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tv   News  RT  August 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the the then as well as president and on the left says that he won the recent election while the us has other ideas now proclaiming the mine on the right . the when at the washington says it's got the proof to refusing to reveal 8 times a day after the biggest president swap said the cold war. the kremlin reveals the ball compet due with how my balance between the rosters, federal secuity service and the c i. k off of the streets of my jury. at least 13 people are reported in the killed has the country entered the 2nd day of march protest over raging installation and that new clothing economy. the
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fathers is our team to national reaching you live for my new center with moscow? i have michael quinton. now ben, as well as national like electrical council, has now recounted 96 percent of the ballots from the presidential election. we have funding, incumbent nicholas, my dear was victory with a little over half of the votes. nevertheless, the us in fixed on our position and candidate was the real we know now a washington said the has to prove, although it's failed to disclose amy concrete evidence, a given the overwhelming evidence it is clear to the united states and most importantly, to the venezuelan people that edmondo gonzalez, or d, o one, the most votes and ben as well as july 28 presidential election. we congratulate edmondo gonzalez, or dia on the successful campaign. now is the time for the venezuelan parties to begin discussions on a respectful, peaceful transition in accordance with ben as well and electoral law and the wishes of the venezuelan people. the us now is dismissing the results of the vin as well
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in elections and as recognize the opposition candidate to be the winner of the selection. that's edmondo gonzales. according to you, a secretary of state, there's over. well, i'm in evidence that deal position one at the vin as well, and it looks all authority declared that my, that my door. oh is the one i would 51 percent of the votes on his side. and when my door celebrated the results, he made sure that everybody would know that they are foreign entities that are trying to had to vote in system. he also stressed that this is not the 1st time that they're trying to do it in venice. well, i know none the less who us officials seem to be outraged with the results because that's not what they've been hoping for clearly. and they're demanding a release of full data elections almost in some sort of threat and in tone. i mean, you have to bite in administration to suppress in, at this point that their patience is running out. it's interesting. so the usaa
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saying that it has based over whelming evidence that actually the opposition turned to the one the election. do we know what washington is talking about? they're talking about evidence, but nothing has been put out to the public. and this is a familiar pattern from the west. i mean, just recently, canada, excuse china, as you know sir, is, but no evidence was provided to pass that up. a, back in 2016 obama also was confident that russia hacked into emails for the us elections, but no evidence was provided back then. these are so it's about what the west sees, but who they see as their favorites to use as some sort of a purpose. but let's remember the case of peru, because while the us essentially now is saying we need to hear the voices of the vin as well as people that was not the same track that they've played in the protests that happened in peru in 2022. when the right went cool, leader bull, the one that came to power,
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i guess bruce elected left when president castillo the us and braced her with open arms when angry, nationwide, protest erupt. heard about her role. we heard nothing but silence from the united states. so the list is really long, but you get the idea here. now on top of that, western media is not really hiding their bias either. i mean, the bbc has a headline and headlines the wind and been as well as choreographed celebrations as mid doro claims. when and even when you read through articles, you would see things such as the door controls, the electronic stories or same things like the government faces pressure from the international community. because we know that the international community to them is, of course, the united states and its allies. now, madura on the other hand, did have some interesting points to make while he was addressing the with the media for kayla combined deputies, he parked the main campaign against venezuela is in the international media. they want to justify military intervention of gaining venezuela. they want to justify
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sanctions, again against venezuela. they want to justify violence as interest as of the united states now is talking about other countries. elections, but let's remember that the was itself has elections coming up and according to paul's only 44 percent of americans have a great deal of trust that the vote counts will be accurate. so maybe the united states just starts focus in a little bit more on its own internal stairs, but either way, elections that are held by others, according to the 9 space to legitimate if they're held by the us allies there. ok. but back to that as well. i because the supreme court announced that he has opened an investigation into the results in the process of the election. and the door seems to be quite open and transparent about the whole process. yeah, and so i tease, i asked the supreme court to notify all of the details. so that's interesting. we've also had, i think, some comments from the venezuelan defense minister. now they're actually wanting
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that they could be a western crew that could be attempted. you are right, the vin, as well as it has been a cert, essentially accused of some sort of western backed up position of attempted immediate school. he has also condemned the widespread rise after mentor's victory . inventory himself has said it has won before. 1 potential cool. the u. s. has been trying to undermine uh, the, the silver and t a vin as well. and the stability of the country for a while. i mean, it was seen as a defense that equipment, sanction sanctions that were pushed to deliberately crash the economy. and on top of that, it was successful. we're not really hiding their plans to try. that's helpful. the vin is full and government 1st. we thought that getting why go to declare and so present would be enough to topple of using then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the
