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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news here on our see, the russian defense ministry confirms the destruction of multiple ukrainian armored vehicles. of the print enforces attempted an incursion into the cursed region border fighting because we're part of late underway with bangladesh still reeling from protest, sentence prime ministers resignation. washington's darling is now being pushed for power to look into his achievements later in the program. also, i have to say it is not in any way, however much useful at all, for anyone in the region for ron to consider taking such steps to a state department spokesperson. matthew miller is grail,
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and about washington's claims that israel has the right to defend itself. but when it comes to iran, we hear it completely different to stay tuned. as we discussed, the journalist opposing the question, the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble, your watching r t international. we begin with breaking news from russia's cursed region where kid forces have attempted a border incursion. the russian defense ministry confirms a significant number of armored vehicles belonging to ukraine have been destroyed. reports indicate and border fighting is ongoing. our case, it goes down off, has more details, the ukraine armed forces that they have been trying to open a new front in the course region of russia. early in the night, they began out till re preparation. and early in the morning they attempted to breach of the russia ukraine bowed. uh, basically they have been throwing lots and they have been throwing a lot of
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a lot of things and lots of personnel as well. now the russian board to god's word, of course, the 1st to engage in pass over the on the only ones who are right now. fighting that we have seen video of russian jets flying just above the treetops as of russia . and most court has been using it's a military version to contain and to still ukrainians in the tracts into. and russia responded with a barrage of your artillery fire over its own. the video footage also shows ukrainian vehicles trying to cross the border. ukrainian vehicles being destroyed and blown up by a millet seat by forms, by uh, jets of, by artillery far and wide drones, as well as the same time the russian defense ministry has also said that it has sent its reserves. its army reserves to the parts of the front to the board, to over the, to be southwards garrison,
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and to basically not allow the ukrainian forces to step forwards to set to gain a foothold on the russian territory over them. both of russia has been hitting targets the behind the enemy lines the so me region of ukraine. this is where from t of launch to its attack on the course region of russia. for example, at least one video shows the destruction of the book and one ad defense system that have been casualties among civilians. that these 2 people have been killed more than it doesn't have been wounded. so again, right now, this situation, it seems, it seems, it is still unfolding. the fighting seems to carry on the the bangladesh parliament has been dissolved the day after a prime minister, shake casino, resigned and fled the country for actions followed weeks of deadly protest that led to the deaths of hundreds of people. here at ortiz, of engine shermer with an update. so much has happened in the last 24 of us shape
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because he knows resignation. also being the country in the manner in which he did the army taking over in same government and place the fallen lunch being dissolved earlier today. she can see now as we see is as an air force base new new denny. she's been there since last evening and remember to you because he now has been in the center all for west and put this isn't not just when the full disrupted back in july last month inside of the sale. when mama be shut down. basically going on into elections, that's when the we saw west, basically calling the elections a sham and so on, so forth. so now the west stuff basically repeating the united states stands with the people of bangladesh. we urge all parties to refrain from further violence, too many lives have been lost over the course of the past several weeks. and we are just calm and restraint in the days ahead. as we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition to be conducted in accordance with
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bangladesh as laws, all sides now need to work together to end the violence restore, come de escalate the situation and prevent any further loss of life. the u. k. wants to see action taken to ensure bangladesh a peaceful and democratic future will take note of the assurances, given by general vague was among the situation, will be handled in a peaceful manner and that all unlawful killings will be investigated impartially. accountability for human rights violations is crucial. having said that, i can download these things up no more. we saw that some 200 kilometers a v from top. got that has a hotel which was static please. in fact, uh, it was on the sides by and we for testers, i despise the fact that the army cheese yesterday is estimation for, for com. at around 20 people's last head, lice and suffocation, smoke suffocation, set to be the force of the debt to be suggested in the last few days. in the vincy
