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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, as you create in the hands, it's got process page decry via his process. moscow points to potential us involvement the head of the upcoming election standard goals. somebody degrades ambassador to explain why keep supporting rebel forces dividing molly's government. thousands have gathered at all. yes. so if you square chanting freedom, it's apollo stein, continuing the solidarity with the policy and people are huge radi and as symbol draws massive crowds onto the streets this and that continues over the assume these ready kenning of the box, the to the
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why. this is our team to national reaching you live from id center in moscow? i a michael quarter. now ukraine has once again hit dead, hit intends to destroy the bridge, making the russian main line to the crime in the peninsula of a one and came from the key of military entail. chief who has previously made his intention clear that he wants to retake the territory. say there was given why a war from it doesn't have a breach. what's not there? there's no breach in horizontal war, but there is one in our water. and i don't want that to be there. i think you agree . you've talked about more than once. i completely agree with you. how's it going? when will it be gone? everyone is working on long range strikes. and on this, all of this requires, let's say, a comprehensive solution. the work is underway. kind of expect any results in the near future. and what is the nearest future for you in your future? for me is a few months. i would like it to be gone this year. i would like that to if it's
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the near future, then we'll see there are chances with the servers and seems to be the essence of the officials of the key of regime at this point. and the terrorism seems to be the goal to option in the lives of failures on the battlefield. and this has been happening for quite a long time. and that stands off on russian know spokesperson for the russian ministry of foreign affairs. the re is a car, but i also pointed to the fact that there could be some for in meddling in this case. what is surprising is that he outlined the timeframe several months. isn't this part of the us selection campaign during which convincing evidence of the achievements of the white house and bunk of a must be presented together with the white house? they will write to us another couple of $1000000000.00 for this? americans can not build anything and ukraine, neither bridges nor democracy. they just destroyed ukraine's. the invoice of united
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nations i say, gave just lead to, well, he decided to make a joke about it. he posted on the ex, formerly spit or a picture of the 6 different 5 besides the bridges that exist in the world. and in terms of the, in the place of the crime in bridge, he put in an empty space and wrote underneath. this is a crime me a bridge. so this is a type of a rhetoric that they have now or even the european officials, sometimes arts, but also using disciples for rhetoric, for reckoning. that's crazy and bridge will be blowing out. well, rushes foreign ministry spokesperson suggesting that keeps right. so clearly a bit of a peel campaign and one potentially for the us presidential election, which is only a couple of months away. do you think that they could also be a militarily, jo ann military justification. oh, absolutely. not so well,
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ukraine use themselves, their officials themselves are saying that in fact, it's not really a military target. for example, ex folks person for the ukrainian need to meet the replay to ensure he undermined the position of your trade in officials and officials around the world. that's the crime in bridges actually military, it's argued the 2nd this is home was not used to military logistics. less than a quarter of the volume goes over its the rest and goes over the federal line and it's not just racked right. so is it well then, because you know, they have already targeted this bridge in the past multiple times. absolutely. well indeed, the crime in bridge was attacked. a couple of those attacks were successful. of course it did lead to a demolition of the bridge and it led to a closure and inconvenience and of course most importantly to civilians. if it's something that they're saying they're against similarly invested. but obviously that happened like, for example, back in october of 2020 to laurie
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a truck was blowing up while it was going through inspection on, on the bridge the back then at least 7 oil tankers. a freight train were blowing up, obviously, causing a lot of damage, of course, in july of last year, exactly year ago, uh, to uh, naval a drones attacked bridge as well, trying to destroyed its destroyed supports. of course, sometimes they succeed, of course, on a global scale where the crime in the bridge was destroyed. but on a scale that brought the tragedy to regular civilians and inconvenience to travelers. i just wanted to give them that we've heard this rector, it coming out of key, i've whether you believe or think there's any evidence to suggest that kids weston allies could be involved in climbing, even conducting, coordinating such an attack on this bridge. inquire, may i remember when of our editor in chief marguerite, as the money on the wall,
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she posted a leak. it's a pleasing between the german of the socials where they were just discussing the delivery all for german 4 as a rocket. so to ukraine and they were discussing the possibility of whether it was a try, me and bridge should be struck or not. and i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough. and we need to have an idea of how it might work. a russian representative of the u. n. that was said the u. k. also, it could be instrumental in supplying intelligence to ukrainians against russian targets, which as we have just explains, are far from military. so this is what we are dealing with right now. and we heard
