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tv   Documentary  RT  August 4, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

12:00 am
the, the the, the sultan tells me, use loaded up to 15000 people in bed incoming, your muscle, left of 6 days. the salton says victims have death ropes. the, the heads will cut off, placed on sticks like soldiers on parade, on the
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details. me your troops, hundreds of each victims, so you could keep a tale of how many they had killed on payson court. the can at the end of that moving appeal reverie, our true istic sentiment. the statute, luminous and terrifying. like a flash of light menu, necessarily sky fix them, and for the brutes fuel my cic connie, is to, because you to p as in africa at the time introductory, just 9 months to purchase machines in 10000 in a single day on demand. the and then with the, the germans. what about to begin? what they called the annihilation of the around me and then comes on
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my journey with joseph. come up again. the belgian congress were reducing the african population by 10000000 in the a little while i not got any boots. i really do good. and the degree and i know the i to get those who got to do the okay, let me call godaddy to say, oh, good thing. and really that is the cut down. go to what i mean. then jimmy hall is younger as l y s as well, and they did the i is going to come in and look at you and think you've done with them and you're considering the link i came, i did to you look, attend, thank you. how can and then some wood uh where, what uh, what, uh. okay, well i would have to get them picked up would be at the golf dot com,
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the little kitchen to say on kind of bass a suit a duck. yeah. okay. but i can go over time again with the global ticket. the one with the l a. w 18, the sound kind of gufferson. zach of ways you quote and i come up and talk with uh, fluttering. sometimes it says it was to go to them or would you like a lot of conditions go would have to go to i told him i don't. why? because he's not causing the wound up in future. she knows, you know, kind of have a good d, v. a. do a lot, don't. well, in the very box vision of my to you because it just the one divided id some or the and seen it done with the human. so by the dba, who are you the actually you might know i could see more or
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a few more about work actually, i'm a god. yeah, new normal them, but in jeeps. cheated. that i will get that much to be as i'm bible good stuff that i see got. but when i see somebody to guides you need it. and then that's who really i'm guess for the screws and cream quantities you might need to. and cream key is the mtv just does the one thing in the end. you can see minutes at the bottom of the window in the woods and it was also went to me. so i'll try to get my homework. well,
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i know maybe i may be best suited to discuss a few subjects for the economy. one of remembrance for a william turned upside down, the idea that i'm on his he includes me, my smooth bit to sign the light on history. the world has, besides the, the, the,
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oh my god, god, god, god, god, god, god, job to the
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route to connie is thinking very easy to photo, a wrecked glow in the sky and at the village. but i think so many destroyed by 4 days called on the the greeks of course, the terrible site, the little girls hanging from the tree at the entrance to cut that dangling feet north off to the french officer to
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the just as comrades to pick to madison to stop cups so now clause is closing in on you to my station, my liver, my everything below the thing was to know what he belonged to. how many powers of douglas claimed him for their own. i was going to dismiss invited, fully managed to discover that is a schema come to see the glory of a captive like me. i would sooner sacrifice my life. that sub needs to be too many, jason, and surrender my position. the plan
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covers on this threshold. great c. depleted in a voice of longing, wistfulness of tone. make my blood run cold for face to face the club with zullie here at the village of the inquiry. it was july 14th, the french national holiday. for the next, the so called drama, the inquiry was strange and anything comrade had imagined the indian the having the mean? yeah. or the one in many everyone to any of the i've been the yeah. yeah. yeah. i'm the one then she wants to go. so i'm going to get a, uh,
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well not, not, and then. yeah. what chicago late design was on punch. it wasn't under some of late uh once. it got entitled because of the club and julie came face to face just outside the village. it was 7 30 am on by steel de diagrams thrown by eye. witnesses detailed, the 2 men's positions, the gods, the wastes of his weary brain, the whole shudder, weak images. now images of wilson fame party. so i tell you, is it gone mad? listen the
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just 60 meters separated people from the madison to stop 60 meters between life and the or since i am peeped over the edge myself, i understand better the meaning of his to that could not see the flame of the candle, but it was wide enough to embrace the whole universe piercing enough to penetrate all hearts, that beach in the darkness he had summed up,
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he had judged on the credit. so that no of the loop only prestone isn't much good. that showed us cuz a couple of people don't leave for the long as we sort of loose. and for some reason that we're going to know what else about the project just struck with nature started using
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boom. does it deal to deal with that was on the was the the, the
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the the man trump died instantly. and unlike foolish, countless african victims, he gets his own memorial circus at home. when was it that i'm going to push it don't was who for the the
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president was, you know, somebody from the news. the she barbara, she said no. got you to the demon. i'm under the impression with either doc or somebody signed the auction with uh the, the after you kill clump,
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there's no way back to you like to use it to shoot this logic of colonial quest for to have to come a single to go private possession unless you have the episode, racist i would specifically use it because i am a black chief, the king of like job i am the french man. i am in a free can like you the that's the evening. some of us i freaked on such and decided to break drunk and put and then took up the envelope. crazy planned but he fled under heating the boy all night just before the on the phone. he is the age of the village of my junky window of scouts, shutting dead to bullets with the head, the body to human,
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to support the game video immediately. so then the, what do you set? don't say to you slow when you can be the so he was the,
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the 1st thing i noticed was that you agree to that this magnificent tree literally sucking the life from your problems. so the solution for any for any, for the training. so we're going to show you our, the other leg. and it's telling me i did too, and i finally found okay, to move to the 2nd with the one who's gonna be the one where to move out. so, but guessing i knew what the the,
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especially about, you know, the attendance sheet for you to one of a couple of them. see that. okay, exactly. got it. okay. yeah, this is how we prefer the solution to this new advertising. what am i that i can to the, you know, i used to get hungry and working best as that to assess a ropes course that compared to passing as me thing degree looks like you
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already knew and somebody when done an amazing job at the moment you have it coming in, when would that be got to know what the company was wondering what i'm going to give them to somebody come and help community a and a new month and a new modem to, to come in when they come with non production and the name of reaching to the, to the younger is not clear to the, the, no one to read that to go in and use the new one with the goods. but you could tell me to go by team. does i figured out whether or not the time you come by to the i am with the new guy on the she was with the bus i came in
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here 2 months ago was no problem. we'll even at the time i was given a few minutes when yeah, what about what am i to let you know? and i got a couple, you know what i need to do to machine to, to go in within this a couple of the funds i've been with us with your new appraisal and speed up with one of the top one is the one that was on the i want to rip, you don't come from out of the ground really and see the people are going to be
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free of you forever and find the future bright. but now i see you never really died. your white supremacy just like good is still haunts our modern world high. well the, we've also used to looking away. we for go into someone else always has to pay the price for our concepts the, the man, the
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can not. so it just just grown it iris strikes and the police killing of black people in america, spots world wide protest, the instances the history i trace to course is uh, as burst into the present the, the as of zullie coats and roads us to work today. still killing
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from the people that i learned that the test will never lie down. we cannot simply forget the interest to seize us history. we must confront him if we ever hope to be free for the future. the, the, the,
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i recently went on a trip in west africa where i followed the rules of colonial mexico. why that was that colonialism is, i think it's in the past, the same thing, which is ruining people's lives. today the,
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the, the,
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the there was a time when i started to was abused. due pain flowers divided the continental lawn for the amounts themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not do not the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the sun all day. so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground eastern the mazda clinton,
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the just the letters at the bottom of the list down, but goes to the portal was the deliveries of my smell does have sold the team go, we just want talk one years old, the the the,
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the talk to us to rick, i better go my sister, i'm assuming that you sure sure i did them and i got the


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