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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the the ukraine haines state will attack, who rushes bridge to claim in most go full, sees potential us involvement is washington for pass for the upcoming presidential election. the board to 70 you printing, drove, designed to set to go to 19 and attack on 7 russian regions. but some project jobs didn't get through the thing, the residential buildings and oil that moves around and says, the u. s. is complacent in the assassination of the how much political lead fee is of a regional escalation model. the u. s. is deploy an at cost carriers point group to
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support as well. the american i've list vision at the top of that date was hep, upgrading the national security as positive, the white house, who always say something and then we can look something the international your needs update. great to have you with this at this hour. it is a bubble pat day. we're going to start with our top story now. and this is the fact that ukraine has once again hinted that they will attack russia's bridge to crime in a cabin military intel chief. this is carol booth and of made those comments off the he previously found to retake the peninsula. but of course had failed. a seizure was given away in moore, oklahoma. your folks doesn't have a bridge. what's not there? there is no bridge and her reservoir, but there's one in our walters and i don't want it to be there. i think you agree.
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you've talked about this more than once. i completely agree with, you know, the housing going well really begun. everyone is working on long range strikes and on this all this requires that say, is a comprehensive solution. the work is underway and shows can we expect any results in the near future? and what is the nearest future for you? from the near future to me is a few months funding. i would like it to be gone this year. i would like that to if it's the near future, then we'll see if there are chances. well, we're talking about pure terrorism. in this case, terrorism seems to be the essence of the officials of the key of regime at this point. and the terrorism seems to be the goal to option in the lives of 5 failures on the battlefield. and this has been happening for quite a long time. and that stands off on uh, russian spokesperson for the russian ministry of foreign affairs. 3 of the car
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about also pointed to the fact that there could be some for in meddling in this case. what is surprising is that he outlined the timeframe several months. isn't this part of the us selection campaign during which convincing evidence of the achievements of the white house and bunk of a must be presented together with the white house? they will write off another couple of 1000000000 dollars for this? americans cannot build anything and ukraine. neither bridges, no democracy, they just destroy it. well, let's just foreign ministry spokesperson. that's suggesting that keeps right. so clearly a bit of a peel campaign and one potentially for the us presidential election, which is only a couple of months away. do you think that they could also be a militarily just a military just vacation? well, absolutely not. so well, officials in ukraine all around the world have been constantly threatening the crime me a bridge that it has
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a military significance and it needs to be taken out completely despite the fact that it's used on a daily basis by thousands offer russians. holidaymakers, i was actually on the try me and bridge a couple of weeks ago, i went on a train there and back. absolutely. fantastic. nevertheless, they're planning to target that bridge who ukraine's the invoice of united nations . the survey just lead to, well he decided to make a joke about it. he posted on the ex, formerly spit or a picture of 6 different, 55. so bridges that exist in the world. and in terms of the, in the place of the crime in bridge, he put an empty space and wrote underneath, this is a crime, me a bridge. so this is a type of a rhetoric that they have now, or even the european officials sometimes are also using this type of rhetoric for reckoning. that's crazy and bridge will be blowing up. well, they didn't kind of but so despite all that rhetoric all over the world,
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if you will, against the crime being patient and it's that need for legitimate minutes for the target ukrainians themselves. their officials themselves are saying that in fact, it's not really administered, sorry, for example, ex folks person for the ukrainian need me. 3 pilots ensure he undermine the position of the crate. and officials and officials around the world, that's the crime in bridge is actually military. it's argued mistake of this, it is, own was not used to a military logistics, less than a quarter of the volume goes over. it's the rest and goes over the federal line. and it's not just racked right. so is it rather than because, you know, they have already targeted this bridge in the past multiple times? absolutely. well, indeed, the crimean bridge was attacked. a couple of those attacks were successful, of course, or it did lead to the demolition of the bridge and it led to a closure and inconvenience. and of course most importantly to civilians. if it's
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something that they're saying they're against, typically a desk. but obviously that happened like, for example, back in october of 2020 to laurie a truck was blowing up while it was going through inspection on, on the bridge back then at least 7 oil tankers. of a freight train were blown up, obviously, causing a lot of damage, of course, in july of last year, exactly year ago, uh to uh, naval a drones attacked bridge as well, trying to destroy it. it's, it destroyed supports of course. sometimes they succeed, of course, thrown in a global scale where the crime in the bridge was destroyed. but on a scale that brought the tragedy to regular civilians and inconvenience to travelers. i just want to give them that we've heard this rector, it coming out of key, i've whether you believe or think there's any evidence to suggest that tips weston allies could be involved in climbing, even conducting,
