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tv   News  RT  August 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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on politicians that russia had killed him, that the old had come directly from the kremlin. so how does that connect? if i like seen of all the, on the one hand was supposed to be important at this present as well, but the kremlin killed him. it doesn't quite make sense. well, what's your absolute are right. it's make no any sense because if you remember off the president's log in and put you in and she's interviewed to tucker. carlson said that you know, everything was going to be, you know, ready for exchange and then you know, i'll explain the volume the dying gonna peddle, calling me on a very strange circumstances. there is what was no, any incentive for russia to kill him. she told her they'd been in the jail, it was no harm. he had the value to get back, the russians were being abroad. so this was absolutely baseless accusations. as usually you, you talked earlier at 5 dividing classic goals,
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who was released by the german government. the german government said they didn't take that decision, very light, the actual. why do you think the green light that gave them that they describe this has been a difficult decision. well, a look how 1st of all they need also appreciate the rush. i did everything to save the life of these german medicine or a whole be can them for the execution and the ballots. this is a huge you waiting for the germany. so whenever they're trying to say all they've got, it was a hard decision. come all, you will have a way more up or, or in germany if you would be executive. they should be very grateful to a lot of them are important that she finally, you know, intervene and off. uh, you know, mr. alexandra, look to shank or to save the spare. he's live a new scene for exchange. yeah. so what are the big names that people have spoken about? is the american evan good ship it,
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she has been receiving huge amount of attention since he was arrested in russia on those as being those charges. and then just 2 weeks ago convicted. why a quote that said the evidence showed he was cool right handed. we even had tucker calls in a right wing, political tv funded, come and take to and show host, asking president page in just a few moments ago about tim and saying, you know, if you wanna give him up to me, i'll take him back. it will be good. why don't you think there was so much focus on this one individual? unfortunate lucy, i decided to use journal is because i've mentioned that right now with the other option of the human intelligence intelligence, they outsource of most everything. so this is a, you know, a very bad the use and very, you know, trusting reader read lines. what journal is supposed to be journalists not despise and disguise. i should really was to read a culture i've had, if, you know,
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collecting a very sensitive intelligence, that's not just a, you know, information for his material. so we should be, again, looking on the evidence, not the prospect, possession, or conspiracy. and by the way, there is no conspiracy as such term in russian. you can't even translate to properly, you know, into the russian conspiracy because it doesn't fit to what we're able to understand of it. it's really only a think existing in american, they know, jurisprudence that this was the largest prison. this was uh, between russia, the us, another country since the cold war. do you think we can read into the fact that this could suggest that perhaps there is some storing of relations, particularly between the us and russia or nodes? no, i don't believe there is any sign that those would be, you know, some kind of the following or for relation on you kind of attempt to mind the,
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you know, at least some pretty just the communication. so this is a, just a, a very small texaco move by the american administration for the political game because of the election campaign of harris plaza, as well as a unique opportunity to show that face. although you know some of the buys and finally can both look, i'm kidding, chicken talk when we go to injection something. so this was a, mainly these demonstrations, guys use this, the live click on steel or bulk. so you can still look picking goals on wherever we talked and where to go. i just want to ask you briefly, you've been back home for just over a year and a half off. what advice would you give to those who have just been released and landed back in russia for re adjusting to life and that homeland? look uh there is no need to any advice, you know, family, friends and all of all the impression people will do just they usually don't take
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time suits with them. you know, bulk of go to the bottom. uh, you know, kind of a little bit fun with it all the beautiful places we have and this will shield the whole this. we will heal their bones. i've used them older best. well, thank you very much for joining us. that was fixed it by to russian regional, but i don't remember onto printer on a full exchange president without insight as to what it was like to take part in an exchange like that. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. thank you. well, not even a week is postings, venezuela's presidential election on the incumbent. nicholas my daughter was declared the when the but now the us and says it has proof that i don't position candidate go the most votes. we've actually disclosing any concrete evidence given the overwhelming evidence it is clear to the united states. and most
