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tv   Perspective  RT  August 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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just as it shows, the few frustrated images presented, it is 1st. can you see through their illusions, going underground can of the this thing of the continental box, oh, send we into around with the rest of the world. we're going to relate to the winds in terms of donations on, in terms of tre, after it's a month to define what she wants political after months define ourselves comp asked to come define ourselves critically. the cause of your guys, no choice, but to move forward. forward. she news the,
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the by a bunch of child was kept ladies, i can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been you know, well the internet is forever. nowadays, that can make or break a candidate from receiving backlash and those embracing the title child this cat ladies to buying support from an entire generation. part of the selection cycle is definitely play out online. but it will come out on the top dog or cat when it comes to 2 very important demographics. either way, the us presidential election is in for a wild ride. i'm sky now. hughes, and this is perspective, the daily vance, the retail addition to the donald j. trump ticket has been called
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a mini version of trump because of his belief values and even choice of words. however, the backgrounds of the 2 could not be any further. all like as a truck or up in a very, a fluid family at the country club. well, j d was raised by his grandmother as his mother followed her drug addiction in the ohio valley and the hills of kentucky. well, i'm sure j d bad just a bray and blue color america as well as military service background, were a factor in his choosing. one of the greatest benefits j vance was supposed to bring to a republican ticket, was his age. on the verge of turning 40 j. d parents as one of the youngest candidates for vice president. and then a race that used to be dominated by 2 old men they is, was hoping to be being happy, being half their age would appeal and engage the younger generation. now by younger, i mean below the age of 55. but as with all campaign election cycles,
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things change and democrats assisting the advantage of j the vans would bring with the younger voters, have chosen another candidate to counter a candidate who not only represents one, but 2, sought after demographics. in 2020 present, jo biden's winning ad was provided by the black and hispanic women voters as 90 and 69 percent of those blogs voted for him respectively. however, while women comprise the largest group of, of registered voters and tend to turn out to vote in large numbers, is it now fair to assume the majority of those women will show their support to carmella harris, just the name of solidarity as well. let us discuss with our panel, steve is your know, who is the chair of the young republicans of tennessee and was the youngest delegate at the r and c. gabrielle lyons was the presence of by victor strategies and the chair of the florida 1st pack. thank you gentlemen, for joining us today. you know,
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before we get to the specific comments that were made by the candidates, was like, wow, comma harris is currently doing a round up of campaign zoom calls, separating each out by whiteman blackman white women, black women, stevie i wanna ask you, do you feel like it's good to segregate out the different demographics and promote the candidates specifically to that group. i thought we were suppose to be talking about unity in the usa board. you're absolutely right. i think it's wrong. i think at the end of the day we're all americans and the issues affect all of us equally. and i think that it just shows what the democrat party is all about. it's about segregating people and dividing people based on skin color, or how much money you have or what religion you are instead of what our founding fathers and what the republican party stands for, which is everyone should be treated equally, we're all equal before the law. i wish you all have the same opportunities. that's interesting, gabriel. because you know stevie brought of it's the public and party. but in the
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past for public is have done a pretty good job of isolating different groups out. you know, isn't that been the goal of the democrats has actually been unity to kind of get everyone together on the same page. they've been able to do it. does it help when you start segmenting out from a democrat perspective? i don't think so. ultimately, all these issues that we're seeing at the top of the table at the moment are going to affect every american the same way. you see the hispanic americans. the democrats have been making a play here for the last 20 years that hispanic americans and it, while it had been working for some time, the average has a cost of housing and inflation. the price of goods have gone up and skyrocketed the open border law and order and people and every demographic and every, every group are just not having it. because ultimately is scotty when they sit down for dinner. they're seeing there for the prices of goods are going up and they're worried about how they're going to feed their children. you know gabriel, avery have a really good point about what actually is supposed to unite all of the same issues that affect all this. and yet you're usually only hear republicans talking about those comments. you're actually talking about. it's always funny when and
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especially in this election cycle as the republicans, they're constantly saying, no, it's education, it's border security that's affecting all the demographics. do republicans feel like that is the message of unity that they're pushing? is that the message that they need to be focused on or babies should they try going after the specific demographics, like the democrats have done what we're seeing and do it to right there, be there's a large concerted effort to going up to the hispanic vote at the moment president trump in the past has made a play for the african american vote as well. and the women both, i mean the play is quite simple on order. we know that that's what number one issue among women at the moment. suburban, suburban women who are worried about their kids being on the streets with fentanyl, with the legal integration, with verizon prime, around or around our cities, both suburban and urban. and so if you can try the 2nd great and move these people into the blocks. but ultimately it won't work. the democrats have tried to, i will suspect that they're gonna probably hear, make after labor day, try to change tactics on how they're there. they're doing this because ultimately
