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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the the hard it is breaking news as our here. what else? international as a new crane launch is a massive attack on for russian border regions. most of those administered defense says over 70 drugs and intercepted as others go through and just drop the residential buildings and oil, the chaos on the streets of nigeria, 13 people to kill different countries in the 2nd day of mass protests, of a raging inflation. and then in floating economy and the us is complicit in the assassination of how the poly bureau chief, according to tyrone said israel carried out the killing. and now to around this, approaching revenge. regional fee is rise of retaliation. airlines are cancelling
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that flights to his right. the more i live on worldwide at 8 am locally here with most going to very good morning to you. more of us here with us you international. we do a kick off at this hour with breaking news from russia, with the ministry of defense reports over 70 ukrainian drones. what intercepted is they attacked the ruptures boarder regence open night during the past night during an attempt by the key of regime to carry out a terrorist attack using unmanned aerial vehicles on objects on the territory of the russian federation. so it's the 6, the cross talk, you avi's over rust off a toe because knowing overbuild the road 17 over all we all to over the roys and region one you a vi over the verona is region and the as if see, were intercepted and destroyed by ad defense on duty by the sea, and then the crossing the dial region. i bought the car as long as you say, i am on the issue of joining us on this stuff in the morning with this breaking
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news here. so it's looking like a massive drone attack here on the number of border regions. can you bring us up to speed? what's the latest, you know, the cleaning armed forces carried out massive attacks within the russian federation . and it's been reported that they have reached a number of regions. now the territory of belgrade especially, was attacked by 55 ukrainian you waves one. and this is, as the ministry of defense has mentioned, this is one of the most, most of attacks, especially in recent months in oil storage. and that attack an oil storage facility facility, as well as warehouses where damage. but no reports on casualties through you creating a new a. these also hit another region and uh the are your region with 2 of them hit in residential buildings out. the local uh, governor reported that there were no casualties, but uh there was fire in the fire was immediately localized by the emergency services, but it either way,
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the residential buildings as well as the infrastructure where left damage. but let's take a look at the footage from the attack of the 2. sure, sure. sure. one, i'm sorry. the, [000:00:00;00] the now in the course 3 gen air defense continued to operate throughout the night. 60 premium aircraft type you a, these have already also been shut down. the premium armed forces have also used
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drones to attack an oil facility in the territory of the game ski region, but the fire was quickly distinguish. the ministry of defense has stated that the overnight russian air defense forces have destroyed 75 ukrainian drones overall in these russian regions. i mean, you know, we've been getting these reports for quite some time and that essentially the, the crating and forces on the front line and ukraine, the front has collapsed. russia keeps making gains or up and down the front lines here. but now we're having a ukrainian attack that's clearly targeting civilian infrastructure. of course, this comes a mid you quiz, massive losses on the ground. it's not a secret. i mean, russian artillery continues to destroy us, made ad room tags, a german leper tanks. and even those f sixteens that the kids western allies were very excited to hand over won't really have much of an impact on the ground and the supporting to the gremlins as spokesman. so the evidence has their own ukraine's
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heavy losses on the ground. so what's left, what's left for them is either negotiations, which is actually it seems that recently kids has talked about the idea of finally being open and to top to, to has talks with moscow. it's either that or a continuation of hit in residential areas within the russian federation and continuing to lose their people on the ground. yeah. alright, of course one of them i made you start with the latest on this uh, breaking news. thank you. the prime minister, all the somalia has offered his condolences to the families of the victims of friday's terror attacking the capital, but 20 people repeatedly killed in a blast on a beach in mogadishu of warning, disturbing images are coming your way. i clicked reportedly kept to the moment of the explosion that ended up leaving
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thousands of casualties off the woods. what sounded like gun and fire rang out a local police at the exact cause is not clear, but all signs point to some kind of suicide attack. and they won't take the responsibility, but the terry group i'll show bob is previously carried out similar attacks in the country. the, well, at least the 13 people have been reportedly killed during mass protests that once again erupt it in nigeria, it's of a skyrocketing inflation and a growing food crisis unit as well. and millions could face hunger issues within the next 5 years. as a local journalist, i could bring the bottle reports, a government process, and i do is commercial city lagos events yesterday. let's use that across the nation. but in may goes, when reporting from the demonstrations had been relatively peaceful and this been an uptick and commercial activities and a goes today, i do have security over it saves the ground to make sure that the protesters
