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tv   Documentary  RT  August 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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is noted that we have a wide, broad net with our sanctions. and so we want people be careful not to get caught in that net by activities that you may think don't come into it. but actually our clubs via items has a very long history of supporting two's unpacking best schools in countries including outside little guatemala hyatt, nicaragua, libya, i mean, the list ready that could go on and he was convicted of line to congress over the iran contra f. and now of course, on surprisingly, he suppose the coo and he supported previous who attends in venezuela and the guy. and we have to reiterate that might interest, that is a cause oil. this is why back in 2019 we saw the united states to european union the k, and it's a allies in western countries, bucking one gladto gladto of course. soon off that he declared himself the
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legitimate president of venezuela. well, one of the things that he announced was that he was going to open up the countries states owned oil companies to foreign companies, to install oil production and oil expos. now the united states tried everything they could to get him in power. they launched a coup attempt operation video, which involved a number of us green berets for the us green berets in this plots that the do not himself said was cook top in the white house. he said that the then you as president donald trump was the most in mind of the plan. now trump himself with his pulse. well, he's been very open to the us, interesting in his way to or about oil. then as well as how about with buying oil for exam as well, and when i left that as well, it was ready to collapse. we would have take it over, we would have got doing that away. i would have been right next door. so again,
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we see another attempt to uh qu, unfolding in venezuela. but it seems that this crew is failing. we seen my support on the streets for the president nicholas, my daughter, my daughter himself. now he's talking about a striking deals with the for trade with a brakes country spots. in the meantime, the us when it continues to ranches of the rhetoric and it's stoking unrest on the streets of venezuela. always spoke decided mohammed miranda into ron university professor who served as an international election observer in venezuela. he says there were no signs of fraud. adding that transparency of the electoral process is meaningless once washington's interests are involved. and there wasn't just me. there were a 1000, roughly a 1000 electric selection monitors and they were from countries across the world. and knowing that i'm match during my stay in met is when i saw anything that was suspicious at all. the us doesn't have any concern for democratic values. it's
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closest allies in, in this part of the world where i am, our countries which happen to elections. countries in the persian gulf region across north africa either don't have elections for the results of those elections or all 4 o'clock on conclusions. and the nice thing is it doesn't have any problem with that. the problem with venezuela is not just the oil, not just cold and other resources that the country has. but the fact that in this way not isn't present independent foreign policy. and that latin america is america's back yard. remember, just a while ago there was an election in bolivia and the americans and the western media, the bbc new york times the collective western media. so there was huge fraud and then be carried out a crew. and then it came out that there was no fraud, and the people revolted in the over through the cool regime. so that was, believe it just a couple of years ago. what did they have?
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they also had key resources that mosque and the likes of mosque in the united states need for their high tech industry. so latin america, wherever there is an independent country in the united states, will try to bring it down. and it doesn't matter if it's, there's a democratic election or not. i do say with our to international, i'll be back with much more news in just over 25 minutes from now. in the meantime, be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest breaking news and updates the to some of the visit walker see on continue come sounds. so look at us of prescription auto mall and that are pretty much it on the all set i saw it looks as though you were on the list. securities are equal minus those you may see some
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people going to make much of it. my just because it was a cost that pertains to room. i seen the plug davis, if you have a mazda the, that the 3 i learned a little more to remind you to see today i'll call number from the menu or to the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy is on a. so a lot for that, and today, instead of a focusing on it and gum, come on buddy to, to book it, show up. i'll see some of the better method are due to do the death of both of them . the, the, the casino sits system to set the money under the fact that this isn't going to allow us to let be, i think i know some of them know some more stuff on the boost by a bishop and they also fos. so gladly or software us it up a blush on
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a month to come in front of you, sir, to i'm going to deliver it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate life. somebody visited my click, the database isn't that i've tried to go to the bottom. that is, i'm in a lifetime between 4 and a quarter. okay, well, to ask the new name, let, let me day to see why they ask you. this is the same. i need the table just a minute to do any process. so book i would really want to get toilet guns. he's off, he can't is all of them as soon as they process. i said to some of them on it on, on those of you person, do those have say that for them additional to set. i mean shows google says that additional keywords on page should do for she's going to set up the shock and was on page data for the she came to me. it was on page 2. what um there's a cup bumper on a chef. the middle of this income i'm pointed both our preference of the account don't say to. so i said don't put people on the
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outside sales visit. gordon was known. what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's and make up, went through with to deprive a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the circle. let me pull it up real quick. they did not do the work on. was it you on hold on $1.00 or do you think there's only a couple in this is i'm you also get is i've noticed and she'll see anything more on record for them. on the play now was on the phone,
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they found them on the associated and we'll have to do this. we have on file volumes to see if the things up in it we saw. it pulls through law id routine in your system and you've got some anyhow glossy fund. milton, would you give me one of the top? we have a lot to choose. the key on the going to be, uh, i'll read off the sheet love most the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. i mean, most of the day nissan cn paypals on into it. i'm on eastern this nonsense for about 2 to come with me. so i'm not positive on that. it's a paradox. french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends . black guns. from this is colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal values of french culture tends to an ordinary malia from this isn't associated with who go and send experi with with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial
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demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave their somebody's voice when to describe d. 016 on so you can send it off. so you're not alone. francis pasadena, they don't, they just responded to speaking. they saw all on forces. you know, monday, the soonest. date is a long as policies there. file a motion. you 14 is i think i found you in on the on the go through just yourself the case example. larry, give us a new one. would you? like to send those to pointed to people to make it so sad. it says something is going to be going into some of the things that we don't need as a whole 20 percent below the font is only that, i love the imagery. this will not fit move in, but if you want me to hold a 2nd longer by mid concept before this one is speaking to this officer, get a no money for him, for the former is your degree. so it looks like, i mean it all over is introduced yourself settings you because it sounds like kind of for them of the most. okay. and is he led to the engineering school for sure.
