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tv   News  RT  August 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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stopped without please is spelled out of the the, the operation will conclude with the defeat of the enemy and the restoration of control up to the state border. the russian armed forces, chief of stuff phase troops of whole tay, do cranes attempted to advance deep into the cursed region and inflicted heavy losses of those and cart, email it. the operation must go saves ukraine's attack was conducted with silent approval. from the wes, that's as the us, i'll be you open, we support keeps a par, and tried to not just target for them, vate, russian. 3rd, what are prominent war? correspondents suffers critical injuries from a ukrainian drone and tucked wall covering events on folding in the border area.
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also, a had a retraction from ukraine's military intelligence spokes person publish st, posted off key of support for militant groups in west africa. and those say the didn't from states anything of the sort and comes as new. sure. and molly cut the diplomatic ties with the come through on the 16th anniversary of the war and saucers, set to george's ruling party. so he's a pro vacation. was stage by foreign powers calling for former president stock cash . the lease function to be investigated. party looks at the impact of the 2000. and then they come to the, they say is our teacher now still just after 8 am here and must go this thursday. let's get into our top story. on the claimed russian war correspondent to us hitting a ukrainian attack on wednesday is to be transferred for treatment in my scope. yes,
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skinny, put do with me is in a stable condition on said to be recovering from the serious injuries sustained while reporting in the curse region. now these were russian troops stopped a ukrainian advance across the border as ortiz, english, and not of reports. not much is known right now. we do know that he's alive and well not really well. he's in seeing the serious condition he was filming in the region where most of the fighting is happening just outside the small town of soldier, ukrainian armed forces. i've been trying to capture that village for quite some time. this is a report, so that's for domain hosted on his personal telegram channel, right before he was wounded. while moving from point to point, let's quickly cover the latest figures on enemy losses in the course region. over 50 units of armored vehicles were destroyed within a day. more than 250 militants of the key of regime were killed. which means the
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number of wounded could be multiplied by 3 or 4. the enemy is suffering serious losses. despite their unrealized plans, the situation remains tense and the fighting continues. the fighting has been very, very intense, close to the russian ukraine border here in the coolest region. russia's president vladimir putin set down together with the incumbent on the form and ministers of defense today. also president at the meeting, had a rushes federal security service, and russia's general chief of staff of i need to get some of was present via a video link. and he into and shed some details as to what has been going on on the house. he's views the situation of the mother at 5 30 am on august 6th, ukrainian armed forces units numbering up to $1000.00 soldiers, launched and offensive aimed at capturing a section of the suits of district in the course region. options by motor security
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units in conjunction with border guards and reinforcement units along with air strikes, missile forces and artillery fire halted the enemy's advance into the course of the direction. currently, units from the north groups together with f s. b, border agencies continue to eliminate the enemy forces in areas directly adjacent to the russian ukrainian border. the operation will conclude with the defeat of the enemy and the restoration of control up to the state of border qualify to get a single view also reveals that the ukrainian forces last more than the 300 men. and at least a 100 of them have been killed in action. also, they lost more than 50 pieces of military equipment. bravo, i should say military vehicles, at least 7 tanks, given that the fighting has been going on. since the end of those numbers. very much likely to have increased and quite significantly rushing jets have been flying
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above us all day or shortly before that meeting with the security chief supplied them approved and addressed the government. and he, for the 1st time, publicly talks about the situation here in the court. a scrooge and escape asian picked. the key of regime has launched another large scale publication indiscriminately firing various types of width. and it doesn't, if you define including rockets, i got the civilian buildings and then your residential, home, them, and ambulances. following my conversation with the acting governor of the course region, i show a solution instructions have been given to several civilian departments to provide necessary assess when you send him to the residents of the area. well, the ukranian on forces have been talking to you guys, civilians and civilian targets, civilians and civilian infrastructure throughout their campaign. here in the course region, in the past 48 hours, they have been showing a monastery that is close to the border which eventually was destroyed by their trailing one person died that also on the tuesday night they attacked the kamikaze
