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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the breaking news, the launch scale prisoner exchange by russia, us on several other countries has been brokers by nathan members. they tell us citizens, evan goose because rich and poor whelan, who were convicted, handled by spin. ah, she brochure on the list for more than 2 dozen prisoners this result, the one at rockdale into a sea of new owners today of thousands gather to paying their wits bags to former hamas meter as mine. how do you hope was assassinated? contract want on west a 1000 people gathering ted wrong to move this estimated time of the day on the 8th
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of tensions lines between iran and is round the get go and 6 pm here in the russian capital. this is all the international bugging you. news from across the globe. thank you very much, bill. your company this our well, we're going to start with our top story, which is this breaking news that nathan member states to cuba has confirmed the law scale exchange of prisoners between russia. the us on several other countries is underway, more than 2 dozen prisoners all on the list. a separation has been recorded in history as the most extensive prisoner exchange between the united states, russia and germany in recent years. the channels of dialogue for this story, cooperation was stablished by the tug is national intelligence organization. 10 presenters including t minus, were relocated to russia, 13 presence to germany, and 3 present us to the united states. less cost,
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now live through all 3. corresponding yes and can use in turkey for us is dumble. yes. and this is potentially the law just for business will between a russian on the west since the cold. what more details can you give us as that is exactly the case and as we speak, a number of planes have landed in on cutting the turkish capital to ensure that the prisoner exchange does continue without a hitch. and for the most part has been kept under wraps. not much information or details are provided leading up to the present or exchange, but over the course of the past hour or so, details have been emerging. and what we understand is that is the case is not necessary. the 1st time that a prisoner exchange has, of course, took part between the united states. and much of the most recent example was in late 2022 in december when a w n b s. late and american citizen was exchanged and swapped with the united states. but what we're looking at right now is one of the largest prisoner
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exchanges since the 2nd world war. this is a significant step forward for a number of different reasons. we understand that more than half a dozen countries are involved in this presenter swap and the turkish military as well as the intelligence agencies have been providing information, suggesting that direction intelligence played a key role in mediating this present or exchange. we have decided based on a statement from texas intelligence that they started to mediate these talks in july of this year of 2024. and over the course of the past month churches and their listeners ensured that the tardies that are of course, involved in this present exchange, came to a certain understanding. and does that the swap would take place in neutral territory, which is on code at the church capital, but also is important. here was of course, so that this is considered as i did want to bite me in a easing of hostilities or something. but i would suggest that the easing of strains by countries such as the united states and russia, particularly when we take into account the conflict in ukraine and the stance that
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washington took since then, this could become a pivotal step forward. yeah, i think gives them the relations of being what many described as being the worst machine russia in the west is interesting that there is this contact now between the various intelligence agencies that yes and that came a reporting for us from it's tumble about the fact that to care has been brokering that present experience. thank you very, very much. well, let's get more details now about who has been exchanged off. correspondent ortiz correspondent speaks we need is in this. do you do with the speed you've been following this? it will say we do find you have confirmation of some of the names of the 26 individuals who are being small. can you talk us through now? ok, well, speculation was rife early on thursday morning about this potential mass prisoners swap between the russian federation, the united states, batteries, germany and other european nations. now this really salty to gather pace when it was noted that the very same plane that was used in not 2022 prison exchange
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between uh victor boot and the us boss. people play brittany green. it was uh, was that it was saying taken off from the look of an apple in the russian capital must go edit to continue grad where it landed before taken off. and it was one, as we soon discovered it was one of around 6 russian government planes that did take off. we spent most of the day kind of tracking those to see that whereabouts. of course, there was a lot of speculation across by russian media on american media, cbs, the american media media route, but what it reported that i do have been struck by the this was, according to a senior by the, an administration official. now of course we've had the confirmation from to the case intelligence in a, in total key dots. and could i have mediated this data. now they've released this list of 24 prisoners that have been exchanged as believe to be 26 into until the
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biggest prisoner exchange since the end of the cold war. now we have some of those names confirmed. now we can talk about some of the, i guess the most prominent or high profile of those names top of the list. of course, the wall street journal report to evan goose give is now, he was recently dialed for 16 years on espionage charges. he typed into the country, he was gathering information about the volume at private minutes. he company, but he was cool. 5 russian security services. he was caught red handed. they say with irrefutable evidence that he was gathering information military information that could be useful to the west of the united states. and that he was preparing to have this information over to the c i. he of course became of course, the lever in the west. his detention was seen as an upfront to journalism on a front to the news gathering many of the many of these western governments and
