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tv   News  RT  August 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the cubes decision that lucas oil shipments would not be allowed to pass through. the hungry in slovakia was coordinated from brussels friendly fire. gary and foreign minister says b e u was putting the strings on ukraine's bind on a russian oil trans at the hungry on slip out to you all because they refused to supply weapons to keep a presidential. welcome back. home 10 new russians land in moscow. when a woman agreed hit by vladimir putin off to an historic prisoner exchange in western states. so across the pony joe biden takes all the printer to immunizations, brought him over 70 americans if you had not, had joe biden,
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sitting in the oval office. i don't think this would have happened. and honestly, guys can just say this was vintage joe vide attentions boyle. in the middle east, we're all on stand by iran violence we're event and should be a substitute ation of a homicide. pulling the bureau, lead and tear on israel, it's blaine and washington is accused of keeping the green light the the top story is over the weekend. all right, now, welcome to the weekly the analogy internationally in just a moment who mind the shot will be joining us here in the school. well, hundreds of 4 minutes to has slammed ukraine for turning off the top of a russian crew to budapest and breakfast lava, claiming brussels is orchestrating. it will samuel, it's not bulk of the thing. you say. we do not back down and we are not willing to give up our pro peace position and this is very uncomfortable to brussels and they
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want us to understand that this cannot be done with impunity. so i think that keeps decisions that luke oil shipments would not be allowed to pass through. the hungry in slovakia was coordinated from brussels to you cannot be so weak that a country aspiring to membership weakens the energy supply of 2 member countries. it leaves it without a word. this happened in black and white. oh, okay. all these other minor issue right now, joining us to live on the studio for this story right here in a poor, old poor, old hungry, you know, whether it's a audubon, or c honest are right, that these guys have pro peace. and every time they say we want peace and ukraine, they get punished for you know, can, can you take us through some of the latest tensions between hungry, the, you and ukraine. that starts with the fact that the suspension of, uh, the russian oil. uh that goes through those by pipeline and ukraine has been orchestrated by the you and that is a poured into hungry is on foreign minister now important to him that you simply couldn't handle the fact that hungry has chosen
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a different path than the rest of the path of peace and negotiations, but he highlighted though that while the e u is weak, it cannot be weak enough to let another country dictate what it should be doing. so, in this case, let your point influence it and put 2 other members, dave in trouble. now he says that this whole situation could lead to an energy crisis, and again, the b u has the nothing to intervene in this situation. a more than a week has passed and the european commission has done nothing. despite the threat to the energy security of 2 e u member states and the crystal clear violation of the e u. ukraine association agreement, brussels is silent. there are 2 options. first, the european commission is so weak that is unable to uphold the fundamental interest of 2 member states in relation to one candidate. and 2nd,
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it was not in cuba, but in brussels. and it was not the ukrainian government, but the european commission wanted to blackmail the 2 pro peace countries that refused to supply weapons. the european commission and personally president are still of underlying, must immediately confess, as brussels requested a ban on the oil supplies from keith. and if not, why hasn't the european commission taken action in more than a week of whom i look at? can you, can you help me understand the reasons behind this route? so ukraine adopted sanctions against low coil last month, and that is russia's largest non state for those sanctions, especially prohibited the transit of oil through the doors by pipeline which goes through ukraine and then goes to slovakia and hungry. mind you. that little coil accounts for a 3rd of hungry is oil imports and 45 percent of slovak is so it's really no surprise that there uh,
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quite upset about this whole situation. but the whole issue uh, when it comes to disruptions came to live by hunger is uh, was brought to life by hunger, is foreign minister, on july 16th after his talks with his special counterparts are gala ralph. and they is later hungry. and still vodka heavily criticized you plane for blocking the transit and it uses a breach in the you association agreement on july 22nd. both countries, slovakia and hungry, hungry a request submitted mediation from the european commission and for it to essentially find a solution to that. it's dispute. the commission of course announced that a would start an investigation, but it also does not necessarily see the situation is an immediate threat to the security of oil supplies to the you the very next day on july 23rd hunger is foreign minister and knows that until you resolve this issue hungry will block the $6.00 billions of bureaus that are coming from the european piece facility, which essentially
