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tv   News  RT  August 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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this is all exist the, the us did choose the results of venezuela's presidential election and lays the crown on the lead. old b, all physician democracy impede them, as, as their gonzalez is washington's new south american darling. it's george's foreign influence transparency, who comes into full see us suspends 95000000 dollars of age to the country. that will buy vladimir putin welcomes age russian citizens at the most go add port while states sign jo, finding arrives to wait for prisoners and takes a moment to phrase himself. making detailed 5 is
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a he brought him over 70 americans. if you had not had your mind sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened. my job is to make sure that honestly, guys can just say this was vintage joe, by democrats giving us claim they'll say democracy is voting for the policies presidential. no money has kicked off, but there's not much choices. come all the harris's be only name on the ballot. the thanks very much for joining us on the international this friday. just going to pm, hey, in the russian capital, plenty of needs to get through over the next 30 minutes. so let's dive straight to well, no, even the week has passed since that in this way. let's presidential election so nicholas will do. it will come up the clear victor. but now washington says, it has proof that the window is actually the opposition lead edmondo. going to say,
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unless given the overwhelming evidence it is clear to the united states. and most importantly, to the venezuelan people that edmondo gonzalez, or d, o one, the most votes in venezuela is july 28 presidential election. we congratulate edmondo gonzalez or dia on this successful campaign. now is the time for the venezuelan parties to begin discussions on a respectful, peaceful transition in accordance with venezuela, electro law and the wishes of the venezuelan people, as well to easy my. my esau joins me down the street here to get in to this topic. uh huh. uh the us sounds like it's doing it once again, interfering in the election results of a nova country. of course, the us now is dismissing the results of the vin as well in elections and as recognize the opposition candidate to be the winner of the selection. that's
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edmondo gonzales. according to you, a secretary of state, there's over. well, i'm in evidence the deal. position one at the vent as well, and it looks all authority declared that my, that my door. oh is the winner would 51 percent of the votes on his side. and when the door celebrated the results, he made sure that everybody would know that their foreign entities that are trying to had to vote in system. he also stressed that this is not the 1st time that they're trying to do it in venezuela. now none the less to us officials seemed to be outraged with the results because that's not what they've been hoping for clearly, and they're demanding the release of full data elections almost in some sort of threat and in tone. i mean, you have to bite in administration that's pressing at this point that their patience is running out. it's interesting. so the usaa saying that it has based, overwhelming evidence that actually the opposition turned to that one the election . do we know what washington is talking about? they're talking about the evidence,
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but nothing has been put out to the public. and this is a familiar pattern from the west. i mean, just recently, canada, excuse china, as you know, syrians, but no evidence was provided to back that up. a, back in 2016 obama also was confident that russia hacked into e mails for the us selections, but no evidence was provided back then either. so it's about what the west sees fit, uh, who they see as their favorites to use as some sort of puppets. but let's remember the case of peru because while the us essentially now is saying we need to hear the voices of the vin as well. and people that was not the same track that they've played in the protests that happened in peru in 2022. when the right when clearly they're boulevard, they came to power, i guess peruse, elected left wing president castillo. the us embrace to it with open arms. when angry, nationwide protest erupt at about her rules, we heard nothing but silence from the united states. or for it. for instance,
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when clinton won when clinton last, excuse me, the presidential elections back in 2016. we heard this russian meddling one bite on one. the elections in 2020. we heard nothing. the referendum in done boss to them is a sham, but when kids stop the process of elections, it's okay. so the list is really long, but you get the idea here. now on top of that, western media is not really item there bias either. i mean, the bbc has a headline and headlines the when and been as well as choreographed celebrations as mid durrell claims. when and even when you read through articles, you would see things such as the door controls, the electronic stories or same things like the government faces pressure from the international community. because we know that the international community to them is, of course, the united states and its allies. now, madura on the other hand, did have some interesting points to make while he was addressing the western media
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for kayla combined negative feedback on the main campaign against his wayllace. he's in the international media. they want to justify military intervention, again in venezuela, show me that they want to justify sanctions, again against venezuela because they want to justify violence to was interested in is it the united states now is talking about other countries elections, but let's remember that the was itself has elections coming up and according to paul's only 44 percent of americans have a great deal of trust that the vote counts will be accurate. so maybe the united states just starts focus in a little bit more on its own internal stairs. but either way, elections that are held by others, according to the united states, they're legitimate, if they're held by the us allies, they're ok. but back to vanessa law, because the supreme court announced that he has opened an investigation into the results and the process is of the election and the door seems to be quite open and