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from maria's a harbor as well. whether in the next few months, so that i can give greg being bridge happens or not, remains that to be seen but so we already know what it will represent. another act of terrorism by human and labored lives long. i've done corvalle one this eve, the bind administration might think a successful attack on the bridge would play well ahead of november's election. it is very clear that the west that is backing ukraine is obsessed with crimea, trying to get crime me a back into the western or of it. and it somehow things that blowing up the bridge will be a way to do that. so i'm not surprised. i'm sure it's being pushed by washington and by berlin. why does ukraine want to do this again? because you crane somehow wants to get crime me of that. can find western very mainstream western press reports in like from 12020 even say what i'm about to say
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in that is that people cry me and i have no desire to go back to you. they never wanted to be part of you divide and administration, obviously seizing crane as a very important issue in, in the election strategy. now for kamala harris, this is biden's war. and so they want to show some victories in that war so far they haven't had any. and so, bombing, the climbing and bridge, i guess they would point to some kind of a victory. and they would hope that that would help with come all heiresses election. now the west african nation of senegal has some of the ukrainian ambassador to explain key of support for rebel forces fighting against the government of neighboring molly. of the ministry of foreign affairs has learned
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with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly by to our rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. ukraine seems to find itself and maybe yet another push, but this time to complete the parts of the world in africa. basically, they are still having this idea that they are supporting di as militant anti government groups on that continent. in the latest incident that you've just mentioned, basically a ukrainian ambassador has been summoned up by the authorities of senegal, off the he posted on line a propaganda video that defy to send a very clear message, which is very much in line with the official position of cube, supporting
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a very bloody attack of the turing separatist, aided by a local uh, i'll tie the offshoot group against the molly in the army and the wagner group of fights has now just a quick break down. know as to what happened at the end of last month, the molly and governments they intensified the push to retake a boat, the town of tonnes. what time it's in the very news of molly on the boat. it was a neighboring algeria that push fail to essentially started to rentals for a good start. but then the took rebels, they managed to drill reinforcements and they kicked out of a stop. they basically stopped them all in so just body and soul just being the tracks to how to them or to reinforce that. the group of the molly, an army, a ministry convoys sets of, well, it's the northern region of the country. that conflict consisted of the, again,
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of the molly in the armed forces and the wagner group of sites as a very were ambushed by the 2 rigorous sub process and by a local, all kind of affiliated gene them. and uh, well that, uh, that ambush was very successful. dozens of people were shown dead. many people were wounded. some were even captured by the 2 or grapples both wagner fighters and well under the soldiers of the malia and ami. shortly off to that ambush. 2 reports began to merge, suggesting that those 2 regret bulls on the outside of terrace. they did not act completely independently. apparently, some report suggested and very convincing the while as it is that they received the aid and assistance from well, you crave. and then later, the ukrainian government went ahead to confirm those rumors and essentially it was revealed that please the claim was made that the ukrainian forces are indeed
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providing intelligence, providing military assistance. and they are also even framing these took rebels to, for example, to flight coming. kazi has to be drones or something that is very, very big and has something that has exploded here on the ukrainian battlefield while both literally and figuratively. again, this is not just, these are not just anonymous reports. this is something that the ukrainian officials have been happy to confirm have a listen. bishop of spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed him to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation again, so saw that have been no way that has been no way of confirming or rather just revealing and finding out the exact a lot of the support that the ukraine and forces are providing to various anti
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government groups in africa and again of these official statements by the you created by ukrainian officials. they have be, they have to be treated with a pinch of sole because this now it is very much favorable for kids because of this allows them to push the id and promote the idea that everything is so fine here on that home. tough that they can actually afford to allocate resources to send them to completely different parts of the world and to engage in operations that have the rushes, geo political interest in africa. so again, they the ukranian government, they, they could be over selling this to, but so far there's a lot of smoke and there's a lot of reports and information and evidence both direct and circumstantial. confirming that the ukraine is very much invested in what's going on in africa that they have supporting these anti government groups who are often affiliated with the
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terrace. all ukraine may be battling on the front lines and it's war with russia, but it's also fighting to keep its economy afloat. that's as a ratings agency stand of them pause, downgraded it's international, attractive rating as key of struggles to pay its bonds. now another leading agency of fits followed suit, saying that you cranes deal with some you're a bond to hold as marks that thoughts of a default like process. i comes as the international money to fund, also recently, downgrade the country's economic outlook about rocks and the tax on its energy infrastructure. and that's while proving a lot of support payments to help the how about some european politicians of question does, who's benefiting from all the cash this means 2 things. we will be forced to pay even more. they will tell us that this is for the salvation of ukraine and of course for peace. but in fact,
