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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the breaking news here on our to the russian defense ministry confirms the destruction of multiple ukrainian armored vehicles after tea of forces attempted an incursion into the cursed region. border fighting is a part of by underway with bangladesh still reeling from deadly protest. and as prime minister his resignation, a washington favorite is chosen as head of the internal government. we look into his achievements later in the programs. also i have one in the world will allow us to starve 2000000 citizens to death. although it may be just in moral as long as they don't return our hostages is really finance minister claims. international law
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is the barrier preventing televi from securing the release of is really hostages, held by some of these units we have. so you seem digital fashion that has no tolerance, even for the photographs of palestinian marches. and the turkish and present it reads up tight, bared alon lashes out at social media, censorship of israel's atrocities in gaza. calling to practice by various platforms, digital fascism, the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble here watching r t international. we begin with breaking news from russia's occurs region where kia of forces have attempted a border incursion. reports indicate border fighting is ongoing while the russian defense ministry has confirmed a significant number of armored vehicles belonging to ukraine have been destroy. today, the enemy has made another attempt to break into the territory of the coast region
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of the russian federation. artillery fire ami aviation strikes and the use of shock you avi's have inflicted 5 damage on the enemy for ukraine on forces that have been trying to open a new front in the course region of russia. early in the night they began out hillary preparation and early in the morning they attempted to breach of the russia ukraine border. uh, basically they have been throwing a lot since they have been throwing a lot of a lot of things and well, a lot of personnel as well. now the russian board to god's word, of course, the 1st to engage in pass over the on the only ones who are right now. fighting that we have seen video of russian jets flying just above the treetops as of russia . and most of what has been using, it's a military heavy ation to contain and to still ukrainians in the tracts into. and russia responded with a barrage of you to re file over its own. the video footage also shows ukrainian
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vehicles trying to cross the border, ukrainian vehicles being destroyed and blown out by uh military by farms, by uh, jet suffice auxilary font and my drones as well as the same time the russian defense ministry has also said that it has sent its reserves, its on your reserves to that part of the front to the board to over the, to beef up with you guys and, and to basically not allow the ukrainian forces to step foot to set to gain a foothold on the russian territory over them. both of russia has been hitting targets, the behind the enemy lines in the sweep region of ukraine. this is where from t of launched its attack on the course region of russia. for example, at least one video shows the destruction of the book and one ad defense system. there have been casualties among civilians that these 2 people have been killed more well then it doesn't have be avoided. so again, right now, the situation,
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it seems, it seems, it is still unfolding. the fighting seems to carry on. well now 2 keyboards, a lot of our someone's case says ukraine and its partners are actively working for a piece solution, hoping to end the conflict with russia before the end of the year of the july, the another at least as soon as we continue to work on implementing our piece formula, we have a new signature under the piece summit communicate volt swan that has joined now on wavering goal is to prepare a real foundation for justin to visual ready this year. and it is possible. yeah, but it's in the look of this piece summit communicate that's a waste key, has been running around getting different countries designed reminds me of when i was a kid and went around asking everyone i knew to sponsor me for a swim, yvonne, it sounded pretty good great idea and some flags like $10.00 per lab, but then were kind of shocked to found out that they ended up owing like $600.00 and it's kind of the same thing here. box one is like, hey,
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p sounds good. what kind of a jerk would not support that, where to resign? and now today they're finding out the piece for zalinski means extending the battle into russia. the country that zalesky set himself really needs to be at the table at the next peace conference. so with this latest frontline quincy that's going on, it looks like he's trying to get russia to that negotiating table in the same way that a guy thinks he could maybe get a girl to go out with him by a keen her car and throwing rocks through her windows, at the same time, zalinski has also said, hey, look, maybe ukraine doesn't even need to go back to its 1991 borders. that there could just be a referendum to see what you premiums would be cool with happening to end this whole conflict. look, if you'd have had a presidential election and let them vote like he was supposed to have done already
