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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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throughout europe, not just in the u. k. this is direct impact. i am rick sanchez. let's do this. the . so this is an interesting scenario. let me catch you up on what's going on right now. as we speak, disturbances have been breaking out in cities and towns throughout the u. k. as a citizens battle with police over the countries, immigration policies that protesters say are, are changing their country. and they say not for the better by the way. so we've put together about a minute, so of different videos from different locations by the way, because it is not just in one place uh, throughout the all of the u. k, where these classes are occurring with the lease. here you go on the
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wow. it's amazing to watch that. i mean, there's a fury and those videos isn't there. these disturbance seem to have been triggered by the murder of little girls. 3 little girls are alleged killer is a 17 year old, whose parents immigrated from lawanda and are not living in great britain even though by the way he, the 17 year old was born and carter. so, but,
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but what i have, in most cases of mass on ras, that's what we just saw there. it's usually not just one incident, right, that serves as a trigger, but rather years of frustration that is hard for them to comprehend. it's the, it's the combination of exasperation. it's a distance thing between what they think are their values and their aspirations and what they think that their government, whether it's england or anywhere else, by the way, what they think that their government is doing to them. and their families for after african americans in the united states, when we've seen them write it, for example, it would be a police shooting that's the trigger. but it's not the police shooting that really has them so frustrated for citizens in the okay. it's a story of, in this case, what they perceive as a for in are killing children by the way. and i, and i want to be factual about this and probably as transparent as i can be. there is an argument to be made that at the core of this frustration,
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it's really something else. stay with me here. the fact that they don't make as much money as they used to, for example, their money is being sent abroad by their government, while the wealthiest among them are suddenly doing better and better, and they're protected by the government. but here's what's interesting that i want to share with you today. as we were preparing the story and we all sit around during an editorial meeting to discuss the days news, and what's going to be the item that we're going to discuss what one of my colleagues, one of our colleagues suggested that as this, that the, what i just described is not the case of what's going on there in the u. k. that in fact, in many parts of europe, it really is about white christians feeling like they're being pushed out by 10. the 10s of thousands of immigrants who are simply very different from how they perceive themselves. and that is actually the crux of this manifestation of frustration that we're seeing and that we just saw in this video. so, you know,
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this is a great debate and i know i think this is an important conversation that needs to be had curious what you fix and well reca. i agree to your 1st assessment of that. but i also believe that there is a, it's a multi faceted, multi pronged problem that we're seeing across many western states. and i would go back to the past 30 or 40 years of, you know, post world war 2 in a world where primarily the united states has been the world has your mind and in its position as the world has your mind to us, you know, has been known to rile up some wars here and there. rec, maybe you heard about it. but because the us has gone into so many interventionist wars all around the world, it has created mass migration all over the place to all these western nations who have also supported the us and the all of these wars of intervention, our color revolutions that have been riled up by, you know, a groups like usa id,
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which we know is like a front for the c i a. so i don't think it's any surprise to anybody that is a follower of history that has read into this would understand that most people would probably prefer to stay in their home countries. but when their home country is completely volatile and in economic despair from sanction after sanction, and a whole, you know, whole generation of people are driven out where to they go. but to the countries that force them to leave in the 1st place. so the argument could be made that the brits are getting exactly what they deserve because the u. k went as an expansion is nation into many of these countries cause these civil wars, these revolutions, these atrocities, those people can't live there anymore. so where did they go? the country that ended up a pressing and i've been causing that problem. it's really circular, isn't it? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's, but at the same time, yeah, the, and by the way,
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and this is a point that was being made by one of our colleagues today during our discussion, our, our, our executive producer, actually, he said, yeah, that's fine. and that may be true, but the government did that the people didn't do it. why should some plumber who works and leads all of a sudden suffer because he's lost his job and his city because of something that his government did in um, you know, and some country in africa. right? sure, sure. i, i agree. and i, i understand the whole, the whole white christian, you know, especially a prospect nations like the, like england, the u. k. a writ large. yeah. that they're seeing vast demographic changes in a very compound, in short period of time. we're talking in one generation, you know, 2030 years. we're seeing this as well in sweden. and this is why you're seeing this uprising of the so called far right across many european states is because people are, are kind of getting tired of having this mass migration and the finite amount of