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drone, an ambulance killing of these 2 people in general, the civilian deb too, has been mounting as people have been trying to evacuate has been trying to get to safe. see now the authorities, the local authorities have been trying to facilitate that as a temporary evacuation. but it is very difficult because again, ukrainian autonomy they have within the reach many, many roads of the many, some, several kilometers of the roads. even dozens of columbus as i have to say, they also have essentially a whole villages at gunpoint. and so whatever the recreation efforts could be taken a big bus full of people, even though there are civilians, is very likely to become a targets of ukrainian kindly cause a drone or an a to be peace or just more to fire the. so again, it has been very difficult, but people here they have come together to a local chat groups uh full of suggestions and offers as people have been offering
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the apartments offering a spare rooms in their apartments, in their houses, basically offering shelter to everyone who found themselves display is to apply the fighting at the same time throughout today. people gathered on the central square on the red square, of course, cuz they donated blood even though even though they didn't have to. i talked to one of the medics in charge of that particular blood donation mobile blood donation points. and she told me that there was no shortage of blood in course, as of this morning and as of even this evening. but people, they just wanted to feel that they are doing something that they're not just staying either, that they are helping, whichever, whichever way they can. so they make this decision to, to install that mobile, a blood donation, blood collection points, and more than 300 people donated that blood today. again,
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very fluid situation is there is no indication that the fighting will die down by tomorrow morning. if anything it is likely to incentivize, because it is likely to intensify, i have to say as both sides of bringing in more and more reserves and they're deploying reinforcements. so we will be standing by to cover these developments. a gray shit down or for local authorities health to curtis states of emergency in the curse for region. following the attack, as the russian military pushes keeps troops back, residents being left to deal with their losses in one particularly tragic story, a ukrainian soldier shot and killed a pregnant woman from the village of curly cup cabins. her husband told r t, what happened? so because it's a slippery level, we were driving into cars when a ukrainian soldier shot at us from the roadside. i saw him. we were in 2 cars, me in the 1st car, and my wife about 100 meters behind. we were leaving the village of cor laska on
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the main road, just 400 meters short of our destination. i heard gunshots and thought it was our soldiers taking out drones, but it turned out to be fire directed at me. i saw everything he had a helmet with blue duct tape. i managed to drive through, but my wife didn't. she was hit and lost control of the car. her mother, my mother in law, grab the wheel. i stopped and she crashed into me. when i opened the door, nina was already gasping. the cars were stuck together. miraculously, we managed to separate the cars and go to the hospital. they tried to revive her, but it was too late. the bullet went through her long and exit it through her heart . my child is small, just 21 months old, and my wife was 2 months pregnant with our 2nd. if that ukrainian soldier had chased us, we probably wouldn't be talking right now. it wasn't comments to ukrainian media. they hear a pin condition spokes person admitted the use these little issues in ukraine
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attacking russian cities. the you continues to fully support ukraine's legitimate right to defend itself against russian aggression and its efforts to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity. ukraine has a legal right to defend itself, including striking an aggressor on its territory. when questioned about the attack on russia's cursed region, ukraine's main parker washington claimed the white house wasn't notified in advance about the plans but safe. it doesn't breach the conditions of us arm supplies to key if with respect to the policy that we announced several months ago with the, with respect to allowing our, the, the, the equipment that we provide to be used in strikes across the border to or to target sites russian military sites crossing just across the board. nothing about that. policies change the us have visibility from ukrainians before they went into rush for them to do so. we did not, but it's not unusual for the ukrainians, not to notify us that their exact tactics before. um,
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before they execute them is the war that they, they are conducting. we provide them with equipment, we provide them with advice, but when it comes to the kind of day by day tactics that they carry out the day by day strikes that they take, sometimes we're in communications about them. sometimes we're not and that's it's appropriate for them. to make those decisions, we're going to reach out uh to uh, to uh, to ukraine, in military to learn more about their objectives. we, as far as the specifics on that, i would refer to the crate in cream to speak about their own military operations. that's where i would, i would refer you to but we are generally speaking, as you know, we have been supported of ukraine as they are ours. they are defending themselves against a rush as aggression. we think that is obviously important to do as we talked about democracy and freedom. and so we're going to continue to do that and they're going to take action, right? common sense actions to us certainly to protect themselves from these attacks. well,
