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tv   Documentary  RT  August 6, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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the in other areas of, of this country the, let me talk about india as far as giving the fact that what is happening in volume a lease is going to have a direct impact on in the out for more reasons than one. fourthly, say, casino herself is in very close to that. in fact, right now, but also given the fact that india says very new to deal with bundle vision. in fact, uh, this is long as bought on the wall setting that she has with bundle vision on top of that, a very old one. uh, so the concerns within the country or indeed the insulation also given the fact that there was a box now coming out, which suggests that hindus, india was under attack in bundle dish. that has been something which has been a talk on the phone for the indian government. that wasn't all saucy needs,
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essentially a, which includes the opposition as well as the parties on the policy or the political policy. it was some movie and one of them are really on the same page of the hall to d, a. with the, with the issue here. the united states stands with the people of bangladesh. we urge all parties to refrain from further violence, too many lives have been lost over the course of the past several weeks. and we urge calm and restraint in the days ahead. as we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition be conducted in accordance with bangladesh as laws, all sides now need to work together to end the violence restore, come de escalate the situation and prevent any further loss of life. the u. k. wants to see action taken to ensure bangladesh a peaceful and democratic future would take no till the assurances given by general vague was i'm on the situation will be handled in a peaceful manner and that's all on law for killing. so will be investigated and partially accountability for human rights violations is crucial of the okay,
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we just wanted to get a sense of some of a wider western reaction. there are 2 developments as well in finding investment, talking us through what is that pod or tag situation there? at ortiz ring, june sharma mentioned, thank you for not ok, that is our lot for this hour and a busy and use day, but our programs they are just getting going see what showing in the keys. took the lady and you see wouldn't be sure i have a little bit of cement vehicle, unexcused, familial di, my mother with marshal approaching us. the codes that we put in
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a couple of them. we would be what you're supposed to see is that like a quote for putting is cook with what was the, the, the, the sleepless news. that's good to know what's going on with the federal study. besides that, we should be the keywords equally new, but you should think we'd each skid suit give some, hey bill,
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it's searching for the christmas thing and we see monthly thing that, that some of the kind of things to use each. they keep it in the video to stay with me appointment for me, and there's a couple of music on mr. flores. then you're going to have to fit the music i need to mention. you ended up losing the kindly part of your text, which in the young marshal, i'm pulling them, can use thing as much of it as in the most of the can just for more them. most of the, which is the see is that the procedure was to me like a court to stick for putting us cook we come was a good put almost at the auction with blocks north. that is your source kind of both. because without giving you a position to, uh, the, uh, what was it? when was it that it, it's mostly boys comfortable with again at the budget about that you have the problem
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with uh, group book me plus listening because the photo rupert issue and you pitching out. so i will go with you to a to show this to see if we can looks at of the, the other night. you see the cvt, the prize, me to the keep machine, the purchase for the rest of the timley. we have them, you should be less than welcome. don lee, would you not show to the vehicle to take the v? did you charge more with the home or having it comes up is uh it's just deletes and actually origin didn't really
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make the concept from scratch. it's not clear that he was supposed to start working on the company. i think the most clear that i had the bustle sheets, and i'm glad that i would say i'd be more but even just for the machine right now to do the for a while or different types of things going on with us, will have to speak to you just a don't know if i'm sitting in that sentence. placement with the doors and you know, mr. jim cook that even close to holes, isn't this a glass who left off the business to continue the detailing? you would make the use of dies equal should bought the new subsides because that's what they will do. the induction repeated the ticket so you will give us the shots, the meal, the,
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the wheel shows, it sounds patients the mission that was legit to get by the notion of this for us to deal with this. the paper should lifting a lexical contain letting me meet as close to the so much so much in either the,
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the the
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the the, the, the, just the with the what was the i just the was still going to the me. so let's do it to the board of left, you know, you'll do most of the truth and you switch and they're gonna split. we'll see, i'm just gonna, and usually when people of us come out, i see the just the idea is, can you tell me the condition as a gauge on the,
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on the, we can, we can do that over by the, by the, by the better. i mean, what do i pay annually? the yeah, because that was what i got on the card from the business. i'm sure of the machine. it will say the maintenance costs give me $1.00 of those areas or