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dirt. and this, of course, from countries that were behind the detention on the expedition with the planned expedition of that which it expanded duty and this honest about whom they remained incredibly side as now most ago has a game we get to right, is that it has incredibly strong evidence that goes could, which was in fact, spying a talk, a call soon. the conservative bull costa in his interview with not in a position where he confronted him directly on ghost, which his case and said would rush. i'd be willing to release him as a gesture of goodwill and putting replied inside. well, he's always open to this kind of thing, but it hadn't been reciprocated at by the west. and he said, well, of course, he would be happy to discuss the possibility of a prisoner exchange, but this needed some degree of flexibility from western intelligence. another of the high profile, the names on the list, of course is poor reading the full,
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my us marine, a former us police officer. he again had a very checkered history in his own country. he was found guilty of embezzlement when he was a member of the united states armed forces. he suddenly develop this very keen interest in russia. he started learning the russian language. he was communicating with the russian citizens over social media. he came to the country in 2006 for 40 to attend the wedding of a friend. again. he was, hey, for a while and he was a cost and he was arrested and found on his possession, according to russia with state secret. so he was imprisoned on espionage charges. he's a guy and he's on this list released by the turkish intelligence that service. and of course, the german national rico 3 got his name again, is on this list of people the and i have confirmed by took his intelligence to have been part of the prison exchange deal, where he worked in the u. s. embassy in berlin. uh, often leaving that post,
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he decided he was going to go to ukraine on us to monitor heavy and mission as so many of them do, but he soon became caught up in combat operations. one of his missions was to photograph batteries in ministry installations and he was cold and arrested in the batteries in capital mints. he had a rough side load rucksack loaded with explosives which was due to be used on that countries while network. he was sentenced to death for medicine re activities, but he was recently posted by the by the resume president. yeah. and interesting. you going through the list of details that we've had. so the fall, this to minus who are on one of those planes coming about to russia. i think that suggests that a russian couple from slovenia are amongst those being released from the russian side to come back home. yes, well now in this list with these by the turkish intelligence, the all, i russians, nationals, we believe they may be moral, not this, but the i,
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russian national was the, every night insightful include all to them on, on. i don't see this is a couple that were detained on espionage charges in slovenia of all places. now, according to the neighbors, they had been a fairly old and we couple, they were living that with the children they were living at old me, but it'll cost life in a supposed be in slovenia. they have a number of companies. i see company in all company and all the business organizations, but this would be no software to use said that these with fronts for russian spying operations they were arrested. i was sentenced to just under 2 years in prison on charges of spying, the other charges against them, which would have time. you didn't hear a sentence if they were indeed found guilty. they are now included on this this and of course, along with the children of by the him crusty club. now he is a game. he was one of the names that was really meant to be on this present exchange. and he's a paid on this list of people that being conferred and to be on that present
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exchange. this he is a, an f s. b agent. he was caught in russia back in 2019 and he was charged with kidding. a georgia national who is believed to be a checked him set protest, and he was a sentence to life in prison. of course we've been following this across the course of the day. we're getting more more details, more updates by submitting as and of course we'll take you up to dates with for the like to see how we're not going to let you go home just yet. steve, thanks for getting this up to date on the latest details, but hope to be speaking to you next hour on this operating new story. all tease steve sweeney for us in the studio. thank you very much. i well let's go to a roll now with thousands of people being gathering intent on to moon for the assassinated leader of hamas. this is issue of having a basis of tensions between is right or wrong or reaching
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a boiling point. we've got us outlines, delta and united now having cancelled flights. that is, well, all the news came that there was a missile strike that killed honey at a residence in terror. all miss king just off the hours after he had been an only gas, uranian presidential integration loyalties contributor, rubbing famine, and also all correspondent use of july. you have been reporting from both israel and iran, a slice off that ron and dropped it into a sea of mourners today as thousands gather to paying their respects to hormone. how must meter as mine, honey, who was assassinated into one. on wednesday, the funeral procession saw a warranty and was holding portraits somebody i was in power speed as lots and lots of both re fi southern and express their outrage against as well as a whole. so it'd be responsible for the assassination. your boss will be leader, i to law how many also attended this?