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transparent about the whole process, the invitees. i asked the supreme court to notify all of the details. so that's interesting. we've also had, i think, some comments from the venezuelan defense minister. now they're actually wanting that they could be a western crew that could be attempted. you are right, the vin, as well as it has been a cert, essentially accused of some sort of western backed up position of attempt in immediate school. he has also condemned the widespread rise after mentors victory. inventory himself has said it has won before it. 1 potential cool. the u. s. has been trying to undermine uh, the, the silver and t a vin as well. and the stability of the country for a while. i mean, it was seen as a defense that equipment sanction sections that were pushed to deliberately crashed the economy. and on top of that, he was to officials were not really hiding their plans to try. that's helpful. the vin is full and government 1st,
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we thought that getting why go to declare and so present would be enough to topple of using. then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to sort of construct a kind of cool in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end. but we just heard the about the top playing of the government and there's this guy missed the one we do who is quite permanent characters over the last few years. the, the us backing him is an acting leader. could you just remind us a bit more about who he is and what role he was playing over the last few years and 2019 as similar scenario to what's happened and now happened back then, the us decided to renounce the legitimacy of madura. o as no longer president back then, and they chose once again, an opposition leader in the states. it was one. why don't we declares himself in
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term president of venice? well, i know mind do. this is old on this fight. people's votes declaring the rudo as the president. back then the was even right. and the military intervention in venice well in the was simply did not care about the results that mean they chose, a vital is the venice on president. they were inviting him to be the official representative of vin as well, then the actual president and somehow when their line didn't work, why. busy why though, they started forgetting about him, the person that you recognize as a leader, democratic leader in men. and today's not here. what do you think about themselves? one way though, here, by whom long way though, the, the answering president of venezuela that you recognize. but i want to tell us about who was here, who is, here is the president of the united states and has been said 4 years ago. the president did not attend. so now they have new people to try to push their interest
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in then as well, our south america. and in this case it would be at the window, gonzalez. but we have seen this time and time again from the united states where they try to diminish other countries over into so this whole situation is not really surprising. yeah, it's very interesting that yes, again, as you say is a repeat of what we saw back in 2019. that's all t's and my, my is shot bringing this up to date on that. thanks very much. well running a file of america. so cool rules based international order will cost it with no cost to quite a bit because this is the price of georgia is apparently willing to pay as its transparency of foreign influence. so comes into force in what could be seen as a roll. the and diplomatic move, the us secretary of state says tens of millions of dollars of a to the nation is now you guessed it, suspended after anti democratic actions by the trojan government, and also
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a comprehensive review of biological cooperation between the united states and georgia. as a result of that review of the united states, exposing more than $95000000.00 in the systems that directly benefits the government of georgia. the message is quite clear. they will support georgians as long as they have euro atlantic aspirations and the ssl is not very euro atlantic apparently, because it asks for transparency something washington is clearly notice final. well, the law in question simply asks n g o's and media organizations that receive over 20 percent of their funding from abroad. so register as organizations promoting foreign interests and to submit annual financial reports which will be made public doesn't sound, i'm democratic, but actually very logical, especially considering the amounts of born interference and proxy wars these days really themselves have a similar law. but of course, washington doesn't like
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a level playing field because that's what expos and potentially limit the depth of its interference in george's affairs. it should be clear to the governing party in georgia that there is a path back that having free and fair elections without violence against civil society. making whatever transparency requirements they want. this for an agent law make it compatible with the law rather than compatible with the russian law and not have trying to develop a deep water port in a not clear. these are steps that are really important for georgia to take. that's what the georgia and government needs to do if they want to maintain a friendly relationship with they, you wes, play bar rules like whomever we say, do not cooperate with china and then your back in the game. it's sort of and surprising and more because we've seen washington use this tactics so many times.
