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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the, the 70 ukranian drones all ends. the septic goes an item and attacked on the 2nd russian regions. i but some did get through a thing or is that those and residential buildings wrong says the u. s. is complex. it's in the assassination oklahoma. paula to me were chief. i think the is the regional escalation, most of us who does the navy carriers, frankly swung by destroyers to them at least to defend this royal against promise prevents. the american administration has happens that they own was appropriate and national security adviser of the white house, who always say something and then we end with something else.
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the street took 90 reyes 13 are killed in mass, protest size, inflation and, and including economy groups. the nation police say the army may be closing the house. and when is when is that i to counsel reconfirm victory in the presidential election not fast and washington is grinding. the opposition lead to us the so called real when the and we'll welcome to the guy here not in to national. we're going to be bringing up to date with what's happening in some of the biggest hot spots right now in the world. but 1st, we're going to solve this out with news from russia. this is,
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as one person has been wounded and the ministry defense reports of but 7 to ukrainian drawings were intercepted as they attacked 7 regions in russia. overnights during the past night during the attempt by the key of regime to carry out a terrorist attack using unmanned aerial vehicles on objects of the territory of the russian federation. 36 aircraft, type you a visa, or last of 8, over cursed 9 over belgrade. 17 over arial, to over there was on region one you a v over the verona region and the ease of see were intercepted and destroyed by air defense on duty, by the seats, and then the crescent, our region, the ministry of the fest stated that the russian air defense forces have destroyed 75 ukrainian drones in the russian territory. now ukrainian armed forces have carried out a massive attack within the russian federation. and especially the region of the stuff who has seen 55 ukrainian you avi's. now that is considered one of the most
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massive tax that has happened in recent months. warehouses were damaged, but no casualties have been reported. it's quite near you if he's also hit the dial region, 2 of them hit the residential buildings, the damage on the residential building as well as infrastructure is done. so let's take a look at the footage from that situation. sure, sure. sure. one on the, in the course region or the fence continue to operate an age ukrainian. you avi's where shut down on top of that team. the belgrade region in o l d part was hits. now the fire was extinguished, the very quickly, the you way,
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the alerts. regina was also introduced in a number of regions in the country, including a vote on and as of this, the tech comes in mid you planes. heavy losses on the ground and according to the ministry of, as from july 27th, to august, 2nd of this year alone, the russian armed forces have carried out group strides with high precision weapons which have hit the military industrial complex. a few crane that carried out production and repair of armored vehicles as well as storage areas for you. avi's, amunition, depots of ation weapons. ms solves and artillery as well as temporary deployment points. 4 units, uh, from the pointing on forces as well as the foreign mercenaries where hits during the week 43 attacks were repelled by a rough shine. according to the ministry of defense, ukraine has lost over 2600 troops, as well as tanks armored vehicles in our tillery. now we also know that russian artillery continues to destroy you is made up from tanks, as well as
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a german made leopard types and b, a 16 jets the. the west was so eager to deliver it to you quiet. and it seems that those wouldn't be much to help on the ground either. and that is according to the family as folks 9 demitra bestcopy. and would you please major law says on the ground mass mobilization in the country continues, and that is despite the massive health the country and gets from its western allies . let's head up to the west bank now where the idea of carry that's a drain strike on a call, killing oil 5 passengers. just a warning, the following images. all the stuffing or the burning remains of the call can be seen here in the footage. the idea of space is that a score of terrorists would be in tended to target policy, and you need a reporting that a local leader of the military wing of hamas was killed following. this is where the forces conducted rates across the west bank, detaining the jeep palestinians,
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were supposedly that included the children, and doing less. but the wrongs intelligence cheapest, reiterated that is his country d, g to avenge the assassination of the homeless public bureau chief is male honey, as he was a guest intent on what accusing is where i left the killing to the on has once again said that washington is complicit. the us gave of green light to the disgraceful assassination of her mazda pilot bureau chief is miles, honey, a, which was carried out by sinus invaders. the assassination was followed by mass protest across the muslim nations. thousands also gathered atanya as burial and cattle on friday. the killing has prompted phase of a regional escalation already. prostitute of clashes have been intensifying between israel and has block in 11 on auto. he's been speaking exclusively to the homeless representative intent on this is highly to food, tommy, who has coverage with us,
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the recent events in the region west and influence on policy didn't. all it takes is a lot to get through hapless and he's got some interesting points. the officer, the visit to america a by then administration. they were telling us that they ups quote, directly to nathan. you all for stopping the general side. nothing, you know, has taken the green line and the signature for the assassination and feeling of the leaders in the all positions movements. and the reason from the us administration event is coming from everywhere and the was from everybody. a heart full was loving. is my money and loving, but a seat in edison. the book is, has booked, but it's really a big crime and they have to be punished for that. these sentiments cannot be to buy. so for the american intelligence is really intelligence we,
