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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the discovery of the world or other, such as the we decided we will form an interim government and all the world of this country will be carried out through the interim government, the bangladesh, the army announces an interim government will step into power as the countries of prime minister resigns, playing in a military helicopter and she has landed for a stop over in india. the protesters have broken into the bangladesh apartment building in dock, though, where the crowds are celebrating time enough to shake christina's resignation the ukraine. it takes you turn claiming it doesn't support terrorism despite gloating about his backing of militants and molly, in late july of this as the west african state cut ties with. yeah,
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also i have the us and the west want to build a world with dictatorship, but present it as a democratic world are on lashes out at washington, and it looked like that was because it does with highly ation for the assassination of a mazda is critical liter saying only netanyahu's desk with the in the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital . we start with breaking news from bangladesh, where our prime minister shake has seen a has landed in india for stop over after her resignation of mid widespread dudley protests. messina is report of late in the secure undisclosed location in new delhi with her final destination. still unknown or protesters have taken over the bangladesh, the parliament building where crime was our celebrating the prime ministers
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resignation for their roaming about the legislative chamber standing on desks and setting up smoke canisters. the former prime ministers of residents has also been a target for looting. video footage shows people line on shapes as seen as bad over turning furniture, smashing glass door panels, and carrying off and books and other private items. one protest her brags about what he took from the prime ministers palace made up there because she, i mean, i mean, who is assisting us hard for flog bread. i'm very happy to get it. i will keep it in my collection of homes so that my descendants can see how sees you st. choose such a traitor. she never used to praise. now we were reading the mouse here and make displace holy. i feel amazing, and would you license with the bundle that should people media reports say at least 100 people have been killed during the protests on monday. local journalist have seen a hassan brings us this report from the streets of taca for the
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purpose of the messing with the workers and ended up taking the government the people, the luxury of the bank and that she president has ordered the release of jail to ex prime minister and opposition leader held at a z a. she was sentenced to 17 years in prison on corruption charges in 2018. and the chaos army has announced it will help form an interim government, the bangladesh, the military chief of staff,
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is claimed. its goal is to stabilize the country. i mean, i'm a so residency, there is a revolution going on in the country. i wasn't what it here. but in the year of all political parties who have come here, we had a beautiful discussion. we decided we will form an intern, governments, and all the work of this country will be carried out through the entering government. they will help us throughout the country. we will discuss all the crimes and all the injustice. what we can confirm for sure, however you have that secret scene of question design and where to go that has been confirmed by the chief among the abuse and did announce a while ago that the have taken o. r. as in sam government in law there's, there's in fact, a list of lots about 10 p flows. this includes, in fact, so far more runs all adjusted. just as dire general on the army generals
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on know from, you know, we're actually going to form the government. and this is being student government, this engine government has been formed off to discussions and knowledge you've had with the positions and almost see so i me to use these trying to control the situation. he went on to see and let me see the people values. and that didn't seem to be going to walk or going onto uh, support bestsellers to stop and stop the sections on the feed. as to whether or not the situation will be handled. no problem in sound diamondbacks is going to take the probably a few a couple of days are going to be very right we want to to do so i'm going to start on the, i'll, since i'm an associate casino on leaving the country in the manner in which she did the full just saw that you all pulled our resolution where basically the
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teeth were send your i am glad to sweden sizes. so that's about 30 percent, but another 20 percent for women as well as with disabilities as well as back for the space communities. so all in all 50 percent or 2 of them were zoned by the government and see if it were me. and we are, remember, this was the move back, the supreme court had basically went back the, the job pulled out, which, which people were really angry about. students on the, you know, the students went truly is what she can see. not calling to for testing students. who are that lead to this? not the seem to be the call is a water brain dead who gets the ward which was used back in the d. c. so, so do we have any reaction from neighboring states from foreign countries on was a code today has very small biological ties. we've done with the shape of seen on
