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tv   Documentary  RT  August 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

6:30 pm
the stats of the smart tv, no data, neither easy. so we may still want to sell and store dad's house in the systems, the just the, the much need some nazi the so he's not, you know what the, some of the to to, to the, to, to, to be sure to the know that the police click on this, the middle of this one isn't usable for, for the for the my zoom in to do it is tuesday so. so what else to do for them is too much of this is bruce also. so i don't know if that was that just signed up yet,
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but then most of them will your dishes because, but in my zone mean should you went to the delta via except your national yeah. smart tv. smart tv body. and you do so you, do you sort of see what all this this of this but the thing though is they use this for you. what's out in the photograph to you? what as a room, and you said suddenly you seemed pretty much it would be like those come the, you know, when everything was the front of the, the desk of the does it because i'm so glad you doing was gives the was suspicious of that. as i said that you pay for the work as the see above associated with him.
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sums of bull much is as little as those little federal. she's the head also do squint the price source, just meeting the truck to deliver it would so the the some of the ship, something new i see is the small, you know, just the, what is it the government the lives down. but gosh, what the foot board i'm going to do. louisa might know that you've still got a team go we just want talk one years old
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the, you know the about the do you use to live on how many, how much i need to place you on the beauty of the good of which is the plan
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as well as the the to do so. so the the the, the the
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the the so none
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of them do not have the ability to do it. no, no, no, no, no no i if i want to do that. yeah, the problem the doing the fundraiser. but i'm not sure that the student why you should have videos, the sheriffs are going
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to do it. oh, the junior sure . the infinity edition, the, you just pay the, the, the, this is that i'm going to, this is the, the something i'm sorry, i didn't use those much done with dm's. i need to as the answer to buy a new new brand new for me. it's a good,
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as long as i look for the song i left at the sinews and the best. most of the nice thing is i can't read you nation you for so, but you may have just, you can use the you should really good. this was done and let you know, so we have to send you the previous stage to purchase the the new process you to and you have the chance of the car. so there's no more use um do you just have super my new carpet but so do you really got interested in the overflowing cuz i guess cuz the flex submitted. so why did you want to set you up with somebody on the 3rd will see and you said, you mean that'd be the most stuff we should for the fluid. and unless something pulled up, i just didn't understand what, what else with all the, the
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other stuff to go through the of the surface, the rooms it be. so i'm sure it's not what you can show me as something like i searching for new stuff. this nice thing is students coming from. and so we were a mere us for jump to the numbers the sooner than that though they didn't do it. whereas the video video, yeah we number, they were slow. so the question is i, i need to get another solution. so i'd like to skip
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the show i want to, but it's been, these are my those. so again it's because these are not yet to you. i was not the sort of of the set that up in you know, the the
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on the side he just got out of the the non chose to be able to cover the sparkling sounds good for me to go with this on because you may have specialist will be able to get it? no, i just saw him on thursday just of yeah, but let me bring him up for sure. no worries for this. quote the 30 much for holding we request a simple schedule and should send in good corvettes or what's your thought? we should, this is shoulder center. mann middle electric assess says appear to be like i
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said like you're going to get a fusion. awesome. so i'm hoping to sort of scroll across the gloss and used to do a previous visit. our church mart summer. so some of the less the less but another so that's kind of so be so so competing in the who to call you can reach us, go to the feeling. believe me didn't be some political good in austin, texas. and we want something where you can you find the people that was the most of the look only of each because a book at the savannah subjects, the process. see what are the tools to a categories are going to start a custom build menu. it i'm looking for i have the rest of them use of just the tab here. the establishment of the boxes for his email is been in 1933. the
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position of the engage in his popular is in, in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically, especially in angola. dictator, antonio de, i live at uh, salazar, encourage, colonizing the end goal in lands by europeans. and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961, there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese, in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race riots took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angola rose in an armed rebellion . the rude jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, portuguese only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war
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colonial aircraft regularly use ne fall, and dropped the fully in san peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the plazas, freezing, and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the l bore agreements were assigned, and the country gained independence after so many years of the brutal war, the, the the, the standard, it's godaddy. i view it for you. which
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is the exclusive i will get you the a full just the full list. that's pretty, you know, the only thing is a, for no reason is the cause of, i guess it was what was, what are some of the how do they do this in my because it was, it was like you folks you should go to do if you go to school. so i just thing is a bit i'm. she was full just curious because when it went off. uh huh. when i showed you that more more that the younger those easy. mm hm. how's it was?
