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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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tossed up full force here, we discussed some real in the we decided we will form an interim government and all the work of this country will be carried out through the entering government to the she only analysis of an interim government will set the ends of power as the country's prime minister was dying player, given military helicopter, she's long digit 1st off site. but in india, both this is a broken into the bangladesh. you call them and so they get down to a crown to celebrate same 5 minutes to shake has seen is graphic nation. so they, the us and the west want to build a world with dictatorship, but present it as a democratic world. iran last has also washington and um, the collective west visits selected as retaliation for the assassination of pronounced as political leaders. think of the next and the on his desk would be
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enough. as molly breaks off diplomatic relations with ukraine and then a gall spellman vixon boy, that's off the key of those civic supports given to west african with the common got the japanese stock market crash. this is the biggest of all in day 12 as a mid us with session fees, schools and good global marketing meltdown with us focused opening with the it's to 15 pm here in the russian capital in you're watching all the international with the latest world news ok, thanks a very well welcome to you. so the on with breaking news from find la dash the countries department us to shake casino has landed for a stone in india on the best off the her resignation that made widespread protests of final destiny. sion is yet unknown. protesters have taken over the fine good
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that she solomon building, where crowns us celebrating the prime ministers resignation. rallies began in june with students cooling fulton ends to a close to system full state until the army has announced it will form an interim government for funds and that she army chief stays the move will help stabilize the country. there is a revolution going on in the country. i wasn't what it here, but a leader of all political parties who have come here. we had a beautiful discussion. we decided we will form an interim government and all the world of this country will be carried out through the insur him government. they will help us throughout the country. we will discuss all the crimes and all the injustice. what we can concern with the show are how, where, where is that shaken? see now the question design and where to go that has been confirmed by the chief among the abuse and did announce a while ago that the have taken
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o. r. as in sam government in law there's, there's in fact in this store about 10 people. this includes, in fact, so far more runs, all adjusted are just as dire general on the army generals on know from, you know, we're actually going to form the government. and this has been sitting down when this engine government has been formed off to discussions of the army chief, had with the opposition and almost see me, tuesday's fine to control the situation. he went on to see me take care of all the people via these and that the incident government is going to walk or going onto uh, support best sellers to stop and stop the section on the feed as to whether or not the situation will be handled no problem in sound i'm going to take the probably a few a couple of days are going to be very right to she really wants to. 6 to do so,
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i'm going to start on the, i'll, since i'm an associate casino, leaving the country in the manner in which she did the full just started on your reservation. where basically the teeth were sent to run to sweden sizes. so that's about 30 percent. but another 20 percent for women as well as with disabilities as well as back for districts communities. so all in all 50 percent or 2 of them were, is owned by the government and see if it were me. and we are, remember this was the move back. the supreme court had basically went back the, the, the, which, which people were really angry about. so the soft um, you know, sort of a former student by the way and surely it was she can see not calling to for testing students. who are that lead to this?
