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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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wants a greater war, and which is the single country the can stop the your pen union than long as it's been jo, just spend most scenario to ukraine. that revelation comes from the countries call them and speak of the west cuts the children on the home. so this, so we found good that still reading from protest the next crime and it says resignation. washington darling is now being pushed to rules power pins that he's a chief months later. and upon preference me and laws leadership say for an active interest in feeling conflict in the country as opposed to saying the insurgency, adults, russia for assistance in promptly divine and also coming up the us troops leave news. yeah. handling that base back to me on a,
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with the west of broken states. somebody gets military partnership with washington . the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest. well news on the day times always it's good to happy with us. we started out with breaking news, the jolt in parliament speak out how square feet or that to place the was on the e. you pressure to send most of mary's to fight in ukraine. say the you must, the national movement. and the opposition told us that we should have impose sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no, because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement. foreigners also told us that we had to impose sanctions, san mercenaries, to ukraine, and so on. among other things, the europeans told us this whole as a matter of fact, george and most scenarios were among the us to, onto the call of key. and the,
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the joint view creating an armed forces at the very starts of this war. this was, by the way, when they 1st gave north arrives in the very 1st weeks when footage went viral. of them, brutally torturing and executing russian prisoners of war wires and all this on to ukraine and onto west. what time? well, basically there is a high degree over to place the, to the, to the internal politics of georgia, which i have to understand is they have a presidency. who is, she's very pro us pro e u n. so much so anti russian at the same time of the ruling parting in the parliament that enjoys an overwhelming majority. they again have been very consistent in saying that they want the ability to keep good relations with both moscow, berlin and correct washington. basically, the rest of the world that they do not prioritize one over another because there's the adult sit well with the pretty much the president of the you and the united
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states. what added fuel to these flames is a so called for an agent glue that the parliament recently paused. basically, it's obliges any media outlet and any non governmental organization to register as a for an agent. if they receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad. and the critics of this little point to the fact that a similar law exists in russia. but at the same time, russia only rules, they only drew up their own version of the for an agent go based on once the united states have at home and the have had for decades, george and ruling party. they have been citing this as people of course, and pointing to the fact that the united states have very similar legislation. pro western president, she tried to retail, she actually retails that little. but again, since the problem is the ruling party enjoyed such an overwhelming majority in the parliament, they managed to get uh to scramble enough votes to over rule that retail. and that
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would take started a domino effect and would take started the full out between georgia and the you and the united states. washington has already announced that they will not be sending $95000000.00 of a to georgia as they had planned the before. and the you have said that this, the parts of the for an engine tools that you propose a georgia's uh chances when it comes to integration with the blog. and well, of course, with george and president she herself for decides seem to and those who made these the decision. edu and the united states to punish georgia. i don't understand budget cuts for our military. there are many directions where this government can and should be punished, but it cannot be punished through the georgian army, which stands for our state or defense. but uh, from the opposite side of the political spectrum of the representative of
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a georgias ruling party, in fact, has revealed that these $95000000.00 that the united states wanted to promptly wanted to give to georgia as a that they were nowhere in the country's budget and that they simply did not even account for it when planning the budget and planning their expenses ever listen. so for the u. s. embassy has not explained what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the georgian people, all society is being convinced that someone has stopped funding. and now this has some kind of results to. as far as i know, there was no such amounts in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia altogether. it looks like georgia is just being punished for being disobedient, just for misbehaving, and for doing something that washington and because you didn't want to georgia but what the lisi into and sees as beneficial to the country and the people and that
