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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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just called the a terrorist attempt by key of to kill vladimir putin not navy day celebrations in his home city. that's what the kremlin said was ported in saint petersburg last month. following i call between rushes, defense minister and his american culture. me and mars leadership say foreign doctor is interested in fueling conflict in the country are supporting the insurgency left russia for assistance in buckling the volume at the us and israel blame. i run a line militia groups for attacking in american or a base in a row that says, washington positions itself as a peacemaker in the mid east with tensions in the region. we came on buying the
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dishes parliament is all following mondays resignation by the prime minister. amid deadly protests across the country, the pleasure of the heavier company for the news our let's get into our top story. this tuesday. ukraine plan to carry out a terror attack against russia and it's president vladimir putin. it would have targeted the main navy day parade in saint petersburg at the end of july, if it was enough for a call from the russian defense minister to the pentagon, that was revealed by deputy foreign minister serv. everybody's cough in most cases that we have avoid it and you wrong def escalation, find you the quote from our mutual leadership and mainly the defense minister to his american culture parts. and the fact that particular case was very disturbing. they planned to inflict maximum damage and get the maximum and the, the fact they needed the time something during the navy parade. i wanted to go into
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details, but there were such plans. it's crazy. as we've heard, this was a us, an uncovered parts to attack the naval parade in st. petersburg at the end of july. now, when this part was discovered at level that to a read high level phone conversation between russia, an american perspective that defense at ministers. now, of course, such a problem if the college would have been on the imaginable, the naval for right, of course, high numbers of military personnel, the civilians watching the parade, families and children. and of course, the intended targets all of these uh, assassination attempt listing russian president vladimir putin and of course, played out live on. and of course, this wouldn't be a spectacular crew for the ukrainians, but russia was so concerned that it raised a this directly with the washington. now we know the new york times reported on
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this a telephone conversation, apparently taking place back on july. the 12th now it's not clear whether washington knew of the planned attack in advance. this was something that you knew times that it wasn't aware of. but of course the united states was so concerned that a contacted cab directly on the porch was a voted. can i put a to use the but this is shocking, but perhaps not surprising. totally. the crime have openly boasted about its desire to assassinate the russian president vladimir putin. we've even seen on the go was come, we didn't the west and pressed. 3 3 speculating whether such an attack would be justified now. uh, ukraine again has come without a series of terror attacks. it's the assassinations. as we know, perhaps the most notorious was the called bombing, which killed, do you do going to, in the most go region. the attack again on i didn't to task you to join this who
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was killed in a cafe in st. petersburg and the attempted assassination is oper left, which we have fortunately i was, was unsuccessful. and we've seen the series of attacks on the coast bridging cry may have, for example, ukrainian intelligence cheaper down of well, he's justified such attacks that he's described. these individuals has no civilians, he's as quantum is legitimate targets. of course, we mentioned 3 gymnast edge and this are protected on the international role, the deliberate targeting of jr. and this is a war crime now, cabinets so far as what is your main signing on the latest revelations, but the russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is a hard, but now she's gone. as far as to accuse washington of creating the ground for such attacks through massive financing and the uncontrolled supply of weapons, washington has created a terrorist structure and ukraine, the key of regime. it is
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a machine of murders, bombings, destruction and terrorist attacks against both political figures and civilians. you crate and often boast about the kind of terror attacks that it's carried off, but when those parts are foiled, either remain silent or often it back tracks. but you cranes, bottom is lensky. now he's being critical of the cranes western allies, but not wanting to escalate to a full sky. well with russia. western nations are always concerned about possible escalation. we are fighting against that. we will work on it. so keep desperation on the battlefield, where it's losing ground, makes it more and more desperate to drag it's allies into direct conflict with russia and us documentary filmmaker and political commented, are shown stones. phase washington would never openly advocate for such as us nation. but believe that removing plumber putting codes a cheats the range of destabilizing worship. the fact that ukraine is using much
