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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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and who wants a greater war, and which is the single country to cast off the breaking news hey, on all the russian troops, malta, bold, written caution, attends by king of forces in russia's cost, region, destroying, ukrainian tank and heavy equipment with bangladesh still reeling from protest, sundays prime ministers resignation, washington galling is now being pushed towards power. we look into his chase months later. and the programs on to be on last leadership phase for an actors interested in feeling conflict in the country of the poor thing. be in such an unsafe adult, russia for assistance if in fact make the vine at the very welcome to you. this is also the international with the late as well news
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update. as always is great to have you with us. i would still be out with breaking news from russia's cost region while ukraine has initiated the rate on the boat, a territory showing civilian areas and deploying $300.00 soldiers using 11 tanks and thousands of on the vehicles. the russian defense, when history stays, the attempt has been completely shut down all tease it goes down up springs as more detail the ukraine armed forces that they have been trying to open a new front to in the course region of russia early in the nice they began out hillary preparation and early in the morning they attempted to breach of the russia ukraine border. uh basically they have been throwing lots and they have been throwing a lot of a lot of things and well, a lot of personnel as well. the russian defense ministry has released a statement providing some details as to what happened that the troops called him to state board together with the units of the board. the troops sold the f as
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b or for us to repel the tax and fights on the enemy. every of the state bore the and assume a region. now the russian border guards were, of course, the 1st to engage in brussels, but they are the only ones who are right now. fighting that we have seen video of russian jets flying just above the treetops as rush and most court has been using. it's a military version to contain and to still ukrainians in the tracts into. and russia responded with a barrage of your tillery fire over its own. the video footage also shows ukrainian vehicles trying to across the board, the ukranian vehicles being destroyed and blown up by a military, by forms, by a judge, by artillery far and wide drones as well. as the same time, the russian defense ministry has also said that it has a sense, it's reserves, it's on the reserves to that part of the front to the board,
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the over the to be filled up with guys and on to basically not allow the ukrainian forces to step forth to set to gain a foothold on the russian territory over them. full, so russia has been hitting targets d, behind the enemy lines in the sweep region of ukraine. this is where from t of launch to its attack on the course region of russia. for example, at least one video shows the destruction of the i am one at defense system. there have been casualties among civilians that these 2 people have been killed more than it doesn't have been wounded. so again, right now, this situation, it seems, it seems it is still unfolding. the fighting seems to carry on now to k of where it's not the landscape so as you frame and as part is actively working for a piece solutions hoping to ends with conflicts with russia before the years. and i don't remember july, the another resides, you know, if we continue to work on implementing our piece formula. we have
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a new signature under the piece summit communicate and full swan that has joined. and this is important as a signal to everyone in the world that we are expanding, no matter how difficult it may be, the circle of upon this yet, and not the departments of peace for ukraine and everyone in the world who respects international little native. now on wavering goal is to prepare a real foundation for justin to be school ready this year. i think this is possible that if i put a more on the story, less cost less to was a contributes or rachel loss. and rachel, good to see you. so not them as a lensky, the public, the speaking out as about k of desire to find a piece solution before the end of this year. to 1000 sale is this position given news coming from the front lines. let's look this piece summit communicate that zalinski has been running around getting different countries designed reminds me of when i was a kid and went around asking everyone i knew to sponsor me for a swim, yvonne,
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it sounded really good, great idea. and some i just like $10.00 for laugh, but then we're kind of shocked to found out that they ended up owing like $600.00 and it's kind of the same thing here. box one is like, hey, p sounds good. what kind of a jerk would not support that, where to resign? and now today they're finding out the piece for zalinski means extending the battle into russia. the country that zaleski said himself really needs to be at the table at the next peace conference. so with this latest frontline, let's see, that's going on. it looks like he's trying to get russia to that negotiating table in the same way that a guy thinks he could maybe get a girl to go out with him by a keen her car and throwing rocks through her windows. at the same time, zalinski has also said, hey, look, maybe ukraine doesn't even need to go back to. it's 1991 borders that there could