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the ceremony where he had a funeral prayer for the late ha mazda official honey as body. i will then be transferred to the guitar e capital to have her burial partner. speaker, mom, i'd love everybody boss silver. this never heard a speech during the funeral or he vows would tell you shouldn't i guess as well say well i will respond as a wide time in place honey, it was killed in the early hours of wednesday morning. here's what i have been since i want shortly after attending the not the ration of it was new president muscle position on, while israel has neither confirm nor deny involvement, many ways to kind of william squared squarely on as well. so i think the country's history of targeting resistance meters leaders, which took a surge in the wake of the gaza war now as concerns grow, okay. scale escalation, the one security council contains on wednesday to address the tensions between as well and 11, also as well as well as this assassination of honey uh, at that meeting. it wants to invoice so that you was due. now she is fascination
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for such a violation. of international law, i don't manifestation to quote, as well stairs to turn down saying that as such, a move could not have happened without intelligence. support from the united states use act could not be a care re towards the authorization and intelligence support of the us. they stomachs, you probably complete on reserve this in your 100, on the right to self defense, in accordance with international, lo, to dispose of decisively to these stories and criminal act. when it deems necessity appropriate, the washington void for the when also condemn the killing of the home us meet or liberally. it's a political assassination that undermines peace efforts and pushes the regions on the rings of war. not clear on the streets of the wrong mourners are demanding a harsh revenge. they say israel has killed a guest, anyone and has lost all red lines by breach the sharon's sovereignty. not only how
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mazda and his beloved on these moments for public itself has vowed a serious rivera and supreme leader i to a law firm, and a quickly issued a statement following god, instead of saying, as ralph killed, quote, our dear, he has to be in our country and made us, uh, just the one has we actually put a watch, some voters on high alert that one is also reported we are preparing for an attack against as well. we also heard that there one warned our contribution against opening the air space for a potential is really counselor attack after your was which on your insurance. otherwise, those countries would be a legitimate target for error on your times. also published a report sign was a claiming that there was supreme leader vice off. i'm in a has ordered a direct switch salvatore. so i guess as well as the report side is we anonymous. they want you to control the direction before it became during an emergency needing officer. why should we national security council on wednesday and shortly after
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honey, i was probably gonna have to nipple it, won't it, dr. pitts 1st and just feel like yourself as well, was hundreds of missiles and rose in response. one is where it is. as far as when it's embassy comes home castillo several, they won young military commanders in syria, new york times alaska. and that this fine to get one is likely to use a mix of missiles and ones plans on some of these and play for people i saw foot here. so he's obviously not a stronger response then in the past for vengeance. a lot of fun. yeah, i know with the frontier unfortunately, didn't go out loud, the crowd on high ranking officials. all i could see is that the assassination of as far as how dea has ignited it for apparently your situation, slippers, half hour, long woochie consequences for the entire weekend. well, 1st of all, there was a rumor today that ben green airport is always main airport was closed. but as you can see behind me, that's just not true. there are many airlines that have canceled flights. there's no such as united delta those ponds, etc. don't forget while cannot see on which is like the,
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the is really air force wonderful. the prime minister and l. all they are armed with the anti ballistic missile systems. most airlines normally or not. so people are very concerned about coming out of the air space up north by the lebanese border has been closed for a few days for civilian aviation. no more small pipers, no more small. uh, $152.00, so cetera for our helicopters are allowed up there. oh, we do know that the citizens of 11 on had been told us, they put america issued a warning to it. citizens and love it on to please leave the country expecting a can flag duration here we, we know we're, there are ports that are more than a dozen american warships are in the region. a one of them being the u. s. s. theodore roosevelt, an aircraft carrier, which doesn't just carry uh, aircraft, uh, fighter planes. it also has more than $4050.00 as marines on and i can attack wherever if need be. we had news today that mohammed dad who was bombed on july
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13th, a wasn't sure if there's a lot of killed him. news came out today this confirmation by the idea to mom and dad was killed. these people, these names which might be new to people out there and the agent ashley was there. nice. every is really knows the name of mohammad. yeah. mohammad. yeah. these people have been involved in planning attacks or excuse me, attacks and killing innocent civilians for years on the northern border. so that since the war has happened, they have been launching menus, blah from 11 on has the launching missiles and on man of vehicles. harring warheads that have killed more than 40 about 44 is really civilians and soldiers, including tragically the 12 body model for what people called cruise uh, citizens up north on the go on i just this past saturday. we've been speaking with hani, sonia and his executive director of the, our center for research and studies. he says the middle east is on the brink of a major confrontation relate to through the, dealing and throwing these uh,