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resources that are allotted to the citizens of that country. no matter what their ethnic background they're getting frustrated because as you mentioned, as the aforementioned by you, their money, their tax dollars are going going towards these foreign wars that creates the circular progress. and then people act out like we've seen here in the us, in the summer of 2020 for the bill. i'm riot and it's about their decision. oh ok. let's move on. once again, some of the man and the women of the us state department with deep ties to us corporations, especially in the oil and energy sectors. the are doing everything they possibly can to take over the government of that as well as a country with one of the world's largest oil and gas reserves. now i wonder why they're doing it then, right? remember back in 2019, when the us state department of north and some guy, no one ever heard of name one wide all as a new president event as well. well, it was an incredibly brave and active interference in the affairs of another country, and it was seen that way by most countries in the world. well,
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many arguing that it's happening again years. the headline. this is from the washington post. the us state department has named on the losing side of the bed as well with elections as the winners. they are doing so because they say that according to the opposition, the election was unfair. by the way, opposition is a term the state department often uses all over the world to describe the side that they're pulling for. so here, let me be more clear, according to the opposition. the ballots don't add up. however, and we checked, they've yet to show actual hard physical evidence to support that claim for the most part so far just words. but here's the other problem that we're having with this this uh, they cheated accusation. the losing side also says they conducted an exit poll during the election where they can pro, because they interviewed voters that they determined that most of them didn't vote for president mcdonald. well, that would be good and important and newsworthy if it were a credible claim by
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a credible organization. but look, who's making the claim? the poll was conducted by the edison research group, who is the edison research group? here you go pulling from edison research counseling at the top, clients, voice of america radio for euro radio, liberty in the middle east broadcasting networks, all of which are us state owned media that were created to disseminate pro us messaging in the respective regions. they all work under the us agency for global media, which is a us government agency. and its website says that the media outlets serve quote, the long range interest of the united states. it's almost as if the z i itself was conducting the zip ball and that guide farm. and you saw right there has deep ties to the state department and z i. which by the way, it looks and sounds exactly like what some of those same people like mister apartment have done in the past. in countries all over the world, including ukraine in 2014, when they wanted to push out
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a democratically elected leader. because they would have preferred to have a different leader in there. so it's not doing it could be wrong. i haven't seen all the evidence, but it's looking like the united states is using the same game plan and venezuela that it's used in ukraine and in georgia. and, and ron and in so many other places around the world, manila am i wrong it's, it's just the higher the book i know over and over and over. and it's always about regime change. and that what it boils down to is natural resources, whether you, your country has lift them or your country has black gold, right? which is oil and, and that as well as case the world's largest reserves, or maybe you have, you know, a combination of multiple things. great. the more the barrier, according to the us, they want to make deals. that's what it always boils down to. and then of course, when you, when you put sanctions rick, for years and years and years you,
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because you try that 1st, you gotta lay the groundwork. you gotta put sanctions on that country to kind of construct it and choke it. took it out and make the, the constituents of that country angry at their own existing government. in this case it's the material government which followed up. yeah. the chavez government. and then you have people here in the us, rick, which claim, who claim like you on mosque for example, and other um, what, what people are described as all right. voices like they say you on mosque is leading the charge, who are so anti deep state. they say and so anti, you know, whatever, but this as soon as they hear the word socialist, they're suddenly in line. yeah. for deep state. oh. so they're suddenly like, oh no, get this guy out of here. so, you know, when you compare the world's richest man and the, the narrative is coming out of this sparkman guy. that's funny. they seem to kind of overlap, correct? i don't know if that's a coincidence, socialist communist. the most over used accusations in the history of the world
