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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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desperation of old times to attack russia, one can understand, but the use of children, how desperate can that be speak to us about this? and this is maybe not looking the question of desperate. this is the question of a moral mortality. don't forget the presence of this killer slab like me to talk to . it's which this is just that this piece keeper. and they have a minus on the list because they, uh give, sees them as a, as a russian, whatever, proof of goodness or whatever. so the russian minus on, on killing list in queue. uh, so the success of democracy often you're trading rosie, rosie. this is the question. mm. do you expect any response from the west on ukraine using kids to commit terrorist apps? i don't respect any response from the pit, so any accident from your p if we have this since 2014, we have this since, since they affect the army against peaceful protest as against the my dad. cool.
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and we have never any records from the west. so jesus said, nice question, but of course books i don't respect any or all we have to let me hear now it's almost robust author, one will correspond and thank you so much for you inside here. all right, that is it for now, i'll see you again with more stories at the top of the next is press 4. if you dial about the the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered on peter lavelle from the very start of the binding presidency. we were told the occupant of the
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oval office was obsessed with his legacy. 3 and a half years later that legacy can be summed up with a few choice words, division failure incompetence in shame. destry will remember joe by the cross talking biden's legacy and joined by my guest, matthew eric in montreal. he's a senior fellow at the american university in moscow and director of the rising tide foundation of canada. in bellingham, we have patrick lawrence. he is, i call them as an author of journalist and their shadows. and in denver we crossed to tyler nixon. he is an attorney and political strategist, gentleman across black roles and the fact that means you can jump any time you want . and i would appreciate patrick, let me go to you 1st because you actually inspired this program with your article, the wreckage biding leaves behind when she can find the consortium use dot com. you write a lightweight. when it came to talk, it came to time to prove himself as
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a statesman and a leader. the white house has simply defeated him. what do you mean by that? it is, it's one st peter to uh, to uh, as we say in, in american english roll logs in the senate for 30 years and so forth. right. but the white house there's, there's no hiding in the white house and he just was not the old phrase. he just wasn't presidential timber. right. you know, he had, he had various committees. i think finance was one, notably the chair, the foreign affairs committee is not a statesman. you know, he was, he was faking and seeking and miss representing for decades and congress. and again, you can get away with that stuff in congress but you can't. and the white house,
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very kind of low caliber person just on a personal note i dinner last christmas, whether it's a venture capitalist who, who actually interacted with bite and during his time on the senate finance committee. and he said without prejudice or anything. and astonishingly stupid person, just, you know, at native intelligence, right. it's just not there. you know, tyler, the, you know, i said in my introduction, a few choice words associated with buying anything. and for me, you know, it's, it's essentially incompetence kind of debate going with patrick had to say, i mean, he was the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. but he was foisted upon us. okay. and actually he's kind of conquered ties a anti democratic street, even within the democratic party, i would even say, maybe the body politic. but i mean, you know, everything associated with a guy is it, there's a downside to it. in my opinion, tyler?
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well, i, you know, it's interesting and thanks for me on peter, i've, i've known joe biden, for over 40 years. i went to church with him every sunday i went to school, bo and hunter, and, you know, i studied the man close that went through his 84 senate kick off, and then i began studying his record and i was 12 years old at the time. i was a little sort of in neal fight to politics, but i studied what he did in the senate. i mean, it'd be, i'm working for his opponent, john burris, where i stuffed on gloves all summer for that in the ranking bush campaign. and you know, when joe biden began running for president, the more i got to know this man, and i knew him just as you know someone from church every sunday. are my parents on the lot next to his property. but he sold doing and being a executive for like 3 times what it was worth after they ran it into the ground. but uh, and i always felt that this man was not only a, a pompous pandering lightweight, but also dangerous. actually
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a dangerous person in the he was actually on the senate judiciary and the foreign affairs committee, not the finance committee. unfortunately, my the other senator, the great man who i worked for senator bill ross was the chairman of the finance committee at the time. but that being said, the assessment uh uh, by the previous speaker is absolutely spot on joe biden. his eyes was elected to young. and now he's, he's serving to late in the life. so he's, you know, he has a dubious thing should be too young for what he was doing now is too old for what he's doing. but he's always basically spent his life beating his chest, tossing himself up, briefing himself up on issues about which he has no depth, no knowledge, you know, beyond what he has been briefed on and was able to be asked and sort of, um, uh, you know, sweet talk or panned or his way to, i guess, just being re elected. well i wouldn't even go further, tyler lying. and he's in the tar. yes. and not a liar. it's an extraordinary all considering in this campaign environment that