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importantly, to the venezuelan people that edmondo gonzalez, or d, o one, the most votes in venezuela is july 28 presidential election. we congratulate edmondo gonzalez or dia on this successful campaign. now is the time for the venezuelan parties to begin discussions on a respectful, peaceful transition in accordance with ben as well and electoral law and the wishes of the venezuelan people. the us now is dismissing the results of the witness while in elections and as recognize the opposition candidate to be the winner of the selection. that's edmondo gonzales, according to us secretary of state, there's over. well, i'm in evidence that deal position one at the vin as well, and it looks all authority declared that my adap madura ro is the winner would 51 percent of the votes on his side. and when the door celebrated the results, he made sure that everybody would know that there are 4 and entities that are trying to had to vote in system. he also stressed that this is not the 1st time
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that they're trying to do it in event as well. i know none the less who us officials seem to be outraged with the results because that's not what they've been hoping for clearly. and they're demanding a release of full data elections almost in some sort of threat and in tone. i mean, you have to bite in administration that's pressing at this point that their patience is running out. it's interesting. so the us is saying that it has based, overwhelming evidence that actually the opposition turned to that one the election . do we know what washington is talking about? there's talking about evidence that nothing has been put out to the public. and this is a familiar pattern from the west. i mean, just recently, canada, excuse china, if you know syrians, but no evidence was provided to back that up. a, back in 2016 obama also was confident that russia hacked into e mails for the us elections, but no evidence was provided back then. these are so it's about what the west sees, but who they see as their favorites to use as some sort of puppets. but let's
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remember the case of peru because while the us essentially now is saying we need to hear the voices of the vin as well. as people that was not the same track that they played in the protest that happened in peru in 2022. when the right when clearly they're able to watch the types of power i guess peruse. elected left when president castillo, the us embrace to her with open arms. when angry, nationwide, protest erupt, heard about her role. we heard nothing but silence from the united states. so the list is really long, but you get the idea here. now on top of that, western media is not really hiding their bias either. i mean, the bbc has a headline and headlines the wind and been as well as choreographed celebrations as mid doro claims. when. and even when you read through articles, you would see things such as the door controls the electoral stories, or say things like the government faces pressure from the international community.
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because we know that the international community to them is, of course, the united states and its allies. now madura on the other hand, did have some interesting points to make while he was addressing the western media for kayla combined deputies feedback on the domain kind of thing. and various ways you're not using the international media, they want to justify military intervention in a gaming process whaler and show me that they want to justify sanctions, again, against venezuela regardless they want to justify while. and that was interesting is that the united states now is talking about other countries elections, but let's remember that the was itself has elections coming up in, according to paul's only 44 percent of americans have a great deal of trust that the vote counts will be accurate, so maybe the united states just starts focus in a little bit more on its own internal affairs, but either way, elections that are held by others, according to the united states, they're legitimate. if they're held by the us allies,
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they're ok. but back to vanessa, but a lot because the supreme court announced that he has opened an investigation into the results and the process of the election. and the doors seems to be quite open and transparent about the whole process. yeah. invitees us the supreme court to notify all of the details. so that's interesting. we've also had, i think, some comments from the venezuelan defense minister. now they're actually wanting that they could be a western crew that could be attempted. you are right, the vin, as well as it has been a cert, essentially accused of some sort of western backed opposition of attempt in immediate school. he has also condemned the widespread rise after mentors victory inventory himself has said it has one before about a potential cool at the us has been trying to undermine uh, the, the silver and t event as well. and the stability of the country for a while, i mean, was seen as a defense like equipment, sanction sanctions that were pushed to deliberately crash the economy. and on top