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coordinating such an attack on this bridge. enquire, man, both, 1st of all, let's take a look at the fact that ukrainian weapons are supplied largely by and these are countries the fact that so we discover those show fragments. so for weapons on a daily basis. well, for an officials, i know that far behind in the well revealing themselves, their true nature. for example, remember when of our editor in chief margarita seem on young people, she boasted a leak leasing between the german officials where they were just discussing the delivery all for german for as a rocket. so to ukraine and they were discussing the possibility offer whether it was a try, me and bridge should be struck or not that of course, we have needs of those transcripts public. i'll suggest that we'll take a listen to them right now. and also this, i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge. and the east is
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hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month. what would a torres attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur . but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. the russian representative of the un that was said, the you k also could be instrumental in supplying intelligence to ukrainians against russian targets, which as we have just explains,
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are far from military. so this is what we are dealing with right now. and we heard from maria's a harbor as well, whether in the next few months that gives great being bridge happens or not, remains that to be seen but so we already know what it will represent and other acts of terrorism, human and labor, ryan slowing down because of all, it says the by didn't, it's been this ration might see a funding to blow up the crime in break just being and it's volunteer for kamala harris in the upcoming presidential election. it is very clear that the west that is backing ukraine is obsessed with crimea, trying to get crime me a back into the western orbit. and it somehow things that blowing up the bridge will be a way to do that. so i'm not surprised, i'm sure it's being pushed by washington and by berlin. why does ukraine want to do
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this again because you cry and somehow wants to get crime me of that. can find western very mainstream western press reports in like from 12020 even say what i'm about to say in that is that people cry me and i have no desire to go back to you. they never wanted to be part of you divide and administration, obviously seizing crane as a very important issue in, in the election strategy. now for kamala harris, this is biden's war band. so they want to show some victories in that war. so far they haven't had any. and so, bombing, the climbing and bridge, i guess they would point to some kind of a victory. and they would hope that that would help with come all heiresses election. the west african nation and send the goal has summoned the queen and
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invested to explain care of support for rebel forces. fighting against the government of nearby molly in the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly by to our reg rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. ukraine seems to find itself and maybe yet another push, but this time in a completely parts of the world in africa, basically they are spearheading this idea that they are supporting di as militant anti government groups on that continent. in the latest incident that you've just
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mentioned, basically a ukrainian ambassador has been summoned up by the authorities of senegal, off the he posted on line a propaganda video that defy to send a very clear message, which is very much in line with the official position of cube, supporting a very bloody attack of the turing separatist, aided by a local uh, i'll tie the overshoot group against the molly in the army and the wagner group of fights has now just a quick break down. know as to what happened at the end of last month, the molly and governments vague intensified the push to retake a border town of tons. what time it's in the very north of molly, on the border with the neighboring algeria, is that push fail to essentially started to rental for a good start. but then the took rebels, they managed to draw a reinforcements and they kicked and they stopped. they basically stopped them all in so just body and soul just in the traps to how to them or to reinforce that.
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the group of the molly, an army, a ministry convoys sets of, well, it's the northern region of the country. that conflict consisted of the, again, of the molly and armed forces on the wagner group of sites as a very were ambushed by the 2 are a good set process. i'm to buy a local, all kind of affiliated j name and well that, that ambush was very successful. dozens of people were shown dead. many people were wounded. some were even captured by the 2 or grapples both wagner fighters and well under the soldiers of the malia and ami. shortly off to that ambush, 2 reports began to merge, suggesting that those 2 regret bulls on the outside of terrace. they did not act completely independently, apparently, some report suggested and very convincing the while as it was that they received the aid and assistance from well, you crave. then later,
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the ukrainian government went ahead to confirm those rumors. and essentially, it was revealed, at least the claim was made that the ukrainian forces are indeed providing intelligence, providing military assistance. and they are or even framing these 2 or grapples to for example, to flight come because he has to be drones or something that is very, very big and has something that has exploded here on the ukrainian battlefield while both literally and figuratively. again, this is not just, these are not just anonymous reports. this is something that the ukrainian officials have been happy to confirm have a listen. bishop of spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed him to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation again, so saw that have been no way that has been no way of confirming or rather just
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revealing and finding out the exact a lot of the support that the ukraine and forces are providing to various anti government groups in africa. and again, these official statements by the you created by ukrainian officials, they have be, they have to be treated with a pinch of sole because this narrative is very much favorable for kids. because of this allows them to push the idea and promote the idea that everything is so fine here on that home tough that they can actually afford to allocate resources to send them to completely different parts of the world. and to engage in operations that have the rushes, geo political interest in africa. so again, they the ukranian government, they, they could be over selling this to, but so far there's a lot of smoke and there's a lots of reports and information and evidence both direct and circumstantial.
