the police man of the war
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. we are to decide who is a legal, who is a legal who is doing right. who's doing wrong? this is the americans and i, this is not going to continue the americans and this is, i are needing the all to, uh, the more more for a, with the full speed. i can see 200 miles bill or yeah. heading to a fix that all right thing its accelerated that that's what just about everyone is saying that wherever we're headed, wherever that's going to be, we're going the quicker and quicker part of the day. yeah. show the of the document as a journalist originally from guys are joining us here on our team to national chevy . thank you very much. i appreciate your time. you are shifting gears to india now, where land slides and the south in the state of colorado has left a 140 people. that's according to the local health officials, a torrential rains and started on choose a trigger. torrance, of modern water that swept through villages and the nation south fulton widespread
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devastation rescue efforts 10 foot by blocked roads and authorities. mobilizing helicopters to help with the the support is open. nicholas my daughter to have rallied in venezuela to show that solid heresy with the re election of the president. now a rally took place outside the presidential palace, incorrect coast that was welcomed by the president himself. the cartridge leader delivered a message that was echoed by the defense minister, the denounced the crew attempt in the country. i tell them we have held back. we will uncover and capture them all and we will be victorious once again victorious. as we are in the presence, simply put the crew data on the q d ta forged once again by fascist factors, by the extremist right. wayne, supported, of course, by imperialist factors, us imperialism and its allies in their lackeys and see boys like to daytime,
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progress, for which the president, commander in chief of the bowl of arion national armed forces. nicholas madura, moros has taken the lead to stop it again. but while how highly folks realize how organized that would be the main confrontations, and this is not to say that there are people that are, can be angry about it. because of course, the expectations going to be extremely money provided. since maybe you're saying it's less and you actually so the and also how it's developing right now. what are the objectives the target, sir? i talking also follow the same pattern again which combines of for the context and the images that the car to reduce and part of the strategy had changed, but also the optimal special warfare. so it's exactly some classics textbook, hybrid interventions. as far as we're seeing that the protests against the re elected president, my daughter started monday after the election results. people took to the streets,
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facing off with police and boning posters with the presidents image a 100 so mean to take off at the bottom south. as well, it has several diplomatic ties with peru off of the countries. foreign minister named opposition lead to edmondo gonzalez as be elected president of the nation. a could back us as also recalled as diplomats from peru and other well 6 of the countries that only refused to recognize me and my daughter's re election. meanwhile, the us says, the venezuelan withdrawal of different amounts is a quote and intolerance of democracy. it is a, it is a circumstance that in which we are concerned about, and we're paying close attention to it is telling, though that monroe is breaking diplomatic relations with fellow latin american countries. who like the united states, have simply asked for transparency. and it's something that those countries in the international community are looking for. and i think it demonstrates the major
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origins and tolerance for to sent in a lack of commitment to the basic democratic principles that other regional governments are not just sharing and defending. well. meanwhile, the you and us and all those have demonte that the release of detailed voting data from the post lean stations. this comes as a venezuela's official statement said that a hacker attack prevented the full election results information from being transmitted. the venezuelan president decided to set up a special commission to assess the attack of the commission. is that fine to be formed with the help of russia and china? however, the nation's opposition and the problem is to find every voice cost during the election. and just as we swept, we are going to collect, we are going to defend every votes, and we're going to make the raising recognize what the whole world knows today as mundo gonzalez is our next president. and when did you, we can see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat,
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although we believe that the opposition should do so. it should congratulate the winners of the selection. of course, it's very important that attempts to sway the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by 3rd countries, 3rd parties, and that venezuela is free from outside interference. gopal old policy should respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of handling the domestic affairs of the country. since speaking about the election results concerns, wikileaks is saying the poll the event as well as opposition and some foreign governments are citing. is proof of election for they say it's actually connected to the c. i a, the poll shows that the candid or from the opposition edmondo gonzalez was a vote for mold and nicholas my daughter. however, i know the data collection firm gives another view of the vote has preferences with most choosing my daughter as the president of calvin tucker from the u. k. is
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morning. star news was an international election observer in venezuela. he said the observers were exposed to attacks by protesters that was supported, as he says, by western plains. this is a regime change of operations made in washington. can i cite festival, our a, our international election? the boss was, it was obvious for my tell that i'm saying they were on my way to the apples and i spoke with a number of the surface area, including some women who were extremely poor and sized up having to go through that experience. the responsibility for protecting international job was noises, goals, trustable with the security services of this country, and not going to find a plan for what they are doing to protect itself with the ultimate responsibility lies in washington. the you longer and because they are acting on these boyland
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fox to attack elections, of is attack institutions of the site to pack up political policies, a random supporters of president working for the state. and they need to call back fox before somebody is killed in the it is an estimate was over to over to the u. k. now where police have classed with an unruly crowd of protests outside of mos in northwest england, on tuesday, the demonstrators, some in mosques were holding bottles and star wins that police officers even set a police find a blaze. the, the process that could be the location where the 3 girls was fatally stabbed in a don's class on monday offices and right here in shelves with cultivated objects. and some a page of minor injuries while vans were damaged by fire and rugs. the police are
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investigating or has been a very busy hour breaking news or analyses the national live from muskgray. appreciate you joining us with the updates coming in about 3 and a half minutes. the, in the late 1892 french soldiers, led by general, arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. no one on 3 to come on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars do and just showing the list to the consent of who they are. least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. somebody, i shouldn't know the question that you download, the philosophy followed there,
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do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed off for us to get the movie financing. i moved to a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa, beach races, general good ice flood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the, even this and hopefully, and the history in the region. the russian states never as one of the most sense community invest in
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most all sense and up the must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we real fan in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on process routing and supports the r t, smooth neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you fix the request, which is the, the we are in north of cities in the caucus as mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time
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itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning, i'm sure i'm thomas, this isn't my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture. the take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse to really was a better world. and is it just because it shows very few frustrated images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the,
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the, it is breaking news as our hero and off the international and assassination in that runs the lead off. how much is male heavy is targeted and taken out? fine is riley strikes, the group pledging quick response this afternoon and coming out was off the honey a. would that be in nova ration ceremony of the new iranian president? its iran is now launching an investigation. means i may as well of types of solve a baby root killing 3 and wounding over 70. the idea of claims is intended pocket a has block, amanda was eliminate post one of the programs. molly and media saying thousands of separatists are killed in an ass striking of the countries north following an ambush on government forces. amadi repeatedly finding traces of evidence get the.


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