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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the, the, the moscow confirms a large scale person likes change, mediated by took here. 10 russians returned home in exchange for 16 west, and as including a number of put in a, the, a wall street journal reporter event. and jessica vix, and the us marine. the poll wetlands who were both convicted of spying and rush hour among voters under swap list of people in these role are also denied being a swab deal of their own by calling for the government to sit down with him on the board or to negotiate the release of the remaining hostages,
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the while you're watching r t international reaching you from the russian capital i a michael quite, you know, our top story now a lot of. ringback in has signed patterns for 13 citizens swapped in the largest prison i exchanged with the west since the cold war. the currently insides of the move, it was a necessary step to help its own people. the decision to sign the decrease has been made to return, and the citizens of the russian federation, who were detained and imprisoned on the territory of foreign states. moscow is also grateful to the leadership of the countries that assisted in preparing the exchange . so now the russian security service is released afflicted, showing 10 russian citizens forwarding a plane in correct, and that's where the exchange to place the deal was broken by nature member at the
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key. you're following intense negotiations. that footage has also been released showing the western citizens being taken to the plane that would fly them to the key. the last swapped for a 10 russian civilians including the 2 minus why less cross now live to our teeth, political cost, but then you go paste kind of who is the most goes no cobble airport. the way 10 russians civilians at set the top down a spot of present exchange deal. if you guys go to have you a job, you write that, can you say it goes through? what is going on there right now? it. right, why i'm actually at moscow is moving over to government to airports and this is actually the air strip behind me. you can probably see that a red carpet literally has been rolled out to meet the people coming back to russia on that point. and we'll just seen the president's press secretary to meet that at
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the school. we said, that's why we have 40 will be personally coming here in a few minutes as well because the plane is on its way. it's set to land here at new comple to it in just a few minutes. age people, 8 adults are on it. and 2 children were earlier changed in on colorado just a few hours ago in the thirty's capital capital for 14 people. 13 of them had been officially pardoned by what am i putting earlier today? one was a pardoned by alexander lucas shank over the leader of the bellows. now regarding those coming back to russia and they are coming back from a wide range of western frontier eas, including the united states, norway, sonia poland, and slim in yeah, i think we're being told by the security services that this exchange is the results of a long uh, work done by pretty much the security services of all these countries adult. and
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personally, i think that i am in the current stage of the relationship between russia in the west. and it took me to the current crisis that there, and this just goes to show that certain communication channels are still open. and perhaps even the most important engage in kill communication channel, the channel that there are 4 rights which actually will keep a tab on the knowing what more he's going on there. our chief political correspondent, you go up, he's going to thank you so much. well, speaking from the white house, the us president gave these reaction to the present a swap. it will bind in the, on the lines, the role of nato allies and the negotiation process. it is still not been made possible without our allies, german polls, sylvania norway, and turkey. they all stepped up and they stood with us. the deal that made this possible was afraid of diplomacy and friendship.
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not for more on all of us have less trust. now live to ortiz, collab mopping reporting from new york. and i, did you take us through just what president biden had to say about this unprecedented swap? well, the us president spoke to the press, surrounded by family members of those who had been detained and are being released in, in his remarks. he was harshly critical of the russian government as usual. but many of noted that in addition to giving credit to other countries that were involved in the negotiating process and grand standing against russia in his remarks, there was a large amount of self congratulation. and that was echoed later when the white house press secretary describe the deal as well. they continued to emphasize how important joe biden is in making this prisoner exchange, the largest per largest prisoner exchange. since the cold war happened,
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they very much wanted to emphasize that binding was essential in the process. here's what we heard from biden, as well as the white house press secretary. as of today, my immunizations brought them over. 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hockey's abroad, the president was himself personally engaged in the pharmacy the process of many since before i took office, i would say that if you had not had joe biden sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened edition, i assure the executive order in 2020 to authorize the penalties like sanctions and travel vans and those who hold americans against their will. and honestly, guys, i can just say this was vintage job, rallying america, rally in american allies, to save american citizens and russian freedom fighters and doing it with intricate state craft pulling his whole team together. it's drive this across. now it's important to note that the defensive tone of the white house seems to come on the
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backs of what many of noted, which is the joe biden is not running for re election in the coming race. in november i, he recently announced he was withdrawing and com la harris. his vice president will be the candidate of the democrat party. now at this point, it's also worth noting that well in biden's remarks, he did hand that there was a slight improvement in relations with russia as a result of the prisoner exchange. when he was asked by a reporter, if he would speak to the russian president, he gave a pretty solid no, ah, so there will not be communication between the president of the united states and the president of russia. a ride hard to correspond to let me up and bring us up to speed there that my colleague, the seller dimansky, this cost of the details on who is on the present exchange list. without correspondence, the sweeney, the speculation was rise early on thursday morning about this potential mass
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prisoner's swap between the russian federation, the united states, batteries, germany and other european nations. now one. 9 we soon discovered it was one of around 6 russian government planes that did take off. we spent most of the day kind of tracking those to see that whereabouts. of course, there was a lot of speculation across by russian media on american media. cbs, the american media media route, but when it reported that i do have been struck by the, this was, according to a senior bind to an administration official. now of course, we had the confirmation from took his intelligence in a, in total key thoughts. and could i have mediated this data now they've released this list of $24.00 prisoners that have been exchanged as believe to be $26.00 in total, the biggest prisoner exchange since the end of the cold war. now we have some of