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confirming that the ukraine is very much invested in what's going on in africa, the best supporting these anti government groups who are often affiliated with terrace. but one person has been reported wounded in a massive ukrainian drone just attacked that was mostly folded at defiance forces minus trends that move in 7 see of the drones as they were launched overnight. at 7 russian regions during the past night during the attempt by the key of regime to carry out a terrorist attack using unmanned aerial vehicles on objects of the territory of the russian federation. 36 aircraft type you avi's of last of 8 over, cursed 9 over belgrade, 17 over arial to over there was on region one u a v over the verona sh region. and the ease of c were intercepted and destroyed by air defense on duty by the seat and in the crescent, our region, the minister of the fest stated that the russian air defense forces have destroyed
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75 ukrainian drones in the russian territory. now ukrainian armed forces have carried out a massive attack within the russian federation, and especially the region of the stuff who has seen 55 ukrainian you avi's. now that is considered one of the most massive attacks that has happened in recent months. warehouses were damaged but no casualties have been reported quite near you. avi's also hit the audio, a region 2 of them hit the residential buildings, the damage on the residential building as well as the infrastructure is done. so let's take a look at the footage from that situation. sure, sure. sure. one on the
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in the course question, air defense continues to operate an age ukrainian. you avi's where shut down on top of that in the val garage region and then oil. the part was hit now the fire was extinguished very quickly. the way the alerts. regina was also introduced in a number of regions in the country, including a vote on is now this, the tech comes in mid you planes, heavy losses on the ground and according to the ministry of, as from july 27th, to august, 2nd of this year alone, the russian armed forces have carried out group strides with high precision weapons which have hit the military industrial complex of ukraine that carried out production and repair of armor vehicles, as well as storage areas for you. a bees amunition depots of ation weapons, missiles, and artillery. as well as temporary deployment points, 4 units uh, from the pointing on forces as well as the foreign mercenaries where hit during the
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week. 43 attacks where repelled by a rough shine. according to the ministry of defense, ukraine has lost over 2600 troops, as well as tanks armored vehicles and artillery. now we also know that russian artillery continues to destroy you estimate at brum tanks, as well as a german made leopard types. and the of 16 jets that the west was so eager to deliver it to you quiet. and it seems that those wouldn't be much to help on the ground either. and that is according to the family as folks 9 demitra bestcopy. and would you please major law says on the ground mass mobilization in the country continues, and that is despite the massive health that the country gets from its western allies, runs intelligence chief, has been reiterating the dates, his country g, t to avenge the assassination. all the homeless public bureau or chief smell honey as he was
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a guest intent on that one accusing is well of the killings that are on his side. once more, washington is complicit. the us gave a green light to the disgraceful assassination of her mazda pilot bureau. chief is smile, honey, a which was carried out by sinus invaders. it's a visa oscillation was followed by mass protests across lives. the nation's thousands also gather the tiniest burial in cattle on friday, the killing has prompted fees of a regional escalation already costco the class. she's our intent spine between israel and hezbollah in lebanon, also has been speaking space to be with a home, as representative integral. and this is kelly, could you do me the carpet? the recent defense in the region, western influence and palestinian politics a lot to get through, but very interesting to have a listen to what he had say, officer the visit to america
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a by then administration. they were telling us that they ups quote, directly to and it's in the all for stopping the general side. nothing you know has taken the green line and the signature. busy the assassination and feeling of the leaders in the all positions movements in the region from the us administration event is coming from everywhere and the was from everybody. a heart was loving is my money and loving, but a seed in edison. the book is the book, but it's really a big crime and they have to be punished for that. these sentiments cannot be too bye. so for the american intelligence is really intelligence we. we went over them because we are just and we are the right and they are the wrong of the american administration. it's happens that they all was have upgrades. i mean
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lincoln, i'm fucking boss. so because the, the national security advisor of the white house, who was say something and then we end with something else, even blinking himself was an ons up. he's going to discuss the ceasefire with the as riley administration of the times. why he is present instead of a we it top us up is righty. perpetrated, couples of mass that goes against innocent people. they all was sent some money to afford them and budgets so, but to give them more weapons, more destruction of a, towards against humanity of the been, this is the, the american administration. they say something, but they do something you all know is highly upcoming with the green light. the blessing of america today again, is really
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a itself is you might think the senior and the among themselves in a way that there today, nobody is save on the policy and is right, is attacking the so called peace process is rate is attacking over westbank over gaz up over for our thoughts and deals of them. they are attacking the scene and people outside f. l. a. scene and borders. the international community got us in atmosphere to implement the democratic norms of, of the as any people in the world as any fees for the nation. and the was, it's, and it's going to ride in the, in the new millennium, or any nation lobby its own election, but its own with this right is impeding such processes. we are expecting that we will go united all the way again. so our enemy and the political opprobrium in the administrative body do i lived in the sufferings of all people, boys and girls on horseback? original tensions, of course, that india to cancel it's flights to is well,