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we went over them because we are just and we are the right. and they are the wrong word of the american administration. it's happens that they all was have upgrades. i mean lincoln, i'm fucking boss. so because the, the national security advisor of the white house, who was say something and then we end with something else even blinking himself for all was an odd stuff. he's going to discuss the ceasefire with the as riley administration of the times. why lee is present in front of the we it top us up is righty. perpetrated, couples of mass that goes against innocent people. they always send some money to have for them and budgets to but to give them more weapons, more destructive a towards against humanity. the big, this is the,
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the american administration. they say something, but they do something you all know is why they are coming when the green light and the blessing of america. today again, is a to itself, as you might think, the scene and, and among themselves in a way that there, today, nobody is save or mind. the police, cnn is right, is attacking the so called these processes rate is attacking over westbank over to gas, up over for our thoughts and deals. and they are attacking the scene and people outside f as seen in borders. the international community got us, and that must be it through implemented democratic norms over that, as any people in the world does any peaceful nation. and the was, it's an antique and a ride in the, in the new millennium, or any nation lobby its own election. but its own with this right is impeding such processes. we are expecting that we will go united all the way again. so our enemy
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and the political program and being the administrative body, do i live, get the sufferings of all the people, boys and girls on whom was back. so despite being criticized for supporting as well as deadly offensive, and adding fuel to the fine, the u. s. is boosting its military presence in the middle east, all the while cooling for the de escalation in the region. secretary austin, highlighted that further escalation is not inevitable. and that all countries in the region would benefit from a d escalation intentions, including through completing a gaza cease fire and hostage release steel. for the reason, the power of assassinations of heightened fee is a major range in retaliation. i'm then a spill loop. i see the pool, the retail conflict, reports have been emerging. the wrong plans to attack is wild between august 12th. 13th now false has told dates, nationals to need the roland as soon as possible. meanwhile,
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on his way to the blood bank and emergency services off preparing for any possible scenario. job i didn't, has reiterated his country's commitment to defend israel was in a phone call with benjamin yet to know who on friday this as the largest bowers, your rockets in weeks have been fired as well, from going as a, the regional tensions, of course, that india to cancel its flights to is well, several of the major airlines, both american and european and also suspended slides to inform the country this as well. how much is cools per day? the food, a woman and got over the recent killings we've been speaking with the retard indian . all mean, major general, who says it's all via sleep dangerous. flying, move of that region right now. it'd be monday is hoping that will be cooling down of samples in this region. this and being 1st of the little doing jobs that them plus board on that some sort of, you know,
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a good simulation comes about. but the only way you can maintain the security is, you know, to be able to do heavy and read aloud to be able to attracted the project as to have some sort of, you know, uh you did have some sort of a defense cover with them to prevent any damage to any a problem, but it's extremely difficult to do, you know, to fly across the way the a with the data messiah and then project that is planning. and we just click don't flight box. so you want to. busy know that there was a gift many years ago, whereas i'm relation and like it's like, like do malaysia i think from holland was shot. don't roll the by a shoulder divided decided well, i'll just say right, has condemned. this was claims that it's during list cubing calls that this week. well, how myself protected the door based news networks as the accusation is basis and is
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used to cover up what it cools, heinous crimes, 0 media network, strongly reduce the baseless allegations, made by these really occupation forces in an attempt to justify it's deliberate killing of our colleagues, jordan, which is mill algo, and he's companion, cameraman, and remy elder bracy. the network condemns the accusations against this correspond, that is no, i'll go without providing any proof documentation or video to highlights israel's long history. fabrications and false evidence used to cover up in the same describes well also the 9 journalist from around the world access to the gaza strip to report on the 2 or reconfirming to terms and conditions and the suffering of palestinians in gaza. but according to the outline fits employees that you can see, hey, were killed in that call in an audio strike on wednesday. that's despite the fact that it had pressed in see the new role that they weren't the shockey refugee camp neighborhood to report from the golf and home with how must be the issue with honey as he had been killed in a ron. now,
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dozens of their colleagues came to the funeral and they were expressing grief and holding press post is in the hands, not members of the past who rationally web bullet proof fast to protect them. in combat environments, we move that protection during the funeral. so many, they noted that they will not be silenced and they will continue to cop out the reality of what's happening in garza. now unfortunately, we know that this case does not stand alone, as the number of journalists killed continues to increase. this is according to a report from the committee to protect during this. oh wow, i'm good jen is to be killed. that's only since october last year. it also notes in dozens have been wounded and more been arrested. hands of idea forces we've been hearing from nessa up of baccha, who's the head of the palestinian during the syndicate. who says that the killing of gen lists and to intimidate them from reporting the truth. the