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. he might already heard from them on that particular issue and have a better idea as to what they actually want. russian president vladimir putin for post back in june to get the ball rolling on piece talks. if you trained could just commit to neutrality and forego claims to territory. that it all or the large switches since held referendums and joined russia in 2014 and in 2022 radio silence from key of on that. just so is the binding on doors and asking countries will you sign my p steel and they're like, oh, who wouldn't want to help this for guy who lives in his pajamas. meanwhile, he's trying to evade russia wearing those same pajamas, some german politicians sound like they're starting to get tired of all of this drama. the german government must make it clear that it is doing everything you can to ensure that this terrible war comes through now and as quickly as possible. and that's a diplomatic solution is found this far too little going on at the diplomatic level
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. overall discount divides. diplomats of the to conduct diplomacy. you have to do that again because of russia. some numbers of german chest are all i've sold. his own social democratic party aren't even keen on the idea of all this. dragging on until 2026 and serving as a pretext for the u. s. military to treat germany like mom's guest room even more than it does already with shaw, saying that he would allow them to just walk in with some american missiles like it was a knapsack that they were bringing home from college. and by the way, those missiles happen to have a range of 2500 kilometers. another german politician has also recently said that all this has to be dial down for europe sake. we need the european disorder that includes russia. all participating states must include a non aggression pact and form of defense community that focuses on resolving concepts some of the european continent. so there been ongoing protests in germany
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in favor of de escalation. and russia has made it clear that the us themselves in germany, that particular move would not go unanswered. so the risk of playing stupid games is that you also run the risk of winning very stupid prizes as k, as continues in bangladesh after the former prime minister, shake a scene of flood the country, the president confirms an interim government head has been appointed mohammed eunice, is a business and civic leader who is widely acclaimed in the us and west r t correspondence has skid. taylor joins my colleague nikki aaron earlier to discuss the future of the bangladesh sheet leadership. i'm touched by the confidence of the protesters when need to lead into room government. i have always distance myself in politics. but today, if there is any tract and bundle a dash for the sake of my country and for the coverage of my people, then i will do it. well, let's look at them on his student pray. test is
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a really pushing for to heads up. an interim government, 84 year old mohammed eunice, an interesting character. c robin hood, he's known as a banker uh to the pool. now back in 2006, he did win the nobel peace prize and he received that they're giving out tiny, tiny loans to credit the poor people who usually just outright rejected by fax that to lift millions out of poverty, now falls forward to 2009 and veronica bama, awarded eunice the presidential metal of freedom. and then he also spoke very warmly about us and the impression that he bought from him then if we falls forward yes again to 20 teen and us eunice was back in the us capital in congress this time getting the congressional goals match them up as the highest and civilian awards of the united states. he was the 1st muslim, and we'll just to get it. and that was a whole pompous ceremony. 300 dignitaries,
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eunice was standing there right under the us capital stove and he was ready being hailed as this vision rate and reaction rate, but uses ties to us actually date back decades. he was state site in 1971, not being for washington to support his homeland independence from practice on ultimate a washington post diplomatic click on military supported as mom about which starts and it goes in the region named india have not supported. he also taught for a period at a university in tennessee. so it is clear that his ties to america on successive administrations, that pretty well known for it's also known as the have collaborated with the national endowment for democracy. very famous. this is the n g r, which is primarily funded by us congress and it's widely seen as traveling around the globe. so being discords, instigating riot, salting, color a resolution as a man in storing very pro us leaders and strategic nations. we built,
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sold us with you, but small to georgia, ukraine, the arab spring hong kong bother us. it's got a patchy track record, and we know that eunice, a signature, was seen on at least one of the any these joint statements. this is the same. any d, which has been fine, actually sponsoring news outlets in buttons with us, which have a not so a proposal opinion on the full mouth pm, the former pm, who now has of the c fed to india. but in the cost of set, things like that athletic degree. even today, i say that this country gives us the guise of democracy with its woods, starting from all opposition, paul, to some people of dancing and sharing with the woods. they cannot withdraw the government of any country in particular moves and countries that go into tough situations. well, if you missed his background, has anything to go by? i think it is a safe bet to say that if he does take the range that we're not going to be hearing
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anything like that, not kind of rhetoric coming out of data in the future. so really you still putting the soul together and you start on the standing why it is that the us state department came out so easily when that was still so much on such and you still so much tales was hailing the quick democratic wells of the bangladesh the people, me so we may have on monday may be easy for years old, basically us as found, then it bows quite well for him. but let's talk about why the us is so interested in finding a dash. well, finds a dash is very strategic, peak notated as is basically a link between south asia in the pacific. so they opened up the base open goal, and they're looking right down to the malacca straight. now this of course is an incredibly important global trade route, especially for china, 40 percent of its trade goes through that will to way they all within spitting distance. you can see in the shoreline good point in bomb. i'm a laser of course china, and that is important, that might be
