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tv   News  RT  July 31, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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or the breaking news this out off the international, the leader altima is male candidate is targeted and taken out by his rightly strike intent wrong. the iranian president touches the respondents to the assassination. these lumnick republic veronda will defend its territorial integrity and honor and make the terrorist invaders regret their cowardly action. and all that is just hours off of a new lease. when i'm president, embrace tiny, it is an old duration ceremony on choose that israel attacks us. stop up, i'll be rude, killing 3 and wounding of a 70. the idea of times as intended. talk it a has, but i'll come on to was illumination. also in the program of my lea at the media
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saying thousands of separatists are killed in an asteroid in the countries note the following an ambush on governmental forces. amani reportedly finding traces of evidence that ukraine had had in the rebel attack. you're going to want to hear these details that coming your way in a few months. just a moment off the hi new and here at most. go all eyes off fixed on the middle east as to what comes next. it's all breaking news story for you. this hour here, a straight from a tear on where hamas has announced as potent bureau chief is mile, honey. i has been assassinated by israel. rodney and president my sort possess key on has offered his condolences to the grieving palestinians, and iranians as well today. dear ron is morning and offers its sorrow, enjoy to the constant and proud companion of the path of resistance. the brave leader of the palestinian resistance is mile honey. yesterday i raised his
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victorious hand, and today i have to bury him on my shoulders. martyrdom is the art of god's man. the bond between the 2 proud nations of iran and palestine will be stronger than before, and the path of resistance and defense of the oppressed will be followed stronger than ever. these lumnick republic of iran will defend its territorial integrity and honor and make the terrorist invaders regret their cowardly action. straight to tear on week are of course a lot to all correspond to various use after loudly for more updates on this break and use use f. i'll simply say over to you. what of course, are already assassination itself is one thing, but the fact that it has occurred on it, there was swell is even more significant. it happened well, honey, it was into one to attend the an observation of mass. what possessed beyond the newly elected giovanni and president, now it was the language is full of flat supreme leader i to law how many issued a statement saying as well, marked or to quote,
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our dear guess that our country and made us side. but it's also said the stage for a harsh punishment for itself. he said he was that one will seek one. he has blog that was spilled and a bitter incident that happened within the borders of the islamic republic. so all fingers of flame are pointed at israel since it hasn't the past present to take out time us leaders following the the october 7th as i can. we just heard a report from our the siding is really government media office a saying that tel aviv has claimed responsibility. of course, it's an unconfirmed report. the idea of itself has not commented yet, but it's where the officials were quick to take pleasure in honey as death. this is the right way to clean the world from these fills honey as death makes the world dislike, be back to place no more imagined re peace agreements, no mercy for the sons of death. of course,
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that's my honey. it was an instrumental figure in how mossey was the chief of father, how much political bureau since 2017 and had was even considered the political leader of the group. his experience and how much stretches for decades since the 1980s. he was jailed multiple times by israel for his activities and had even been deported from god side by the idea of. he also served as the prime minister of the palestinian authority for 8 years starting in 26 following the october 7th attack is israel had support tiny and the cross hairs. and as soon as targeted some of how most leaders, as well as funny as family members just in april this year and he's ready air strike on a central guys are killed honey as we songs and 3 grand sizes of the idea of clearly admitted responsibility for killing county has funds in a statement that alleged the targets for active military members of hamas. however, the announcement did not address the killing of
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a honey is grandchildren. now as we actions are pouring in on abuse us a nation of honey, i himself, it was president. i must have because actually on, as you mentioned, expressed his brief over the incident saying these vondik republic uh will defend its territorial integrity and may quote, terrorist invaders regret their cowardly action. meanwhile, spokesman of it was ministry of foreign affairs and also to 90, also offered his condolences describing honey as a chief figure in the fight for liberating palestine from his way. the occupation of this assess nation and the reckless is riley behavior and continuing to target civilians and goals that would lead to the region sliding into a cycle of chaos and undermine the challenges for peace guitars for them in rejecting violence terrorism and criminal acts including political assassinations, regardless of the motives and reasons. that's just about 12 35 pm right there. and tyrone with austin correspondent,
