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tv   News  RT  July 31, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the, the breaking news in all things the national erotic choosing the us of polluting with is well full of a strong foot killed. i must be the intent on shortly all the wrongs new precedent welcome to ration is that catch all speak sounds a game as well. saying hello, be this sabotaging any hope for creasing garza by conducting political assassination. also, the israel attacks a suburb of favor lays on tuesday, killing 3 people,
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including more than 70 the i. b. s claims its intended target. the has full of command was in the minute. the thanks for joining us here on, on the international. so much to bring you this. now as we delve into several strands of stories from the middle east region, many think is ready to erupt. well, we're going to start now with the breaking news this our, this is the fact that iran has vowed retaliation against is very low, but the assassination. all thomas, politically the ishmael honey hit on has also a choose the us of being complicit in the killing of the ministry of foreign affairs of the as lumnick republican, the ron emphasizes the responsibility of the us government as a supporter and accomplice of the zionist regime. in the continuation of the
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occupation and genocide of palestinians in committing this heinous act of terrorism . well, let's get more of the story and cross live now to ortiz. corresponding uses too loudly, usage, thanks very much for being with us. again, this, our, i'm just can you to construe the international reaction is coming off. they can fast to the fact that this how most electrical leader has being assassinated. what of course are many countries have reacted to the assassination of honey describing it as a serious escalation. but the one here has been infuriated not only by the death of the homeless leader, but by the fact that the attack occurred in its territory. of course, uh huh. honey, uh, was assassinated shortly after arriving into one to attend the not the ration of it was new president must what possess keion. now it won, calls for the international community to react, that has vowed serious revenge,
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but also suspecting the west complicity in the incident. that's a sentiment echoed by humans for the group, which has that recently been also targeted by as well. mentioned yahoo return from america with the green light for assassinations. america was involved in it. first thing that is happening in must pay the price noticed what a time. what does the bone from that max of course uh the united states has said that it was not aware of the assassination of china. yeah. uh you was secretary of state anthony blinking made this uh search and just the hours up there, honey. it was killed into that one. think uh it is something that the was, was not aware of were involved in iran, both president position the on and supreme either i to law how many can damn the assassination labeling israel a terrorist regime and vowing a harsh punishment that the incident has a ways the alarm bells and the wrong uh,
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the country has reportedly moved. it's a western borders up on high alert. a red flag of revenge has also been raised in the city of warm such a fly gun was last raised back in january uh after a terrorist attack in the city of clermont that claimed the lives of 94 people at funeral for the hamas chief is also scheduled to take place and to have one on thursday following the funeral. his body will be transported to doha, where he will be late to. 3 and the kids already capital on friday. well, uh, all fingers are flame are directed as well is really officials have denied any responsibility. however, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to convene the security cabinet later today to discuss the issue or use of, i mean, we often described them at least as being a bit of a tend to bulk. but really the last few months, particularly the last few weeks of really seen an escalation of the tension. what sort of consequences do you think we are likely to see the following best
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assassination? uh, well, uh, the reason uh now is uh, bristling with tension. now, after what happened, many fear, a full blown escalation, as that both from us and 11 us as well. i have vowed revenge syria on guitar. have also raised concerns of honey as death. can only show why the regional complex while denouncing is well for the most think it has to repeat. so it's all peace efforts. a political assassinations and continued targeting of civilians in gaza. well, talks continually just ask, how can mediation succeed when one party assassinate, to the negotiator on the other side? peace needs serious partners and a global stance against the disregard for human life. syria condemns this blatant zionist aggression as a despicable act. the continued disregard of international laws by these really entity mesa, the entire region of blaze regional
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geo political powers are concerned about the consequences of the attacked turkish foreign ministry side shows that as well as not after peace in the region, while china and russia are concerned about dangerous repercussions of this latest assassination. interesting enough, it was named. we strongly condemned this as a nation of his male hon. the head of the political, beautiful of the policy. and how much movement in a missile attack on his residence in the hut on it is clear to the organizers of this political assassination. well aware of the dangerous consequences of this action for the inside region. and i'm a go to why don't we finally oppose and condemn this active assassination. we feel worried about the fact that this issue may cause possible escalation and turbulence in the region. china always believes that we should settle regional disputes through negotiation and dialog. so different the
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factions affiliated with the resistance access are now vowing revenge. we see that there was a sense access, which stretches from yemen all the way to syria and lebanon. different factions and groups are now speaking about a serious of the serious repercussions as a result of the assassination of the top leader of hamas. they, they're talking about serious revenge. we see that the men is also angry over what happened young men which has played a key role in uh uh, targeting is really link ships on the red sea throughout the gaza war in solidarity with the palestinian people. it has now also speaking about revenge, has blah levins, as well as also speaking about retaliation. how moss has been outraged by the move of saying that this move will not go on as are so everything is speaking about a potential why the original conflagration and
