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tv   Documentary  RT  August 3, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

6:30 am
the zoom in should deal with this, this is already so, so what else to do for them? a nice too much of this isn't resources that i'm not the most that just signed up yet, but then most of them will your dishes because but am i zoom in to do it with the delta via except you're actually on your smart tv, smart tv, buddy. and you do so you do this as simple as it is, but it's and the way they use it, show you what's out in the folder to you. what other rooms you federally using zeros in the team will do what they'll do is come to them as new. okay. oh no. we're very thankful for
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the the that's good though. it doesn't because i'm so go to jump through, which gives the was suspicious of that. as i said that you pay for me. what does the expensive one year terms of how much is as low as the federal? she's the hurdle, so do squint the price. so it shows that it came to the truck to whoever it was. so the the shift from funding. why she is because the small the just the what is it, the government,
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the lives they own but goes to the portal. was the deliveries of my that? no, that's of so the team go we just what the when years old the is the deal exclusive. the shut off of the used to live on how much i need
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to be on the level of the bowl, which is the the sure so the the the,
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the, the
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the got to go from the to the site to the phone. you know the problem. so i don't know if the funds it is
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very good. i'm not sure that the scheme of why you should have videos the chat so good to hear the junior the, the the, the, the the the, the, the, the, the, the the something i'm sorry them,
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daniels those much done with unions to allow us the answer to buy a new, a new brand new for me to go look for the song. i love it, the sims and the bus. most of the nice thing is like a leisure nation you for so, but you must just, you can use the you should really good. this was gonna let you know. so you just send you the previous stage to purchase the new products. you have the chance to go through this. no more. he does have super much new carpet, but we'll give you the goods. it's just an overflowing collect pills, cuz a $100.00 the more of the flex submitted. so why did you want to set you up with somebody doing that the to, to see, and you said you need that meeting this evening, most of which includes the food. and unless i'm the,
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the also the, the, the, the stuff to the surface, the rooms that the so i'm i'm you know, to, to show me us. and like i said, when you step this nice thing the students coming from. and so we were a mere us for jump to the numbers the sooner than that though they did do up the the other
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deal. yeah, we number of the day before so the question is i, i didn't get another solution. so i thought it was given to me, i want to show it to but it's been this of my, those. so again, it's because these are not yet to you. i was not, this is on the ship of that up in you know the
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the the on the side here, let's go, let's choose the right spot. blue book. good for me to go to the sun because you may have specialist will be able to do that. no, i did. so in control on thursday, just that of you have it and you bring them up. give a show when it's the report, the 30 much for holding with us as well as schedule and should sit in groups
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corvettes or what's your thought i'm be or should the shoulder center mann middle electric, a search for the media space? is it a fusion? awesome. so i'm hoping to sort of scroll across the window for the gloss and use the new or used for that. i change mark and some stuff, some of the most the let's put another test kind of so be so so competing in the heart to call you can reach us, go to the dealing bloom and be some political touch as we want. sometimes why you can you find the people that was doing the most of the look only of each because a book at the savannah such it's the process. see what are the tools to categories are going to start a custom build menu. it i'm looking for. i have to most of them use of just the
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there was a time when i started to was abused to attain flowers divided the continental block for the amounts themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not do not the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent, this designate but the mazda clinton, and can never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great. on the shore does all by sons and daughters on by the set of all kinds of good time for on,
6:43 am
let us confess about underground eastern or the mazda upon the the view in pretty your margins, which is the exclusive, i will get you the a full just the full list. that's pretty no. the only thing is that for no reason is caused by killing yes, of course. what was,
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what are some of the how's going to do more because it was like you took something you should go to do a single mom we just spoke of. so i just thing isn't that i'm she was full just to just be the last minute. so when i, when it showed you that more more, that the moment you don't get it as soon as you caught me how so it was let me put some sound the point of view. i'm doing very positive, but uh new lives can. yes. that i read this lady some of the additional go down because you yes, i was able to use it as a media and because she was the case for some time. so i'm not football. i'm felicia ball. this is bloomberg. would you like show with the same one that as much i use in the system or i have to get into model dimension. i just said
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that you said you funded you supposed to do? what do you see me at the funny part. he says why it wasn't insisted tomorrow, and we had to go home with along with it. i used to get them to associate with most the me a new to sort the, there's a couple inches all over the program with the so when you bought so much, couple of them as you can find it on the solution. you should the new spot point in the month lease, so it won't result in what you, what you was receiving, show me was any possible way to the media if it, if it is a large display. so if you look the bottom, the bottom, i just brought the new mark, gross, the notice of the phone number the the 12 by monday will be the and i'm wanting to know will dismiss the 3 of
