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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  August 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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interviews to really was a better will and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the what happened on october? the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here, and that would take care, right. and the tears there, there and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge
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is okay. so i am, i know who they mean to come off the the on off know, especially though play shall be the good this of being prevented. but it seems to be that we don't want these letters to be what he wants to do, peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? and i'm so lucky that i was born in that specific geographical space, just very soft and gentle. and then you come to delhi and they were like, oh my god, i seen the cinema is of a mile from one must be responsible. most of the american actors learned from
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dentist of us who are the russian. yeah. and america has a problem with russia ought to bring people together. if the intent is on the profit that you were appealing to the newer movements, the creature crowds below the neighbors only your anger, your sexuality, or jealousy. i was torn, i think, twice in my life, the to hello and welcome my model. if i'm kid and welcome to my show, let's talk about it for the next half and i, we will discuss everything in the potter with a very special guest. is a deer clique, and at the new one for both here and abroad. he has started in english and the somebody's been go lead time in my team. a lot of them not of asian and french builds the fence and kids like that much. any other language left him
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a lot of lots, lots of options. i haven't done the russian, but i shouldn't have done that. okay, this is your addition for that. yes, absolutely. oh wonderful. how wonderful you came from a sam and it's had nothing to do with that thing. not at all. no. so no for the support do. if you become active and not really, you know, i think it's, it's the case of that generation. i'm sure that lot of people have faced the same with a school teacher. well, a small town newspaper used to live 3 days off the published. so he had no clue i but he wasn't versus the reader. he was a great fan of the goal in other english literature. he was, he was, he was a very, very, very well good man. but he was kid of basically financial security. how many but other than system and i have 4 in the brothers and the youngest, you are the youngest and a but what would they need to do or what they did?
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they are in a told them are lawyers. one was a school teacher has died, all of them died now. so nobody knew they get a job, a living this younger son. wonder to be an act. exactly. and they didn't understand that at all. like what, what are you talking about and bump it also for us as far away? yeah, well, so you all is going to be a for the matter. yes. initiating the okay. finish and then i fell in love with theater and then okay, what did you learn most in the drama school with you went to london also then just after and this the i got a scholarship. yes me is. so i think the most important aspect of the training process i found is that's the understanding of human history history of often. i mean, she looks like, what am i doing? you know, i've learned i've come here to learn acting and i'm big giving me dialogues and i would speak the bible. but this started teaching me history of all,
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it is to appear to architecture as you enter and looked at uh, western mentioned indian engine, west and modern indian modern and then slowly, i felt that it is such a comprehensive understanding off the boss. do understand where we are and why we're here like this, sitting here and to understand physicality, emotional evolution of human human being. and the exposure to a different approach to act. for example, starts those key or false key or metal old or my country, i call all these people have found the man who you named on the russian feel people ex. correct? yeah. yeah. fidgety for the use of martin, but he's the father more than active in the scottish desk, and tickle for that matter of. they were amazing. amazing. i'm a great fan of to. yeah, we have all learned. most of the american actors, right. i've learned from stanislavsky. yeah, who is that issue?
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yeah. and america has a problem with us. yeah. that's, that's good. but all the top act as odd as on them create, create admirers of methodists. absolutely. jefcoat all performances of by degree this act does have done. yes. yes. so even in the, even the student of the literature, my 1st book was given to you, i don't know if you remember those in the soviet, you know, or the, or the sort of translator and it is the english into english. and in the, in the, in the sam we didn't get as soon as drugs, the good thing this done. so isn't out any what i read. they tell me my book was, makes him go to his mother, mother. right. and you know, so mine was not from literature it. busy was about science. oh, well the, i'm just to understand 50 over 50 different deed for, for him 11 year old, 2 of my brothers were coming this ones. so he got to me one. okay. and it was so
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wonderfully explain the idea of reality. you know what disabilities, so the example i still remember the train is running and you. busy inside the tree, you and i are sitting face to face, and if i toy a ball up that it comes to me. right? but the person was standing outside the tree. you would see the ball going from. yeah, because the train is running and so the, it is a prospect is related perspective or when the bodies mean is going up and down me for the person who is outside the jail moving if it is a transparent tray in the matter. and so the bullet going off, it is going with the train. it is funny. and i still remember that i did at the age of 11 and somebody stole story and go to test the risky. yes. yeah, it's nuclear us pro risky? yes, i, one of my favorite books was how this deal was tempered by come from crush me. do you come from assigned as active or i have control mazda does. do we have to somehow annoyingly bring that to our ok?