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from flies all the time about trump is uh, is very economical with the truth. i'd be willing to say that for joe, by lies a lot, matthew. i mean, one of the things that he bite and said he would bring is unity. i've never seen such a vis of person in my life in politics. i mean, he, basically half of the population became an enemy in his eye. and in the, in the eye of his party, matthew yeah, i mean, it was all, well, a nice that he said that it was time to make the country that this political violence was, was a sign that we need to work together and unite. but at the same time, yeah, like he said, he's got a whole track record of coming out of state though. he's darth vader, a just a couple of years ago. calling out the top half of the entire talking about the most. celine is speech. yeah. yeah. right. now with the, with the red light. yeah. and uh, we'll weigh the enforcers behind. i mean, it was like something of a bad movie and he's calling out half the american population is being
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a team to terrorists who don't respect the constitution, but something needs to be done about them. that does come out. he came out just a few days before this, this hit on trump attempt saying that it's the most a on on trump. yeah. you're exactly right, matthew. he started in after the january 6th events with the domestic extreme isn't the right it. did it ever occurred to these people that when you start talking in those terms, you are condemning, or is it streams something to go by the account approximating fast as american people, right? it is. this is unity. the, the, you know, duration was all about unity, unity. he had no intention of doing that and i would add once more, no capacity to, to bring americans together. well tyler, i mean, it, tyler, i mean, in, in that same vein here, we saw how the justice system had been weaponized. that is really and that's why we,
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you know, outside of the foreign policy blunders, which we'll have to deal with for decades head. but, you know, the weapon ization of the judicial process is also a legacy that is hard to, to, to push back from go ahead. tyler joe biden has always been a demagogue. he was one of the 1st to come out. and if you look at his speech and 1987 to the end of a c p where you'd called jeff sessions out right, a racist. and you know, it's always been about pandering to what he perceived as his you know, the core audiences and using any tactics necessary, including demonizing, you know, his opponents, he was part of the barking of judge bork. you know, i mean, basically, right, there was ted kennedy and, you know, biden is, it's just, he's never, uh, he's never seen an opportunity wouldn't take no matter how base or d based. it was good. he could never back it up. i mean, he's, i mean,
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his drug war policies alone, i've been devastating to this country. the mandatory minimum sentences, the, you know, literally just, it kept going me, it's like the bite in crime build a binding front. but that's all you heard about in the 1989 as well as, and even previous biden grind bills of work. why do we keep needing more buying crime bills? that was always my question. and you know, he would take on even even a grandstand and sort of march to the head of afraid he should have never been in. he did this with are in policy with the rock where each, i mean, he talked about the partitioning of rock into different provinces. i mean, is his ideas of always been completely extreme and lunatic. and it's always because joe biden is always needed since he was elected, and probably since he was young with his cold stutter, he is his life has been spent trying to prove wrong what he thinks other people think of him. that's the problem with joe. probably joe biden is of what other people think of them is correct. that he's a lightweight and a button. yeah, well matthew, i mean it again in the same thing that we heard from tyler and me,
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you know, growing up in being uh, was interested in politics. i always thought of joe biden is a segregationist. well i mean i yeah, you didn't have a very good reputation and well, i mean, what was the stand? i mean, does anybody remember what a stand on busing was because he was bored and he was against that. i mean, what is his position? that's what, that's what i'm getting out here, matthew. oh yes. why? i wanted to give it to gentlemen go into greater detail there, but he definitely was the lead the. he didn't have any consistent position beyond whatever his handlers would would deploy him to do into advance at any given time. i was just thinking very quickly about his on the bus care built in 199495 in response to the old, the oklahoma city bombing, which called rome later on said that he used as the direct takeover or the direct inspiration for the patriot act. after $911.00, literally, i mean that the entire basis of the buying bill created the, the patriot act. so,
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i mean, there, there's been a, a, the, that was the basis for the entire sultan domestic terrorism is the new enemy to unite the people around a thread after the conventional external terrorism became a little bit, i guess, dated. now there was this already to start a war on the american population itself, with the idea of conservatives. conservative extremism being the, the form that it was this, this man was going to take. and they've been acting accordingly to the past 4 years . putting american patriots in prison, there's hundreds, if not more in prisons all over america still after 4 years a legally, this has not been addressed properly by anyone and again with binding was doing in the ninety's or what his head was were having done for him. while he was yapping away it was, is the precedence upon which all this is happening? well, patrick, i mean it's interesting is that, um, it was uh obama that resurrected a failing political career. we have to remember when obama was an officer. the democrats was over a 1000 um seats in different levels of government,
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local and federal. and then he gave us job. i yeah, i think gets, you know, the, the democratic parties point ok. you can't really see into it very confidently . uh, i mean, maybe in the other guess i have insights, but there's a certain machine qual, yeah, to okay. and um, if i don't want to over simplify and i stand ready to be corrected, but it looks to me is just to a certain extent, it was jose tour and it was, it was jose turn and, and this goes to a point you raised when i got notes on this program in advance of the, the, the, the, the, the functions of the democratic party really are just radically on democratic. exactly how do i find patrick, hold that thought we have to go to
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a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on biden's legacy. stay with the credit to the point. what's a good deal? that's true just because a couple of interesting to you if you put them literally for those who can give you bonus points, which we don't really support.