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not say hand or the seem to be the car is a water brain dead who gets the ward which is used back in the d. c. so, so do we have any reaction from neighboring states from foreign countries on? was a code today? yes, has varies. so by lots of times we've done with the 16 on government, it has to now in fact, 5 minutes and everything will be shadow to the relationship with down close by dr. relationship which she can see now. but of course, the email to activate the that's which of those documents comes to 5. we will of course, for that will be with them on board with them. as a matter of course, we'll have to do some form for the c v calculation. and the fact that i see because he has nothing to do with india, a lot on how to see just because i'm, you're hooked up with these for the best. and so just the never seen that has come . she cuz he knows we, when he sold these 4 tests that were brewing in von releasing, of course,
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on monday. so we have the, i can write from the use on very side information to make sense. these, these planes can, will balance and undermine bangladesh. governments in force to maintain and these environments to allow non reduced movement. freedom of expression and peaceful assembly cornerstones. for a demo c and the government, he made state 1st 2 of those rights of the citizens, but also safeguarding public prefers and order the situation in bangladesh. as we speak, it is still on the wall that up for that says me for this, so not just and all but all the cost long on the issues. well, i do the, i'd like to be in the, in the lease of the moment, but the indian government has also, in fact the issue that is why is the reason it was issued a week ago, it has often use to function any problems along the lease is off on maintenance,
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so we're talking from wrong whether it's given the fact that it does a lot of m p in the all sense. and then in bottom of these 2 right now, but of course uh, the next 2 days are crucial done here. to tease an update on that situation, protest is on the street, sought the bangladesh accounts and explained why they've taken pos, and they've riley's the father. we need the we couldn't speak a single word. if we say something we could do is to people who want to people's victory, that's why we are here on the main roads today. that's discuss this further. let's cost life to weekly blake said to us a lot. we didn't show up challenge rejoining us from the bangladesh, a campus. well, many thanks for joining us today is good to see. so you back in the bunker, there's a capital. what can you tell us about the situation on the ground in duncan right now? did you have a job?
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you know that the uh, the cheaper in general, cuz the mom who addressed the vision um for a quarter past 4. and he called up on everyone to refrain from any kind of powers of just talk to back to richard that prior to this past proofing, he held a meeting with some particle apologies uh, allow me to create digital participate. this part of this call i'll be, i'll meet you up for friday, so just give me just a big mistake through uh, a taxi. so be sure the rest of the, of the prime and as soon as you get properties properties just due to a completed vandalizing, many things i had the same time a couple of hours ago, i would naturally find them in to come under attack. the interesting name problem in your house, the room and they are vandalizing it. so i mean uh,
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what do people use really and expecting that the pieces are big it is to in these countries. it is not. thank you click that. secondly, those for tester, they were demanding the resignation of shape and now they said they don't want to reset it. so what they want uh, inactive government, up to resigning. indeed, and all the elected government, the power and he made in between the until now there is no interior in the system or propagation in the bottom of the if i still the army chief is going to form a kid above. i've already said by tonight and you will be reading the find me to so a several days from now. so this is what's happening, but the, i mean it's, we are considering the, the low in order would have been as children, the country. i'm jim, now it is not other the officer of the alarm,
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and it is the attack hughes particularly because of the heavy in the sentiment that handles the feeling extremely valuable. i should say. that's very interesting. so it was, it is multi faceted down good. that was seen play us on the street, so might, as i expected, it also the resignation of the prime minister that the protests might have subsided . but as you say, these violent protests of only continued the only chief, but the beans, who room governments will restore peace in the country. what are your expectations for that claim, or is this a protest or the 1st of all began read the demand for reforming the culture of the government jobs as you say, mentioned. and the tragedy came up with this walk on demand and resignation of shape up to that. i know they are possibly coming up this new to month because i've been into no 150 full code for testers. so
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where they're going to and it's supposed to, i mean on, i'm going to mind we're comfortable and i, i'm putting the pessimistic to this the, the getting government which may take place a few hours from now. they can really control the situation and for your information. talk of interest actually, airport has been uh to clear the no fly. i mean this guy that's going to get a band for any, any deadlines to flight. so maybe for 6 hours, they have to stop the sound of the share you. it means that possibly they are doing this. some people is free, the country and the possibly the 1st. initially they will do a drive, a just a corruption or some mastery. the roof, but the other thing that i really don't see that is every in hope of fees
