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tv   Documentary  RT  August 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
so this is in my vision, and today we're discovering of the world other, such as the, you know, wanted to just sort of a sort of see if mouse looks to sneak some of the concerns. well, i'm not just saying they've been all right. we'll start jumping to the john the gallery present. the but always goes always does. which like the lovely does shows that it's up to you said you want us to this up to this thing that i might. nope, i walked on. perfect. but we don't want to go through it, just go to the web reward and the new they'd be go. so i was looking to do this is
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just almost to the, so let's go to the deal and, and talk to the number is that sort of these elements between those under those are stats on the smart tv and what they do easy. so we may still want to sell in store fans house in the systems the just the, the much need some nazi the so these let us know what the, some of the really to, to, to the, to do to be sure to the know that the police the middle of this for,
9:32 pm
for the, for the my zoom in to do it. you see the reason that it shows or so if you want us to do the motion. this is bruce, which is a, i don't know that that wasn't just signed up yet. but then most of your dishes because but in my zoom into dealing with the delta v engine, the subject, ashton, yes, stood elizabeth smart tv, smart tv, buddy. and you don't lose it. so you, do, you sort of see what all this is, but it's in the way they use it. what was it that you just what's out in the photograph to you? what as a room and you said really using zeros in the team will be like those come the,
9:33 pm
the, when i was going to go for the services, the desk of the does it because i'm so go to jump through on the social skills. there was some, there is a, it's a link to pay for me what i see, but especially when you're in terms of how much is the lowest federal, she's the head also do squint enterprise source, just making sure to whoever it was. so the some of that shift for fun for me i see is because the
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small, you know, the just the, what is it the government, the lives down but gosh, what the portal was here. deliveries of my know that should've so part of the team go we just want talk when years old the is video, the exclusive to know the awesome. awesome. so about the do you use to do little awesome. how much is
9:35 pm
the beauty of the boat, which is the the show. so the the the, the the,
9:36 pm
9:37 pm
right to go from the to the site to the phone. right
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yeah. the problem the doing the fundraiser. good. very good. i'm not sure how fast the scheme allow you. yeah, sure. so the videos, the chat, so good to hear the junior, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
9:39 pm
the, the, the, something inside them daniels stores much done with dm's the doors the answer to buy a new new brand new for me to go look for the song, i love it, the sims in the bus, most of the nice thing is i can't read you nation new for me. so, but you may have just, you can use the, the should really good. this was gonna let you know, so you just send you the previous stage to purchase the, the new products and you turn have the chance of because there's no more you don't do. he does have super my new carpet. but so do really good to just in order for me to go, that's just because a 100 is also the search committee for was did you want to set you up with at the beginning of the 2 of these? and you said you need that meeting. this evening stuff which includes the fluid
9:40 pm
unless unless something pulled up, i just didn't understand what you know, what else with all the, the other stuff, the little box new of the surface, the rooms it be. so i'm sure it's not what you can show me as and like i said, when you step this nice thing is students coming up from it. so we were a mere us for jumps to the number so that the they didn't do it. whereas
9:41 pm
the video video yeah we number they were slow. so the question is i didn't get another solution. so i thought so skipped the understand i want to buy into position my those. so again it's because these are not yet to you. i was not yeah, yeah. so once you set
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that up in you know, the the of the website he looked at all of the bunch of the stuff with book good for me to go to the sun because you may have specialist would be a good idea. so in control on thursday, sort of you have it and you bring them up,
9:43 pm
give a show when it's the report, the 30 much for holding with us a simple schedule and should sit in groups corvettes or what's your thought i'm be or should the shoulder center mann middle electric, a search for the media space is like you currently have a fusion. awesome. so i'm hoping some sort of browser window for the gloss and use the new or used for that. i change mark and some stuff i'm up to plus the let's put another so that's kind of so abuse. now to complete it in a heart to call you can reach us, go to dealing, bloom didn't be someplace of losing off. says we want something. why you didn't you fine. yeah. that's, that's a beautiful. it was the most of the look only of each because it was kathy is again, such, it's the process. see what the tools to categories are going to start
9:44 pm
a custom bill now and then you're looking for i have finished the letting me use of just what you think of the content and devices. oh, certainly, and interact with the rest of the world. we're going to relate to the while and in terms of donations or in tons of trade off, it's a much define what she wants. political assets might define are soft, contrary aspect online, define those critically the cause of your guys, no choice but to move forward. and forward she with the
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greatest godaddy, i do it for you. which is the exclusive i will get you the a full just the full list. that's pretty you know. the only thing is that for no reason is to cause the because yes of course what was, what are some of the how's going to do more because it was like you think should be should could do if you could just assume the escalator you get you just thing isn't it?