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remember when joe biden fried sense of, of hold $1000000000.00 and they see you crane is key if didn't fire prosecutor and i went over, i guess the $1213.00 time to key visitor. and i was go, i suppose, to announce that there was another $1000000000.00 loan guarantee. and i had gotten a commitment from portion co and from lots in new york that they would take action against the state prosecutor. and they did. so they said they had it, they walk out, depress, kind of so nice, and i'm not going to or we're not going to give you the $1000000.00. they said you have no authority. you're not the president, the president said, i should call. and i said, i'm telling you, we're not getting a $1000000.00. i so you're not getting the building. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the money. oh, son of a fire, and they put in place someone who was solid. that was in 2016 when joe biden wasn't
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charge of washington's ukraine policy, which somehow saw his son the hunter by then get a cushy and a lucrative gig at a local energy company. and when the plaza cuter started investigating the company after claims of corruption, why then apparently, once of the prosecutor gone in exchange for that 1000000000 in a, this is how they operate when they need something. and what washington leaves from georgia is exactly what it needs from ukraine to own it politically speaking. well, one could argue that they already own the presidents, not cindy about it, but it is today when the ghost of russia stands before us, partnership and reproach meant with europe. and america is a true way to maintain our independence, peace strength, certainly the gods europe, as naturally closer to the george and prize those hearts because she was born and raised in paris, she even had 2 passports until 2018 studied in the us under people like
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a counsellor to us president lyndon johnson who later became a national security adviser to president jimmy carter. and this was the kind of rhetoric that the future ma down president was learning. well, unfortunately for washington, george's president doesn't have all the power in the country so she can help them out, which is why it seems they are resorting to withhold any money again, that interest or something. so to south america, i'm, the european union needs the only golf guys that you should spend all on the transparency of foreign influence. i don't see by the parliament is only an excuse for the west of the mon, georgia to open a 2nd front with russia. since the beginning of 2022. there's been serious interest in opening a 2nd front in georgia, which would weaken russia's position, would also destroy our country. there is a global ball policy. this party is not interested in the fight of georgia. the
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only interest is weakening rochelle clips. once again that he was his show and it's true colors which have nothing to do with the proceeds of democracy, but rather the pursuits of domination will black me preaching has been welcoming 10 russians, including 2 children is the real life to that homeland and a historic prison, this will with the western countries. you can see here as the embrace is one of those citizens issues calling coming out, hunting flowers, then 2 adults saved on to do to off the they landed there was also present for the home, coming with the chief, some folks, the russian for an intelligent service i'm the federal security service. now the coming spokes person is disclose some of the details of the swamp saying that the children of the don't so the family did not know they were russian until the plane took off from took care. a good water negotiations on this complicated exchange
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were conducted through the f as b and c i a line. this was the main line upon which the agreement was reached. the children of a legal intelligence agents who arrived yesterday only found out that they were russians when the plane took off from ankara. before that they did not know that they were russians, and that they were related to our country. when those agents were in prison, their children were deprived of the opportunity to continuously see their parents. they were able to see them once in a while, but not as much as they wanted. the parents were shown the children, but they did not have that opportunity. all the time. well, as part of the video, rush are really 16 present, as some of them will do citizenship the amongst the is the exchange. we're americans, evan, go ship it and pull wheel and both of course, and being convicted of espionage in russia. another prisoner was
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a german citizen rico creek who had been found guilty of terrorism charges in belarus. joe biden greeted the returning americans at the applewood in maryland and was well, here's usual a self as my colleague will receive shay has been discussing with us. he's steve sweeney on the line. so my job is to make sure we get to stop. yeah. so, so just to check it says, what is your message to page and then biden's says stop whatever that means. listen, so let's talk about this. hit start, prisoners swapped out with all these as these we need. joining us in the studio here look is massive. okay. a lot of people involve a lot of funding phases, but what's the reaction so far out of sudden western leaders, when,
