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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, it is breaking news as our, your analogy international reports hitting the wires so that multinational prisoner exchange between russia and beto roost. the us and european states is on the cards to the plan has previously been involved in swaps has left the russian x play of kelly mcgraw. these could not be a care we taught the authorities ation and intelligence support of the us that right that and wrong says that washington is complicit in the killing of a mass political leader. it's around accusing israel and washington seems to be neglecting the gravity of the issue. we continue to believe the deal is achievable and urgent that we have seen the israel easy, engaged,
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and constructive in conversations. the united states unequivocally is focused on continuing its work to close the gap. and the funeral procession is now underway in iran, the slain. i'm us lead and it's a wrong says it is preparing revenge from the country. supreme leader reportedly orders a direct stripe. one is right, a new video of the foil, the trunk, such a nation has the most showing the gunman getting into position on the nearby rooftop with questions are raised and the secret service can simply do is just the it is i just by myself, the 12 pm here in the russian capital. this is the international in, before we joined our correspondence, steve sweeney. here in the studio. it is our top story, and it is breaking news. this. our reports suggesting that a multi national personal swap between russia been a roost. the us and european states is in the woods right now. even american john
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list ever, not good kavitsky has been sentenced to 16 years, and a russian prison ought to being convicted of espionage and russia. he is reportedly set to return to america. let's learn more right uh, with on ccsp sweeney joining us here in the studio. i. i know it's, it's kind of unconfirmed still, but that's so much movement happening now. we've been watching the airplane on the flight truck. all right, i'll going from russia to colleen and grab now is we'll come back to russian territory with all these foreign citizens supposedly involved in this unconfirmed prisoner swap. what can you tell us as well? yes, not smart. this is unconcerned at this stage, but there's a lot of speculation on a lot of media reporting on this must prison, the exchange between the russian federation america, batteries, germany and another of other european states. now. 3 this speculation still on tape when we saw the very same plane that was used in the prison,
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a swap. you remember in 2022 between victor boots on the american bosco plan, brittany green, and now the dryness, sorry, that's now we've been talking not play and it left the nuke about apple having most go earlier this morning. and it made its way to come in and grab it, landed there, but now the latest information on the flight truck that shows it over russian territory once more. now, according to reports rush, it could be set to days between $20.00 to $30.00 prisoners. if so, if this is confirmed, then it would make it the biggest prisoner reduce the biggest prisoner's fault since the end of the cold war. wow. so it's the big. oh, it's really that significant, so or if it is, so tell me about all these foreign name is being speculated upon here. what across the top of the list on surprising the speculation is that the american or full mobile street journal, which in this evan occurs,
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but it's now his name is being circulating amongst the media that he's about to be released. of course, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison, but very recently on the espionage challenges he arrived in the country. uh, as of june and this he was always getting questions about the wagner private benefee company. and then he was cool. pretty much red handed. uh, gathering military intelligence or ministry information that could be useful to the west. and he was alleged to have been preparing to hand that information over to the c i. of course, he became con, something of a cause. so lever among the west in june. and this community that they were saying that this was journalism is not a crime, and they would come painting and pricing for him to be released. but here in russia, the foreign minister, as the guy lab rules, now, he said that he has, it was useful evidence that this was a case of espionage. and he said, there's no way an attack on general is
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a unless use we have numerous beautiful evidence. that goose could, which was involved in espionage to the intelligence agencies of the 2 countries are in contact according to an agreement between president put in and by and in june 2021. to see if they can swap someone for someone else. this topic doesn't go down well with everyone, and periodically americans bring it up in public, which doesn't help with the conflict. such content does exist and it has nothing to do with attacking journalism dealer. now of course in his uh, famous interview with the us conservative during this, tucker carlson. a lot of the painting said, well yes, he indicated that he's willing to work with the west on the potential exchange of goods. give it to you was as a gesture of goodwill. however, that was the offer was not reciprocated. now there's other names on the list a, on surprisingly, pull, wait, it was night. and this has been discussed in the us media, or course the former us marine and a full the us police. what was that?