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german war correspondent told us through per, i believe ukraine's attack deluxe military logic, given its forces, are struggling on other fronts for ukraine. this was a big problem because they had to take reserves from other parts of the the frontal outcome, which is of course, a problem for your privilege anyway, as already problems with the personnel. and so if they know, repeat this stuff in a surprise that most of the key if doesn't say about this, anything which cash i think means these are the same naturalist, tara groups which were up already. and doug are all good times and they promote maybe they progression to open air. this part of the front also and go from course into your brain to protect their own people. which again, would be a very negative bet for you out on the train, which already has a big lack of trust now and, and so i'm, so i'm, i was not surprised of the method. detecting symbol is, but i was get them. yeah, surprised that they do it in the course risk of risking that there will be
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a new part of the front. they doesn't develop the able to to protect way things that you create new forces. do. i'm not really logical. this is kind of a fatal to terra, but i don't see any, any minute try logic of this in this, that tech also get comprehensive analysis and all the latest off states from the bronze enough from to your region. keep an eye on r t dot com, the ukrainians military intelligence spokesperson, who confess stroke boasted that kid had health separate test scripts, and molly has now retracted his statement in the shuffle. spice is the fact that the rebels are received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation use. i've told the financial times this week that he had made no
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such statement about ukraine's intelligence directory being involved in the attack . much all the details of this back to the main stock as it is often the case and such so conflicts that the full truth of watching various in spite to me, never come to life off death. he's denial, but to praise involvement in this whole thing, raises questions now about 8 support, a strategic interest in africa and the link which is my to go to, to come to a restaurant is always on the african continent. it could be back to the intelligence agencies. so susan has been vermont. it's in cuba that he has now denied to making the statements. because even ukraine's foreign affairs, a has expressed regret over the decision made by modest government saying that it was done without a sour study on speaking to it as fast as circumstances it is. uh, the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to sever diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting
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a thorough study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly, as well as without providing any evidence, a few grains involvement in the specified event. now ukraine's assistant has since soc waves through the african continents, in fact, several nations on the continents already swapping with assistance terrorism. so in response to the integration is ma, the add new z i have as of yet diplomatic ties and relations with ukraine. once you get on the cd, i show considering the seriousness of the situation on the recognize and assuming moments of ukraine in the russian against molly, the government of the republic of new jack in full sort of them and see where the government and people have money decides on the following measures. one was the severance with immediate effect of diplomatic relations between the republican javin ukraine, up to the referral to the united nations security council. with a view to rolling on the crating aggression unexplained sassik,
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2000. and because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement in the aggression against molly, the transitional government of the republic of molly, as decided to set uh with immediate effect. and the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region with terrorists disguised as diplomats conflict and the situation that started in late july, wednesday morning on the ad to the vacuum, the battle twice. examples and possibly is the hardest to, to dissolve. attending the north of ma d the back to resulted in guys this is off casualties, especially for vac. not as the missile movies themselves has also acknowledged. the target claims that to we have killed a 2 full vacuum of soldiers and full to saving money and forces was also concerning
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. and this whole match as the sign is from the international community. it is quite loud, especially considering the commodity ad easy have called on to the international community to condemn ukraine. also, knowing that the width provides you created with resources, including intelligence, to support it. if it's a strike, russia, the width is probably going to take a bit of time responding to this meta, especially considering also the fact that that has been chased off the reach. and so how region themselves with the region alternative to rest here for support. when we spoke to a download garber the 2nd to salt the run in the 2023 night during presidential elections. he sees it's increasingly clear that ukrainian actions in africa are being tardy, died at the behest of its western bucker's. jessica mitchell was so good to me, white and body. a tradition about the meaning of middle countries have time to
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conduct themselves. my, somebody don't put them on. barnes the wisdom invisible. the 1st for these were a fact in africa. us are to watch the work i'm going to do is i'll pull him out of also got what they're trying to do is to preventive samples. my studies into the stock community. so the thing when you're trying to do is to prevent approach to dish and be able to tell me yeah, the total is going to do somewhere in the middle one division between what time i continued about the twins violence and i forgot the name whole didn't what, what to do to explain additional. i'm of the businesses the in africa. so we would come in. that would be the reason why do what do i mean uh, no downgraded, they're doing the animal. what they're trying to do is to see what i'm trying to do