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those names confirmed now we can talk about some of the, i guess the most prominent or holly profile of those names top of the list. of course, the wall street journal report to evan goose coverage. now, he was recently dialed for 16 years on espionage charges. he came into the country . he was gathering information about the wagner private ministry company, but he was cool by russian security services. he was caught red handed, they say with irrefutable evidence that he was gathering information military information that to be useful to the west of the united states. and that he was preparing to hand this information over to the c i. he, of course, became a cool celebre in the west. his detention was seen as an upfront to journalism on a front to a news gathering many of the, many of these western governments and jude and this, of course, from countries that were behind the detention on the expedition with the planned expedition of that which it expanded to the most honest about whom they remained
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incredibly at site. and now moscow has a game reiterated that it has incredibly strong evidence that goes could, which was, in fact, spying talk of causing the conservative bull costa in his interview with not in a position where he confronted him directly on ghost. which his case and said would rush, i'd be waiting to release him as a gesture of goodwill. i'm putting replied inside. well, he's always open to this kind of thing, but it hadn't been reciprocated at by the west. and he said, well, of course, he would be happy to discuss the possibility of a prisoner exchange, but this needed some degree of flexibility from western intelligence. another of the high profile, the names on a list, of course is poor reading the full, the us marine, a former us police officer. he again had a very check of history in his own country. he was found guilty of embezzlement
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when he was a member of the united states armed forces. he suddenly develop this very keen interest in russia. he started learning the russian language. he was communicating with russian citizens over social media. he came to the country in 2006 reported the to attend the wedding of a friend. again. he was here for a while and he was accosted. he was arrested and found on his possession, according to russia with state secret. so he was imprisoned on espionage charges. he's a guy and he's on this list released by the turkish intelligence that service. and of course, the german national rico kreger. and his name again, is on this list of people that are now confirmed by turkish intelligence to have been part of the prison exchange deal, where he worked in the u. s. embassy in berlin. uh, often leaving that post, he decided he was going to go to ukraine or. 3 to mount a tavian mission, as so many of them too,
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but he soon became caught up in combat operations. one of his missions was to fight to go off batteries in military installations and he was cold and arrested in the batteries and capitol minutes. he had a rough side load rucksack loaded with explosives which was due to be used on that country's royal network. he was sentenced to death for medicine reactive with ease, but he was recently pardoned by the better we see him. president. yeah, an interesting you going through the list of details that we had. so the fall this to minus who are all one of those planes coming about to russia? i think that suggests that a russian couple from slovenia amongst those being released from the russian side to come back home. yes. well now all to them on, on the don't ship the, this is a couple that were detained on espionage charges in slovenia. of all places now, according to the neighbors, they had been a fatty old and we couple, they were living that with the children they were living at old me,
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but it'll cost life in. uh, so it'd be in slovenia. they have a number of companies i t company, you know, company and all the business organizations. but this will be no. doherty's said that these with fronts for russian spying operations, they were arrested that was sentenced to just on the 2 years in prison on charges of spying. the other charges against them, which would have time even a year sentence if they were indeed found guilty. they are now included on this this and of course along with the children of him cross equals now he is a game. he was one of the names that was really meant to be paul, this prisoner exchange. and he's a paid on this list of people that being confirmed to be on that present exchange this he is an f. s. be agent. he was caught in russia back in 2019 and he was charged with kidding. a georgia national who is believed to be a checked and set protest, and he was sentenced to life in prison. well,
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political consultant and human rights lawyer, i know definitely believes the washington could be using the president exchanged bu, full to come out of harris's advantage. i hadn't been november's election the most pleasant being really k all the while that they often fall positive partnership that takes into account the interest or policies involved. so the expand the waste is serious about engaging in constructing discussions which could lead to advances in a whole agile issue. rush right? it is all in open to this. you know, the foxes diplomacy per say. i know as a, as a, as a priority. you know, the question is more about what the washington wants to do, and washington can be quite unpredictable. and it's not irrational in their flying policy. it's, it's really a matter of the collective waste of where, you know, going up and somehow if you're into account that the,
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the good old days are gone and they're going to stopped to learn to live where is almost died for the 40 century world order to in the us, so thing to do is that your solution seems to know all the of my than and instruction was the incumbent and ministration. and even though it's all by the use, my old accounts out of commission, the people behind the and these minders are especially at the state department. i'll try to do a, uh, you know, a position of our, we're still in the narrative that they are going to be an extra, nothing standing, some of the statements evaluating from former senior us officials. you know, this is a way to do it. you need to somehow every effects to the on the side of the, the candidate, the establishment candidate to kind of focus on sundays basically come out of harris. and this is another exchange because of its magnitude and excess coal. we
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tend to somehow i for tray or as the person in charge who is able to engage with the russian for the russian and get things done. and to the middle east . now people in tel aviv are on the streets this evening, demanding these really government make a deal with him. us to bring that remaining of hostages home from guys that are to contribute to rub above and brings us the details. a thousands of people marching through the street as we can see the screen now. raw sewage deal. now some people weeping and breathing. i'm crying and some people are angry. but 3 or 300 days is just to lobby. see the thing. we are very close to 365. so these people are very upset and they want to deal with the app and they want it sooner rather than later . this is the reason why the hostage for 300 days.
