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tv   Documentary  RT  July 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
i watched my new shells seriously. why watch something that's so different. opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please do to have the state department to see i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way in april falls 1899. but then gabby, although i skipped in valley, this entire area is a narrative spies take all families get to use them to find out that as as codes from east to really study. when do we tend to review these to corporate tax even slowly about the tire to the source of the state,
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the the way the window go, but i'm going to attend the thought, well, she'll come to us, i'll come with the blog. oh, so to know what time you said you want me to wait and then not we take your time. thank you courtney. oh cool. so when did you push the button? the jimmy i want to have come to know. we didn't go by no way. you know, not do a 100, that means that you just, you done me global. i to go to so the, the why that i don't want to go with you box it goes to with, with their go with the, with the they tie us with like i asked me when the, when the being the guy she read about the football. but i have
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a quote without the because i guess you all know the numbers. okay, now what do you have? and then when you pull the, the summer cushion within the hour hour can one now come between one? no, we say the and the order i'm i guessing you up the,
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the only disease it cannot be. so go to nothing. 12 can do a prostate by the method. cutting a picture of that, a little boy with my thinking. they say see a group on something that i was wondering lifting 1200. there's one is i'm going to on the, put on your phone safe. okay. hold on 2nd floor for pop in. it's enough to, to 12. this is a school bus. you know,
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the dish was what the city of thoughts for swipe left until it is significant. yeah . and it is a show the most direct route to make sense is going through the british to find more that he's been expressly ordered to avoid it. daniel thomas's means crossing hundreds of miles of business the home in the month of the season, the cost of money in that is really good. so our captain, usually so the sizes became a sense anxious also to and how to proceed. he stayed inside is 10 for 3 weeks doing nothing. finally, he decided to break off communication with paris. as soon to see touch for the 1st time, it was a distinct glimpse alone white and turning his back suddenly on the headquarters.
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relief on the thoughts of home the benefit of the loss of supplements we must let's get to that task, going to see the stuff to see some of the to the today. i press my route because we enter for the didn't briefly so and, and open the route to the east. this be of conquest, but directv, we missed employee, the prestige of tea. right. what else? and what was the kind of the, the the
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do you want to do? what i do need me to do was so obsessed with explain european prestige pool. you didn't care what had become the prestige of tara this local archives tries to present as old remains of fuel harness the there's not much to see
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a few seconds change. and then on given this, the, this is the 4797 year old woman speaking in the 19 seventy's you kidnapped at home and house. i kept him for 3 or the the, uh, the the the okay i, i by the by the,
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i don't know the, the a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the process. sure . the the, the 5 the, uh, the service. mm hm. the the the, the, the, the power of the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, i feel completely overwhelmed. she called us some of the year. but i'm a sort of, you're a to a beneficiary of empire. so should i feel responsible for you did even if it was over a 100 years ago,
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the classical little cut off at the end and she will allow me to, i have to do with each on one with the new york. we don't walk around that deal with it in honest with you to know typically find out any 15 the funny employees that entity screen that any type of leader that the used to both of them defending myself in the any. that's the name and number of you have any c. one is you do what i need to and did a way to what these aren't. the only thing must have to be the deal. as soon as i was me, you didn't, you didn't need any help me me and see me any more going to. so if you want to,
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soon as you to attempt to get you on and i want you to have them going to total case, i want to have the book. so well, me what you're come with and go 1st convey your number now for to see to reduce that group to work on digital data, not as easy left, they're not going seek is only the 2 to us and won't be so you won't be using the store because you quit me chevy 5 to see detailed middle of 5th decision not to go see on move on to deluxe. the false son was pushed into to move onto office to see 5 just to do blah, blah on on a patient. well, see, to come see, so have to push back to see about this cannot find out, ma'am fossil that's in. that's good to what the into the animal. me only some possibilities. ash. only some positive possession on, on increasing. so you can see a set this on bar to come see see the shows gets gwinnette asia to come to see the
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shows from the diesel to 040. going to look on that and presume 50 lives in the parking lot. so yeah, i'm see the sort of the good news, you see what i found? so i'm waiting to meet you to check up on the you know, the name, with whom am i doing safest? i am i pulled as well. i grew up in the u. k. but i'm, i'm, so that's one of my forth and then to meet these people. it's almost like a revelation in a way and the end of expressing myself in terms of expressing what i feel. maybe i close myself off. so maybe that comes across as coldness as though i'm just going through the paces, but that's no problem. yeah. and, and i guess i'll try and show what i feel for him for you on his bill to see a note in one place. you live in the system because you want us to build a kid. then that is because you all might have simple controls.