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protected the commission of police. the legal states did inform the members of the process earlier, the government's response so far as to tell the citizens to exercise patients that they are listening. i do do something about the terrible economic situation and spiraling inflation that has let soon have the cost of a basic food and commodities pulled tripling. in some cases where reports of widespread newton in the northern cities condo yesterday and as provided balance with the north. but from lab reports in lagos, these have been comp sofa. the 2nd day of nationwide protests. so a ton of violence in parts of the west african country. jerry is inspected. general size of security forces are remain on high a local police firing, take us to disperse, the crowds and the capital. that's a booge. on the 2nd largest city of condo,
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we have some locals inquiry over the government's economic policies. and eventually you find it. no, thank you. so we will not receive the in the reason what was the possible slip of the tongue there been some red faces on capitol hill after a senator was talking about how the us needs to focus on africa's valuable
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resources. how can we help foster the public private partnerships, bring the american capital and expertise in standards to africa so that we can keep by exploiting so that we can uh, a exploring where we can get these metals have that upfront in slip coming during a foreign relations committee hearing by send it to as well discussing china's policy around the world and, and saying that's aging poses. i do political, charlotte and jewish kind of funds, american diplomacy, the world over us. and it has also paid attention to china is rising role in africa expressing concerns the badging may want to try and monopolize the ragman or on the less time we have to contest chinese actions. not only in terms of their ford basing strategy, but their desire to go after africa's river, it's that will be critical for our industrial and technological capabilities. the x are all behind the news,
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the drum line go says the difference is and approaches to africa between china and america. a very clear to see we say steve's a tall, slack, a clothing and the least. it was like pulling at least due to the coloring, at least the so like you said, the it's what they've been doing it. there was no mistake. the difference was timing. i'm really trying to know lucky with the bass case with money invest. they walk in with a machine guy. so this does a huge difference there. and this, this beings does china is using in influencing, in getting in to speak to a certain handle state is different from how people probably in the us. so, and they said that those alternatives do feel like that. it's a fact that it's a global stage. so i'm for the guys becoming the bedrooms around the fall foliage
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resources. i'm going to go and continue to mess up. that was, i'm going to talk with you in to be, wait a minute, i will continue to destroy it. so because whatever the degree is not going to be assessed, and estonia has unveiled the monument to a pair of nazi offices from the westland ss. come by the crew before the against the soviets and world war 2. the russian embassy that slammed the move, calling on officials to learn some real history and not put the criminal on a pedestal. of the glorification of the nazis encouraged by local authorities. and the obvious indulgence of their admirers takes place against the background of a blast from the struggle with memorials to soviet soldiers who fried the republic from the brown plague at the cost of their lives. we have to remind a stoney and politicians who continued to engage and revisionism that the south was recognized as a criminal organization by the decision of the nuremberg tribunal. and recommend that they re read history textbooks for
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a deeper understanding of the consequences that blind adherents to a vicious ideology leads to. well, despite the dog history, local officials defended the move, saying the gravestone praises the the of those who died and want to cause a war of independence. both excess officers died on the battlefield in 1944 as the fluid rifled soviet forces. we discussed this with the independent journalist as sonya of on demand. who says of fascism is reappearing in the baltic states with a in a twisted bid. the counselor, russia, clear that's and the baltic states is what i'm saying all the time is what i'm writing all the time. there are special state, i mean, and that's just now it happened already. well, a few years ago, actually after they became independent when the, this of the union, the collapse, then after death the, the on the ground is what i call them came about. and they are actually question is, i would not say the whole country or will the people, but
