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tv   Documentary  RT  August 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

11:00 pm
from he is a bloody conflict watch on odyssey the keys took the why didn't you see what the patient? i have little video sales people, unexcused familial g. my mother with marshall approach us the codes that were to, to make a couple of them. we would be what you're supposed to see is that like a quotes different putting is cook with what was the the
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the, the simplest news that's good to most federal with the federal work study. besides that, we should put these to the keywords equal, you know, put the, it was you should that with the speed suit, give some c be it. so we can pull up the custodian, we send the message, signal, the fax, and use each that you prevent the leaking to stay. you make me appointment for me and there's a couple music on this. of course, the version of it fit the music i need to mention in with lucian looked at me personally or the exclusion. the young mitchell i'm pulling up, can use thing of much of it as in the most of the condition on what i'm most of the, which is the see is that for students to make a career does different thing ask
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a quick come was a group that's almost at the auction with, well it's not, it's that is just sort of kind of both because without giving you a position to, to, uh what, when i shift when i said that it took me sleep boys comfortable again at the budget about that you have the problem with group work, you have a solution, we process the folder issue and you pitching us that will go with you to a to show up in a specific dentist looks kind of the on the bottom right. you see the cvt,
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the prize needs to be keep missing the purchase, the best product simply we are going to need to make them. not only would you know so to the vehicle to really take the view. did you charge more with the whole deputies? i'd suspended so mostly within the week that comes up. i'm great, it's elizabeth games and the most clear that i had the bus washington, i would say i'd be the sort of the shooting. i thought i gave the for a while. i do the things the us will have the need us to do most of
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i'm 60 minutes center placement with the doors and you know, mr. jim cook that even a football, digital dismissal glass suit as close of business because she never did you like the who you bought the new subsides because the what? the issue, the tickets so you will give us their shots. the, the, the, which is really shows is on the patients the go to the, to, let's, let's switch it to get the, you know, show this for us to deal with this. the great, the should, the lifting money was the last couple of day me, me it as close to the
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the, the so much, i'm much in either the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, you know, dealing with the, the
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i am the, the most do with what was i just the was still going to need to know whether you, me, still there's go to the left, you know, you'll do most of the future things which and they're just with multi, i'm just kind of need to on pretty who of us come out of the, just the that it is, you don't, we can use as a huge on the, on the lease. we can, but over by the, by the, by the better that, i mean, what do i pay annually? the it does as well as you
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know, i got always is the news from the business machine, the machine to costco me. system were the ones that is cohort, whether you buy up for an oil change, you want to check with one she does and bought the car. to 1st thing is she
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the videos are so comfortable with it. the spaniel. wow. the chip just through that. see and hold on, let me check the schedule you need. yes maam, coaches us buyers right now. one doing us them. essentially what color the blood smoke play in your spam folder solutions. so i just, you know, oh yeah, but still stay away. but i just decided plug me in phone with them. oh boy juggle schedule outside of mount. yeah. north i'm gonna be alone. most like 30 percent. no schedule deal at the blue z o video. so that'd be the receipts the same. uh
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necessarily the best option. um yeah, so so i do bye to god bless. mister big well, circumstance. thing. reason really simple. where the
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cubicles? yeah. the money to do that you attempted to come,
11:13 pm
but you did the extra amount. i thought she sat there for the show event. it will be a job loss for the cause of a does uh, international stuff is defensive to separate the setup button and not to printer ports. and once did you lose it asked for that? if i said the media, i love to focus on the 2 reasons. could you say with the city video camera in the service it'll be presented as for them? i didn't want to work it on stimulus. the industry is little less money from sales really left. so should william farmer shots monument, so we have court car store to know what decision they my lab and what was that man was, what was that ridiculous problems? i put in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i mean shows those are pretty short journals on patient data for she's getting the best do what i mean. there's a cup,
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bradford push out the as, as your country, they want to possess your you around noon. they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why you know, to and was good for them because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the connectivity, 6 of people who they are dealing with as much as you press the bear, bear will come out the proverb. it'd be hard to put the bear back to his face. the, some of the 3 in the edition sitting now was just yeah. so then of the con,
