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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the question, who wants a greater war and which is the single country to cast off the phone and the double following molly's example, need your dog cuts off a diplomatic ties with viewed crane breaks. he adds a to militant groups in west africa all to a head on the program tia will officially join this of african genocide case against israel. and the international court of justice spent seen by local lawmakers, has been started on 4 civilians are killed in you printing and showing of the prestige and prussian, and the also confirms the destruction of multiple ukrainian armored vehicles of p ups forces attempting to border incursion. plus george it reveals that a huge amount and they'd send mercenaries to you. frank. the stunning accusation
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comes as a us cups funding for the george and army over the country. things new part of the control, the, it's one that opposed mid day and most of i'm, you know, no need with this is the news our on our to international another african nation has broken off diplomatic relations with ukraine. these yours cut ties with p f over its support of the hell region militant groups and comes less than 48 hours after neighboring molly did likewise. the horses the guide you through to the city . i shall considering the seriousness of the situation and to recognize and assume the involvement all the great in the aggression against molly. the government of the republic of new share in full solely diety, with the government and people of mali. besides, on the following measures won the severance with immediate effect of the plummeted
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relation between the republic of new year and ukraine to the referral to the united nations security council. with a view to ruling under ukrainian aggression and the sponsors media. the media has become the, sits in the country on the move on to the institute to visit those ties, boost the match size, the fact that you train the reason sites it is submitted to data from all the kids involved with the fax number. disney, we can add office model for the rep. so off those be nation is not surprised. people given that commodity capital size of which you have this past monday and the fact that it's packed with marty and fox and now be to commodity prices change. and the top is of multi energy, comes off to the default that's it's a rushing to add to monte soldiers. the dates, july, we a to pull russian back in the mysteries and 47 soldiers were killed. the most of the country during class is worth the tire examples from the seas tpc speech.
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finally, that's and which is for mobile phones. so it's based on social media, the pc, the moods off, all those really in. ringback facebook ad to actually add on down. this is also we ukrainian, intended to acknowledge that it had provided for 12 weeks with information and training in the use of tones of which i have been used to attack and kill the soldiers that proceeds on the the platforms. and it was also at that moment to that, marty expressed a beep shot over those remarks made by you chris, it's, it's intelligence into print, change them as an admission of involvement monte condemned the actions as the bi lease since august 17th. i mean quite a while to keep the national to choose me on that shooter. then because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement and the aggression against molly,
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the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to set up with immediate effect. the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region with terrorists disguised as diplomats as far as we are, we the has, wouldn't need any of the action on the see for you print from you train, which in itself on this axis issue with the has been some sort of reaction on beach . so if you all for ties between kids and money, particularly the problems the ministry of fire and the fees is coming to nasa got submitted that denies any involve me to be more than modified. seeing describing modest decision to view those diplomatic ties over the incident as a short side to that hasty, he also sees the decision was done without
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a start. rest id off the incidence of facts and circumstances even as the season is up to date. and he prayed, confirms on the videos practically that he provided the available forces in march each with the 2 digits missing each to carry out to this attack us, which resulted in the dates we all seem on ah speeds. the representative of the intelligence agency made a corresponding state complex. yes, that you back to the destruction on back now in epic. i will continue with this in the shop of the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation. against the russian work and also, but i say the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commented on and we certainly will not disclose any details. but let's say there will be a continuation it is uh, the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to serve a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts
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and circumstances of the incident in northern molly. as well as without providing any evidence of few grains involvement in the specified event. and as you share this part of the video, which has been restored, many factors that he has to have space. that's no evidence typing provided to implicate ukraine in the fighting. and at this time, you see at money because it's a huge feedback affords to create and because it occurs well, the minister of foreign affairs is applied to have for after type is it is a monthly amount each ads, which is one. also one does. it is going to be acting and see something on the situation because it is the contents what exactly what decreases it's unconditionally appears to the norms of international move would have to keep done them is indeed is find back to your hardship. indeed, because they do stage the pulses of epic tax at the same time coming up to some of the activities on each 2 each israel is pushing on with it,