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of that, he was to officials were not really hiding their plans to try. that's helpful. the venezuelan government, 1st we thought that getting why go to declare himself present would be enough to topple of using. then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of 2 in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him. in the end we're hearing about the toppling of the government on one glider. could you just remind us who he is and what his role is and 2019 as similar scenario to what's happening now happened back then the us decided to renounce the legitimacy of duro as no longer president back then. and they chose once again, an opposition lead there in the space. it was one. why the, who, the pleasure yourself in terms president of then as well i know mind do this is all
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done this fight people's boats back then the was even threat and military intervention. and then as well in the was simply did not care about the results that mean they chose a guidelines the vanessa on president, they were inviting him to be the official representative of vin as well. then the actual president. and somehow, when their plan didn't work with why though they started forgetting about, have the person that you recognize as a leader democratic leader in minnesota is not here. what do you think about themselves one way or here? by whom langway though, the danger in president of venezuela that you recognize. but i wanted to talk about who was here, who is, here is the president of the united states and has been said 4 years ago. the president did not attend. so now they have new people to try to push their interest and then as well our south america. and in this case it would be at the window,
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gonzalez. but we have seen this time and time again from the united states where they try to diminish other countries over into so this whole situation is not really surprising. over to agent. now, because of the 20 years of washington's montrose, that it's impossible to end up getting his funds opium cultivation, indonesia is giving a helping hand to the war to a nation to replace its opium. feels as the telephone effectively fights production of the elicit crop. ortiz correspondent, and rebecca and opportunity. you have the story, a monkey, the cause of these crops that we have planted or not yielding? well, the world should help us with alternative poppy seats so that poppy is not planted to that of farmers in afghanistan are facing a crisis. the official bed on opium farming by the taliban in april 2022. have seen a significant drop in full because a vicious disposition aims to help combat the elusive opium tree. but it also means
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a significant loss of income for nearly 220000 families. many of those were dependent on opium farming as their primary source of income pretty quick earned about $10000.00 us dollars for hacked here. while the poppy ben policy in a fan, a sun is effective in reducing the amount of opium in circulation up to 95 percent . it also comes with a set of challenges. the opium farmers needs to establish alternative means as new resources of their income. in the nation for a minute, the mo, most would be emphasized the significance in providing alternative resources for life. also, often people, internship or commitment. denisia is committed to promotional tentative likelihoods for 2000 households and chopping. have district none of that hard provence with the support of agri nomic practices that will impact 14000 napkins. indonesia is also in carriage in countries with similar soil and weather collectors. 6 to assist the
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outcome people and i asked them to find suitable crumbs now advocate farmers are left with few choices and in media is stuffing in. as a long time partner, the country is providing comp alternate tests. for the farmers such as palmer granite, pistachio et omen. since the very beginning, indonesia has a special advantage in bluff games fun. and we think it is our we. we also share this evening dress to have a better and more unified and prosperous. i've got new sense, so we think that we need to be active to play that role. and, and one of the problem is, you know, that i supposed to go problems. that is how to create inclusive government. however, implementing the plan is not such an easy role with the political issues in nature has to tackle, including the challenge posed by the domestic narcotics, use the united nations office on drugs and crime estimates that they are
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approximately 2.5 to 3000000 direct users in the country with a sizable proportion being women and children. but the greatest challenge is the banking system was one of the, uh, uh, doctors that go, they are facing to be for creating more, more and more conducive environment isn't the like also critical thinking system. and, and, and in, in investment guide, there is one issue that i think we, we should also look at is they use your extension. because in one way or another uh, session would also create a some implement and, and some also upset goal for, for the local bank to do to gain a trade collecting from the national community. and in order for, in order for them to do enabled them to do to do business, afghanistan's banking system faces significant hard barrels,