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a serious need for international intervention now is needed. based on advice is of observers, yvonne is now also saying that the resistance access is not going to remain silent and the blog alpha as, as might honey, it will not go up in smoke. well, you said thanks for bringing this up today to now. i'm sure you'll keep us across all of the developments on this breaking you story. much appreciated that salty correspondent use of july for us as well. just to bring you some background on the mine who has been killed, this is, is male honie. i who served as the political chief of the how must be rose since 2017. and he was widely considered to be the political leader of the group. he has worked with home us since 19 eighties and was imprisoned to multiple times. fine as well. he was even wants to protect from garza by is ready military authorities
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during his career. he also survived several attempts on his life. now he is not the 1st prominent. how may i speak of its being assassinated by israel now in 1996 is where the secret service is managed to kill. how much military eda ya here, sheshe, and this gentleman here in 2000 full. they killed the 2. how much confirmed is in southport incidents in january of this year and as strike on a residential neighborhood. and they were also killed a military commander of the group. now israel was known to have had hon you in his cross has since it's pledge to eliminate the hamas leadership off to be october. second for the tax. and april of this year there was news ready as stripe when garza, i'm not killed, honey is 3 sons and 4 grandchildren, including malik tanya, this young girl who was killed in the attack. nothing is october, doesn't is the best family members haven't been killed. meanwhile, as well as kee,
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i'll i, the us says it's had nothing to do with the latest attack. of course, i've seen the seen the reports and what i can tell you is this 1st, this is something we were not aware of or involved in. so it's very hard to speculate and i've learned over many years, never to speculate on me. the impact one of that may have on a something else. so i can't tell you what this means. i can tell you that the imperative of getting a ceasefire. the important step that has, for everyone roommates, well in recent months is well, has been conducting strikes right them. it least targeting lebanon, syria. we've also had strikes in yemen and in the wrong, but nevertheless, the u. s. continues to support its close ally with israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu recently welcomed by congress members in washington. well, that's cross now live to i've made all room just by who's executive member of the media review network. thank you for joining us here with all the international. we have had not a huge amount from the is re top brass, and we've gone to this assassination to be smell, honey, a some suggesting that it's reported me to know i the responsibility, but nothing official yet. d although we have had the us saying it has nothing to do with this, do believe it. and i find it hard to believe that this comes out of the time in which nothing. yeah, well i just get time from washington where he undoubtedly discussed the issues that are on the war. the issues of postman law issues on size, that is an issue that some of you who can you give me, i'm and so we can,
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i believe somebody comes invested respect. what if anything has not obviously a responsibility which seem to mean why do outcome by members of the document cabinet. you know what it says, what did the cabinets have, have well, come to spare make and i trying been best to avoid an escalation, but, and in my opinion, it's likely that they passed on intelligence to these ratings. the timing of this, you know, obviously is off to the printer to the location of the new raymond president. and at the time in which to reach to these that the heightened. 2 to level, oh but let means that he's really as well as the make and in my opinion, what time do you plan to execute this operation? so i cannot believe that they're making, they'd like to anything. oh no, the officially denying it, but they do not have many other things in the us and they are intelligent with what
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have placed in a place and they hand it is what what tuesdays or is it what was seeing particularly in the last week. the last few days is a clear escalation of the tensions across the middle east region. we've got a israel saying and claim your responsibility for striking left but no one we've had the strikes against the the who sees in the last full night how when the investigation to show late means that the us is not just only pulled funds into as well. but also when to lebanese home, full days, to come to wait tests below. oh, no chances do you think they're all the washington could get involved in a regional conflict? where essentially could be supposing both sides washington has uh, official stats is that it does not one a escalation of the wall,
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original conflict. but we've seen that it's to appoint uh, you know, um sales tvs around its, uh, stated, uh, you know, the defense secretary like austin said that, you know, if you can do the text it will come to israel defense. 5 so the united states speaks the would pay for it supports the warrant garza a support by giving most of the weapons that the is really what it is. but it, it'd be probably wash ships an image. it took a man at the onset of the car and got it to jimmy. so. so why does it officially gives one? because the, you know, talks less it's, it walks, right? so it is a deliberate employee on the part of the making what we call a plus cation, you know, other to, uh, you can officially call them 1st east side of the she did say, we've seen defense or could be uh, after the some say that say the today,