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stated a of eliminating come us on has not declared the killing the groups newly a 9 sleeter yeah, yes and more is an objective. if you have seen a lot, it is in our to therese response of those. so a lot of the most horrible their acs in history, the service of october. there is only one place. so if you're single are next to that there's, there's were responsive in the service of october. the point by the us terrorist, he actually, i've seen them all, has the new lead jo from us replacing a smile on the is yet to know the compelling reason to sweetly eliminate him. and why this while organization of the face of the hours after or how mos declared. yeah, he us in wire, a new leader swats from his world, started to poor. and despite the worsening situation in the region, as there was response to the recent killing of the smart and how do you get into
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one is looming while as well has not confirmed nor denied involvement. dear one is pointing golfing years. squarely, i tell him even these latest words by as well, to take out the new hamas leader somehow, spills the beans on his rails involvement and the assassination of funny. yeah. meanwhile, a report by washington post suggest, as well, actually immediately informed us officials that it was behind the killing of the former. how much political leader, according to the report, the white house officials reacted to the desk of santia with surprise, an outrage. seeing it as a serious set back in their attempts to alleviate the middle east crisis. so it seems like as well, it has been on a tow and mission to take out key figures and there was a sense access lightly on monday, the id i pronounced on the air strikes that killed. how mos economy minister of it, as variety over guys as already was a significant player,
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and how mazda is military when got overseas, manufacturing, processes and operations and the transfer of the weapons to him off of the attack, followed closely after, as well claimed responsibility for an air for i can be rude that targeted as well as senior military commander and one of its founding members for offshore pro, also last week as well said it had confirmed the death of the head of how much is a military when mohammed a wave and a july or striking does ops of course. so how much has not confirmed his death and now dissolve, smart dredge? finance minister of israel has also suggested that his beloved leader has son, natural law be killed despite right. so without the ation by the militant groups, israel should not respond to us rela, israel should eliminate the threat of all this rhetoric comes as about a dozen f, a 18 fighter jets from the u. s. s. theater roosevelt aircraft carrier have flown
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to a military base in the middle east as part of the pentagon's effort to help defend israel from possible attacks by year one. and its proxy is up to safeguard us troops. us defense secretary lloyd aust, in order to ramp up the military presence of the region and that despite the washington calling for the escalation, we continue to work intensely to de escalate tensions in the middle east and to prevent the spread of conflict over the past few days we've been in constant contact with partners in the region. and well beyond those conversations, we've heard a clear consensus. no one should escalate this conflict. us. we've been engaged in intense diplomacy with allies and partners, communicating that message directly to iran. we communicate that message directly to his room on tuesday, the us side is well open. we blamed it, ron,
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for conducting an air strike on an american air base in western iraq on monday, leaving ga, several, the west military personnel wounded. now, extensions in the middle east reached a boiling point. i made reports of the biden administration, reportedly listing restrictions of supplying as well with a powerful half ton m, k 8. if we bonds, washington has sought to publicly play piece make or something, or wanting officials or rather skeptical about doing that tom. because unfortunately, over the past 10 months to use government has been doing these at most dis, help is root can mean war crimes and genocide against the oppressed pals team and people. it is incumbent on the us government to exert affective pressure on israel to stop the conflict at stop israel's massacre. moreover, the rest would not provide israel with arms or weapons of mass destruction. we believe that had it not being the u. s. government assistance easily. it would have never taken such a risk. now as washington has been building up its military presence and as well
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keeps its hawkish rhetoric against different resistance groups. it's unlikely that the situation will calm down any time soon. we can all, we expect things to move toward escalation. well, we heard from the spokes person for the reformist democratic function within the fall to dispense dimitri deal. yeah, me, he laid, i'd hire the composite of these really remarks and killing of military leaders, effects as close as ally washington or any time that they are deal is about to be made even with the u. s. a support and, and us encouragement and then many times as us announcement, as by them has done before israel escalates violets kills more people and find a way to get out of, of the d. m. obstructed. and what's really been studied is how
