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tv   News  RT  August 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the, the anger rec, so sorry, the ukrainian conscription sent to all the officers. not 70 men from the street is mass mobilization in the country. goes into high gear according to pertain to fast food g as a supporting terrorist cns because so how the region of the world and the box that says spend the gold supplements in queens. i'm back to the facebook video. the laid back here was backing local, militant, and old, so ahead. william kelly known is one of the only one convicted for the 1968 ely mexico. one of the most project mess kennings in the vietnam war has
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died as he leaves the dog legacy behind. we investigate who else should be held responsible. the time for the news retail know to international a chance to look back at the biggest stories over the past week. and of course bring you up to date on the latest developments. thank you for tuning it while we're going to kick off this and use our in weston ukraine, and that's because local and good that has reached a boiling point. this is all of the apparent bandwidth taken from the streets to mobilize ation center residents squared off with offices and demanded that release the
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the. 3 looks like the situation got to a point thing. ukraine with this entire mobility is ation or deal. that said people are basically, i just rising up against these, the kidnappings in broad daylight. and this was a prime example in the city of called the, where the people basically set up a protest right next to the recruitment. so this thing, so where these are then were smashed and take it. and basically the entire time came up for the protest. and they remember, they remained there until their demands were meant for these men to be released and they were successful. the men were released, however, the people decided the residence of this town decided to stay right there because they've heard there are others in this territorial recruitment center and they
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wanted their release as well. so it was, it's ration continues so unfold, and people were already throwing fires into this recruitment center. and the unrest already began to, to initiate. and i'm one of the social media locally. people were basically ready to storm the headquarters and to take the matters into their own hands. extensive absolutely. well the authorities eventually the release to everybody that was there according to a local reports. and so however they, the people still decided not to leave and the storage unit decided to go in special forces all the national guard once they were there, i believe the authorities locally began to feeling more at ease. and they actually accused the protestors that were there in front of the recruitment center of working for our shop. people just came there to release their loved ones,
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but they weren't used for working for russian. just of course, not the 1st time, you know, these kind of things they've been happening for quite a while ago, but i snatched off the street. and when the 1st the stories 1st began to emerge. and also i'm one of the for the local social media and ukraine. people didn't believe that that was happening. people actually believe that they were using the lines in front of the draft offices for people to go to war. meanwhile, we now know that it's, that's not the case, and people are actually fine to see the army. meanwhile, they were telling ukrainians that this was all filled somewhere in moscow somewhere in russia. this is russian propaganda, but now the way things are unfolding the whole world is what unique people in ukraine are really felt from the force of organization. it's really incredible how it's being spun sensitive, you know, russia did this. we have seen so many of these videos over the past 2 years. as you said, they were said to be fake. but actually the real video is,
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can you just talk us through some of the recent examples that we've seen? oh, absolutely. there are so many, i mean, we wouldn't have enough time in this news hour to talk about all the cases. let's talk about just the latest one, because struggles like what we've had just seen had been happening all over a ukraine. take a look at this for this from odessa, for example, right now we're watching the fight between the army, recruiters against the wives of the forest, believe raptor of men. so in other words, the people feel completely unprotected and their wives still complete unprotected. they feel like their husbands are being taken away and taking just some, some kind of a meat prior. it's a one way street. there was another instance of a man shouting it on the recruiters so that sees a volunteer. he's not supposed to be done scripts and you're not supposed to be taking it now. but we have the comments from an actual ukrainian soldier to bolt, probably summarizes the sentiments of, uh, the,