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this is it is very nice people to go direct across all this is rich human rights. why do we have going on here? now? are people who are very angry and they want a deal, but most of the country is very concerned about what's going on. i mean, there are 12, navy army, uh, carriers swelled maybe except for american ships around the reason to protect as well. in case of an attack is increasing section 11, all these real rod israel, people for a. let's hear what prime minister being that they all have to say about the situation is that instead the israel is in the states is very high readiness. but any scenario on by defense and offense, we will extract a very high price for any acts of aggression to gain stuff from any quotes whatsoever. so after we eliminated the hezbollah chief of stop yesterday,
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today came the final verification of the elimination of the how much chief of stuff, how many df elimination establishes the simple principle the we established the way the hut sauce. we taught them by the cartridge is the mess i'm sending while israel definitely feels justified, necessitating from us members, wherever they may be, the other side of refiners, hoopla and then, or is that going to them to doing that? i will say that the enemy and those who support the enemy have to expect our response. our response will come for sure. this is a historical battle, and today we say to design is that if you want to finish us through killing our leaders and scaring our people and killing women and children, good man, if you want us to surrender to be weaker, you are wrong. this will not happen as our ladies a knob has said, whatever you do, but whatever efforts you make, nothing yahoo and all of the americans,
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whether it's biden or harris or trump, they're all the same. it doesn't matter what, whatever you do, an effort to make you will not erase us. you will not kill our resilience and our spirit. if you are planning to finish us, this will not work. this you server entity is going to be finished because the people of god will win a hey bill, it's bill that ward is in and, and you'll walk midway or screaming, just say their families. most of the people in the country unfortunately are ready for their own lives. they feel more celebrating. i used to be one of them. let's see where they have to say. and one is a bit anxious. sometimes it would be something with respect to is or wrapping it up,
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but they're out here every night and the crowds get bigger and bigger. angry and angry or something's going to happen is going to happen until whether it's good or bad. i don't know, time will show for let's go to north africa now where 5 people were killed in a drill and attack on an army base in a warrant on sudan when they had all the trust sessional government was in the area . doris as part of military of which is fighting against the state, has denied responsibility for the attack. on following the incident, the government media has rejected, seized by tools planned to take place in switzerland. of course, we will not lay down our guns until the country is cleansed of any rebel or mercenary, and we will not accept negotiations that undermined the dignity of our people. the battle with the enemy continues and we will not retreat or surrender, and we will not negotiate with any party, no matter who it is. the army lead to stones came as he survived destination and came to that to face during
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a graduation ceremony that he was attending in the east to officer don. those that were present at the the ceremony say close to the conclusion of the whole gathering an array of suicide drove is attacked to the ceremony. 2 of the doors of manage to strike in the center of the gatherings for han was able to escape and scabbard. how if 5 people, as you have mentioned, which he owed by the impact of those 2 droves. the strike is the closest, is the closest such an attack has problems to pull to don this since the will began in april of 2023. the attack has yet to be claimed properly by any group. and the all me sources have also stated that they're not certain who exactly is responsible for this attack and the rapid support forces, which has been engaged in heavy fi too. with this, the don armed forces that have not the least um claimed some sort of responsibility
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as you've mentioned. and we also know that to all the positions i was way across to don. i've come and repeated attacks of blamed on the receive. we know that the warring sides have been planning to engage in these piece talks in switzerland. do we understand this recent attack is apparently sort of really ruined those plans. do you think they could be any pro quest for negotiations at this time? they've been uh, the sentiment, so a hearing coming out posted on right now. well, at this moment it seems very unlikely to it says the strike comes off to the government condition to be accepted an invitation to attend the peace talks in switzerland on the 14th of this month. the talk so would have been the 1st mesa, if it's in months to get to the army and to the i receive to sit together in one place. but the need to stay to that to be student needs on forces with not to be
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negotiating with the i received for putting an end to piece towards that had only recently started also. but with that to the obvious, if except to to the invitation, very soon all said was proposed the saying that it was the paul to most concerned with the, with saving the lives and the dignity off of these are these people. so it will operate in the entity the aims that to do so that's we are ready to engage in these tools constructively and look forward to them being a significant step towards peace stability and the establishment of a new suit and the state based on justice. a quality and federal governance. we have firm a commitment to all people in the international community to participate in the talks on august 14th in switzerland, but efforts by many countries to push voice these via and in the to the will have proven all, most inadequate talks last year. for example, between the 2 sides, broken by saudi arabia and the united states failed to even reduce the size to add