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. i'll be more somebody's dude. is that for the one that was the worst thing? it was. nobody for go should know you've just and all. but, you know, with georgia commemorating the 16th anniversary of the so called 5 day war against russia. the countries ruling party has been monday, the investigation and the former president, mika jo, a suck cash released, united national movement. now they see the function as being responsible for the repercussions of the 2000 and a conflict which they have lasting impact on the nation. the united national movement party has committed many crimes against the country and the people. but the biggest and most serious crime is the escapade committed in 2008. that treacher is crime, had serious consequences. so far, we have talked about it only through hints of just over a decade and a half ago, the georgian army and fated so. as i said to you,
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a russian military contingent was deployed to help the republic which led to vocal protest by western states. although a ceasefire was quickly reached to date george's ruling party phase, it see similarities with those events and the attempts to drag the police see into the ukraine. the 2 years that have passed since the start of russian ukrainian war have clearly shown as how diligently the united national movement party tried to drag georgia into this military conflict and plunged our country back into the abyss of war. this circumstance once again strengthened the confidence that in 2008, these people also consciously organized the grievous to provocation. well, outside of the country faces external pressure as well from western partners. the speaker of the parliament into blake c recently revealed the youth demanded georgette send mercenary fighters to you pray a say the you must, the national movement and the opposition told us that we should have impose
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sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement. foreigners also told us that we had to impose sanctions and mercenaries to ukraine and so on. among other things, the europeans told us this on contract or installation of another country refusing to bend his niece of the west as filed itself at the center of what appears to be yet more foreign backed into favorites. georgia, upon immensely. speaker says that typically see was pressured by the european union, the sudden mercenaries to fight and ukraine. one of the same time an investigation is underway into the role play by george investment using force and ukraine, and full. the spokes who have relocated the and an anti government to the state security service is investigating criminal activities, financed by former high ranking officials of the georgia governments and full my employee. so the security agencies leaving in ukraine, including the planning,
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ultimate, they'll be on the right say i'm on the georgia dream policy bid. so you know, you want to simulate the purpose of the full months. some criminal actions is through our, for all the state governments and by law and means using disruptive forces in the background of creating disorder and weakening. the government's no way to say that the cells are classified, but media source is claimed. the charges include terrorism on conspiracy over a 1000000000 to say his power, the assassination of a political leader. which would undoubtedly, i'm the small chaos in georgia. a for the crime of neutrality in the ukraine conflict. i think it's not the 1st time in 2023, the georgia and government accused k. i have a posting a crew with a notorious jordan legion set to be directly involved. so sounds of a sub group of individuals, alterations, team and all the side georgia health planning to organize the civilization on civil unrest in georgia during october. the symbol of these yeah, the ultimate goal is
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a forceful change of governments. the office of the cloud, the former deputy, and terry administer george a lot companies that for the guard to form a georgia and president rico sawgrass. really detailed by tour and i'm come on delta george and lead you in the crane. i'm gonna come on the list really big cameras, patio, the, the georgia and the engine is a major, come and do it for ford motor. some of these making their way to fight against russia and ukraine, accused of bull crimes and atrocities. and now the group a switch is attention to georgia or itself seeking to, oh, but probably the governments with the countries prime minister. so i think global forces and liking the recent coup brought to the attempted assassination of former us president donald trump and robot feats a to some folks on there have been to terrorist attacks, we simply and this one is slovakia. and the as are in the united states of america, this is the usual and you weren't typical of global political forces, even that the risks and the fact that this investigation has been launched. it means that these risks are relevant for georgia as well. that's the most and res,
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also the keys of states non rest backing the recent anti government protest in georgia, i guess a forward agent floor in march by speaker the georgia empowerment wound that supports is a former president because the cache really enforcing you crating on the side of the crating on forces had arrived in the country. according to him, the goal is to keep the protests going. there's information that a certain group of young people is preparing to somehow hinder the development of these political processes. this refers to the political team, but is now headed by level and had this really in addition to that, we can say for sure that a certain group of suckers, really supporters has arrived from ukraine. these are fighters who will try using this younger energy to keep this revolutionary process on the agenda. according to joe and this militants from the cycle, jordan legion, even transferred money for food to protest isn't a policing. but these are not simply only protest as their kiddos bonds as