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more of these drones to try to attack targets inside of russia. but certainly it begs the question, if, if your crane is generally going to be deterred by the us, or if the us simply was forced to him to say, stand down because they had been discovered the us has been out there basically calling for pollutants, had they been calling for probably since 2012, roughly right, with the bi election in 2012 when hillary and others got involved try to basically say, put in last and he should, you know, they were trying to, to destabilize them that and ever since then it's been clear that the intention has been to stabilize russia and put in is considered the, the, the, the, the 1st and most powerful in russia. that if they took him out, they believe that they could be stabilize russia. so it's a very interesting situation where technically they can advocate for the assassination. obviously they're not going to cry file if it has fueling the flames of on wrist me in mars,
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acting president has won the outside forces are interfering in the countries domestic affairs by supporting militant groups. some foreign countries want conflicts and to be able to shape me in law as they like, providing money, food medicines, and munitions technologies and logistic opportunities to and search in some terrorist groups. helping malicious media outlets to wage psychological wolf at the statement is coming from me on march. the army chief and cool leaders senior general mean on the line where he also acknowledge his troops are under pressure after an type who fighters claim to have taken control of a key military base and the north eastern town off lachelle from his commands that were published in global new light of myanmar, he saw the situation as a result of some armed groups taking advantage of instabilities nationwide and
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attempting to expand their land of control the rubble groups that on july 25th that it had taken over the bass. they posted photographs of its troops at the military stronghold in the town, but on the other side, the spokesperson informed me on mars ruling village street console said that it had lost contact with commanders of the north eastern call man headquarters. the army leader also accused anti q forces off abusing civilians and military hospitals, as well as conspiring with students of home and abroad to be more or less the public. local authorities have stated that they do their best to confront the insurgents. however, it seems that what they have done is not enough leading to be as myanmar are towards ease, recently have reached out to russia and ask for help and it's fight against her as the main support we would like is for russia to work together with us in the fight
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against terrorism, to do this, we must 1st realize that what is happening in mind more must be perceived not as internal political squabbles, but is terrorism. do you recognize this as terrorism, then your departments and agencies that are engaged in the fight against terrorism can join us and together achieve our goals. russia assessed myanmar and maintaining its army at a modern level. a considerable number of myanmar, military personnel receive scientific, technical, and military training and russian colleges. this is the most substantial aspect of the collaboration between the 2 countries. and recently, the most active cooperation has also been on security issue. on one hand, it has been training close contacts with the myanmar armed forces and on the other . copulation in the area of technology exchange and personal training has been develop as well. just a week ago, russian for administer. saturday law firm has commented on this issue in the asia
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nation by pointing finger at the west. unfortunately, the west is trying to restrain political process is trying to bring the me and my leadership on the more and more sanctions, while simultaneously financing an arming the radical opposition. this certainly does not help besides the secure matter. we also have to look at more and brushes 5 drugs. both countries have something else and come in a multi fall or world order. in this case, you have more emphasize that the countries for its unifying goal is to aggressively or post western neo colonial right genes are 1st common purpose is that we are strongly against neo colonial regimes from the west. our common goal is to stop such neo colonial movements from existing. we are seeking to create a new just world order for all the countries on the planet. looking at the current situation, the army chief and cool leader also addressed the issue of economies functions and
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rumors how these were used against myanmar in a variety of ways to impair the country's economy and defense compatibility. he's then the army chief, also underlined that strengthening the state economy must be made to consistently grow production and also export volume. asking everyone to work together to ensure myanmar survival for as long as the world exist. well, were not joined by strategic on military on the list, on former general director of infantry in the indian army general shashi. i saw that you are most welcome, sir. the thing had all of me and more said in his statement that some states are trying to destabilize the country uncontrolled. and would you think he was referring to oh, can you hear me?
