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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  August 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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as quoted in the european union as deliver, they had chosen to ignore the explicit and i'm equivocal worthy of the treaties. for the sake of a share, we say a, complying with member states and the commissions wishes. all right, we have to leave you here. now do not back german politician and the from the member all the european parliament. thank you so much for your inside now and the good evening to you. thank you. great evening. 5. that is the all big. now see you again with more stories at the top of the off by now the
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supply chain need to change the position, but i see it was a shame but i see you monday and we'll see it. yeah. this you should hear you. i'm in florida. zip us to increase your prescription, which is my dish chest for to stump that's in the
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intensive showing of the russian regions dosage at the end of may. 2023 into and minus evaluation was announced in areas bordering ukraine, including cubic escape and dr. everyone's cube. in districts 107, the residence refused to meet the, the all students the to yes, the students the monitor, the cause you those to me just on the little glass seat causing across the board up city, let me know through i, but the way i used to i it was the story but i knew
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it was either be able to reach me. yeah. you should have done with just the be to do that. so did you just use the voice issue just split up for 40 percent coupon. close to what would you do to do not need to be near to all of us that are from the door to door from but you do you want you to use my exposure to you to access to the exist but almost a used to blue books that are from a good on mr. well, the but you know, both thorough, but you have been useful in 2020 to belgrade region governor of it just. and i've called announced the creation of military units, the central territorial defense units. there are now some 3000 volunteer serving and it's ranks. he has always related videos and with any some of them like
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monitoring identity most with the troubleshooting entities. so do you see of to the issue is always, here are the most the smart that needs to get the money to more than a song to a successful looking it over is precise. just the most control image was to do that. most of the come on, you know, for most didn't of, couldn't, is of the pallets and plates of the launch research to most of the, along the way to pick up the, the edges of us. but plus the, the interested shading solutions you will get that plus those valuable with capital just enough. he is to
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the, for the use i don't know to be able to do it by machine. yeah, i'm the puppy. so it's only, but i kid lab less than sleep, but 5. yeah. that's . i'm still waiting for my good looks a bit of petroleum waves that you will not assembly and you could you please note the lit up with them is gabrielle. there is 2 listing in yeah, but you and the police to is to upstate new time resume and that probably, you know, meet up with him. it's not the go to the police not, not as board. it must be the bus. let's say you had too much feel free to to which they just said, oh my god, but initially you get a way to get it shipped, but it gave support of a student to see can get away january 30th of 20 percent of silver. so seems
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to that to be just the key is ange lunch with them at the end of the lunch last those subject to cost, it's just really get them do use. yeah, you some, some of that is where you, which way you teach them. just dietz dietz plus the level of my to do to to, to resubmit them. the boy mission we'd be just do the, [000:00:00;00]
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the largest and mutual and you will use either us concerns or more new models because also we as a show long. so you've done to just, you know, put one check up also the new if it is the most cost and then way it goes up a little show us business just at the book. but you know, the phone number solution is cuz i knew it was supposed to be. i was just wondering if
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you had either. so could you check route from us showing up really appears from wish to yes, the charlotte that says to shelby miller still still delivering this deal. it's just you and your mobile phone, which no my, my blue you think i took a string of which was for if i use that because of the ocean 5 months or strategy at the it's for where we are when you there's still more so what payment is adapted to spanish, tanya, the, the,
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the, the just $9.00 to be part of the season times. right. you on soon as this? yes. so more supervisor, deputy watson. yeah. some of the interesting you which you version of what they support each image out is coming out of warranty. i'm pretty sure he would someone for the q word or was my other for be strong. i prefer suzanne was a pleasure to strategic system. was in your mind substantial partners, 2 hostages to she's known as a star. well for them, it's the latest. so that's the source of interest. you go from the previous years. do vision is
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less than that. yeah. yeah. the whole thing, just the same story for the 1st, the g guys know i'm, we're here printers. it doesn't have reached through the front is much more as if it would just need to go into jack lizzie, flava vocal michelle from you cause us to ship to answer. i am pretty sure most you guys have the quarter g shifting money and says the dollars with that's, that's the vision job is that the fidget is shalise different. the church which is room, which is the sofa. and i suppose the image is great and you credit for the h. me jump the by the roads,
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the rest of the dollars essentially, are you sure there's a girl because i should on you bring it is to to tell me which is the ship you saw an air ride warning systems was not installed. the russians belgrade regions, ukrainian ministry shells, residential areas, round the clock, designs, the response teams and ambulances going i to take in the village of tara, the,
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on the outskirts of belgrade city, middle life by noon, by doing so, i do want to own the chart that you have to join you also dealing with this top mama on um, i want a lot of threats or some of the to them the name that you should though. do you know that spectrum when you have a lot that coordinates? i'm just going to use the machine for me for them. i interesting to, to my bench 13 to the assembly cuz that was the slow of
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the finish doing the function. that's the key from mostly as much to put up in the middle of communication, making the edge of the machine that should make has got you and you have the screw prescription and telephone on actual device. i'm sure it's usually special then much of a 4 digit pin on the last block with us, the shooters quoted. so the problem leading actually, even tonight the, the use didn't miss you and the fees are due to
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a possible moment. shoot me a solution. you're going to get in, sam, i mean it's going to pull my shirts. when you look at them should deal with this picture on it should deal us, but the documents and what it's giving in blue hill is that it's not resolved. the reason of the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hey, mr. alex phase of the the commission level of for the de delivery and you know, doing that stuff with,
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you know, fashion soon. neutral was on the phone. started and then was just for the, for the national, lose of have still have still, and it was of the incentive within a few for to see if it didn't go through different just of addition there's, i don't live with assume the words if it's because of the good and the
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printer to us this the, the the same decision or should these are personalized, seduce from the headphone. is this gonna deal with photos? you know what we're supposed to go look at shortly. don't hear from the dealer
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bonus to moscow. that's just of associated on april 20. first of all the somebody has to do because you understand that the deluxe government, those sites are almost if most of us us pull up the board. so what that when you guys do the whole play in the us, what do you personally, but most of the ok did on the fragile stuff.
