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tv   News  RT  July 31, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the the, the about following up breaking news on our t rod accuses the us of colluding with these are all over the conservation of a have my leader into ron. shortly after you, ron's new president welcomed him and the nausea, racing. these bank car todd last is out that these are all accusing it of sabotaging a hole for a true seen guys on the mass protest in jordan in front of the us embassy with angry crowds leaving washington for fueling instability in the middle east. and he's real fast,
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they all the way to prevent a war with lebanon is 4, has applied us to retreat from a water area. that's us. an idea of striking to be relieved. 3 dad and more than 70 others window. the brothers is our team to national routine. you live from our new center in moscow. i have michael, quite chat with the updates. now of the ronnie and it was the been leader says he's role should be severely punished over the assassination of a mass political leader of these mile high the and the report in the new york times claims a direct strike has been ordered to ron is also accused the us of being complicit in the killing in the ministry of foreign affairs of the as lumnick republican, the ron emphasizes the responsibility of the us government as a supporter and accomplice of the zionist regime in the continuation of the
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occupation and genocide, of palestinians in committing this heinous act of terrorism, or, of course, saw many countries have reacted to the assassination of honey describing it as a serious escalation. but the one here has been infuriated not only by the death of the hamas leader, but by the fact that the attack occurred in its territory. of course. uh huh. honey uh, was assassinated shortly after arriving a deadline to attend the not the ration of it was new president must would possess keion. now it won calls for the international community to react, that has vowed, serious revenge. but also suspecting that you west complicity in the incident, and that's a sentiment echoed by humans. jose group, which has that recently been also targeted by israel. netanyahu return from america with the green light for assessing nations. america is involved in everything that is happening and must pay the price. of course uh the united states has said that it was not aware of the assassination of honey. uh, you was secretary of state antony blinking made this assertion just the hours up
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there. honey. it was killed in that one. think it is something that the was was not aware of were involved in been around both president position the on a supremely, there i to law. how many condemned the assassination labeling israel at terrace regime and vowing a harsh punishment that the incident has a ways the alarm bells and around the country has reportedly moved. it's a western borders up on high alert. a red flag of revenge has also been raised in the city of warm such a fly gun was last res, back in january uh after a terrorist attack in the city of clermont that claimed the lives of 594 people. a funeral for the hamas chief is also scheduled to take place into one on thursday following the funeral. his body will be transported to door. hi laura. he will be late to rest and the kids already capital on friday. well, uh, all fingers aflame are directed as well is ready. officials have denied and your responsibility. however,
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to convene the security cabinet later today to discuss the issue. we often described him at least as being a bit of a tend to bulk, but really the last few moments, particularly the last few weeks of really seeing an escalation of the tension. what sort of consequences do you think we are likely to see following this assassination? the region now is bristling with tension now after what happened? many fear, a full blown escalation, as that both time us and 11 us as well. i have vowed revenge syria on guitar. have also raised concerns that tiny as death can alisha, why the regional complex while denouncing is well for then we'll say it has to repeat all it's all peace efforts. political assassinations and continued targeting of savings in gaza will talks continually just to ask, how can media should succeed when one party assessing each, the negotiator on the other side. these need serious partners and the global stance
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against the disregard for human life. syria condemns this blocking design is to invest and as a despicable act, the continued disregard of international law as by these fairly entity may side the entire region of blaze. regional geo political powers are concerned about the consequences of the attacked turkish foreign ministry side shows that as well as not after peace in the region, while china and russia are concerned about dangerous repercussions of this latest assassination. giving us his name, we strongly condemned this as a nation of his male hon, the head of the political beautiful of the policy. and how much movement in a missile attack on his residence in the hut on it is clear to the organizers of this political assassination. well aware of the dangerous consequences of this action for the in siad regions. and you go to, when we finally oppose and condemn this act of assassination, we feel worried about the fact that this issue may cause possible escalation and turbulence in the region. china always believes that we should settle regional