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of course this is the biggest prisoner exchange since the end of the cold war. uh, i must exchange between the russian federation, the united states, germany, batteries on all the nation, some 26 people involved in, not extracting from 7 countries. now of course, the negotiations on the ground work that went into this would have been fairly legacy would have been very complex. but of course the united states, what it seems to want to take so credit for bro, creating the deal. as of today, my business has brought them over, 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hockey's abroad, the president was himself personally engaged in the diplomacy? the block? that's about many since before i took office, i would say that if you had not had joe biden sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened edition, i assure the executive order in 2020 to authorize the penalties like sanctions and travel vans and those who hold americans against their will. and honestly, guys,
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i can just say this was a vintage job item, rallying america rally and american allies, to save american citizens and russian freedom fighters and doing it with the intricate state craft pulling his whole team together to strive this across the finish line as well plenty of itself. congrats lightly back slapping praise for the role of the outgoing you as president joe biden will find in himself. peace leads up to his own trip to payment until $1.00 day off from the pine as it landed with those freed american prisoners. he couldn't, of course, resist taking a swipe rupture taking his wife, but form you as president. donald trump. well heaping praise on nato countries where you mention nato countries. what kind of reaction we got into the prisoner exchange for various nato. well yes we have had some reaction that know all happy. 3 german jones out of sholtes among them, and now he's lamented the release of what you described as
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a convicted criminal. he's referring of course to a body cross. he called on the he was a child. he was sentenced to life in prison for the shooting of i checked him, but it's an object to but it's a so town, some particular degrees of war kinds, including using his call to run over the heads of russian p. o w. 's. he was speaking about innocent people with the whole fading prisons across the world. he was of course, referring to the german national rico creek. he was a j o. he was sentenced to death of the he was caught in a better ruse, posting a bomb attack on that viola network. now it shows in his speech at the airport in cologne for he took to the podium. i'm praise germany's special relationship with the united states. it is not my once again, it was a special moment for me a moment that a certainly further intensified the friendship between the us and germany. the conversation i had with the american president emphasized this very much,
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and it was also a sign of our mutual willingness to do something based on our shared tradition as states governed by the rule of law as democracies. and also is free societies. well, the gym and media, perhaps predictably, while it's going into a meltdown. it saying that this is a victory for the russian president vladimir polluted. now they said that any pardon at that should have been granted by old off sholtes upon the the german justice minister. well, he forced this, paul, didn't, through the prosecutors again, they were opposed to it. so then not very happy with the situation. some criticism has also been leveled at spain for fighting to lift a finger to secure the release of the russian bone. spanish during this popular gonzales, he's been held a postage prison. and i, we, we heard from his lawyer who said, well, russia did all the running, but he went as far as to accuse spain of conspiring against him. of
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spain has done nothing. ablow has jewels citizenship. i don't know how well when the spanish authorities found out that by blow gonzales would be released. they did not contact us and i understand they found out about it from the media. the last moment, spain participate by sending intelligence reports against popular gonzalez and his lawyer. that is me. pablo is a very resilient man and has stood up to everything he made it through. and now he remains to be seen what the consequences will be. it was an unjust imprisonment, long and hard to, you know, think we sold the russian president vladimir putin welcoming those of new cars of apple, but hugs and smiles. flowers in the hand, shakes as well. we still will put it in there. but what about reaction from other russian official most good, who has struck a farm or consillio? a 3, a tone that we've heard from the western countries. it's a praise to better restore its role in securing the release of
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a prison. the prisoner that was hold up that rico krieger, of course there was no mention of batteries. his role from the west, russia has of course, praise either of those countries that were involved in the negotiations. we can, hey, and now some reaction from russia's photo ministry spokeswoman, literally as a how to about let's take a listen. what many have called an exchange i would call a bashful of self control, self control of prison. this self control of political sorts. his self control of special services. by all accounts, i was of the best. perhaps it is also a question of face and hope that the people in this state are behind you. and today's history has once again sandy's face and hope into the knowledge that we don't abandon our room. now, there's been some talk about flooring of relations between russia and the west. uh we, i'm sure we wouldn't have seen a prisoner exchange of such magnitude. no even one year ago and i went to put it in