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these vs. and any chances for seizing the fire and it's, it's me or no, that's the united states of america is most i've gotten the, the, it's, or it's one of the main reason to the so alien, the tool. and i think for a time in the for ends in has beloved in the living room by a submission of the for a ciocca. and yesterday, by a submission, some mail on the same was a green light from united states of america. so in this point, i think we will have a new escalation. if you're on good, sorry, a month, it's time to remain silent forever because when you're on, when response to his id or this a thanks and submissions, i think it's up to you to express. it says i'm store to store, it's a vision of the vision. the a b as vs or is uh,
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mediations for any new additions. i think it wouldn't be in it. we have a way to depression from is if the car started in the theaters, i think we're in a very bad way. and it was a to, is from around the world have been expressing that condolences full of the deceased political director of hamas. the american social media joint method is accused of attempting to silence them. malaysia's prime minister says the company which controls facebook and instagram is subbing is a to live is well, this is all it deleted his post upon the death of smell. honey matter has once again acted rudely and has insulted the cause of the palestinian people. when i uploaded a video message with condolence and criticism of the killing of the lady, smiled hon. yeah, it doesn't make sense when a tribute to
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a fighter who tried to free his homeland from tyranny and suffering is considered dangerous. my stern warning to mete don't be a bastard and a tool of the tyrannical design. this is really regime it looks like you shed or said symbols, praise or support of people, and organizations that we define is dangerous, will follow them. this goes against all community standards on dangerous individuals organizations. the malaysian prime minister's office says back to is discriminating against palestinians is called for an apology from the company, which is controlled by american businessmen mach because they've come back. it's the 1st time the southeast asian country has criticized matter, but it's content policy just a few months ago. the company, oh, so blocked coverage of a meeting between the malaysian prime, minnesota, and the spell. honey, if that's all, well we've been hearing from the head of the malaysian problem. it's cool cuz on
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palestine and he says that if method is not acting is this is way too. then it needs to be more transparent with the exact reasons why it finds content. the bed i says it needs to how much as the ballast any this be? so i'm missing as much as dangerous organization and doesn't matter whether it is uh, also a condom is the offer of a new piece. but once they, they see it. i see there isn't a nation that it's true. yeah, she got a lot of, uh these, uh, perhaps uh, issue about banning issue about the hosting. you know, the instrument of the g. then they would have offered the certification for doing this. and i think the best thing that they can do is actually, you know, really have transparent a process and make any simple how the actually ultimate or, you know, blocks it and convince a brand new explanation. and if, let's say, for example, there are other elements or into filters that happened,
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then they need to be also transparent about it. and i'll flip on that before what happened leisure. he says, sobering. a peaceful country. we, we have been, you know, at least, you know, a region we have opened up by the, i see. and we have always had the position for the policy position that sees that they should not need to fill out this a fast unless they are unjust invested these that have been and, and even the violation of human law, the criminal law, 2 minutes a law then we would offer assistance to ensure that last a be a photo, you know, and states i need some blank drones. next, web harris is going to damage control mode. to make a series of controversies over it's hosting all be a little bit games which is currently underway. in the city and elsewhere,
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i am fonts now. a spokes person has misses a scandal with an opening ceremony did indeed betray the last sofa in a scene. many said was a vile mockery of christianity ortiz contributor rachel marston has the story. the french president, a menu, and nicole said after the opening ceremony for the paras olympic games, but in 100 years, people will still be talking about it. not sure about that. but one week later, the controversy continues particularly over the scene depicting what appeared to be the last supper with dried queens in various states of corpulent, on dress and gender ambiguity in the place of jesus and the disciples. a bunch of folks pitched a fit about it and decided that they were going to complain about the fact that the bended christian. so let's look organizers went into damage control in an attempt to set things straight about the creative vision of the opening shows director to