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a terrorist organization of russia for crimes committed against its soldiers. we will not take russian soldiers or could you rob's man prisoner, under any circumstances, not a single person will be taken prisoner. in other words, they would kill anybody 5 think on the side of russia, even if they surrendered, which is against international law. despite all of this, georgia has remained firm refusing to balance, so they used them all and to impose sanctions on russia or to send troops to fight the country. also, you stop you crazy and homes from reaching russia where they were intended to be used for acts of sabotage. georgia, understandably doesn't want to become a know the pricing. i can assure representatives of the national movement that the ukranian scenario will not take holding georgia that the ukrainians ation of georgia will not happen under any circumstances. will show up with maximum effort into preventing that. so new technology comes, a certain price of the country is attempting to the stabilize the country by
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a number of different means. but georgia has put in the interest of its own people . first turning attention on the program now to the middle east where israel continues to exchange fire with its original adverse raise. the idea of head has a 9th full readiness to rop at least strike anywhere wanting. the western wisdom will continue to target the leading law. speakers, we have done very important nations seem the last few weeks. we have killed the most senior commanders of our most problematic enemies and we are not stopping over the past week alone, the must, his political leader smile funny. it was assassinated into love and on some of the last, the groups economy minister was killed in against israel also declared that killing newly installed leader. yeah, yes. in war, is it tough objective? it's the questions being raised as to how these killings and threats could impact
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the ceasefire. negotiation, does it not require a commitment from israel and i guess all of the negotiating parties not to kill the people who are taking part in these talks. certainly with respect to send or something that somebody that we believe ought to be brought to justice. there are other members of hamas as well, who are terrorists who deserve to be brought to justice in one way or the other. but we do want to get these talks across the finish line. we really do think we're in the final stages. we have agreement on a framework. there's some final piece of left to agree on to implementation. that takes both israel and tomas green. so yes, we want to see task continue, and that does mean there has to be someone on the other end of those negotiations. me well, an interesting statement has come from the us national security spokesperson john kirby plains. he wasn't sure that the escalation in the region is fully possible, so the us will have to deploy additional military resources to ensure is real, safety to us, the risks of all i for between numerous states become bill ortiz, social security,
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or has been taking a look at on heard voices within the american government and made the rising rhetoric of facility. it's a losing game being a dog among who works. no one knows that better than now on her way out. columbus women, corey bush, whose cardinal sin was hoping that peace would finally rain over them at least a ceasefire is not a radical solution. it's not radical to save lives is radical for last to be dispensable, just days off to the wind guard. so broke out she came to the front end to the blood shed. know just how president send brad rather than bombs. and well how follow know made because gave us the got a patient with me is really needs a came to town. she chose to stop him off by bestowing prime minister
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netanyahu with a joint address. congress is not only continuing to green light genocide, it is actively celebrating the man at the full front of the genocide. instead of platforming, a will criminal. congress should be imposing an on some bogo and using its leverage to force newton yahoo to end the bowman and bloodshed that has already killed over $39000.00 palestinians. i'm not so sure, but as of how cory bush became target practice for nip it's a pro is rounded up in groups like a pack whose very existence is about ensuring that congressman class. when that's new office in town, they splotched over $8000000.00 on house thing. bush mainly on smit ads on it, paid off. bush lost. never mind the polls show, but she genuinely brett presents the electorate on the goals issue. she's out and serves the champagne. a united democracy project congratulates far as ro,
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progressive leader wesley bell and his victory or representative corey bush. being price row is good policy and good politics. and this is an a one off fellow as well, critics jamal home and also found himself in a box price. has the bro records by pouring $17000000.00 into topping this a single mine then that was sent to to dave men who yes. why? the scientists, well, he wasn't a whole lot cool scientist enough. despite states send it to men, supports a fee as well, and a broad coalition of endorsements from the jewish community. a number of republicans don't us at the american these well, public affairs committee upset that he has called for being yet to the also to be held accountable for the security failures on october, the 7th. and that's in the who's failure of leadership during this crisis. so it's a man does not believe in the annexation of westbank settlements. she had hoped that they could.


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