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its. busy political context, of course, as the conflict in garza, the fiasco over the bite and tendency in the presidential election to the united states. the change of government in britain, russia continues to advance on the battlefield. we've seen this is changing tone from cabinet now talking about possible peace negotiations with russia. so these are very small steps at this stage, but hopefully i move in the right direction. we've been hearing from, from the republican state senator bruce marx, he says, the democratic party may play a this prison exchange has its own victory, full political points are pretty sure exchange. i think you reflects a pretty diplomacy by both the russian federation of the united states. as well as the other countries that were involved, there were a number of nato countries that also really were involved in the release of
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russians who were, you know, in prison there. so i think it shows the importance of maintaining good communications between the russian federation, the united states, and the leaders of the 2 countries treating each other respectfully, not in solving one another. i think that by and by the relationship the vice president shares are going to use this to show that there have been successful in their dealings with russia and it's pretty obvious it is being done very close to the election. however, i don't see this is eric 6 can for good suggestion that the relations between the 2 countries are, are going to overall improve the because we have one very, very large obstacle which is the situation and you grant the uh, let's say that to the southern parts of russian where the climate and city of sylvester pole came under attack over night in the cities,
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governor says that defenses were active and shut down the incoming targets, however unexplained, elusive, paused of a doubt. and american attack them's me. solve broke through the roof of a residential apartment block. the munition did not explode though the residents were able to be evacuated safely, while a bones quote cleared the scene. go to the us now way after joe biden was forced to walk the plank and drive his dream of a 2nd presidential 10 voting for who will be the democrats choice has now gotten the waste space. so i but here's the kicker. and it's a pretty big one. there is no other choice on the bylaws other than kamala harris. you remember, she was the most unpopular democrat during the 2020 primaries when she was. i was rejected, but now she's being presented as the best choice. epa open uh to ortiz kelly
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open for this report from the so called best in of democracy to the democratic party presents itself as an all inclusive representative organization. they say democracy is at stake in this upcoming election. and if they lose, the constitution could be on the chopping block. and of course, they just drive their organization as democratic and representative. democratic delegates from across the nation made their voices heard overwhelmingly bucking vice president campbell of harris is the democratic policies presumptive nominate. well, there's a problem, nobody voted for carla harris. she was not on the ballot and the democrat primary. and then actually the, to me, the most of the most interesting thing that i see is when you watch all these, these delegates, all these delegations are coming out now brought the carolina has decided they're buying commer harris and new york says they're buying come wires and each delegation starts, but this is like watching the election results in north korea. because what, what do you mean? the delegates are suddenly for comma harris. the delegates were voted for by the
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people of the democrat party of x. 14000000 people or something voted in this selection, and suddenly their votes don't matter anymore. now, despite not even being on the ballot during the democratic primary, carmella heiress still has all the delegates the dnc chair said so our party has met this unprecedented moment with a transparent democratic and orderly process to unite behind the nominee with a proven record who will lead us in the fight ahead. so how exactly does that work? no debate, no contest in convention, comma harris is now in charge and the conversation and prepare the coordination. now the dmc says they will postpone the vote to august the 3rd, if a credible challenger can be found, but so far there is nothing and the clock is ticking. meanwhile, campbell errors is picking her. ve the running mates. a lot of people have been calling connell, i here is a disaster for a long time. i'm putting a lot of people on her own side. i recently, the 1st woman president,
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1st black woman president and 1st asian president, but i don't vote for who will be the 1st. i vote for who will when and for whatever reason. iris has never been popular. you can count the number of delegates she won in the 2020 primaries on one hand, as long as that hand has no finger in 3 years as vice president. she's been quieter than an electric car. but it looks like a done deal. what a democracy when one of the 2 main candidates, one of the only candidates that has a real shot of winning is somebody but nobody voted for. caleb mob artsy, new york. here on the form of foreign minister mohammed javi, desirous has been appointed vice president for strategic affairs by the news warning president he held his position is foreign minister for a he's under president how some of the holidays.


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