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particularly since the united states has pros and billions of dollars in african assets. this resulted in is a fairly quickly decreases and economy instability, crippling the already fragile banking system with afghanistan, limited compatibility to stabilize this economy in media is consistently encouraging the countries desktops to our tory piece and each more with the international community. these actions are needed to guarantee that farmers will not go back to call defeating up. you know, we're grateful to the country of denisia for helping the farmers. we also request the international countries to help the farmers if the international community once pop in to be completely eradicated in afghanistan, then it should help the pharmacy. only 2 years after the united states, chaotic withdrawal from the country, the taliban has successfully decreased the opium circulation by almost 90 percent as that is not enough. the economy, news people,
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and the media is here to make sure that the asking people, it's farmers will get back on there from the, the destructive escalation in the mid least has cool just at india to council. it's flights as well. the indian flag area, and that's this decision of the attack, presumably conducted by israel assassinating a how much political leader who's visiting it on several of the major airlines and keeping us companies united in delta as well as jim needs with the town. so has suspended flights with as well, and india has said it will provide waivers for rescheduling and cancellations amid the flight for let's close lines as we're tied on me. indian. major general jack could be of sing. thanks for joining us here on oxy international. i just want to ask india of the major airlines saying they're
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cancelling their flights to as well. why do you think they're making that decision at this point as well? uh, to put it uh by the blood. and today you know, that the violence has escalated in this region over the last 4 days because he's in spending like july. that was good at that is blood that going to do is little bit in the golan heights. following that there was a back by is the name in lebanon, which kids ought to cut. after that, you had the assassination of the who was the political lead out off of the a mouse in it on a small enough that he attended the setting instead of many of the new it on your bus. the and fun learning that the same day is an idea of when else uh that, uh, uh, my mother died. the end of that, you know, believe to being so busy mazda might be,
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i'm these 7th october incident as being killed in that aspect. so that i've been ident pension the victim, they call it all in the middle east as also i did it on is blaming you know, saying that we will in charge event. so there is a state us all, you're not the sudden development which have a potential effect in the region. and that's why adding the eyes of both of them to the flights now. but it is not new 7th, october and deals with dense and it is huge lights, i think of the plus people bought. and after that they've done some slight stone and they've stepped in. the advice would be like your right to be brought out. that would be fun and all the cancellation of each of the flights within both ends up. but the pots so bad and yeah, like you brought out the many other airlines. also guns of legs, low strands of slides or by you could buy, did the as i. and i did submit that the little fun stuff like that will be a big day before, you know, instead of the,
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we blended. that's not enough for both data to play on it. so this is that situation and it's, you know, i think airlines. what about this? so you gotta do with the, the subsea told me side of the top, floating around in this area, which i have the potential flat on this end. yeah, that's understandable. and india though interesting. you only can sing it slides until next thursday. so less than a week away, do you think the current tensions and then at least will come down by that know, is that and just essentially going to assess based on a daily basis as well. as i told you earlier, the cancellation of flights was from october to box, which is essentially 6 months. everybody's hoping that will be cooling down of them present this each ended in being the best of the little boy in charge of that then plus bore down that some sort of, you know, a conciliation comes about what the word is facing. body points these days
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with allow me regularity. so that's something that you know, we have to based on that as far as at the same time that conflicting that it is of the yeah. that be with the the lading with each other. i mean each but some thinks they are, right? so i mean that the, if you will be a position right now and the, at present the now is, you know, one, there isn't the least then the other bad. everybody as the i is that on is also the the say you've been area. so, i mean, uh okay, i'll say headlines, the dogs number, what's the length it does not label, but russian is, is because of a similar reason. yeah. so are you suggesting that this could be a suspension, like we saw, or all talk to over the 7th, but this could last for many months. i hope it does of last for many months, the old just as a cooling down of them. but all the cooling down of 10 projects. uh,
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one of the people who was little interested uh, talk to you about the salt car, cx 5 was uh, you know, uh yeah. and unfortunately my with is dead wherever these these flyers talk school are they going to proceed? yeah, i'll be go to see a suspension. i'll be go to z a big though. so i, i think the, or what does that mean be from the bite, and i think as be, as will be given that statement, right? he hopes that that them positive for down and the beautiful 2 parties will reduce the eh, no, but attention in this area. yeah, interesting. a uh, the other day i received an email from as false is where i liked how urging me to take a flight to tell a be. so they'll receive their all, you know, airlines at all. still looking to promote these types of flights and to go to the country. well, likelihood is that what would the israel be doing to maintain the security for