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just to get people to think that you're the right and the other guys are wrong. i think what sad about this is the people are going as well deserved better. they deserve better, i think then. but doro and they deserve better than this anointing process that our state department is doing on the, apparently their behalf. so we'll leave it at that. we'll see which way it goes. and we'll try and play it fairly. we're down to about a minute and a half and let's see if we can get this one and real quick. this is about of what's going on in the presidential election. the united states, donald trump, is pulling out of the debate as you heard. and he had agreed to with president biden is instead suggesting a different venue here it is. donald trump has reportedly pulled out of a schedule and september device. we've come to la harris to do before the test on the you with abc channel, the full of presidency is he'll only device on right. we use network fox news. okay, that news presenter with an obvious bias by say, whitening fox news makes it sound like mr. trump is being your rational, which, which may not be entirely fair by the way, since fighting is no longer in the race. and by the way, well,
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fox does lean to the right, there's no question that abc leads to the left, which is why canada. com a lot, harris would prefer very host the debate. manila i'm interested in your take on this, but it seems like both sides or just pulling for what's going to be good for that as well. and i in this case, i'm in a route for donald trump. here he's in the right. he made a deal to go on into the lions den yet again. yeah, cnn now to abc the deal was with joe biden. joe biden withdrew. that's not donald trump's fault. he made the deal tearful on air with joe biden. not com la harris. so i feel like in this case the ball is in trump's court. he has the right to say, i should have home field advantage. you come to this lion's den and then it's fair game, cuz if you're buying a house rick, you're selling, let's say you're selling your house and somebody you've agreed to a deal with somebody. and then in the 11th hour, the buyer says, oh, you know, i'm not going to buy it. my cousin bobo over here is going to buy my house. you're
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going to wait a minute, hold on. i didn't agree to that deal with cousin bobo. i agreed with you. yeah, but you know what? i think i think the media should be excluded altogether. i don't trust the media to have any debate of the united states. i'm serious. why don't we need them? you put 2 candidates in front of the camera. you give them each a minute and a half to speak. you cut off their mike after a minute and a half, then the other one speaks. then the other one speaks. you do that for an hour, you let them introduce their own topics, and you let you just see how they react to each other. what? because what we have for debates right now are prepared, overly produced. i got, which is that's not a debate. i haven't seen a debate in the human how about an open town hall where somebody just, hans, mike's to the viewers that are that have random questions for whoever and let them fire that all. that's the only farewell, but then that then you get into the question of hoops of yours, trust me, the democrats or they don't go in the next year. now i got my guy has the, the right question, a my guy. right? a good conversation. as usual,
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we've got something special coming up. we're going to go to a quick break, but when we come back, i'm going to be joined by a renown writer at expert on global affairs. laid on hard to him is going to be joining us for maybe 11 out of talking about what the well, what, what i predicted strike tonight on is real. but you're wrong. that is supposed to happen according to again, the us state department. that sounds weird at the us state department is protecting an attack tonight on israel and that weird, weird to me. we're going to talk to her about that. we'll be right back. stay with the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to take a fresh look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by how us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can one
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year that you attempted to collect at the exit amount apache sat there for the show and then it will be a job to left for the cause of a dish. uh excuse us for the defense of the supplement is such a blessing and not to mention it in for 2 months. did you lose it asked me if i say that, i mean, i know people, there's only 2 reasons to just say within the city, the new country can piece of us and they're going to be present the day before the money. i'm going to work it on stimulus the industry on is it? what's money to process the left so should william farmer shots, monuments. so we have good guy started or, or decision the day monday i'm able to was that man was elizabeth nikki, left on the bicycle room one today and but to the left on top of so that's what the additional to said. i mean shows those are pretty sharp journals on patient data
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for she's can, those are the best. do what i mean? there's a push out the right welcome back. i'm joined now, i'm rick sanchez. by the way, in case you forgot during the break, this is directed. in fact, i'm joined by a little hard to see that communication strategists use the editor in chief of the mina uncensored. she also writes for sky news, radio and as well as up there with news, and she's good enough to join us. so highlight how are you the oldest one and just the disagreement i used to write for agnes. and basically it's 10 years ago after i must basically go, i would on media outlets. i stopped charging for and yes, excellent, thank you. well, that's what it is. you know, when we go to your uh, bio on, uh, the google's, as they say, sometimes the things become outdated. you should see mine. all right, let's, let's,