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people only, i'm not beneficial to maybe the united states, you and that influence in georgia. i'm glad that she is. parliament has been dissolved the day of the prime minister. shake casita resigned on select the country following weeks of deadly protests. this came the lives of hundreds of people. the governors may be announcements, all the talks with the on the full says on believe is of the students may expense the decision to dissolve the parliament was taken. following the president's discussions with cheese, a brief staff of armed forces leaders of different political parties, representatives of civil society and leaders of the anti discrimination student movement is comes as crowds took over the phone with us parliament building yesterday, celebrating the pm's resignation. the residence has also been a target for losing people over to and found it just must belong to panels. i'm tired of books and other private items. meanwhile, student protests leaders say that demonstrate to see any new military box need is
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unacceptable. i think the only government approved by the student movement itself should be phones all teeth runs and sharma has moved this house for so much has happened in the last 24 of us shape because he knows resignation also being the country in the manner in which he did the army taking over in san government and place the fallen lunch being dissolved earlier today. she can see now as we speak is as an air force base new denny. she's been there since last evening. court ordered. so we'll see you here deal that is a stop, a war, and then head to the united kingdom. she's a spot accompanied by her sister, also on charge. but he has a team. there are reports now suggesting that the united seems may have denied asylum to haul, so they don't cause the issues that are happening at the moment. if the u. k. complete, he denies that asylum. what's going to happen is that job, they will be
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a for some on the policies that you can see now is going to look at better homes since in being gum being some options that having said that, i can bundle these things off off. normally, we saw that some 200 kilometers would be from target. there is a hotel which was 7 please. uh, in fact, uh it is on sax by and we for testers, i despise the fact that the only tv to the investigation paused for tom at around 20 people also lost a lice, in suffocation, smoke suffocation, set to be the fools or fall of the debt to be suggested in the last few days in v, we've seen several people masika die the on the sweets of bangladesh. this includes both civilians as well as of forces is, was the situation which is unfolding right now in long beach is going to have a direct impact on india. any tell you why force me india as
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a new board off with donald beach. in fact, it is the 5th longest for the in the world, the line border which english as with the visuals, a very porous border on top of that. so there's, there's also a lot of why nothing, son, that the indian government has the illegal infiltration. also give him the fact that they are not report old. he lose the dog heated in bangladesh of temples that have come under attack. so that remains the cause of concern for india, but the west support. so i remember she because he now has been in the center of all for west and put this isn't not just when the full disrupted back in july last month in fact. but also earlier on the sale when margaret be shut down basically going on into with actions, that's when the we saw west, basically calling the elections a sham and so and so forth. so now the west stuff basically repeating to call the united states, stands with the people of bangladesh. we urge all parties to refrain from further
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violence too many lives have been lost over the course of the past several weeks. and we urge calm and restraint in the days ahead. as we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition to be conducted in accordance with bangladesh as laws, all sides now need to work together to end the violence restore, come de escalate. the situation and prevent any further loss of life. the u. k. wants to see action taken to ensure bangladesh a peaceful and democratic future would take no till the assurances given by general vague was among the situation will be handled in a peaceful manner. and that's all unlawful killings, will be investigated and partially accountability for human vice violations is crucial disorders have been on for a while now. the focus in fact, started early in july on the post office or on your reservation. so job pulled out reservation where essentially so people, some of the jobs were resolved for family members basically to and,
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and grandchildren. c to why does it has all in all 50 percent of jobs is the, and the full testers. basically most of them university students who are demanding a move back home that show a pull down. that's remember happened the supreme court of the country basically will that back the despite that, the protest 5, the others can. so given the fact that shakes xena also label is no for the test of, of the cargo offensive term used by hard basic neutrons eating the features and the words the car was used back in the d when on a full. so can you tell us when somebody collaborate and saved with the, with the pocket sony, when um, of the ward was happening in the office on a 1971. so that's really good. the full test. awesome. and still full test, which we're essentially at the government, the job pulled up for the test data on them to anti government for the test.