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something of a check that history in his own country. he was charged with him as a once, but all of a sudden he still wanted to show an interest in russia. he started learning the russian language in 2006. he enter the country under the pretext of attending a friend's wedding, bought a guy, and he was arrested and he was found with a state secrets on his person. so he's been sentenced to prison again, he's on this list of speculated potential prisoners swaps also include it is uh, re co creek or a gym and national. he was working for the us embassy in berlin. then he decided that he was going to go to ukraine on a humanitarian mission as so many of them do that. but then a soon off that he did this, he signed up for combat duties. he joined the fine against russian forces inside ukraine and he was charged with
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a game espionage charges he was on the operations photographic its by the russian military infrastructure. when he was cool after a bog, laden with explosives was destined to destroy i, right, we'll uh, right away line in batteries. now he was sentenced to the best in better routes, but he was recently pulled in by the police in president and i was on the list, the strength of which led to the speculation that he could be immune and he released to. yeah, exactly. so you talk about wheeler and then go to scratch and you know, we know about all these different americans, these different your opinions involved and it's potential present us what. but what about steve? what about the russian says and see who might be coming back home. what a game there's been, some speculation about the russian president is the ought to be able to use this as long as the come about because the names have disappeared from russian story american present list, which is obviously where the hell now alex, on the vinny, he's one of the potential prisoners, russian prisoners for exchange bots. um with a game,
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this is speculation at this stage and um his mother has reported, well, we don't know anything about that. so again, it's not clear whether he's going to become a, you know, whether he's going to be part of that. then we have the all children, adults, you know, this is a, of particularly strange case. really. these were a couple that were living a very old life in slovenia, or according to the neighbors in the uh, outskirts of, uh, you know, in the, in this the middle call suburbs. and they were working, one of them had an i t company with them. how to an own company and just ordered the citizens. uh, so it was uh, believed now they bring the rest of them espionage charges. and if guilty, if found guilty, that would be sentenced to a maximum of a is in prison. so there's a lot of speculation at this stage on exactly who's on the list, who's not on the list on a guy. this is
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a developing story. it's changing by the minutes and of course we'll keep you updated with all the news as we have it. yeah, i mean it, you know, we get this all confirmed this even as you were saying a few minutes ago. this is what one of the biggest potential prisoners welts in many, many decades. so it's a really big deal with an awful lot of different external players involved as well . i see steve sweeney. thank you. a direct strike against israel that's reportedly in the making, according to it runs the supreme leader in response to the assassination of the how boss probably bureau chief is male heavy life night missile strike. killed him. it is tyrone residents just hours off that he wasn't on the gas to the around in presidential integration. so iran took to the floor at the united nations inside israel carried out the strike. it also said the us is completed. this act could not be accounted. we taught the authorization and intelligence support of the us, they stomachs,
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we part because we don't reserve this in your heart on the right to self defense. in accordance with international low to respond them decisively to these territories and claiming on the act when it deems necessity an appropriate is why all honey, i was the head of the hum us political bureaus on the 2017, you had already faced multiple attempts on his life is 3 sons, was killed in his ready strike on gaza, back in april and the a was the chief negotiator falls on us on it's indirect sci fi, told with israel, and many a now questioning how negotiations can possibly continue. now that he's dead, but i see it is eating less strongly condemns the killing of hamas leader is now hon. you're following the missile strikes on his residence into her on this is a serious blow. first of all, to negotiations between hamas and israel. on the cease fire and gaza in which is male honey, it was a direct participant in the failure to hold. israel accountable has permitted and enabled these crimes. and further, emboldened is really government officials,
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military commanders and settler extreme is to escalate the reign of terror against defenceless palestinian civilians. there is no red line for israel. no lot of will not reach no norm. it will not trample no act to deprived or barbaric for its occupying army and subtler malicious well as the faith overseas, foreign gods, or is the topic of the day the un uh the us does the same. curiously unaware of the consequences ahead. spinning the narrative of israel is somehow working to end the conflict despite the violence breaking out. now on multiple from we continue to believe the deal is uh, achievable and urgent that we are continuing to work and are committed to work to, to narrow those gaps and to make a deal possible. we think it's vital and vitally interest of the region. we have seen the israelis engaged and constructive in conversations that we have been having about a cease fire deal. and so we continue to believe both that