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misleading the government. they want to isolate palestinian journalists to kill them and prevent them from conveying the truth. and what the pals sending and people are suffering from. in this more of genocide with the palestinian media is subjected to these really occupation authorities monopolized the narrative of lies, deception, and falsification of the international public opinion for decades, we're confident that this criminal occupation is planning more crimes and mass occurs against palestinian journalists. the occupation operates on 2 principles, propaganda lives and falsification. this is the strategic basis in all directions just as the target. they want to continue the occupations and keep confirming their narrative with more false stories and incitement and hatred. they know very well that the image is coming out of gaza, stir public opinion, and refute the narrative of lies, deception, and falsification of the occupation. we, as journalists are in a battle,
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they consider themselves in a battle against us to intimidate us from conveying the truth about their crimes. they knew very well that without the support of the american administration, in its partnership with this occupation in its crimes against the house and the people they know very well that they are ostracized and isolated, standing alone in the corner, and that the whole world is against their crimes and with the freedom and independence of the palestinian people. it is a wide range and comprehensive war against the palestinian media. whether in the west bank, jerusalem, or beloved gaza, it is a comprehensive war by all means with lies, deception, killing intimidation laws. regulation arrests and all forms of press freedom restrictions be any publication in banning palestinian content. let's go over to africa now with a number of casualties spoken to tack on the somali capital will get the issue has
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risen to 32, leaving 63 others wounded government officials said that a suicide boma and multiple gunman carried out the terrorist attack. just a warning we do have disturbing images up ahead. the hold on until i put forward to the cap should the moment until the explosion of 2 a gunman stools, the area, a police official stated that 3 militants were killed by law enforcement and not counting the suicide boma. and the 4th was late to arrested. the outside the link to tyra group i'll shoot, bob has reportedly claimed responsibility thing and ask about moving to nigeria, not because the police stuff announced that they may need to cool in the all me to quote the mass protests that are a rough thing in the nation, the interest has been sparked by sky high inflation and the growing food crisis.
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and now 13 people reported dead amid that violence. the initial event. if i did nothing to do so we went out the
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the this is the 3rd consecutive day of chaos in the west staff for could nation law enforcement early. i liked the 4 and hand to provoke the outrage while the army has yet to confirm. if it will get involved, it says it will not align with the country to be destroyed. local journalist brings us this report and the legacy when reposing from the security or for it saves the ground. so make sure that the protesters uh, protects it and prevent you. a few traces from disorganized and uh theres purchases uh the commission openings for legal states. i did it from members of the press area organize carmen, who just so just to get a collaborative over the state is admitted to visit with us or provide
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security of our credit. i believe the government has gone so far as to tell the citizens to exercise patients that they are less than i do do something about the economic situation and spiraling inflation that has led to the cost of basic food and commodities pulled tripling. in some cases, nobody wants to be on the street airport to leave what they are doing to be here. so we weren't allowed 2 months to be granted by the government this demands. i'd certainly got to have some outside special my on gosh, that's going to be shown down. no, my new to not when you very well so much for the
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partners involved. my thought it has to be uncomfortable that i don't want my somebody from frontier to hear the go button. no, it's not the same. do a reports of widespread lutes in the notice that you have content and as provided bound. incidentally, i am getting a portal reporting for alex. here in lagos, nigeria opened my in 6 foot choose tablet. listen to this american senate who was talking about the us needing to focus on africa is valuable resources. how can we help fox stir the public private partnerships, bring the american capital and expertise in standards to africa so that we can keep by exploiting so that we can uh, exploring where we can get these metals before we didn't slip came during a foreign relations committee hearing web, his sentences were discussing, china is global policies saying the beijing poses a j, a political challenge tv,
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united states worldwide. they will highlight in china is rising, well enough. forgotten expressing concerns and being may want to monopolize the rad minerals that on the left we have to contest chinese actions not only in terms of their ford basing strategy, but their desire to go after africa's river. it's that will be critical for our industrial and technological capabilities will be added to of behind the news. drumline guest says it's clear to see the differences between the chinese and the american approach. only african confident we say steve's a tall, slack of clothing and the least it was like pulling at least you see the coloring at least the so like you said, the it's what they've been doing it. there was no mistake. the difference was timing. i've been trying to know lucky with that base case with money invest,