9:46 pm
i'm she was full just curious because when it went off, uh huh. when it showed you that no more than the season. mm hm. how's it was? let me put some sound. the point of view. i'm the info the new lives can yes. that i read just bloody some of the additional good. because you, yes i was the yes the to the person your keys was in the football room. felicia or i'm going to, this is what we do much with the same one that as much i use. it's in the system or i have to get into the model to do much. and i just said that, and you said you funding supposed to do what? we assume you have a funny quality. it says why it wasn't supposed to tomorrow, and we had to go home with the moody. i used to get them to associate most the commands i've got to slip in is i've got the just,
9:47 pm
oh no problem with the doors or whatever. so when you bought so much coupled, when you convert it on the initial board, i use 4 point in the month lease, so it will drink sort of what you, what were you with. we receive a short post approval in this way and we'll wait for it, but it's in the media. if it is, it is a loss. it's really slipped through the, the, the, the numerous frozen the notice of the, from the, from the we develop the by monday will be doing and i'm watching in the business on the, you know, i brought the young wasn't seeing me. i just mean sort of more time for us the much that would you want to? there's a new school bus it has brought in a few weeks. i do want you to be ready to put you out of the elect volume
9:48 pm
only to sewage. you put the stop the stop again because i was going to use me, but it is a much, it was a possibility complex. uh, this one is, but since he's new, the one which is lucidly to move. wheeler can you or somebody to get yourself because of his the petite recent class diploma to the proceeds indicates many bullying and do it worked well before i talked to the bugs up? it's probably that you have done with, but i'd say, and i get pretty good about this, but bad ground up a z load the site or the, you know, the, the new political divisions that goes to a solution is always to give them your racial. so what is the of the home
9:49 pm
feels murder stubs, stuff that you bought explain most. most of i knew the keys on since saturday. was it a good so that they don't get it because it did. of course it can give it a lot of the stuff i need to do the 50. i'm going to send you you, but you. but the new mode, the to move. when is this of do be because you do you agree with the media video?
9:50 pm
to really getting the good news, the size of 2000000 to just the the the, the sites so most of the costs and, and i might ask them and utilize it the same way was to beat the song
9:51 pm
very soon. but that was the show me just the phone so to know the food i hey, is these, do this to you but also the multiplan and you have we have where you have bill a good you know, if it always is telling us there are no good for you, the blue is pretty, you know, all of the above the,
9:52 pm
the sleep mode. so for the 1st page, most of the units, we're going to check on the to $200.00 as low as your consultation level for them to notice i just woke up with the to the
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new principal. so the washing is the full. so i was the shortest just most of the
9:54 pm
the the, the, the wrong guy. yes, of course has been on phones. they're going to go over to them. so get bunch of 9 digit bus. now did you click on this on the go to the number i told you. oh, i got cut off,
9:55 pm
so the guess for new york, someone's interested because i'm the one that you saw, the above i got the is billy sooner the more money to pay on was it don't go to his right. it's like it was on. the zillow, was it because she was out. she wants to go to that. yeah. well, does that sound very a bill or not, but even interest you some of the beautiful things about the world, the. busy the girl who's fine. yes i do for best like. 2 to go to the mirror,
9:56 pm
there's like the show, the smallest the lessons that are so many of services that are i'm sick. jesus will be back on monday. moved into the got the initial come monday, the similar, but the most of them used by the watching the
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the, the, the, is going to go to what you are the but david by the 3 do the know me. i don't know that, but i must have just dealing with something and this is supposed to be true which are near the shuttle. yeah. as long as if it is close to the village. the storm stitching the familiar with between the village church.
9:58 pm
this just seems to display machine info, community news, [000:00:00;00] the
9:59 pm
the russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense be the best english i'll send, send up the speedy one else calls. question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen twist,
10:00 pm
which is the, the, everybody i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact them. this is part of what we're going to be talking about today. a large scale exchange of prisoners between russia, the us on several other countries is underway. yeah, this is amazing. a massive president exchange is announced, taking place between russia and multiple western countries. we're going to be breaking this down for you and it is significant by the way, in more ways than what you think this is direct impact. i'm rick sanchez. let's do this. the . okay, so here we go. there is without a doubt of a major international story to tell you about that the no doubt bodes well. one


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