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usually the so chinese seem finally just because we're trying to go for the machine, the 5 of them here thought you might have something to hold, serve more. you see he thought you had it here that's replaced really about your vehicle. so this is the quote for us. right, so i went to that on for me was more let's go, let's go east coast what your ship restore, how often you are polluted. yeah. knowing that, and that's on the cruise to the best cause of ripped leech line or visual on this last little shift, or you will see me a while and to us the voice of i was choose to us was loose. this was we to,
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i lose you as a good subsidy, a control agent would have to use the to let each program to. we're going to see the sure how many going on there. so let's just make it on one second. it's um, well, i'm not going to be
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able to box to the
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or the control of the nation. so what was the collision center system around the corner issue with the the number one moment please let me just put you in the us to pick them up. all it'll probably would have said, i'm sure it is. it is, there might be some kind of the thing is maybe some of a lot of it. typically a lot of what, what's an old machine at least you're scheduling for our customers here. the cost on the muscle was i swear you are using the centurylink and also they have some of the most of the show to moscow just like does it just bring up as a customer motion? think to be the guest. so i feel like i've though,
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i'm assuming you what i've done, you know, me of nearby, just thought i have some new post homework. i was looking to have all this of the information. i have much right now about that one is my impression. you didn't need to talk to me. yeah. and you cuz i almost got started working with my boss. just talked to invest a bunch meetings in front of us and in a few of us, i mean wasn't here. so i wish them to be meeting with me here. every single one, little miss gonzales. more than the most, let her know she will, but the most that you contact them with this streaming is literally to go and show it to them. that's fine as much. but gord, it'd be upset you for the fact that bush, that part of the god. so when the leasing at us and uh
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the me one day is not the only thing they don't create for the
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the i need still live, but then you have skipped on you still able to pull a gun skim bus motion and then you have to come get skim milk. i'm assume come dumb . skim budget. you all, i'm you. but those come national. i'm sure to come. drama is glass. it is a pretty soon the push can not ask. i'm glad it's declined but those them slower. yeah, they'll call them, but there shouldn't cause a lot so many still live with article and i'll ask them about that what some and you need to put the police, stella, gordon. and so the and the supervisee is an upstart menus. nicole and you'll be the most, but it's a to push, get you guys. each kilo dorski here is above and that is most
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people clear your doorstep. most of them obstruct them. a tops 3 and you said it was on to that it and yeah. or beach, you could see it when you bring a little porter is 3. linda says the union may have skipped so so be stablish to get a response. can you still are there?
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11:25 pm
but then yet many stated a little bit and skip the would keep that the keys disability and you see wouldn't be a good 3 pieces of the video to simulate vehicles, alexis mules, d model, dusky with marshall at the which is not that, gosh, that would, that quit to, to me, let's go to them. we interest them much. i'm pretty good. i said,
11:26 pm
i'm listed being you and that's a special been that are that the who could do me? i've been and that would be less costly videos for the front doors in cost so. so you finished with shortsale shop. numerous also stores each of those that in the class. so the
11:27 pm
. ready the the the, what is part of it that the employee would post good isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the as the we
11:28 pm
are in north, a city of, in the caucasus mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm so i'm thomas, this is in my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture, the who despite everything re priest, go to the from lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches. they pray for peace. so i think out of work during ask almost the 1st or what kind of stuff, but sitting your lot for your students. so mature 2nd i am the silver asleep. and the last, i bet you from watch the discharge of when you try to bristol shape or gotcha. so
11:29 pm
i've only been, you know, it's sort of the best interest of the focus of the printer. so if it's a hold on all the sharon fishes besides this to this and from georgia tech, and when i filled out the for us remain c o,
11:30 pm
a colonial empire that still exists in the modern world comprised of both its colonies, disguise discrepancies, territories, numerous officially silver and african states, the full under frances, so called from the freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any of respondents on hearing the word colonialism, followed up with the word for us. and the relationship between from somali, formerly french so done, is a good illustration. the


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