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the people who are sending their loved ones into the army are preventing the global from going to the army. let's take a listen. the score that shows us, it's a pity that now the mobilized people who joined the army, they go forever. it's unknown what and how it will be there. if we had time requirements, even if they are big question. how big 24 kids for me is a person in war and come back a year is the maximum a year is already a very tired person. it's better to be less. and we have those who are 3 years there. a lot of people are 11. yes, that here we saw some examples where people are basically acting out in the open. they're open faces, they're protesting against this. but they're also a covert protest where people are setting up the cars of the army recruitment, the officers on fire. and that's been happening all over ukraine as well. i mean, we hear this news basically every single day, a car was simple fire a key and you know, just, you know, our goals and absolutely everywhere. and this is something that you create in the
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army of fighting yes, right now with reading the army commanders actually said that the people who are cause i'm sitting on fire, our cars that should be executed on the spots. let's take a look at the machine. the call of the so it is sold, brigade was torched. i'm a battalion compounded by agreement with senior management relying on what time were lying on come by some unity. i gave an order and the go ahead to my finances so that if these villains, these creatures are found, capital punishment is applied on this pause. we do not use all humane law enforcement agencies in any way. size things should be indicative, always heard what some of the call scripts. think about what's going on. what about ordering when you're inquiring ins menu from the probably wondering if they could find themselves in the next catch. to bring more people into the army. well, not to be accused of us reading this information and the russian for russian
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propaganda if you will, a very common phrase lately. let's turn to the parliamentarians of ukraine. let's turn to their poles. for example, your training parliamentarian is we treat and that's a luca. he said that at the moment around 800000 ukrainians, living in what could be called in the shadow. right? they are hiding the change jobs, the parent jobs, where they could be paid in cash, all of the tables. so away from the economy and also the same parliamentary and he added that info. so the ukranian men spend around $50000000.00 us dollars a year and so on bribes in order to avoid mobilization. now there's also an interesting pull. i believe we can bring it up for right now, conducted in ukraine by you create an agency that the shows that 55 percent of the locals of the residents in the country are concerns about the intensification of this lovely zation and are afraid to die at the front lines and another in the,
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in this questionnaire if it's a 3 percent of respondents named the fear of entering a combat zone with that and the minutes will be training and equipment as their seconds. the biggest fear now also in ukraine to show the level of discontent with what's happening. the numbers of students, of applicants. the universities have reason, dramatically, according to the minister of education and science of ukraine. his name is aux and this boy, he said that's at least $200000.00 men enrolled in universities in order to avoid the draft. meanwhile, also in the city of a height of golf. very close. the rush of right on the border. we hear a new story from there all the time as well as belgrade bordering city. the people seem to have had enough as well. people are fleeing, people are hiding. now here's a story former ukrainian, the female. so older who described the situation in hard cult saying that,
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so people are basically scared of the, the army recruiters you have left for just the frame. and then i went into a car say i was looking for a place to sit people stop day to. they looked at me and waited for the territorial defense troops to come off to me and mobilize every one. there was some kind of seed and aggression tension. it's in plaza and if a year ago with washing they lowered their eyes. if a woman was in the military uniform, now it has turned into don tasha. this is a very different situation to what we've seen here in russia, where we're hearing recently from the kremlin that a 1000 men today, all signing up to be calling the scripts. but let's to clock about ukraine. it's main to donors, western states and as they must be fully aware of what's going on, they must be aware that men don't want to be conscripted. they don't want to fight . what are we hearing from them? well, one of the 3rd in the hope so that i understand what's happening and understand the
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real will of the ukrainian people, which has been distorted through various means of propaganda and whatnot. right. but like i said earlier, we've seen the these reports about forceful conscription for months now and say, we rush has been playing for spreading propaganda. this is not true. well now we know it's out there in the open. it's sold true and actually recently more and more reports from western mainstream media are also emerging with these stories of how you create in men are trying to flee from this disaster. i've got an example abc news of their roles about the infamous, a border crossing between ukraine, air romania on the river, tisa, and many if any and men were successful across. and that border in exits from this a b, c. news before russia's full scale invasion in february 2022. there was no fence here at this stretch of the river. but in the 2 and a half years since then, ukraine has died and security must to keep russians out,