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weird. yeah. the future just start off with new jersey, but the more expensive. here's the best deal a deal. let me know if that was on the was the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the welcome back across stock were all things are considered on peter la belcher manager. we're discussing biden's, legacy, the . okay, patrick was, let's go back to you. i mean, it's interesting the brought up on the democratic party and the democratic process, which they said, did those 2 seem to be antithetical at this point? well,
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the hillary clinton was hoisted upon us in 2016 cheating bernie sanders also in in 2020. again, it was uh uh the it wasn't based on who was popular with the population with voters, but it was a brock obama who decided again at the expense and bernie sanders. and now it's really quite interesting. these kind of shenanigans have stab joe in the back. i mean, well, you know, i couldn't have happened to a better fellow, patrick. there, there is. i mean, what we're looking at was by that they, they shouldn't have kept him in the office as long as you know, they should not did. the defense in his final days was not right. it was not justified, but to go to the larger and deeper point. i think what we are looking at in the democratic party is a quite serious, liberal authoritarians. yep. yeah. little authoritarianism is my name for it.
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of others may have other names for it, but of i find it more dangerous. then i find the democrats more where we some. then trump and whoever stands on the other side truck will come in from full go. but live the storage area. it is, you can go back to detroit built with this, right, is going to be very, very harm to just launch. right. and we just had a demonstration of its merciless, a way for see joe biden is no discarded. good. it's right. yeah. uh, you know, and he was, he was a great president, and now he's not, you know, of a, he has to go, he's not i company and we're going to get it all was kamala harris. and i'm telling
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you, i'm telling, you know, the, the, the heights that's kind of what company, kamala harris's candidacy is going to be beyond the belief of anybody. i wonder, well, well, we're already, we're already seeing it. apparently, patrick, she has no record to, to criticize. so that's, that's what i keep here is there's, there's, you know, she's a blank slate and you know, she's done nothing wrong and that's what it's amazing. okay. and then it'd be a tax on j d vans. what is comments about single women in taps? a spot on i liked it. okay. tyler? yeah. i, you know, considering the legacy here. i think maybe it's being a little premature. mean, who has been running the binding presidency. i mean, look at him. mean who? he's not running it. you know, i have contemplated this question and it's uh, quite interesting because uh, you know, by binding was selected by obama, because he was at least as corrupt as obama was, was. and, you know, double that sort of to type that to face. let's just say and i think similarly,
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you know, a bite and shows harris because she was just, i think, just as vacuous and sort of pandering and not really have any, any cor, biden rose, basically he was the, you know, the, the, the tallest of the pigmies in the democrat raised and has been pining his entire life to be president. and he would have done or said anything at that point to get the nomination. and he did, and he was do just sort of the like, like horizontal buildings eventually become respectable and that's sort of what biden's fate was. and he, they realized that he was valuable and he would do anything they wanted. so unfortunately the hard core left that is now in the is the control of the democrat party, the far tearing totalitarian left has had the opportunity to have a so essentially a best sort of seat filler president. you know, it's, the point was presidency made all the talk, joe biden, over 3040 years of all his grandiose designs and plans and is in situations into
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american foreign policy as well as just a domestic policy to a lesser extent amount of to what he let every moon run, run the, you know, there's the loonies running the asylum. essentially. there is no leadership, no co here. and stuart of us essentially like a, a presidency by portfolio. which unfortunately meant that all the, you know, the russia warhawks drag this into that ukraine. the bottle a pull out of afghanistan with just as much. i mean, let's face it. that was just so they could ramp up for the, for the ukraine conflict. that means like, you know, what? we're getting out of a war a 20 year war. you got us into right into another one in this one, bringing with, you know, bringing on world war free. and i think unfortunately, uh, yeah, a lot of mid level mid, which in administration who essentially right, like i said, the now is the lunatics running the asylum said all those crazy stuff, like having a tranny slashing there. there. you know what's on the white house want, i mean, look, i mean, if by biting was actually in charge of the edges presidency be like any other
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president. i mean, with the, to get that far, you need to political instincts in the case of buying. they stole it for him. but that being said, that he had no way to throttle back the lunacy. so it's just been like pedal to the metal of every, i mean the border alone. it's like my god and who would not st. jesus, this is not do it. you know, just from the perspective of, of what it's cause costing and causing, well, you know, tyler, i mean, this is kind of the presidency. i don't believe you're lying eyes. okay. i mean, that's what it, you know, if you wouldn't find a label for it. you know, matthew, it's already been brought up here, but, i mean, this is senseless war and ukraine. that's biden's war. i. i'm befuddled why trump doesn't to say that. it's not my war, it's his war. okay. i seriously doubt if trump is elected. he wants to inherit this war, but we'll see when you have lindsey graham and people like that around, you know, it's is a depressing problem, my pompei o. people like that. but that, that is going to be his last thing. legacy. i think it's already been brought up, the withdrawal from afghanistan and this sense was more in ukraine,
