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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the the we decided we will see an incident government, an older world of this country will be carried out through the inside of government . funded. this is all me will take away the running of the country as the pm resigns on sleep in a military health department and says where like nation comes as thousands of protesters in don't cause storm the full, the latest color resignation. kansas protests rage across the country with police cracking down on bias is using gas on stone. 4 days before the resulting in thousands of dead. the molly breaks off diplomatic relations with ukraine. um center goals, some benefits then void and that's the key of those. so if it's the pool,
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it's given from west africa and auntie obtain footage points to show the recently released evan gosh to woodson pool, whelan cold, red. how does it's an app? so the espionage bounces washington. the rest of the smoke filled with moles sunset, and that's how it's tips to whitewash. last week's christmas, the assistant 2 pm here in the russian capital, then you are watching onto you into a national with the late 6. 12 news out. thanks a very welcome to do. we started the out with breaking news from bangladesh. the all me is to form an interim government as the countries permanence to shake casino has resigned the mid wide spread protests, bangladesh, she army chief says the move will help to stabilize the country. i think there is a revolution going on in the country. i wasn't one of the here, but
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a leader of all political party. swift come here. we had a beautiful discussion. we decided that we will form an insult, him, government, and all the world of this country will be carried out through the entering government. they will help us throughout the country. we will discuss all the crimes and all the injustice. let's give it a cafe sounds on this. now. let's cost lots of warranties wins and sean, the in new delhi, a runjun good to see. so 1st of all, what do we go so far about the prime ministers resignation and do we know where the prime minister is being moved to we know that he visual at this point. let me warn you, nicky, but i can confirm now that she casino has officially resigned as a prime in the start of bundle beach that has been confirmed both by the army chief as well as at the bottom of the high commission or officials for here in new denny,
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where is she? cuz see not heading to that really is a 1000000 dollar question at this point because they are on the listing reports coming at this point as we speak. i've been tracking this on a line where she's supposed to be that supposedly to london daily, adjusting some time now. but i've also been given to understand that she may take off from debbie as soon as she lands and she may head to london meanwhile. so hard that she could see not on her on fraudulent on that helicopter right now of the vehicles to other countries as well. for example, to finland as well as vegetables. it's due to say the where she can be at least for a few days. she's definitely less mongrel dish or a chopper as we speak. he's in the air right now. that's all i can confirm. i can also confirm that she's resigned. now the various thoughts that bundle the she's our m wheels of the after the 15 or the also no zulu or shaken. so you now,
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which is now come to it in the city has been an end or when ever all this angle in the people of bangladesh has been doing for a while now full just started back in july, they started a window and saw cool top and the result of job pulled off for around 20 percent or wait for the children and grandchildren. all 3 devices and buying a lease that's new with wars to stick and back by the supreme court among the least the size that the full just fill out of control. and that happens after she because you know, call the protesting stools. as was the card, the car was a detail for this is dawn, which is basically you was back in the d a during the one bundle of bees when a when. so you don't basically collaborated with the office on and off to the assets and all that we've seen on the street. he will not be the car. rock also shows resident shake is the level of a residence which is going up. all that has been vandalized that has been ransacked
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to by the protest of utensils and sol, solved, and one or 2 are that's being picked up from her residence that's been put onto rich shelves. and it's been taken away from their adult big statute because he knows all the, with the bank to speaker in bangladesh, a freedom fighter that is being vandalized side of the protesting people in bangladesh. not just a bit spread everywhere. now, really is full tests, as we speak. as you say, the country has been swept to by these mazda vine and protest pool some time. now, what do we know about the mood on the ground? now since news has broken off the pm's resignation, the, the army chief along the dish has basically appeased for peace. he left the nation just a moments ago where he said that it's important to maintain fees. he said,
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stop our doors. i'll stop the sections. in fact, on the contrary, a report suggested that it was basically all of the forces. basically the open fire on the protesting the students for was 350 is to what 300. they'll stay nice, but now what are the chief when he was addressing god of denise and essentially was telling god, telling the protesting people that please help us to maintain fees. i assure you that the ink from government was when he is in some documents that are me that are speaking over in bunkerville, she sees that i would say, falls, responsibility leave supports me so i can support you. so that's essentially the message from along with these on e g was sticking over now the interim government and this and i'm sure you can see that has all specially design. she's fled, bundle these on. i had a golf job with on slides where she's going, like i said, that's, that's beautiful question mark right now. um, honestly,
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more questions than answers at this point. mm hm. so it's been just a couple of hours since the news bro calls the prominence has resignation. on says, seeing if the country, as you said, we still don't know where she's headed to and how we haven't reaction from a rule within from neighboring states to all know what's happened. so saw the new talk about the email for sending. the also happens to be a very nice song by not too far off know, or fall bundle dish. in fact, um mr. moody and she, cuz he and i have had a very, very uh, good relations. and uh, and so someone following the zillow. so um, in dell would need to do some reach out to you soon. as far as the ford policy also bundle. this has been done with india all changes enough uh to seen daily seek a few days of residing the on the we not sure, given the size said both of the countries in den longer these days share a very