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disputes through negotiation and dialogue. so far different factions affiliated with the resistance access are now vowing revenge. we'll see that the young man is also angry over what happened young men which has played a key role and of targeting is really linked ships on the red sea throughout the gaza war in solidarity with the policy. and yet people, it has now also speaking about revenge, has blah levins, as well as also speaking about retaliation. how moss has been of outraged by the move of saying that this move will not go on as are so everything is speaking about a potential why the original conflagration and a serious need for international intervention now is needed. based on advice is of observers, yvonne is now also saying that the resistance access is not going to remain silent
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and the block off as, as might honey. it will not go up in smoke. or let's take some background look here on the man knew who was killed. he's mile a honey. yeah. right here he has served as a chief of the him, us political bureau seems. 2017 was widely considered the political leader of the group, but he was not certain as the 19 eighties and had been imprisoned multiple times by easel. he was even deported from guys, a body or the military authorities. during his career, he survive several. the tabs on his life, the other permanence hemisphere goes, have also been assassinated. for instance, in 1996, he's really sick with service, matters to kill him. i submitted trinity to you all your, all yes, in 2004, the killed to have mazda profile doesn't separately separate incidents, but in general, this year, and as to why couldn't the residential neighborhood and be rude, killed the military commander of the group. now each one has known or was known to
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have had heavy yes in his class has since it's black to eliminate the him as the leadership after the october the 7th attack. but in april this year. and he's ready or a strike on guys, a q a penny is 3 sons at full grandchildren, including multimedia. right. that. and since october, dozens of his family members have been killed. meanwhile, these rules ki, i live in the united states of said to see if they've had nothing to do with the latest attacks. of course, i've seen the seen the reports. and what i can tell you is this 1st uh, this is something we were not aware of or involved in. so it's very hard to speculate and i've learned over many years, never to speculate on the, the impact one event may have on a something else. so i can't tell you what this means. i can tell you that the imperative of getting a ceasefire,
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the importance that that has for everyone remains the light in the recent months use well has conducted strikes throughout the mid least targeting lamp. and on the gaza strip, westbank syria, you ride the and the human. but nevertheless, the us continues to support its close ally with these ready prod. minister benjamin netanyahu recently welcomed by congress members in washington. while denying these rules complicity the coming earlier this evening. the prime minister netanyahu boasted by the recent days, his forces have hits him off the whole bees and has the end of 2 since the beginning of the war explained that we're in a battle with the axis of evil of wrong. this is an ex things, a war against the certification of terrace armies and miss us that iran is trying to tie them around on next to my speech in front of the congress that took place several days ago. i've mentioned 3 main on solve this axis of evil. come asked the
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who t sound has been off the 3 ages. in recent days we have given a blow to each one of them. 3 weeks ago we attacked the chief of staff of from us mohammed d f. 2 weeks ago we attacked the who the same one of the furthest attacks of the air force. and yesterday we attacked the chief of staff of his block for chuck. yeah, cool. most themes and the name of the citizens of israel, i would like to express deep appreciation to the idea of a nation, but to be military intelligence and the air force and to all the security forces for that precise performance on 3 different front of us. you, with a whole lot of that's across live to a journalist called them about who t, right? they're probably good to have you don't be now. now usual a has not accepted responsibility for the killing of uh, of, of the leader of her boss. and it's all i the united states has also denied any involvement in this from your analysis and assessment. do you believe and trust
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bill woods? and of course not. i think this time is it a like a day because we have data responsibility for this as a nation of number 2 and hezbollah, handmade or last night, but they didn't say the same about this as a nation of asylum. how many i think they want to keep some and the go with the, in this situation, because in this case is an will convict itself by killing a 40 not in a foreign country in the country. and this is an assault and it's a violation. i think the international law, so they won't just do it, but the my way for them that is the also that everybody know that it is, is an island the i think the only and they're interested in the state to go to escalation and to try to get this right and i think it is that i don't think that united states maybe they knew, but they did not want to be involved in such situation because they don't want the