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if the republicans just talk about issues and stay away from the culture stuff and the segregation stuff and putting people into little boxes, it's their race, those. well, and that's the thing cuz when you look at it right now, and i want to go to be honest and see because jay, the news and he hasn't been in the news for all the wrong reasons this week, at least in the mainstream media's perspective. and he, they pulled a quote that was from back when he was on tech, across and show on fox news. i'm sure you've heard of making the rounds. take a listen. we're effectively run in this country via the democrats, via, via our corporate, all the guards, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable to, and it's just the basic facts you would come with harris p. do to judge a o. c. the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children . and how does that make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct staking it? okay, there's major parts of that sound bite right there. that's been dissected over and
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over. i wanna take one part with you 1st and they, stevie do you think kids should be held accountable for past comments? or should there be almost a statue of limitations depending on how in raging the comment can be. now that we do have social media and the internet that can document every minute of present day politicians were in the past. they didn't really get to say that was not necessarily on the record as much as we can recall it today. but well, i think it depends on the context of what they're saying and you know, how bad of somebody, you know, how bad it is. i don't think, you know, we're all human. we all make mistakes. we all say things we shouldn't say. but i think the american people really, you know, the news can say it as much as they want, but the american people care about lower and gas prices, they want to be safe in their communities. and, you know, someone says something they may do disagree with, like j d said, you know, a lot of people may say they'd prefer that he didn't say that, but it is what it is. you know, i think most people care about, you know, having
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a well paid job having their kids taken care of. but i certainly think that you can't hold people accountable for what they're saying forever. especially if it's something where, you know, it's not a, not too big of a deal. you know, people may disagree with it, but at the end of the day, we've got to get our country back on the track because what's going on is ridiculous. so, you know, we have a president who's such a nice guy who's doing an awful job and that is such a great reason why we may need some people who are not very nice. who would do a really good job. okay, so but them that comment, gabrielle, you've got gervais is heading out to arizona in process to this. the democrats are running a wide variety of, of ads they are talking about, which has a huge hispanic voter base. talking about abortion, talking about the right of birth control and how they believed advance wants to get rid of that. right. for women. how does that messaging sound within the hispanic community is largely catholic community? do they embrace this pro abortion talk that seems to be pushed by the democrat party right now, especially in the hispanic communities. absolutely not. you make
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a great point in the catholic community, which of the hispanic community is predominantly catholic among many other americans as well. we know, we know that these ad hominem attacks are not going to be good for either side. they should stick to the policies. and when you talk about things like you just mentioned the catholic so well the republicans and the trump campaign to go out and do a better job of explaining to folks on the issues. i mean, it was the biden harris and ministration that went after the catholics and had their ministration put people in catholic views because they, they deemed the possible domestic terrace. these are the type of issues they need to be focusing on. so by the way, the hispanic population does not like abortion, they don't like the trans agenda. they're very carefully, very careful. and they care about what's being taught in the schools. and they came to this country. most of them came to this country to give a better life to their children, or seeing their children being taught all kinds of work nonsense in school, and not the things that are going to prepare them for the future, which is a i data analytics, a computer science and rather they're coming out of high school,
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have very little perfect preparation for the real world and then go into to college and getting indoctrinated more. that's exactly the hispanic population cares about is and it's what the overall american population are currently seeing. unfortunately. well, and that's a very interesting part of it because hearing you, we bring out the demographics at on both sides of the except it seems like one is trying to attract based on positive reasons. others might the other side might actually try to push way because of what they're saying. the other sides trying to do to them, you know, but i want to go back to the gym calls that have set up because i'm really fascinated because we've had how my hair is, is for me, cat and dog ladies, united for commer harris for president, childless cat lady for com is on twitter, women posting pictures with their cats and just the terraces time magazine cover of her and her cat. you. 8 also have white men for com. oh i hear you have black bed for com wires. everybody's bred beyond that demographic. now, could you imagine that same thing happening?