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just be a referendum to see what you premiums would be cool with happening to end this whole conflict. look, if you didn't have a presidential election and let them vote like he was supposed to have done already . i already heard from them on that particular issue and have a better idea as to what they actually want. russian president vladimir putin propose back in june to get the ball rolling on piece talks. if you train could just commit to neutrality and forego claims to territory that it already lost which of since held referendums and joined russia in 2014 and in 2022 radio silence from key of on that just so it's the binding on doors and asking countries will you sign my p steel and they're like, oh, who wouldn't want to help this for guy who lives in his pajamas. meanwhile, he's trying to invade russia, wearing those same pajamas, some german politicians sound like they're starting to get tired of all of this drama. the german government must make it clear that it is doing everything you can
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to ensure that this type of oil comes through and asked quickly as possible. and that's a diplomatic solution. is found this fall to a little going on at the diplomatic level. overall discount divides diplomats of the to conduct diplomacy. you have to do that again because of russia some numbers of german chance are all i've sold. his own social democratic party aren't even keen on the idea of all this. dragging on until 2026 and serving as a pretext for the u. s. military to treat germany like mom, guest room even more than it does already with shaw, saying that he would allow them to just walked in with some american missiles like it was a knapsack that they were bringing home from college. and by the way, those missiles happen to have a range of 2500 kilometers. another german politician has also recently said that all this has to be dialed down for europe sake. we need the
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european disorder that includes russia. all participating states must include a non aggression pact and form a defense community that focuses on resolving concepts some of the you're being continent. so there been ongoing protests in germany in favor of de escalation. and russia has made it clear that the us themselves in germany, that particular move would not go unanswered. so the risk of playing stupid games is that you also run the risk of winning very stupid prizes. right, so many things to bring this up to speed on, not the song as a contributor, rachel mazda, you know, it's a policy to the well, that's always been a defining, a slow good when it comes to the ukraine conflicts, but hasn't been using all those to conduct is good, see works. georgia is not making headlines 2nd in brussels before i should simply say,
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defends most scenarios to find full care of all the details on that later in the program. the longer this is paula montague being dissolved the day off, the prime minister shaken, say to resigns and select the country following weeks of definitely protests that's came the lives of hundreds of people. the government made the announcement off the tax would be on forces and leaders if the student movements the decision to dissolve the parliament was taken. following the president's discussions with cheese of 3 stands of armed forces leaders of different political parties, representatives of civil society and leaders of the anti discrimination student movement. as well as cons. as crowns took over the banquet dash parliament building yesterday, celebrating the pans resignation the residence has also been a target for new things. people have a ton furniture smashed belongs to a panels. i'm tired of books and other private items. meanwhile, student protests latest the demonstrate to see any new,
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latest new military advice. me. this is unacceptable. i think that only a government approved by the student reprinted so should be phones on today's were engine sharma has little days now for us. so much has happened in the last $24.00 of us shape because he knows resignation also being the country in the manner in which he did the army taking over in san government and placed the fallen lunch being dissolved earlier today. she could see now as we speak is as an air force base new new denny. she's been there since last evening. i remember she cuz he now has been in the center of west and put this isn't not just when the full desk dropped it back in july last month inside of the sale when i'm going to be shut down basically going on into elections. that's wendy. we saw west basically calling the elections a sham and so and so forth. so now the west stuff basically repeating the united
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states stands with the people of bangladesh. we urge all parties to refrain from further violence, too many lives have been lost over the course of the past several weeks. and we urge calm and restraint in the days ahead. as we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition to be conducted in accordance with bangladesh as was all sides, no need to work together to end the violence, restore. com de escalate the situation and prevent any further loss of life. the u . k. wants to see action taken to ensure bangladesh a peaceful and democratic future would take no till the assurances given by general vague was among the situation will be handled in a peaceful manner. and that's all unlawful killings will be investigated and partially accountability for human rights violations. is crucial. having said that, i can download these things, don't fall from normal. we saw that some 200 kilometers of you from top. got there is a hotel which was static please. in fact, uh, it was on the sides by and we for testers,
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i despise the fact that the army chief yesterday investigations paused for com. at around 20 people, so lost a lice, in suffocation smoke suffocation said to be the photos of a database for tested in the last few days. in the we've seen several people last to die the on the sweets of volume abuse. this includes both civilians as well as the forces is, was these soldiers have been on photo why and now the full just in fact started early in july and the pool just started over a job reservation. so our job pulled our reservation where essentially 30 percent of the jobs were zoned for family members basically to who and, and grandchildren. freedom, why does it was all in all 50 percent of jobs is the and the full testers, basically, most of them university students who are demanding a whole bunch all pulled up. that's remember happened. the supreme court of the