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but i know that the, the us, i'm with him is the, if i in got it that and that's what the funny to what, what was the company's name to say that if they continue to, um, is there a uh so that the likelihood of have you do escalation? yeah, it all depends on how you got to retaliate to this page in violation of it. so i'm going to be off. so i'm definitely a guest. it was a new tenants and baby on their part. out a v x will determine whether we agree just the a full scale war a read milwaukee involve people put things into them when certainly you know, issues belie 11 on as well as promising guides. so you do, but what needs to be a charlotte is that it is really cannot. oh, well, the reason the want or without the help of them, if they can barely sustain the war in casa well when american dialect are making
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the system by the time that's us, being a one multiple friends without to make it. and that's why the best estimated time. yeah. it wants to escalate everything and nothing. yeah. what's his date of jane at all costs? and he's willing to ensure that you know, you do anything to get disagrees. now with the makes is notice a parent to resist. but when push comes to shove, we likely to sit and see the americans coming to the age of, of israel. and even if it means the possibility of distinct possibility destiny, even though it is under a 100 eyes, an obviously original would say possibly an escalation of other acts is like you said, $1015.00 us coming in as well. i just wanna talk about the economics here because we have seen israel's economy having quite a lot of issues over the last 8 months. we've just seen the national currency
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fooling in value after the killing of the hamas politically the issue about how many do you think this is all related to the poor to conflict and how much is actually damaging is wireless economy. a sales economy is on the rocks. we've recently seen that the part of a lot of declared bankruptcy primarily be because of the, the book a dr. gates and boys expensive was terribly expensive. and without making the systems, you know, most of the system, it would not be able to sustain such a. so don't make any putting a, the is there any, pardon me, you got to use it that it gave me a bus not going to bus it is or have everything in the bus and it's, i'm likely that it can be covered in a short time. so what else the currency seems to be taking?
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i think that it's packed, at least somebody's going to be watching the economy at large will be effective because it's only so much for so long. you can keep certain people out of the big jobs when the, when the may not be interrupted in into the money into the mfc for the guy. the genocide was at the end of the game. they've had to be get sent back to their o bases of employment because of the specific issue of the, of the district that the whites have each on each economy. so uh, the longer this goes on, the longer the fix, the adverse effect on these great economy. you know, we're always here to shop even as being the startup nation and, you know, paint, cutting, tech and so on. well when im hibbits uh its ability to build upon all of these so called and each of them you can pick them out of the fill in font.
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so it's, it's a terrible effect on that username economy. and this, however, nothing out was designed for pointing to no survival appears to outweigh, the national interest and the nation impaired, which is, you know, peace with the palestinians as well as the future of the state and need to con, okay, well, i will have to leave it that thank you very much for your insight into that. and i was off my power and just by his executive member of the media review network, while in the west bank, munos took to the streets with pres on protests over the killing of how much the, the issue now here. 6 the demonstrators were seen marching with hamas flags expressing that outraging 3 food, but the assassination. the raleigh remain the launch li, peaceful well, meanwhile has the law has sent its condolences to the family,
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oklahoma theda and said his desk will only increase the determination of it's fight to the death of honda you william bolden, the determination and stubbornness of resistance fighters on all fronts and will make their resolve stronger in fighting against the zionist enemy. well, this comes on the heels of a nova. deadly is really strong, which took place on tuesday and by rate. the idea says that it was targeting a senior has block amanda, off to the lebanese group, he says, crossed a red line. 3 people were killed at more than 70 wounded in the attack and favored the 11 on the health ministry says that a woman and 2 children were killed. the strike of both condemnation from thomas,
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but also the who sees the wrong and also the 11 on english bones has below us in a balloon ship a barrel ship causing drones out as well. all of this comes just 3 days off, throw a deadly incident in the golden pines. the shoes that strike, which claimed 12 lives in the golan heights, most of so if you don't mind where children is, well says the only way to prevent the full scale with has the lot is put that group's policies to leave the area near that countries shed for to who was the right hand man to cross on a smaller piece of butler's leader. and these advisors in planning and directing
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attacks and operations. he was a senior tourist who was the blood who has the blood of ease, or at least in many others on his hands, face bowl as ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and the entire middle east, into a wider escalation. a while we prefer to resolve a steel, it is with out a wider war. the adf is fully prepared. for any scenario i to is really drones lunch. several air strikes on it has bowl a strong cold, specifically in the hot athletic area in the cells in suburb of b. root reports indicate that there were casualties as a result of these ass tried carried out. but these really air force here. we can see how this building collapsed in the explosion here. the 5th and 6 floors, 3 floors total were destroyed in the reed. there is also in the adjacent building