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restorative country at fairly quick. that's where the interesting many, thanks to speaking to us today is great to get your take on the situation. we can place that it says a lot within. so a child re speaking to his life from the congregation. cough so many thanks. to me wally rhonda has sound washington for the stabilizing global security under the guise of democracy. it runs general his saying salami also valid retaliation against israel for his actions. and then with at least john j. c. u. s. and the west one to build a world with dictatorship, but presented as a democratic world. we have witnessed this fact all the dictators around the world are the political agents of the us or west. i see it anywhere in the world. he's real is digging graves that are its size, and it will gradually bury itself in these graves and quagmires. when it receives a decisive blow, it will notice that it is making mistakes. israel will see the result of its
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mistake. israel will see when, how and where it will get a response. going to get in the atlantic revolutionary goal is causal. so it's do, i can use that as well. we'll face via consequences at a time and place of its choose a bus off the most politically. the issue i'll have now was assassinated into ron last week. i can january and it's ready. so i called a residential neighborhood and they were killed. one of the crowds, military commanders, and some numbers of the radian parliaments have called for a quote, revenge. of course, this or done it, we won't be satisfied with giving less than it on the who we should take revenge and demolish the killer. the cool shell killer officials of design is treasury and so we can take a deep breath in this country. we are counting every minutes up to this event. we already, we fall them as members are leading the calls to die for these events. the whole country is now pausing with calls for revenge during despite honey as funeral,
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the deaf on their audience demanded that the country avenged the florida from us leader. iranian president muscle, physically on the also called as well as moved, a huge mistake that they weren't just let slides. he made these comments during a meeting with jordan's foreign minister. i human society and jeff on, on sunday who had come to yvonne to talk the country out of striking back. but it won't seems to be intense of retaliation. foreign ministry spokesman nozzler. kennedy said, they're not looking to ramp up tensions and that we did. but he believes that quote, publishing israel is a must for, it wants to prevent further east. on june we saw meet on you. ron believes that the control edition of peace and security in the region will be achieved by punishing the aggressor and creating determines against the adventures and extra territorial terrorism of design you stream. as well as on high alert to of course after the killing of honey, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu said on sunday that the country is ready for
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any possible scenario. i will head back hard if provo yvonne has promised that fits response will be even software defined on the operation april which saw hundreds of drones and missiles targeting tel aviv this time around their retaliation is expected to come from multiple phones with support from various countries that host resistance fractions especially live in on we're is well has recently killed senior hezbollah official all slots sold this as a nothing. yeah. has was that as well will not remain idle if iran stripes is on the bill said, well, you're on and its proxy seek this around this with this triangle hold of terry on 7 fronts, they're visible, aggression is insatiable, but israel is not helpless. were determined to stand against them on every front in every arena. far in near anyone who motors, our citizens, anyone who comes our country will be held accountable. he will be a very heavy price luck. not only that,
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you don't have to wait for them to attack you, but also there was a question of what are you attacking. and i suggested that targets that would hurt the head of octopus. because when you cut only the tend to go off and octopus, it will go back. like what thinks related to be around in nuclear project. i won't go into details strategic targets that will leave you run into strategically disadvantages position in different aspects. economic targets your s o wells, the renting an economy, it sponsors these whole access of the food, these and has bola and if they don't, the was is ramping off. it's military presence in the middle east sending all in more. our war ships and fighter jets, jonathan finer, the deputy advisor for the white house national security council said on sunday that this military build up is all about de escalation. but it looks like the west isn't really helping to pull things down. is that they seem to be adding fuel to the fire,
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especially when you're on says the west knew about and that the assassination office might have the apps that was washington claims. it had no role in this situation. it's deployments of weapons to the region does not appear to back copies claims and will always hiking concerns in the whole middle east. the escalation crisis in the middle east on wisc of old loud war between as well as the underground features on the latest episode of going on the ground. and the been a member of the national policy council of the arab american institute explains the most hoops behind the us political establishment support as well. just wanting to send you all his would like rush break. a dynamic is, is that, that's a yahoo is able to disregard the objections from the united states about his policies. because he knows that the, by the ministration likes the backbone to stand up in any out in any meaningful sense. so who cares to your point? who cares if they're telling him that he's the top things down and not bomb a route to not look for us to wasted with the wrong. if at the end of the day,