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this will obviously be done in order to fatten up several large private creditors in particular black rock, who have been spending their lives in ukraine since 2022. they will achieve their goal, a massive transfer of money to enrich them, to get their hands on all the wealth of the country, in particular, its lands without losing a single sent a joint list and the editor of margaret b dot org martin j believes that you create and faces a huge economic recession. as a result of the war, the country's broke is always nice, you know, and in the, the consequences. the implications of the downgrades means that it would be very, very hard for the premiums for the government defense key to go to the international markets and borrowing money at normal rates. because now you've been downgraded to s t, which is one below junk rating. so it's going to be very hard for the payments to
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move forward and go into the marketplace. now i'm also very skeptical though about the timing of this. and now these agencies are taking so long to come to this. i mean, they, they really should have been the georgia should have given me, you're trying to be writing a junk raging long time ago. so i think there is some public supply here because the agencies tend to be in cahoots with west of the leads. and so it's to, to their advantage and to the west as volunteers that we keep the whole machine going. so i think there's a certain amount of skepticism over this rating, but i'm in practical terms. it's not too good for the economy. it's just sinking for pick combo anymore, and i've seen, can't get, it's got a huge public sector debt, so that comp pay salaries us the next thing i think we should be looking for is, is, is public sector salaries and ministry salaries of the wide dogs of of piece of beat on permanent display. ok. a raleigh in. but in the was crowds calling for an
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add to the war. renew. trade. demonstrate those march through the job. i mean capital holding up signs and charging and to wa slogans that some cold for the government to stump supplying weapons to key of an instead, push for peace talks with russia as the hungary is a foreign minister that has lost out new restrictions by ukraine on the tacit of russian crude oil to budapest and baptist lava caving the brussels has been pulling the strings a few weeks ago the key of holt at the delivery of oil from a russian energy joined to the hungry in slovakia through the induced ball pipeline, it responds would have passed the keys, its neighbour of blackmail, and threatening to block the block, b. e. use defense funds until the restrictions are lifted. high above raso said, a saw new threats to hunger is energy security and offered to replace the last oil via croatia. but that prompted the country as far administered to claim that the
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european commission was showing weakness and turning a blind eye to what was going on about. let's discuss this situation with senior research fellow had the global policy institute . george saw me on the georgia. i'm glad to have you join me now. now the big draft of the about ukraine has been if halting the supply of oil through the russian pipeline for more than 2 weeks already. so why have old efforts to resolve this situation? failed so far as well as things um the hun gary info administer as you go just him gives a very good explanation. it's obvious that if the you were genuinely in the business of protecting its member states, then it would act in accordance with its principles and above all, in accordance with the uh,
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the association agreement that ukraine signed with a he you in 2014, according to what you and ukraine cannot start imposing sanctions that penalize e u member states, but the u hasn't done it. and so c r so is saying, well, i can't believe that the e u is so weak that it's unable to co us ukraine. you hold all the cards in his hands because it's ukraine that desperately wants to joined the the you. it's like a great favor that was done to ukraine to allow it to begin negotiations to was membership. so what's going on here? uh, well, obviously is the you, it's so the cooked up this little scheme according to which ukraine imposes the sanction the gainesville lube oil, say the lube oil, where you've gone transit, the, your oil across ontario tray. and of course,
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that means that hungary and so that i can now no longer have oil going through the doors, but pipeline, and bits of this, the behind it all stands, the e u, which is very annoyed about the or bonds um foreign policy. all right, now the hong gary and foreign minister says that brussels me actually stand behind the prices, but end up proves to be true. what does it mean for the entire i could texture of the european union? well, it shows that the, essentially the european union, i cannot really do anything other than to use caution against the it's member states. i mean, i have to keep in mind that the whole point of the european union is that it should be a uh, coming together of states, a moving towards
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a common goal. and that's why you have a, a foreign policy that can only be pursued by unanimity. then that was if the european union, the use of foreign policy, it has to be the foreign policy, all 27 member states. but obviously it's not doing that because hunger in slovakia clearly are in strong disagreements with the foreign policy, particularly towards russia and the war in ukraine that the bureaucracy is pursuing. and so what, what's the result to that rather than try to come to some kind of a consensus, it's through use coalition against hunger and still want to care well that you can only do that for a limited amount of time because sooner or later the member states are going to say, well, if you don't represent us, if you are pursuing a phone policy that is clearly not in our interest, then what's the point of continuing to be in the you?