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but to keep ukrainians in. and these types of stories will be emerging more and more on the western media. and these types of stories will be emerging more and more on the western media. if the wellbeing will be afraid of people is read is that their concern well have key of expressed is unconditional support for terrorism in africa. so hell, region, well, according to becoming the 5. so it has the authorities that have called on the international community to react a quino faso strongly condemns this defensive terrorism. and a surprise that it is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism in a global context, where there is unit name of the on the imperative to combat this scourge. ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind whatsoever for these terrace in its way of target sidney bus. so ukraine has now
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crossed the board as a funeral, and it is using african african governments. i'm not happy with the fact to be a sounding alonzo, but you're free support for terrorism and anti government squeezing. have it in the country. looking a fossil statement that we've just listened to speak to the involvement of the premium loans and intelligence in march, the which is part of a buddhist strategy to p of to weaken russian forces, which is why they operate in this case, by targeting the back in a group in africa, this all sorted with an ambush which took place from the 25th of july this year and ambush that to put to tomorrow and on forces. and the russian allies from the back in the group is the rebels off b, c, s p, p d is in this ambush, thousands of russian and marlon village see what killed and what's interesting and all of this is that information on the rest of the soldiers and the we're about to
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was the post. * by ukraine, now supporting this, what do you create in invested or to call making matters worse by posting a video about support to, for, to invest in money on his embassy, facebook account. the syndicate lease for an ministry was not happy about this. they summoned to be invested over this club regarding the video. the video was the company just also by a comment from the creating an investor that deemed in appropriate by the syndicate needs authorities. the ministry for the accuse is key of off attempting to div stabilize that the brother the nation of money. the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024
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in northern molly bye to our reg rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. you. what's the member that cynical, maintains a position of neutrality to the russian ukraine conflict and supports the quote for a peaceful settlement. and this is why it says it can not to allow this kind of propaganda from ukraine. this is not the 1st time the assumption of this nature as happened to ukraine's diplomat just in a go in 2020 to the call. * cold on the ukraine invested a to stop in the procedures. so the coaching syndicate these a far it moves from center, go to retreat, to fight in ukraine against russia. ukraine and invested in sitting a go, used to having, or rather helping kids from the african territory. but this time, african officials, i'm not having it. and again, in this video, spokesman for ukraine submitted for intelligence agency, i'm stressed as all to that to rebels received,
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not just information from them. painting as a move coordinates that if it's a shuffle spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation. and he did not confirm whether ukrainian military personnel were present in body, but has emphasized the significance off. the intelligence provided reports also suggest that you create new special services have offered training to, to our examples in molly, particularly in a tone operations, but also russian foreign ministry spokeswoman has these and i back to she is not surprised that you created can be involved with terra risk, it will be quite interesting to hear how the african governments will respond and react to this meta during the course of this week. seeing that ukraine is digging
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his own grave in africa. well, let's get a bit more on the story and course live to legal and ask because a security expert will call the aspects of joining us little to international. i'm assuming you, you had sort of corresponded with who was talking about by going through the story . but i just want to ask you for the key to fast. so has a cues ukraine now of supporting terrorism in western africa. what is your view, what are your thoughts on this or so in the 1st so that is the very a bed uh position uh and we need to know do all the reasons behind of that, to excision with the, about that situation. but it's possible to have that shipped so that really to groups from the ukraine on that word. because use, you know, the most parts of the actors right now. um the f i f e got f for one co,
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one continents. we can have a monday just support the other activities. see if, for example, the dirt is in groups here and often you've got the most part of that groups are explored to our natural resources. add to how the dead to main slowing the different parts you know, make up what does not want to be inactive. and the other parts of punch it and also, so that is the one reason. so we need to open it all eyes because it's possible to have that groups in virginia as possible, but not on being in a box and either box, for example, maybe in the mandy also because each to one point you can explore and, and then the into our resources to support do more in ukraine, because if you look right now the most part of the continental countries into our country next. and the country thing do our continent in the different uh,