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some part of that when we come from us that are specific some that would be certain university in a it's what we bring. definitely like, as i keep saying to my, my friends that i'm so lucky that i was born in that specific geographical space because it was border of been goldman sachs. and so i grew up with the goal and ask them is new to me and the vibrancy of cultural activities that i grew up in. it is like ingrained in my body, the sense of freedom and music. and you know, at the same time, the gentleness of the, of the claimant, to the gentleness of the top of the difficult condition. like crush me, for example, the beautiful and i come from such a beautiful place that people didn't want to come out of that place. that's where you'll find very few estimates. people outside of a sam 225 years ago. and that's right. do you want me to find an assignment? it's such a beautiful place. so we, i,
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i was there last evening and i was sitting in my living room, facing the 2 acre farm, which where i grew up seeming to be gets fish from the end. you don't have to grow anything, it grows the, the leasing vegetables and it goes on you, it is all just very soft and gentle. and then you come to the daily and you're like, oh my god, is it go to the shop for a lot of times people want to sort of say that, do you send them? i shouldn't be about also about changing the system. martin change in the society from how much do you agree with that? i've seen the cinema is a very powerful media. i remember watching a documentary on netflix long back to the 5 came back. those 5 directors were chosen by the american government to, to go to the waterfront when america hasn't gotten yet involved in secondary. and there was sent to the waterfront in europe so that they come back can make
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movies to inspire the young ones to join the military. and so it is a possibly that are so many other examples. i'm just giving one year. so when it is a possible medium, i think one must be responsible and how you use the spot for media because i remember. busy coming out of the cinema hole when i was like 13 here or watching you out. okay. but i and i was like, don't mess with me. know that back to do that now, was impediment this up? you see what i mean? so need, it is extremely penetrating. it can penetrate to real, it can go pretty deep within and it can condition the old idea of life, your world view, what, how we look at how we look at the relationship and the idea of love, especially for young ones. what are you giving them? so i'm not saying it shouldn't be a message, but i'm saying be aware of what to turn out to if the intent is on the profit
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and then the possibility of as she or when the saves it very nicely, that you weren't appealing to the newer movements the creature crowds below the neighbors. when the people that you get to select fast food coming out because it depends to that, the fit, the product that leads to only your anger, your sexuality, or jealousy, your which, which is very easily started bu to class. but to be too hot and of that took up from there, it's very difficult to make you feel uplift to make. i'm feeling feeling a quiet joy within they are like wow, beautiful from that. yeah. to make you feel like that, i think we could do more things like that. i'm not saying there is no place for entertaining, anything. it must be entertainment entertaining as well. like life apply and model . it is understanding or of $1000000000.00 the most. it was made
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$410000000.00, most of us, but it's fine. i've just done one from namesake internationally. double didn't do that to double when they funded name saying i was that was my power for nobody knew me. and soon as was the 1st time, the only angry was no, but the feeling that sense ran for 5 weeks in go happy with knowing you'd feelings ever read for more than a week. and there's not because i was it because i was in other films, i'll say, never did that well. so what i'm saying is that you can make films which are lifting, which are finding treating which are, which gives you a sort of, at least in spite of you to look for meaning in life. not only, of course, we have created the society well is being regarded as the highest standard. how to judge can choose, do, uh, get upset about sometimes some people know sort of brands and m uh,
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based on their, on the bus, the philosophy of life, on which side do they belong to in terms of, what does the person talk process? i felt miserable when i did crush me advise it was the truth of what you're wanting to what happened and crush me. it was so sweet us and then on international platforms, judy, each of them and go off in festival, said the to propaganda from audit. something like that, or even for that matter of and i did a accident, the prime minister, right. i'm sure it, it must be bothering you also sometime and you do that and people into basically what, what, what is your reaction at that i, some of, i haven't watched either of the feelings i heard about it and i have to, i have made myself uh, i'd like to take some time to watch it because i would like to, i don't want to be influenced by the critics and reviews and what happened after that. after that, when i forget about that, that was what you do. we usually make
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a decision like that the by any will, i do not because of anything. so when you, if you will see a schindler's list, i'm just asking yes. so you will paint them before you look to that. that's what it is. now see, that's one of the, one of the most important things. why in shouldn't those list a speed about being a jewish man. and she made a nod. zip party member, they should. all that's it is the, the lead actor, the not the party, but he's the nazi party member. the law in the last in a few. yeah. but he said, oh my god, i wish i am sort of my sort of my wristwatch that i could have saved for a moment. he could have made him a villain, did not. and he made this man the chair. mister neal, i'm listen schindler, you know, but he is from the opposite to kemp. so humanity is dead in also amongst. busy