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whole area to go into a wide discoloration or a war original or so. but it seems that today, and i did this that so at least they knew about it maybe at the last minute sometimes is that i do that in order to avoid us finish up on them to avoid an escalation that good uh, drag the united states to a military conflict in that region, but everybody knows that there's an, is doing this. we have been doing that. they knew who this evening she spoke about, failed to attend that responsibility of his arrival, but t tried not to mention what had been in the hold on. all right, egypt and tom, who are mediators in the negotiation between mazda and he's, will have said that the gulf of business estimation, the detroit news, can be jeopardized. now, from your assessment, how can this assassination impact negotiations going forward? is in the to, is it early on the list? so i've been following those that are in the media to know how the reaction of this
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as a nation's uh they said that it seems that the deal will be postponed or the negotiations flooding a swab deal will be postponed for weeks and may be 4 months and for those are the only people, the photos that i live in the list, it will be a big mistake for what having, because the most important thing is to do now is to reach a deal that the, and so with the losing the is, are in the hostages and goes a what the price is. but it seems, nathaniel is going through his plan not to allow any age or not, not to live any chance. the success in this uh and consuming video. it was, his de of, it was closed and it, anyhow, the load and then the whole uh, paper that he, himself, for the delay at one time as accepted the united states, the not. but let's say uh, in public, i put a shuttle on him eh, to accept his dad. he bought new uh like a what he described in newtown, or a new,
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uh, principals in florida. but and civils added to this deal because he doesn't want to end this war. and when he felt that he may be, but under the pressure that would lead to a deal that instead or it went through this escalation and live on in the head on. and now there are some use talking about and it may be in this nation in but that it's not config them yet. now what is the story in the end media booking about that or invaded last night? i really thought it had it any and advise that also was good in the us and the assess initiative of number 2 in has been lost. so it on now became also involved in losing one of its military commanders. seems so. so anthony, i was interested in keeping the conflict going on in order to avoid inquiries about the waiting game as dialed that is waiting game. and if he is convicted invoice,
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he will be don't. so for him the secular slice. is it a l? is that right in the soldiers and goes as are in the hostages and goes the is to say, the visitor and where we have a strong split. now he's reviving the split in is what i am at the beginning. it was the judiciary reforms. now the conflict then goes up, it was so he's that good if i think is the right economy is what a little relations, even with the united states, he's it. but think of these things at the risk and just for those, but they have sent it. and that is, this is what the pull is in, is that i'd say this is the public and is that i say, so what they say, but he doesn't care. he wants to stay in the government in the community want deleted forever, right bills he will, he will lose his future. all right, tech, how to my go to general is joining us from ramallah. thank you so much for your insight. i style, even though these rarely got,
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but has not acknowledged any involvement in the killing of the have mass political chief, ordinary citizens, have settled celebration tables to express the joys of the news and defined the idea for the success is regarding attacks on both lebanon and the rhyme we set up a table because we're really thankful to the idea of for all the activities for the security forces and it's a dvd for them given honey. yeah. i think it's a big day for the people of israel and you should celebrate it. and kudos to our security forces and the soldiers and our prime minister netanyahu. there is nobody compared to him, and i'm happy and we walk up to the best morning ever. if there is a response from, has blower from us, so be it. we don't have any other choice, we need to show them all that we can respond to. and then we have the military's mites and the, our soldiers have the power. and then we have the technological power. we have it
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all in georgia and the hundreds of people gathered in front of the american embassy to protest over the killing all the mass lead the with us, you've seen people with heard shouting and t us slogans, condemning washington for fuel. the instability in the middle east, a post us of the late have mass leader, but also seen in the crowd. now similar seems to places given us thousands of people to the streets, to condemn these really aggression didn't want to move, been declared. it's 3 days of morning and on the policy. indeed, it was, has belie, has sent its condolences to the family up to him as need to and said, is, death will only increase the determination if it's find the death of honda you william bolden. the determination and stubbornness of resistance fighters on all
