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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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again, the we decided we will form an interim government and all the world of this country will be carried out through the entering government. the bangladesh army announces an interim with government will step into power as the country's prime minister resigned liang in the military helicopter. to has landed for a stop over in india. and the protesters have broken into the bangladesh apartment building in dhaka, where crowds are celebrating time minister shake hands tina's resignation. the train it takes a you turn, climbing it doesn't support terrorism despite the loading about his backing of militants and molly, in late july, this as the west african state cuts, ties with kias also ahead today's the us and the west want to build a world with dictatorship, but presenting as
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a democratic world. a ron loss is out at washington and the collective west as it pledges retaliation for the assassination of a mazda is political liter, saying only netanyahu's desk with the in the and the us stock market loose is almost 2 trillion dollars in the 1st 15 minutes of training i made a global market meltdown triggered by us. the recession fears the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you are watching r t international. we start with breaking news from bangladesh, where our prime minister, shaken sina has landed in india for a stop over after her resignation and mid wide spread deadly protests. a scene, it is reported late in a secure, undisclosed location in new delhi with her final destination. still unknown. protesters have taken over the bangladesh apartment building were crowds are
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celebrating the prime minister's bread like nation, the roaming about, the legislative chamber standing on desks and setting off smoke canisters. the former prime minister's residence has also been a target for looting. video footage shows people lying on shake has seen as bad over turning furniture, smashing glass door panels, and that carrying off books and other private items. one protest her brags about what he took from the prime minister's palace made up there because she, i mean, i mean this is the most hot part for flog bread. i'm very happy to get it. i will keep it in my collection at home so that my descendants can see how sees the street . she was such a traitor, she never used to praise. now we were reading the moss here and make this place holy. i feel amazing. and would you license with the bundle that should people media report say at least 100 people have been killed during the protests on monday, local journalists seen a hassan brings us this report from the streets of doctor,
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the the the biggest part of the people are getting it with the professors and ended up in the. c the people. c the new luxury or the bangladesh, the president has ordered the release of jail to ex prime minister and the opposition leader. hell a to z as she was sentenced to 17 years in prison on corruption charges in 2018. and the chaos army has announced that will help form an interim government,
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the bangladesh, the military chief of staff, has claimed his goal is to stabilize the country. there is a revolution going on in the country. i wasn't what it here, but a leader of all political parties who have come here. we had a beautiful discussion. we decided that we will form an interim government and all the world of this country will be carried out through the ensuing government. they will help us throughout the country. we will discuss all the crimes and all the injustice. what we can confirm for sure, however, is that secret scene of question design and where to go that has been confirmed by the chief in bung abuse did announced a while ago that the have taken o r. as in sam government in a bond. well there's, there's in fact in this store was about to attend the flows. this includes, in fact, on the for more runs all adjusted. just as dire general on the army generals
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on know from, you know, we're actually going to form the government still. and this is ancient engine government has been formed off to discussions of the army chief, had with the opposition and almost see the army to use these trying to control the situation. he went on to see the people values and that the incident, the who would be willing to walk or going onto uh, support best sellers to stop the stop destruction on the seat as to whether or not the situation will be handled. no problem in sound. diamondbacks is going to take the supplement seat a couple of days are going to be very right. we want to the, to do assignment a saw around the austin simon, associated casino on leaving the country in the manner in which she did the full
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just started on your reservation where basically the government to develop these for sense your, i am brand symbol suite. those sizes, so that's about 30 percent, but another 20 percent for women as well as with disabilities as well as backward districts communities. so all in all 50 percent or 2 of them were, is owned by the government and see if it were read. and we remember this was the move back, the supreme court had basically went back to the the john holt, all which, which people were really angry about students on um, you know, sort of the following students. by the way, surely it was, she could see not calling to for testing students who are that lead to this now or the v off seems to be like are, is a water very large which is use back in the d. c. so on. so do we have any reaction from neighboring states from foreign countries on was a code today?
