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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the presidential welcome whole lot of it. putting grades, age russian citizens of following its present exchange between moscow and the west . a wall street journal report i have on augusta, which and the former us marine the poll. we then, who were both convicted of spying and russia are among those musket released in
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exchange and people in each role are also demanding a swab de la road by calling for the government to sit down with have minds in order to negotiate the release of their rating hostages, the broadway continuing our coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael portion at our top story. this all of the put in the has deleted 10 russian citizens including 2 minors as they arrive back home in russia. it followed the president swap deal with west and the president handed the flowers to on our do silva and the daughter, and the congratulated old russian nationals on their return home. the chief solve the russian for any intelligence service and the federal security service. along with the defense administer were also present, put in find those who had connections to the military for their loyalty and gt;
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2 of the home that the while we're here at the even though going to government the airport and you're moscow where the plane would be changed individuals land a just a short while ago, 10 russian citizens, 8 adults, and 2 children were personally greeted by president vladimir important, accompanied by the head also reference for an intelligence service. they were coming back from turkey where the change took place earlier on thursday. and they were coming back from a whole list of western countries,
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including germany in the united states of sonia norway and sylvania. now they were exchanged for 16 individuals. i think that this large exchange and versus security services say that the preparations for it had been continuing for a few years. this exchange really shows that despite the current crisis in the relationship between russia and the west to certain communities, some channels, perhaps even the most important ones really do remain open. the russian and the security service has released the footage showing 10 russian citizens boarding a plane and non correct, and that's where the exchange took place. the deal was broken by and they took men but to keep following intense negotiations. for those has also been relieved, showing the western citizens being taken to the plain that would fly them to the kids that were swept for 10 russians civilians including 2 minus my colleagues charlot dimansky, discuss the details on the few is on the present exchange list to with all
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correspondence, the sweetie speculation was rise early on thursday morning about this potential must present as well between the russian federation, the united states, batteries, germany and other european nations. now one. 8 we soon discovered it was one of around 6 russian government planes that did take off. we spent most of the day kind of tracking those to see that whereabouts. of course, there was a lot of speculation across by russian media on american media. cbs, the american media media route, but when it reported that i do have been struck by the, this was according to a senior by an administration official. now of course, we had the confirmation from to a case intelligence in a, in turkey dots. and could i have mediated this data now they've released this list of 24 prisoners that have been exchanged as believe to be 26 insight to the biggest
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prisoner exchange since the end of the cold hole. now we have some of those names confirmed now we can talk about some of the, i guess the most prominent or holly profile of those names top of the list. of course, the wall street journal report to evan goose coverage. now, he was recently dialed for 16 years on espionage charges. he came into the country . he was gathering information about the wagner private ministry company, but he was caught by russian security services. he was caught red handed, they say with irrefutable evidence that he was gathering information military information that could be useful to the west of the united states. and that he was preparing to hand this information over to the c i. he, of course, became a cool cetera in the west. his detention was seen as an upfront to journalism on a front to the news gathering many of the many of these western governments and jude and this, of course, from countries that were behind the detention on the expedition with
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a planned expedition of the which it expanded duty into songs, about whom they remained incredibly silent. now, most go has a game reiterated that it has incredibly strong evidence that goes could, which was in fact, spying talk a call soon. the conservative bull costa in his interview with not in a position where he confronted him directly on ghost, which his case and said would rush. i'd be willing to release him as a gesture of goodwill and putting replied inside. well, he's always open to this kind of thing, but it hadn't been reciprocated by the west. and he said, well, of course, he would be happy to discuss the possibility of a prisoner exchange. but this needed some degree of flexibility from western intelligence. another of the high profile, the names on the list, of course is poor reading the full, the us marine, a former us police officer. he again had a very check of history in his own country. he was found guilty of embezzlement
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when he was a member of the united states armed forces. he suddenly develop this very keen interest in russia. he started learning the russian language. he was communicating with russian citizens over social media. he came to the country in 2006 reported to, to attend the wedding of a friend. again. he was here for a while and he was accosted. he was arrested and found him in his possession. according to russia were state secret, so he was imprisoned. on espionage charges, he's a guy and he's on this list released by the television intelligence service. and of course the german national rico kreger. and his name again is on this list of people, the anal confirmed by turkish intelligence to have been part of the present exchange deal, where he worked in the u. s. embassy in berlin. uh, often leaving that post, he decided he was going to go to ukraine. or. 3 to mount