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to recent attempts to revive those tools to breaking down in a need soon, even this yeah, age of hosted support is off both the the, the forces in chiral for negotiations, the only outcome from that was the creation of a subcommittee to austin agreement which was meaningless because it was a visually violated even the you in hosted in direct peace talks between the parties of the 2 sides could not even meet face to face if only meeting with the you in secret key generals, personal info to sit on the scene. how these if it's in the conflict to so done have intensified but so far last thing ceasefire has remained elusive. even the sudanese, consider the tools in switzerland as the best opportunity to negotiate and into the war. because families are displaced to multiple times of war. uh, following hawks on the hills, food aid forwarding desperately sold on what's needed communitarian aid,
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intercepted by soldiers and on the on the groups before it can even reach the intended recipient. even crop production capacity is being sabotaged during a hung emergency not to mention the violations committed against children, even the u in itself saying that they've never seen a very 5 so many violations against children as they did before. the period of 2022 and 22 in the city. and as we speak, tales of thousands of people after the children. millions. as you mentioned, foster to see the homes making saddam the country with the largest displace population in the world. and to many children groups continue to say that both of these parties have committed a be uses a submit a multiple cries or let's head to the battery, cuz now we have nothing to hide. and that's the claim of the event as well,
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and lead to any cause my my do and who is blacks to disclose all vote in tale use the phone by the recent presidential elections. we do one and that's made the claims from the opposition that the result was read by darrow has called for the supreme court to carry out a full audit vote of us. on the i told the little change that i'm willing to be summoned question in all these parts and investigated by the like told shame, but as a presidential candidate when of sundays elections and as head of state, i show my face and i submit myself to justice the us back to been as well and opposition and a lot with washington itself is trust doubts on the election results. but as our thing is on my, my, each i reports at the white house doesn't have the track record for upholding democratic values in latin america. want to know that our patients
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and that of the international community is run it out. try it out on waiting for the event as well. a tour for each to come clean and release the full detailed data on the selection so that everyone can see the results. the white house has also been cleared that it does not trust the results despite well the people's choice. essentially, washington likes to cherry pick who should govern as country preferably it should be. it's favorites in the case of venezuela, that would be the opposition leaders. maria corina machado and edmondo gonzales was interested in is the president of the been as well. a national assembly has called on the prosecutor's office to put both of them in prison for attempting to feed into a civil war in the country is clear as they do us simply does not like the foreign government that goes against their will. not only are they now denying the pulls results and been as well uh,
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but they've also been very vocal about their support to the opposition. multiple exit polls. a quick count show the opposition winning by more than 30 percent and wound, or gonzalez. one was the largest landslide and then as well in history. this last slide when comes with, despite the resumes efforts, the bar, the vast majority of the 8000000 venezuelan exiles from voting. the real look toral numbers for so bad that the regime simply stop counting votes and made up numbers. we need to change course. this starts by recognizing president elect edmondo gonzalez, but what has been as well as collapse due to the us. 7 of who a post criplin sanctions on the country. sections deliberately put the crown. all right, we're breaking into that right now. developing, just coming in on the top story, 10 russian prisoners including 2 minus have just landed in moscow region that made large scale exchange between nato and moscow mediated by turkey,
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the q u. i said armando, god greets citizens who finally come back home after being swapped with 16 west. and as we understand that the president allowed them to put in just landed there now, and he will be meeting there and that's the ceremony. and that's going on right there . the are, i've been present swap was a raised me to a, to do a live from by check ca, between russia and the some countries of the west that a 10 russians west swapped in this deal alongside a 16 of the citizens of the various countries and of course, as they are just arriving right now,
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some of them were sent in to various numbers of times in jail. and they are landing russia right now as well as those who had been released from russia. also taking off 5 they have taken off long ago, so arriving into keel wide, they will go on what to the various countries and those who have arrived in russia have been received by the president of lot to meet puts in there. some of them have been in various prisons, add this negotiation has been on for some time. some of them were sentenced to various a number of jail times since 2022, some in 2023. and then others later this year and the have been swapped in the agreements that has discovered oh it's been turned on, preceded.


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