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several people masika died the sweets of bangladesh. this includes both civilians as well as the forces as well as the soldiers have been on sort of wine. now the filters in fact started early in july on the pool or on your reservation. so our job pulled our reservation where essentially so people standing with john who's on for family members, basically to who and, and grandchildren. c to why does it has all in all 50 percent, the job and the testers, basically most of them university students who are demanding a whole bunch of pulled up. that's remember happening. the supreme court of the country basically wound that back the despite that, the protest bible out of control which were esentially as the government, the job pulled up for the test data on the test,
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ultimately leading to the also of shakespeare. meanwhile, student to movement representatives are meeting to devise an outline for the bangladesh and from governments. and one problem to figure mohammed units is rumored to be a top candidate to lead the southeast asian nation. and these turbulent times are t correspondence. hesky and taylor joins my colleague, nicky, aaron, earlier to discuss the future of the bangladesh, be leadership. i'm touched by the confidence of the protesters when need to lead into room government. i have always distanced myself in politics, but today if there is any tract and bundle dash for the sake of my country and for the coverage of my people, then i will do it. well, let's look at them on his student. protests is a really pushing 4 to heads up. an interim government, 84 year old mohammed eunice, an interesting character. c robin hood, he's known as a banker uh to the pool. now back in 2006, he did win the nobel peace prize and he received that the giving out tiny,
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tiny loans couldn't credit the poor people who usually just outright rejected by facts set to lift millions out of poverty. now falls forward to 2009, and veronica bama, awarded eunice the presidential metal of freedom. and then he also spoke very warmly about us in the impression that he bolt from him. then if we false 40 yes, again to 20 teen a new at eunice was back in the us capital in congress this time getting the congressional goals match them up as the highest and civilian awards of the united states. he was the 1st muslim in order to get it, and that was a whole pompous ceremony. $300.00 dignitaries, eunice was standing there right under the us capital stove and he was really being hailed as this vision rate and reaction rate. but uses ties to us actually date back decades. he was state site in 1971 not being for washington to support his
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homelands. uh, independence from practiced on ultimately washington, both diplomatic and military supported as mom about which sucks. and it goes in the region named india have not so adopted. he also taught for a period at a university in tennessee. so it is clear that his ties to america, i'm successive administrations, that pretty well known for tools or no. it's the he have collaborated with the national endowment for democracy, very famous. this is the n g r, which is primarily funded by us congress and it's widely seen as traveling around the globe. so being discords, instigating riot, salting. color a resolution as a man in storing very pro us leaders and strategic nations. we don't service with you but small to georgia, ukraine. the arab spring, hong kong bother us is go to patchy track record, and we know that eunice, a signature was seen on at least one of the any of these joint statements. this is
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the same, any d which has been fine on actually sponsoring news outlets in buttons attached, which have a not so saved proposal opinion on the full mouth pm, the former pm, who now has of the c fed to india. but in the cost of set, things like that athletic degree. even today, i say that this country gives us the guise of democracy with its woods, taught him from all opposition, paul, to some people advance and cheering with the words they cannot withdraw the government of any country in particular moves and countries that go into tough situations well, if you missed his background, has anything to go by? i think it is a safe bet to say that if he does take the range that we're not going to be hearing anything like that kind of rhetoric coming out of data in the future. so really you still putting the soul together and you start on the standing why it is that the us state department came out so easily when that was still so much on such and you
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still so much tales was hailing the quick democratic wells of the bangladesh the people, me so we may have on monday may be easy for years old, basically us as a file and then it bows quite well for him. but let's talk about why the us is so interested in finding a dash. well, finds a dash is very strategic, peak notated as is basically a link between south asia in the pacific. so they opened up the bay open goal, and they're looking right down to the middle of cut straight. now this of course is an incredibly important global trade route, especially for china, 40 percent of the trade goes through that will to way they all within specing distance you can see in the shoreline cuts find in bomb. i'm a laser of course china, and that is important. that might be a key here. the to have incredibly close ties, the needs and thoughts not less than a month ago on the corporate, on everything ministry trade infrastructure, vaccines, joint nasal exercises,
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adults who's being built with chinese money. because doctor is a huge beneficiary of this. beijing felt and wrote initiative, it is the world's largest infrastructure, which just has no equal. they are out the building roads and railway schools and all the tools digging deep sea pools and high speed internet tables on that project has long been anatomy of the american elite too, of course, of history a show and prefer not to invest money in peace and prosperity, but rather just getting nations to bend the need to them straight away. so one of this really goes to show why the west has been trying to woo bangladesh away from china and why the country has seen some high profile businesses in recent times. bongo dash and the us will work together to protect democracy and human rights at a time when russia is invading ukraine in the changed world situation and