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a scene border and the peace with bond that these are extremely, extremely angry at this point. millions of then us an email. we also have to do that kind of recalculation when it comes to it's form policies to bundle these about a very, very difficult situation in bundle beach. this has been going, it's the cost of living prices, and the unemployment rising unemployment and bond will be shot a, which has basically, which has basically irritating the people it all started in july or when the process started or that to, of course, all of the job to tease the samples we had which was results for the children, grandchildren, i'll see device of dental, we mean that as, as well, some for around, for the suite. so it was a total 50 percent, all government job or was um, so it was the, an golf $8000.00 out bought one. see cuz you know, after the war was off cards for my mom,
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if there was no going back up. now the armies trying to contain the situation, they said that there will be no firing. but the next few days, of course i want to be very crucial. nbc for tax and data runs in many things to bring it is up to speed that solid caesar engine. so am i speaking to his live or from new denny, thanks for knowledge and let's take you to west africa. now molly has cuts, diplomatic ties with you, freight and slicing, key of so to suppose and involvement with set for 2 groups in west africa. a suit because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly. the transitional government of the republic kamali has decided to set up with immediate effect on the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and do you cry. whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage of vista, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any d stabilization of money from african estates,
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in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub regional with terrorists, disguised as diplomats. are you printing decided to extend the conflict with russia into the african continent, particularly embodied with your premium special forces has been hunting. russian ministry took the road to moscow's info, is in the continent to which remember the classes that took place. and that is with me, a $10.10, a north eastern town on the for the also julia, the wiring is east lemme sites is had to combine demand power off more than $1000.00. and one or 2 russian helicopters, the wind, 6 to the age of the missile movies and model soldiers was done down off the days off in chains 5 sitting in the north of molly, the, to our examples that claimed to have killed at least 84 russians back in the midst of movies and about to 40 states and models, soldiers model says the actions are taken by the crating and authority societies.
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you solve until somebody goes beyond the scope of foreign interviews, which is already a consumable in itself. and it constitutes a christian by monday and support for international terrorism. typical has been one off of the country for games, ukrainian mid week, and a christian in africa. and he said it could be a sorry genius, as also declared that the country could not tolerate any attempt of propaganda underway in this conflict. treats terrace even so many the, creating an investigator over he's praise a full, an attack on russian ministry. and marty adds his support, particularly his. com is that she made from the spokesperson or if you praise between changes as video on the end was uh, the sharpest i see is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seemed this. in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details,
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but let's say there will be a continuation from the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly by to our reg rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. the video has those been removed from the page, but it was a little late because even between the fossil has called on the international community to assist ukraine's support for terrorism off to the embassy incident. his move on that for keno faso strongly condemns this defense of terrorism. and a surprise that it is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the
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responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism in a global context. where there is unit enmity on the imperative to combat this scourge ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind whatsoever for these terrace. in fact, to there's been no official policy or statement coming from ukraine. you would expect something even if it's an explanation, but it seems like they do not to recreate in new off that this is the ministers for, for diplomatic tool. i also ask the kind 2 years that she will be in africa until thursday of this week, visiting my la, we've done the ad to marissa has. but what's interesting about this visit is that in august of 2023 ukraine foreign minister was promising to feed africa from rest his grip as he waves the age of a mat to console offensive. still in august of 2023. you praise military intelligence was conducting
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a military campaign to hand to russian mister movies in sedan. we are now in august of 2024. the finest. the foreign minister is in africa again, while ukraine submitted free intelligence unit to is conducted was a minute to see components to hand to russian miseries. in amadi. the timing of it all seems very suspicious and just questionable. but normally when ukraine tries to soft an african governments and try the lack of on the african continent, it's busy these the landscape. in fact, it's normally says this someone else who can give some of a warm up if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us and any african state. and it must be based on mutual respect. relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. so this is the same state, so that tries to gain support from mastercard and the global solves the walls supporting terrorism, taking place in africa because off it and pay no respect to, to the state. solving the washington is,
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do i something most go with most sanctions, this time of what the white house claims or wrongly and presents us citizens in russia. we have inactive sanctions. i using the 11th enact. we'll do that again. and of course we're, we're trying to make people publicly aware of the risk of travelling to certain countries around the world, but make no apologies. we will make no apologies about bringing in an innocent people home. far better to have those folks home than riding in the russian jail for crimes. they didn't commit. it was on the side to be living as an opposite load . it allows sanctions to be imposed in connection with the illegal detention of us citizens of the spot where you send the exchanged american prisoners. evan gosh, wits on pull. remember turning home just days ago from russia in a major prison as swap. but what are the stories where he is connected to the washington claims? he's a senior correspondent nor downstairs looks at the evidence. the most high profile
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president swapping decades has unsurprisingly become an exemplary exercise in propaganda billings and become key rows supplied as a being re imagined as active is and to dripping with right. just mess russian authorities arrested to convict to them and show trials and sends in the long present terms of absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever. none which is of course and that tried lot. first that was evident. just give it a wall street journal patented, who attempted to co was a representative of a russian manufacturer, the hands of a classified information stamped secret pertaining to the production of military equipment. decaying, the peace was all part of his job as a journalist. still okay. well, what's the best way to do it? do i did everything you asked?