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a ceasefire deal is built achievable and urgent. the united states unequivocally is focused on continuing its work to close the gaps. we think that getting a deal done is not just in the united states interest. it's in the regions interest . it's in israel's interest. it's in the interest of the house and young people. it will take me look back at the places that have been these rails cross has in recent months, across the middle east. look at the map from lab and on the north, the neighboring syria, all the way over to. yeah. and then a broan of course, don't forget about gaza while not mentioning the killing of is male heavy on wednesday evening and he is ready 5 minutes to notate that and resume days. his forces have hit hum us. they've hit the who with these. they've also targeted hezbollah, and if those since the beginning of the war, i explained that we're in a band hall with the axis of evil, the bronze. this is an ex things to war against the certification of terrace armies and miss all that or rhonda is trying to type them around on next to my speech in
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front of the congress that took place several days ago. i've mentioned 3 main on solve this axis of evil. come asked the who t sound has been off the 3 ages. in recent days we have given a boy to each one of them. 3 weeks ago we attacked the chief of staff of from us mohammed d f. 2 weeks ago we attacked the who it's easy and one of the furthest attacks of the air force. and yesterday we attacked the chief of staff of his block for chuck . yeah, cool. most themes and the name of the citizens of israel, i would like to express deep appreciation to the idea of nation, but to be ministry, intelligence and the air force and to all the security forces for that precise performance on 3 different front of us. you discuss as far as an hour and across live tomorrow to contribute a robi bomb. and he's now joining us from ben. good. are you an app or just on the outskirts of the is read the city of lot. it's good. good to get you on the program . thanks. thanks for coming on. draw. because right now all eyes are basically looking at your part of the world and the prime minister's address to the nation last night. then you all want to quote, challenging times a head, robi,
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i wanted to ask you, you know, how to the people that feel about the stress of prevent and uses reportedly being spelled out by iran, supreme leader as well. i think both the country and the leadership are taking the threats by year on and visible out very seriously. even america is taking it seriously car and me. there are 12 american worship in our region. one of them, the us as new door, roosevelt, which is an aircraft carrier. it doesn't just carry a war plains and also carries more than 4050 is assault marines and sailors. so everyone is taking this very seriously. united airlines and delta have shut down their flights is all for the next few days. and don't forget, well l all and smells the on which is the is really prime minister. air force one if you will, has, and i ballistic missile system most the average normal airlines don't. so everyone is taking it very seriously. and if you know what anybody's real august is the hottest month and typically this place in the air being airport is packed with
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people. relatively speaking, this is pretty empty. robbie, what about, what about you do? i mean, you just mentioned for me, sort of jump in, but you mentioned 12 us warships are in the region. why yes. are they there? well, i think they're there to do what happened when he, ronald talked. i talked to zillow a few months ago. they're there to protect israel from an o l confrontation, original war is coming down the pipeline. it seems that everyone is playing chicken while everyone is saying they don't want to play chickens, but they're playing chicken. and it seems like a war is inevitable. unfortunately. so original wars coming at israel in america, our allies in america, is here to protect israel from an onslaught of a $150000.00 missiles that here's the law as a mass. i mean, let's not forget his blogs, killed one and 44 is really citizens and soldiers on the northern border since the war began. so they're launching unmanned vehicles and missiles on a weekly basis, if not a daily basis. we take that very seriously and it will be an unfortunate war,
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both for israel and for his by law. and for a ron, if it does occur, if you seems to be you're, you're basically echoing what all my guess to being saying for from god. so the palestinian territories on israel, they're all saying what you're saying, roby, and that is that we're right now. and the opening, for example is going to be a much broader regional boy. i really hope they're all wrong. we just have to stand by and assess the situation all to contributor obama and thank you very much. thank you. all right, back to iran, now with a funeral procession of this lane, hamas leaders on the way his body will like to be moved and laid to rest and cut out of a massive demonstrations, erupt it in a wrong shortly off day when he was killed. as a correspondent, no reports from the capital a good morning and how they can do this for you. it's to warm the data. so 1st of all, you have yeah, the cheaper from political bureau, who as well as automated wednesday at his residence into one people here are, are waiving palestinian slacks holdings for troy. it's so funny and it is part of him as