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did a united states jets adjust its rhetoric to fit the position of the israeli government in a way that it's becoming more of a joke and cannot be taken seriously. you can tell, for example, the length is a statement by blinking, who after a promoting a deal and him as clearly agreeing to the deal is where we jumped in video and then blinking comes out then they, after that and, and say, that's how my house has rejected the deal as if we live in a vacuum and nobody can read the news or hear the statements in a way that the state department, the white house has become a total joke and cannot be taken seriously. not only about send me an affair issue, or that really is the length and did about send me an issue, but globally is set to officially joined the south african
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genocide case against israel in the international court of justice. the country's foreign minister said the legal declaration would be submitted today at the hague. the turkish law may occur by the way, leading his nations delegation sees the move is a forceful show of support for the palestinian people. on this application is a historic step with this intervention application to key it will show the whole will in the eyes of international law that is stands by the posting and course, and a gave the inhumane genocide in gaza. israel committed and continues committing crimes . they opened the dog chop the world's history target once it's become south africa, answer to you versus israel. but more importantly, once it becomes south africa circuit and many other states that joined this movement. and there seems to be some moments some gained, the interest to on could of has shown, could in one form or another, encourage others to step up. and this is one of the fundamental reasons as to why
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the charter state is involved in this case. but of course, we have to understand that the das here that on to the will provide to the hague, is going to be kept under wraps. this is an ongoing legal legal case, but it will become public knowledge sooner rather than later. and what we understand is the church government is trying to apply pressure against these. we have a government and in the words of the turkish positive edge of type ad one, he says that church is doing everything. it tends to put an end to the barbarism. no matter what a trust that is, blas thursday, genocide network meets a one stop to get or the turkish people from stand and sold our 2 with the palestinians. unfortunately, western actors particularly the us, have become captives of israel. no helpful outcome emerged from the ceasefire. adults, the narrow, narrow administration has repeatedly demonstrated its intention to continue its policy of massacres, looking at the case or the das here provided by south africa. we can have a better understanding of what the target side has to provide to the hague as well
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. and what we see is, of course, the report that was issued by the i c j, essentially suggesting that israel is complicit in genocide and war crimes. we have statements provided by israeli officials, by the israeli government, as well as its work cabinets that is incriminating itself and is not necessarily made more evidence from churches or south africa or other heads of states to intervene and pin this on the israeli government. and very briefly, i want to go over just some of them which paints us a better picture as to why these, where the government is being tried at the i c j, the president, isaac, or zach says, quote, this entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true, this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. the ministry of defense very similarly said, while he was announcing a siege on, does that he said, quotes no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. everything is close. we are fighting human animals positive. we're terms of what it was, we were limited every single. this is why circuit is more concerned about ensuring
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that is real, was about to just to support the palestinians, but also at least try in it and convince people to move towards a 2 state solution. and this is what the church government's position on. this is a 2 state solution is the only way out of this and nothing else matters. well, we spoke to former turkish prime ministerial advice, or a mcmann or 2 who pointed out that international lawyers undermined by the fact that multiple states fail to here to it. the south african church. i'm not alone in this actually. assets down the line that i talked to, you companies which joined or expressed their retention to enjoy. so there was a girl we and but the all the countries put the pressure on the as well. of course the decision will not be taking tomorrow. it might take a long, long period is while and he said lies and argue that there is no agenda sites. but increasingly we see on the tv screens and also independently forced that. there is a mess if the chillies and mystic there's taking place in gaza. so the case is,
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is wrong with advance and more and more companies might be joining. but there's definitely going to be united strong between these island, the western countries and 6 to the support thing is that in any case limited. so and the other countries which act either or to a, quote, the reasons or for me to tell you drunk or not, i'm gonna tell you the wrong to do so. there's very good colors, ations realty, but i don't thing in 2 days then for the teachers to weld below messages that much pursue them because most nations, including the united states, as well as some you know, being kind of fist, china and others are also widely thing international low in many regards, but the, the, i think it was ation related to genocide is a very, very serious losses. ukrainian forces have attempted a border incursion into rushes, crisp region. the russian defense ministry confirmed a number of key of armored vehicles were destroyed in the effort or defense systems