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government and it has to now in fact have 5 minutes and everything will be set to the relationship with down close by dr. relationship which she can see now. but of course, the email to activate the that we time of the documents comes to parts and we will be with them on board with them. as a matter of course, we'll have to do some t v calculations on that house in the fact that i see cuz he has nothing to do with email on how to see just because i'm, you're hooked up with this for the best and we just never seen that his tongue, she cuz he knows we, when he sold these 4 tabs that were brewing in von releasing or for as long as they are. because i strongly use on very side information to make sense. these, these claims can we're violence and undermine bangladesh. governments to maintain as these environments to allow long reduced movement, freedom of expression,
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and these soon as in the r cornerstones of our demo c and the government we made state 1st 2 of those rights of the citizens also safeguarding the public prefers and order the situation in bangladesh has the speed it is still on the wall that up forecast says me for this. so not just and all the but all the cost long, the lease as well on i really i'd like to be in the, in the lease of the moment. but the indian government has, in fact, the issue, that is, why is it because it was issued a week ago, it has all students to function any problems along the lesions, off on indians who were drawn from wrong. let me give them the fact that there's a lot of m c in the all sentiments in bottom of these 2 right now. but a scroll saw the next few days, a crucial trans here to tease and updates on the london and brussels have
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called for swift measures to be taken in bangladesh to ensure the transition of power. i hope that sweet action is taken to ensure that democracy prevails and accelerate the process towards peace and security to people in bangladesh. we call on the authorities to release all peaceful protesters and ensure due process is followed for those charged and prosecuted. dave opinion east closely monitoring the events unfolding and bundled us. it is wise all that an orderly and peaceful transition towards a democratically elected government is in short, in full respect of human rights and democratic principles. we take note of the assurances given by general baker was among the situation will be handled in a peaceful manner and that all unlawful killings will be investigated impartially. accountability for human vice violations is crucial, in your opinion, has pulled out of negotiations on economic cooperation with bangladesh until the
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ongoing press down on protesters ends. we spoke to a jeep, come our job consulting editor at news. 9 agency who says such measures resembled long employed colonial practices by the west. or i absolutely condemn the use of this kind of economic pressure on our developing country like bangladesh, which has been uh, you know, the, we know remarkable performance in terms of economic growth. and, you know, use of crisis planning to go crisis to come out with such a strong statement by european union swapped. so some kind of what i would call a form of colonial aptitude towards bundle base. it is quite possible that have been allegations that you know, what happens in the name of the human rights of like flooding example, amnesty international and several other um, uh sort of uh, agencies which have the headquarters back in the west sometimes western countries.
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so quite often in the boss have use that as a pressure point to sign all kinds of processing. they're developing, ward that are other kinds of political force in used at times to be the religious organizations at times through international and deals. i times through the stein support the lead on the move mountains. uh the so far to see the move brings so obviously that i'd be willing to go to the bought these end up sort of using through this as a way to school book. but i showed and bring about instability in the country like bung the laughter. molly cut ties with the train over it, supported militants in west africa. key ever criticized the move, calling it a hasty and short sighted decision. a suit, olympic as the following,
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ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly, the transitional government of the republic of molly as decided to set uh with immediate effect in the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets to confuse the international stage with the stage at this time to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region. with terrorists disguised as diplomats. the decision of the transitional government of the republic of molly december diplomatic relations with ukraine is short sighted in hasty ukraine unconditionally adheres to the norms of international law, the in viability of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries and resolutely rejects the accusations of the transitional government of molly, of alleged ukrainian support of international terrorism. the key, as you turn comes just days after you are creating an intelligence that publicly boasted of its backing of militants in west africa. r t is known as well. you
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couldn't get, it has more. the cranes decided to send the conflict to dresser into the african continent, particularly embodied with ukrainians. special forces has been hunting russian ministry took the road to moscow's info is in the continent to which remember the classes that took place. and that is a to me, a $10.10, a north eastern town on the board. the also to re, uh, the wiring is east lemme sites is had to combine demand power off more than $1000.00. and one of 2 russian had to go up to the wind to, to the aid off the miss movies and modest soldiers was done. don't ask the days off, in case fighting in the north of molly, the twilight examples claimed to have killed at least 84 russians back in the midst movies and about to 40 states and modern soldiers. modest says the actions are taken by the crating and authority societies. the sovereignty of marty,