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generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end we're hearing there about the toppling of the government on one glider. could you just remind us who he is and what his role is? a 2019 a similar scenario to what's happened and now happened back then the us decided to renounce the legitimacy of madura o as no longer president back then. and they chose once again an opposition leader in the states. it was one. why the, who, the pleasure yourself in terms president of venice? well, i know mind do this is old on this fight people's boats back then the was even threat and the military intervention and then as well. and the was simply did not care about the results that mean they chose a guy to is the venice on president. they were inviting him to be the official representative of venice. well then the actual president and somehow when their
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plan didn't work, why. busy why though, they started forgetting about him, the person that you recognize as the leader of democratic leader in been in today's not here. what do you think about the sense of one way they'll hear? by whom one way though the, the answering president of venezuela do recognize. but i want to tell us about who is here, who is, here is the president of the united states and has been said 4 years ago. the president did not attend. so now they have new people to try to push their interest in venezuela or south america. and in this case it would be edmondo gonzalez. but we have seen this time and time again from the united states where they try to diminish other countries over into so this whole situation is not really surprising . about home here in russia, there was a presidential welcome for 10 russians, including 2 children after they had touched down back in the homeland following the largest president, swap with western countries. since the cold war brought him
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a put in handed flowers to do, it says i had a hard door to opt out of being landed of a company in spokesperson even revealed up the children didn't know the russian until yesterday. a good water negotiations on this complicated exchange were conducted through the f as b and c. i a line where this was the main line upon which the agreement was reached . the children of a legal intelligence agents who arrived yesterday only found out that they were russians when the plane took off from ankara. before that they did not know that they were russians, and that they were related to our country. when those agents were in prison, their children were deprived of the opportunity to continuously see their parents. they were able to see them once in a while, but not as much as they wanted. the parents were shown the children, but they did not have that opportunity. all the time that was a relief to 16, the prisoners and some of them with dual citizenship. among those exchange where
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americans, the yvonne, yvonne getsco rich and poll, we then convicted of espionage in russia. another person that was german citizens rico cricket who had been found guilty of terrorism charges in bella, ruse area will discuss the present a swap with evict about a russian regional parliament member and exchange the president himself. and he says that the credit has to go to those involved in the negotiation from both sides a hotel of land for the past 26 years. so american justice system stuff, you know, shifting the gold polls and all the standards become sold to qualified. so finally, you know, you are like they say in united states you can buy a day, you know, have sandwich. so what you're talking about, i mean i understand it so well the crime, click stairs, or the crime for this accusation was absolutely nothing because they never coming
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up with a certain, you know, evidence against many of those. well, it's not as clear cut, but if you look on this, so the political chessboard definitely is usually a, you know, a russia plate, a brilliant combination. and 1st of all, it's got what it wants. and the way it's job to use the jones was on small political games, which is will be, you know, quickly forgotten. that's it. i'm not even being aware the button i realized where he is and all day and time and years easy. you know, i'll fortunate the old man definitely, you know, deserve to have some good, nice retirement, not to be the front man for the some deep state who using seem as astute and then trying to blame people. they do define, she's back. well, i guess. so the credit has to go to the, you know, this, the people who in these general, between the rushing thought in moscow,
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those who are really talking to each other. and those will be in arranging all of this condition. you know, i've, in the, you know, seeing those people from the both sides and would say that the professional and the i want to do do respect words do because they really do the job. this is a res level people irish that the from american side, more people like that to handle those questions then may be able to reach these point of this, you know, apps. so you know, condition where to huge concerts can't even discuss the proper problem. and this is collation leads to nothing except the more bigger world conflict. don't believe there is any sign that those would be you know, so i'm kind of the following or for relation on you kind of adapt to mind the, you know, at least some pretty just the communication. so this is a, just a,
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a very small texaco move by american administration for the political game because of the election campaign of harris plaza, as well as a unique opportunity to show that face. although you know some be by then finally can both look and change. i can talk when are we going to injection something? so this was a, mainly these demonstration guys use this, the live click on steel or bulk. so you can still look picking goals on wherever we talked and where to go. now, the acting head of the us secret service says the agency takes full responsibility over i would say it is which led to the reason the assassination attempt on donald trump. of this was, this was a failure. we should have had better protection for the protect date. we should had better coverage on that roof line. we should have had at least some other set of eyes from the secret service point of view. covering that that building was very close to that outer perimeters. and we should have had more of a presence,
