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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the, the minor does she prime minister, resigns on fleas, the country, those thousands of protesters in storm the palace this monday. according to the countries media shit, casino, less the country in the military helicopter to oppose safe a place believe to be neighboring. india, those teens are holding us over night. the people are killed in the sides. asian nation during continue ranging protests of police from dawn on rioters using interior gulf. still new grenades. bolts are coming up on the program. molly bricks off. diplomatic relations with ukraine. unsettled gold summons its own voice. after
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tea at posts of its support given to west african archie obtained footage that purports to show that we simply released the evan grids could which unfold. whelan called red founded in acts of espionage that says, washington threatens moscow with more sites in an apartment paid to white horse last week's prisoners, the around the clock across the world. this is your r t international. thanks for joining us. let's get into some of our breaking news that we're beginning with today on today's news coming in from south asia, and i made raging on risk in bangladesh. the country's prime minister shit casino has resigned and left for india in a military helicopter. that is, according to the country's military itself, follows ends of bangladesh. she pro testers had earlier storm the pm policy,
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local media broadcast images of prides running into the premieres official residents in the capital doc. yeah, let me show you this as well. it seems to show the prime minister actually leaving at to watch some media reports plus crime as a safe place. she was spotted boarding a military helicopter by all kinds flying to neighboring in the uh, we're just waiting confirmation whether that is the case or not. but it does tell us over 90 people who are reportedly killed in a new round of violets in bangladesh, just hours before them through the weekend as protesters cold on the ship co siena to resign her premier ship. police used to your guns and stung grenades in dock at to this 1st tens of thousands of protesters who had flooded the capital streets in under the government policies at raleigh's beginning. back in june with students
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calling for an into a forced air system for space jobs. they citation countries. pm said the protesters were engaging and sabotage, and the, those involved were no longer students. but friedman hills authorities have blocked internet access and, and post a shoot on site at curfew. whether that is not in place following the pm's at resignation. i suppose the army are going to try and have to make order there. but how that's going to happen. we're not quite sure, at least 11000 people. i'd be interested in recent at weeks. okay, we will continue to keep a close eye on developments in at bangladesh and just get confirmation on the situation surrounding ship. how senior, the country's prime minister, who has resigned her post, unless in the military helicopter, essentially fleeing to near bring india any and all of our site information on that
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. we will bring it to you. ok, another story we are across today. molly has cut the diplomatic ties with ukraine, citing tabs open support. i'm the enforcement with separate escripts in west africa, a suit because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly. the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to set up with immediate effect in the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine. whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets. to confuse the international stage with the stage discipline, to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region. with terrorists disguised as diplomats, ukraine decided to extend the conflict, the dresser into the african continent, particularly in molly wade, ukrainian special forces, have been hunting russian ministry,
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took the road to moscow's info, is in the continent to which remember the classes that took place and that is it's me a $10.10, a north eastern town on the, for the also to be the to our rig is east. lemme sites is had to combine demand power off more than $1000.00. and one or 2 russian had to come up to the wind to, to the age of off the miss movies and model as old as was done down off the days off in $105.00. seen in the north of molly the, to our examples claimed to have killed at least 84 russian vast. and i'm missing a reason and about to 40 steve and margins soldiers. marty says the actions are taken by the ukranian authorities to violate the sovereignty of marty. it goes beyond the scope of foreign interviews which is already condemned mobile in itself . and it constitutes a key of russian by monday and support for international terrorism. typical has been one of the countries, the gains, ukrainian mid league and oppression in africa. the cities also,
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it seems as also declared that the country cannot tolerate any attempt of propaganda. i'm to wait in this conflict treats terrace and even so i'm going to be creating an investigator over. he's praise a full, an attack on a russian ministry in march. the ad he's support. um, particularly his comment is that she made from the spokesperson or if you praise when it changes as video on the end was uh, the shuffle spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct the successful operation against the wash and war criminals, the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation. the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified
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support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly bye to our ag rebels and members of the support group for is long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. the video has those been removed from the page, but it was a little late because even picking up also has called on the international community to assist ukraine's support for terrorism. often, the embassy incident is more on that for kito faso strongly condemned this defense of terrorism. and a surprise that is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism in a global context, where there is unit name of the honey imperative to combat this scourge. ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind