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that the was targeted specifically in the upper part of this building which led to the destruction of for additional floors and damage was inflicted on buildings and bought cars in this area. a dozens of wounded were rushed to a nearby hospital as the strike hit, a densely populated area, it is clear that the number of casualties could well rise. as the rubble is cleared away. we've been hearing from eye witnesses. i think i was passing here on my bike and suddenly i was hit on the head and fell unconscious. another side was in my car, close to the building that was targeted. i felt like something powerful hit the car which broke through the roof. there was dust and thick ash and i didn't know what happened and what was going on around me. and then we started hearing water because there was a tank on the roof of the building. then my vision became clear and i was able to get out. we went in the street and 2 minutes later we heard the sound of the explosion. there were 2 hits, one after the other. it wasn't that strong,
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so it was obvious that it was a drone strike and not an air strike. well, we've been hearing from a former policy and diplomatic representative to the u. k. who said that the recent is rarely strikes. we'll just expand the conflict in the region. we are at the brink of the region and what i think is right, and i got the through nothing, you know, through the congress, the green light to escalate detentions. and let me do the ease. i think that it comes out of going ahead with it. the as planned with the, with the, with the say is, and now we are seeing it front is all upfront him us front seat in front it on in front of these are now building, i mean, ready to go further action, which will lead basically to major escalations that were involved may be major powers and the reason so we cannot really anticipate to make the name of the, of the action of all these board and existence groups, i guess is the end. but definitely is there is not going and to get by with the
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assets the nations that have been taking place. and we believe that destinations had been green lighted by the us administration. unfortunately, indonesia considered as russia to be a great friend that's according to the southeast asian countries, president elect has been meeting with black man. pretend henry, moscow proposed super yano set. his nation would like to increase cooperation with russia for food, energy, security, and education. i was the read friend and i would like to continue to maintain and enhance this relationship in our history. we remember russia has always helped us
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in many respects when we were individual, these should help us. and of course, what i mean was maybe just sort of union, but if you come to any of the semester or build russians, and you also help us build up our managed resources when we were under threats. and so this is something that we inherited from our friends that we must never forget those who helped us meeting with a lot of our fortunes here at the kremlin, mr. bremo. so bianco said that they want to see a more of a referenced presence in the countries economy. they want more joining to trade projects education projects. specifically,
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they want to send more indonesian medical students to russia, nuclear energy projects. and of course, more cooperation in the tourism sector with volley. indeed, being among the most popular holiday destinations for many russians in exchange, vladimir put and also praised the close relationship between the 2 countries and moist coal. to that, it will become even closer after mister from los angeles presidential term officially dns that's had to be for couldn't continent. now, with molly and armed forces have conducted well, that cooling to be a vast operation in the northern parts of the country need to be out here in boulder. caring out there, a series of ass strikes in revel controlled areas. that's what, according to local media, dozens of rebels, i'm local, all kind of terrorist have been killed. that comes off to around a 1000. m 2 governmental sec. protests ambushed molly and surface min and wagner. forces in the area using heavy weapons. are they all teach deep sweeney walk this
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through the developments with what we're associate now these of retaliatory strikes of the a convoy was set upon by the at set participate in the rebels in a monte kidding. quite a large number, we don't know the exact figure, but monte, in a soldiers and fighters from the vault, the private military company. now since and auntie it obtains exclusive footage, which are paid to show you crazy and forces on the ground. now since then, the ukraine has admitted that it does have a presence in molly, and that it is being training those set produced forces to use. uh you avi's to carry out drug strikes and other support. and we have this frank admission from under the use of from ukraine's intelligence directorate, bishop of spine see, is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to
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conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation. this is sensitive information. therefore, everything that you clean does is happening within the limits and within the framework of international law, taking into account all the necessary procedures. now since a certain mission and the events over the weekend, the malia and government is now investigating the involvement of ukrainian instructors. what to get inside the country now rush is a foreign ministry spokesman, but he is a how to of a well she's not surprised given. keeps track record to the fact that the key of redeem cold threats was terrorist is not surprising since itself has repeatedly resulted and continues to result to the use of terrorist methods. sheldon's residential areas towards beaches, sports and playgrounds, using its own civilian population. as a human shield committed,
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sabotaged and political mode, as on the territory of the country, we're confident that the truth, her assessments of the key regime will become increasing the old vista, the world's community. yeah, i'm bringing them or issues or she's always a straight shooter. i mean, she always tells you how it is and, and you know, sure, very brave woman. she says key was backing terrorists in africa once you mean by that, see what goes on. on the one hand, she will be talking about the 2 reg set protests to of being, waging this insurgency against the malia and government for quite some time now. but also she will be referring to all kite in the saw hill region, which has been of cause plaguing a number of african nations seeking to destabilize those countries, as we've heard from a valid unified to he explained them involved. but in this spiteful over the weekend from july 22nd to july 27th, 2020 for the mailing armed forces service man.


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