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the new acting director of the secret service that he takes full responsibility and that the agency assumes full responsibility of that local police should not be held accountable for what went wrong. on july 13th, he said local law enforcement made the federal agencies aware of the individual who was on the roof. however, secret service did not get the message. in addition to that, it was made clear that the cert good service is conducting an internal review and investigation, and disciplinary action will be handed down if necessary. now the secret service apparently did not have any idea that the individual on the roof who turned out to be the attempted assassin and shooter, had a gun. here's what he said, based on what i know right now. now that the secret service counter sniper teams, nor members of the former president security detail had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the age. your building with a firearm is my understanding that personnel were not aware this. they only had a firearm. until they heard gunshots. it's now this is july 13th,
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a day and about the pennsylvania. we're thomas. matthew corrupts with one year old . with his rifle nearly took the lives of us president and front runner in the upcoming presidential race. donald trump, he came very close. donald trump's ear was injured, the image of donald trump being escorted off the stage by security with his bloody here has to be an iconic things. they're not looking good for the secret service. only 3 out of 10 americans expressed confidence in the agency to protect the important and elected officials that are tasked with protection by the secret service, a very low approval rating. 3 out of 10, there are now calls from republican members of congress to cut the funding of the secret service, arguing that with their lavish budget, they have not accomplish their task. and there continues to be speculation that they carry out their task in a politically biased way. and it's donald trump is not being given the protection that he is do as a former president. and that is
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a concern many on the republican side. kerry now the former head of the secret service kimberly chito step down. the new secret service, acting director, is the one who spoke today and took the full responsibility investigations continue and question. just continue about how it was that the events of july 13 we're able to happened as they did and to the mid lease. now after this weeks killing all the have my leader you need, ron had to. ron's vowed to respond for you as a girl weighing about the mid least tense on the brink of an oil war. and passions have been further in so. busy the cross. ready across is between east within has blocked in the lab, and on r t has spoken exclusively to the have mass representative into ron. highly of how do me focusing on the recent events in the region. western influence and the politics of palestine. the officer, the visit to america a by then administration,
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they were telling us that they ups quote, directly to and it's in the all for stopping the general side. nothing, you know, has taken the green line and the signature for the assassination and feeling of the leaders in the all for resistance movements. and the reason from the us administration event is coming from everywhere in the was from everybody. a lot was loving is my money and loving, but a student anderson, the book is, has booked, but it's really a big crime and they have to be punished for that. these sentiments cannot be too bye. so for the american intelligence is really intelligence we, we went over them because we are, but just, and we are the right. and they are the wrong of the american association. it's
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happens that they all was have upgrades. i mean lincoln, i'm fucking boss. so because the, the national security advisor of the white house, who was say something and then we end with something else, even blinking himself was an odd stuff. he's going to discuss the ceasefire with the as riley administration. and the times why lee is present in front of the we it top us up is righty. perpetrated, couples of mass that goes against innocent people. they always send some money to have for them and budgets to but to give them more weapons, more distraction, a towards against a few might not be a big this is the, the american administration. they say something, but they do something you all know is really appealing when the green light and the blessing of america today again is a,
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the itself is you might think the senior and the among themselves in a way that there today, nobody is save on mind the police, cnn is right, is attacking the so called peace process is rate is attacking over westbank over the guys that over for our thoughts and deals of them. they are attacking the police scene and people outside f, as seen in voters. the international community got us and that must be it through implemented democratic norms of, of the, as any people in the world as any fees for the nation. and the was, it's an antique and a ride in the, in the new millennium, or any nation will have its own election, but its own with this, right is impeding such processes. we are expecting that we will go united all with again, so on. and i mean, the point is you can program in the administrative body to i lived in the sufferings of lot of people, boys and girls on was back. and a special prior ceremony has been held in the indonesian capital of jakarta
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dedicated to publish students who lost their lives during the war and gaza at the one vs house. and they did have mas, lita, he's my media, my guess included the, the indonesian president as well as the policy and, and the radi and then bassett, us are these represent rebecca and that'd be to pull the reports. it's not like the usual friday prayers ceremony held out the is to call mos in jakarta. the service continued with frey yours for the absent dedicated to is smart l. how the, the political, your chairman of how much together with the palestinian embassy in jakarta. it was helped to pay a tribute to is my ill hun, you and other palestinians who half lost their life during the ex riley bombing of garza. the grand email of the as to call must necessarily be mar, delivered a message of condemnation for the is riley attack. that killed is smile, honeywell,
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and others, and response power times and boss or to indonesia, expressed his gratitude for the most support from jakarta. ready busy ringback now every to say was. ringback the model the, you know, the the around in a bus that are to indonesia also attended the surface and stated that the plan will