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it goes beyond the scope of foreign interferes, which is already consumable in itself. and it constitutes a christian by monday and support for international terrorism. typical has been one of the countries, the gaze, ukrainian midland, and a position in africa. the cities authorities, as also declared that the country could not tolerate any attempt of propaganda underway. in this conflict treats terrace, she even saw many. you're creating an investigator over the he's praise a full, an attack on russian ministry and marty, add his support, particularly his comment is that she made from the spokesperson a few credits between changes as video on the end was official postponed to the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details,
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but let's say there will be a continuation. the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with support size of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly by to our reg rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. the video has those grades removed from the page, but it was a little late because even picking up also has called on the international community to assist ukraine's support for terrorism. off to the embassy incident. his move on that for keno faso strongly condemns this defense of terrorism. and a surprise that it is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the
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responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism in a global context. where there is unit empty honey, imperative to combat this scourge ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind whatsoever for these terrace. in fact, to there's been no official policy or statement coming from ukraine. you would expect something even if it's an explanation, but it seems like they do not to recreate in new off that this is the ministers for, for different matter tool off after kind 2 years. she will be in africa until thursday of this week, visiting my law. we some the add to marissa is. but what's interesting about this visit is that in august of 2023 ukraine foreign minister was promising to feed africa from rest his grip as he waves the age of a mac to console offensive. still in august of 2023, ukraine's military intelligence was conducting a military campaign to hand to russian,
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mister movies in sudan. we. * now in august of 2024, the finest the or administer is an advocate. again, while you create the military intelligence units, it is conducted rather a minute to see components to hunter rushing miseries in amadi. the timing of it all seems very suspicious and just questionable. but normally when ukraine tries to soft an african governments and try the lack of on the african continent, this is the landscape. in fact, it's normally says this about african if some of the month, if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us in any african state and it must be based on mutual respect. relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. so this is the same state, so that tries to gain support for mastercard and the global solved so well supporting terrorism taking place and advocate because off age and pay no respect to, to the state solving well now to, to ron,
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which has slammed washington saying it is the stabilizing global security under the guise of democracy around general who's saying it's telling me has valve retaliation against israel for its actions in the middle east. john vegas, see us in the west one to build a world with dictatorship, but present it as a democratic world. we have witnessed this fact all the dictators around the world are the political agents of the us or west sea. it anywhere in the world. he's real is digging graves that are its size, and it will gradually bury itself in these graves and quagmires. when it receives a decisive blow, it will notice that it is making mistakes, or israel will see the result of its mistake. israel will see when how and where it will get a response she's going to get if this will. the threats come after the assassination of hamas is political later. ishmael honey, a in to ron last week in january and is rarely strike on a residential neighborhood in bainbridge killed one of the groups,
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military commanders, some members of the uranium problems have called for equal revenge. the horse does so that we won't be satisfied whiskey. little less than yeah. then yahoo! we should take revenge and demolish tequila. the cool shell killer officials of design is 3 gene, so we can take a deep breath in this country. we accounting every minutes up to this event. we already, we follow them as members leading the calls to die for these events. the whole country is now pausing with calls for revenge during despite honey as funeral on their ronnie ends demanded that the country event, the law, the promised leader iranian president must be on the also called as well as moved. a huge mistake that are they born just let slide, he made these comments during a meeting with jordan's foreign minister, a human society and jeff on, on sunday who had come to yvonne to tossed the country out of striking back. but it