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a refinance is military support for ukraine and hungry has been broken in subsequent parts of the treasures of this for over a year. now hungry, hungry is for him and is there also made it clear nonetheless that this decision is a threat to the energy security to con, boastful voc? yeah. and hungry and a violation of the you ukraine association agreement? yeah, i mean, i get it regarding hungry with a, with autobahn in seattle, so they've been openly pro pace and they haven't been wanting to contribute to any further. you don't get, you know, the confidence in ukraine, but slip back to you is also taking a punch as well. the oil has been cut up this with back. you could, can you tell us more about that? so if i can, authorities have also threatened with repercussions to uh, i guess ukraine. and as somebody has reminded ukraine of his key role of a being an energy supplier, 2 plane, and mid ukraine's towards energy dive as
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a due to the conflict. essentially, unless the oil continues to be supplied, energy in ukraine will see trouble to accept the scale. he says, who can i, you know, the transit of russian oil 3 crane will not be restored soon. slow enough to will no longer continue its supply of oil to ukraine, which covers one pence of you creating and consumption. so this guy will say very openly the room, the problem with the korean transit of russian oil cannot change all stats and war . and ukraine now fits so himself criticized the move and says this will voc it shouldn't be held hostage because of the ukrainian or russian relations. now on top of that, the small black interior minister has claimed that you played is now blackmail in slovakia and he has threatened to take action to protect his country's interest. good. i know some people as the crime shows, the positive black may new savanski and hungry by stopping the supply of oil,
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passing through his tired traits from the luko company. they took this step despite the fact that we were one of the 1st to provide it with significant humanitarian aid of to the outbreak of more on his territory. we've never refused to help you create and even after the change of government, we continued to provide humanitarian aid card to. the only thing that has changed is that we refuse to continue to support ministry conflict by supplying weapons. can we call it on russia and ukraine? the peace negotiations. so to have shuts off the rouge above pipeline, really giving a black eye to hungry. and with back you, i guess the question is, is key of restored the pipeline yet to be turn it back on? no, they did not. do ukraine currently refuse us to restore the pipeline, the prime minister of ukraine and the payments there was lucky a how talks discussing the issue of the oil. a trends that go the drawers about pipeline and following the toxic place. prime minister came out saying that the
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lifting of ukrainian sanctions is essentially not happening as i once again stress that ukraine sanctions against russian companies do not pose a threat to slug back use energy security. we remain a reliable partner and do not violate the association agreement. with the you in any way. so it's clear, if you sense or piece and negotiations like slovakia and hungry you are most definitely not their friend. but if you decide to fuel the bloodshed even further through military health for ukraine and other e u members, your calls will definitely be answered right away. yeah, i mean brussels has basically been punishing hungry. i'm a slip back to you for being pro peace. i mean, joseph beretta to be, you even said what, when the ottoman was doing is like worldwide piece initiative tool going from moscow to beijing to washington. joseph. but ralph and e, you said he doesn't speak for the blog, he doesn't speak for us. he even said we are the war block. joseph burrell said
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that, my god, the money shot. thank you. we heard from a senior research fellow with the global policies to george. i mean, whether, you know, he says brussels not taken care of its own and member states paying the price. if the you were genuinely in the business of protecting its member states, then it would act in accordance with the it's principles and above all, in accordance with the association agreement that ukraine signed with a b, u in 2014, according to which you ukraine cannot start imposing sanctions that penalize e u. member states. but the e u has the winter is um on its way and hunger ariens are going to have very costly heating bills and, and that's bought the pressure that the use trying to apply against hungry. so the hunger ends get very annoyed and then i can,
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is victor was victor or mine who was clearly abstain in the field in the side of the us. so that's, that's the goal points of the european union is that it should be a coming together of states a, moving towards a common don't know, what's the result to that rather than try to come to some kind of a consensus. it's through use caution against hunger and lock it. well, that you can only do that for a limited amount of time, because sooner or later member states are going to say, well, if you don't represent us, if you are pursuing a phone policy that is clearly not in our interest, then what's the point of continuing to be in the you it's not am i pretend that welcome home 10 russians, including 2 children, is they arrive to moscow in an historic prisoners swap with western states. and the president handed flowers to an adult and the daughter off of