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exactly, and i believe these are some of the things britain saw and we let to breaks it in the 1st instance. now aside from everything, this is quite a serious accusation. so what are the chances escalates into legal action for either of the sites as well? it's quite possible because i mean hungry is making the case that the ukraine is violating the association agreement with the you and of course it is violating that association agreement. so yeah, i mean it's going to be a legal case, but it goes, powering will suffer because obviously this is going to lead to raising of, um, energy prices. so winter is um on its way and hunger ariens are going to uh, have very costly heating bills and, and that's bought the pressure that the was trying to apply against hungry. so the hung, arians get very annoyed, and then i going to speak to was victor or bon,
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who was clearly a bane of in the assault in the side of the us. so that's, that's the goal that the home guarantee is going to suffer this winter because the, as well as say that, uh, the uh, the, the, he was telling him the home guarantee that was you. well, never mind about the goose but, well, pipeline. why don't you work with croatia like, you know, get the oil through grow a sure. well of course, that's much, much more expensive than getting the oil um through the doors, but pipeline, and that's what i don't guarantee that i've said to the youth. this isn't any solution because the transit fees through crow aisha are about 5 times as great as the ones through doors the and the uh, the bike lines, roof pro aisha. it doesn't have anything like the capacity of uh, of course, but the glacier hasn't done any proper maintenance. and it's not
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a solution for the user. well, we're not really very interested. you better go and, you know, negotiate something but somebody or other. all right, now the check republic also receive it's either through the same pipeline, but it has said not big about losing it supplies. so what is really going on here? well the checkerboard because generally um, unlike hungary in slovakia has a full them into line with the e u foreign policy and is being told that hey, you have got to keep in line. and so that's why they basically check republic has been, uh botox, but yeah, i mean them, they're obviously a good yourself, but as much as the 100 years of a 100, they not as much but they do, you know, this is obviously going to hurt them. it was an interesting aspect of is, is hungry is yet not taking this of a nuclear option,
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which is to impose sanctions against the ukraine. and that one would be that we could simply say, we're not taking any more refugees. but another aspect could be that when i was going to explore any refine oil products to ukraine, you know, diesel, which of the brain needs? well, it's times and we're not going to export electricity to ukraine. so that will sorts of things that hungry can do. um, to make life difficult for you, prince, but i think the hon guarantee haven't yet. um, push that button because it's, it's the e u that is really annoying. that i guess that's the use of a getting up rather than pm. all right, now, according to some reports, the defense funds for ukraine, the hungary sector block, supersedes the amount of money in russia gets from its or less puts the hungry annually about it. and that is the case. what's the overall sense or key of to risk
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receiving process money? well, i mean the, the, the, the, the, you will get the will get money to the ukraine. i mean that, that will be done. i mean, the, i'm guarantee i will try to make life difficult to try to stop some of this money. i'm going to the through this to the piece for some of the day. but if you will get the money to the ukraine and the you will compensate member space for the weapons that they send to the ukraine. i mean, i think that will be done, but that would have to do that. they don't have fun. have to find all kinds of maneuvers um to get around hunger is a fee so, but they've done that before and they're going to do that again. all right, we have to leave you here now george samuel, the i senior research fellow have global policy institute. thank you so much for
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your insight. thank you very much. to the middle is now the rod and has a duty to respond. and that's a warning from the countries intelligence chief and read the rates a message repeated there. heard from officials into ron, following the assassination of a mass needed there. on wednesday, the us gave a green light to the disgraceful assassination of her mazda pilot bureau. chief is smiled, honey a, which was carried out by scientists invaders. now, the assassination incited mass protest throughout the muslim world. thousands, also a gap at that time. he is burial in katara on, on friday. or the killing has prompted fears of a regional escalation already across the border. clashes have intensified between these rather than 11 on thousands also gathered up to radi. here in the tech is city of a stumble from where our t z, i see they can send this report, the gather all your stuff, you square chanting freedom,
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its apollo stein continuing the solidarity with a pallet, assuming and people, but also essentially greeting hum us now this is a, an interesting outtake because we understand that the people here today are essentially protesting these rarely government. in this campaign it goes to the palestinians and gaza. they're here, especially in support of hamas in one way or another. but many here are also here before the essentially position that the turkish government is taking and that is of course, against the is where the government's campaign and in support of the palestinians. there was also a diplomatic role on the social media platform. x is really the form is a cost issue, the statement targeting the charge as president and essentially tied to the mirror is stumble that can be modeled as well. this led to an interesting back and forth circus. officials responded to that statement about the mirror to stumble. a sense essentially is the as a misdemeanor, but he's an opposition leader figure. and this is of course interesting because he
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responded to the, to the statement saying that you targeted the presidency. you targeted the nation and the flag, and these are of course and things that just we won't accept. and we set a says that we will not take lessons of democracy in law from a country that essentially kills countless of in his account is innocent people and civilians. and this was an interesting response from the is some of them there. and of course is rarely so i'm not yet responded, but the is where the government always really officials could not see the support that it was hoping to get. and the people that are gathered here today are essentially showing that position as well. we understand that those that have gathered here today are here for a number of different reasons. are political reasons diplomatic reason. but another reason is, of course, religious reasoning. the one of the people that i spoke to said that the religion of a slot is resembling that of a body. and if any one part of that body gets hurt and the other part of the body feels it, and that's why they're here today as a part of the pot of sending people and in protest of these, we have the government for what they've been doing over the course, most of the above the course of the past year. but that is the update best i'm
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a see you again, the most derbies of the top of the by not the just the list them but go to the portal because they're deliveries of my that and that's of so the team go we just want talk one years old the the .


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