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let me put some, some of you. i'm the info the new lives can yes. that i read just bloody some of the additional good about 25 years of the yes. so the to the person accused was in the football room. felicia bore. i'm going to create. this is one version. that's what we do much with the same one that as much i use this in the system or if it did as a model to do much. and i did say that and you said you funding supposed to do? what do you see me have a funny question says why it wasn't my way to go home. i pulled at the movie. i used to get them to associate most start me a new to solve this. i've got thought it just oh no problem with the so when you bought so much, couple of them and you can brand new people over solution. you should the new support point the month lease. so it will result of what you were you. it was
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really see, show me was any possibility of moving this way and we'll wait for it, but it's in the mean. yeah, it is. it is. i lost it slipped through the use of what i find the for them. i brought the numerous from the notice of the phone number the the, the date will be the motion soon. i will dismiss on the 23 of the young wasn't seeing me. i just mean sort. i'm going to fax the motion that would you want to. there's a new school blessing it has brought in a few weeks. i just want you to be ready to punch it out of the elect volume. all good. good to see where you put the stop the
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stop again going dealers and you, but it is a lot shows up, but also the dump of business, but since he's new the which is loose, the wheeler can your cell lose the keys? so it's cause of, it's not a deal, but the least of glass can mind to them in the proceeds, indicates many boy and can't do it worked well. both look at the bugs up is but i'm with the job done with, but i'd say, and i get pretty good about this, but bad gram, the z load the site or the skills is there any particular conditions that i've assist? leasing is always to give them your way so some of the above the home feels murder stubs that that to fall explain most most of i knew
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that you those, if you said to use it sky, so that daily because it did, of course it can give it a lot of this stuff so i need to do that. so i'm going to send you you but you but the new mode, the team we will need this up. do be because you do have kids to you can you include the media video box the use cause
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the size of 2000000 to just pull it because the the, the sites the, you know, so most know because that might ask them and do the same. what was the 1st song or so, but that was the show me just on the phone. so to
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the, to hey is these do this to you but also the multiplan you have we have where you have bill a good it. you know, if it always is about the problem is there is no good for you that you move. the blue is pretty, you know, the, the, the, the news, the, the please. so for the 1st
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ones based on the job. so what is your consultation level from that i knew that i just woke up with the top of the
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the washing of the field. because most of the the
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the of the wrong guy use the most of the best bombs on phones to go to the list of them. so get bunch of 9 digit, but as long as you click on this will go to the icon. oh, go go to. so the, the model is guess someone's interested because the one that you saw
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above up i got the, the billy sooner the wanted to know more money to pay on was it done? go to his right. its like it was on the zillow, was it because she was so she wants to go to the yeah, well, the gym, that the bill and nobody even interest you something people like to watch the girl who's fine. yes, i do so because i took them. 2 to go to. 8
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the condition i bought the shovels, i did not smile as the lessons. there are so many of services. i'm sick. give this a little know it is. it was a buzz back on monday. moved into the got the 1st initial come, i didn't really reassemble it, but the most of them just by watching the the,
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the man is going to go to church are the but david by the 3 do the know me. i don't know that, but i must have just dealing with something and i'm sure you have to show you as long as you're done with this bill. it was one of the students, richard the familiar with the village church. just just
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shoot me an opportunity to the the there was a time when i started to was abused. do the clean power, steve bided the continental block for time monks themselves. it was divided as
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a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step in 8 foot the mazda clinton, and can never be stopped. because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the set. all right, so now click on the good time full on let us confess about underground east the mazda, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
7:00 pm
the, the, as the green hands, its got ross has the brakes to columbia. he lives across has moscow points to potential us involvement ahead of the upcoming election. the goal, somebody's the trains and basset to explain why. key of is supporting rebel forces fighting. molly's government. thousands have gathered all your sophia squared, chanting freedom. it's apollo stein, continuing the solidarity with a policy and people are to lobby. and the stumble draws. mazda and proud is also this priest, as under continues over the assume that he's really killing of a have miles lead to the


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