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also shopped on multiple ukrainian. you avi's before let's cross live 2 or 2 corresponding to a portion of who's in at the region e gore afternoon civilians. how big confirm killed in the attack tickets through the situation on the ground? well absolutely union and what you can see behind me this line of dozens and probably soon to be hundreds of people. they all have come together at noon on what day to donate blood. and during the time that i've been on the square, this line just keeps growing and growing. and in general, speaking about this town, of course, kind of how it's people have been affected by ukraine's breach of the boy that with the region, it's uh, the people that have truly come together in the face of the tragedy. and it has already claimed its stole, while loss is made military personnel expected and the conflicts of the scale. but
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civilians have been killed one day one to like the ukrainians day. there are tillery showed a monastery, a coming kazi drone hit, an ambulance near the town of su joe, which is a frontline town right now. the total of 4 people have been killed. the 6 children have been injured in more than 2 dozen people have been wounded as well. so it is truly a hard time. it's a difficult time for everyone here in the course region because there is a setting up a certain level of, well, excuse me, for the totality of uncertainty among the people here because they said he do hope that the ukrainians are being stopped in their tracks. and again, the russian military are doing everything in the power. the russian defense ministry has already said that they have deployed, and they keep deploying reserves, and they are pulling everything that they have at their disposal to this breach
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point. also, russian military jets have been working relentlessly. non stop. that's despite ukraine has truly satiated this part of the border with a defensive. because they know that the russian jets having massive experience, both in ukraine and in syria and another conflict of a tens, truly ruined their plans and truly hamper the efforts to breach into the russian territory. so, but despite that, russian helicopters russian jets, they have been working 247, no sleep, and no breaks. at the same time, we do know that the fighting still continues and the situation is very, very fluid. but also we know for a fact is that the ukrainians are still on the russian territory on the internationally recognized russian territory. but so far there has to be no confirmation uh from both sides really as to how deep are and how successful they're in. casually has been uh, we will be standing by here too,
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but thoughts on the situation on the ground both militarily on the how people are coping with what is going on to bring you at all the latest. great, thanks for a break and all that done for us live from the cursed region. our t correspondent e course is on the george's parliament speaker has revealed to blake c came 100 e. you pressure to send mercenaries to fight in ukraine. so i've got to share some of the you, most of the national movement and the opposition told us that we should have impose sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no, because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement foreigners also told us that we had to impose sanctions, san mercenaries, to ukraine, and so on, among other things, to europe, and told us this. for volunteer mercer rates from the so called georgia and legion have been activate the forwarding you praying for the past decade. the commander of
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the you did say he's up to 80 percent of all foreigners, in fact, fighting for ukraine 1st operate as part of the legion, russia has designated the detachment of terrorist organizations. we spoke to a georgian security, i'm struggling channel is to say, is full military involvement by georgia in the conflict would lead to a dead end for the nation. guys you say it was the thing is that the european union was the 1st actor when 3 years ago they created the associated trio ukraine, georgia, moldova, initially, it was implied that military action against russia would be launched by all 3 countries, which had been striving to join nato and the e. u. if georgia helps at this stage in the war against russia, ukraine will launch a powerful military landing force led by the georgian legion. but the current government categorically refused to do so for georgia. that would have been a road to nowhere, only an absolutely air responsible person can go on such an adventure,
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who does not think at all about his homeland, but about momentary benefits in his career. like president soccer, she really was. and what president, zora bush really is like today. she is george's enemy. she considers a sub human. she considers herself a superior race. she is an instrument of western policy. she has been entrusted with some tasks or pension, awaits her in the west. she has arranged for her children to occupy high ranking positions in nato and the un, her task is to bring a coalition government and to pardons akash willy. and on the 2nd day, the war against russia would begin. naturally, a civil war in georgia would follow. well, those revelations come after the us suspended just under $100000000.00 in a to the country. the move is seen as an attempt to push to place into a bundling, the so called for an agent law that requires media and non governmental organizations to disclose. if they receive more than a 5th of their funding from abroad. the legislation triggered