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yusef july. thank you. what russia and china have reacted to the attack. they've denounced the killing, committed bias. we're actually giving us his name. we strongly condemned this as a nation of his male hon, the head of the political beautiful of the policy. and how much movement in a missile attack on his residence in the hut on it is clear to the organizers of this political assassination. well aware of the dangerous consequences of this action for the inside region, and you'll be able to go to what we finally oppose and condemn this active assassination. we feel worried about the fact that this issue may cause possible escalation and turbulence in the region. china always believes that we should settle regional disputes through negotiation and dialogue with one more now and of course live to have a high, moderate posada, the associate professor of political science or the i'll as yada university and gaza. now joining us here live in cairo very well. welcome to today. so what a story they say is, you know, oh i is right now of fixed on the middle east. a lot of us are wondering what comes
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next because israel has openly carried out a tax all over the region now the world gaza striking iran 11 on yemen, syria, i'm his quite a number. you just think i'm a high model. has the middle east have a face a similar level of escalation? well, it seems to me that this is the worst case scenario that we are facing now. and this is the 2nd biggest association in this. then 24 hours. the association of the chair, lot of how much, what is it going to be to is $998.00 in addition to the association of the 2nd years and then come down and has well uh, last night uh for our chicken. uh, what makes even things much, much more dangerous is the, says the vision of the year. uh, as indicated in your program came on your, on your, i'm sorry. uh, it seems to me that uh, things are going winds right now, in addition to the ongoing war. again,
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this goes on for the past 2 months and also with the escalation and, and so i was not going on with the ortiz and the young man, uh, now, uh, died except the are on the, on inside the uh, killing area. uh, it seems to me a lot to expect it, but i mean i was on mondays and retaliation for those 2 assassinations in less than 24 hours. yeah. well, you know, a lot of a list and guess, i mean, speaking to in this, a program at breaking news or here or not. see they, they be now joining, i don't know, comparison. somebody, for example. and then and, you know, just came back from washington and somebody is on list the thing. look at this, look at this and then yahoo has just come back from washington. they must have given him the green light to do something like this. so i don't know if that's true, that that's what my list. so my guess to say, but my question to you would be israel has just violated the, the, the software into the a, rod you in a capital by tech tiring out on assess the nation strike. meantime, iran has
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a brand new president who's already condemned the attack. what kind of further reaction might you expect out of camera? well, that is a very good question. first of all, let me say that nothing yahoos visit to the us on his page. they watch congress from on his way. any point was a big victory for them. nothing. y'all is just not with the american president joe biden with the, his a vice president and nominated for the next election come in or how does he also met with the republic? i'm clinton, the uh for the president. so you don't have to, i'm who has as the you as a president to allow nothing else to finish the job and, and the guy is listed. i very much think it's not the cool incident that this uh, major assassination. just up in 3 days off the nothing you know left that you us, he probably, uh has uh receive a blessing, a died
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a green light from the us. and when you, our secretary of defense lloyd's. uh, uh, austin lloyd was, was us this morning. and he did not respond without that you was a, gave a green light for this size, initial or not. which seems to me that it, it, you got, we can very much, uh, uh, assume that uh such a manager as commission. and i mean, just as an agent on it on yeah. and so him would not take this without you us green light. it seems to me, um, now i own own a scenario is uh on the bill. i don't think that the wrong is would that allow this? uh uh, i can go money on their story. and as it was indicated by the supreme leader of it on that, he's on it on young guest. he was killed and assassinated on it on the other. so i
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don't think as they are saying that this is a mug, would be wasted, definitely that, but there wouldn't be probably some kind the for the event. we all remember how we're on edit voted on the middle of april of this year for the is what really stuck on the, on the on call. so the most, cuz uh, it seems to me the, uh, it says to say that the, the whole region is going as wide as collision. now whether it's and not on, on with, with the, a, a, with, with the add ons in addition to the ongoing is what you to genocide and the goal is was to yeah, i think you make a good point. you go back to, you know, to the iranian consulate in damascus. it was targeted back in may, and then of course, iran responded. but if you remember the ronnie, the response, you know, iran sent hundreds, hundreds of drawings and missiles, but it's on the old stuff. it's in the old drones, the slow drones. somebody was antiquated, missed all technology and,