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whatsoever for these terrace. in fact, to there's been no official policy or statement coming from ukraine. you would expect something even if it's an explanation, but it seems like they do not to regret a new off that this is the ministers for, for diplomatic tool of off after kind 2 years. she will be in africa until thursday of this week, visiting my lot. we've done the ads marissa has. but what's interesting about this visit is that in august of 2023 ukraine foreign minister was promising to free africa from rest. his grip as he waged a different match accountable, offensive, still in august of 2023. you praise. military intelligence was conducting a military campaign to head to russian missile movies in sudan. we are now in august of 2024. the finest. the foreign minister is in africa again, while ukraine submitted for the intelligence unit to is conducted rasa. a military campaign to hunter us, and mrs. ruby is in amadi. the timing of it all seems very suspicious and just
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questionable. but normally when ukraine tries to soft an african government and try the lack of on the african continent, this is the landscape. in fact, it's normally says this about african if some of the month, if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us in any african state and it must be based on mutual respect. relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. so this is the same state, so that tries to gain support from mastercard and the global solves a well supporting terrorism, taking place in africa because off and pay no respect to, to the state. solving the washington is threatening moscow with yet more sanctions. this time over what the white house claims are wrongly in prison, us citizens in russia. we have inactive sanctions, i using the 11th to enact. we'll do that again. and of course we're, we're trying to make people publicly aware of the risk of travelling to certain
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countries around the world, but make no apologies. we will make no apologies about bringing in an innocent people home. far better to have those folks home than riding in the russian jail for crimes. they didn't commit. it was done correctly. they are assigned to the 11th to knock the law above the law of sanctions to be imposed in connection with the illegal detention of us citizens. now that is despite recently exchanged american prisoners, evan goods coverage um pull whelan, returning home just days ago from russian and major prisoners swap. but where their store is really as clear cut as washington is claiming ortiz, senior correspondent, but goes to looks at the evidence. the most high profile president swapping decades has, unsurprisingly become an exemplary exercise in propaganda. billings, i've become kiros, spied as a being re imagined as active is and to dripping with right justice russian
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authorities rushed, then conducted them to show trials and sends them to long present terms. but absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever. none, which is of course, and that tried lot for us that was evident. just give it a wall street journal. positive who attempted to co was a representative of a russian manufacturer in the hands of the classified information stamped secret pertaining to the production of military equipment. he claimed the piece was all part of his job as a journalist for 12. what's the best way to do it? do i did everything you asked? i have it with me. is just the only thing i also please be very careful because this is classified information we. we will not even write that. we have seen these documents, we will only say we have an anonymous source. that is so we are not suspected of
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obtaining these and no one is suspected of handing them over. we will write that we have a non, i'm a source base previously unpublished voltage, choose the gasket which absent new thing, new. that's what he was doing. was illegal, an attempt to obtain and disprove secret defense data. the united states considered as this an inc, that leasing, if his jail didn't malign kansas officials apps if it's in journalist for leaking and publishing classified data, some of them facing jail sentences in the hundreds of years. yes. with a serious face, they say they miss the gosh, give it is a hero. and there's nothing wrong which will for the past with these previously unpublished footage, this, the gosh, give it, tried to hide the evidence. a u. s. b flash drive, even as he was being arrested. the
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not so innocent officer or just like pay was a former us marine who once right and security a little more, a multi $1000000000.00 american company. it was called attempting to gain access to the names and the identities of russian federal security service employees. and as the subscript was, it put, it shows it picks a toilet in the moscow hotel to do if the a cold red handed mister, well, and then came that while he was doing was nearly exchanging photographs of churches
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with an old friend in the hotel toilet it so happened. we visited mister whalen the off that his conviction. he refused to talk to us or explain why he chose a toilet, and the u. s. b flash drive to trade pictures with his friends robin, you an email or texting. trevor. you understand when i say that i can't do an interview with trees, i can't answer any question for disappointment sort of interview. i think that's just the class. so if you're asking me questions for the in any way, if you don't only ask the questions that could lisp you just don't be fine with that number. i can do an interview instead, mr. whalen, evidently not too afraid. and the russian prison cold in washington to fill up american jail selves with russian officials. mister whalen, perhaps subarus the being caught red handed and the toilet wanted revenge. it
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should be decisive action taken us needs to go out and do some things. so i'm one kind of my baby with russian officials, the rest the russian spies do something that makes the criminals sit up and take notes, isn't site. okay? yeah, right now it's time that we're going to get evan and pull back, and then we won't back what you go to voss, and we'll call it a day. i mean, his paper, amongst all the foreign spies and, and agents and sabbath is being tacit, is to lose the spot, what's frankly obvious, that they were spies engaged in espionage and cooled. red handed. a story is this dog painted sick lives in the nav, and make believe to idea of soldiers help being wounded in the latest cause bow. a strike on northern israel, west jerusalem confirmed the overnight attacks getting multiple interest sectors were launched in response to url targets crossing from level these really military