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by a sub. so my point being that is that feeling when it can create the bridge between the fighting tribes for what i would like. i did logic the reason for territorial reason. it doesn't matter. you know, when, if we can so option bring people together. this might be ok, could bring people together to understand the humanity, amongst the other person as well. and more people on the other side is getting the other people. so that's my view about talk schindler's list. i have not seen him cause me fights, but what i card that there is not a single muslim connector who is good in. that's me that i heard i haven't seen. so i cannot point. so, but since this is i why are mentioning and you mentioned him, but he's a nazi party member. he's the hero, created by mr. spring bug, who is
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a jewish man. he had all the money. all the pardons resources he should have secret a phone and other story to tell the problem of the jews or the suffering of the jewish people. but he did not choose that teachers shouldn't do that. mr. sion, the, to show his side of a lot of things have changed nines then and then this modernization that's happening technique, right? technocratic categories have changed. i remember i am from, i got did my 1st payment at the for g, and i have gone through this changing that are you and editing the feeling on stand back the tetra. and then the via just came in then the l. p came in to see the game in the easy, the game. and now the main thing that is happening is a i, yes. what are your thoughts on the flight, the new that somebody will to a would think it's ok, a lot of actor that sort of going to quote to sort of uh yeah i, i'm
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a member of i'm sure you are a member of sag as man. yes. second, after i'm a member of yeah, there was a huge strides. uh 6 months. yes. i think they go to d. yes. finally from the studio. is that right? so then rights cannot be violated off the actors. and so i don't really know. i don't think i have, i have read, i locked them on both sides and i don't think i'm in a position to sort of form or concrete view, but i think we must be very, very careful when i say this is really amazing, right. who wrote, i keep forgetting his name, sapiens and his view about a i what he says, and it makes sense to me completely says that it is something that humanity has never, never faced the, the phenomena of the, i mean it's so different than so strong me that we have never faced that me how to
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deal with it if it goes out of hand and the person who was responsible to create the 1st guy, he left the company and he said it's dangerous. he's or cents left. yeah. so i don't know, i'm, you know, i'm, i'm a lame and they've done some understanding technologies who have gone to is, are you that if somebody is using your voice, a fluffy, an ad? yeah. and you are not paid for it. i think i would feel absolutely tablet low to give me my money. yes. clips. yeah. yeah. yeah. you use it. no problem. i don't have to go to the studio. yeah. but are using my voice. yeah. you have to pay me the right. right. because it is my or getting course. yeah. would you choose and without my permission and if you want my permission that i have to pay for it? absolutely. you're on social media and so my yes and the unknown person. you have one has to deal with tools as the outpatient required. according to me to is
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that all is that in life and all we have an operation over. i remember when i was a small guy was jeff and jim last year we all used to have black and white tv. yes . and then mr. model with the color tv. so retorted him. so he must be but digging bribe. right. so that's why he was so, but now there's an official award for that. how much, how do you deal with it? and how much does it bother you? i was strong. i think twice in my life. one was coincidentally. it's the same time when christmas lies. oh really? okay. i have no idea it does come up. i meant to immediately after that in bombay, apple, i bumped into yes. and i told you i haven't watched a movie and watch it. and so i was having a chat about what art means to me or the definition of art for me, with a student of mine. mm hm. i formulate it and i thought, hey,
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this is i can put it in the 140 works. this nice switch overwhelming and taught. i said for me, ok, big school. ok. and it is it's, it could be gentle, dental like my son doesn't listen to me when i'm harsh with him. you, if you and i didn't know if is it kept. and if the idea is to come together, if it is getting a job, i don't have any person. if you and i are there, and my son is in the other side and he doesn't listen to me when i sit on my high horse and do this number. but why? you explained to me, you know, like my 5 brothers, a totally different kemp's and my father could not tell me. so why would a stranger listen to me notice i have been told it was sent for me. and we have to find a way to have a dialogue. and so and from that perspective i said it could bridge too much. i was i or i was like,
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oh no. so i apologize that for the simple reason the oh i didn't know the context way telling me because i haven't seen the film and this the 1st part of the i didn't not know anything about because there's the 1st time i have a conversation with publicly about it and they also mentioned what i've seen this list. i'm like, wow, this must have, this must have appear to that. i have a difference of context. no. so i haven't thing. is this going through them? so this is exactly, i did not respond to it. i don't because there's no point to that. there is no point either. there's no point now, but i felt i should definitely find a way to tell the people those who firms court assets. sorry, i didn't mean anything to do with the film because i don't know what's different and i'm more business to talk about the items i was in the village in cadillac me when the fame cable me after 3 or 4 days night or one day later, probably or maybe a one day before i read it over to you. uh,