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stevie and them organizing those type of different demographics. black women for donald trump. did you ever see that happening? what do you think the bash backlash would could be, and is it hypocritical that one can do it and the other cannot to oh absolutely, but we've seen for years how the democrat party is the party of hypocrisy. you know, they've been able to get away with so many things to where you are. i did it, we'd be put in jail. you know, if you look at hunter bite and if we, you know, through a pistol in a, in a garbage can and left it, there, we'd be in jail right now. and so when you just look at everything that's going on, the democrat party is controlled by, like you said, all the guards and the media protects them. and so the media is going to continue doing whatever it takes to make sure that com, what harris can do no wrong. but i think the american people are going to see through it because you can't hide the gas prices. you can't hide the grocery bills . you cannot hide millions of illegal immigrants coming into our country, you know, but then i think that the results of that will be seen in november. there's just no
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way that they can continue avoiding it. you know, even some of the media has turned on joe biden, even before he said he wasn't going around. and we remember in 2021, campbell harris was doing so well when she announced she was running for president low. about 3 or 4 months later she wasn't going to present it anymore. when the media turned on her. so i guess we'll have to see if the momentum for her campaign is gonna die out. or if she'll be able to get through to november, it's interesting to you because you mentioned time and you're right. time is so important right now, but we don't have 3 or 4 months into our election. in fact, it's within 2 months that we start early building here in the united states for the presidential campaign, gabrielle on that comment. when you look at what's going on, you're looking at the backlash, it's only been 2 weeks since j events. do you think that donald trump is having any buyer's remorse for having database or do you think the campaign knew these comments were going to come back up and have handled them correctly or could've handled them better? we all know that this campaigns do great apo research,
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and these things are all online. this is tucker carson for god, god say so i'm sure the trump campaign has already bought a look at this before. you know, the play with judy vance is that he's going to bring in the working class vote. he's going to bring in the great lakes a states that are going to be so crucial for the selection. whether it's pennsylvania, ohio, of course, uh, wisconsin or michigan. the president, trump only need 2 of those. it's got it. you know, the interesting thing to note here is that the average american isn't in a record amount of credit card debt. and this has happened all under but, but the vital harris watch, including the average american family is spinning 2000 dollars more years and they make an income. i don't see how you can talk about anything else, but the issues we, we looked at polling, you're right, there's not a lot of time left from here november, but it can be any trinity when it comes to politics and what's what, what does it, what are the polls showing us even after the honeymoon phase with a couple of harris present. trump is still up to points in the r c p average to
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probably get another bump after the convention. we're probably going to see that here in the next couple of weeks. and then things are going to settle up. and if president trump just focuses on the issues, the poles that are a trend line shows the president's approval rating of his presidency. among the average voters is 51 percent for complet harris and the wishes govern. it's less than 41 percent. that tells you all you need to hear. well, what i do need to hear is more policy. and that's why i would like to ask you gabrielle and stevie to stay with me because we're talking about something that a lot of people on the campaign trail or not. so stay with me because after the break, we will examine the youth vote. and if judy vans is age and comma harris has me, ability will help either one of the russian states never the high side, the english science community, like english,
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i'll send some of the polls. question about this, even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin lydia mission, the state on russia to de escalate the ortiz full neck team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they requested the again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss. high level assassination. see the region going up? the escalation, the latter. we are faced with the question, who wants
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a greater war and which is the single country? because the lady and you see wouldn't be sure on your bill, so we won't be able galaxies from the little demon. most of my store for us, the video which would be the best fit for that as an industry seamless. i mean, what's new? so the the, the welcome back to perspective. i mean,
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it has to scotty now here. there are many reasons democrats have given for point present, joe biden from the top of the ticket. but it is pretty obvious that certain key groups known for the loyalty to, to the democrats, we're just not excited or motivated in their support. now is replacement, comma harris is known for her word salads. most recently, her campaign has tried to embrace it as jen z is tracking her voice to a popular artist song of the summer. you think you just fell out of the coconut trees? you think this in the context of all in which you live in the and what this is actually turned into a home movement. it all started when charlie treated out comma is a brad,