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different continents, but it's important that you or the western countries right now is retired to the health before the ukraine and may be africa. and with that exploration because we have a board and the footboard to see it and they now would punch it in. so maybe that is the one reason to have it. we have when we see it that situation to, that's what we're calling to kind of jump into it for a 2nd. it is absolutely clear. ukraine has said essentially it has been supporting rebels to, to laura levels. and then we've still seen the evidence of the walk in the soldiers who killed the molly and soldiers who were killed. we've had no just became to fast, so accusing ukraine is supporting terrorism. we've actually had sent a gall as well also saying that ukraine is working to destabilize a brotherly nation in molly up, you know, how is it possible that we have ukraine making such pro applications
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in parts of africa right now? so it's a, it's a very important to know where i can see it a few minutes ago the, the door reasons behind of uh that for nutrition in the debt countries you'd see got the content. and i think, and i believe, as one of the things is to have for more money, to support the ukraine boards and with the russia country. so that is the 1st reason sort of the 2nd reason that we can so that movement because the maybe and we don't test the right now. do you any other ad troops or the other? a country in particular have for the mean side of debts at all. i did punches like mandy over the clean up passage to try to stop the territories in the, in that region. so maybe it did the dental creating groups and go to support
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their reverse and made me and looking at fossil at to try to, to, to make a notation know, to open it to created some narrative to me, to have more a once again, do some western countries inside of that awards daddy's the ones at plant i think can be at 2, maybe 2 debt countries. a call one more time, add to some kind of just like the french and etc that to try to support that to, to fight. we did to the ripples will deter is on that group so that position of defending golf is the one very good position i think. and it may be in the other add the contest. maybe that we'll see. do think most of movements like explosion of that and the exclusion of the game. the deployment funds ad day you
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can government and, and in the other order point to maybe cut the relations with the date ukraine. and because did not at that 1st have a 1st time and a, it's very important also to note and then add the owner at geography it's under lice. so what is the most important right now is the peaceful use the in do not do word because the word is not test anybody beat score day synagogue, mandy, or the other countries of different a. so back in 2021. the mall in government invited rushes, walk into a group to come to the country to help find the issues it has with terrorism, particularly along its news and voters in your opinion. is there any justification for the tactics that we seeing now you being used by key of when it's essentially using rebel groups that are considered to be terrorists by the new governments to
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oppose russia elsewhere in the world? has i think the uh, the debt to that is the one uh response of the uh, the other countries uh for the object uh, in the same in the same booth with the russian government or domestic the government to that just shows said do i need to fight against the 3rd reason in the, in the, in the money and my lease not also on being the money but the, if you look for the other concerns because they have the same effect to the security voided off the debt region. you did them did the new after 2021, the, the new position from the one, the group on that area. i created some big impact. it's not on the for many, but for the, for the all that a reach it. and it right now we so some, some movements from dish every day admitted category ukraine group. this is the not,
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i think from the 1st step dentist asked with a, have a support of the other, the actors from the international sector. and because the a loan i think is not possible to have that ukraine to on the, on the ground, i think maybe have some essays, do one for it to put money or from that group. and after that, also 3 england gifts, some benefits from the ukraine government to fight that i guess to reason. but it's also one reason a to effect a to created some impact f for and i have for the, for the one that group or to, to try to reduce the influence of the do i can a group on that the region because we have a so many sectors, but to i think the target, the principal target is the group and that the russian government, but also the some, if less of that a russian government has on,