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that's initial foster about that for that long because your boss, i think it is, and in that off i mean, send a technician out of the the bell and let them then assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing the song dollars that don't fill out. the final thing that's the only people that location, right? so finally, line instead of the la costa and that's along with us all the way they are, the owner for boy on the left side is, i mean this take all the 1000 and then bring them in. california is a song and i made on you know, the sun, i'm in canada as it might be, the some out of the office of funds on see
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so they put on the notes is that you know to, to set up the new represent you. i mean, most of them go to the 1st of that and nothing new. okay, for me to cut up in beautiful that. and then we'll have to pay the calls in most i let them nick off the rest of the money left. you now some grip is it didn't have enough at the board on monday, tuesday, the, for the substitute drugs a ride. and the,
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the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of our for that and implemented in a rankled time to present the country state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was pretty bad in advance and waited for lowering groups and incidentally with french health to get from libya to muddy. the operation has several similar to any us objectives. the french military contingent entered the country, legitimizing the pro french government, and the plastics were put in that place. the a little guy. the 2 last b. c. s. bus out the exact same, but it keep going deep. so far as the glass of each, the deep blue brand new zealand. let me pull the data said to the bar in the
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complex she gave me the 1st the display. sure. c v. like victor let us when the new but asked didn't it up, can you see the funds use of the view of the 70? you see the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean for us of them got to that proof of going was seen by the the lead me so you, so i the lock so that they can but the key designed for your team to do boy should do what on the glen, i'm looking for dealing with the next operation of hun, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal. so su, done much the curious path and the terrorist threat to continue to grow. and the
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area of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly. but for the french trade interest, frances made took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenient position in molly occupies, fell. many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. the better of race, the goal fronts has no friends, only its own interests. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example to the defense tweedy with france. is a deal with the devil. so no, uh uh, people do was i talked to the put the last on monday. i'm gone, don't say that i'm going to put down
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a pretty notifies or pull the a reset, reset that pete the 1st for us as a 1st model in the ok. that is on the audi event. i left off to the to the photos of my, my them onto the test it next, cynthia nipple. so monday nobody completes to the room on the so i'm back. i'm a little d david instead of in a book that is on all the also on luke on. good. but i love the new concepts to me. it does the study and do not a lot of listen to the 2 of us could live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the interest time acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show search
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like why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing of the loan for elizabeth, i saw a fine says of for my lead, a lot usually do the to the bill, the net month need at this bus to this is a but i saw nobody on the it was out on the popular. so super close think you need to is the police also the use of the force at the most of my or my late don't. for now, i live into my alarm,
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speak. don't use your data to belong to buy them. i didn't need that this new going to not as fast as a new or they they never to for another 2 to the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me. i don't know to it that i thought you knew full uh any upon those who look long i area. and then we'll do that as i go to the, the blizzard for not the left and a little confused. as to let you know that i saw it as i'm going to have done to sign through us with that. it's the best on the agenda that i set up a set to move onto to this uh another plus. it's best on the so i don't know if a new dental don't accept full glass. is your deal is what do the data on clear on the distance, the fee that the, the security to be paid, not alone or the the, the new whole fucking area that pacified them i have
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a lot of this is it is too long too. yeah. long dollars a month, the last to go to the really tell them of the home 3 for the month for boosted. so 2 days of my of the not to repeat the corporate i saw i work a lot of the see. so that includes that i so putting this on don't well, send it back in corporate. so i do that office for less than that but a good bit. i saw a lot of bands in moses on the television, the level that i submitted to either collaboration sample that i saw on going on right now. so then we'll go through that. so you said it's, i believe down the civics to that aspect. there's a, there's a, there's input i so keep that in that age. yeah. that and april 1st is our new model in of that issue. does it kick month,
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a safety that don't that amount to a lot of the folks that i'm in my, in on the monte. i'm to so the looks that in this region and filtered under 50 as human beings all the time. and actually it was, you know, to be performed on the funding to get to get it, which, which i think he decided to us. i'm saying some of the, some way to shoot you. he's only so suspended that makes sense. then you take
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the cecilia of my that into affecting if it is, if you seem to invite me inconvenient for the meeting, that gives me the the c. so to list it in the organ into sheets, or simply yes, it doesn't show the news that was sent to me before. so i'm my name is and let's see to so i'm p yes. all right, so as far as i mean, some of our competitors. so how you're doing, by the way, the fists based on weight, the other parts of the city totally piece of it. the bar lender was under, that it was for the 18 of the customer that that zone. so kind of designed to thing, said lucy, open leave