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immeasurably thomas john lee took inspiration from leonardo da vinci's famous painting to create the setting and olympic spokes person admitted to the post in a statement on saturday, referring to the opening ceremony creative director, nice hair splitting there. it wasn't satirizing the actual dinner, just the painting of it. yeah guys come on now. it's not like jody was resting on jesus version of the last supper, or the actual self fee of the event found in the bible, which is everyone knows is full of color photography. you know, the image that doesn't actually exist with the only widespread one being of the last supper coming from when they solve painter dinardo davinci version of it. so it's not like they're 2 different things. they're really wanting the same. but they argue that, look, the simpsons and andy warhol did the same thing. they also rift on it. yeah. nice arguments there. that puts the most prestigious and storing global sporting events
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in the world on the level of a tv cartoon, and a pop artist, acid trip. not helping their cases, the fact that some of the performers themselves have been trying in one explicitly saying on social media that it was the quote new gay testament. but even the games organizes themselves can't seem to coordinate their talking points with the official olympics account on the x platform on social media. arguing that it was actually the picture of a totally different dinner the interpretation of the greek god de nice is makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings. next to be saying that it was just the same from that whole. and basically it's last dinner party at the say. not surprisingly, those things very job is to defend the interest of christianity, have taken full advantage of this prime opportunity for a global pile on. it is very regrettable that in paris we witnessed an insult to christianity and the holy gospel,
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which is also insulting to all civilized people who recognize the right to face and respect, religious symbols. if the international sports games, the olympic games were supposed to be about promoting harmony and peace between societies, they have now become a minority tool to humiliate and denigrate a religion of more than $2000000000.00 believers. more importantly, the issue of defiant, discriminatory and defensive attitudes towards christian believers remains. europe has no future without a real and living face in enduring christian values across the atlantic. the us republican party in full campaign mode at home and had of the november elections took note of all the really low hanging fruit being served up here in europe around this issue. and seized the opportunity to do some virtue signaling off their own. and also to do what the us does best tell the rest of the world what to do, in this case, the global institution in question being the international olympic committee. these
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hardcore g o. p, proponents of free speech except in this case apparently sensitive official letter to the ios, the president thomas bock, referring to a quote folder, mockery of the christian faith and demanding that changes be made to be unlimited charter to prevent the games from basically becoming a platform for any further attempts at religious satire, by guys who may be interested in treating the olympic stage like in our house, vanity projects of the international olympic committee should formerly condemn the mockery that occurred in paris of one of the most sacred moments of the christian faith. there is no place for anti christian bigotry and an event designed to bring the world together. the game should celebrate the athletes not denigrate anyone's face, and other prominent proponent, a free expression autonomy, and deputy prime minister mateo vini, who's been in hot water himself under italy's restrictive speech lies seems to be cool with censorship. here though, qualifying the scene as offensive dirty and insulting to christians around the
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world, games organizers have been pulling down images and clips of the ceremony with right claims on social media, i personally was hit with one for even posting a short clip of sending deals performance in a private post, before they released that claim seems that many are still really jacked up right now over the show even a week later. and the last supper scene is not the only controversial one. social media users have been going nuts over a white mechanical horse written by a figure in medieval battle armor draped in the olympic flag, which they are convinced is a biblical side of the apocalypse. the depiction of desk writing on a pale horse. personally, i thought it looked exactly like the legendary french warrior, jonah barker, john desk in french. but hey, what, why now, guess the jokes on me if the world ends sometime soon? in any case, there's really nothing more french than a performance that still has people world wide,
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chattering and debating days later. exactly like for reasons do in the local cafe for hours, right after a french film to some of the us international. thank you very much, retaining in this hour. we'll have more news you in on 13 minutes time until then. rick sanchez. this hey with this week's episode all direct the the mother of rick sanchez. this is direct impact every day. more and more. millions of people are reaching out to us and saying, thank you so much for the show. we say thank you to you for watching. here's.


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