10:43 pm
the on the russian stage. never as one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the send the 6595 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union,
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the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed neg, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the, the sofa is where there is high autism and cannot be any cancellation. but typically those who have emails or something like that too. i don't want to insult anybody, even what they've done is stupid. there's simply more on the counseling russian using women's cancelling a great pause when we change the human. so in general, the
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the immunizations. if i want to touch this history, as i say, i do, i've got to open my eyes to the here and now she's taking me to me some work mates of her father's. these men worked for the french state mining company, excavating uranium for 30 years before they had to retire in full collect as a dentist and the for. and i thought it seemed to me when i should say me to me, the pay me down less when it indicated to i finished injury. i my, i get a, my england pleasure to notify myself and usually talk a lot of liberty mutual. non, she ties the thing down so might sound cation science and
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social studies into programs. so the night, the munitions danish queen, initially the issue to look at just talking to me like 6 kind of the one disagreeing fully assume that the cd, meaning things here. i live in new york, and this one difficult or easy to essentially what you're telling me. okay. she's the woman. i mean, it tells me to until 2014 this year i was forced to supply friends with uranium tax
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free. how did they think they can get away with what made them believe in this area in line for so expend? so most of them they is cause i want to call it in the mode because it looks as i use to get some of the surface water. okay. did she create the underground much? cuz of course, a little coming to the the edge boom across the
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company. to do this, have you done any changes in your new home preview for us this i'll talk with you because it i'm going to for i mean, i can't even go to the new ones. if it's a present, your legacy pulls of late as plays in this land. the schools are linds about in these it's a compulsory subject. who is, i won't be the alarm on your total is imperialistic, that you literally pronounce any longer late because he did it is of what he can. and of course he did. it is a pretty chemical incentive. pretty neat the fun by making you go to they'd be
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lenny. so if someone let me show and i said that you slightly so i put it a bit of phone. let me show and say that if you are larry still at the get in housekeeper. well, let me so if i'm on, identify with weight is good luck. said yeah, that's good enough for those but the better stuff again i knew so really if someone was it when you get a lot but i was in that's what i was like maybe but the but us good food stamp, lima, mendocino. but i'm so that's a lot better than what the deal. and they bought the lot that it's an easy man. i know it can go the, from a sense onto the west side to do, but its own safety. she does own phone, wanted the exec data. let me see though, for those let the left side of the material and the by the that said at the end,
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these events i said that together is aren't you pretty just a 2nd for so did up with the the ssl is on to cuz she saw news wanted 3 months. good news i sent that on it. did you lose your policy del, can, does annual into somebody's annual. i saw you on the by the end, if you have an excuse, you can see could say limit you duty of appeal and to come to a concept from last deacon is only good. so satisfied. do really should do you wish to lane francis lane to panama, see if it keeps it keeps so se feed from the cap see class. and we see on the level of glass on the left hand side of the 70 is area the level
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of scalars. and system on the yes it is the one, this includes the info to save a little piece of 3 in one c for the title, montana. yeah, most certainly my, you know, me if i want to ask, is it for them to you to 5 truly, you are listed in julia on the bus. that's the a we can on not want to shield on she lives down consumer collection. okay. because i've got
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a name, commercial ration who i paid the money, i'm data, my dues are instead it needs to that is on my patients. you bought that, you know, things come up missing into this with the witness and then measuring those some of the connect. and there is a security on sunday and no one needs the key on and off id and a lady. so come to us instead of some device moved by the wisdom of these children. i wish i shed that face in the power of
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conscience in the spring of 1899 comrade tried to fix a conscience. he just published the final policies. honda stocks but you polls when finished? yes. the nbc excellent. the phones as a building that house has funds is colonial records. and in the depths of these archives is a room containing papers, the state secret of generations to the very move. and conrad revealed cuts a separately and ha, dockins would go back a few days, actions. one of his subordinates was so a portable, he'd witnessed that he wrote to the storage he's kept in for they chose 20 mothers with their breast feeding incense. they were taken into a line of rocks, 200 meters, from outcomes. they were must not go to leslie with nice and by the next by auxiliaries, the captain had decided to make an example to show the others. how will so be
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practiced for him in his disrespect to do labels not killing for the sake of killing? the fear to scan was still really wasting time might let the partition reach lake chad fast and prevent friends from uniting african colonies. so an officer was sent to stop his orders with the arrest through late and take control of his mission. this officer was a colonel called cloud cloud to therefore administer the events of june 18, 99. i confess i find it hard to believe a french office could have ever ordered the hara that is, that alleged i will try to find fully, but whether i can is far from such and i don't know where he is. i know where you were. you just reach the town named connie,
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you said completed the says 36, please call me if any guns got some photos of the google do secure on print to that. i was wondering please the and some of the surely you remember the name connie pole? this was the scene if you'll biggest domestic or so what is the
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the present so then in content is the great grandson who faced the name of his grandfather, who was there was a child, told him the story about how much you're going to say to onto a non cabinet $2.00, which i do and to come up with a to get new bus. nobody i've been without. wow. which i knew show and i know who to and i could get a this, it was a lady or 2 with the i see the inside cuz the whole so really confused a month. and so i'm gonna show it to you as well. so
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if you don't with guys, you guys think of, you know, like i have a the big ramada does have to listen to me knowing that when they were gonna have to, i'm kindly low and the agency these feel like, you know, because i've gotta see about why is z e c o o i knew was weights and the opponent rates are huge and silent. we filed 12 sizes of cannon, the tara, these twice the interview. before
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a civilized color. the people see like because flayed from a t. m. a be a to take as thought, colleagues, us to the next you won't be looking to move on was i'm going to go with the vendors. okay. i see the cc me on my team. thank you. oh wow. what would i be on? could someone of when do they do to then set to watch the and there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth is the case of the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd
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world lunacy re washer. as for so the funder lion likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should be living on that we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be part of our executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
11:00 pm
you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the the sultan tells me you floated up to 15000 people in bed incoming your mess. the rest of 6 days. the sultan says victims have desktops the, the heads were cut off and placed on sticks like soldiers. i'm great the.


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