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won't seems to be in town talking with allegation foreign ministry spokesman nozzler. kennedy said they're not looking to ramp opt pensions that we just bought cheap, believes that quote, publishing as well is a must for a want to prevent further. and julie saw me, don't you, ron believes that the control edition of peace and security in the region will be achieved by punishing the aggressor and creating the turns against the adventures. an extra territorial terrorism of design is resumed. as well as on high alert to for us after the killing of honey, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu said on sunday that the country is ready for any possible scenario. i will head back hard if provo yvonne has promised uh that fits response will be even tougher. this find the operation in april which saw hundreds of drones and missiles targeting tel aviv this time around their retaliation is expected to come from multiple phones with support from various
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countries that host resistance fractions, especially 11 on were israel has recently killed senior hezbollah, official all so odd, sold this as a nothing yahoo has was that as well. will not remain idle if iran strikes. he's on the bill said will you run and its proxy sick to surround us with a strangle hold of terror on 7 fronts. there visible aggression is insatiable, but israel is not helpless. were determined to stand against them on every front in every arena. far in near any one of the motors are citizens, anyone who comes our country will be held accountable. he will be a very heavy price. lock, not only that you don't have to wait for them to attack you, but also there was a question of what are you talking? and i suggest to talk targets that would hurt the head of the octopus. because when you cut only the 10 to go up and octopus, it will go back. like what thinks related to be around in nuclear project. i won't go into details strategic targets that will leave you run in a strategically disadvantages position in different aspects. economic targets your
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s o wells, the rent and economy it sponsors these whole axes of the flu season. it has boss. and if they don't, the was ramping off its military presence in the middle east, sending in more are war ships and fighter jets. jonathan finer the deputy adviser for the white house national security council said on sunday that this military build up is all about de escalation. but it looks like the west is in really helping to cool things down, is that they seem to be adding fuel to the fire, especially when your boss says that he was new about, and that the assassination office might have the apps that was washington claims. it had no role in this situation. it's deployments of weapons to the region does not appear to back copies clayton's and well, i'm only hiking concerns in the whole middle east. so meanwhile, russian security council, the secretary surrogate showing who has arrived in or onto discuss
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a wide range of topics from regional stability to biological cooperation are key. correspondent romano customer have, has the latest, the secretary of the russian security council sergey, shall i go arrived and said run on monday to meet with you as a radiant counterpart on the far off monday on chief of the general staff of the radio and forces mohammed by garry and the need elected president must move this actually on the visit is taking place as the tensions are running very high in the middle east with several on threatening and eminence retaliation for the murder of the head of how much political office you smile, honey, are right here in the room and israel threatening preventive strikes. so we're basically in one of the hottest spots on earth right now. both literally and figuratively speaking, just point that it seems to be business as usual. and the talks between rush and around. besides discuss the various regional security issues, as well as economic cooperation within the russian radian business council. and
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also the commitment of russia and it ran to establishing a more equitable multiple, a world border and information over unified and indivisible, architecture of cooperation and security in your range are now that's meant to become an alternative to the western european model and is of importance in the process of strengthening the totally centric world or visit continues and will bring you more as a schedule here is predict sides with thoughts taking place for the date. turkey will officially join the south african genocide case against israel in the international court of justice. and is prepared to meet wednesdays filing deadline that's according to the turkish foreign minister. or is that good? it goes or did you copy? i'm a sub with most of your friends under the leadership of our president, to be shipped to a parent to con, were engaged in intensive diplomacy to end domestic green palestine, and bring the perpetrators to justice. work closely following the process of these
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well being tried at the international court of justice. as you may recall to key it has decided to intervene. in this case, god willing, we are submitting our application filed to the court on wednesday. the past due piece in the middle east lies and b, establishment of a troop hosting in state. all right, let's get more on this now from our tea correspondent. yes. and that can yes. and what more details do you have for us? a rachel, over the course of the past 3 months, we did learn from the church government that it would be interested in joining south africa's case against the israeli government. and it said that policy makers and lawmakers will provide their dossier to ensure that they have all, all the cop uh, all of the bases covered before they present anything at the hey, again, it seems that that time is essentially now and on wednesday or thursday of will be providing its case and joining the south africa and its prosecution against it is rarely governments. and this statement candidates came at