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the us is going to keep handing out the money and the weapons for his role to do whatever it was, that's why we're here. and the call is it's, it's an appeal to the american political establishment to understand the folly of their approach. this idea that you can achieve regional peace and stability through just giving israel whatever it wants and never questioning it and never challenging it. that has not worked good. been a recipe for amulets, regional conflict and data, obviously under international law 11 and and the wrong can now respond. what happens to all these us base is going to do around west asia when they start getting attacked right now we are set up at our compensation after a series of extremely for marketing actions by the israeli government to complete and total disregard for international law complete total disregard for any possibility or peace tasks or temporary down the situation in the region. we will see just a series of assassinations at this point and it's all leading us towards a major confrontation that is on, on the consequences. i mean, certainly,
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if this thing gets out of hand, it could lead not figuratively, but literally to the desk of millions of people in the region. the meanwhile, washington secures the counsel the secretary. so i gotta show you who has arrived in a raw onto discuss a wide range of topics from regional stability to biological cooperation. i'll see correspondence with phone calls to revise. the latest for us, the secretary of the russian security council sergey, shall i go arrived and said run on monday to meet with you as a radiant counterpart on the board. on monday on chief of the general staff will be ready and on forces mohammed by gary and then you'd elect to president must move. this actually on the visit is taking place as the tensions are wanting very high in the middle east, with several on threatening an imminent fatality ation for the murder of the head of how much political office you smile. honey, are right here in the room. and israel threatening preventive strikes,
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so we're basically in the one of the hottest spots on earth right now, both literally and figuratively speaking. this point that it seems to be business as usual. and the talks between brush and around the sides, discuss the various regional security issues as well as economic cooperation within the russian radian business council. and also the commitment of russia and iran's establishing a more equitable multiple world border and information over unified and indivisible, architecture of cooperation and security in your range are now that's meant to become an alternative to the western european model. and as of team portions, in the process of strengthening the totally centric world or visit continues and will bring you more as a schedule here is predict sides with thoughts taking place throughout the day. the molly has cons, diplomatic ties with ukraine starting to yeah,
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this open support and involvement with sec portez square. it's in west africa a suit because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly was the transitional government of the republic of molly as decided to sever with immediate effect in the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine. whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage discipline, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub regional with terrorists, disguised as diplomats ukraine, decided to extend the conflict with russia into the african continent, particularly in molly wade ukrainians. special forces have been hunting russian ministry took the road to must goes into is in the continent to which remember the classes that took place. and that is a to me, a $10.10, a north eastern town on the, for the also to be the tri rig and is east lemme side to had to combine demand
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power off more than 1000. and one of 2 russian had a cost to that. when to, to the age of off the miss movies and mothers soldiers was done down off the days off in chains fighting in the north of molly. the twilight examples claimed to have killed at least $84.00 russian vast. and i'm missing a reason and about to 40 steve and monuv soldiers. marty says the accident taken by the ukranian authorities to violate the sovereignty of marty. it goes beyond the scope of foreign interferes, which is already condemned, the building itself, and it constitutes a key aggression by monday and support for international terrorism. typical has been one of the countries, the gays, ukrainian mid league and oppression in africa. the cities also ortiz has also declared that the country cannot tolerate any attempt of propaganda underway in this conflict treats terry street and even so many the ukrainian and best sit up
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over the. he's praise a full, an attack on russian ministry. and marty adds, you support, particularly his. com is that she made from the spokesperson or if you praise military intelligence, video on the ambush, bishop of spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seemed this. in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation. the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with surprise of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly bye to our reg rebels. and members of the support group for is
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long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. the video has those been removed from the page, but it was a little late because even between the fossil has called on the international community to assist ukraine's support for terrorism. often the embassy incident is more on that for kito faso strongly condemned this defense of terrorism. and a surprise that is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism in a global context. where there is unanimity on the imperative to combat this scourge ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind whatsoever for these terrace. in fact, to there's been no official policy or statement coming from ukraine. you would expect something even if it's an explanation,