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yes. had this very small biological ties we've done with the 16 on government and it has to now in fact, appointments and everything will be set to the relationship with them to sign up for relationship with. so you can see now, but of course the emails tabs here that's which of those documents comes to parts. we will of course, but i believe with them on board with them as well. but of course we'll have to do some foreign policy. the calculations on the policy and the fact that i see because he has nothing to do with in the a, a law on how to see to seek asylum. you're hooked up with these for the best. and we just never seen that a sound she cuz he knows we when he sold these floor pads that were brewing in violation of course, on monday so. so yeah, because i strongly use on very sides information to make sense these, these claims can, will balance and undermine via this government's air force to maintain
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a peaceful environment, to a loan for this movement, freedom of expression. and these, soon as in the cornerstones of democracy and the government, he made state 1st 2 of those rights of the citizens also safeguarding the subject property and order. the situation in bangladesh has the speed it is still on the wall that up for that. so, me for this, so not just and all, but all the cost. well, nice as well on i duty. i'd like to be in the, in the base of the moments. but the indian government has also, in fact the issue that is why is the issue is a week ago? it has all students to boston. any problems along the lease is off on maintenance. so we're talking from wrong. let me give them the fact that there's a lot of m c in the all sentiments in bottom of these 2 right now, but it's called the next few days. okay, so i'm here to tease an update on that to london and brussels have called for
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a swift measure is to be taken in bangladesh to ensure the transition of power. i hope that sweets direction is taken to ensure that democracy prevails and accelerate the process towards peace and security to people in bangladesh. we call on the authorities to release all peaceful product stairs and ensure due process is followed for those charged and prosecuted. they've opinion is closely monitoring the events unfolding and bundled us. it is wise all that an old, really and peaceful transition towards a democratically elected government is in short, in full respect of human rights and democratic principles. we take note of the assurances given by general baker was among the situation will be handled in a peaceful manner and that all unlawful killings will be investigated impartially. accountability for human vice violations is crucial. we spoke to pen not funds on chakrabarti. india's former high commissioner to bangladesh,
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he says western powers may be interested in bringing tensions in the region to avoid, as it was in fact, show built up on the chick casino. got more. and because some countries in the west messaging emerging change, they wanted to see the house because they're more familiar with the opposition. and yet that didn't happen because of the factors that renew. so i think i would not rule out a farthing then some include and says from the west who may have also also added fuel to this bio that finally will finally be ended. okay. yes. so i think that is an aspect that is also the in the context of the day. some countries do not want to see in the as a relations with the bottom of this group then. and then we started the family
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because you could call it to some kind of a window jewel call it a good thing about keeping him in a particular place, etc. so anyway, that is one part of, i mean somebody might say it was sort of guns for the see, but then those elements of a jo, politics when we bought a set of interest in certain areas. so that is one of the 2nd factor, the closest that to the they may have been because she can see now has a bed bed set. the dishes being brought on the line to provide certain facilities to some military facilities to some countries which she had found out because there's always prided in good sell but having a very neutral and sort of a longer line kind of a position in these terms. they don't warranty, they never wanted to be bought. really good old or for the in the association with the military conversations. after molly cut ties
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with ukraine over it's important militants in west africa. she has criticized the move, calling it a hasty and short sighted decision. she thought that because the following ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly, the transitional government of the republic of molly as decided to sever with immediate effect on the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets to confuse the international stage with the stage to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region. with terrorists disguised as diplomats. the decision of the transitional government of the republic of molly december diplomatic relations with ukraine is short sighted in hasty ukraine unconditionally adheres to the norms of international law, the in viability of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries
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and resolutely rejects the accusations of the transitional government of molly, of a legend, ukrainian support of international terrorism. cabs you turn comes does days after ukrainian intelligence publicly boasted of its back in the militants, in west africa ortiz. and although you can get, has more, the trains decided to extend the conflict with russia into the african continent, particularly in monte way ukrainians. special forces have been hunting russian ministry took the road to moscow's info is in the continent to which remember the classes that took place and that is a to me, a $10.10, a north eastern town on the border. also julia, the pri, this is lemons. fighters had to combine demand power off more than $1000.00. and one of 2 russian helicopters that went to the age of off the miss movies and modest soldiers was done down off the days off in chains fighting in the north of molly, the twilight examples claimed to have killed at least 84 russian vast num miss
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movies and about to 47000000 soldiers, montes says the actions are taken by the ukrainian authorities to violate the sovereignty of my body. it goes beyond the scope of foreign interferes, which is already a consumable in itself. and it constitutes a christian by monday and support for international terrorism. typical has been one of the countries of gays, ukrainian, middling, and aggression in africa. the city could leave a story to use as also declared that the country could not tolerate any attempt of propaganda underway. in this conflict treats terrace see even so many the ukrainian invested us over, he's praise a full, an attack on russian ministry and marty, add his support, particularly his. com is that she made from the spokesperson a few credits between changes as video on the end was official post by to the fact