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international law and human rights are under threat swell. when victoria, near the end comes to visit, you know that the us has plans for you. this is the same victoria, and you're going to back in 2014 was out hand and cookies on ukraine's my down swell. lo and behold, that was that a cool just to be clear, i'm not saying so what's going on in find the dash is a cool. mm. what i'm saying is it finds a dash is strategic on what nations i'll strategic. and when these strategic nations align themselves and collaborate heavily with photos of america, but it's always was asking a few extra questions. i'm most important looking at who benefits from any changes that might be upset. we spoke to defense and security analysts to walk our con, who he says the west has been a pushing for a shake, has seen a to leave. she was also,
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i thing for relations with russia with the disagree. china. so they were gonna do strategic. i think the push and food from the rest as when i think they were already divorced, that he was, was definitely interested in the transition. and the, obviously these border, the students and the $100.00 was for the, for the testers and the people. it's really sort of, i was, i'm looking at these trying to do the stabilizing, and then you have, some of them are where the students for different kind of governments live under the glass and the instability to our store. and i know they were more names of by i think, the american diplomats of mark before before the started, i think most respects that were giving the things that are, you know, people struggling to find rather. so maybe there's some information regarding that . several of us military personnel were wounded in
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a rocket attack on an american air base in western iraq. on monday, the pentagon has blamed a ron aligned militia groups for the strike and his bracing for more secretary austin, administered gallon degree. but today's original line militia attack on us forces stationed at alice sod, airbags in western iraq, marked a dangerous escalation, and demonstrated to ron's destabilizing role in the region. what comes ahead of a ron's anticipated retaliation to the assassination of a mosque. political leader is male honey a into wrong last week. as $0.10 in the middle east. rachel boiling point washington has sought to publicly play peace maker in the region. something of writing and officials, art rather skeptical about thomas hall. unfortunately, over the past 10 months, government has been doing these at most to help is root can mean war crimes and genocide against the oppressed pals team and people. it is incumbent on the us government to exert affective pressure on israel to stop the conflict at stop israel's massacre. moreover,
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the rest would not provide israel with arms or weapons of mass destruction. we believe the tended not being the u. s. government assistance easily. it would have never taken such a risk. meanwhile, israel administer of defense smith ahead of us central command on monday for talks until a vive, the former called the meeting, a direct translation of american support that took place up in the biden administration, reportedly lifted restrictions on supplying israel with powerful half ton m. k. 83 bombs. washington also earlier confirmed it's moving it's needed vessel as a closer to his ally. so amid the powder keg situation, let's listen to a recent state department exchange. in no way, whatever talents or reaction by ron, in any way, serve the interest of the running people or the broader regions. you said that you had a right to defend it, and now you present that i'd say, yeah. so what's different, i mean, you know, everybody was the that, oh everyone. let's say everyone has
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a right to defend itself. why does anyone have rights? it is not in any way, however. right, useful at all for anyone in the region for ron to consider taking such steps because of the risk as i said, that this could potentially get out of control. all right, let's discuss this further. with a said erica, the washington bureau chief for jerusalem based upon a standing newspaper i'll codes, so you'd good to have you on the program with us that you asked the us state department spokesperson there. if a ron can apply the self defense justification for its actions and the unfolding situation in the middle east in the same way that washington reaffirms is rails right. to do so. now matthew miller is answer wasn't clear whether it's, ron has the same right. it always seems to be a clear cut response when it comes to israel, the, the what, why this contradictory approach? yes, thank you for having me. as for sure,
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the united states always repeats. that is why it was locked any of the sovereign nation. i has the right to defend itself, but when it comes to you on last week, the deputy spokesman said that the wrong was at the terrace nation. the one who is involved in blinds activities as as support groups and so on. and therefore it forfeits, basically it's right to self defense. and then the spokesman yesterday on monday as said something different, you know, you're almost mentioned or other the word right? but then the back track from that, you know, when it comes to self defense, it is something that the united states reserves to western countries to a 2 or 3 its own to its allies in europe and to the state of advance or shoot up. so you didn't, you a secretary say anthony blinking says washington is thinking de escalation in the region from your vantage points. what, what is the us doing then to try to deescalate the reason what is us foreign policy