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a key here. the to have incredibly close ties. the leads as in fox, not less than a month ago, and the corporate on everything, ministry trade infrastructure, vaccines, joint nasal exercises, adults who's being built with chinese money. because dr. is a huge beneficiary of this. beijing felt and wrote initiative. it is the world's largest infrastructure, which just has no equal. they are out the building roads and railway schools and hospitals digging deep sea pools and high speed internet tables. and the project has long been anatomy of the american elite to, of course, of history a show and prefer not to invest money in peace and prosperity, but rather just got nations to bend the need to them straight away. so one of this really goes to show why the west has been trying to woo bangladesh away from china
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and why the country has seen some high profile visitors. and recent times, bongo dash and the us will work together to protect democracy and human rights at a time when russia is invading ukraine in the changed world situation. and international law and human rights are under threat to well, when victoria, near the end comes to visit, you know that the us has plans for you. this is the same victoria, and you're going to back in 2014 was out hand and cookies on ukraine's. my down swell. lo and behold, that was that a cool just to be clear, i'm not saying so what's going on in find the dash is a cool. mm. what i'm saying is it finds a dash is strategic on what nations i'll strategic. and when these strategic nations align themselves and collaborate heavily with photos of america, but it's always was asking a few extra questions. i'm most important looking at who benefits from any changes
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that might be upset. china, based in journalist and lager alex from puerto fi, says this support for mohammed eunice is in line with washington's regime change of play book. they have tried many of times, you know, to destabilize this region. once again, they're going in there with a very, very slick medium machine. all you have to do is just pop open youtube and you will be in a dated by many brand new channels that are growing quite quickly, quite fast. and they have is image all over these channels. this is their poster boy, this is what the americans, this is who the americans want in there. and well, this is what 2000000000 of any d money does in a country like bangladesh. it gets you right on the march to what americans claim is democracy. but i would actually say it's routine change in martin v. like, the moment that you see a n g o's, start info training your country,
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especially from the united states of america. you know, your days as a leader are numbered and well, instead of putting up a fight, whether it's military or seeing more bloodshed throughout the country, she decided to step aside and actually hand over the duties to other people that think they can do this now. of course, the election was one to our knowledge and to my knowledge fair and square. but he did not feel the americans with joy. so with the americans normally do with their playbook of bomb bankrupt for police. they've decided to bully as a leader into resigning and use the traditional playbook. what they've done in many regions around the world where regime change comes in and deals come in, the ramp up the media and they find a new darling to run the country. and they've done exactly that. the, the is really the finance minister claims starving to 1000000 guys ends until
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hostages held by him also returned to maybe the right and moral thing to do. but international law would prevent and tell them be from doing so. and we are bringing in humanitarian a because we have to, it is impossible in today's global reality to manage war. no one in the world will allow us to starve 2000000 citizens to death. although it may be just in moral, as long as they don't return our hostages, humanitarian for humanitarian, it is morally right, but there's nothing we can do. we live today in a world where international legitimacy is needed for this war. independent un investigator is concluded in june, the israel was using starvation as a weapon of war on the palestinian population. the hunger crisis caused by the idea of tight seized, has led to the depths of dozens of people, mostly children, from malnutrition, the you and has also concluded that a higher risk of famine persist across the enclave with almost the entire population facing high levels of acute food and security, or worse,
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independent research or related say, um, says smoke churches statement echoes a mindset that a lot of people on israel share. unfortunately, this is the loud voice that is dominating and leading to the is, it is a safe bet. this sense of things typed in this sense. so, but at least this is a method, the more it isn't, the philistines is definitely is, is a continuation of what has been labels by the i c d has an upper side. this is just very simple. some of the statements have been made, so up to the sense of purpose and to equate it into the width and the limitation of the captive sting, cause that's in and manufactured of the equation based phones that is out of goodness of power that did i'm from a separate message and unfortunately this isn't the face of that, is that