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country basically will that back to despite that, the protest filed all the console students to test which were esentially as the government, the job pulled up, hotels that they told them to anti government protest, ultimately leading to the also of shaken c o c correspondence, landscape taylor joined to be in his studio to discuss the future of the funds with that she leadership. well let's look at them on his student pray. test is a really pushing for to heads up an interim government, 84 year old mohammed eunice, an interesting character. c robin hood, he's known as a banker uh to the pool. now back in 2006, he did win the nobel peace prize and he received that the giving out tiny, tiny loans couldn't credit the poor people who usually just outright rejected by fax. that to lift millions out of poverty now falls forward to 2009. and brock obama awarded eunice the presidential metal of freedom. and then he also
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spoke very warmly about us and the impression that he got from him. then if we false 40 yes, again to 20 teen a new at eunice was back in the us capital in congress this time getting the congressional goals match them up as the highest and civilian awards of the united states. he was a fuss muslim, and we'll just to get it. and that was a whole pompous ceremony. $300.00 dignitaries, eunice was standing there right under the us capital stove and he was really being hailed as this vision rate and reaction rate. but use his colleagues to us actually date back decades. he was state site in 1971, not being for washington to support his homelands. uh, independence from practiced on ultimately washington, both diplomatic and military supported as nom about which sucks and it goes in the region named india have not so adulthood. he also taught for a period at
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a university in tennessee. so it is clear that his ties to america on successive administrations, that pretty well known for tools or no. it's the he have collaborated with the national endowment for democracy. very famous. this is the n g r which is primarily funded by us congress. and it's why can be seen as traveling around the globe, so being discords, instigating riot salting. color a resolution as a man in storing very pro us leaders and strategic nations. we don't service with you, but small to georgia, ukraine, the arab spring hong kong bother us is going to cheat track record. and we know that eunice, a signature was seen on at least one of the entities joint statements. this is the same, any d which has been fine, actually sponsoring news outlets in funds. it's asked which have a not so favorable opinion on the full law pm, the former pm,
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who now has of the c fed to india. but in the past have set things like that athletic degree. even today, i say that this country gives us the guise of democracy with its woods, starting from all opposition, paul, to some people of dancing and sharing with the woods. they cannot withdraw the government of any country in particular moves and countries that go into tough situations. well, if you're just as background as anything to go by, i think it is a safe bet to say that if he does take the range that we're not going to be hearing anything like that kind of rhetoric coming out of data in the future. so really you start putting the soul together and you start on the standing why it is that the us state department came out so easily when there was still so much on such do you still so much pails was hailing the quick democratic wells of the bangladesh the people so we may have on monday may be easy for years old, basically us as found, then it bows quite well for him. but let's talk about why the us is so interested
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in bangladesh. well, funds is ash, is very strategic. peak notated as is basically a link between south asia in the pacific, so they opened up the bay open goal, and they're looking right down to the malacca straight. now this of course is an incredibly important global trade route, especially for china, 40 percent of its trade goes through that volta way. they all within specing distance you can see in the shoreline cuts high and in bomb. i'm a laser of course china, and that is important. that might be a key here. the to have incredibly close ties, the needs and thoughts not less than a month ago on the corporate, on everything ministry trade infrastructure, vaccines, joint naval exercises, adults who's being built with chinese money. because jessica is a huge beneficiary of this facing felt and wrote initiative. it is the world's largest infrastructure, which just has no equal. they are out the building roads and railway schools and
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all the tools digging deep sea pools may and high speed internet tables. and the project has long been anatomy of the american needs to of course, as history is shown in prefer not to invest money in peace and prosperity, but rather just getting nations to bend the need to them straight away. so one of this really goes to show why the west has been trying to woo bangladesh away from china and why the country has seen some high profiles businesses in recent times. the bungalow dash and the us will work together to protect democracy and human rights. at a time when russia is invading ukraine in the changed world situation and international law and human rights are under threat. well, when victoria newton comes to visit, you know that the us has plans for you. this is the se in victoria and you're going to back in 2014 was out. handing cookies on ukraine's might on swell. lo and behold,