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reflect that that statement? not at all. in fact, it, and i say, says always the promoted war and the region that has many bases and as that, the fleets that are roaming the area at that supplies is variable down to the amount of weapons. and it is cost simply and configuration. let's say it was serious loss and, and yeah, man, they were involved in the amount the same thing and libya. so there is nothing i mean up to my memory or that the us i'd really try to do anything in terms of but pushing forward the peace process. we know that with the palestinians, united states co sponsor the court for instance, and promised that there would be a policy in that state in 5 years, which with that would have been in 1998. well, here we are 30 years later and nothing happened by the country. and then i said, government keep the warning as well for as a settlement expansion,
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but denying the policy has basic credit. and now we're committing genocide investment in regards to this strikes on the us air base and a rock president by then said that they're discussing steps to protect american forces and respond to the strike. what kind of response do think we'll see as well in 2 days before a few days before the deck on out as a uh, air base which is really a huge, sprawling air base. it was a directed uh by the flyer, would you most of them have the same. it is the cost of jordan. it's a huge, as the americans took over and you know, the by 2 days before the, at that, as a nice, they said basically at that, that has to shop you, which is that a groove, uh and iraq. so we don't know whether that was, you know, the motivated by such an attack or independent events, you know,
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we see that they're not sensitive, very consistent and responding to such saying it will attack the different groups, joyce and iraq and the predictive self defense. and we have seen this in the past, and i think we will see this in the future. we have seen in recent days, multiple nations issue warning is about their citizens safety and 11 on and then we saw those right on a route. now we're seeing poland saying it's ready to evacuate its citizens from israel. do you think this point and to pop the possibility of an imminent attack? as well as there is some sort of an imminent that at that we don't know the size of such an attack, but definitely we have seen that the areas that come through on their the threats of back in april. we've seen that as the has bella melisha involved that with the complain ration with vision with all since that since october 8th as
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matter of fact so that you know, this has been there all the time. and this time, it is likely to, to be a lot a lot larger than the time before, although i don't think it's going to be and there's going to be an outbreak of an all for all right, we're gonna live with our site, erica, the washington bureau chief for jerusalem based palestinian newspaper all to and said thank you. thank you for the us supreme court has rejected the missouri state bed to delay the sentencing of former president donald trump. for his conviction in new york, the front publican presidential nominee is facing criminal charges involving hush money, allegedly paid to an adult film star. all right, let's get more on this now from our t correspondence donald quarter. don, what is this case about, and what are the recourse does the former president have here as well? the supreme court decision comes in response to a lawsuit that the state of missouri filed against new york for allegedly violating
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the rights of voters through with conviction of former us president donald trump. back in may, a new york jury actually slaps the former us president with 34 felony counts of falsifying business directly and a gag order that was partially lifted back in june actually. and that was by the new york a judge that was and is still actually overseeing the case for trump, but missouri says that the this gag order and these court proceedings that trump is having to contend to throughout his campaign trail amounts to violations of the us . constitution and just several days after the assassination attempt on trump life, the missouri attorney general said that all these attacks on, from, from the court process that we're seeing here amounts to a political, which one least attack came into days. often you your tablet, take them to the quotes room so they could loan so politically motivated, legally spacious, and corrupt prosecution against him. and still he's gags,
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and unable to speak freely as he can pains. the political which con has being replete with legal era from the beginning, telling this thing, the ability of missouri walters to hear from a presidential candidate missouri will not sit idly by while new york destroys the rule of law. nevertheless, the supreme court has ruled against trump here and with his sentencing right now postponed until a september. it's still not clear if he's actually going to face court before the november elections, or if it's going to be postponed once again and done what other legal prosecution is mr. trump, facing well, last month, the supreme court actually ruled that from cannot be prosecuted for actions that he took during his term and for his lawyers. that means that the prosecutors should not have been able to present evidence to the court during his term even if the actions in question were,