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a resistance fighter and the fight against israel. they transform against against israel, blaming the incidents on some of the they say israel has been working on red lines by targeting resistance fighters. now they demand that they're wanting and government takes revenge as they move has to be carried out on the want. in the message from the supreme leader made everything clear, we will definitely take revenge. and israel will face a severe punishment that will make them regret their actions. israel has attempted to undermine our territorial security, and most importantly has killed our guest. oh hawk soft, filled with sadness. as an iranian, i must say that today they attacked the house of 10 wrong. we hope that the heart of tel aviv we'll be targeted so that all hops can find some piece. we demand a strong response. we cool for a strategic target in tel aviv to be attacked to ease all pain, i'm afraid or was assassinated. fortunately, after arriving, it's a wrong for the,
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an observation of everyone's new president because there's many off pointing fingers at his rail. these people, i believe the west is also complicit in these sit down to adopt a sentiment also echoed by humans. lucy group, which has now played a significant role in confronting his route, over the course of the gospel. more nits in you who return from america with the green light for assessing nations. america is involved in everything that is happening. i must pay the price. it was not aware of the assassination. the us secretary of state went and made this search engine hours after honey. it was to reset. ross think it was something that the was was not aware of or involved in any of on both gone as to how many i condemn the assassination labeling israel. a terrorist regime and vowing gave harsh punishment. and so they said i'd have raised the alarm,
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bells and around the country has recorded reports. it's 3 forces along it's worth some borders on the alert. also a symbolic red flag for revenge has been raising the city a form of such a flag was last raise back in january this year after a terrorist attack in the city of him on the plains alliance of at least 94 people . now in one has declared 3 days of national morning, a funeral for how much chief is set to take place into one on thursday. his body will then be transferred to the kids are a capital where he won't be late to resume on friday. the pos of resistance will in due until the elimination of israel and the victory up as long as they may succeed in monitoring any resistance leader. but they know very well that the audiology a is long will not be extinguished. this has only reinvigorated our resolve. and the blood of all monitors will continue to nourish our ideals. the region is now
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rustling with tension after what happened. many of here, a regional conflict as both come on and living on says, pledge, or for event and serial gets out of race concerns. the funny as a desk and at least a bigger escalation in the middle east denouncing israel for the move. it has to be 2nd political assassinations and continued targeting of savings and gaza will talks continually just to ask, how can media should succeed when one party assess the needs to the negotiator. on the other side, these need serious partners and the global stance against the disregard for human life. so condemns this blocking design is to invest and as a despicable act. the continued disregard of international laws by these fairly entity may side the entire region of blaze. because route has been, i any responsibility for the coming health to express their leisure atanya
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gas regardless of its attempts to distances itself from the incident, as well as previous rush to eliminate the thomas heaters including honey. i tested as a number, one per, per trader in the eyes of the resistance forces. so the current atmosphere suggests an escalation of the already volatile situation in the weekend with holes for vengeance in response to a 100 yards assassination. echoing loud here, your video has been released by fox news. it's report of the film by a man who was shot and wounded by the would be trump assessing. and it clearly shows the government getting into position on a day by rooftop with a direct line of sight. let's show you the video here with the. the shooter is a basically a circled in red. you could, we'll show you as he moves along the rooftop of the warehouse. i was right there at the top of the screen. easy to see that he's out of sight for a moment. then he appears again before lady getting into his final position. this comes as the acting u. s. secret service director said he was ashamed of his agencies. failure was also
