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tv   News  RT  August 8, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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on the ukrainian you have a shell rushes curse, screech in after the russian army foils pads, attempts to infiltrate deeper into the country. the operation will conclude with the defeat of the enemy and the restoration of control up to the state border. bosco se, se, ukraine's the attack was conducted with silent approval from the west that says the us and the you openly support t. it's a part of the right to target russian, tara tree. also, somebody else are prominent war correspondents suffrage critical, burns, and injuries from the ukrainian drone attack was covering those offense in the region and a retraction from kias military intelligence spokesperson, now he publicly posted
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a premium support from noticeable brooks in west africa. but nowadays, he didn't say anything of the sort that comes as nature. and molly, cutting diplomatic ties with new, great plus on the 16th anniversary of the war in cyprus, set to george's ruling party foreign powers, drive the country into a deadly provocation. demanding former presidents, the cash release function be investigated, party looks at the deep impact of the 320081 the premier, catching us from today across the world. welcome to moscow on the global news roundup. north. we begin in rushes, crushed region where 6 ukrainian drones and 5 missiles. how being shot died overnight. according to the defense ministry, that's after russian fritz earlier stopped a major ukrainian advance deeper beyond the border reporting from the area for us.
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here's a question though, or overnight the fighting, just continued as the bringing out forces tried to expand on the success of the 1st couple of days of the russian armed forces into and did not allow them to do those . and the russian ministry of defense has published new footage overhead thing ukrainian targets on the russian soil. on wednesday, the russian president vladimir putin had from way to get some of whose chief of the general stuff as he reported on the situation on the ground. but it should go to some of the actions by border security units in conjunction with border guards and reinforcement units along with air strikes, missile forces and artillery fire halted the enemy's advance into the course of direction. the enemy's losses. amount to $315.00 personnel, including at least $100.00 killed and $215.00 wounded. additionally, $54.00 armoured vehicles were destroyed, including 7 tanks. the operation will conclude with the defeat of the enemy and the
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restoration of control up to the state border and those numbers are found, they are southern to have increased up until now. now is this minutes the operation on the russian? so it's not the 1st one that keep troops taking previously, they tried to attack the region of belgrade, but the, this, the, this attack, and of course, the region, it's completely different both in scale and, and substance back that and the bell, good region cube used mostly for and most scenarios and the silvo, this is a free russian legion, which is what it says. something that russian has designated as a terrorist organization. and they say that they consist of the over russians who switched sides and went to fight for your brain. so play that they act independently from the combined in key of which gave efficiency of some leeway and loopholes to say that chose access that those, that those proves that that force in belgrade was acting independently from the v.
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you the us, they are acting as if this attack put them of god as if it put them by surprise. but they have historically been saying that they support kids right. to defend itself, however, it sees fit. so the repeating union very much in line with that policy. and with that statement, would those statements are they have already supported teams, actions the you continues to fully support ukraine's legitimate right to defend itself against the russian aggression and its efforts to restore its sovereignty. and territorial integrity, ukraine has a legal right to defend itself, including striking and aggressor on its territory. the united states also claimed that they did not hear from t as in advance before the beginning of this new offensive, which seems highly unlikely, given how much support the united states providing some key of both military and diplomatic lee. but still, while the united states have been saying that they will be reaching out to you for
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home and say, i've already said that they don't see any violations on behalf of the t. v. it's not unusual for the ukrainians, not to notify us of their exact tactics before. um, before they execute them. sometimes we're in communications about them. sometimes we're not and that's it's appropriate for them to make those decisions. all answered this way. nothing about our policy is change and with the actions that they are taking today, they're not in violation of a policy to you has been using plenty of minutes vehicles, the supplied by may 2 states by supplied by the united states supplied by the e. u. and we know it also from the photos, again, posted by the, by the russian defense ministry showing funding goal. the strike is all these bradley's, the rushes for administrator has said that the slightest escalation by the key of regime does not exactly support the claims that they are seeking. peace, all these bloody crimes are taking place against