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that was then a crew. just to be clear, i'm not saying what's going on in funds. a dash is a cool. mm. what i'm saying is it finds a dash is strategic on what nations i'll strategic. and when these strategic nations align themselves and collaborate heavily with photos of america. but it's always was asking a few extra questions. i'm most important looking at who benefits from any changes that might be upset as far as long as they were time for you to walk on defense on security analysts. many thanks for joining the problem was very nice to see you today. so as we know, the bandwidth actually military has announced is forming an interim government. so i'm just wondering how you see that we're playing out and how would benefit belong to find that that should belong wrong? driving ministry as an important role to stimulate growth is because a very particular situation and community type came up with
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a pollution of different parties and some community offices many to this day. but like, because dry sport, the great everything is shut down. and already bunger, this was the fishing, it's all my grades, and so they have, i think the hands on what's on the student side of the onto thing. i think the eunice, as it was mentioned, uh, basically has some linkages with the rest of this. i'm going to be forwarding to inbox rubbish. also on the 2nd i was being ready to start me off from his name and brought it up if it was a student school, but unfortunately for the prime minister, i think there was some missteps. letter to handling all the protest does. i think it's what i can saunter know, you know, particularly with the students, but unfortunately there was some high end and that's why the police then be there for action for dining and it on that this board are cause i'm doing the loss of life on both sides, so that i think funded, i was
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a central richard the situation and you've seen how if you became a dancer as defined as to the house, how the father of missions, you know, i was, was burned down and we are that you just as the house was also related to or is there somebody, i think that the students are very young. uh now we've also somebody falls off for us. so you know, or the mattress and talk god right to you know, sneak into us. so baseboard. um, you know, i know i got on that house, they probably w as does somebody go to the bottom of the dentist with this starting up in order for somebody to pass by us? yeah, that's interesting. let's talk a little bit more about space space mountain muhammad units, either either business and a civic leader. he's, as we had in our report, highly regarded in the us in the west and he is not receiving this major support from students to head the interim government. so. so let's just say that he does end up having the interim government. what kind of impacts would this figure out have on fine, good. that's on the, on the region. that's what it is,
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but it becomes standing in front of this just concerned he did try to enter politics might be one last name was for being the microphone system. or that, but i mean system which was it also cooperate with not developing countries. so he has the doesn't or do something funding like the but looking at the issue is almost 80 plus. and if the suitors are going to call the shots. so what i think the, what did you were to have because i'm committed to be, you know, the wondering body as donors are claiming on 50 in the, you know, members would be part of the governing body has been suggested is not very clear on the other side, the members realty, which is responsible for bringing stability, is trying to put up, uh uh, and get them set up. so there's going to be a flash and restriction. it's very, very, truly. but the boys are being the, despite the units has a group name and by going to, this is how and they do forget or a man for the, you know, data can be all those places. and many thanks for it does speaking to today. i
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really appreciate your time. well, i got tons of fun. sounds like here with the analysts. thank you. thank the lobby, axing president has one that allied forces are interfering in the countries domestic affairs by supposing minutes in groups in some foreign countries want conflicts and to be able to shape me in law as they like providing money, food medicines, and i munition technologies and logistic opportunities to armed in search and some terrorist groups helping malicious media outlets to wage psychological wolf at the statement is coming from me on mars. army chief and cool leader, a senior general mean on the line where he also acknowledge his troops are under pressure after and type and fighters claim to have taken control of a key military base in the north eastern town of lachelle. from his commands that were published in global new light of me on march, he saw the situation as
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a result of some armed groups. taking advantage of instabilities nationwide and attempting to expand their land of control the rubble groups set on july 25th. that it had taken over the base, the post at photographs of its troops at the military stronghold in the town. but on the other side, the spokes person for me and mars ruling village street console said that it had lost contact with commanders of the north eastern call man headquarters. the army leader also accused anti q forces off abusing civilians and military hospitals, as well as conspiring with students of home and abroad to be more or less the public. local authorities have stated that they do their best to confront the insurgents. however, it seems that what they have done is not enough. leading to the use myanmar to ortiz recently have reached out to russia and ask for help,