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a sure. is it the best on the where the end of it didn't buffer so? sure. sorry about that stuff and i'm willing to do that, but i didn't talk this would be the 2 but the stuff on the lesson to empty the best. and the 2nd button this up to see the display this, instead of letting the quasi i didn't use it. so my seems to remember what the lesson was. your b, you have classes every monday instead of think you left that i showed you to task literally is competitive menu on the home page. it'd be like an cheeky song, g b button, there was no m p did kind of read that to. so i that even begin to, to my email of the pollutants and assess, you know, see bus tip toilet seat is on the agreement. it's the same
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for us or can be 2 months that on the puppies, ended and grab things, you know. cool. so what exactly does it for me, please, and as long as it was done, can you me a to give me a list of what was that mileage? i see the low, the 02, and simon m y, the dealer. and julie i go through is darcy, listen to my 2nd, a demanding bundle on this policy, then what you can leave it to the old place within that, but they do sits every time you've done by the end of the past. so do this. let's see now finding one. let's see the intent. so gimme newport, barefoot with nicki this one part of the same i gave you. so let me pull that in 11, and then you have the good sense of this. so this is us, at least the tv,
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even after being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states, echo us to the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions and clothes bought as by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region that the wallets of ordinary citizens held and even ruined. some friends has already started to lose africa, enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but fronts content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also a method of direct colonial influence. the money is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to choose the,
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the walk or the song, but also we need to put them on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tom, sick or listening intuitive this printer. and that's what that means when you buy through a diesel. it also depends on the shipping, but now you can just check. lovely, lovely uh through the money. bring us your own. denise blog money. bring us throwing the info and wants you to somebody. they sold it as the company. the in one place, the simple glove best, so that emotions about the 20, the 2nd again the new so again, do nothing on these but the replacement of the voice on the bus can use your bunker . repeat is to sound for me. no one is sufficient or chair so it can be in one yes . performed a lot of i see a list of it into some pro for the law at the shape of that. don't say say
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by doing these blogs to buy stronger girlfriend immediately didn't near the wall. so kind of a lot of the politic team. the bottom line here in the house, you know, may 10001000 is the, the watching us, you all know, not knows. and there's the new boss here it was, you know, the official computer in the song vishal the movie near the don't know why that is. our system is a lot prove can nobody seen 2nd was our new money. i don't understand what the say about that. i'll send the money on send a new home by 10 so, so visual simplistic. they show what the things i'll share, a little mistake it taking a board or the single wire through net for me else. nope. so you don't ignore me. i'm on this is showing the money, say plus create the money on this. indeed,
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the problem in the community castillo allow, nope, was only opened the car. so some people getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line. and we'll follow along on a real s nicole and it shows about a new kind of your dish or bundle like some of the but i mean as on demand of equity. so like i've only been, i think it's like, i can just wanting to alex, let me notate it. ok along with data on the, on the, on the move of my lease in money. does that mean the same money? uh, do you guys charge a new visa? i should be last week. total of putting it for last to see if this thing. mm hm. yeah. not a nice short move. its best phone. this one will be,
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this is sure me if i can fix it, and these are the pain that the 1st all set to level for those phones aren't under lock. continue papers for tim deluxe balloons that show or a quarterly does show. april, please to g. o. does i live in the bundles with a symbol that's and that's in there. we got a sudden issue. so would it be wise and, and the way to suggest is good candidates. and we did that. i showed you how do live streaming function to, to each, to speaking so that the mobile many mobile circuits left off a love seat of complete countless people on vehicle. they're not to shoot the
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shaving cream. the last motive, most of the issue was because it's the ones who can under that or somebody else. maybe the reward will wonderful because then you have to keep premium to develop. so i'll think of what that is. my last super shoot, the or the,
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again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination. see the region going up to the escalation? the latter. we are faced with the question, who wants a greater war and which is the single country. so we can stop the we are in north of cities in the congress as mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm so i'm thomas, this is in my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of
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a southern culture the the, the operation will conclude with the defeat of the enemy and the restoration of control up to the state porter. the russian armed forces chief of staff, says moscow troops have halted. cabs attempted advanced deep into the crisp region inflict in heavy losses on the ukrainian forces. the ukrainian military intelligence bugs person who 1st admitted of support for medicine groups in west africa is now retract stainless statements and claims. he didn't say anything at the stores. as after new jaron, molly cuts diplomatic ties with the states and turkey officially submits its requests to join the south african genocide case against israel in the international court of justice, which is now set to be approved. the.


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