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a government's invest, we have to deal with that. so that what smoked, which is, and the people who support to have a feeling to address here. it is that the pricing guidance from full on so the price of the stays at $80.00 cab fix inside goes up so. so if there is nothing in pending cause ive been bitten by this ignition and nothing is received, also forwarded to the 80 hospice. just look up, it's inside of that is assuming, of course the eh, treat it as, uh, is uh, good capital or the great investment that i most has, which is basically the only wife called that the house is. so protecting that investment. if we wants to perceive such as a, the, a kept as a, as investment buy from us means that they are trying to, i don't want to sound to come from looking for. i'm us. but this doesn't make sense
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. is that there it has been, i must, as a dispute may have been the one being of those hostages on this it's activity. several of us military personnel were wounded in a rocket attack on an american air base in western iraq on monday. dependent on has blamed a ron aligned to minister groups for the strike and is bracing for more secretary austin administered gallon degree. but today's are on a line malicious attack on us forces stationed at alice sod, airbags in western iraq, marked a dangerous escalation and demonstrated to ron's destabilizing role in the region. what comes ahead of a ron's anticipated retaliation to the assassination of a mosque. political leader is male honey a into wrong last week. as tensions in the middle east reached a boarding point, washington has sought to publicly play peace maker in the region. something of rainy and officials are rather skeptical about or well that's home because
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unfortunately, over the past and months is government has been doing needs at most to help is real, can mean war crimes and genocide against the oppressed calcium and people. it is incumbent on the us government to exert affective pressure on israel to stop the conflict at stop israel's massacre. moreover, the rest would not provide israel with arms or weapons of mass destruction. we believe the tended not being the u. s. government assistance. israel would have never taken such a risk. meanwhile, israel administer or defend smith ahead of us central command on monday for talks and tell a view of the former called the meeting, a direct translation of american support. it took place up in the biden administration, reportedly lifted restrictions on supplying israel with powerful half time m. k. 83 bombs as the situation edges toward a powder keg. the us state department spokesperson was thrilled on whether a ron has the right to defend itself. we spoke the journalist site, erica,
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who posted that question. he says, washington wants to reserve the right to self defense only for the west and israel, or in no way, whatever talent, or reaction byron in any way, serve the interest of the iranian people or the broader regions. you said that you had a right to defend this. i'm now you person, but i'm say, yeah. so what's different, i mean, you know, everybody was did that, oh everyone. let's say everyone has a right to defend the so why does anyone have rights? it is not in any way, however, right useful at all for anyone in the region for ron to consider taking such steps because of the risk. as i said, that this could potentially get out of control. well then i'd say it's always repeat that. it's ready to lock any of the sovereign nation. i have the right to defend itself, but when it comes to you on, you know, you almost i mentioned or out or the word right? but then the back track from that, you know, when it comes to self defense, it is something that the united states reserves to western countries 2 to 3,
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its own to its allies in europe and to the state arrangement for sure. in fact, and i'd say since always promoted more in the region, it has many bases. it has that, that, that leads to that, that roaming the area and it surprises where i live down to the mountain weapons. and it's constantly in configuration, let's say with syria or an m, and they were involved in them. and the same thing in libya. so there is nothing i mean up to my memory as, as a us, i really try to do anything in terms of the threat, pushing forward the peace process. then i said, government keep the warning as well for as a settlement expansion for denying the policy has basic. right. and now we're committing genocide in got out of harm turkish president. right jump, ty berto on his lashing out at social media. censorship of israel is atrocities in
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dogs of the liter says various platforms are practicing quote, digital fascism of the fittest. in house, in, in social media, companies have especially gone overboard and almost become militants. they see it as the duty to mediately sunset. even a simple sentence criticizing this well, well, facing digital fascism that has no tolerance, even for the photographs of palestinian marches and bounds them immediately, advertising it as freedom. these companies and car was in all kinds of immortality, prostitution and support for terrorist organizations as part of freedom of openly declared war on the glorious resistance of the palestinian people. and this hero, 8 children individual, was at this moment. what personally witnessing how social media companies act like a mafia in everything that affects the interest lies, presentations and insights. men have become the most characteristic features of