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a background of cynical silence on the part of the way past which continues to cover up for its puppets and key of all. this only strengthens the sense of impunity, of the ukrainian neo nazis who are confident that they can get away with any atrocity we call on the international community not to stand by and to resolutely condemn the criminal actions of the key of regime take. or we also know that a renaud and russian military reporter was seriously wounded in and that's uh, can you tell us more about his condition? can you put me he was covering the events around the town. and so jeff, it's about a an hour and a half 2 hour drive from the city, of course, kind of ukrainian armed forces. they are desperately trying to say about the town over. he was injured and he was taken to a hospital here in the, in the center, which is the, of course. and he received major brands i, he received, they had through my, he is in a serious condition. so of course, of course,
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the russia has already reacted to this to this development to this, well, not a tragedy, but certainly something very, very concerning. as a john, this coming under the come coming under the attack again, this no details as of what exactly happened over that. everything will be fine. excellent doctors, they're doing their jobs perfectly. thank you for your concern. i always worry about you too. we'll definitely wait my visit, victory will be ours. restaurant. there's been plenty of developments surrounding the events here in the course creek and we will be standing by throughout the day and throughout the next couple of days to cover it. and of course, our thoughts and prayers with you gave me just some reaction to the horse pace. german war correspondent thomas roper believes ukraine's attack lacks. and the luxury logic, given its forces, are struggling on other fronts for ukraine. this was a big problem because they had to take reserves from other parts of the,
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the frontal hacker, which is of course, a problem for your privilege anyway, as, or the problems with the personnel. and so, if they know, repeat this stuff in a surprise that most of the key if doesn't say about this, anything which cash i think means these are the same naturalist, tara groups which look already. and the times that they promote, maybe they progression to open air. this part of the front also and go from course into your brain to protect their own people. which again, would be a very negative bit find out on the train, which already has a big lack of trust now and, and so i'm, so i'm, i was not surprised of the method detecting single is but it was it them. yeah, surprised that they do it in the course risk of risking that there will be a new part of the front. they doesn't. they're not able to to protect way things that you create new forces. do not treat a logical, this is kind of fatal to tara, but i don't see any anybody to turn logic of this in this at tech. once you get
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comprehensive analysis and all the latest updates from the grounds in the frontier region r t dot com, as you cover the no ukraine's military intelligence spokesperson, who confess that key of had help separatist groups in the west african nation of molly. how's the retracted? his take? the shuffle spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the wash and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this. in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation use. i've told the financial times this week that he had made no such statement about ukraine's intelligence directory being involved in the attack last month in search into, in this a hell region. of northern molly had tucked army troops and russian wagner fighters, killing over a 100 people. a video of the printing and intelligent spokesperson,
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boasting that p of had aided the militants by supplying information, was posted by the cleaning embassy and sending gold. but it was soon deleted after causing public outrage, the car and also burkina faso condemned to brings actions. and molly, followed by major, went as far as breaking off a diplomatic ties with ts, the, what's the, the city i show, considering the seriousness of the situation on the recognize and assuming whole bunch of ukraine in the aggression against molly. the government of the republic of new jack in full sort of them and see where the government and people have money decides on the following measures. one was the severance with immediate effect of diplomatic relations between the republican javin ukraine. to the referral to the united nations security council with a view to rooting on the crating aggression unexplained sassik, 2000 because the following,
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ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement. and the aggression against molly. the transitional government of the republic of modeling has decided to sever with immediate effect. the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage and to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region with terrorists disguised as diplomats or we spoke to nigerian entrepreneur and political commentator a download gar. by the 2nd on this he says it's increasingly clear that you printing actions in africa are being carried out of the best of its western blockers. a jessica mitchell was top good in white and 40 a traditional about creating meaning of middle countries. yeah. trying to combust themselves. mark somebody. don't put them on farms. the wisdom invisible.
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the 1st forces website in africa. us both. these are to watch the wonders i'll pull him out of also got what they're trying to do. preventive samples, my studies into the community. so they're trying to me, thing when you're trying to do is to prevent the approach to dish and be able to tell me yeah, the total is going to do somewhere in the middle. one difference between what time i'll continue to and violence. and i forgot the name of what you're giving to explain additional on businesses. so we all day, not to go. so be able to come in. that would be the reason why. yeah, yeah, no downgrade. is there going to be anymore? what i'm trying to do is to see on the one of the must mary's date. is that for her to go on?