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the young boys and see me. i just mean sort of more time. thank you much that would you want to, there's a new school bus that has brought in a few weeks. i do want you to be ready to punch it out of the elective elements only to suit your best interest. stop the government ears and you bought it is a much it was a process of the companies that isn't it, but since he's new the but the which is loose, the move even from the new somebody is akita. so it's because of, it's not a deal on that, but the recent class diploma to the proceeds isn't it keeps meaningful and can't do it worked well before taxes. uh, but the zip is but i'm with that you clicked on what, but i'd say, and i get pretty good about this,
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but bad gram the z load the site or the go on doing us better doing the fuel filter and you political divisions system as it is always to give them your racial so all of us is the of the home feels murder stubs to both explain most most of i knew the use of february. was it a good so that they get it was it did, of course it can give it a lot of the stuff i need to do that because i'm going to send you you but you but
6:48 am
the new mode, the to move when is this of to be because you do you agree with the menu, then you want to get into the cause the size of 2000000 to just pull it because the the,
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the sites so most of the cost and minus come and do the same. what was the 1st? all right, so let them know cause need, you know, and i show me just the phone. so to some of the food i hey, is these, do this to you but also the multiplan you have we have where you have to build a good, you know, if it always is telling us there are no good the blue is pretty, you know, the,
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the the, the, the, the please. so for the 1st 30 days, most of the english and we're going to check with the troops went in as low as the consultation a little bit to notice. i just woke up with the
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the new principal the washing is the full so i was the shortest because most of most of the
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the the, the, the wrong guy use of course has their own funds to go
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over to them. so get bunch of done due to bus and now did you click on this on the go to the number i told you. oh, i got cut off. so it took a little i guess for new york. so someone's interested because i'm the one that you saw above up i got the is fairly soon, the more money to pay on was it. don't go to his right. it's like it was on the zillow. was it because she was out. she wants to go to the youngest well, the gym that somebody a bill and nobody even interest you something before i go to
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a world i'm. busy not going to have the girl who's fine. yes i do for because i took them. 2 to go to the condition i bought to show the building on the do spit, not small as well, but i'm more of the lessons that are so many of services that are i'm sick if there's
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a little know it is there was a bus be back on monday moved into the got to the initial so monday, the similar but the most of them used by the the, the the, the, the is going to go that you are the sooner. but david, this is the 3. do the know me. i don't know the mostly just dealing with something and this is supposed to be true, which are near the show that there's not
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necessarily as close to them as system. village machines are on the list here but didn't store an extension to finish the familiar with the village church. this just seemed to display machine info community to the
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the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the malagasy king refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco malagasy wars, the french sent a punitive expedition. divorce submission on the island, the aggressor ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlements. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over them at a gas cars external affairs, but the french wanted more. a few years later, they started a full scale village,
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airy and phase, and, and, and 18. 95 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd, and our prime minister, grinding a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector, ed over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00, annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted, merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar, our lead tragic consequences, natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. there lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile against the people. the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of madagascar. but violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom.
6:59 am
the of the, what is part of is it that the employee would post good, isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word part? is it something deep but more complex might be present? there, let's stop without teachers, desktop out of them . there was no clue where there is high autism and cannot be any cancellation, but did those or have emails or something like that too? i don't want to insult anybody, even what they've done is stupid. there's simply more on the counseling russian using events cancelling a great pause when we change the human. so in general, the
7:00 am
70 ukraine drains are in the 19, in the attack on 7 russian regions with some get through pitching oil, deckers and residential building. the wrong says the us, these come police sit in the assassination of the how am i supposed to be where chief and the space of a regional likes escalation. mount thing us as a navy carriers point 5 destroyed to the middle east to defend israel. a game thomas prevents the american association at the top of that they own was at both chris fan, national c.


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