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se they struck a weapon, storage facility, and multiple has buller infrastructure sites in southern lebanon. the escalation comes in a growing tensions between multiple states in the region. on sunday, they are really and presidents methods are danny and foreign minister in taylor. um the 1st visit of a senior official from jordan to around in 20 years. my suits push the on the right labels. last week's assassination of how much this political bureau chief is. my funnier, that's quite a big mistake, but also condemning the reaction to the attack. a type of credit of the session nation of mazda honey, as against linton national laws, erotic specks, old islamic countries, and the freedom speaking people of the world to strongly condemn such atrocities. they claim to defend freedom, democracy in human rights. and present anyone who refrains from complying with them as the enemy of such principles and values. what's particularly interesting about this visit is that jordan is a close us all i previously played
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a key role in intercepting missiles and drones fired by your onto on as well. of course, back in april, following centralized retaliation for an is really it's on it's diplomatic. compound in syria, for administered as a father, he said he did not carry any is really messages, but as long as i think that his goal was to help de escalate tension. so the region 10 enjoy the security and stability. he says that however, for everyone, retaliation seems inevitable. they won't believe washington provided the intelligence of needed for israel to conduct this twice against time. the recently the i are do you see what is more details about being said and reviewing that hadn't yet was taken out with white a short range project tools fired from an area outside his residence. this terrorist attack was designed and implemented by design just regime and supported by the criminal governments of the united states. israel will receive
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a response to this crime at the appropriate time, place and manner. and one has promised that fits response. this time will be even tougher than the operation in april, which saw up scores of drones and missiles targeting tel aviv all this time around . the retaliation is expected to come from multiple friends with support from various countries that host resistance factions, especially live in on were israel has recently killed senior hezbollah officials launched a course of course. uh israel is on high alert. prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who made it clear on sunday that the country is ready for any thing and it will hit back hard if provo he's on the bill said will you run and its proxy sick to surround us with a strangle hold of terror on 7 fronts. there visible aggression is insatiable, but israel is not helpless. were determined to stand against them when there be funds in every arena. far in near anyone who motors our citizens,
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anyone who comes our country will be held accountable. he will be a very heavy price. as we have prepared very strongly in defense on land and india, and we are ready to move quickly to a tackle to respond. we will exact the price as we have been doing in recent days from the enemy. we'll see if he does to attack us now. he will pay a heavy price while baby and go on to our uh, talking about defense. there are some voices in israel who are openly advocating for a pre emptive strike on nearby new york. sure. not only that, you don't have to wait for them to talk to you, but also there was a question of what are you talking to you. and i suggested that to target, that would hurt the head of the octopus. because when you cut only the tend to go off and octopus, it will go back of like what it thinks related to be around in nuclear project. i won't go into details strategic targets that will leave you run into strategic lead . these advantages positioning in different aspects. economic targets us. oh, well, the ranting economy, if it's possible this whole access of the flu season has bought it. one says that
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it was new about and back the assassination of a small you had to. yeah, well the west claims it had no role in the situation. it's deployments of weapons to that region does not appear to backup these claims. i don't only hi can concerns about a broader regional conflagration. ok, let's return then to our briefing use today from the bottom lead dash a mid raging on rest and the side of asian country. the nations prime minister ship has seen a has resigned on fled. we believe for neighboring india in the military helicopter . that is, according to the country's army. well, that's across live now, to ortiz for engine sharma in new delhi to get the latest wrench in big developments. just run this through the timeline if you will, of today is events 1st day. i'm house at miss has seen arrived in india, do we know the
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world more questions than on? so it's one to see at this point argued in considering the config book page of information as well. that's based on the internet in the car right now, but i've been involved with my soul saved and back at this point, i would like to talk with the doctor. but that's also, i'm not looking for, considering the empty in the sense to me instead. but what i can confirm is that the prime minister, obama, the sheet casino, she has officially resigned whether or not she has landed in india. i cannot confirmed that i would have been given to understand. in fact, is that there is a possibility that she may apply to one of from new denny or from india whenever she lands. in fact, that's also not clear where she was. and if she was also been given to understand is that when she was in that helicopter, trying to find the safe space,
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she dialed several times. we've been dealing with one of them. but also fin, bella rose, trying to find a place where she called really a high school song, find the kind of i know we've seen that has been moving in long la, be shop. oh for that is to stop in from the job pull down, which was in fact on this to lead or if it was bach, 13 percent of the jobs water in fact is out for a boat to run and ran to the fall suite and $5000.00 bond will be in that despite being rudolph. there was a lot of anger given the fact that shape because he now use the tongue, the car for the protest of the car is very, it's a right d. p offensive term that she used. and that was basically that, that translates to a st. george is used back in the day when i say he does what collaborating with focus on doing all during the war and longer based on, oh, my god. 70 is so austin,