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a tabby and mission as so many of them too, but he soon became caught up in combat operations. one of his missions was to fight to go off battery sea and military installations. and he was cold and arrested in the batteries and kept 2 minutes. he had a rough side load rucksack loaded with explosives, which was due to be used on that countries royal network. he was sentenced to death for medicine reactive with ease. but he was recently posted by the, by the resume president. yeah, an interesting you going through the list of details that we had. so the fall, this to minus who are all one of those planes coming about to russia? i think that suggests that a russian couple from slovenia amongst those being released from the russian side to come back home. yes. well now all to me on, on the, don't you have the, this is a couple that were detained on espionage charges in slovenia. of all places now, according to the neighbors, they had been offended old and we couple,
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they were living that with the children they were living at old me middle cost life in a sup, it'd be in slovenia, they have a number of companies i t company and all company and all the business organizations, but this would be no. doherty's said that these were the fronts for russian spying operations. they were arrested that was sentenced to just under 2 years in prison on charges of spying, the other charges against them, which would have time even a year sentence if they were indeed found guilty. they are now included on this this and of course along with the children of him cross equals now he's a game. he was one of the names that was really meant to be paul, this prison exchange. and he's a paid on this list of people that being confirmed to be on that present exchange this he is an f. s. be agent. he was caught in russia back in 2019 and he was charged with kidding. a georgia national who is believed to be
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a chechen set protest, and he was sentenced to life in prison. well, speaking from the white house, the us president gave his reaction to the prison, the swap. nobody in the, on the line, the role of nato allies in the negotiation process to there's still not been made possible without our allies, german polls, lavinia, norway, and turkey. they all stepped up and they stood with us deal that night. this possible was the feet of diplomacy and friendship. the us president spoke to the press, surrounded by family members of those who had been detained and are being released in, in his remarks. he was harshly critical of the russian government as usual. but many of noted that in addition to giving credit to other countries that were involved in the negotiating process and grand standing against russia in his remarks, there was
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a large amount of self congratulation. and that was echoed later when the white house press secretary describe the deal as well. they continued to emphasize how important joe biden is in making this prisoner exchange, the largest per largest prisoner exchange. since the cold war happened, they very much wanted to emphasize that binding was essential in the process. here's what we heard from biden, as well as the white house press secretary. as of today, my business, i just brought them over. 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hot is abroad? the president was himself personally engaged in the pharmacy, the process of how many since before i took office, i would say that if you had not had your mind sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened edition, i assure the executive order 2020 to authorize the penalties like sanctions and travel vans and those who hold americans against their will. now it's important to note that the defensive tone of the white house seems to come on the backs of what many of noted, which is the joe biden is not running for re election in the coming race. in
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november i, he recently announced he was withdrawing and complet harris. his vice president will be the candidate of the democrat party now uh at this point. uh, its also is noting that well in biden's remarks, he did hand there was a slight improvement in relations with russia as a result of the prisoner exchange. when he was asked by a reporter, if he would speak to the russian president, he gave a pretty solid no, ah, so there will not be communication between the president of the united states and the president of russia. now political consultant in human rights lawyer hondo definitely believes a washington could be used in the present exchange to come out of heresies, advantage ahead of november's election. the most clause payoff allowed that they often fall positive partnership that takes into account the interest of more
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parties involved. so to the extent the west is serious about engaging in constructive discussions, which could lead to advances in a whole agile issue. brush, right? it is always open to this, and the fact is, diplomacy per se, i know as, as a, as a priority. you know, the question is more about what the washington wants to do. and washington can be quite unpredictable. and the, not the rational in their following policy. it's, it's really a matter of the collective waste as were, you know, going up and saw how much into account that the, the good old days are gone. and they're going to start to learn to live where is almost died for the 40 century world order. certainly as something to do with the newer solutions since you know, the abiding and instructions, the incumbent administration. then even though it's all by doing use my old
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accounts out of commission to people behind the and these minders are especially at the state department. i'll try to do a uh, you know, a position of power with the, on the narrative that they are going to be in an extra not withstanding some of the statements in my meeting from former senior us officials. you know, this is a way to do it. you need to somehow i put every fx to on the side of the candidate, the establishment candidate, the current establishment candidate basically come out of harris and this prisoner exchange because of its magnitude and excess cope with time. to somehow i for tray or as the person in charge who was able to engage with the russian for the russian and get things done. now in the middle east, people in tel aviv have been on the streets demanding these really gob and make a deal with him boss to bring the remaining of hostages home from gaza or take her
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to be john and robbie bye and bring some details. a hi moves me is rarely carry out, which is kind of like the pentagon for as well. the idea of being paid here and uh for thousands at the end of the process. there were thousands of people marching through the street as we can see the screen now raw sewage deal, now dumping, weeping, and screaming and crying, and some people are angry for 3 or 300 days. it's just too long. do you see the thing? we are getting very close to 365. so these people are very upset and they want a deal to happen. they want it sooner rather than later. this is the hostage for 300 days. it is a rush of