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a lot of them are fresh is their main enemy. this is what they say in western countries. is russia because they say russia waging a war on ukraine and they want to insulate the rest of europe, which is ridiculous. of course the customers and president many times said no, that's not the case. but as i said this session is not from today. it's already, it's old. no, it's, it's many years already. we see it's in finland and poland and. yeah, now it's intensifying because of what the think it's toward with russia. iran intelligence chief says it's his country's duty to avenge the assassination of the highest poly bureau. chief is male, i need, as he was a guesstimate, around what accusing is relevant? killing tyrone says, washington is completed. the us gave a green light to the disgraceful assassination of how a mazda pilot bureau chief is smile, honey, a, which was carried out by scientists invaders. this estimation was followed by mass protest across
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a number of muslim nations. thousands also gathered at honey as burial and cut on friday. while the killing has prompted phases of original escalation. cross border classes are intensifying between israel and his blog in lab and on what we spoke exclusively to the him, us representative in tyrone a funny because to me, me covered the recent events in the region also got a western influence on posting and politics. so i've listened the officer, the visit to america a by then administration. they were telling us that they ups quote directly to and it's in the all for stopping the general side. nothing, you know, has taken the green line and the signature for the assassination and cleaning of the leaders in the all positions movements. and the reason from the us
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administration event is coming from everywhere in the was from everybody. a heart full was loving. is my money and loving, but a student, anderson, the book is the book, but it is a big crime and they have to be punished for that. these sentiments cannot be just by so called american intelligence and is really in the villages we. we went over them because we are, but just and we are the right. and they are the wrong of the american administration. it's happens that they all was have upgrades. i mean lincoln, i'm fucking boss. so because the, the national security advisor of the white house, who was say something and then we end with something else, even blinking himself was an ons up. he's going to discuss the ceasefire with the as riley administration. and the times why he is present in front of a we
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a top us up is righty. perpetrated, couples of mass that goes against innocent people. they always send some money to it for them and budgets to but to give them more weapons, more destruction of a, towards against humanity of the big. this is the, the american administration. they say something, but they do something you all know is why they are coming when the green light and the blessing of america today again is a itself, is you might think that but a senior and among themselves in a way that there today, nobody is save or mind the police, cnn is right, is attacking the so called these processes rate is attacking over westbank over a gas up over full of boats and deals. and they are attacking the scene and people outside f, as seen in voters. the international community drives us, and that's the most fit to implement that democracy comes over that as any people
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in the world as any fees for the nation in the world. it's an antique that are right in the, in the new millennium, or any nation lobby its own election. but his own with this right isn't beating such processes. we are expecting that we will go united all was again so on. and i mean in the put is it can program in the administrative body, do i live the sufferings of all the people, boys and girls on whom was back to well just by being on the fire for supporting israel is deadly offensive. and basically adding fuel to the fire, the us has boosted this military presence in the middle east, all the while calling for the escalation in the region. secretary austin, highlighted that's further escalation is not inevitable. and that all countries in the region would benefit from a de escalation intentions, including through completing a gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal. well, the reason power, besides the nations of hide in the face of a major iran in retaliation and spill over to
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a broader regional conflict. reports have the most of the ron plans to attack israel between august the 12th and 13 fronts has told us nationals to leave iran as soon as possible and drove by and reiterated his commitment to defend israel and a phone call and let him know on friday besides the largest by roger of rockets in weeks as being fired at israel from gaza, a series of escalation, the closing air in the counselor's flights to israel and several other major airlines including a u. s. companies are united in del, through, as well as european carriers of all sorts suspended flights to and from israel. and that's well him, us goals for a day of overwhelming. i can grow, but the reason killings we spoke with of retired indian on and major general who says it's a danger to fly over a was are, and that's the challenge of being shot down is fine. everybody is hoping that will be cooling down of them for this region that's going to be in the 1st of the little do enjoy all that them plus board on that. some sort of, you know,