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i have it with me. is just the only thing i also please be very careful because this is classified information we. we will not even write that. we have seen these documents, we will only say we have an anonymous source. that is so we are not suspected of obtaining these and no one is suspected of handing them over. we will write that we have a non, i'm a sourcing base. previously unpublished voltage shows that goes to be absent new thing, new, that's what he was doing was illegal, an attempt to obtain and the screws sink with defense data. the united states considered as this an inc, that'd be seen if his jail didn't malign tablets. officials apps, if it's in journalist for leaking and publishing classified data, some of them facing jail sentences in the hundreds of years. yes, with a serious face, they say they've missed a gasket, which is
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a hero. and there's nothing wrong which all falls apart with these previously unpublished footage. miss the gosh given, tried to hide the evidence, a u. s. b flash drive, even as he was being arrested. the not so innocent officer or just like pay was a former us marine who once right and security, a little boy, a multi $1000000000.00 american company, it was called, attempting to gain access to the names and identities of russian federal security service employees. and as the subscript was, it put, it shows it picks a toilet in the most school hotel to do if the
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a cold red handed mister, well, and then came that while he was doing was nearly exchanging photographs of churches with an old friend in the hotel toilet it so happened. we visited mister whalen the off that his conviction. he refused to talk to us or explain why he chose a toilet. and the u. s. b flash drive to trade pictures with his friends robin, you an email or texting. trevor. so you understand, when i say that i can't do an interview, which means i can't answer any questions. well, just a moment. sort of interview. i think that's just the class. so if you're asking me questions for the action, any review, don't only ask the questions that could lisp you just don't be fine with that number. i can do an interview instead, mr. whalen,
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evidently not too afraid. and the russian prison cold in washington to fill up american jail selves with russian officials mister way than perhaps subarus the being called red handed. and the toilet wanted revenge. it should be decisive action taken us needs to go out and do something. so at one time of my baby with russian officials, the rest, the russian spies do something that makes the criminals sit up and take notice in sight. okay. yeah, right now it's time that we're going to get evan and pull back, and then we won't back what you go to voss, and we'll call it a day. i mean his paper, amongst all the foreign spies and, and agents and sabbath is a big tacitus cubes. the spots, what's frankly obvious, that they were spies, gauged and espionage, and course red handed. a story is old as dog. painted sick replies and denials, and make believe to id of soldiers. how being wounded in the latest
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hezbollah strike on northern israel, west jerusalem confirmed the or the 9th attacks facing multiple intercepts as well launched in response to aerial targets crossing from lebanon. the is wally military, se they struck a weapon, storage facility on multiple hezbollah infrastructure sites in southern lebanon. the escalation comes with growing tensions between multiple states in the region. on sunday, the radian presidents met the go daddy and foreign minister into around the 1st visit of a senior official from told into a ron in 20 years. most due to possess key, i'm labeled last week's assassination of a mazda is political bureau chief issue. males have now, as quote, a big mistake while also condemning the reaction to the attack as hypocritical of the session nation as mazda honey, as against linton national laws, erotic specks, all these lemay countries. i'm the freedom speaking people of the world to strongly
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condemn such atrocities. they claim to defend freedom, democracy in human rights, and present anyone who refrains from complying with them as the enemy of such principles and values. what's particularly interesting about this visit is that jordan is a close us all i previously played a key role in intercepting missiles and drones fired by your onto on as well. of course, back in april, following centralized retaliation for an is really its out on its diplomatic compound in syria, a foreign minister society said he did not carry any is really messages, but as long as i think that his goal was to help de escalate attention. so that we just enjoyed peace, security, and stability. he said that however, for everyone, retaliation seems inevitable. they won't believe washington provided the intelligence of needed for israel to conduct this twice against on the recently the i are. do you see what is more details about being said and reviewing that the how
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do you know it was taken out with white, a short range project, old fired from an area outside his residence. this terrorist attack was designed and implemented by design is regime and supported by the criminal governments of the united states. israel will receive a response to this crime at the appropriate time, place and manner. and one has promised that this response, this time will be even tougher than the operation in april, which saw scores of drones and missiles targeting tele v involved this time around the retaliation is expected to come from multiple friends with support from various countries that host resistance factions, especially live in on were israel has recently killed senior hezbollah officials launched course. of course israel is on high alert. prime minister benjamin nothing . yeah. who made it clear on sunday that the country is ready for any thing and it will hit back hard if provo he's on the bill,