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a really gross rich human rights. why do we have going on here now? are people who are very angry and they want a deal, but most of the country is very concerned about what's going on. i mean, there are 12 navy army carriers, swelled maybe, except american ships around the reason to protect it as well. in case of an attack was increasing section 11 on israel. you're ogden 0 people for a. let's hear what prime minister be. nothing. you all have to say about the situation. the 7 said the israel is anastasia, very high readiness, but any scenario on buys defense and offense of it, we will extract a very high price, but any acts of aggression against double from any quotes whatsoever. so after we eliminated the has the law chief of staff yesterday today came the final verification of the elimination of the how much chief of staff, how many different kind of affairs illumination establishes the simple principle,
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the width stablished. cuz the way the hot sauce we bought them by the such as the mission of sending while israel definitely feels justified, necessitating some members, wherever they may be, we all decided, refiners sees a lot and there's a lot ahead of his blood the fall off. there's no blame even if you all, for basically letting a dog of or lose. let's hear what he has to say. is that going to me to do? i will say that the enemy and those who support the enemy have to expect our response. 4 hour response will come for sure to know this is a historical battle, and today we say to design is that if you want to finish us through killing our leaders and scaring our people and killing women and children, good man, if you want us to surrender to be weaker, you are wrong, your this will not happen. becky: a as all ladies, a knob has said, whatever you do, but whatever efforts you may have left them, nothing. yahoo and all of the americans, whether it's biden or harris or trump, they're all the same guy. it doesn't matter what,
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whatever you do when the efforts you make, you will not erase us. you will not kill our resilience and our spirit. if you are planning to finish us, this will not work. busy with surfer entity is going to be finished because the people of god will win. but they both feel that ward is them. and angel operatively are screaming to say their families. most of the people in the country unfortunately are ready for their own lives. they feel worse domain. i used to be the one of them. let's see what they have to say. and one is a bit anxious. sometimes it would be something we use the is a wrapping it up in or out here every night and the crowds get bigger and bigger. angry and angry or something's going to happen is going to happen until whether
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it's good or bad. i don't know, time will show and why we are here. voices from these are demanding the retailer and the hostages leaders from around the world have been expressing their condolences for the deceased political director of a mass. but the us social media giant meta has been accused of attempting to silence them. my lady is prime minister says that the company which controls facebook and instagram is subbing as a tool of israel. and that's also deleted his boast about the death of he's my media. the matter is once again acted rudely and has insulted the cause of the palestinian people when i uploaded the video message with condolence and criticism of the killing of the lady, smiled hon. yeah, it doesn't make sense when a tribute to a fighter who tried to free his homeland from tyranny and suffering is considered
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dangerous. my stern warning to mete don't be a bastard and a tool of the tyrannical design. this is really regime meta. did it again, the company took down a video of mass, a chair by a malaysian prime minister on what you brought him, where he condemned and the strongest possible terms, the assassination of is smart l, how the, the political fury. sure, man, of the how most resistance move met, manse, all labeled the post as support for people and organizations that had been defined as dangerous in the west. it looks like you shed or send symbols, praise or supports of people. and organizations that we define is dangerous, will follow them. this goes against all community standards on dangerous individuals, organizations, and this is not the 1st time it happened in may. facebook had also removed several posts related to media reports off on was publicized meeting with the homeless
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chief honey in katara. and he is not the only one who is outreach by this. the malaysian prime minister's office. media and strategic communications division also shared their concerns on facebook. they demanded an explanation and urge meta to issue an apology. they called the action discrimination against palestinians. the media and strategic communications division of the prime minister's office has condemned metro's actions regarding photos on instagram, showing the meeting of prime minister. and while abraham with the leader of how mos in doha can talk. aust, may this action clearly shows discrimination against the situation in palestine and the country's leaders accordingly, all side demands an explanation regarding this matter and the jews mete to apologize. the leisure has long as located for a 2 state solution to the conflict between israel and the palestinians. the support
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is also running high among civil society. allusions have been speaking out and rallying inside our 2 of palestine gatherings has been held to protest against is, are also fatality in gaza. and they have been attended by up to thousands of people the we requested that matt todd comment on the emerging scandal. and as malaysia is not the only time to get an expressed condo lenses over han, yes stuff. the question is, why or western tech be humorous, tries of silence those voices have. you're going to be full reporting for r t from jakarta and to friends. now power raises in damage control mode for. busy lowering a number of controversies of rights hosting of the olympics. officials have now