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what i'd lost for words as to how the rooftop that was not secured. mister ronald ro faced a pretty tough line of questioning during his most recent congressional grinning. why is there not? is a secret service counter snipers they are with clear line of sight that roof has a clear line of sight to the former president. why didn't you put a secret service counter cyber there? the secret service is counter sniper role is to neutralize those threats that are looking in on us from where the protect the is not necessarily saying that you might want to revise that protocol and light of what happened here as they were protecting the principle. and i think in principle, got shot. understand that sir, who do you think you might want to revise the protocol? no information regarding a weapon on the roof was ever passed to our personnel having information of a suspicious individual. there were other calls that day of individuals that came to the attention of law enforcement of people that needed medical attention. so it
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really that particular regarding the sale and that never really rose to a level of we should. we should not put them out there at all. smells a bit fishing, frankly. well as well as reported out of footage. emotional social media that showed spec data is supporting the shoot a well before the attack report say that local officers will warn half an hour earlier before that's been reveal the local police knew of the quote. suspicious suspect, 90 minutes before the shots run out to loading the round building we are in a g. i believe it is. i did see him with the re find a looking toward stage for information if you want to notify secret service snipers to the couch. i lost sight of him also it back with backpacks it and next to it and rather of building that was not so you know, they call it in to come on and have a uniform check it out. we have from the host of the consult conservative,
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a daily podcast with the job open that he says that the secret service likes the confidence to simply do the only job they were a sigh in the hearing was another dog and pony show, a more kabuki theater and you can never tell the problem with, with organizations that have lost credibility or had a failure as, as massive as this one is. is it there's, it's very difficult to come back from it because of all of the other issues that we've seen that have gone down stream that they've had to deal with related to the f b i failures and, and, and the fact that the day of the assassination, they were already trying to change the narrative and they had chris ray that came out and said that that it was probably shrapnel or glass that it is here. they just lack credibility. they lack the ability to read their own reports, and some of the answers that they gave show us that they lack confidence that these people not only are disconnected with reality, to what happened on the day of the assassination. but they, they don't feel like they're either like,
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it should be held accountable or don't have the capacity individually to be, to, to be held to a standard. that frankly, is, is not that high. just don't let a guy on the roof of the, with a gun within the wire, within the, you know, 200 yard perimeter and they couldn't even get that up. so i don't believe that anything that they say is going to change the outcome of the investigation. and that is that they are either one grossly and confident, which i don't believe or to this was an inside job in order to assassinate the most popular president in the world. yeah, exactly. some great country from jo oldman. so rough office hours, bro, cost life from us, go here and all the international. thank you so much for joining us and share a good time with us. we're back with more of your use at the top of the out
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the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be there was a time when i started to was abused to retain flowers divided that continental langford amongst themselves. it was divided as
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a hunting ground. if we do not do not the corner knives as we come again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great. on the shore does all by sons and daughters on by the sweat on that brow. so now click on the goodwill time full. and let us confess about underground eastern the on demand content in the, in april falls, 1899 tabby. although i skipped in valley, this entire area is a native spies take all families get cheese sand to find out that as as
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codes from these to really study. when do we tend to be to use these to corporate tagging slowly, although it's higher to the source of the state the the way the wind down go down the gym the quick. oh well she'll get to us. welcome with the blog. i just need to know what time you think we need and we take your time. thank you, courtney. oh cool. so when did you push the button? jimmy, when he wanted to know we didn't go by no way. you know not do a 100. that means that you just, you done the little boy, i to go to. so the, the why that i don't want to go with you box it go through to with,
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with their go with the, with the they tie us with like i asked me when the, when the, when the guy she read about the football. but i have a quote without the because i get you all know the numbers. okay, now what do you like and then they have and then the others when you pull up the summer cushion with them,
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they all lowercase one. they'll come within one. no, we say the and the bomb i'm guessing, you know, the, this is, i'm the only disease it cannot be. so go to nothing. 12 can do a prostate but a lot. then cutting a picture of that a little boy with what they say see


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