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let's you, and i talked about this situation with the, the head of the us state department. as i was preparing for the show, i'm reading this announcement where he's literally saying, predicting planning, i don't know what word to use that tonight. ron is going to strike israel. what do you make of that? well, the thing is usually is for the kids are not the correct entirely correct. but then again, he's been think it's on does or that came out during the day today. and yesterday, you don't have notified some of the airports in the region, including basically those are the ones that uh, they need to take care of the commercial slides at one point another in the coming hours. the other thing is that we had the press conference by yeah, it on the, for an ministry at the day that they said they were, did it through managing the is radians because the interruption community has 5th to do so. they have, they can dig as much as they have, they can mitigate other measures, but there would be further measures to be taken. so that's us taking that as this, like something is going to happen in the next few hours. but that does not mean
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that to be 60 days that this will happen to life when overnight. well, i mean, if blinking is saying it, mr. blinking and saying it, it's not because it got the information from the iranians. i presume it's because they've got it or is saying it at the behest of a prime minister netanyahu correct as well. most of the yes, i mean that's what y'all has been the one who's doing fear mongering, mentioning it on this. so i can sense that even when he went to the congress. so the whole idea is of is really just collecting and said when it comes to eat on, they do have what's on the ground. we saw that's with estimation of how much is the data at the cheapest $900.00. yeah. that's one point they do have people inside so they aren't collecting. and so, but to what extent are the it is leaking that's in the streets and that make us to make to keep them on their toes or investigate this evening so nobody knows we cannot speak today, but then we see the situation. of course, anything that comes out of you down against is really is there's about 1500 kilometers between both the entities. right?
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so coming out from it on all the simplest would be seeing what's coming out. we wouldn't know before 10 hours beforehand. do you think, by the way that the iranians would want to escalate or de escalate based on the effect it will have on us presidential elections? i highly doubt that the situation is that is a dispute. it will definitely work. it's very, very busy that the internet's are seeing that the goal and what they don't know what's going on is condition in the middle east, but they have the right to be for the youth. and they would have been the biggest frames, but they have under international law, which means they can strike back if they start to buckets also on the shoulders of his raise. the action of this, they just did that wouldn't be an escalation in the middle east. nobody foundational the finish of happened on the account. but it would seem to me that if mr. trump were to become president, once again. if there's one thing we learned from his past presidency is that he
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despises iran will do anything you can to castigate iran and not that this is any different than the democratic administration. but he would also be very kind to be met on, you know, who he seems to consider with some exceptions, more of an ally and even a friend. well, if you look at the relationship between trump is really is especially, but in the whole is it is the thought chops provision. he's the one who moved the embassy from the visa juice and i'm making all the owners, that's one point in time. and he's the one who has the voucher to protect the as really is going forward no matter what. but you have to understand as well that the top is the businessman at the end of the day, he knows the art of the deal basically. so if there's a pin that is presented on the ground, he would prefer to do about that other, but have his own soldiers by on the 10th, and basically costs a base. it made sense to me not to stay student funds of production. that's the 1st thing, the 2nd thing, and that's very important. you also understand that americans have been planning the support for the longest time 6 years ago. just use huffman,
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who's that former investigator to that one. and i'm the one who was overseeing the horn of africa. 5, the advisor for hillary clinton for near is 1st when she was a 2nd just they had advised the congress, but they need to actually have to have them. so i think over the is some of the thing in between because it has the energy resources, otherwise most cool would be the washington. so it's ever since they had been working cards to create these projects and agent to take over. so they haven't seen it planning for this for the time being the way i see if anybody wants escalation is the americans, then i can skip between left for the estimation of has about us, the senior officer and, and they talked last week. they also are the ones who gave the green lights for the attack on the key. it is a sense and i don't see why they're not at this, but they didn't give again. leslie that's the mission of teneo and sides of the front. yeah, the whole point is that the americans are pushing everybody towards this discussion, but they're claiming that they don't want to before that 1st. but the foreign policy for the us as always drew before any president comes,