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and i was moving washington, i'm to key. i'm tele, we, we're going to respond soon. that was in may, but even announced the launches of those drugs. they gave israel so much warning. do you think we can see something like that again? or is it going to be perhaps more powerful without any kind of diplomatic warning? well i think if we listen to that, you not get a sion of the new president over here on yesterday. i'll. 1 muscle does, she can oh, very much a focus more on improving the daily life conditions of the it on is try to focus on more of a tackling it on in intel problems and also extend them problems. i don't think that the alon is interested in a, in a, in a vision of the world with israel, especially when, when the u. s. is sending, it's uh,
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8 across the carriers through the region to detail uh, the so called resistance access and the region. well, my packing as well, and also uh, as you just indicated when the laundry tell you to the few months ago, again, just uh, the uh, destruction of their counseling. and they, in a, in a way, a method many, many of these, you know, they are about to be able to tell the agent. uh, yes, uh, this is, this is a big us commission on the positive is run against the it on the end. but at the end of the day, uh, i think it on when i definitely vision would be very much calculated in a way not to provoke is we're in the u. s. into a bigger world and, and in the region. but, you know, we all looked on this is, this is what we were afraid of. death i misunderstood, will happen here, or there, which will, uh, take lesion into why the escalation, uh,
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a week ago when uh, a little mistake happening. but getting the full visually out ups in the golden lights and lid too is what you need us commission again is 7 and our goodness. uh how about us and, and i'm the leader. so uh, even though that there might be buddy. uh uh sorry, the calculations love to go with the why the room war, but it seems to me that some some his mistakes up in uh, accidentally which might lead to feel better deterioration in our uh will of times each of them. yeah, yeah. i think you're right always gonna take is, you know, one more little spot to settle that 10 bucks. i mean, as you say, a lot of people are very anxious as to what comes next in the middle east region. i'm a high level, so there was here, so it's a professor of political science at the out as john university and gaza joining us from kyra, thank you for your time. thank you. meanwhile, hezbollah has set his condolences to the family of the hamas leader highlighting, but his death will only boost the resolve of his fights since the death of honey
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a. william bolden. the determination and stubbornness of resistance fighters on all fronts and will make their results stronger in fighting against the zionist enemy. can you imagine all this coming on the heels of another deadly use ready strike? this one took place on tuesday in big rude. the idea of such a targeted a senior has block come on the saying of the group put across the red line as a result of the attack, 3 people killed and well, it was 70 people. wilburn did the 11 on the health ministry saying at least one woman and 2 kids were killed in the attack. the strike spot condemnation from some of the who with these iran and lebanon in response, has announced the launch of a biology of kind of ecology drove and is heading towards israel. and all this coming years, 3 days off,
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during the attack on the golan heights with 12 children were killed. and israel blames has blah for those depths and claims the attack on a route targeted a senior commander of the group was for 2 cor, was the right hand man to cross on a smaller piece of butler's leader. and these advisors in planning and directing attacks and operations, he was a senior tourist who was the blood who has the blood of ease, or at least in many others on his hands, face bowl as on going aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and the entire middle east into a wider escalation. while we prefer to resolve will still it is with out a wider war. the idea is fully prepared. for any scenario i to is
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really drones lunch. several air strikes on it has bullet strong cold, specifically in the hot athletic area in the cells in suburb of b. root reports indicate that there were casualties as a result of this asteroid carried out. but these really air force here, we can see how this building collapsing the explosion here, the 5th and 6 floors, 3 floors total were destroyed in the rate. there is also in the adjacent building that the was targeted specifically in the upper part of this building which led to the destruction of for additional floors and damage was inflicted on buildings. and 5 cars in this area or thousands of wounded were rushed to the nearby box command hospital. that's the strike hit, a density populated area. the number of casualties simply may arise as the rubble is cleared. and we heard from witnesses right? the as i was passing here on my bike and suddenly i was hit on the head and fell unconscious. another site was in my car close to the building that was targeted. i felt like something powerful hit the car which broke through the roof. there was
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dustin thick ash and i didn't know what happened and what was going on around me. and then we started hearing water because there was a tank on the roof of the building. then my vision became clear and i was able to get out. we went in the street and 2 minutes later we heard the sound of the explosion. there were 2 hits, one after the other. it wasn't that strong, so it was obvious that it was a drone strike and not an air strike. or you heard of it earlier from a local journalist on my like hollywood. and she says the people of a root are ready to respond. and this has been as dry near the hospital that stores and was the hughes. and the people they made with senses and smooth and turned it all over. they looked and uh it was d at the exclusion. so uh it has just the noise of engagement has decided to escape this consolidation to where they become a very big war. and this uh,