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had taken place before 2016. but this is really actually given rise to the democrats essentially waging war on the conservative dominated supreme court with the democratic senate majority leader, chuck schumer, going as far to proposed legislation to basically notify the immunity that us presidents and vice presidents have when it comes to criminal prosecution, and on top of that, joe biden also launched his own attack on the supreme court, claiming that the supports the separation of powers. but at the same time, the court has become extremist. extreme is, is undermining the public confidence in the course decisions. and most recently, and most shockingly spring quarter stablished in trump versus the united states. a dangerous precedent they ruled, as you know, at the president of the united states has immunity for pressed for project, for potential crimes. he may have committed while in office community. this nation
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was founded on the principal. there are no kids in america who buys the vehicle before no one is above the irony of it all. there wasn't any talk of extremism after hunter biden's sentencing for felony harms. charges was postponed to after the november elections, but apparently when it comes to donald trump, that's a whole other ball game entirely. all right, or t correspondent donald cord turned on. thank you. of the i'm going to so the governor tim waltz is joining the call ma harris team as they seek the presidency. the military veteran and former educator and the democratic presidential nominee are expected to address a campaign rally in philadelphia on tuesday. republican reaction to the controversial nomination has been swift symbols. his record is a joke. he's been one of the most far less radicals in the entire united states
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government at any level. cumberland harris and tim walter do make an interesting team because if we remember the rioting in the summer of 2020 tim wolf was the guy who was, writers burned down minneapolis and then following heroes was the one who build the writers out of jail. so there's an interesting theme in that sense, minneapolis was ground 0 for the unrest following george floyd's murder in may of 2020 riots and fires throughout the city. destroyed businesses. walls was accused of hesitating in sending in the national guard to the city when the riots broke out . but the governor blamed the lock of equity and inclusion in the us for the destruction of society that does not. but equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to uh, eventually come to the places where we're at. this is a moment of inflection. it's a moment of real change. it's a moment that those folks who are out there demanding this are, are not going to take a commission or
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a report. they're going to want fundamental change and, and that is what i think that's one of the exciting things in the midst of all this, you can feel a sense of optimism coming back. all right, let's discuss this with the international secretary and the american communist party. christopher holly, christopher, great to have you on with us. i was a bit surprised to be honest by this pick what. what are your thoughts is, is mr. wallace and fit for the job? and i was equally as surprised. this is of course the one of the most progressive vp picks that come with harris could have made aside from picking bernie sanders himself. but of course, uh this is to rally the forces on the democratic wing and on the left wing on the progressive wing to the democrats, given their her if it pulled numbers. when joe biden was running and now trying to cope with less, these forces for november. and of course the, the,
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the elephant in the room of course is the ongoing genocide happening in gaza. and the ongoing situation in the middle east, which of course is tipping towards war. so i think that this pick was somebody who could help galvanize the base to bring them out because some space is definitely galvanized ready to go. especially after the recent assassination attempt on his life. and this is really going to be a very, very tight election. and there are many concerns that i, along with many other americans share about the integrity of the election coming up . and what is going to happen following the november election? so christopher, when it comes to the average voter here, we have democratic candidates considered to be very left landing and those considering considered to be far right. representing the republicans. what are the center as part of the american population? is there even a place for them in this upcoming election that there isn't really a place for them in this upcoming election. that was one of the, the things floated by uh, andrew yang,
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who ran uh prior to the selection cycle and others who are thinking about maybe forming some sort of centrist party. uh, some know labels, uh, kind of party uh what they were calling it. but of course, the, the, the middle of the road americans like a little bit of this, a little bit of that. they're not really interested in the extreme politics. however, it is important to note for your viewers. so i'm sure, well aware american politics and american society here has become much more polarized in recent years. and i think that there have been really low fractures and fishers in american society that have led to this ongoing split and polarization. but i think behind that is also the crumbling of the american empire . it's also the fact that we are spending millions of dollars helping israel, helping ukraine, helping the taiwan and south korea and the overreaching ourselves,


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