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a going send me it shouldn't comes about. well, the only way you can maintain the security is, you know, to be able to, to have you ever read, allowed to be able to track. and the project has to have some sort of, you know, uh you did have some sort of a defense cover with them to prevent any damage to any a problem. but it's extremely difficult to do, you know, to play a draft through a video with a data messiah and then project that is planning. and we'd just like your flight block. so you want to know that there was a gift many years ago that as a nation and like it's like, like do malaysia i think from holland was shot don't all the buyer jewelry divided, decided that the middle east is basically a $10.00 to $1.00 ready to blow who's actually putting the strings, directing america's current foreign policy. the piracy is benjamin the video. that's according to
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a former senior advisor to the us secretary of defense codle douglas mcgregor. he shows his inside to and more of the latest episode of going on the ground, the full show today to today who are not to you, but for an hour. so we'll pre, i understand the idea of chiva stop a formal one of each of you pick your book is required reading transformation on to file. do you don't think that uh, and then you always play the played some genius moves. here with a week us administration, no, i mean for him personally rather than for israel, which it was maybe destroyed because of his actions. what do you think of these? riley's, how they play the united states, the, the sponsor of israel mission engine. yahoo, who has lots of experience in the united states, he was educated in the united states, brought up here for quite a while. i, i don't know if you're aware of it or not, but for some time, i don't know if it's still exist. it was also at birth or movement in israel
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because we're substantial numbers of israelis who are unconvinced. and mister netanyahu had been born in israel, and it says that he was actually born in the united states. i, i don't know what the answer to that is, but i do know that he understands the way the united states works. he knows that right now he has more control and influence over what we do in washington dc when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy. then anyone who is presiding as president of the united states is the israeli lobby has achieved something that it set out to do many, many years ago to effectively have the unconditional backing of the united states government for anything they want to do. so his view is, this is not going to last, he's not unreasonable in the sense that he doesn't think this is a permanent condition, but he knows that he's got that kind of control right now. as a result, he is determined to make use of that,
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which means that this is his moment. the moment for is realty to establish permanent is really jewish military, political head gemini, over the region to create not only greater israel, but to put everyone on. notice that they are in charge, and he's doing this because he's confident that he has are backing. now, what will the united states doing, what will it not do? well, 1st of all, we're not going to put vast numbers of troops on the ground, largely because we don't have them to commit the, this is all to international. so to wait, has denied the us conducted a dro type from his territory to strike a has blah, a line group in neighboring a rock. the general staff of firms that it has not and will not permit the use or violation of its aerospace or territory to launch regression against any of our neighboring or friendly countries. the rocky sheet i agree with you, but that has belie previously highlighted the us as you spaces into wait to launch
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strikes on the bible, proven south of baghdad, washington's military operation in the countries while they have been described as critical for his operations in the region however, political john listening for such a fight, i'll have some says those foreign troops of overstate they welcome, of course, as publicly ashe show in united states. but they are not interested in participating in whatever the us wants to do. and i do believe that the u. s, spaces of temporarily now available that they need and they're gonna, they're not going to be here for long grades is not willing to compromise because this means if it, because if equate to allows the states to abuse and breach the agreements and attract other neighboring countries from their old line, that's me. the court and the court has entered the doors those and they're going to be a target inquiry, the one that you so i don't think that's boys getting it can at all. does that happen? which is why this is the statements by the didn't smoke, person of the ministry of defense has been actually aggressive immediately. the
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what the, what is it that the warranty was aggressive? and, and i do believe that this aggressiveness comes in handy. it's, it's, it's a threat distributed front ending the united states, and then the nice way they don't don't there, don't there use our lives in any way a possible states like now the thing ahead of the u. s. secret service says the agency is fully responsible for the failure to prevent the recent assassination attempt on donald trump. this is, this was a failure. we should have had better protection for the protect date. we should had better coverage on that roof line. we should have had at least some other set of eyes from the secret service point of view. covering that that building was very close to that outer perimeters. and we should have had more of a presence, the new acting director of the secret service that he takes full responsibility and that the agency assumes full responsibility of that local police should not be held accountable for what went wrong. on july 13th,