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a line to also our president for the homecoming. the chiefs of both the russian entitle and security services also the nation's defense minister, and one of the exchange. denise, that selection you also described his experience in american press. this is the only welcome luncheon when i was in the land, so they brought me that to suppress my wills and everything so that i would confess o multiple citizens, then. that's why the west prison is of course to be and they came with knives and tried to kill me every day and was just health. i bring that for 8 mountains, determined. it doesn't sound much better. every day is pretty like a year for me. i prayed that somehow i would get out of that to another presence as soon as possible as if i'm the just to be transferred or something that's my experience. we didn't talk about any exchange. well, they scolded us to the boss where they were ready and lots of presents from different countries. and we wasted after that, but we waited a long time,
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probably an hour to do it every wellness. and none of us that i had to the american side said the crest of calls had not been released yet. they were running late, and we were waiting for waiting for us to come for the pap bloomers. and then he was brought in by very tough guys. about 10 people got a was wearing a mosque tape. tell me having chuckled a live, i was on the whole to bring for america when i got off the play. no, i didn't know just someone was meeting us back. and then it turned out that our president was meeting us personally. my hand was squeezed and she almost fainted. and i still did not believe that i was released so that i was released with such i'm is just called to match it on my somebody didn't know anything they found out about, you know, many used to they didn't know why these things changed or that is true or not already landed and it was shown on tv. but then they found out that it was me who was exchange that i was also included in the exchange. and then they took me to my home to my father,
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to my relatives. everyone hugs me and cry entered for his bill. but among those arriving back here in moscow was popular gonzalez or the russian spanish journalist, arrested in poland 2 years ago and charges of collaborating with the russian and security services. we spoke with his lawyer who told us that the spanish government did nothing to help pablo and actually at the lawyer says the spanish government really did more harm than good. and it shows an interest in the if the spanish government have participated in the process. pablo would be in spain right now, not russia. obviously, they did not participate in the process and found out about his release at the very last moment. and 2 and a half years, they have done nothing. i heard what his wife is saying now, and she is right. the spanish government not only took no action to help pablo and his release, but spread misleading information about his work. i know exactly what he was doing, and i assure you his work was no different from that of any other journalist. i
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would like to express my support to all journalist, because i believe the journalist and lawyers take great risk in situations like this. it has become very dangerous for us to carry out our professional activities . i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the most significant fact the played against pablo was that i was his defense lawyer. this information was passed on by spanish intelligence to my polish colleagues base started rumors from the media that i was involved with the so called russian trail in the catalogue of independence process. in other words, it was nonsense after nonsense. and from that, they made a story out of it, which in the end, in 2 and a half years, never led to any concrete accusation. pablo was free now. his case never went to trial. it was always in the hands of the poet security services. and the prosecutor's office, and now they've closed his case and that's it. so in essence,
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they said, since he has been exchanged, there is no point in continuing all of this important as part of the deal, i rush, i released 16 prisoners. some of them is dual citizenship. among those were convicted spies, evan goes, conviction poll, we learn from america, and all the prisoner was a job and citizen rico creek who have been found guilty of terrorism, chargers and better routes. and comments in a, the national exchange for us, president obama, not as whitehouse stuff as well. it took all the credit. as of today, my business is brought him over. 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hockey is abroad? the president was himself personally engaged in the diplomacy, the prophets about many since before i took office, i would say that if you had not had joe biden sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened edition, i should have the executive order in 2020, to authorize the penalties like sanctions and travel bands and those who hold americans against their will. and honestly, guys,
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i can just say this was vintage joe biden, rallying america rally and american allies, to save american citizens and russian freedom fighters and doing it with the intricate state craft pulling his whole team together to strive this across the finish line. well here we discussed the prisoner swap with victor boot, who's not a russian politician. he was also a former exchanged prisoner himself, the highlights. so the credit is due to all those involved from both sides a hotel of land for the past 26 years. american justice system stuff, you know, shifting the gold polls and all the standards become sold to qualified. so finally, you know, you are like they say in united states you can in dietary, you know, have sandwich. so what you're talking about, i mean, i understand it. so well, they're crying, click stairs, or they're crying for this like use ation was absolutely nothing because they never