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and it's fight against tyrus. the main support we would like is for russia to work together with us in the fight against terrorism. to do this, we must 1st realize that what is happening in mind more must be perceived not as internal political squabbles, but is terrorism. do you recognize this as terrorism, then your departments and agencies that are engaged in the fight against terrorism can join us and together achieve our goals. russia assess myanmar and maintaining its army at a modern level. a considerable number of myanmar, military personnel receive scientific, technical, and military training and russian colleges. this is the most substantial aspect of the collaboration between the 2 countries. and recently, the most active cooperation has also been on security issue. on one hand, it has been training close contacts with the myanmar armed forces and on the other . copulation in the area of technology exchange and personal training has been
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developed as well. just a week ago, russian for administer. saturday law firm has commented on this issue in the ation nation by pointing finger at the west. unfortunately, the west is trying to restrain political process, is trying to bring them in my leadership on the more and more sanctions, while simultaneously financing an arming the radical opposition. this certainly does not help besides the secure matter. we also have to look at me on more and brushes 5 drugs. both countries have something else and come in a multi fall or world order. in this case. more emphasize that the countries for unifying goal is to aggressively or post lester neo colonial right genes are 1st common purpose is that we are strongly against neo colonial regimes from the west. our common goal is to stop such a neo colonial movements from existing. we are seeking to create
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a new just world order for all the countries on the planet. looking at the current situation, the army chief and cool leader also addressed the issue of economies functions and rumors how these were used against me on more in a variety of ways to impair the country's economy and defense compatibility. he's then the army chief, also underlined that strengthening the state economy must be made to consistently grow production and also export volume. asking everyone to work together to ensure myanmar survival for as long as the world exist. now over to georgia, the georgia and paula and speak, a house were available to police. it was on the ear pressed uh to send mess and aries to find a new frame. so good to share some of the most of the national movement and the opposition told us that we should have impose sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no, because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement. foreigners also told us that we had to
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impose sanctions and mercenaries to ukraine and so on. among other things, the europeans told us this. oh, this revelation comes in with the stand off between just routing policy and the opposition box by the us on the you. the split was to where it goes by the adoption of the far an agent load that requires media as non governmental organizations to this, to disclose if they receive women 20 percent of the best funding from abroad. and the recent attempts to push to place the of the canceling, the legislation, washington suspended 9 say 5000000 dollars in age to the country. that the origin president time search the us. no to punish the george and all me with this move. i don't understand budget cuts for our military. there are many directions where this government can and should be punished, but it can not be punished through the georgian army, which stands for our state. our defense, however, the georgia in parliament speaker has expressed bewilderment over the statements.
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he says, the nations military is entirely funded by the country's budget and a be has no idea why washington's 8 is going. so for the us embassy has not explained what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the georgian people. all society is being convinced that someone has stopped funding and now this is some kind of disaster. as far as i know, there was no such amount in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia. we discussed the most of the originals with corps in full news agency. it is an honor to do but guess really. and he said brussels was 1st to cool full of military operation against russia. you're going to say, here's the thing is that the european union was the 1st actor when 3 years ago they created the associated and trio ukraine, georgia, moldova, initially, it was implied that military action against russia would be launched by all 3 countries which have been striving to join nato and the
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e. u. it shouldn't have been russia that launch the military operation. i emphasize, but ukraine, which was supposed to be joined by georgia and we'll go over the motives are the same, that russia is an enemy of all 3 countries. all 3 countries were occupied by russia and all 3 countries must return restore their territorial integrity. so, if georgia helps, at this stage in the war against russia, ukraine will launch a powerful military landing force led by the georgian legion. and in return, the georgians will win back up cause the south censure. but the current government categorically refused to do so. then it turned into threats. like since this government did not fulfill its official obligations, the ukrainian military force was still land. and this government will be curtailed and ukrainian citizens soccer. she really will be released for georgia. that would have been a road to nowhere. only an absolutely irresponsible person can go on such an adventure. who does not think at all about.


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