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whether you buy a for or would you need to buy a checklist to one to to us and buy the cards to flush the dish. 2 2 2 the videos are so comfortable with it. the consultants that spaniel mom, the chip just 3 days, being on the schedule you meet? yes ma'am. which is us by at the right. not fun doing it is, is it you what color the blood smoke play in steve rich fuller
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solutions. so i missed you. wow. yeah, that still stay away but i just decided to plug me in phone with them. oh boy juggle schedule outside. they've got the bug beyond me most like 30 percent, no schedule deal. the blue z a on the video. so that'd be the same uh necessarily the best option for me. yeah, that's all sides you mountain. yeah, quite so got question. need to big. well, so close their thing. resume. national, where the vehicle? yeah. the,
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the, the, the high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense key and the best most i'll send send up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say stephen twist, which is the
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sum of those that they need to she? she left messages to us within of the con, usually the summer chinese seem finally, just because we're trying to see which one is my but let me, i thought you might have something to serve more. you see which of the super so really of us to retail. so this is i see a place for what does that all you are telling me was one of those garage 3
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schools to what you are shipping with? his daughter i have in your polluted t e and doesn't that sound that goes to the best cause of it, leach law or digital and this late in this little issue or you oversee me a while and 2 of the voices i was chose to us. i was moist, this was boot, you got, i lose, you advocate of 3 of them. so i would add to use the to let each program to we're going to see the sure how many different just make it on the 2nd it's um, well i'm not gonna be
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able to box total the
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or the commercial control of the emotions. so what was the incentive to somebody to get to the corner of the machine please let me just put you in the so picking up a little probably would have set on the disconnect, certainly should is, is that might be able to assist what kind of some of the things i'm gonna give you some, a little bit of what you're looking for. it's an old machine. at least you're scheduling
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for our customers. yeah. the cost on the muscle that's actually authority is into centurylink, and i'll still have some of the most of the sort of moscow just like does it, does this thing up as if some customer wants you to dictate the pricing that we just want us to look up though, i'm assuming you want to know me of nearby, just thought i have some answers. i'm just not available. just leave me alone. this is a reading from the reading from china punch right now. a lot of money and trust me to use a lot more time for me. yeah. and you, because i'm really sorry for some just the type of list of meetings, but that has ended and if the last time it wasn't there, so i wish them they didn't even leave me here. unfortunately they need them. this is all of more than the most, let her know she will, but the most that you contact them with this streaming is literally to throw in the show. it's on the line as much. but gord, it'd be upset to see if it's a good,
6:52 am
so that's not part of the cut. so one thing missing, it also integrates the uh, the, me one, the stuff on looks like you're doing creation of the
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i need are still there, but then you had skipped on you still able to pull a gun skim bus motion and then you have to come get skim, blow come, assume come, dumb, skim budget you all them you produce gum. national construct to come. drama is less . it is a pretty soon they pushed him. know to some good, it's defined. but those them slow. i don't call them, but they're sham. cause a lot so mind you still live without a problem. i'll ask them if i go to what some i mean you prefer to, but he is still there is going to so the amount of
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a stupid idea is to go on up stock menus. nicole and you'll be the most, but it's a to push, gives you guys, each killer dorski here is above and it is the most people clue, your good. those of them obstruct them. of tops 3. and you said it was on to that it and yeah. or beach, you could see it when you bring a little porter street learned since the beginning you may have skipped so so base publish to get our students can and you still are there. but then yet he stated the little gun skipped the
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6:57 am
. c the key to the keys to the why didn't you see wouldn't cut the pieces. i have a little bit of a to simulate vehicles, alexis mules,
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g mile dusky with marshal approaching that. that was that towards that quarter to, to me this couple of them, we interest them much. i'm pretty good in the loop and being you and that's a special been that are that the who would be best and that would be the most costly videos for the front doors in cost so. so you finish that sort of change though, most of those thoughts, but you know, just each of those that in the class. so the
6:59 am
hi, i'm executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching. but again,
7:00 am
you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the, the headlines a terrorist but tends by a of to kill them in person and navy day celebrations in his home city. that's where the kremlin says was to say that in some cases, for the last month following of coal between russians, defense, minnesota, and as american town. to call me a lovely to ship things far. and i was interested in fueling concepts in the country of the pool, sitting the insurgency and the office of russia for assistance. in fact, let me provide that for us on this round blame it wrong, a line to minute issue, groups for attack and get american at base in a wrong. now says washington positions itself as a pace maker in the middle east with tensions in the region reaching pointing.


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