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that decides the, the job pull job b as in boy station back or in, in, um, in students as well as the young stuff has been very, very possible as we speak. but also reasons finding us from a shade because he knows better than square and we felt this does have broken down our house. in fact picking up stove and chaz and new to and utensils though, keeping it on vic. charlotte, i'm really taking them away. i saw a lot of anger brewing there. i cannot give you a number of how many people have died in these protests. voters remember started in july and the they were in fact on and all the in the, the full destiny. so all to july. also this month we see the full desk on. yeah. so what happens next? you laid out there in great dramatic terms as to where a fleeing prime minister will actually go where she could loan. but in terms of the
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country, you've got a sizable proportion of the nation, not knowing anything else, but her as a leader. and having spent these 15 years and as the prime minister 5 years before that from the 1990. so what happens does an interim government take over? does the miller tree try and get a t all sorted on the tape over any insight as to what happens? know of the, the incident on ones is just taken no one moments to go and find the bung with these armies. see if i didn't know that they're thinking one of the engine government. this decision was safe. and also speaking to the opposition from all the stakeholders, those as well what the ami, she's basically in that address to the upper desk. just said, that's the more those doc, this destruction's work with us. we will protect you. we promise you that everything will be okay. to point out to you all the details on these folders and
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as far as bundle dish is concerned it's, it's been going for a long time now, even before the, the job pulled out really. so where these for desktop is it's, it's, it's mainly because of the rising unemployment still cost of living prices and bottle bees. so naturally has been in the central font. i'll shake because he knows i don't mind. also the very fact that when connections won't help me, said the election, not sweet and fair considering the shape cuz he knows government had pulled a lot of um, opposition, needles behind the g is lines before the election. so there was a lot of speculation there as well. the army chief also went on to say that here shows the into the bottom and is going to work. that's who isn't, is what else to be said in that sort of dress. i mean, there is a revolution going on in the country. i wasn't why did here, but in the year of all political parties who have come here, we had a beautiful discussion. we decided that we will form an interim government and all
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the world of this country will be carried out through the entering government. they will help us throughout the country. we will discuss all the crimes and all the injustice the so you'll see it's not the shape because he knows the resident instead of being destroyed. and i mean, she is trying to contain this kind of anger for there's no action being taken, considering just no model to test all the sweets not just to knock off about nearby areas as well. just briefly. finally, if we come any reaction from neighboring states, it was a pleasant guess and said india has simon a game in june, but this has bungled this into a new laptop a month. let me tell you that. von bodies in india are they, they do shed, runs a song by lots of relationships. so in that sense of whether india would allow,
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or secrecy not to, to find this item and email, not that's, that's something that we will have to wait on. watch off. in fact mr. movie and dogs are secrecy not also share a very good force, no relationship. and that's in a box. having said that, the situation has now gone also has just done that is doing in a bundle of the chef. i mean dish has a border with the b, so it wouldn't want that to sort of checking in to india. and that's also something that india will have to be very, very mindful about. india has asked all it says is not to do strongly to bundle dish. and those who are involved to be sure to something by giving the fact as little thoughts a very, very heavy song, n t, india. as he knew the sentiments that is being among the show right now, also falls on lots happening. j to see now finally resigning in this resignation,
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has in fact been demanded bundle for desktops, dying and again, even before re election. and we would get given to understand that she has now left the country where she's boy, where she finally end up going that something that, of course, only we, we know one says that time all the information to be are giving you right now. let me tell you and it's to 2nd have sources data, so to conform anything. so honestly, i'm leaving you with small questions and on said, no, you broke, done a lot of what we needed to know there and you'd be keeping suppressed. i'm sure of all developments tried the day ortiz ranging sharper from new delhi and what's being called the new block monday. the japanese stock market is in free for witnessing. it's the worst ever daily sale. busy in terms of numbers now the plummets linked with public selling figured by for years of a possible us recession breaking down the details. earlier for us, ortiz in the email. sure. in japan, as a benchmark average, the nick
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a has fall in to over 13 percent today. alone and close to double of that in the past month after the bank of japan raised rates the spot as hit, the severe downward spiral. this is the worst since back monday of 1987, but according to predictions, by economist this comes amid the probability of the american economy slipping into a recession as the us economy may be in worse shape than expected. and that is due to a lot of things. one of them is of course, the high interest rate as well as the unemployment rate. and that one has risen to a little over 4 percent since october of 2021. now it's also been reported that worries are growing as the federal reserve, as much anticipated cards that were coming in september may not be sufficient enough to counter balance the ongoing high interest rates. now on top of that, the office that are coming from such companies as well are underwhelming,
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which has forces this way set. and because of the common us elections, investors are a little uncertain about the situation. but donald trump blamed the bite and administration, and he says that both biden and harris, what was the me, don't understand anything. bayers camella harris, the presidential nominees for the democratic party and her plans to come back installation. well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of the, the bread costs more the gas costs more. so it is something that we take very seriously very seriously. so it's a big issue and we take it seriously. so no plan at all from camella harris has been just her then they.


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