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ultimately meetings to the also of shake this down, but it'll be put into the story. now i don't mean the studio is onto correspondence . now. still, taylor sounds good. thanks for coming. in. big changes happening in bangladesh. we still don't know who's going to take the helm. could you give us some insight into who that person might be? well, let's take a look at the mine. his student pro test is a really pushing for to become the head, open interim government that is 84 year old my how much, you know, he's an interesting character, but of a rope and hurts. he's known as the fine car to the pool, now packed in 2006, he actually received. you can see the nobel peace prize. and that was basically because it comes out tiny, tiny, those tween credit be poor people. people who usually just outright got rejected by fine and it said that that helped in the millions of people out of poverty. so forward to to 2009 and brock, the bomb or award to him with the presidential medal of freedom again. so that was
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the bomb, i actually have plenty of kind what's to say about him falls forward again, 2013, not this time, the congressional metal. it's actually the highest civilian metal as ordered by the united states and is the fast muslim to receive. but now with $300.00 dignitaries that was wide onto the us capital, that was a whole lot of pump. he was hailed as a vision re as a resolution re now us has ties to the us due date, back for decades. it was actually in 1971 state fights, it was not in washington to support funds with se independence from pack hassan. ultimately, washington decided to diplomatic, young militarily, support is number, but which some keeps that goes in the region. namely india have not. the book said use a tool for a period of time at the end of austin in tennessee. i'm saying what is this? because it is well known as links to america on 2 successive administrations. what
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also is notice that he has collaborated with the national endowment. so democracy now that is of course, an n g o, which is primarily funded by us congress on is why do you see it as watson behind the scenes in order to so this quote instigate, why it's kind of revolutions. i'm pushing us from the latest is particularly important nations, be full this georgia ukraine you can solve. yeah. belarus, hong kong to a unit. the signature has been seen on at least one of the these joint statements. this is the same. any d, which has also been funding a number of news outlets in find the dash, which would be most favorable about the now x p m, the same x. yeah. and who in the past, how said things like this, i'd love to hear even today i say that this country gives us the guise of democracy with its woods, starting from all opposition parties. some people are dancing and sharing with the woods. they can,
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over through the government of any country in particular moves and countries that go into tough situations. a well eunice is back from what i've just been talking about. it really would seem to suggest that if he does take the range, we're not going to be hearing that kind of rhetoric coming out of the doctor in the future. so you put this all together and you really start to understand why it is that the state department was so e, government full of the sunsets and to entail still to come out and hail the quote. democratic will define to the shoot people. it doesn't bode well for, you knows if the us that happens to be a fine, but let's talk about why the u. s. will have any interest in fine, but that's in the 1st space. well, but because this is very, very strategically located, it's basically a link between south asia and the rest of the in the pacific. so they overlook the bay of bengal. that looking right down to the alaska straight side is one of the walls. primary trade routes, especially important, so 20 to 40 percent of the trade goes. you can see right through that role. so as
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you can see within specing, defense, india, shoreline cuts, highland blah, blah, malaysia of course china to and that's very important. funds adoption china have very good relations. in fact, the to need is not less than a month ago. i'm a corporate on so many lines would tool king military trade infrastructure. frank seems joint naval exercises. adults is being built with chinese money. and jessica is a huge beneficiary, just like the soul of space, things belt and vote initiative. this is of course, the world's biggest infrastructure project, which really has no equal. they are building both ways and roads and on railways, digging deep sea port saturday, high speed internet cables. this project has long been an enemy of american politicians who as history so prefer not to invest in peace and prosperity. but of course while, but just got nations to bend the need to them. so really,
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one of this combined means that the west has been trying to woo, find a dash away from china as the country has seen a number of high profile visitors and recent times. mm. the bungalow dash in the us will work together to protect democracy and human rights at a time when russia is invading ukraine in the changed world situation and international law and human rights are under threat. well, when victoria newland visits, you know that the us has time to do the same to where and you'd and was seen in 2014 on ukraine's my dental hygiene out cookies. lo and behold, that was a crew of just to be today. i'm not saying that what's going on in budget, this is a clue what i'm saying is finding a dash is strategic on when nations all strategic and when the strategic nations collaborate heavily with those of america who are seen as the point where you cannot make competitor to washington, it's always was asking