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there was nobody. i'm not sure what you know with georgia commemorating the 16th anniversary of the so called 5 day war against russian. the countries ruling party has demanded, i'm investigation into a former president, me call you else cash of the least political function. they see that grouping as being responsible for the repercussions of the 2000 in a conflict, which that's the last thing. impact on the nation of the united national movement party has committed many crimes against the country and the people. but the biggest and most serious crime is the escapade committed in 2008. that treacherous crime had serious consequences. so far we have talked about it only through hint. with just over a decade and a half ago with a georgian army invaded surfacing, a russian military contingent posts destroyed to help the republic which led to vocal protest by western states although a cease fire was but the region today,
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george is ruling parties, exists the similarities with those events of attempts to hold simply see into the ukraine of the 2 years that have passed since the start of russian ukrainian war have clearly shown is how diligently the united national movement party tried to drag georgia into this military conflict and plunge our country back into the abyss of war. this circumstance once again strengthened the confidence that in 2008 these people also consciously organized the grievance to provocation. a country spring facing external pressure as well from western partners the speaker of the parliament in tbilisi recently revealed in fact that the e u had been monday georgeous and mercenary fighters to ukraine. a say the you must, the national movement and the opposition told us that we should have impose sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no, because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement. foreigners also told us that we had to
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impose sanctions, san mercenaries, to ukraine, and so on. among other things, the europeans told us this one contract or installation of another country refusing to bend his niece in the west of filed itself at the center of what appears to be yet more foreign backed into favorites. georgia's parliamentary speaker says that typically see was pressured by the european union to sudden mercenaries, to fight and ukraine. one of the 2nd time an investigation is underway into the role play by george investment using force and ukraine, and full the spokes who have read, i tell you to the and an anti government to the state security service is investigating criminal activities, financed by form a high ranking officials of the georgia and governments and full my employee. so the security agencies leaving in ukraine, including the planning of the on the re, re, say, i'm on the georgia dream policy. busy now. you want to simulate the purpose of the full months. some criminal actions is through all through all the state governments
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and by law and means using disruptive forces in the background of crating disorder and weakening the government's no way to say that the cells are classified. but media source is claimed, the charges include terrorism on conspiracy over by the interesting is power, the assassination of a political leader. which what i'm down to the, i'm the small chaos in georgia, a for the crime of neutrality in the ukraine conflict. i think it's not the 1st time in 2023, the jordan government accused k. i have a posting a crew with a notorious jordan legion set to be directly involved. so sounds of a certain group of individuals, alteration, theme and all the side, georgia health planning to organize the civilization con, civil unrest in georgia during october. the symbol of these yeah, the ultimate goal is a forceful change of governments. the office of the plan, a former deputy, to administer the georgia law, needs the for the guard to form the georgia and president rico soccer severely.