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these platforms. over the course of the past few years, the turkish government has 1st and foremost issued warnings against these companies . it has restricted the bandwidth of these companies and the overall band, although it could be temporary, is the final now in the coffin. and what we're looking at right now is of course a great deal of censorship, and this is a matter of great concern for turkish officials with special needs have been influenced theirs and social media accounts with followers of north of $400000.00 who have had their posts removed, particularly after the assassination of how much leader is small honey, a list, a specific user, for example, issue to statements condemning the atrocities carried out by these we have the government and he says that we did nothing but stand by. so who was not necessarily in support of hamas who was not necessarily that critical of these really government button. even that post was essentially removed and this is a matter of concern because then it raises the big question. where does free speech coming to this and why is the car at least the contents or the posts of the
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specific accounts removed? another good case study, of course, the head of religious affairs. i advice issued a statement condemning the assassination, but also to memory meetings as the assassinated leader of the small hunt in that post was move days later. so this is a matter of great concern human rights watch. organizations have issued studies and case studies and reports and documents adjusting that just between october, november more than 1000 posts have been removed and these are just documented cases . this does not reflect the whole truth. $1049.00 of the more supportive published on just one out of those posts where of course, pro is really more critical a palestine. but what makes all of this a little bit more interesting? is course the position instagram is taking, as well as the position that is rarely officials are taking as well. the form minister of israel issued a statement that has been attacking the church president as well as his approach to the banning of instagram, the defense. i submitted the dictator air to the ground that back to us in western countries yesterday saying they were taken hostage by designing the scene as well
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as the gun. the once taken hostage of citizens of took a truck in your dictatorship. you blocked the instagram for 57000000 users in your country, but left access to your own instagram account no matter how many attacks are made against me. i will continue to expose the truth to the people of turkey and the world, a leader who embraces from us or presses his people and acts like a dictator. he is a dictator. of course, the minister of foreign affairs of churches did respond with no time to waste, suggesting that these posts, or the statements by these rarely for ministers have no way to whatsoever. and that the form minister has made it a habit of essentially punching below the ballots. what is important for directors, officials, is of course legal representation that has been a fundamental arguments. throughout this whole ordeal, the turkish official suggested that is because instagram does not have offices within the country. it does not abide by the courts laws. it does not pay taxes, it essentially is here to feed on people's data and information with no
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repercussions. and this is where i'm kind of takes offense to all of this. but the position the government is taking it says, is in full support of the people as well as the laws within the country. for the us supreme court has rejected the missouri state bid to delay the sentencing for a former president, donald trump, for his new york criminal conviction. the republican presidential nominee is facing punishment for harsh money paid to an adult film. star ortiz donald quarter has the details. a free court decision comes in response to a lawsuit that the state of missouri filed against new york for allegedly violating the rights of voters through its conviction of former us president donald trump. back in may, a new york jury actually slaps the former us president with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records after the assassination attempt on trumps life. the missouri attorney general said that all these attacks on trump and the court
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process that we're seeing here amounts to a political which want these attack came into days, often you, your tablets, him to, he called through. so they could loan so politically motivated, legally spacious, and corrupt prosecution against him. and still he's gags, and unable to speak freely as he campaigns. the ability to go which home has been replete with the legal era from the beginning tom to sing the ability of missouri walters to hear from a presidential candidate missouri will not sit idly by while new york destroys the rule of law. nevertheless, the supreme court has ruled against trump here and with his sentencing right now postponed until a september. it's still not clear if he's actually going to face court before the november elections or if it's going to be postponed once again. don, what other legal prosecution is mr. trump facing? well last month, the supreme court actually ruled that from cannot be prosecuted for actions that he took during his term and for his lawyers. that means that the prosecutors should
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not have been able to present evidence to the court during his term even if the actions in question were, had taken place before 2016. but this is really actually given rise to the democrats essentially waging war on the conservative dominated supreme court with the democratic senate majority leader, chuck schumer, going as far to proposed legislation to basically notify the immunity that us presidents and vice presidents have when it comes to criminal prosecution, and on top of that, joe biden also launched his own attack on the supreme court, claiming that he supports the separation of powers. but at the same time, the court has become extremist. extreme is, is undermining.


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