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so civilians. i know that the way in high 5 because the engagement of the young you started up, you know, the people that have been waiting for the solution. this is the most. so basically they are staying with best ages, are doing, does the 11 we have almost 5 times as much as and solve the problem. so basically being on the edge or however, so it's going to escalate how far it's going to to be. we don't do much, we know what we know for sure is the the left today. that doesn't sound good. well, it's a claim to all of the kind of assistant nation or the kind of a limited to. so i guess it's, let's do 11. we are going to most of the se, calling us and addition addition, i guess simon, i'm just going through the act accordingly. so the way to,
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to pay for this and the time when it is just to blame, i'm on the, i'm nothing happens has been open. we are behind that time. we have resistance and we have an army and we have that is the said, the su street. and that's all going to be somewhere near the house to the end of today. so you wouldn't have gone crazy by now, and maybe they would have been starting to bump. oven was full. but of this a lot happened for us because isn't as well, that's the word stuff for they are they page decent and business. they are getting sued and they, and they also don't expect anything from such an aggravation. power that has the green light from the world to do whatever it was we heard from a former policy or a new territory. diplomatic representative to the united kingdom. besides the recent as early as drawings are only going to expand the consulate across the region,
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we are at the brink of the region and what i think is right. and i got the through nothing you know, through the congress of the green light to escalate the tensions. and then we do the ease. i think that it comes out of going ahead with the as plans with the, with the, with the say is. and now we are seeing rotate from is all upfront him us from cdm for on it on in front of the as of now building i mean, ready to go for the action which will lead basically to major escalations that were involved may be major powers. and the reason, so we cannot really anticipate that much then name it to you of the action of all these board and existence groups, i guess is the end. but definitely is, there is not going to get by with the assets the nations that have been taking place, and we believe that destinations had been greenlighted by the us administration. unfortunately. meanwhile, they actually, my rights scandal has erupt. it in israel,
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as 9 soldiers suspected of sexually abusing a policy in prison, i with obtained and interrogated, not spunk, chaos in the country. his ride has stormed an idea of facility. while members of the kinetic debated whether or not rape can be justified. will state side, washington reacted finally. say it's good enough in this apparently, you know, rave and killing and torture and all this think it happens. the thinking early in his rated today should get to that constitute or crime. so are deeply concerning and we've been clear and consistent with israel and the idea that they need to treat all the tanny's humanely and, and with dignity in accordance with humanitarian law. we also, i spoke a little bit about this earlier in the week site. we reiterate the support that an idea that the idea is investigating some of these allegations of serious abuse of posting in detainees. and that is a news that we welcome. and we're going to let that process and we believe in due
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process. and we're going to look that process plan to pick point. i am not a legal expert site. it certainly i imagine it would be inconsistent with, uh, is, is, is really lost. yeah. so all of this comes off the rise of storm and the idea of facility on monday. i mean the classes with ministry police dozens managed to break it into the bait and lead the military base. one member of the liquid party called for a voting strike in parliament to show solidarity with those soldiers who got arrested. and that spark, it tends to fade on whether or not abuse can be justified. to insert a sticking a person's rector, is that legitimate? yes, if he's in the but everything is legitimate. everything we heard from all for the cost, so you can ask that member from the high dash party. he says that the idea of alleged a piece of practice is what he says. quite well, not a few months ago, i was standing in the midst of glendon exposed those of uses
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and the a will probably stayed by a different day. you know me, joe said easily and outside of the display. nice. i was speaking in the play and when he gives those up, use these which include the metal is a torture. a people lose their leads because they were typed in out say to store won't be terribly terribly i. we did not close into acceptance because because they are too graphic, unfortunately. so everybody knew about keeps book value, was did a buying the images of the fundamental, including from the so called democratic lead based on a position. and i was use in good faith in searches. now everybody knows like was right. we have to understand the investigation. it gives those 9 said the stake. cleaning the as