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a few extra questions. i'm looking at 2 stands to gain when changes like this or flips. absolutely, it's going to be a very interesting few days at full banquet. there's many things st. bring his up to speed on that. so let's get to it. i think. let's discuss this further. let's bring in another guess, let's cross it to turn to base to one of his on his logo. alex will pose the family, thanks for joining us on the program. very nice to see you today. so the fun with se, military has announced is forming an interim government. how do you see this playing out? how do you think he's going to come to protest? how do you think it's going to go as well? it's the american play book in action. we're seeing it, it's a 10 plate that has been uh, you know, rolled over nations for the last 20 to 30 years. i've been on this broker and a few times. and once again, this is america using the play book to regime change. i thought we were running out of countries or they were running out of countries to invade,
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but this is one where they can either bomb bully or bankrupt and seeing any be involved here. it's no surprise. the cast of characters are all around and yeah, it's going to be an interesting week, but i think it's going to be quite a predictable one. that's for sure. i'm so scared was just saying we have this, mr. eunice, who has gone at a lot of support from the student movement on the west as a how old's that happens to be a very big fan of him. how do you say his future role in bangladesh as well? they've tried many of times, you know, to destabilize this region, once again, they're going in there with a very, very slick medium machine. all you have to do is just pop up on youtube and you will be inundated by many brand new channels that are growing quite quickly, quite fast. and they have is image all over these channels. this is their poster
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boy, this is what the americans, this is who the americans want in there. and well, this is what 2000000000 of any d money does in a country like bangladesh. it gets you right on the march to what americans claim is democracy. but i would actually say it's routine change in martin d like fun with us previously when his senior was still the prime minister said it would handle its own internal affairs and its own way. yep. now we have the us as well as the u. k. and the u. cooling for this democratic transition of power in bonds with us. how do you feel the west's position and the pressure that it previously placed on bond with us has potentially contributed? so the situation we're seeing play out and once again the americans, their whole plan here is 26. it's in the regents. they need to do it by noon. ministration needs to go into overdrive they have until november. and uh, well, uh i, i predicted that trump will, uh, win the presidency and all this uh,
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you know, regime change, what they tried to do not recognize in governments in venezuela. all of this will go to the wayside as trump tries to get most of these economies back on board. here's something interesting as well as the stock markets were crashing yesterday, the 52 week high of lockheed martin was reached for that military company in the united states. quite amazing. d. c, a. the military industrial complex reaching new highs on the stock markets around the world while their economies are imploding in front of them. quite interesting. very interesting indeed many things was speaking to us today is good to see you alex reports that they impose this a ton of based on a list on the blog and thank you and in the lobby i've seen president has well on the outside forces are in for fairing of the countries domestic assessed by supporting militant groups, some foreign countries want conflicts and to be able to shape me in law as they like. providing money, food medicines,
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and i munition technologies and logistic opportunities to armed in search and some terrorist groups. helping malicious media outlets to wage psychological wolf at the statement is coming from me on maurice army, chief and cool leaders. senior general mean on the line where he also acknowledged his troops are under pressure after an type who fighters claim to have taken control of a key military base and a north eastern town of lachelle. from his commands that were published in global new light of myanmar, he saw the situation as a result of some armed groups. taking advantage of instabilities nationwide and attempting to expand their land of control the rubble groups that on july 25th, that it had taken over the bass. they posted photographs of its troops at the military stronghold in the town. but on the other side, the spokesperson informed me on mars ruling village street console said that it had
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lost contact with commanders of the north eastern common headquarters. the army leader also accused anti q forces of abusing civilians and military hospitals, as well as conspiring with students of home and abroad to be more or less the public. local authorities have stated that they do their best to confront the insurgents. however, it seems that what they have done is not enough. leading to these myanmar toward these recently have reached out to russia and ask for help and it's fight against her as the main support we would like is for russia to work together with us in the fight against terrorism. to do this, we must 1st realize that what is happening in mind more must be perceived not as internal political squabbles, but is terrorism. do you recognize this as terrorism, then your departments and agencies that are engaged in the fight against terrorism