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whatever to present it comes with the positive part to fix over. it's only the exclusion that changes, but the policy remains the same. yeah. except for one thing, and maybe i'll correct myself in this sense. while i was saying that mr. trump and mr. know now who are very close. there are reports, the truck is really angry at nathan, yahoo for cow telling to joe biden. so much and colleague being the 1st to call him, even though mr. trump was saying the election and not yet been decided so that there is, there is one point of consternation between these 2 gentlemen. correct? well, somebody escaped may have made that came it's, it's such are the best. somebody the opposite spot to be the i don't see anything that says substance here. if they said the same story, i've done a baby, so hold on. a trump welcomed nothing. yeah. when he was in the us, you know, because if he's his last longer friend and so i wasn't best friends and you have some of the one given the cases in front of the cameras and behind the cameras as well. people on the ground over there told us that it wasn't very and because of
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the meeting and they were all happy and digging all the time. so the whole idea, like, i mean, i don't find any route for the name except for like comes to policies. so if nothing else trying to force the americans to do something that trump with it's like that he doesn't want to start his own christmas. if he becomes president with such check of that or backs, that's a, there's really have added to ma'am, before he became president. final question, we're down to about 2 minutes and i want to know what you think is going on right now inside israel. there's a lot of former is really leaders and present leaders in israel who are coming out and saying that would be being it them. yeah. who is doing and they're very critical is a damaging, not just israel's reputation around the world for years to come. but also damaging jews in general around the world for years to come. these are credible former israeli leaders who are now on the media saying this what, what do you think is happening inside of israel? are they buying that argument or are they still going to continue to back the present structure? i can tell you that before october 7th, there was the, uh,
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what's the quote divides within the population. it says no position at the government were fighting among each other over part of the positions. right? mm hm. after october spoken, you have more players coming into the game who have a suspicion to become the next 10 minutes. so you have many guns aside. somebody even left, you didn't look at the position, you have any guns and you have others who are fighting though to become the next 10 minutes or so that the voice actually between all the see, this is not who's going to save as red as who's who wants to become of the next prime minister. that's very special of them. they're not even thinking about the safety of the, the logistics of their own entity at one point and the driving the people and dividing them among them. of course, before october southern you had the left to extending against us in your home over the extra judiciary powers that he wanted to give himself on his government. i said october 7, you also have the arts being, being very angry at nothing yahoo risky allowing for despite the fact that he says that he didn't want to. but he's allowing for dragging all these heavy deemed also also talks to us to go and search and the misery against the only just teaching is
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like one of them. and they were so basically, you know, yes. and then the caching was the soldiers. and from the stand hosting it, which is the bucks where they have to serve over there, i bought my 100 of them, if used to serve in the military, but they received orders from the court that they would be tracked over there to serve in the army yeah, and these are the ultra orthodox which is what makes it so fascinating about some of the conflict in situations that are going on inside the country. like your absolute delight to talk to thank you so much for being so smart and sharing so much information and knowledge with us. we appreciate your time. i. i appreciate your time as well. thank you for having that. so i shall remember. always be looking outside your own boxes. when you're looking for troops, cuz troops don't let them boxes armored sanchez and we'll be looking for your next
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the the, what is part of the, the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us and building the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's talk about it. or again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination. see the region going up? the escalation ladder, we are faced with the question who wants a greater war, and which is the single country,
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the cost of the number you need use visa, typically from here to nancy, you know, the book comes in the book then actually shifts newberry gets to the young showcase in genes, nathaniel so he's going to the boys at the boys. the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of us to florida doesn't want that extra them for the that
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the the they were appear in union then mullins, ethan jewel, just send the scenario to ukraine. not revelation comes from the countries paul and speak of the west coast of funding for the georgia and a terrorist with 10 k of 2 kills on demand food to the navy day celebrations. and 850. the kremlin size was bolted in some cases, but last long following the cold between russia's defense, minnesota, and his american council man mas lee. this ship things for and that is interested in feeling conflict in the country as the whole thing being such


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