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said will you run and its proxy sick this around this with this triangle. hold of tara 17 front. well, they're visible aggression is insatiable, but israel is not helpless. were determined to stand against them. one that'd be fine. well, i mean, every arena far in the anyone who are motors are citizens. anyone who comes our country will be held accountable if you will, but a very heavy price of what we have prepared very strongly in defense on land, into india. and we are ready to move quickly to attack or to respond. we will exact price as we have been doing in recent days from the enemy. we'll see if he does to attack us now. you will pay a heavy price while baby and go on to our uh, talking about defense. there are some voices in israel who are openly advocating for a pre emptive strike on nearby new york. sure. not only that, you don't have to wait for them to talk to you, but also there was a question of what are you talking to you. and i suggested that the targets that would hurt the head of the octopus. because when you cut only the tend to go off and octopus, it will go back of like what it thinks related to be around in nuclear project. i
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won't go into details of the specific targets that will leave you, run into strategically disadvantages position in different aspects. economic targets us. oh, well, so you renting an economy if it's possible to be sold in excess of the flu season. it has bo lots to get. one says that it was new about and backs the assassination of a smart. how do you? yeah, well, the west claims it had no role in the situation. it's deployments of weapons to that. we, john does not appear to backup these claims. i don't all we hi can concerns about a broader regional conflagration. a most being called a new black monday. the japanese stock market is in for a full witness and it was to as a daily sell off. the plum is links with public fillings for good by phase of a possible us recession. the nick a, it depends benchmark average high school and by more than 13 percent today, alone and close to double that overall in the past, month stokes have had
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a severe downward spiral since the day off the bank of japan raised rates and said it was open to more hikes this, yes, the japanese market will not take to outcomes is the likelihood of the american economy slipping into a recession. this year rose by twins, the 5 percent spouse, according super addictions, by economists and goldman sachs. us to a growth has slowed as well while the unemployment rate has risen to a full point 3 percent, which is the highest level since october 2021. while the shock waves of a possible us recession have gone beyond is just depends though, have been small, the else was the most go stock exchange found by less than 2 percentage points of the stock of trade. while they took a small, it was suspended off. the stokes fell by almost 7 percent off to the opening bel trip. the current seas. also a feeling the pinch with bitcoin. they think by almost a fist today. well,
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that's that cross lot to edge. i do a full month's secretary of india's ministry of columbus on dentistry. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see today. so the class has already effected mock and so low, but the welding the is nifty and the index is dropped by 3 percent so far. how do you expect the country's economy to was phones? i'm sure talking about the indian economy. i think it's not as badly off as some of the foreign markets that you're brand firearm. and maybe you're in hong kong and what the experience today. because one of one of the reasons for it is then the market now has a fair amount of domestic institutional investors. and it's not entirely dependent upon the 2nd. i think there is also a linkage between the earnings. i'm the regulations of the indian stock blocker
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named in stock market, probably been just the driven kind of stock market a beat which we have seen in the rest of one, particularly in new york, the japanese markets. mm hm. finally, i can see that i am not shot just the jeopardy because situation is pretty bad and just think it goes off there. be your configuration starting any time in the middle east. probably. i've got some reason don't really to read. i don't then symbolic gesture software off your tiny ation. you're not kind of contradict or can do a much larger. but i'm not, you're going to staying within the for the moment because the repay has depreciated to afresh low is a global market. consent meetings won't say it's a full replays against the us dollar. will that have a long term consequences?
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on india? the red car continues to the region. certainly it works. but otherwise i will just recall that that engine to be reserved there. hopkins is good for us. john us has been pretty stable. tried to the and dr. last calendar. yeah. calendar year as well as the 6 or 7 months of that kind. and yeah, it is. has been over in between 83438360 yesterday it has lost a little bit of brand new foster brand. i'd be on here, but i think it works recover because it's largely leading to the indian economy is a state of indian economy, which is probably discovery. and also doc balance of payment of india has come and has been controlled nicely because of a few of the big ripped,
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greater inboard from russia have that trade deficit has come down. and i finally got the in the services that store have come to grow substantially. and that adds to the balance of trade. even though the merchandise street me, i might be increasing not to be to all this thing and kind of just be all these things are in kind of redoing good stats. that does repeat book recover after i'm part of the last week to to got to do that. overall, the inter, an economy would be able to pass these kind of fluctuations which reach see where the gray speaking to today. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us . we've been speaking to h. i do a former secretary of india's ministry of commerce and industry. thank you.


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