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let's try to x the x by the way. losing herself describes the term, right as quote that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe sometimes says dumb things. sometimes let's try x x brett album, but you have a major hit the summer. sure. it's supporting harris based off the album art have gone viral on tick tock. young people seem to be unburdened by hers is trademark vague phrases. harris's team is actually adopted. there's a bret title, or changing her headquarters, ex, page, the neon, green banner, and using a similar black upfront to replicate the bright album. let's create back in our panel to discuss your new chair of the of the gabrielle lane's president of a victor strategies and chair of florida. first pack. thank you so much for joining us. you know, what i think is interesting is he's controversial moments. steve, i get you to call me back. we talked about the black common you got charlie's come in here. made it to be viral, which is actually kind of genius. we're a marketing perspective. she was addressing actually i wondered here on this,
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gabriel, she was addressing a room of hispanics when she said that when she said, do you think you just fell of a culture? why or hispanics not getting upset about that? comment from her? like we've heard kat ladies getting upset about databases. well, 1st and foremost, she has the media on her side and we saw how quickly they all coalesced around her as soon as by and dropped out. and she became the presumptive nominee. but hispanics not really paying attention to this stuff at the moment. i don't think the average hispanic was coming home from work at 7 pm and maybe working 2 jobs. struggling to put food on their table is looking to tick tock and seeing all the latest videos of combo harris has seen the realities of life. most people don't pay attention including this, the x to the presidential election until after labor day. that's what we're seeing right now. those people are paying attention and by the way, this is the strategy of the harris, the, the harris campaign is gonna take great. i think republican should welcome it, because once she gets into the policy side of things, she's going to lose as we've already discussed here. and ultimately this is going
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to be a pocket book collection mark my words, a lot order elections. she was, the borders are cheated, absolutely nothing for inflation. and we're going to see a whole lot more of it between here and november and ultimately hispanics, black americans, a asian pacific americans. and all americans for that matter, are, are ultimately going to look at where was i better off their end to buy an harrison ministration or under the trump administration. so they could keep their means and their funny videos going great. i welcome it. it's a complete distraction and it looks out of touch. well it's interesting because one of the things i do think that makes terms of popular is that he has been able to identify. i mean his, the brand trump and that logo maga has become such a viral hit himself. so with amongst the younger demographics and by and has the flags, everything else that they have all the paraphernalia that goes with it. it's interesting is the 1st time i think, democrats be able to match that in any form. still not to the level though, that i think trump's been able to do it. tv. but i think a lot of people don't understand the comma harris and be accused of buying her
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viola sensationalism with the use and all that money that she raised right for announcement while she's using it and paid post marketing $150.00 for a post. encouraging followers to vote for comma. so do you think that her honeymoon phase is authentic and pulling popularity uptake with use is really happening. well, i think when you look at president trump, he doesn't have to pay people asking them to vote for him. they just do it because they think he's right. you know, to your point of why people resonate so much with the make america great. again, movement is because it's self explanatory. you know, if you tried explaining to friends of mine, what is a brat? me and i think most of them are gonna look and be like, we think this is kind of foolish. we don't understand what this has to do with anything. you know, she may get a lot of votes just because you're having, you know, taylor swift out there. and charlie, you know, i think it'll be similar to 2008 when you had j. c. and oprah come out and support
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president obama. but i think today they're going to be more people that go against that message. uh, because they don't wanna get drafted young people do not want to get drafted to go fight in ukraine. and we've seen the past few years in afghanistan and ukraine and taiwan that this administration cannot be trusted with our future. so why we give the lady who was the 2nd most responsible for our current predicament, more power. but i think that she's going to have a bump per share for now. but once the excitement runs out and people remember that, like tulsa gabbert said in the debate that she went after people wrongfully who were innocent and withheld evidence. and when after minority communities, people are going to remember why they, they didn't want to vote for her in 2020. and that's the reason she got one percent in the primary. and this time she had 0 percent in the primary. but it's still the nominate. okay, so it's interesting you bring that up to because gabrielle you hear that she's