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matthew. and by the way, that previous, that characterization of binding was devastating. i did appreciate that. and perfect. now what you're saying here, yeah, i think that it's very clear that the biden was behind the unleashing of this, this monstrosity on the borders of rough estimate of what his current crisis from the standpoint of his role is a, the, the king of graft overseeing, with victoria, a new one because this entire monstrosity of been there, right? worshiping creatures. that was, that's a bite in legacy directly. i mean his, his ability to even fired the attorney general was carrying out an investigation. verisk of mine been brag about at the, at the c, f r, saying that he was 3 to withhold a $1000000000.00 of loans. in the last, there was something done about this figure who was investigating the agency that was behind not just the, the, the crew itself, but the entire distraction of wealth on behalf of a bunch of western release, of which his son was
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a position to member and that he demonstrably benefited from quite a bit. he's got a lot to be afraid of it. as far as things that are going to go public should. should trump a take the presidency and we get some form of a new direction for ukraine? god willing, i don't, i don't know if it's even possible. yeah. well, you know, tell by, you know, that the corruption is nothing new in the swamps there, but just the binding of family and they, with this really slobs about it, just really sloppy in, you know, in primitive here. okay, is go to patrick. now you want to jump in, go ahead a. yeah, i look a peter, i, i'm sure the ukraine, the proxy where i'm ukraine is, is a very considerable focus from where you're sitting. but we, we, we, we, there are other things to note here. this is, and in ministration that blew up a pipeline. him in europe a radically a big you know,
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counter to international law over and over 50 and of the change. your relationship is a complete mess. he has intensified tensions across the pacific, apparently very considerably. then tie one situation is becoming a bit dangerous. and then of course, because there's no hiding from the browser of the ones that i just wanted to have a little bit of a list there, right? there are other items that one could put on if you're up and so forth. but i want to also mention what will he be remembered for? well, we need to be careful the, the degree of media manipulation that has going on during the buying years. it is, it might be beyond, it might be without precedent. and we need to be aware, i'm not sure how much americans will,
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will remember of all this because it's not really very clear how you have or how much your average american even knows. well, i mean, patrick, i, we can add on to that, you know, how much will joe biden remember? okay, i mean that, but that, so as that's a real issue, i mean, um um, you know, i, the only way he will be remembered it because he is just being thrown out like garbage. okay. he was a garbage politician at a garbage presidency and he's been dispensed with here. maybe we'll learn something from his presidential library or if it's ever built, you know, tyler, what do you think you, his lasting legacy will be because we're in the, we're very much in, in, in the selection cycle. we're having this reinvention of kamala harris, which everyone up until 15 seconds ago said nobody ever liked. now we're going to say she's the most loving compassion and politician of all time, tyler? well, there's a saying you can't polish return. and i think the binding presidency would really fits that. it's illegitimate from the outset. he was
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a sleep at the switch at best. can you think of a single memorable moment for speech that would be to biden's credit and not his stumbling up the steps? not his falling down left right and center, not his slurring his words and ends. you know, sir, stammering, wandering around. i can't think of a single moment. i mean that you meant we meant, we talked about the, the fastest speed you gave. i mean, that's might be the best and you know, i think it's very fitting that he, that he gave his his remarks yesterday at the l. b, j library, l, b, j, one of the single, most evil, corrupt, ruthless, murderous, demagogues, and monsters ever to inhabit the white house. and all you can do is sit and praise him well the highlands highlight. well, i'll push a little bit back into you all the work, all the words you use may be true, but he was an effective politician unlike joe biden. oh, no question. you know, i admire leadership, you know, they, that they don't have to have sterling qualities. okay. you know how or, or somebody like margaret thatcher again. amazing,
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amazing leader. let's go to montreal, finish it up 25 seconds. go ahead as well i, i think that the vitamins will buy vitamins a non duration of that involved the little i'm off to the hunger games with way to get it coming out literally explicitly in the dress of a 100 games meaning announced or i think was a very big characterization, theme of the entire 4 years was coming off of that. and i think that that's one of the biggest challenges america has now is to avoid falling into the traps being set for it to go into a very, very dangerous civil war. potential admits the economic collapse that was excel right? well i, i want to leave on a positive thought. maybe a kamala harris administration will make the buying administration look good historically. who knows? because all the time we have gentlemen, i want to take my guess and spelling in denver and in montreal. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our t. so you next time remember prospect
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