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a summed off between georgia's ruling party on the western bank block. the country's western leading president has urge to you as not to sanction the georgian army for a political decision. i don't understand budget cuts for our military. there are many directions where this government can and should be punished, but it can not be punished through the georgian army, which stands for our state, our defense. well interesting, a bit georgian parliament speaker has express bewilderment over that statement. he sees that nations military is entirely funded by the country's own finances and questions where washington's aid is actually going so far. the u. s. embassy has not explain what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the georgian people, also side. so use being convinced that someone has stopped funding and now obviously some kind of dissolved stuff. as far as i know, there was no such amounts in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia. well,
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we spoke to steve, gil former advisor to the bush and clinton administrations, who saves us citizens, are also in the dark about what the country's foreign funding is being spent on. it presses whether it's military aid, whether it's, you know, she may have terry and type aid or whether it's just, you know, the cost of doing business that i believe america needs to move to a position of leadership in the world as tasks and bullying our way against these countries, large and small thinking that we're going to get the, the results that we want the days that the us could play, you know, as, as a loan in the field and demand what they wanted. and these countries have no other options. i think those days are coming to an end and we're going to pay a price for not being what we should be in the world or where the money is gone. we in america have spent hundreds of billions of dollars. there's been no accounting. there's been no of a responsible response to where's the money gone? so i'm not sure it's a, it's something that's just limited to georgia. americans are feeling the same questions that are answered by our administration. ok to so if they use it finally
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with a head, all of the newly established interim government in bangladesh has been appointed economist and opposition figure mohammed eunice will take over the following monday . resignation of prime minister has seen of the flight the country and weeks of widespread protests that claimed the lives of hundreds of people that the decision was made during a meeting between the nation as president. i'm the coordinators of the self labeled . i'm the discrimination student to move, but not these protests leaders earlier. one, they would oppose any military by government, demanding that only a top it's approved by them should be formed. at the beginning of the week, mobs took over the parliament building and looted pm ship. i've seen is resident celebrating her resignation to the accused of boxing a photo system for state jobs. now, the note for a bundle with dish she leaders in india but is expected to seek refuge in either the u. k. the u. e, or saudi arabia. mister eunice himself has promised he will only hold the role of
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in trim prime minister and won't seek to hold on a permanent position on from us civilian awards to political ties, the new head of the bung with a shake of them, it has long had close relations with washington or to suffocate taylor's being digging a little deeper into those tides. in the pm valley, have time to resign, pack of suitcases and sleep to neighboring india before the student protest is heading out. that picks a new leader and the us came out waxing. lyrical about fine, good, this is new found democracy. we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition to be conducted in accordance with bangladesh as laws. all decisions regarding the interim government should be made with respect to democratic principles, rule of law, and the world of bangladesh. the people we think that is important that we focus on the bangladesh, these peoples democratic aspirations and see, or a path to democratic governance tip to as favorite to, to home visit into
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a government is 84 year old mohammed eunice, a mind him pups. coincidentally, the us happens to know very, very well to start with. he's a full bide school. i just finished his education in america. the winter of the 2006 nobel peace prize for his scheme of doing tiny might for loans to down and out . people who don't yet know frank slamming tools and the faces he went on to be awarded the presidential medal of freedom that the congressional foam metal, the highest civilian award in the united states. and the ceremony attended by $300.00 dignitaries, straits under the us. capitals, don't, you know, stood hailed as a visionary and resolution. worry with but rock obama? yes lisa fund leave. and then bring that me to do a professor. you knows. i have long been inspired by your efforts to empower people
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through offering them the means to leave the family, some communities out of poverty. as i said, when having the opportunity to meet you in the lighthouse in 2009, your work has inspired millions to imagine their own potential. but una says ties to america. they much saw the back in 97, which one he travelled stateside. no, being for washington to support his hardness, independence from practice gone. and he's also been linked to the national endowment for democracy and n g o sponsored by american congress and y d. c. and as the architect of color resolutions putting it in place us from the need assess and strategically important nations. who knows whether he's aware that the any d has been a generous patron of finds investing news outlets. which don't find too many good things to say about the now x p m, the same x p m who.


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