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all of those commercial flights. so also going in and out of the country. well, the only way you can maintain the security is, you know, to be able to, to have you read aloud to be able to track and do project does to have some sort of, you know, uh you did have some sort of a defense level with them to prevent any damage to any act, but it's extremely difficult to do, you know, to play a gulf the way they are with the data besides the project side of slang and which i think you'll flight up. so yeah, so. busy well that there was a gift many years ago, whereas i'm relation and like it's like like who believes you? i think from all, i was shocked. don't roll the buyers over to i've decided on this. i little while you good. yes. that's why. so obviously it's very difficult for i like i just
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realized that kind of security was i put join us on our team. so that's what we will have to leave it. that a pleasure to have your company. that was a major general jack bit saying we're tied in getting all me major general, much appreciate it. thank you very much to be well, that's return to our top story. now the us insisting that it has proof that have been as well and no position candidates got the most votes in the south american countries presidential election without actually disclosing any concrete evidence. the local authorities, however, in venezuela have declared that the incumbent nicholas mendota is the official when a well that's got more know this and cost live to read, to cut a chino who is the secretary general of the brazilian incentive for the sole authority of peoples. and the struggle for peace, thanks for joining us. an aussie international this friday early evening. i don't
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ask you why do you think there are these claims coming out because of different countries? this is the us. they shouldn't have any reason to interfere in venezuela and politics. tactically, what do you think this overwhelming evidences that they could possibly have, but they don't get disclosing hello. uh, they don't have a sense to stay at just uh, trying to complicate the process. um, because united states has been trying to take house and i'll do phone phone and maybe times and this time and we had massive cyber attacks during the, the, by the process of the contents of the volts. and we had spoken to uh, yesterday, i guess there is
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a fax come from united states. so we, we are facing in different directories or for as of united states and the range, i know we shoot off of our country. that's it is what's happened. and it's clearly is the 1st time that the us is tried to interfere and other countries. elections is not the 1st time that it's tried to interfere in venezuela's elections . why is this that we see this repeated interference that's been to lead to latin american and central american countries to united states all sides into so. and so in some 5, they just take out the governments as normal, a large number of the story as united states interested in some way in the case of venezuela. they are trying to show to take out the young
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lee and the those sees chavez, chavez. they are supporting groups that may february's uh that, that made a democratic trial. so this is not the 1st time. he says he says, wait the ads, right. i just sense that strategy. but it's not, and i saw something new even as well. and it's not something new to being the legend of erica, actually uh, in the united states head, i agree, we buy those um, fredy and b as in the woods, has a free license. and all the parts respect the read the results and they are not uh doing but they said they would do that too. so blinded by those agreements. so uh and also the style is
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uh, refused to sign a document that way the candidates. um, i'm waiting to respect the their legs, the results of the legs. nicholas went through as well that there is a potential for an attempted crew against him. we've seen rots in venezuela. we've seen the fact that there is based so cool is evidence that the us says to show that he didn't win the election with your view long. what's happening that do you think that it's true that a crew is potentially in the works? it's not true. there's always some head, 635 international of so many of them from brazil and show of them from my phone. so the fast my
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organization. they were there also people who are just in lawyers from brazil, from not in tina for many countries and all the international servers. i faxed it back, we had free elections and said, and i was without any kind of problem. as we read the bible develops and i guess they are trying to create a situation of dual or something like that. they, they're trying to show who they will not affect the results of the far right handed . they also will not assess the results and they will try to do something like they also did the less unless they started um, maybe um, uh, drive in the country. so people feel uh.


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