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he said local law enforcement made the federal agencies aware of the individual who was on the roof. however, secret service did not get the message. in addition to that, it was made clear that the cert good service is conducting an internal review and investigation, and disciplinary action will be handed down if necessary. now the secret service apparently did not have any idea that the individual on the roof were turned out to be the attempted assassin and shooter had a gun. here's what he said, based on what i know right now. now that the secret service counter sniper teams, nor members of the former president security detail had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the age. your building with a firearm is my understanding that personnel were not aware this. they only had a firearm. until they heard gunshots are now this is july 13th day and about the pennsylvania were thomas mathew, corrupt the 20 year old, with his rifle nearly took the lives of us president and front runner in the
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upcoming presidential race. donald trump, he came very close. donald trump's ear was injured, the image of donald trump being a score did off the stage by security with his bloody here has been iconic. things are not looking good for the secret service. only 3 out of 10 americans expressed confidence in the agency to protect the important and elected officials that are tasked with protection by the secret service, a very low approval rating. 3 out of 10, there are now calls from republican members of congress to cut the funding of the secret service, arguing that with their lavish budget, they have not accomplish their task. and there continues to be speculation that they carry out their task in a politically biased way. and this donald trump is not being given the protection that he is do as a former president. and that is a concern that many on the republican side. kerry now the former head of the secret service kimberly chito step down. the new secret service, acting director,
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is the one who spoke today and took the full responsibility investigations continue and question. continue about how it was that the events of july 13, we're able to happen as they did. the story continues online right now at t dot com for the meantime. the rest of your stories returning to the top of the hour by, for most of its audience and the, [000:00:00;00] the mouse sooner than say, welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world,
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from the u. a in the middle east. the nature of proxy war on russia through ukraine is ended. it's 10 via since the u. s. coo and can be renewed. u. k. u. s. and you, um to warn, garza is ended its 10th a month now involving lebanon, the ron gammon, syria and iraq. how much more is washington prepared to sacrifice as it provokes war with north korea and china? that's that alone regime change plans in venezuela and failing strategy in africa. a country that has over 750 military bases and over 80 countries, the united states as a world away from its pre world war 2 lies relation as policies, somebody, whoever is in charge of the white house make stop the world war 3. even before kamala harris or donald trump in there at 1600 pennsylvania avenue in january, kind of douglas mcgregor is a u. s. army veteran inform a senior advisor to view a secretary defense in the trump administration. he advised on putting the was on yugoslavia in the rock and was on the board of his alma mater. the u. s. military academy at west point is books of military changing clues transformation on the 5
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revolutionizing how america fights. he's also now the ceo of the move and country, our choice. he joins me now from virginia. thank you so much kind of for coming on, so us extra se, blinking meaning southeast asia this week. and the actually, this is the 70 and none of us revising our signing the us japan agreement giving, giving you ok. now m u. s. as in boulder, venezuela or africa, new jeron, molly, apparently, against russia, against china, against iran. how prepared is the united states full war as well? i would say at this point, not terribly well prepared. we're stretched very, very soon around the world. our armed forces are perhaps smaller than they have been in decades. although having said that, we have more general officers and admirals than we've ever had in our entire history, which tells you something about the mental, the stage or condition of the armed forces. too many chiefs,
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very few indians. i don't think we're ready to fight anybody at this point who is really capable. and by that i mean, we are focused over the last 30 years, fairly since 1991 on, on fighting opponents without armies, air forces, or navies, certainly no air defenses. now we are, we confront the very real possibility, not only with iran and other states in the middle east, and i would also add, potentially turkey. at some point. you've got russia and china interested in what's happening. they're not going to sit quietly on the sidelines if we truly succeed in bringing on a very large scale regional war. and it certainly looks as though that's our goal. yeah, but to add, some would say your criticizing it far too much. i mean that strike on the tyrrell on that, so perhaps in f 35, the type of plane stealth assassination. all those troops and all those bases remarkably, say full to the is yes,


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