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yeah, i was just saying general, if you can hear me ok about the attempts to destabilize the country and control it, that's what the acting had of me and more has said, who do you think he was? he was referring to and not instance c, d, the stipulation s, what is the men modest concern? what we can read is that there are, there is a fear. don't want the indigenous component asked, what is the, the water we use, leave on the water. you just waiting on and then model uh as little as you go to load the bottom. and in any case of been able to use intelligence, ease a prospect, and then the into gen groups becomes stronger. so therefore, uh it is a mix up, but you can say that perhaps a date would it be that's pretty cool. and then minimal automated. they're speaking, they're going to be different to uh, the best. and so going to remove those off the milk receipt of it as
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a vendor you're looking at. uh the, the other site that is the one or 2 parties of me and my uh, did perhaps have a different page as of now. um maybe accept you as the be all of those. uh, but uh uh there is uh, does go through man within the country and within the people as well. and that is what this is also one of the reasons why these info, general groups have become strong. i have been lot of good on in the recent boss. can i just pick off on, on some of those remarks? because russian foreign minister circular golf said the western countries are the ones interested in the continuation of the me in more conflict. how lot grid is that assessment than you are if you see uh you were to have his own sources. so obviously he would have a visitors,
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comments based on the information available to him, but the counselor don't what the reasons. one is that the man model is a strategic location which johnny is want to utilize excellence and they have china and why they put on the play store, which is up with that, which is very, very important for jane. and you want this word water between china and us. the, uh, there is no reason whatever. uh, if you're free again. uh, somehow several dodge the industrials, china, they would certainly like proposal number mental model certainly is not in the best of china. and therefore again, she does not do that for me, please add that extra and you'll see the subject right to that. that's the uh, the bottom is the little brush. yeah. is it a mock uh the they have some credibility as well as the uh,
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the chinese concern. uh the game. yeah, certainly engaging with the, the emitter to the bottom of their data. also it gives you of the uh, ssl guard uh the people are demographics. part of the principals, the default is as well as, uh, the, the alliances that is 3 brother waterlines. that is the group of 3 and subjective groups. we just captured a lot of both a lot of grown and improved almost about 60 percent of. meanwhile, as of today, so therefore i am getting getting with them as when they tried to negotiate, the price would go somewhere and nobody's going to that is be seen, man, what, but it didn't work out. that was what the simple reason because of the many groups of loved one and, and obviously you want to display all the groups and all groups of work different
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demands as an adult and getting the group to the complete introduce you to the uh yeah, in the label the label that the, the, just another point i want to put to the me and more government has openly requested russian assistance in fighting at what they call terrorism. and why did that turn to moscow specifically? do you think i, i see uh as of now the men lot of government under sanctions would certainly like to have more light even more people who can have demo in this crisis situation. and therefore they're given the boss relations between management and the other issue i. we do a very good relations. i think they would have approached us. yeah. uh, but at the same time, i think going to show you have to do some kind of study balancing in a manner that the uh, the people who are not the military government as of today. if that diesel
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then uh you will have to unless you have the pick up one of them. uh, 2 of the other ladies. uh because the woman uh, is also upload dustin, uh, that's supported by people. so therefore it's not black and white kind of situation. sure. uh, the dentist, all the incidents uh different people are the dentist but then uh they get they can also claim to see that the uh certainly are picking up because of the people a little difficult to get you. so you're not really nice to be of a man mazda the lot of men, modest studies, equally, extremely important was of you also have all the s b s one. he just doesn't look, we don't demand models. so therefore, it's not that we are not communicating with the name of the v r s as the chaise.