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mikhail by tour and come on delta george and legion in ukraine. more come on, the less, really, the cameras perio to the georgia and the agent is a major, come into it for ford motor, some of these making their way to fight against russia and ukraine, accused of war crimes and atrocities. and now the group a switch is attention to georgia itself seeking to, oh, but probably the governments with the countries prime minister. so i think global forces, unlike it in the recent coupons to the attempted assassination of former us president donald trump and robot fates a you will see some folks on there have been to terrorist attacks. we simply this one is slovakia and the other in the united states of america. this is the usual handiwork, typical of global political forces, even that the risks and the fact that this investigation has been launched. it means that these risks are relevant for georgia as well. and that's the most and result also the keys of station on rest, backing the recent anti government protesting georgia. again, it's
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a for an agency floor fenmont by speaker. the georgia empowerment will not support is a former president because successfully beforehand you crate on the side of the crating on forces had arrived in the country. according to him, the goal is to keep the protests going. there's information that a certain group of young people is preparing to somehow hinder the development of these political processes. this refers to the political team, but is now headed by lavon. had this really in addition to that, you can say for sure that a certain group of 2nd street is supporters, has arrived from ukraine. these are fighters who will try using this younger energy to keep this revolutionary process on the agenda. according to joe and this militant from the psycho jordan legion, even transferred money for food to protest of it and to please see. but these are not simply ordinary protest as their kiddos bonded as a terrorist organization of russia for crimes committed against its soldiers. we will not take russian soldiers or could you rob's man prisoner,
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under any circumstances, not a single person will be taken prisoner. in other words, they would kill anybody fighting on the side of russia, even if they surrendered, which is like a, it's international law. despite all of this, georgia has remained firm refusing to balance, so they used them all and to impose sanctions on russia or to send troops to fight that the country also installed the crating homes from reaching russia, where they were intended to be used for acts of sabotage, georgia, understandably doesn't want to become a know the pricing. i can assure representatives of the national movement that the ukrainian scenario will not take hold in georgia that the ukrainians ation of georgia will not happen under any circumstances. we shall put the maximum effort into preventing that. so neutrality comes at a certain price of the countries attempting to be stabilize the country by a number of different means. but georgia has put in the interest of its own people
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1st. that's moved to the middle east where israel continues to exchange fire with its regional adversary's. the head of the idea has a 9th fold readiness to rapidly strike anywhere warning the west truth and will continue to target the leading a most vigorous. we have done very important nations in the last few weeks. we have killed the most senior commanders of our most problematic enemies and we are not stopping. 6 last week come us as political leaders is maya honey. it was assassinated in to run on sunday. the groups economy minister was killed in java. israel also declared that for eliminating the newly installed leader all from us. yeah, yes. and why is it tough objective? it's late to questions being raised, that's the house that was killing down threats, could impact ceasefire negotiations and the hostages to does it not require a commitment from israel? and i guess all of the negotiating parties not to kill the people who are taking
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part in these talks, certainly with respect to send or something that somebody that we believe ought to be brought to justice. there are other members of hamas as well, who are terrorists, who deserve to be brought to justice in one way or the other. but we do want to get these talks across the finish line. we really do think we're in the final state is we have agreement on a framework. there's some final piece of left to agree on to implementation. that takes both israel and a moss green. so yes, we want to see tasks continue. and that does mean there has to be someone on the other end of those negotiations. meanwhile, an interesting statement does come from the us national security spokesperson, john kirby cleaned. he wasn't sure that the escalation, the region is actually possible, and therefore the us will deploy additional and electricity sources to ensure latrice safety. but the risk of a whole lot more becoming real, admit that voice is advocating for peace within the american government mentor establishment. at least there being sideline. corey bush, a democratic congresswoman from missouri as well as such an example on choose the
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she lost the primary election in st. louis bush blamed the defeats on an influential pro is really lobby group who she claims targeted her because of her opposition to is really actions and down or to substitute taylor can tell us more about themselves. it's a losing game being a dogs among other folks. no one knows that better than now on her way out. columbus woman, cory bush, whose cardinal sin was hoping that piece would finally rain over them at least a ceasefire is not a radical solution. it's not radical to save lives is radical for last to be dispensable. just days off to the wind guard, so broke out, she cleared the front end to the blood shed. know just how president send brad rather than palms. and well, how follow know make because gave us the got