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several of the major airlines, both american and european and also suspended flights to inform the country. that's well, how much has been cooling for the day of over whelming and go over the recent killings we've been speaking with were tied in. do you know, i mean, major general, who says it over here, just leave danger, rest flying over that region right now. everybody's hoping that will be cooling down of them for this region. this and being fed something little do enjoy that them plus board own that some sort of, you know, a going send me it shouldn't comes about. but the only way you can been dandy as a guarantee is, you know, to be able to, to have your rate of the, to be able to track and the project as to have some sort of, you know, uh you did have some sort of a defense cover with them to prevent any damage to any a problem, but it's extremely difficult to do, you know, to play across the way the
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a with data midsize and project status planning. and we just click don't flight up . and so you also. busy know that there was a gift many years ago, whereas a nation and like it's like, like, do malaysia i think from holland was shot don't all the, by a jewelry divided decided i'll just say right, has condemned is, was claim that it's journalists killed in goals. this week were actually how myself positives the do a basic needs network says the accusation is baseless and it's used to cover up what it cools, heinous crimes. alger 0 and media network strongly refutes. the baseless allegations made by these really occupation forces in an attempt to justify it's deliberate killing. of our colleagues, journalist is male algo, and he's companion, cameraman, and remy elder bracy. the network condemned to accusations against this correspond . that is no,
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i'll go without providing any proof documentation or video highlights israel's long keys for fabrications and false evidence used to cover up its heinous crimes. while also the 9 journalist from around the world access to the causes trip to report on the, to a reconfirming to terms and conditions and the suffering of philistines in gaza as well according to the light dates, employees that you can see here. what killed in that call and an idea of strike on wednesday, that despite the fact that the call had a press insignia on it, they were at the shockey refugee camp neighborhood to report from the golf and time of how much day the smell had it. they didn't been killed in iran. now dozens of the colleagues came to the funeral, expressing we've been holding press posters in that hands. now members of the press who regularly web bullet proof vests in this region, this is to protect them from the combust environment. remove that protection during the funeral ceremony, now they notice that they will not be silenced and they will continue to cover the
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reality of what's happening in garza. unfortunately, this case does not stand alone as a number of journalists kills continues to increase. know, according to a report from the committee to protect during this, over a 100 have been killed. this is just since october of last year. it also notes and does since have been wounded and even more has been arrested at the hands of idea forces. well, we've been hearing from nasa abu baccha, who's the heads of the palestinian during the syndicates. he says that the killing of john list aims to intimidate them from reporting the truth in the city. and the woman who went to isolate palestinian journalists to kill them. and prevent them from conveying the truth and what the palestinian people are suffering from. in this more of genocide, with the palestinian media is subjected to these really occupation authorities to monopolize the narrative of rise,
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deception and falsification of the international public opinion for decades. we're confident that this criminal occupation is planning more crimes and massacres against pals, meaning journalists, the occupation operates on 2 principles, propaganda lies. and falsification. this is the strategic basis in all directions just as the target. they want to continue the occupation and keep confirming their narrative with more false stories and incitement in hatred. they know very well that the image is coming out of gaza, stir public opinion, and refute the narrative of lies, deception, and falsification of the occupation. we, as journalists are in a battle, they consider themselves in a battle against us to intimidate us from conveying the truth about their crimes. they knew very well that without the support of the american administration in its partnership with this occupation in its crimes against the palestinian people, they know very well that they are ostracized and isolated,
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standing alone in the corner, and that the whole world is against their crimes and with the freedom and independence of the palestinian people, it is a wide range and comprehensive war against the policy and media. whether in the west bank, jerusalem, or beloved gaza. it is a comprehensive war. by all means with lies, deception, killing intimidation laws, regulations, arrests, and all forms of press freedom restrictions be any publication in banning palestinian content. not just want to take you to germany when masses of people have been taking to the street to the lane for a peace. wiley, quoting for him, need it, and to the new queen combs like that. she can see from the pictures huge crowds gathered for the event, holding up signs and chanting. m t was sl oh goodness, this is as they mount soon as the german capital, many of the purchase said that they went to the german government to stop supplying weapons to ukraine and stopped supporting more peace talks with russia.
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well, thanks very much for your company will be back with the global news update at the top of the next style. but do say, hey, with this an ot as you've been another chance to watch from cracking documentary. this is following the 114 book aid, the russian forces. they were preparing to take half the at the just the, what is it the government, the lives down but goes to the port. i'm going to do louisa might know that as of so the team go we just want talk one years old. the .


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