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and we are also having some kind of working relationship with them in, in some manner. but we have not the bottom line. i don't think a lot of the machine is going from, but she also took the airport if you have to, if a she has to respond to this quote. uh, 1st thing is that a chevy level megabits my from the bottom rated. recognize him literally glamour of which came out of the vehicle under go okay to, to the a lot of the you're raising a lot of questions to the moment we yeah, we are a lot of questions and it is a situation will be watching very closely. indeed at, but for now we say thank you very much international strategic on look for yellows . general shashi, i found that live from new delhi. thank you. know, several us military personnel were wounded in a rocket attack on an american or a base in western iraq. on monday, the pentagon has blamed
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a run the line militia groups for the strike. and this bracing for more secretary austin, administered gallon degree. but today's original line, malicious attack on us forces stationed at alice sod, airbags in western iraq, marked a dangerous escalation and demonstrated a ron's destabilizing role in the region. while it comes, it had overruns, anticipated retaliation to the assassination of her most political leader is maya honey. into rum last week, as pensions in the middle east reached boiling point, washington has sought to publicly play a pacemaker in the region. something of really and officials are rather skeptical, but well, that's home. it's all. unfortunately, over the past 10 months is government has been doing these at most to help is real, committed, war crimes and genocide against the oppressed pals team and people. it is incumbent on the us government to exert affective pressure on israel to stop the conflict and stop israel's massacre. moreover, the rest would not provide these real with arms or weapons of mass destruction. we
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believe that headed not being the u. s. government assistance easily. it would have never taken such a risk. meanwhile, israel administer or defend smith with the head of us central command on monday for talks until a beef, the former cold and mixing a direct translation of american support. it took place after the by the administration, reportedly lifted restrictions on supplying israel with powerful half tall name k, the 3 bones. washington also earlier confirmed it's moving it's navy best, so it's closer to it's a lie. so it made the powder keg situation. let's listen to our recent state department exchange in no way, whatever talents or reaction by ron in any way, serve the interest of the running people or the broader regions. you said that you had a right to defend it. now you better say, yeah. so what's different, i mean, you know, everybody was did that, oh everyone. let's say everyone has a right to defend the so why does anyone have right? it is not in any way, however,
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right useful at all for anyone in the region for ron to consider taking such steps because of the risk. as i said, that this could potentially get out of control if you're looking for a case studying gas lighting. that'll up no farther than recent comments. coming out of washington, pentagon said that we are moving a, a carrier aircraft carrier group to the region and some additional airs. assets that is entirely focused on defending israel against a potential threats it may face and out of our desire to both, to turn those threats defend against them and ultimately de escalate this situation . the other thing that we've been doing since the 7th of october is making sure that not only israel has what it needs to defend itself, but that this war doesn't escalate to become something broader or regional, more regional conflict. we're going to do everything we can to make sure that we keep things on the bell and try to get into a broader conflict throughout the region. who knew? well, this time the us have to was home to
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a gang of peace makers who sits in the oval office praying to avoid war. choose diplomacy over threats and ultimatums, new nights, and a sink only of the escalating conflicts all around the world. we thought it was the wrong one. who know either by the way, does this well it never has. but you see these entities, they just pulled out of. there was only like for a flight. the state of israel is in a multi front war against the wrong axis of evil. we have striking every one of its arms with great force. we are prepared for any scenario, both offensively and defensively, reiterates and tell our enemies. we will respond and we will exact a heavy price for any active aggression against us, from whatever quarter. yes. so as well, positive foreign consulates and both fascinated political furs, mass of good tens of thousands of palestinians. well, i'm phone salt for neighbors, but it's not really a reason for us collation no,
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and why don't you just restrain itself in the meantime as well should keep receiving us before us. i'm flight to squadrons on that craft carriers for defensive purposes, obviously. because as its allies say, we urge all involved parties once again, to refrain from perpetuating the current destructive cycle of retaliatory violence, to lower tensions, and engage constructively toward the escalation. no country or nation stands to gain from a further escalation in the middle east. but that's all quite true, is it the us job? many, it's the on the you, k o g 7 nations are, is rouse, biggest supplies. so other than literally perpetuating the current destructive cycle by all means one of the policies. they also, it's time to gain big time because a big role is big box. so diluted, has washington become about as role in history and its efforts in global conflict