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a patient with me is really needs a came to town. she chose to stand him off by bestowing prime minister netanyahu with a joint address. congress is not only continuing to green light genocide, it is actively celebrate in the man at the full front of the genocide. instead of platform in a will, criminal congress should be imposing an on some ball go and using its leather h to force newton yahoo to end the bowman and bloodshed that has already killed over $39000.00 palestinians. i'm not so sure of how cory bush became target practice for nipple to pro is rounded up in groups like a pack whose very existence is about ensuring that congressman class. when that's new office in town, they splotched over $8000000.00 on house thing. bush mainly on smit ads on it, paid off bush. no, never mind the polls show, but she genuinely brett presents the electorate on the goals issue. she's out and
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serves the champagne. a united democracy project congratulates far as well. progressive leader wesley bell on is victoria or representative corey bush. being price row is good policy and good politics. and this isn't a one off fellow as well critic jamal home and also found himself in a box price. has the bro records by pouring $17000000.00 into topping this a single mine then that was sent to dave men who? yes. why design us? well, he wasn't a whole lot cool scientist enough. despite states senate amend supports a fee as well and a broad coalition of endorsements from the jewish community. a number of republicans don't us at the american these well, public affairs committee upset that he has called for being the attend yahoo to be held accountable for the security failures on october, the 7th. and that's in the who's failure of leadership during this crisis. so it's
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a man does not believe in the annexation of westbank settlements. she had hoped that the constructive dialect could be, had it appears they disagreed a pack all hard for us. there is no room for new ones, either your out the bonding, palestinian, all the groves alongside the settlers. well that will shower the shackles on ending your career. now oldest pools begs the question, who really buttons the show here? and before you put me a conspiracy fair as well, take a listen to the baby, facebook clear ride. e b. nothing you all? yes, it's a congress. we have the senate for the congress in the regular strong jewish lobby on our side. if we have a strong influence over the general support in america, the wes one force us into anything. so just to be clear, a foreign politician can brag about opening americans roommate because a pack can show its receipts and tweets about changing the u. s. political
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landscape and the saw the salon fall far away, and no one prize file, no pool of sacrosanct elections. whereas net, say, a russian sitting in most go on to me. thing about trim. the russians are 247 trying to undermine the integrity of our elections. i do believe that there will be foreign interference in the 2020 election, and the russia will be at the front of the line. this is part of a concerted russian influence operation that it and that never stopped while trying out. robot moolah 2800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses, 500 search warrants a 24 and diamonds. $25000000.00. a 448 page report and 0 colors that so i guess it depends on who's interest, your promotion. like i said, it's tough being a dove in washington. say for to speak to the tried and tested out of waging rule.
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it's good for business and well, it might get you a promotion too. okay, something else to tell you about in east asia this time and in a rare wrist with japan, the us buster there has pulled out of attending the annual memorial ceremony up in august. stuckey, atomic bombing, it comes after local authorities failed to offer is real and invite to the upcoming event criticized us disingenuous by the us official it should have been a time of bringing people together to reflect on the consequences of not only war, but the most horrific part of war, which is atomic weapons. unfortunately, because of the mayor's decision, the message of that ceremony and memorial will be distracted and deflected by the us embassy. explained to waive a representative decision not to attend the memorial bike for not wanting to be involved in that politicized event. and these, nope,
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the only western own boy who won't be in attendance. the british and boss that are also stated she gives the august 9th event a miss. will the decision not to invite israel's representative to nagasaki comes and made protest in her option against the presence of his really officials of a similar commemoration earlier in the week. that event was met by demonstrations with active as condemning the jewish state. i'm calling for peace and gals, a history professor and director of the nuclear studies institute of washington dc is american university. peter, cuz nick is also of, you know, i guess lucky authorities are acting with on tech warranty. on like organizers in the other japanese city hit by america is a topic on that tech. they're sending a message saying that anybody who doesn't, who is critical of israel for it's policies in gaza kicking the idea which is being listed on the you to it's negative. so as
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far as being criticized by the united states is saying that the united states has israel back slides, and they're gonna fix things that israel is doing. in reality, there is no distance between the bite in ministration and the israeli government, which is why so many people refer to biden as genocide. jose, i think that the mayor of nagasaki, suzuki was very brave to do that. especially after may are about 3 in here shape a did not invite. russia did not invite bella roost, but didn't provide israel. i think nagasaki is acting with integrity. ready whereas hiroshima is giving in to pressure from the united states. and i know that my friends in hiroshima is specially voc show the atomic bombs. survivors are
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very disappointed. they are much series decision to invite israel peter kostnik, know how big a role with race play in this year's us presidential election to block latino vote . isinga's michael in many possible broad states, and the 2 big parties are bustling to prove the daycare, the most about minority communities, sofas, team building, direct impact, discuss as the the, the, everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. can't even go to thanksgiving.


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