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tv   Documentary  RT  August 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
of the. 2 let me do it to hold the bill. 0 tools or you just give them the sure stuff to go. i still have to i do need you to get started. the things i'm on the list of those in the us is that just to look the national so get plenty of services. if there's a move from
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the blue screen or the the, the, the the sure. so yes. so we do this is done, the bill is monthly. it does, but i'm sorry, i'm got somebody,
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but most of the guys just by size piece of letting us know blue the, the bid is the good thing because you've got plenty of room. i was the hurdle. so you see what the graphs as, as the, the, the, the, the the, the words in see i've got the junior release. so
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the digit, the last the. 5 last the, and it's pretty the, just the most of the stuff, you know, we went to believe that's even to come up with a few little general number legends because the the day just ba
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ba ba ba ba ba
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ba ba, ba service where do you know what are, what are slow the issue, the bumble because you can see the one to her, but he just knew where the go see him. your boss does it by the good stuff that i did. the guy in the senior partners, i'm a gosh, it's the the, i mean, yeah, with this but did,
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would use the, the gloss you need to the deal is we buzz us law. let's use the same idea investigated this, but it didn't last the last with the mobile just some of the sort of know what the the, the the the, during the day i'm on the on the make. i me did the adventure by the new, the quote, the the,
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the session lead you in the vision. you didn't do what you need to do, but let's go with the thoughts before the citizens process. that isn't the the whole new level is all about the blog. let me go ahead and let you know that the horses important the the the i got the stuff going up. i put it in front of me,
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but as low as the. 6 the . 5 last name. uh yeah. that'd be done buddy. no, it was empty. is there any lab? i don't know, but didn't yet. yeah. bill. yeah. the losing the similar to the most of them me in the city. some places and find the the the you the
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the, the, the, the, the, the the, the the, the, the girl monday it's just man you must do so by the time. so then the so what do you guys have the, the solution for the google search. you guys, she's up to the new one.
10:40 pm
no, the, the do the, to the no one read. there's $49.00 of those. go to the, the lydia da da da da. she could do that. it was in bed. nice. of course. in the master. ringback the the
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sure. oh, smile do it. there's nothing to do both sort people are going to do so i'm sure, but what else with a lot of money? i don't, i wasn't diagnosed with leslie as the bus was supposed to go to the the is it said it was paid by the mazda facilities, the items that i need comes order for that. so the the modem on the shut i'm going to do, please me pretty nice to be difficult to deal with the best buy in the even
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a few months or something like that. what is the. 2 for the. 2 the news, the news, i do not good news. the news is girlfriends was gonna say that they're going to again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination. see the region going up the escalation ladder?
10:43 pm
we are faced with the question who wants a greater war and which is the single country the can stop the the smart tv smart tvs. but it isn't. 2 the purchase price is mother didn't do much in the one that the, the, the did you good, which was the do, did you do you have to do is go to the. 2 the that's the lower the what do
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we do it the did you want me to stay the middle initial dot and you just wait a minute. so what additional that wasn't the smart the gym to do the job the butler, the city is the number of
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the blue spots on it, but then most of them lives in phillips. there's remember on the what for just my point it by point the the next symbol is simpler form the butler. this is the to the one that's on the yeah. you know it's the mileage. give me another because it is uh, fairly did. the doors were wanting to join us to buick. let us know if they'd be doing it is no, it does. but mazda for the one that didn't. yeah, and that's the reason i did. the good news is the schedule
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is the so the issue was that the about the bill and the sort these are the last night this night the. 2 the for a couple of the the yes it's the. 6
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the to the, just the the, the but you more where it was in the this is why as i said, is that you, this will pay attention to the customer, do not need the bus will be easier to do the smallwood as the most important thing in what's in charge towards the you know, from, with us and to explore money to continue to let you know, as you want me to as nice loyal as the use of. ready
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the, the time which would be good because each of the views of dominion i just saw it was i did one directly to the to that that wasn't about to be sort of
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just that as a dealer of the house, the sound of the somebody in you the was the yeah, but the especially for do i know there's no it's the, it's the some of the this way
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with you. yeah. and you will some ideas lessons. this is them which is the the oh god, what was, what do i put your buddy? you're good. yeah. it's not really, it's just good on your system. no, no, no, no, there's no simple or as much of the so i was for the, for the work i need to be brought to you. and of course, the price of presley, you'll still need to the fact that you do agree that blue is pretty, you know, for the but the worst it was those 3 that i said, yeah, it's cool, it's get better for the sports than you. but the, but the style it to them you, yes, cuz those people are doing
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a push and simple grocery store and you needed this my way the, this was the one you said it was so much. yeah, that's my budget. so that's why we're doing that. so yeah, so v as in silver. cool. cool. and then you live locally. well the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
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at the, to the good the the, i don't have that i usually pretty much have a good one. if you go with the just to be somewhere else. yes, this just means that you move you to lose got here is the did was
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gosh, this is the graphs. but certainly blue bodies here, pretty c o. s of them. but the what? so about the yeah, yeah, yeah, that's, yeah, it was, it was, it was the launch finding us need super and nobody knows this. i'm sorry. you said you most of us about was done in the c o. b 's i should say, reviewing the lovely the money or should i be able to frontier this to my budget for what you see. so tell me is that what i'm looking is that was like a smart city. yeah. yeah. for the 0 on the but some the yeah
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why the rest of that you put in the sleep is budget whatever the little bit leslie between the valid sellers deal that they need to sort through what let's just do a lot of money to do so much as me, but i look for the rest of the folks who, who the story. little excuse me, both the, the the in the not done i'm just we use the launch. he's supposed to have
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the 2 boys as far as most of the bush gives us more than the some of the number of us get the the the, the, because the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the on the, the,
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the source unless it needs some in the most successful give me
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a moment to see if we can show you some us some need to go to some of the so i'm trying to build a new and you go and listen. you remove from the city which to me just a little gods using it for us. do something here because most of the, most of the rooms do something like that, but you must, the glue was always the but did the meals that the gold on the agenda blue. oh, so kind of so much here. so length, i'm sure the world you still go to see the pressure loss of on the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by powell of tired vision with no real live indians. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really would say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground, can you see where the viable smell people tell? excuse me, a little d my most of my story. but as the very up to the scope of them would be for the city of us. i mean wasn't me so the
11:00 pm
the the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter level. again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination. see the region going up the escalation ladder? we are faced with the question who wants a greater war and which is the single country the can stop one, the


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