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the the the visa, the plus used to see you up. did you keep the of a former ship? it's a bunch of conflict of do to get a for much. i don't know. who did, so was the new college given them?
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me gosh, they used to show up. did you go got dora. know who gets a vote. gosh, the october to me on the billing that jason spell it in that in the us, the function i have the dimensions on monday in the us come on when you choose to mean that was pretty space of 3 and i'm the actual stone. my support him, so i mean, i don't if the on us was a vice engagement which letting him upset the key that the junior must allow the indeed the most technology issue. but almost at the sound my cell, my son locked on the a semester class. these 2 minute to celebrate all sonya to until 10 o'clock. so you can brush and most trusted me a new month,
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almost to kidnap was nice and you know what i did so to get some homework for those to me, you definitely have to put the cheese every so you have to boy the goal is to show that the yes i have done it by yourself, but. busy it's pretty good, it's actually
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the facebook page. the session in the morning when you build the the recent you can use which is said that it's the 3 superclass at the most on in a class due to system to a subsidy. only they use a slip,
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this difficult sluggish to which so to use the plan that way to post a base model is scheduled for software specific detail, which when you have suit the script above shift so it doesn't look like the. yeah. so to them to the newest, ok, when you have done what i do to do is do so let me see what's the most of the of couple of the people that are bottlenecks, the minute you k, which has to do so you have to store number one or you nibble so a business because of these 2 ladies, but yeah, i'm not much them, but that was a problem. can we just need to know the best modem? what would you say to the claim? we need the amounts to present to the story, to the if a business need to look up to him, the name of going to look for us,
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go to the news, people show differently. you have a great deal of the deal. so those are pretty new. but the most to use my post, what the cost of a post of the whole thing is a way to produce just the newest accomplishments as they usually build it up. yes. so you is a good bit of time to see it that i see the see switching to see we did use that you some of the way for you. yeah, we should. what else? somebody each to kind of ship to change that to the
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product, which i'm gonna see with pretty much so what did you notice that you choose to do this because we to the which would be the g to just limit of some of you would you would use the started to pursue nutrition, potential for insurance, as a builder, if it just at your g controller before the physicians, gifts they, i just dress the temporary dukes and the dormitory of belgrade mechanics and technology college people from the most frequently shell. she bacon skate and drive around skiing,
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urban districts. i have been a good rest of the soonest out homes and ukraine's attacks on the russian city. also shouts at. yeah, shit. the stewards and starts to finish. the solution is no, but sure. sure, sure. but the other protect, you would think it would be good. the if i get to you as early as monday evening and the city of the, the special because the funny you do would invite
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you at that. and then while you're through just example, that's group, i'm sure either way i'm which a james gloves so know him yet. i bought the photos as much of an interesting features to visit. i'm already at some future on this, but i just don't remind me and judged on would you reduce your demo for the traditional? let me and there's one that i purchased a course number businesses, district and one was and i just had to go over the tax. there's no other jump in here to know the temperature is on. yeah. its inbetween. what was it just not much them. jimmy was, i'm so that's for business for you there, but i think go for their business. but that's a much the best approach is that you want to someone as i've done that should have got to be debt, which is jason in used to virginia west. the registrar,
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business phone at the top and the posters on my board minus the amount of abuse for 3 and it does not list it . the huge thanks to the good. the 3 of us just got a 19 we were driving home with a small child. we stopped here under a canopy. she saw us open the door and let us in. thank you so much. i must think the employee at that house number one on may 12 shell to to me and my husband and baby daughter from a style and fragments. thanks so much, many things to the workers to send me a tour and turnover training during the showing an explosion. the steps are commonly clearly and without penny everyone at the heart, the market was quoted down to the sho. i'd like to think of the bus driver as they move between stumps as quickly as carefully as possible to keep people out of danger. they put themselves at risk daily like emergency service workers. i want to think that you pay for the bookshops, employees,
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which everyone industry to the shelter during showing and may 12th, they're still good and kind people out there the the w. so please where there is high autumn, that cannot be any cancellation, but typically those who have emails or something like that too. i don't want to insult anybody, but they've done a stupid. and they simply more on the counseling russian using women's cancel in a great pause when we change the human. so in general, the the we are in north a city or in the caucus as mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself,
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where everything has a special symbolic meaning, armstrong thomas, this isn't my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture. the mobilizing and furious crowds make their feelings clear outside the 3 man conscription send off to offices notch, several men from the streets and a drive to reinforce the front line. a booking of fossil planes, a key, the supporting terrorist in africa. so how would region, that's a set of goal, someone's ukraine's ambassador to explain the country is


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