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that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation. the ministry of foreign affairs has learned with the pro, size of the publication on the facebook page of the ukrainian embassy in the car of a propaganda video by the ukranian army. a company by a comment by the ukranian ambassador himself providing unequivocal and unqualified support for the terrorist attack carried out between the 25th and 27th of july 2024 in northern molly bye to our ag rebels and members of the support group for as long and muslims against the armed forces of molly, which resulted in significant loss of life among them. the video has those been removed from the page, but it was a little late because even became the fossil has called on the international
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community to assist ukraine's support for terrorism officer. the embassy incident is more on that for keno, fall so strongly condemns this defense of terrorism. and a surprise that it is related by the ukrainian embassy and the car. it calls on the responsibility of the international community in the face of ukraine's choice to support terrorism. in a global context where there is unit empty honey, imperative to combat this scourge ukraine must not fight the wrong battle and should refrain from any support of any kind whatsoever for these terrace. in fact, there's been no official apology or a statement coming from ukraine. you would expect something even if it's an explanation, but it seems like they do not to recreate in new off that this is the ministers for, for diplomatic tool off after kind 2 years. she will be in africa until thursday of this week, visiting my law. we some yeah add to marissa is. but what's interesting about this visit is that in august of 2023 ukraine foreign minister was promising to see
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africa from rest. his grip as he waged a different mat to console offensive. still in august of 2023, ukraine's military intelligence was conducting a military campaign to hand to russian, mister movies in sedan we. * now in august of 2024, the finest the or administer is an advocate again, while you creating submitted for intelligence units is conducted rather a minute see components to hand to russian miseries in amadi, the timing of it all seems very suspicious and just questionable, but normally when ukraine tries to soft an african governments and try the lack of on the african continent, the busy these, the landscape, in fact, it's normally says, the southern advocates use some of the month if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us and any african state and it must be based on mutual respect, relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. so this is the same state, so that tries to gain support from mastercard and the global solves the walls
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supporting terrorism, taking place in africa because off it and pay no respect to, to the state solving now to, to ron, which has slammed washington saying it is the stabilizing global security under the guise of democracy. ron's general who's saying salami has valid retaliation against israel for its actions in the middle east. john dave cus and the west one to build a world with dictatorship, but presented as a democratic world. we have witnessed this fact, all the dictators around the world are the political agents of the us or west. see it anywhere in the world is real, is digging graves that are its size, and it will gradually bury itself in these graves and quagmires. when it receives a decisive blow, it will notice that it is making mistakes. israel will see the result of its mistake. israel will see when how and where it will get a response. going to get it. the threats come after the assassination of how mazda
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is political leader. ishmael honey, a in to ron last week in january and is really striking on a residential neighborhood and be rude, killed one of the groups, military commanders, some members of the uranium problem that have called for equal revenge. of course this so that we won't be satisfied with giving less than in the who we should take revenge and demolish the killer. the cool child kill officials of design is 3 dream . so we can take a deep breath in this country. we are counting every minutes up to this event. we already, we follow them as members leading the calls to die for these events. the whole country is now pausing with calls for revenge during despite honey as funeral, the deaf on their audience demanded that the country event to apply the speed or iranian president muscle, physically on the also called as well as move, a huge mistake that are they born just let slide, he made these comments during
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a meeting with jordan's foreign minister, i human society and jeff on, on sunday who had come to yvonne to talk to the country out of striking back. but it won't seems to be intense on without the ocean foreign ministry spokesman nozzler kennedy sat there not looking to ramp up the tensions that we did. but he believes that cool pod is showing as well is a must for a want to prevent further. instead of an angel movie as long meet on you, ron believes that the control edition of peace and security in the region will be achieved by punishing the aggressor and creating determines against the adventures and extra territorial terrorism of design. you squeeze him as well as on high alert, of course after the killing got plenty of prime minister benjamin netanyahu said on sunday. the odds of the country is ready for any possible scenario. i will head back hard if provo yvonne has promised uh that fits response will be even tougher
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defined on the operation april which saw hundreds of drones and missiles targeting tel aviv this time around their retaliation is expected to come from multiple phones with support from various countries that host resistance fractions, especially 11 on were israel has recently killed senior hezbollah official. all so odd schultz, this has a nephew who has war of that as well. will not remain idle if iran stripes you, the bill said, will you run and its proxy sick to surround us with a strangle hold of terror on 7 fronts. they are visible, aggression is insatiable, but these root is not helpless, were determined to stand against them when there be front in every irina far in near anyone for motors, our citizens, anyone who comes our country will be held accountable. she will be a very heavy price lock. not only that you don't have to wait for them to talk to you, but also there was a question of what are you talking? and i suggest to targets that would hurt the head of the octopus. because when you
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cut only the 10 to go up in octopus, it will go back. like what thinks related to be around in nuclear project. i won't go into details strategic targets that will leave you run in a strategic lead these advantages position in different aspect. economic targets your ass. oh wells, the ranting and kind of me it sponsors these whole access of the flu season. that has bola and if they all the was is running off, it's military presence in the middle east, sending in more are war ships and fighter jets, jonathan finer the deputy advisor for the white house national security council said on sunday that this military build up is all about de escalation, but it looks like the west is in really helping to pull things down is that they seem to be adding fuel to the fire, especially when your boss says that he was new about, and that the assassination office might have the apps that was washington claims that it had no role in this situation. it's deployment of weapons to the wage and