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a time when turkish foreign minister, how confident met with his egyptian counts of parts and during a press conference issued a number of statements, some that were essentially uncharacteristic of the diplomatic representative. and in that statement to issued warnings towards the united states, as well as israel's european allies, and said that the owners of israel must take israel by the lease and stop it. these are words that are essentially highlighting for the stance that the turkish government takes at this point, but also issues. it's frustration towards these where the government, but in that statement, he also said the region is no longer in a position to tolerate further is really publications. now this is also send gift for significant for a number of different reasons because as we understand is will over the past year, has carried out airstrikes against a number of countries, syria, iraq, lab and on iran. yeah. man and the list seems to go on and on. and while these really government is being prosecuted for crimes against humanity and genocide, we also need to understand that there are other things that must be done to ensure
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that these really government moves away from publication acts with some form of caution. and it appears that the church representatives, as well as the different prep for representatives, i feel like these really government is just not willing to do so. and during that press conference, egypt for minister, both of them of the essentially issue the statements suggesting that it's not just a matter of his real israel stance towards pa, the students in gaza or even regional conflict. but there's also issues in the west bank and in that same and he said that the, that we are essentially this is the quote we are making up, is to ensure a ceasefire as true to you in egypt. we are not concerned about the deterioration of the situation in the west bank. and this further complicates things for a number of different reasons. because we understand that these, where the government has been pursuing some form of a military campaign against some us and gaza. but in the west bank over the course of the past few months, if not since october 7th, up until this point, this is where the government is forcing its settlement projects against palestinians in the west bank. and for one significant reason or another is
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essentially provoking palestinians within that region, it could lead to further unrest within the west bank because we understand that is really government has sanctioned the attic station of palestinian territories. this is the biggest antics section of palestinian tor tories since the us, the records came into effect in the mid to late 19 hundreds. so it really gives us a better understanding as to where things, where the government stands with respect to its future, or at least it's roadmap, moving forward. and this is where actors like to, to egypt, and even to an extent to be around and russian, other regional actors are trying to ensure that the is where the government does not prevent further war and conflict in the region. and if the statement provided by the church for a minister, how can see that? he says that the region is not in a position to provoke further conflict. and this is why they're essentially advocating to put an end to these hostilities and negotiate what can be done. rachel and r t correspondent. yes, and i can. yes. and thank you. all right and do stay with archie international up
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next on direct impact. rick sanchez and his guest discussed the recent military actions in iran and the us presidential race the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. once again, i should tell you this week that were being drawn by more and more people. millions of people around the world and a lot of people this week and been writing to us and saying they appreciate what we do. i think it's coming up on me to say, i appreciate you being there. thank you so much. this is are we can review him off . see if man, hon. yeah. and one of his body gods have been killed. you won't have to vote at a more my beautiful christians. i love you, christians, i'm not christian. i love you. i don't know anything about politics. i just know that i love this man. i care about this man. oh, lots. i hate, lots of love, both of israel and a new as politics. so i'm calling to sides. very same thing. and that thing is not good. i'm a chance as best is the weekend review. let's do this. the
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. all right, boy, another child week. it seems like we say this every time and they just get wilder and wilder, but a lot of news, lot of things going all over the world, including here in the united states. joining me to recap. busy of these stories are the host with the critical our on radios, butler, dr. wilmer leon, and garland mix. and there they are my partners to talk about a lot of stuff that really matters. and i guess we have to begin, well, in israel, israel has begun executing a series of assassinations. i'm killings all over the world really in many countries, at least 5 when i last counted non more brazen of course than what they have just done inside of a rom, that's a key word and this happens inside of a ron. they didn't just kill somebody.


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