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respond to as are all action. ready a for sure, you saw on your, on also on the line that the support of the united states and some western countries for israel f, left to the continuation of crimes and violations of international laws in palestine. the outrage was also shared by most lives throughout indonesia, including president joe. cool. we don't. he condemned the assassination of honey. i am calling in for ball. you know that but international has been known to the violence and the murder that took place. and the saw for nation off a lot,
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maybe going to be the whole reporting from jakarta for r t. i can wait to deny the us conductor, the drone, a todd from its territory to strike a half below lined group in neighboring you rock. the general staff of firms that it has not and will not permit the use or violation of its aerospace or territory to launch regression against any of our neighboring or friendly countries has blah has previously claimed that the us has used the easiest thing to rates to launch bruton attacks on the bill province, south of baghdad. how washington, this presidency in the country has been described as a critical for us military operations in the middle east. have a political john list and the research as far all harsh him believes that the forces of i'd stayed there. welcome. of course, as publicly ashe show in united states, but they are not interested in participating in whatever the us wants to do. and i do believe that the u. s. spaces of temporarily now available at the end. they're
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gonna, they're not going to be here for long grades is not willing to compromise because this means it's because of weight that allows the states to abuse and breach the agreements and attacked other neighboring countries from their own line. that's me . the court, the court has interest or zone and they're going to be a target inquiry. that's the one that you so i don't think that's boys getting it can at all. does that happen? which is why does this displacement by the didn't smoke? person of the ministry of defense has been actually aggressive immediately the what the, what is it that the word it was aggressive and, and i do believe that this aggressiveness comes in handy. it's, it's, it's a threat distributed front ending the united states and then the nice way they don't, don't there. don't there use our lines in any way possible and to offer could. now the somalis, capital of mogadishu has reportedly been shaken by a massive explosion. a police report
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a gun fi shortly after the blast of explosion was sent out on the popular beach. according to some of the official media attackers who had targeted crowds, city had been utilized by security press. now now at least 15 people have repeatedly being killed during mass protests that have once again erupt in nigeria. oberg skyrocketing installation and a crowd rolling food crisis. either you and one of the menu is could force uh, face hunger issues within the next 5 years. local john list when god little i reports on the 2nd day of anti government protest. inaji is commercial city, lagos, events yesterday. let's use that across the nation. but in lagos, when we pull it in from the demonstrations, have been relatively peaceful. and this been an uptick. and commercial activities and a goes to day, the security or for it saves the grounds and make sure that the protesters uh,
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protects it. uh, the commission openings for legal states. i did inform the members of the press earlier, the government's response so far as to tell the citizens to exercise patients that they are listening. i do do something about the turbo economic situation and spiraling inflation. that as, let's see, that the cost of basic food and commodities pulled tripling in some cases where reports of widespread newton in the northern cities condo. yes, today and as provided balance of the north. but from lab reports in lagos, phase have been comp sofa on the 2nd day of nationwide protests turn valid in parts of the west african country. my jerry, as the inspector general says that the security forces had been put on high a lot with the local police, firing to a gas to disperse crowds in a capital buddha. and the 2nd largest city of kind of that we've heard from locals
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and good over the government's economic policies of the initial assessment. and if i did nothing to do for the just the date, so we will not receive the the reason and to the u. k. now riots against the must stopping in the u. k. last week which
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left 3 young children dead to of now we wrapped it in the nava city. this time some the line to northern england, the hundreds of protest as to which the car after the crisis with the police and city center, i'll be sent to the central police station was also ransacked and set on fire. rapid response forces at every police station in england and wells are on the high a lot, not dissipation of the food test. media reports came that big to be at least $35.00 . ronnie's plan so far. well, that's the update this hour. you can get the details of all the stories will following on r t dot com. thanks for watching. the the
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again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination seem to reach and going up the escalation ladder. we are faced with the question who wants a greater war and which is the single country we can stop the everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact then this is part of what we're going to be talking about today. a large scale exchange of prisoners between russia, the us on several other countries is underway. yeah, this is amazing. a massive president exchanges amounts taking place between russia and multiple western countries. we're going to be breaking this down for you, and it is significant by the way, in more ways than what you think this is directly impact. i'm rick sanchez. let's
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do this the . okay, so here we go. there is without a doubt of a major international story to tell you about that. the no doubt bodes well one good thing for the prospect of peace, right? so here's, here's what's going on. we can now confirm across the board. so as everybody else, by the way, that russia and the number of western countries and putting germany on to us have agreed to a very complex 24 person at least prisoners slot a raise can use that nature. remember, states turkey has confirmed the law scale exchange of prisoners between russia. the us on several other countries is underway. moving to doesn't prison is all on the list. yeah, so this thing the to the exchange is.


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