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fronts and will make their resolve stronger and fighting against the zionist enemy . and it has blood has confirmed the death of organizations, senior advisor on military affairs. and then the idea of striking lebanon on the hills of that israel has one is the only way to avoid the full scale conflict between the countries is what has blood troops to leave an area in the shed border? the only way that the world can prevent the full scale war, which would be devastating. also collab a non is by forcing hezbollah to implement security council resolution. 17 o one. now is the very last minute to do so diplomatically in the are the is really for you. a minister made an appeal to the foreign ministers around the world and full for their support for israel st. just is there a is not interested in it all out with his my love, the only way to stop that from happening is the 1st limitation of the you. i heard
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the lucian, 17 or one this or your son off as well as the attack on israel and the retreat of his beloved, the north pole. alliston in the river, in lebanon, and also the allowing the 10s of thousands of the journalist to go back home to the saw. it's to the border with the flight to tuesday evening. israel decided to carry out to a precise attack as it's closer to, into our apartment and a southern suburb of the route to in london. and this attack targeted to a senior, his beloved military commander, and use the most important military come either in his beloved that's how they describe him, even as the commander of the ship and by his beloved goose uh in this up task. a israel also killed the 3 people, according to dated by these medical sources. they said
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a woman and 2 children were killed in this or strikes that israel closed it, precise. here, um, in his letter, the israel before you administer said that the slot to card who was estimated by israel. he was played a big role in the shot in most of those shops, in which was israel. the children were still playing saucers. and the this attacked also left $71.00 did so according to his role, it's not looking for an escalation, the side, it's claims responsible to you for this assassination, as says it's not as well as decisions. if he wants war, then he will respond to this assassination of this attack by israel, that broke the rules of engagement and the conflict between israel as his butler. since the 2nd lebanese war stopped in 2006. and all
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these comes within days of the contested missile strikes on the golan heights. isabel has accused the lebanon of conduct in the time what has been, on the other hand, said he was an errand mess of from measles, iron del, i'm defense system. the, the, the video kept at the moment of the strike which cleans 12 lives. most of those who died the shoulder of the incident has since become a frequent talking point, please, where the officials, even when addressing and related issues will the permanent issue a statement regarding the strike and a root and the assassination of from us lead a smell and they up this morning. thank you for that. we have spoken quite
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extensively already. so uh with uh, uh on this briefing we have spoken. it says extensively a pretty thing about the husband on number 2, which we eliminated last night. let me tell you, i visited the sides of this a gruesome, gruesome attack on these children playing football soccer. it is the most appalling thing that you could possibly imagine. so we have spoken about that. if you were not speaking, we're not giving any comment on the other. how may i assist you, which you had talked about that we've heard from a full policy to deploy much out for my to representative to the u. k. a. he feels that the recent ease really strikes will, expands a conflict in the region. we are at the brink of the region and what i think is right and, and got the through nothing you know, through the congress,
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the green light to escalate the tensions and immune disease. i think that americans are going ahead with it. uh, as planned with the, with the, with they say is, and now we are seeing a hotel from his bottle upfront him, us front seat in front and on in front of these are now building, i mean, ready to go further action, which will lead basically to major escalations that was involved may be major powers and the reason so we cannot really anticipate that much the name of the, of the action of all these board and existence groups i guess is the end. but definitely is, there is not going to get by with the assets the nations that's had been taking place. and we believe that destinations had been greenlighted by the us administration. unfortunately until the america now and because my dual has legs to make public, all the vote tallies in venezuela without position challenging the result of the
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weekends election. or the president has also said he's asked the supreme court to conduct the audit to him. i told the electoral chamber that i'm willing to be summoned question in all these thoughts and investigated by the electoral train, but as a presidential candidate when of sunday's elections and as head of state, i showed my face and i submit myself to justice. now once they saw the streets of cut outcasts floated with support. as both of my duel had the opposition now outside the presidential palace, the president called for his arrival to confront him in 1st thing, as i say, to the coward gonzales, order to you to the new bridal mister coward. don't mess with the humble woman in your home and family, mister coward, don't mess with the common man. come to me here, i am waiting for you. and just as we swept,