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coming up with a certain, you know, evidence against many of those. well, it's not as clear cut, but if you look on this, the political chess board definitely as usually, you know, russia played a brilliant combination. and 1st of all, it's got what it wants. and the way as jobs to use the child support on small political games, which is will be, you know, quickly forgotten. that's it. i'm not even being aware the button i realized if you use an all day and time and years easy. you know, unfortunately old man, definitely you know, deserve to have some good, nice retirement, not to be the front man for the some deep stage who using stream as a stooge. and then trying to blame people they do behind. she's back. well, i guess the credit has to go to the, you know, this, the people who in these general,
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between the washington i was in moscow. those who are really talking to each other and those who are being arranging all this condition. you know, i've, in the, you know, seeing those people from the both sides and would say that the professional and the, i want to do do respect where it's do because they really do the job. and this is the reason level people irish that the, from american side more people like that to handle those question then may be able to reach these point of this, you know, absolute, you know, condition where to huge congress can't even discuss it brought up a problem and this is collation leads to nothing except the more bigger world conflict. don't believe there is any sign that those would be, you know, some kind of the following or for relation on you kind of adapt to mind the, you know, at least psalm produced the communication. so this is a, just
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a very small texaco moved by american administration for the political game because of the election campaign of harris positives was a unique opportunity to show that face. although you know some of the by then finally can both look, i'm kidding, chicken talk when we go to injection something. so this was a, mainly this demonstration guys use of the live click on steal a bulk so you can still look picking goals on wherever we talking. where to go. yeah, that was a strong culture of that from victim bush, right? let's shift gears 0 and i'll tell you because old eyes remain on the middle east, it's aware of virus from about 50 rockets was launched from lebanese territory south to israel. the iron doing was once again working overtime is tensions for air off. the israel killed that hezbollah come on during a route earlier this week. as the air raid sirens blad, israel's missile defense system reportedly intercepted the incoming salvo from the
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north. every no casualties reported by a tele fee, but for some reports they do say that a few of the rockets did get through. it also is rarely forces killed as well as top commander on choose a, a high ranking offer table as well as the southern front was also killed in 11 on by the idea for this saturday mornings. the, well, it is an event that many say will kick off a brute, middle east conflict, the political leader of how much is male and the guy was assassinated in have ron iran revolutionary god saying that he was killed as residents by a short range project. all packed with a 7 killer will head out around a huge israel of carrying out the attack. and the washington for green line to get under. ron is vowing revenge. correspondent, now i was killed in the early hours of wednesday morning. here's what i said. i, since i want shortly after attending the, not the ration of it was new president muscle position on,
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while israel has neither confirmed nor denied involvement. many ways to kind of william squared squarely on as well. citing the country's history of targeting resistance meters leaders, which took a surge in the wake of the gaza war. now as concerns grow, okay, scale escalation, the one security council contains on wednesday to address, but the tensions sions between as well and live in august as well as well as this assassination of honey i that meeting it was and for it to the way i do now she is off the nation for such a violation of international law i don't manifestation, but to quote as well stairs to turn down these act could not be accounted. we talk to these ation intelligence support of the us, the stomach, people because we don't reserve this in your heart on the right to self defense in the cold, the sweet international low to the spawning decisively to the stories and cleaning all the act when it deems necessary and appropriate the washer and boy,
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for the when also condemned the killing of the how much lead or liberal like it's a political assassination. that undermines peace efforts and pushes the regions on the rings of war. now, here on the street, something wrong. warners are demanding a harsh revenge. they say israel has skills a guess. anyone has lost all red lines by breach a sharon's sovereignty. not only how mazda and his beloved on these moments with public itself has vowed a serious rivera and supreme leader, i fell off on a quickly issued a statement following god. instead of saying his route jo, quote, our dear, he asked me into our country and made a sash there. one has recently footage washed on boulders on high alert and one is the also we're going to be preparing for an attack against as well. we also heard that there was, as warrens now countries i guess opening the air space way potential is really counselor attack after was your wall as we're down your insurance. otherwise those countries would be a legitimate target for iran. new york times also published