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but i was very happy to the uh, not for the any particular reason. doesn't fun of the uh, i do the rules that you would want to do is that, of course, you know. absolutely. yeah, absolutely. what fascinates you about and as an actor. yeah, the see as an actor is, will probably happen later 1st as a human being, i'd 700 version of the 1st one was it's not a g. and then other versions is rough acquisition version and but what it's got me complete this billable meals. done me, he was free or a windows version of the. okay. the messages. okay. do you see my, my regular document to everybody here please. every human being should read that book. okay. and they present it to me. i would send it to send me your address. i send it to. yeah, absolutely. and i was,
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so i was sitting in my living room and my wife would come. and as we started looking in into the wall and she would ask me what happened as i'm like, i don't know, it sort of spoke it's past my intellectual intelligent mind in touch. me did that happen? and then i kept reading. it took me 4 months to finish that because it was very strong. and then my teeth, my friend, my mentor, they've shrunk. i said, i'd like to do it. he said, good. i have just okay that he told me this quote, kind of new stuff. and we started rehearsing that i played a gym with my mentor place and then he said, now we switched, or how do i go? i call him because he is capable, i cough i'm going of do not. and if i called on, i'm asking questions telling me why totally. why, why that device emotional as they do is a trembling all the time. you know?
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so if i can be a 1000000000 of cush. now i think my life is perfect. now, the unconditional love and gratitude and universal love for every human beings of every thing that propagates in the book. but can the data to even be split full about it? i can pretend to be humble community unless it has to be or, or it is death more to what degree it is that it shows and you cannot, no matter how good you want it back to. that's what i fix. so to have the ability of that magnitude, of course not if i can have this much or i'm done for this like this, i thought so this, i don't know how to do it. well, we can go on and on, and that's talking to each other about send them up. but before the end this,
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i have to ask you, which is one of your most favorite fins, rich in back to you as an actor, not every person. the 1st total freedom i've ever seen, and that was that was that people. oh and before that i have never seen a 100 from the i pod, those actors. steve mcqueen in the us in hoffman. they're like picked up from the streets while they had been given rules. and i was like before that i sold separately and sent us out. but then so yeah, oh, i get here the way out to the, to the with the banking the school. and i saw what these people, so that changed the idea of acting towards going towards kat extract rather than personality act. right, right. and that was a good scene when the jump. no one stays back. yeah. i think just in terms of steve mckenzie, i'm suggesting hoffman just to be free. all my. wow,
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thank you. i the pleasure. thank you so much because i saw a wonderful to to talk to you so wonderful. thank you so much. thank you for watching. join me next week for another intimate conversation with another s team guess. and let's talk about it. the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than to the various job. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have so many of them in the
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a robot most protects this phone. existence was on the lease of russian states. never as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine states on russia's coding and split the r t smooth neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say even closer to
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the the we are in north of cities in the caucus, as mountains were, beautiful. people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions since the beginning of the times itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm sean thomas. this isn't my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of a southern culture. the decades of the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years,
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ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't in the trunk, then there's no single new foster. larry shifted upwards was douglas who saw him and no more appropriate. after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset, and i'm ready to double open for example the accuracy. why do you know if we're feed lacrosse or they're going to use it isn't good enough proof tiffany: to one. if you don't want any problems, immediately deemed good luck. boeing enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war. from 132, the only 2 for repeating the song. mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from years of bloody conflict?
12:00 am
watch on see the time action or test say welcome back to going underground bulk of single around the world from the u, a. e. today mark 62. yes. and so you k, u s. u m j lynn nelson mandela and present between 62 and 1990. after c, i a covert operation in south africa, mandela and 1997 said we know too well that all freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the palestinians. today is billions of dollars worth of weapons from the european union. the u. k. and principal sponsor of israel usa. i dropped on gaza to exterminate palestinian superpower as russia in china.


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