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but it seems like they do not to regret a new off that this is the ministers for, for the, for magic tool of off after kind 2 years. she will be in africa until thursday of this week of visiting my la we some yeah add to marissa has. but what's interesting about this visit is that in august of 2023 ukraine foreign minister was promising to free africa from rest. his grip as he waves a diplomatic console offensive store in august of 2023. you praise. military intelligence was conducting a military campaign to hand to russian. mister movies in sedan. we are now in august of 2024. the finest. the foreign minister is in africa again, while ukraine submitted for the intelligence unit is conducted rather a minute to see components to hand to russian miseries. in amadi, the timing of it all seems very suspicious and just questionable. but normally when ukraine tries to soft an african governments and try the lack of on the african
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continent, this is the landscape fact. it's normally says the southern african issue of the month if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us in any african state. and it must be based on mutual respect, relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. so this is the same state, so that tries to gain support from mastercard and the global solves the walls supporting terrorism, taking place in africa because off and pay no respect to, to the state solving and what's being called the new block monday. the japanese stock market has been for a full week. this thing is, was to have a daily sell off the plumber. it's linked with public selling for good buying phase of a possible us recession. o c correspondence him, i'm a to it broke down the right code dropped with my colleague. you to know new. it depends a benchmark average. the nick a has fall in to over 13 percent today, alone and close to double of that. in the past month after the bank of japan raised
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rates, the spot has hit the severe downward spiral. this is the worst, has buck, monday of 1987, but according to predictions, by economist this comes amid the probability of the american economy uh, slipping into a recession as the us economy may be in worse shape than expected. and that is due to a lot of things. one of them is of course, the high interest rate as well as the unemployment rate. and that one has risen to a little over 4 percent since october of 2021. now it's also been reported that worries are rowing, as the federal research, as much anticipated cuts that will come in in september, may not be sufficient enough to counter balance the ongoing high interest rates. now on top of that, the profits that are coming from such companies as well are underwhelming, which has portion of the situation. and because of the common us elections, investors are a little uncertain about the situation. but donald trump blamed the bite and
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administration, and he says that both biden and harris both don't understand anything. bayers camella harris, the presidential nominated for the democratic party and her plans to come back installation. well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of the, the bread costs more the gas costs more. so it is something that we take very seriously very seriously. so it's a big issue and we take it seriously. so no plan at all from camella harris has been just her then it's really no wonder why us investors are worried about the situation. but investors across the world, particularly those who have invested heavily in the u. s. her alliance on,
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on american markets, when america sneezes, the world gets a cold. but that can affect some areas more than others. right? yes, japan is not alone. the outcome of a possible you was, recession has hit other places as well. the multiple exchange of stock exchange filled by less than 2 percent. the target market was suspended after stock, spelled by 7 percent. then you will be in stock. have also in general, extended loss as major forces. and almost all sectors are in the red types of clothes in nearly 6 percent lower as well. and you as the giant, intel fell as much as 28 percent. but even crypto currencies are not exempt from the situation with bitcoin. ad bitten, defend by almost the 5th to day. so the situation seems of way of, so we'll see what kind of plans they will come to come back as that's good. we'll get sign cross off to a guessing we'll get more details while i don't 1st live to, i guess you have to be the doors in chief economist at the most go steve funds p. s
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. compet. so many thanks for joining us on the program today. so the us, the lock is volatility index as was an above 50 for the 1st time since april 2020. how do you see this further affecting the eyes and start walk is, you know, i believe that this is the goal for stop markets for the you know, that that's the case. actually, i'm the one with a balance in the market. if the stock scans to go or not for about a few months, but it looks to me that now the decision has to be made up and it's on the don't. it's all the question for how long and how deep will be the school. and the russian and stock market, this phone, and by 1.76 percent of the status of trading today. how would you assess this to decline if its significance off? it's just the bottom of actually a 2 month decline. story. don't forget that in the end of may, russian stock market was hoping to my experience.


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