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a report on was a cleaning that there was 2 freeing leader of ice off. i'm in a has ordered a direct switch salvatore. so i guess as well as the report side is we anonymous. but i want you to press holes because the direction of reporter became during an emergency you need any officer. why should we national security council on wednesday? i shortly after. honey, i was far good at nipple as long as that fits 1st, and it gets select yourself as well. launches hundreds of missiles and rose in response. one is whether josh sports on his embassy comes home castillo several. they want he and military commanders in syria, new york times, the last guy got this fight to fit one is likely to use a mix of missiles on one's point on some of these on place all people i spoke with here. sorry job. really not a long to respond to that in the past for vengeance. a lot of fun. yeah. and that was okay. is your friend and frustrating? loud swab the crowd on high ranking officials. all i could say the assassination of
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as far as how do you it has ignited, is that for carol, your situation, the 1st half off fall woochie consequences for the entire weekend. we spoke exclusively to the hamas representative and tear on solid. do me a couple of the recent events in the region. a western influence products are going to politics. a broad range of us, the opposite of the visit to america by then minister administration. they were telling us that they ups quote, directly to and it's in your for stopping the general side. nothing you know has taken the green line and the signature. busy the decides the nation and feeling of the leaders in the off position as movements. and the reason from the us administration event is coming from every word into was from every a heart was loving is my you, money and loving. but a student anderson, the book is, have book, but it's really
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a big crime and they have to be punished for that. these sentiments cannot be to buy. so for the american intelligence is really intelligence we, we went over them because we are just and we are the right. and they are the wrong word of the american administration. it's happens that they all was have upgrades. i mean lincoln, i'm fucking boss. so because the, the national security advisor of the white house, who was say something and then we end with something else even blinking himself for all was an ons up. he's going to discuss the ceasefire with the as riley administration. and the times why lee is present in front of the we it top us up is righty. perpetrated, couples of mass that goes against innocent people. they always send some money to
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have for them and budgets so. but to give them more weapons, more destructive, a towards against humanity of the been, this is the, the american administration. they say something, but they do something you all know is highly upcoming. one big green light. the blessing of america today again, is really itself, as you might think, the scene in among themselves, in a way that there today, nobody is save or mind the police scene in his right is attacking the. so going piece process is rate is attacking over westbank over the guys up over to school, our thoughts and deals of them. they are attacking the scene and people outside f as seen in borders. the. it's a nice and community, not us. and that must be it through implemented the more perfect moms of, of the, as any people in the world as any fees for the nation. and the was, it's an antique and are right in the,
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in the new millennium or any nation lobby's own election. but his own with this rain is in beating such processes. we are expecting that we will go united all the way again. so our enemy and the political program and being the administrative body to i lived in the sufferings of all the people boys and girls on was back. so yeah, we're all on the stand by for a possibly cool negative response from iran and has blah elaborate on maybe even the who these in. yeah. and then it's, it's unclear exactly how they going to try and strive fact we understand it could come at any moment. and meantime, america is now sending even most ships and fight it tries to the region in preparation for the expected revenge. i guess the question is kind of ron 11 on strike back without starting. well,
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this is on the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome to worlds apart from cancel culture to the canceling of culture. the western boy called on other things russian has led to paralysis, so far as to stick exchanges. further amplifying disc isn't created by a diplomatic, and i'm all set you an economic sanctions of given that music or dance have always been able to permit language and ideal logical barriers on the indeed powerful influence tools to be controlled or if needs be visualized. we'll discuss that. i'm now enjoyed by your impression of a russian conductor and a world renowned by it lists your deputy, mr. boss smith. thank you for finding the time. thank you for having me of over the past couple of years, what has been said about council culture, especially the down to cancel


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