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admitted the opening ceremony did betray the last supper, and the scene maybe said, was a mockery of christianity all day contributed rate to a mazda it has a take on this. the french president, the menu, and nicole said after the opening ceremony for the paris olympic games that in 100 years, people will still be talking about it. not sure about that. but one week later, the controversy continues particularly over the scene depicting what appeared to be the last supper with drag queens in various states of corpulent on dress and gender ambiguity in the place of jesus and the disciples. a bunch of folks pitched a fit about it and decided that they were going to complain about the fact that the bended christians. so let's think organizers went into damage control in an attempt to set things straight about. the creative vision of the opening shows director to immeasurably thomas jolly, took inspiration from leonardo da vinci's famous painting to create the setting and
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olympic spokes person admitted to the post in a statement on saturday. referring to the opening ceremony creative director, nice hair splitting. there it wasn't satirizing the actual dinner, just the painting of it. yeah guys come on now. it's not like jody was resting on cheeses version of the last summer or the actual self fee of the event found in the bible, which is everyone knows is full of color photography. you know, the image that doesn't actually exist with the only widespread one being of the last supper coming from when they solve painter dinardo davinci version of it. so it's not like they're 2 different things. they're really wanting the same. but they argue that, look, the simpsons and andy warhol did the same thing. they also looked on it. yeah. nice arguments there. that puts the most prestigious and story global sporting events in the world on the level of a tv cartoon, and a pop artist,
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acid trips. not helping their cases. the fact that some of the performers themselves have been trying in one explicitly saying on social media that it was the quote new gay testament. but even the games organizes themselves can't seem to coordinate their talking points with the official olympics account on the x platform on social media. arguing that it was actually the picture of a totally different dinner. the interpretation of the greek god diane nicest, makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings. next to be saying that it was just the same from that whole and basically its last dinner party at the say. not surprisingly, those things very job is to defend the interest of christianity, have taken full advantage of this prime opportunity for a global pile on. it is very regrettable that in paris we witnessed an insult to christianity in the holy gospel, which is also insulting to all civilized people who recognize the right to face and respect, religious symbols. if the international sports games,
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the olympic games were supposed to be about promoting harmony and peace between societies, they have now become a minority tool to humiliate and denigrate a religion of more than $2000000000.00 believers. more importantly, the issue of defiant, discriminatory and defensive attitudes towards christian believers remains. europe has no future without a real and living face in enduring christian values across the atlantic. the us republican party in full campaign mode at home and had of the november elections took note of all the really low hanging fruit being served up here in europe around this issue. and seized the opportunity to do some virtue signaling off their own. and also to do what the us does best tell the rest of the world what to do, in this case, the global institution in question being the international olympic committee. these hardcore g o. p, proponents of free speech except in this case apparently sent an official letter to
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the ios, the president thomas bock, referring to a, quote, vulgar mockery of the christian faith and demanding the changes be made to the olympic charter. to prevent the games from basically becoming a platform for any further attempts at religious satire by guys who may be interested in treating the olympic stage like in our house, vanity projects of the international olympic committee should formerly condemn the mockery that occurred in paris of one of the most sacred moments of the christian faith, there is no place for anti christian bigotry and an event designed to bring the world together. the game should celebrate the athlete, not integrate anyone's face. another prominent proponent of free expression, italian deputy prime minister mateo said vini who's been in hot water himself under italy's restrictive speech lies, seems to be cool with censorship. here though, qualifying the scene as offensive dirty and insulting to christians around the world, gains organizers have been pulling down images and clips of the ceremony with right
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claims on social media, i personally was hit with one for even posting a short clip of sending deals performance in a private post, before they released that claim, things that many are still really jacked up right now over the show even a week later. and the last software scene is not the only controversial one. social media users have been going nuts over a white mechanical horse written by a figure in medieval battle armor draped in the olympic flag, which they are convinced is a biblical side of the apocalypse. the depiction of desk writing on a pale horse. personally, i thought it looked exactly like the legendary french warrior joan and barbara john desk in french. but hey, what do i know? guess the jokes on me if the world ends sometime soon? in any case, there's really nothing more french than the performance that still has people world wide, chattering and debating, days later,
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exactly like parisians do in the local cafe for hours. right after a french film. there are 2 comedies where you can get details or from older stories will follow this. our see you again, that's up. i'll be out by now the, the template falls $1899.00 a month and carry all the i'll skipped and bully. this entire area is a negative spice take, or some of these got to stand to find out that as, as codes from these to really study when we tend to feel refuses to corporate packing slowly, although it's higher to the source of the state. the the where the heck away
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the wind down. go down the gym the quick. oh well she'll get to us. welcome with the blog i suppose the only time you turn into what we need to know if we take very cool. so why did you put the uncle with jimmy when he wanted to know, we didn't go by no way. you know how you had them, did you just you and done me little, but i have to go to settings. i mean, why they don't want to go, would you box it go to with, with a go with the one with a way to i also like i asked with them when the, when the, when the guy she got the football. but i have


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