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does not appear to back copies quite inside. well, i'm only hiking concerns in the whole middle east. the british prime minister has issued a warning to those taking part in mass bottom protests across the u. k. this comes as writers set fire to hotels, housing asylum seekers in the english towns of router um and cameras. and i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder, whether directly, all those within this option, bottom line of the wrong, the way themselves. this is not protest. it just opened eyes violent i think, has another place on offerings for online to a right wing riots spread across the country over the weekend and response to the stabbing depths of 3 young girls in northwest england last week. protesters and time was attacked, a local hotel popular with migrants reportedly using petrol bombs to set it on fire
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on police officer was reportedly injured in the attack, a 100 kilometers north and router i'm a police officer was reportedly injured while trying to stop protesters from storming another hotel, housing migrants, an angry mob, pelted the building with stones and the debris trying to force their way inside. the crowd attacked the police cars and set off fire extinguishers. sundays scenes are part of a series of anti immigrant protests set off by the little girls mothers. the
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the media meanwhile seems to know exactly who's to blame and apparently it's all russia's fault outlets, like the independent publish articles underlining, concerns bottom are put in is behind the trouble. according to the report russian, that misinformation spread on social media has been spoken anger and brought people to the streets. the accusations had been for my reject. it ended by moscow with the russian embassy and the u. k. is reactive saying this was a predictable reaction from those who themselves contributed to the de stabilisation of multiple countries. the foreign ministry also condemned british authorities for not allowing people the right to express their will and called on london to stop the police violence against the protesters. red star radios editor in chief, alexander my case, says by blaming russia for the protests. the u. k. absolves itself of responsibility. a very convenient because the,
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the blaming of the russian state folders enables them to avoid the risk where will placing responsibility, where it should be placed, which is within the us to give them the actions of the british governments itself and dates media because this was not something that was invented by bloody mapleton and the russian government. this has been a problem in terms of the uncertain migrant sentiment and to be quite honest or encouragement of racism in this country as a problem which goes by many, many decades. and it's been something which is a brush, these creation, the british government, us, the statement from the russian foreign ministry indicated a gun around both the stabilizing governments, overflowing them, causing mass migration crises for many decades of cost. at the same time, british business benefits from the cheaper more exploitable labels that's
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a migrant communities often are applies to provide in order to find a space here and to be able to work and then money here. they have to take the most um, low paid jobs. so the british ruling class benefits from mass migration. they cause it by the stabilizing countries all over the world. the us stop. so taking a beating, losing almost 2 trillion dollars in the 1st 15 minutes of the week's training, and that's as markets around the world are facing a global sell off, sparked by us recession fears ortiz, to kill them up and picks up the story. it was started in japan with a 12 percent drop. that's the largest drop since 1987. after that we saw a taiwan which had its stock exchange. go down by 8.35 percent south korea was down by 8.8 percent is stumbles. all their stocks ball by 6.72 percent.
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now it's important to note moscow saw a significantly lower drop on the russian stock market. we saw only 2 points down in russia, but the american stock market opened. and last, roughly, 2 trillion dollars in just the 1st 15 minutes. bitcoin, the largest crypto currency in the world shed more than 10 percent of its value in a single day. and donald trump was quick to speak up and blame this on the democratic administration. of course, there was a massive market downturn, connell is even worse than quicker. joe markets will never accept the radical left lunatic that destroyed san francisco and california as a whole. next move, the great depression of 2024. you can't play games with markets, comma, look, crash. well, analysts are pointing the 3 major fears that have investors selling off stocks. now there is a concern of the united states slipping into
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a market recession. goldman sachs predicted that there's a one in 4 chance of united states going directly into a recession in the next 4 months. and on top of that, we've seen a rise in unemployment. and the amount of new jobs created in july was not what was expected. now, many are also concerned that the federal reserve bank has not stepped in and adjusted interest rates and acted accordingly in order to stabilize the market. and all of that plays in to concerns that the best place to buy big tack on artificial intelligence may not pay off as they are intended. now it would be up to a new, administrate a center to handle the economy in light of continued drops and continued market turbulence. and that's why many are worried about complet harris. this clip of comma harris, the democratic party, nominated for president dressing house. she would, for, i guess, would not deal with the issue of inflation, has many steering out
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a harris administration might respond to continued inflation. well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of the, the bread costs more the gas costs more. so it is something that we take very seriously very seriously. so it's a big issue and we take it seriously. so that less than satisfactory answer has many on the american markets. very worried about what can happen is pamela harris is at the head of the u. s. executive branch. now the other fear that is plaguing the markets, according to analysts, is the fear of direct confrontation escalation in the middle east between israel and your ron and people are waiting to see what happens next. in light of the assassination and ron's plan to retell.


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