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they walk in with a machine gun. so this does a huge difference there. and this, this beings does china is using in influencing, in getting in to speak to a trans handle state is different from how people probably in the us. so, and this thing that goes on the title insurance is the fact that it's a global stage. so for the guys becoming the bedrooms around the fall foliage resources, i'm ready to go. we'll continue to mess up. that was a minute. i put you into the category. i really don't wanna continue to destroy itself because whatever the degree is not going to be such, then it's the rush or the bread basket of the world. so many for me, i know the colonial powers are looking to re set themselves a not like a but there were purchased didn't seem to be winning the hearts and minds of the
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people. but you can read more about this on our website. ok. see, don't come to the us now with the president donald trump, us, and that, and so they will be a debate between him and wife, who kinds of it, kamala harris, and is expected to happen next month. harris, who is the current vice president recently secuity the democratic policy nomination for the forthcoming election. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states. and i will tell you the tireless work as our delicate, it's our state leaders and staff has been pivotal in making this moment possible. lost the job. i didn't drop that the election, many suspect that he was forced to do so harris was the democratic policies only kinds of it to replace him. most of the delicate title ready induce to anyway, despite the fact that not a single public boat was cost in her favor. but we heard from nasal and media
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analyst line, know who said that the democrats are expecting people to be excited. those were candidate that they didn't vote for, and it badly makes any sense. the sisters have today. well, 14000000 democrats had voted for essentially voted for joe biden. and their, their wishes are not met. complet harris never received a vote, a single vote ever. and then the president, jo primary that we can go through this, but i must say, isn't it funny that his out some people here are quick to point out how other elections should be, run the experts at the ledger. we have one here that bottles of mine never just makes any sense. so you've got democrats corps now asked to show this excitement for a, a, a, a nominee. so nobody bought in for nobody voted for and it hasn't been seen. this
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is the wildest the election you have ever seen. this one is going to be get ready, buckle up, prepare for impact, because we're not even sure whether i'm, i'm not even sure if anybody's really heard from pamela harris. so it's, it's like there is this, this kind of pleasant, this parent system of activity. so they say, but you would never guess it by listening to the particular party members involved . and in venezuela, the national electro council has recounted 96 percent of the balance from the presidential election refunding the income. but nicholas madura walton. this comes off, the washington has a new south american, the all and claiming that it was the all physician can do that. that was the so called we a when a my daughter has accused us of attempting occluded to the fellow will need the
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government of the united states together with the law must be emulated, fascist, international, or at the forefront of a process of de stabilisation in a coup d'etat at this moment, against the venezuelan people and against the venezuelan democracy. the venezuelan president doubted that the opposition has posted an arm detached in the capital for this act. today. the election took place on july 28th with due to gaining 51 percent of the votes pro tax abrupt it across the country. this is at the same time the western nations with dismissing those results. washington says it has the proof that the opposition wrong, but it's fails to disclose an evidence. given the overwhelming evidence it is clear to the united states. and most importantly, to the venezuelan people that edmondo gonzalez, or d, a one of the most votes in venezuela is july 28 presidential election. we congratulate edmondo gonzalez or dia on this successful campaign. now is the time
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for the venezuelan parties to begin discussions on a respectful, peaceful transition. in accordance with venezuelan electro law and the wishes of the venezuelan people. well, we discussed all of this with the power of gas. see say that the same western narrative has been tried before in the us did the same thing. they did not look through the nice the victory off a model and declared that a form boy, though it was the precedent because my daughter did not get to collect a legitimate i've been married, must be president and allowed him to spend the vendors orland funds frozen in the american fancy and his friends, and they claim that he was the president, whether it was not the so cause when done for some time until the clean crisis came on the need the that then is it annoyed, they've dropped one guy though and started doing business back with them a little a hi, they will do the same thing. not,
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not that many can evidence like they had the evidence about the nuclear weapons of mass fiction and you know, no evidence or all of those manufactured and invented in america. at the moment, and in the last decade, oh, so united states has become the, the obstacle for free and fair elections in venice. so law, there's always some have 635 international servers, menu band from brazil. and 2 of them from my from the past my organization, they were dead. also people by one judge in lawyers from brasil for imagine tina, for many countries and all the international servers, asbestos that we have free elections and fair license without
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any kind of problem during the develops and i guess they are trying to create a situation off or or something like that. it's been a pleasure having your company is always full feedback and we do global news update and just send the off. now in the meantime, from on all the stories we've been discussing and much, much more do how go back to our website the the.


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