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resolution. but i'm to me blinking picked up the phone on cold fact that the secretary blinking spoke with a rocky prime ministers to donnie today to discuss how all parties in the region should take steps to comm, regional tensions and advanced ability, seemingly forgetting move out stability that american troops themselves have been bringing to the region since 2001 from the 200000 that are rocky civilians. to the 4400000 displaced from the populating and matter of saddam hussein tends to a power vacuum. the civil war on the terrorism smoke for guessing the 53 percent inflation, but please iraq pay your role now and my costs press the peace. i make sure nothing happens to our troops still station within your board to switch. yes, i know you've been demanding that they need for yes, and we've fused but let's focus on iran now. i'm dependency of what we have
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a limited in the region. this disconnect between the self perception and p all statements. so the western relates on the acts and those current i'm historical is like i said, a case study in gaslighting. it is psychological manipulation of the highest order . it is the grossest rewriting of these nations devastating contributions to the world. i didn't a so ingrained in that psyche that it is now impossible to give up. finally, dishes, parliament has been dissolved a day after prime minister shake have seen a resigned and fled the country following weeks of deadly protests that has claimed the lives. hundreds of people to plus cross know to ortiz, region sean, and neighboring india to get the latest region good to see you might where things moving quickly. now, after what had been weeks of political deadlock,
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take us through the main developments this tuesday has happened over the last 24 hours. we need to magic seen dramatic development is coming in from bundle vase that is now secured for the border here in india. so far see the resignation of well, she could see now then in the heart, leaving the country in the manner in which she did and followed by the people. what of the army, the new source of the, the parliament has been dissolved in, in bonds of the so as we see, got, say, casino happens to be very close to new denny, you know, f for saw a, b, c. in fact, uh has been there since last evening. her original plan was to use new. dat is a store for and been heads to the united kingdom. she's accompanied by for us to
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start, as well as her own sludge above. what it looks like is that the united kingdom's has denied the she casino asylum. but we cannot confirm that at this point, given the fact that this is a developing story and who information keeps coming every few minutes. having said that, uh, shake is he not and um, and the team is also looking at all the options. so for example, i, she's sized bedroom stuff in is if you can, for example, definitely to work out. but the hall negotiations going on. busy with the united kingdom it also helps do the fact that she because he knows this stuff happens to be a citizen of the yuki it's having said that we've, we've seen that of the, the kind of visuals in a bundle. the shock which was coming out sadly when shake is enough uh, was um of his leaving the can see the manner in which he did at heart house for the for so residents going on hall one was run by and we pulled best of tens
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of thousands of them, some of them managed to enter a residence menu, then a 2 we moved to drop off from a residence of utensils. furniture was um, even fluids like the salaries in dallas, for example. we take crazy scenes coming out of the chef. now, are you into the, in fact the president visa nouns to dissolve the following decision has been taken to form an interim government as soon as possible by dissolving parliament. the army will also take measures to normalize the prevailing, anarchic situation. so this is a developing story and a false be seen reactions from all across the world. we've also seen the walls bad, who's going on to see is that so the monitoring, the current situation in bond will be the impact that is going to have on that loan
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program. so that's one, but also the rest of the criticism is she because he knows government has been at the center if it's not to us from, from last month in july when the full just started for a job, pulled our reservations. but even before early the c r, when mondays, when it's a, when for elections, there was a lot of criticism from the west calling the elections of sham. and now once again, the rest so appealing to com, can we just maybe expand on the what else is coming i to you talked about neighboring states. of course, they have an interest in what's occurring here at whether or not the u. k. will take her, take her in at expanding just the reaction as to what countries are seeing at by the essentially k all succeeding is not on folding. and dr. and in other areas of, of the country
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the, let me talk about in the far as given the fact that what is happening in volume a lease is going to have a direct impact on e mail for more reasons than one. falsely say, casino herself is in very close to that. in fact, right now, but also given the fact that india says are very new to deal with bundled vision. in fact, uh, this is long as bought on the walls that india, she has with bundle vision on top of that, a very old one. so there are concerns within the country or in need to infiltrate, shows also a given the fact that there are reports. now coming out, which suggests that hindus, india was under attack in bundled these, that have been something which has been a talk on the phone for the indian government.


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