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naturally is village it. and just, you know, 6 on a. so it's like the damage caused to the victim. any doesn't matter to ease. you may be months there. i don't know because it was no charge to you yet. it was all right. but do you mean if he's this is lights like anyone? it's the most is gusting and dangerous. thing is at the moment. is there any properties? there's a very why set that is in even let you do. so you need another mediation to those allegedly cleaning those a piece molly and forces have conducted what that calling a boss operation in the northern parts of the country near the algerian border, carrying out a series of ass drawings and revel controlled areas. according to local media, dozens of rebels and local, all kind of tires to being killed. that comes off for about
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a 1000 and the government, separatists ambushed molly and service min and wagner forces in the area using heavy weapons. short time ago during the program of these, steve sweeney walk us through developments. now these of retaliation, st. strikes of the a convoy was set upon by the at set, participating the rebels in a multi kidding, quite a large number. we don't know the exact figure of a multi in a soldiers and fighters from the involved the private ministry company. now since and auntie it obtains exclusive footage which appeared to show ukrainian forces on the ground. now since then, the ukraine has admitted that it does have a presence in molly and that it is being training those set produced forces to use . uh you avi's to carry out drug strikes and other support. now we have this frank, a mission. from under i use of, from ukraine's intelligence directorate,
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bishop of spine, see the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against flesh and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this. in principle, this can be commended on we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation. this is sensitive information. therefore, everything that you cream does happening within the limits and within the framework of international law. taking into account all the necessary procedures now since a certain mission and the events over the weekend, the molly and government is now investigating the involvement of ukrainian instructors what to get inside the country. now rush is a foreign ministry spokesman, but he is a how to the well she's not surprised given, keeps track record. the fact that the key regime, cold threats with terrorist is not surprising since itself has repeatedly resulted and continues to result to the use of terrorist methods,
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showing the residential areas towards beaches, sports and playgrounds, using its own civilian population as a human shield committed, sabotaged, and political mode, as on the territory of the country, we're confident that the true terror assessments of the key regime will become increasingly of this to the world's community. yeah, marina murray, she's always, she's always a straight shooter. i mean, she always tells you how it is and, and, you know, she very brave woman. she says key was backing terrorist in africa. what do you mean by that? see what goes on. on the one hand, she will be talking about the 2 reg set protests to of being, waging this insurgency against the malia and government for quite some time now. but also she will be referring to all kite in the saw hill region which is being of cause play again, a number of african nations seeking to destabilize those countries as we've heard from a valid. and if i to, he explained very involved. but in this spiteful over the weekend from july 22nd
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through july 27th. 2020 for the mountain armed forces service men and fighters of the 13th, a sole detachment of the wagner bmc. 4th fears. battles in the vicinity of the settlement of things out and with milton's from the card, the nation of as or what movements and the terrace group. ok, the in the set. how bound in the russian federation. over the next 2 days, the radicals increase the number of mass of attacks using heavy weapons, you avi's and suicide vehicles, which resulted in losses on the part of the wagner being c and the mailing armed forces. so i'll call you to a band g, how this organization now the wagner pmc has been in the country at the invitation of the government to help about fight against the terrorism, which has played the entire region front. so, of course, recently booted out on ceremoniously by monte, which has taken a much stronger on the west in stones. now, it probably is a lot of it, is it lensky? well, he's got a lot to own. so for uh, in uh,
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last november he was talking about how you crane wanted to strength and its relations with african nations extreme of what am i supposed to be through? i talking about a strategic partnership between austin and african states that it must be based on mutual respect. relations must be based on respectful it territorial integrity and sovereignty. so his respect for molly and solvency roommate means supporting set protests, supporting terrorist organization and the stabilizing the countries temperature. right before it recognizes as program here on all to you, we all saw about and enjoyed to corporation with the real cost most space space agency a. to use this, the past to the styles project gets a, highlighting the history of russia's cause making that was, and to show the 2nd episode, we link up with a russian customer hold. all that kind of ankle is kindly setting a world record each and every day for the most time spent an open utah.


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