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going viral or with all of these little brack comments and with all the celebrities in the united states. but how is that going? she's taking drag queens of the white house in silver and take talk. dance is not really well and mr. my personal opinion, but how do you think that's actually feeling? how's it going to be applied to, or international foreign policy where people say she's very weak? is that going to people kind of go? maybe you need to put a little bit more strength in your policy numbers than necessarily your pop and lock on, on tick tock. i mean, can people take their, her international policy seriously? yeah, there you go. talk about the issues. do you, we all remember when she went over to europe and became a laughing stock all around the world leaders when they didn't even understand what she was saying, some of them were actively giggling while she was speaking. and so those are the things that trump needs to highlight. sure. go ahead and do your means. go, go ahead and do your dance videos and take talks. ultimately, the average american doesn't care. the average american struggling, the average american sees what's going on overseas, where everything seems to be all fire the borders wide open. uh,
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the price of housing is in the 4400s where it wasn't the $200.00 thousands were trumping president. inflation is killing us of the, at the grocery store. i, i don't know what kimball harris's team is trying to do. get out of this, the youth vote is it? they are trending along that you've. so it's, it's, it's a fact, i can't, i can't deny that, but it doesn't say anything about getting people out to the polls. ultimately is going to be about who comes out in boats. if you tell me who's gonna come out and vote, i'll tell you who, when, who is going to win at the moment it's trending for president. trump was interested me bring that up because maybe i have to ask you this. and because of the tradition holes that most demographics minority females and use vote, democrat on of that comment, do you think that come on here? so she was not a female if she was not african american. do you think right now that she'd be the nominee at the top of the ticket for the democratic party? you know, i don't. uh, she got destroyed in 2020,
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but i think that joe biden had to pick someone like her. and as a result of what you had mentioned, that's why people forgot that when she was a prosecutor, she put people in jail for having small amounts of marijuana. i think she is going to do a terrible job if he's elected. we've seen what she's done as vice president, and i can't tell you a single thing. she's done, right. i don't know a single thing. you know, there may be, you know, i disagree with almost everything democrats do, but sometimes you can find common ground with them and i can't find anything that combo harris has done right. or hasn't embarrassed us on the policy on foreign relations or anything. and it's very worrisome that all of these young people are supporting her, even though they would make she would make it their lives in independently harder for them to have a family to buy a house to get a well paying job. but just because it's a socially acceptable movement to support the democrat, they're going to do it. maybe you're acting like a brat. just getting hard to say,
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i'm just trying to figure out a way to use the word in there. i want to thank you, stevens, you're to gabrielle and definitely not brass, and always welcome on the show. but you know, the real controversy surrounding databases comments however, is actually more about how he said this is not mean that he gets a speck strong, independent women or young voters look at his own personal choices in his wife, osha, who is not only a yell law degree, but also a master's from cambridge is a litigate or for prestigious law firm in san francisco, which is like joe biden regrets i'm sure, using the n word in the senate and comma should regret the on ending world sounds word solid said she is tossed. i think i agree we need to move on to substance like actions taken by those politicians. we should speak louder for their character and believe their words which can be flowed twisted and taken out of context of their opponents. but hey, that's just my perspective on sky now,
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here's thanks for watching the despite everything re breeze go to the front lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals didn't destroy churches. they pray for peace. so i think i would have moved to nascar almost the 1st or what kind of stuff, but so then the last 2 years, 2 years. so mature secondary and the civil sleeping mask that you from watch but didn't attract or just try to bristol shape or gotcha. so the way i've been, you know, it's, it's all about the
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best interest of the photos of the printer. so if there's a hold on a motorcycle and fish, just like i said before, i send this to this and to join the room. there's a nice kaleidoscope, it gives them good a shot reality distortion, but how of tired vision with no real opinions pictures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this? but can you see through their illusions, going underground?
9:00 pm
can the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter level. again, the middle east is gazing into the abyss, high level assassination. see the region going up the escalation ladder? we are faced with the question who wants a greater war and which is the single country that can stop one, the cross stuck in the middle east. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york.


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