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can join us and together achieve our goals. russia assessed myanmar and maintaining its army at a modern level. a considerable number of myanmar, military personnel receive scientific, technical, and military training and russian colleges. this is the most substantial aspect of the collaboration between the 2 countries. and recently, the most active cooperation has also been on security issue. on one hand, it has been training close contacts with the myanmar armed forces and on the other . copulation in the area of technology exchange and personal training has been develop as well. just a week ago, russian for administer. saturday law firm has commented on this issue in the asia nation by pointing finger at the west. unfortunately, the west is trying to restrain political process is trying to bring the me and my leadership on the more and more sanctions,
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while simultaneously financing an arming the radical opposition. this suddenly does not help besides the secure matter. we also have to look at more and brushes 5 drugs. both countries have something else and come in a mall type fall or world order. in this case, you have more emphasize that the countries for unifying goal is to aggressively or post western neo colonial right genes are 1st common purpose is that we are strongly against neo colonial regimes from the west. our common goal is to stop such neo colonial movements from existing. we are seeking to create a new just world order for all the countries on the planet. looking at the current situation, the army chief and cool leader also addressed the issue of economies functions and rumors how these were used against myanmar in a variety of ways to impair the country's economy and defense compatibility. he's then the army chief, also underlined that strengthening the state economy must be made to consistently
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grow production and also export volume, asking everyone to work together to ensure myanmar survival for as long as the world exist. earlier we spoke to general ashanti, a strong to be from a direct the general of india's infantry who states the west may have had a hand in strengthening the insurgents in me on the stipulation. as far as the amendment is concerned, what we can breed is that there are, there is a fear to walk up and begin this component as far as the water because we want to be then done a lot of these going on in model uh as well as you get on to load the bottom and in any case of then it will be easy. and so again, these are for us for the inside in groups becomes stronger. so therefore, uh it is a mix up book. you can see that perhaps uh they tend to be there for you to when uh
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then manama autumn, either speaking different, beautiful uh, the best and so far to remove those off the monthly fee. and that is what this as well. so one of the reasons why these info, general groups have become strong, i have been lot of good on in the recent bossed us forces has vacated the last of the bases in the just following the termination of a military partnership between the countries about too much control over the sites has been honda tunisia area, no stars. he's the head of the september 15th deadline of the ministry of national defense of the republic of visa, and the department of defense of the united states of america, announced with satisfaction the completion of the withdrawal of american forces from these are the today's event marks the end of the process of disengagement of the american military in these. yeah. the parents of the command may be announced
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right in a statement monday, it said us troops on an air force cargo plane left the military base to want and certainly is there a head of a september 15th deadline to turn over control of the base, the local forces the development and 0 something united states count, atari was a mission in the west office. and the despite rise and incidence of fall is extreme is in terms of upset ports, defective cooperation and communication between the us and to missouri, an armed forces inside. but this done over was finished, i had a schedule and without complications and for a piece of said, a small number of troops on administrative duties will remain of the united states embassy a little while longer. besides, defense ministry has also put forward a statement, save for the nation would continue over the coming weeks to make so the flu is complete. so john varies. we're, i got is viewed at a cost of $100000000.00, was the united states,
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last stronghold and coastal west africa relations between missouri and for us fence following a military coup last year about top of the civilian lag government of president mohammed presume as a result, we sir, like military lead malia and working across the board of the united states in france to withdraw the troops from its service already around $1000.00 americans to trade it in reserve before the military takeover last month. us to pull it out of our base $1.00 oh, $1.00 american a piece or now scrambling to 5 news security departments in the agent. c o. p as a r, t boned missouri. we're searching for the libyan government spokesperson mussa abraham . he believes the us to actively sold to create an instability in the region. and it would say, you know, a to easy access to the last was, or this was part of the, well, if you can military mass that the u. s. attempted to establish and africa off. so
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at the finishing of, if you like of the we've the notion that political region and libya in 2011 in 2011 nato itself admitted to our me. i'm funding colorist groups in the north africa and so i had a region to fight games get duffy admitted this publicly. and then this whole money and training on funding saved through the whole reason, from shot to cynical building up the federalist ethnic and religious groups. and the reason then, of course, the west felt the need to establish new a military basis. they have to advance their collaboration and work with such that or again as ations and i got.


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