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on that all region of that part of africa, continent. okay, we're going to leave it that, but just to be clear, rushes walk into on forces were invited by the molly and government. that's one called this legal and applicant security expert. thank you. well, william kelly, known as one of the own. it will be only convicted person of the 1968 niema. ne ly, mastercard. one of the most tragic mass killings in the vietnam war has died. this report by ortiz, don't cool to dives into the, sold a disturbing details of the day. and why only a single slap on the wrist was the only punishment handed down the gang raping young girls. they and that in cowering civilians up to 504 people, brutally killed. in 1968 us forces entered the vietnam east village of my life. and committed one of the most brutal us war crimes of the 20th century. us troops
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ordered to kill anything walking, crawling or growing, and what was believed to be a communist stronghold. but they were met only with civilians preparing breakfast. nevertheless, us forces, led by lieutenant william calley, rounded up the villagers and ordered their cold blooded murder, even executing dozens, including children in a shallow ditch. i saw them shooting the m 79 grenade launcher into a group of people who were still alive, but it was mostly done with the machine gun. they were shooting women and children just like anybody else. we met no resistance, and i always saw 3 taps of weapons. we had no casualties. you would just like any other be at the muse village, old papa sons, women, and kids. as matter of fact, i don't remember seeing one military age hmo in the entire place that or life primetime calling miraculously survived the massacre. he was forced into his family's bomb shelter with his mother, sisters, and brother by us troops whose grenades then ripped,
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comes family to pieces inside. being the only survivor, he woke up cupboard in the chunks of flesh and hair that remained of his relatives . all nice will well the movie, they put a gun store heads and forced us into the family bomb shelter. having the mother's instinct and knowing that the american soldiers had killed our neighbors. my mother told us to go into the shelter 1st and she would enter later to cover for us. she was carrying my 2 year old, younger sister at that time. as my mother got into the shelter, american soldiers continuously tossed in grenades. the 5 bodies of my mother, my sisters and brother, were torn to pieces. my younger sister was cut into 2. i got wounded and knocked out in the shelter where my father picked me up. i was covered in blood with pieces of ash and the hair of my mother and my siblings was all over my body. my clothes were ripped. i had a lot of wounds on my head and my body, me too, for their part, lieutenant calley. superiors did everything they could to cover up the massacre
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describing it as a successful search and destroy operation in military reports. and the very thing, colin powell, who lied to the world about weapons of mass destruction in iraq was just as dishonest in his role as a us army investigator looking into the my lai atrocity, he said that abusive civilians was isolated. and that relations between us troops and the locals were excellent. henry kissinger even pushed the white house into organizing a mile. i task force task with discrediting witnesses, and engaging and dirty tricks to control the narrative. it took a year and a half for seymour hersh to finally get the story out. winning a pulitzer prize and shocking the international community. the intelligence was bad as it always is. and they gather people. there was no fire at all. really just the old women, men and children, but making their mo, heating of water for their morning rice and a m, and gather them eventually into 3 large digits and began to execute them. um kelly
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was became infamous, but there were 5 of 6 1st and 2nd lieutenants that were also organizing. and this group was assigned to the american. all division. all were flying over to you and out of the area at one time. and pretty much everybody knew pretty much what was going on. as for what became of lieutenant calley, he was the only one involved to face charges sentenced to life in prison, but served a mere 3 years of house arrest, a helicopter pilot, who testified against cali hue. thompson junior witnessed the massacre himself before he landed nearby, and aerobically threatened to fire at troops as they slaughtered the villagers. i know the pain and suffering a day and selected for no reason, no reason whatsoever. there was no threat. there was no enemy. now they might allow grown up to the enemy, but that's not what a soldier does. thompson even evacuated, villagers being chased down by us troops. but after he filed an internal report on
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the atrocity investigators claimed no massacre had taken place. after all, captain ernest medina was colleagues commanding officer, and he said the unit killed a lot of enemy troops. the captain even denied responsibility for any sort of wrong doing. no, i did not shoot any child in the line and no, i did not order any massacre in the line. she did have a weapon or she has a higher and 8 i had instinctively from army training, turned around and fired 2 shots. and i assume that i did killed her and therefore looks like us, justice was not only in effective by charging only one suspect, but completely inept as the only one who faced consequences was not the one most responsible. with lieutenant kelly's recent passing, seymour hersh recalled learning that kelly would be the fall guy for a crime that was committed with tacit approval from us generals. those same generals with later say they.


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