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we're going to collect we are going to defend every vote and we're going to make the raising recognize what the whole world knows today. edmondo gonzalez is our next president of the protest for us to wrap it on monday. as the result, they must do with demonstrate as budding images of my do more than a 1000 people that had been detained since a fall. almost a t security personnel was said to have been injured by the venezuelan defense minister claimed an attempt was being made to seize paula, i think that we are in the presence simply blood of acute data. the crew data forged once again by fascist factors, by the extreme is right. wayne, supported, of course, by imperialist factors, us imperialism and its allies, and their lackeys and see boys. a qu, daytime, progress for which the president, commander in chief of the bullet, berry and national armed forces. nicholas madura morris, has taken the lead to stop it again. and there's no question that there are huge
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profit side uh global forces. international forces behind the right wing. they failed using one guy though. they tried to use the lackey my, the guardian of my job, who somebody very connected to international finance institutions like the i a math and of course the national endowment for democracy. most people in the us have no clue what's going on. they just believe the headlines from fox from cnn. how telling how united the democrats and republicans are when it comes to regime change when it comes to color revolutions, whether it's a nick at our libby event, as well as in by we china, russia. vietnam is always the same. blueprints with use attempted color revolutions . of venezuela said that it's diplomatic ties with federal after it's for administer said that the opposition had won the election. cut out kinds has also recalled it's diplomats from 6. all the countries that refused to recognize medulla
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is when a washington came, that the movie showed an intolerance of democracy. a lindsey ro is breaking diplomatic relations with fellow latin american countries. who like the united states, have simply asked for transparency. and it's something that those countries in the international community are looking for. and i think it demonstrates the directions intolerance for defense and walk of commitment to the basic democratic principles that other regional governments are not just sharing and defending all but you, you and the organization of american states of also demanded the release of pulling station data. now the vin is whether or not for soul exclaim, the hacking attack to preventive before results being released. then while we can meet as creating an exit poll by then, as well as opposition is connected to the c i a i the show, the edmondo gonzalez, one how about data from another fund found the opposite result.
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now for more on this let's cross live to a demo barranca national. organize the black alliance for peace, who was subbing as an upset. honda event as well as the election. i'm glad to have you drive me right now. a demo about my girl has announced he will make the vote tally public. now, what are your expectations on this? well, we expect to see that the numbers were inside the verify, the fact that there was a quite a clean election here. and that the door of emerge as to what it is very difficult to to implement. fraud in this system is recognized by many people. a honda is as one of the clean is most effective and efficient forwarding process is on the plan. so if there's been any possibility or fraud,
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once those numbers are released, it should be quite obvious. but we, we believe that for us, those numbers are released is quite clear. they have not been released yet because of the cyber attack. it should be quite obvious to everyone, so that once again, we've had a democratic process in this country in which of the, the, the world of the people, all was expressed at least price with the support of the close my door. now what if the, if, if, if the pool is victory, what's the budget to maybe do you expect the off position to call a halt to all of the protest sofa? of course, and, you know, the, the playbook has been set there basically either they were going to win, or they were going to cry fraud. and they were going to use this opportunity to further the stabilize the country. so that was really expected. so no matter what is,
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is release we expect because they're being encouraged externally. we expect that there is going to be a continuation of the kind of problem wireless. we have things over the last or a few days. all right? you have said that they are being in color the external the now president madura has liking the, protects the so called hollow revolutions, allegedly organized by the united states in various countries. what are your thoughts on that? it will look we, i think everybody who follows international politics, we all know that be due to the corporate that is responsible for undermining democratic process was violating the sovereignty of nations around the world is in fact the united states of america. they have perfected the process of cruise and uh if it was politically in the journal affairs of nations across the the planet. so
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that is.


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